Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 20

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#20 of B&C 2

I apologize for that cliffhanger, my lovely reader. I know you're probably chomping at the bit to get back to it, but let's take a step back to see how we got to that point shall we?

Suffice to say there's some major conflict on the horizon in this episode. We'll have to see how our vixen handles things. Also, there's a bit more to say about Katrina in this episode and it's not all combat-related if you know what I mean.

Alright, let's jump right back into it then!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

If this is your first visit to Silverpaw, I strongly recommend starting fromepisode one to get the best experience.

If you are new to Blood & Carrots as a series, you need to start withthe first serial if you want to fully enjoy it.

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

I apologize for that cliffhanger, my lovely reader. I know you're probably chomping at the bit to get back to it, but let's take a step back to see how we got to that point shall we?

Suffice to say there's some major conflict on the horizon in this episode. We'll have to see how our vixen handles things. Also, there's a bit more to say about Katrina in this episode and it's not all combat-related if you know what I mean.

Alright, let's jump right back into it then!


Episode 20:

Foxes in the Faemarch

I thrust my hand out as I landed on the deck of my ship after leaping to it. "Lorelai, bring in the anchor, Elias get on the rigging!"

"Aye aye!" They both showed me a playful grin but followed my orders as I hastily moved to the wheel.

"I wager the island is about a ten to fifteen minute trip at full sail, so let's not dawdle," Huffing out the words I turned the wheel, cursing at the position Kazemde had summoned the ship in, the bow facing entirely the wrong direction.

Within minutes we were on our way. The waters were fairly rough, but nothing compared to what I had dealt with in the past. Why, once I even sailed through a hurricane on one of my spice runs, now that was nerve-wracking.

I gripped the wheel a little tighter, thinking of my cat and those with her, as well as the twins with the mage. I tried to put on a brave front, but we were all in very real danger, and I couldn't help but worry for them.

"We're really making good time, great work Sarnai." Lorelai gave me a proud smile, putting her hands on her hips.

"This is nothing, even Katrina could handle these waters." I gripped the wheel, pulling to adjust the angle of the ship, keeping the wind in the sails as I gazed over the water. It looked like any other body of water, no doubt an inlet that emptied out into an ocean, given the impossibly large body of water east of us.

"In truth, it's a shame we can't see more of this world. It looks similar, but I'd love to see the flora and fauna of the Faemarch." Lorelai frowned as she rested a hand gently upon my arm while I steered.

"Who knows, mayhaps we could ask to visit as guests if the negotiations go well." Elias shrugged and shifted his gaze towards the island that was growing larger as we approached.

"That truly is wishful thinking husband, I'll maintain my more realistic view and just focus on getting this over with," I growled my reply as I straightened the ship after a heavy gust of wind pulled her to the side slightly.

A few minutes passed and Lorelai nodded as we drew closer to our destination. "Sarnai, you stay with the ship, me and Elias will disembark to collect the conduit."

I snarled in response to her orders. "I don't think so, what happens if you're beset upon by enemies?"

"And what happens if we need to make a hasty exit and the ship isn't ready to go? You stay, get her turned around, and ready to move. Me and your husband can handle any riff-raff that hangs about."

"Fine." I grumbled as I felt her will push forth, telling me it wasn't up for discussion.

"We'll be fine, love. Just have faith in us and get her ready for the return trip." Elias moved to my other side to kiss my cheek gently, his own will pushing forth to comfort me as I gave a nod.

We were nearly a hundred yards out from the shore when Lorelai nodded to Elias. "We disembark now brother, it will give her plenty of room to turn the ship."

"Right." The white fox showed me a toothy grin as he waved a hand. "Be back soon, love."

"Yeah yeah, pick up some milk and bread while you're out." I grumbled the snarky reply as I was already pulling the wheel to readjust for the turn. I watched both sprint down the deck before bounding off and landing on the shore, a moment later they were out of sight in a blur of motion.

Clicking my tongue, I tried to focus on my task and not worry over the two of them. 'Isn't this exciting sister?' I lifted my ears, hearing my own thoughts come to me as I rolled my eyes.

'I think I liked it better when you only bothered me when we were asleep.'

'Don't be that way! This just shows you trust me more and I trust you as well. It's not like I couldn't experience everything you did already, no need to stop masturbating or having impromptu sex on my part. Your pleasure is my pleasure after all.'

'How are you a part of me yet speak so crudely? Have some self-respect.'

I maintained the mental conversation in my head as I steered the ship back into position for a return trip, then stepped from the wheel to look back at the island with a sigh, putting a hand on my hip. "Gods, I hope everyone is okay," I spoke the words aloud even as my other side answered in my head.

'I'm sure they are fine. Katrina is much stronger now and you've witnessed first hand the strength Alex now possesses, to speak nothing of Gloria's new powers I'm sure.'

'Everyone is doing their best and getting stronger, I feel we're being left behind...'

'Don't worry sister, you've got me and the powers I cultivated over the centuries with you. I wasn't just sitting around idly making nightmares after all. We'll keep working together to keep our loved ones safe.'

I showed my teeth in a grin, shaking my head as I sighed out, "Ha... I traded one madness for another. Still, this is preferable to the previous one, at least I'll never be lonely."

My ears lifted as I gave a startled bark, seeing a beam of golden light erupt from deep in the forest of the island my two lovers were on. "What in the nine hells?!"

I had half a mind to leap from the ship to the island after them, but a few moments later I saw their figures sprinting down the beach. My eyes widened as I realized the golden light was expanding, enveloping the island.

"Gods!" I barked out before I blurred over to pull the rigging free, bringing the sails to full mast, even as Lorelai and Elias toppled onto the deck, nearly crashing into me.

"Get this tub moving, Sarnai!" Elias barked out as he scrambled to his feet.

"Don't call my ship a fucking tub, husband!" I shouted with a glare as I grabbed the wheel and spun it hard, trying to catch as much wind in the sails as I could. The light was moving fast and coming right at us, even if I had the modern engine on this thing going, I questioned if we could outrun it, but it stopped expanding several yards from the shore.

"Are we clear?" Lorelai huffed as she moved to the railing to look upon the light, then the ship lurched as we all gave a shocked gasp.

I jerked my head back to see the light fade, a massive hole being filled in with water remaining, the current pulling at the ship and threatening to drag her into it as the sea filled the displaced earth.

"Fuck me!" I snarled out and grabbed Lorelai's shoulder. "Hold the damn wheel!"

The sheep did as I told her and I quickly sprinted below deck, moving to the gasoline-powered engine in the yacht's belly. I said I preferred sails, but I certainly didn't shirk modern advances when the chips were down, sails could tear apart after all. I quickly topped the reserves off, even as I felt the ship drifting backward now.

It felt like an eternity to get the damn thing started, but soon enough the old machine groaned to life, adding some much-needed momentum to our sails. I returned to the deck and gave a relieved sigh as I realized we were actually holding steady now and not being pulled.

"What now?" Lorelai asked as she stepped from the wheel to let me take it once more. I snarled and spun it, trying to catch the wind, but the current was still pulling. "Damn... we wait for that hole to fill and the water flow to ease, it's all we can do."

"How long will that take?" Elias barked out in frustration.

"How the fuck should I know? How big was that island, how deep did that light cut? Can you answer those questions, husband?!"

"Both of you calm down!" Lorelai huffed out and put her hands on her hips, glaring upon us. I scowled but did as she asked, returning my focus to the wheel, trying to get every scrap of sail into the wind I could.

It took longer than I liked, but after a few minutes, the gaping hole started to finish filling and the boat started to gain momentum. I gave a relieved bark as I felt the wind catch and we started moving. "Yeah! That's my girl, I knew you could do it!"

"That was a bit hairy, what's our time looking like?" Elias asked.

Lorelai looked at the watch and nodded. "I suppose things seem to drag in the moment. We've still around half an hour."

"Nice, we might even beat the others back!" I called out with a haughty tone in my voice as the ship gained momentum.

"Everything is a competition with you, eh love?" Elias hummed the words playfully.

"Hey, nothing wrong with a little friendly competition," Lorelai chimed in with a smile, showing she had my side of the topic.

I showed her a smile, my eyes softening as she gave me a relieved look, her hand moving to grip mine as it held the wheel. "Good job, you kept it together and even remembered all the tools at your disposal. I'm proud of you, my fox."

I couldn't help but blush as I huffed out, hearing her praise me. "Damn, it's not like starting an old engine was that big of a deal."

"Well it kept us from being pulled in, I'd say it was." Elias moved to the other side of me, also grasping one of my hands.

My tail wagged as they both praised me, then I gave a haughty grin. "That's enough you two, I can't steer the damn ship with all this hand-holding."

We settled into a relaxed state for the return trip, everyone relieved things had started to smooth out. They explained there were around half a dozen guards, but Lorelai simply dominated their wills and took the sphere. It probably would have been a nice gesture she didn't kill them all, but the light mooted that attempt.

We were nearly back to shore when it happened. I didn't see it coming since I was focused on maneuvering the ship, but a lance of golden fire tore straight into the helm I was at. I would have taken it full-on had Lorelai not dove on me, pulling me from the blast.

"What the hell?! My helm!" I roared out with a snarl, then my eyes widened as I saw a massive wave of fire soaring towards the bow of the ship.

"No time, let's go!" Elias quickly snatched me up and threw me over his shoulder as he sprinted down the deck with Lorelai in pursuit.

"Put me down!" I screamed out furiously even as he leaped from the deck. I got a birds-eye view of the golden fire slamming into the ship, tearing and burning away several meters of it as she started to take on water.

We had barely landed as I pulled from him and ran a few yards towards the edge of the beach, my teeth clenched as I stomped my foot, feeling my eyes growing slightly wet. "My fucking ship!"

"Honey... we've got bigger problems," Elias growled the words as I spun around with a furious snarl, seeing another ninetails landing on their footpaws, ascending from the sky.

He wore an ornate-looking robe of deep green and gold that clearly showed the definition of his chest. His fur pattern reminded me of Triallia's but it had a much deeper green to it, the fur turning to an almost mint-looking color under his muzzle as it moved down his chest. His hair also was different, looking like spun gold laced with bright green brambles and coming down to the base of his tails that spread out behind him, the tips of them also gold.

Golden flames rolled off his handpaws as he cocked his head to the side with a snarl coming from his throat. "You little thieves have something that belongs to me, I'll have you return it now, if you don't-"

He gave a sharp bark as I sent a lance of blood-red hellfire straight into his chest, sending him sprawling back several yards as I bound forward, my arms, legs, and tail caked in flames. "You son of a bitch, that was my fucking ship you sank!"

The ninetails gaped his mouth as I leaped high above him and sent two more spears of hellfire straight towards him, narrowly blinking out of sight as they crashed into the sand, leaving a large crater of glass in their wake.

I felt his presence behind me even though I was still coming down from my jump, then a lance of golden fire was sailing towards me. I turned in the air to send my own hellfire to intercept it, but then I saw my husband's radiant fire blaze through the air, crashing into it and sending it off course. I landed on my feet as the ninetails landed before me several yards away.

Elias and Lorelai were at my side, my husband burning his radiant fire, the sheep with both her blades drawn.

"Great spirit, it's nothing personal, but know you'll have your power back in time. Stand down, there is no need for us to cross this line!" Lorelai hissed out the words as flames drifted from her hands, her will pushing out in a mighty wave of force.

The fox took a step back and cocked his head, acknowledging he was impressed by the show of will, then he extended a handpaw. "I care not for the details, I'll have that shard back, now."

"I'll have my fucking ship back, now!" I roared out the words as I sent another lance of fire, the ninetails giving an annoyed huff as he blurred to the side to avoid the blast.

I glanced to the side of us, seeing the gate a few dozen yards away as I set my jaw and nodded at Lorelai. "Get to the gate, I'll keep him distracted."

The sheep glared furiously at me. "You are mad, Sarnai! I'll not leave you to-"

We all shuddered and felt the overwhelming energy suddenly upon us. I felt a chill run up my spine, hesitating as I clenched my jaw and slowly looked to my side, seeing Triallia standing there.

The fox's tails fanned out as she remained there, her footpaws not quite touching the sand. She wore a similar robe to the one that the summer spirit wore, but the top was drawn to cover her chest. She also had on a cloak that clearly covered her right shoulder where I had severed her arm.

"This power... Gods, I've never felt something like it." Elias spoke out in awe as he set his stance.

Lorelai showed her teeth as she straightened herself and brought her sword forward. "Triallia, greater spirit of the Faemarch! You've much to answer for, striking against my kinsmen without provocation!"

"Spare me your melodramatics, Lorelai Tahmineh. They'll serve you little good here," Triallia snarled back in response, thrusting a handpaw out towards the three of us.

The spirit shifted her gaze to me and showed her teeth in a wide grin. "I thought I sensed your presence and came right away, how could I not greet, the one, that I owe, so, much, pain!" The last of the words were barked out in a mad-sounding tone.

I set my jaw as I spread my hands. "I hoped you'd show your face, bitch, I owe you a thing or two as well!"

"Sister! What are you doing in my realm without justification!" The summer spirit snapped out the words furiously.

"There's no way we can all fall back. Sarnai, take the orb from my pocket and get to the gate with Elias. I'll hold them off." The sheep hissed the words through clenched teeth, setting her stance as Triallia glared upon us, then cut her gaze towards her brother.

"Oh come off it brother! I'm doing you a favor here!" Triallia spat the words back at him, but when she averted her eyes I made my move.

I fired off a lance of hellfire at both the ninetails, each of them half-expecting it and darting back, but hitting them wasn't my aim. I quickly leaped back, grabbing both Elias and Lorelai's collars, turning my power to full as I spun and flung both of them as hard as I could towards the gate.

"Sarnai, are you mad?!" Lorelai screamed out as she flew backward, a look of shock on her face, a similar one showing on my husband's.

"No!" The summer spirit roared out as he blurred forward, but I leaped to intercept him, slamming my foot into his jaw, sending him sprawling as both Lorelai and Elias flew through the opening.

I found my footing and jerked my gaze to see Triallia standing between me and the gate now, clenching her handpaw as she grinned upon me. "How noble, how noble indeed..."

"Fuck off, I just didn't want them getting between us." I huffed out and drew my saber, lowering my ears. "Come here, I'll take that other arm off, bitch!"

'Sister... are we gonna die?'

'Probably, sorry, but I couldn't see them-'

'Don't, I feel the same. Let's give the two of them hell, make them earn it.'

I showed my teeth in a wide grin at my internal thoughts even as Triallia scowled and summoned green flames that rolled up her arm from her paw.

The other ninetails screamed out at Triallia in frustration, "Sister! They took the shard! This is no time-"

"Oh sod your damn shard, brother! Just stay out of this!" She hissed back at the other fox, glaring upon him.

"No! This damnable vampire just cost me some of my power, I'll not-"

"I'll get your stupid shard back if you stay out of this, on my word!" She howled out furiously, stomping her foot and I showed my teeth in a grin, shouldering my saber.

"Upon your word?" The summer spirit crossed his arms, lifting his chin.

"Yes! I care not about our power struggle, only putting this bitch in her place. You have my word that I'll retrieve your stupid bauble when I go ransack their world, just stay out of this!"

"So be it." The other ninetails gave me a bored look as he leaned back on his own tails. "Well try to put on a good show at least."

I showed him a wide grin then returned my focus to Triallia who had simply vanished. Then, like before she was right in my face, however, she was met with the fist that held my saber as I drove it straight into her jaw.

The other fox gave a shocked yip as my flames scorched some of her fur as she took a step back from the blow, my saber swinging up in an arch that she narrowly pivoted from.

Hopping back, she wiped her muzzle, seeing blood come away before giving me a furious growl. I showed her a wide mad grin as I tapped my saber on my shoulder. "Speed isn't everything you predictable curr, you face Sarnai Blackpaw, the scourge of the straits of Gibraltar!"

"Your self-imposed titles mean nothing to me!" She roared out furiously as she blurred out of sight, I simply swung my free hand in a wide arch, a blast of hellfire blinding her as she tried to close, then brought my blade down. She narrowly sidestepped again, but not without a cut to show for it on her other shoulder, the green fur parted to show bloody flesh.

'Can we do this?!'

I gave a winded huff as I shook my head and thought to myself, 'I don't think so, I'm burning at full to keep up, but the longer we distract her, the better chance she doesn't sense the others that may still be here in the Faemarch.'

Triallia showed me a furious glare, then huffed and composed herself, putting a paw to her hip as she relaxed her stance. "The flame flares brightest before it goes out, eh?"

"Let's find out then! Turn your flames to full before I take your fucking head off!" I barked out and launched forward, driving my flaming saber at her throat. The spirit simply sidestepped and delivered a punch to my face that sent me sprawling back several yards, digging up earth and sand before I finally caught myself and climbed to my feet, teeth clenched.

"It's been a fun game, little fox, but you might as well be an ant standing before the sun. Ah, but we know what the sun does to your kind, don't we?" She hummed the words as she casually strode forward, flames rolling off her handpaw.

I wiped my mouth of blood with my free hand, setting my saber and jaw. "Sorry, but you simply can't win this, I know you ancient spirits have a hard time coping with loss, but I won't forgive what you did to my angel and wolf," I growled the words in a calm tone, tail lashing through the air.

'Ours are they? This is news to me.'

'Shut up and focus!'

'Aye aye, Captain Silverpaw.'

"You really are a mad little thing, I will adore breaking you over the coming centuries, fox." Triallia cooed the words, then showed me a wide grin as she snapped her fingers, sending a massive wave of green fire rolling over me.

I summoned forth my own fire and pushed another stream of it forward right into the central mass of flames, parting it as the hellfire exploded where she was standing, but of course, she wasn't there.

"You didn't expect to hit me with that, did you?" She hummed out from behind, I could practically imagine the smirk on her face.

A loud clap of sound rang out as my revolver discharged, I had already drawn it after firing off the lance and positioned it under my saber arm. The ninetails gave a shrill bark as she backed up, putting a paw to her hip, then looking at the blood, her yellow eyes shaking in rage.

"These bullets are made of the same material as my sword, good luck healing that." I shouldered my blade and gave her a bored look as I lifted my gun to point at her. "Like I said, predictable."

She clenched her teeth, her eyes flushing from yellow to emerald green as her flames started to roll off her form. "Enough!"

I reinforced my stance and set my jaw. "I agree, let's settle-"

My ears lifted as I heard an unearthly howl of fury from the gate, then a blur of white flames descended upon the spirit, my husband showing his teeth in a furious snarl as he drove a fist right into the ninetails jaw, sending her sprawling back in a heap through the sand.

"Damn all of you!" Triallia screamed as she picked herself up and launched herself towards my husband.

"Elias!" I screamed out, trying to process everything as the spirit sent her strike out in a similar attack that nearly killed Alex. The green slashes slammed into a field of red that sent sparks of emerald and crimson in all directions, the ninetails pulling her bloody paw back with a shocked gasp.

"No, damn you, damn you for what you did to Alex, Gloria, and my fox!" Katrina stood there, both guns drawn, her eyes blood-red. I looked around to see a microscopic mist of blood droplets all around us.

Trillia snarled and leaped into the air, firing off another lance of flames that roared out towards my cat, but Katrina simply willed the mist to gather, a large flash of bloody-red light showing as the flames deflected away against the shield, the cat then firing off a shot from each revolver.

The spirit twisted in the air to avoid the gunfire but as she descended Elias was there and she came down right to both his hands outstretched, a mighty eruption of divine fire slamming into the fox as she flew back, slamming into a large boulder on the beach, a massive swath of glass left behind from the flames.

"Sarnai, you stupid bitch!" He screamed out at me, his eyes pure white as he threw a hand out, glaring upon me. "You won't sacrifice yourself again, I'll never allow it!"

"Neither will I! I'll protect both of you, and everyone else!" Katrina moved to my side, keeping both guns trained on Triallia as she picked herself up, panting and snarling.

I showed them both a grin, feeling emotional at their rescue even if my husband was a little more mouthy than I'd appreciate normally. "Ha... you two are something else... Thank you, I didn't know how much longer-"

"Enough talk, she comes!" Elias barked out as we all three scattered a massive ball of green fire landing in the sand where we stood before exploding, sending darts of flames all around.

"Ha, I've not had such fun in nearly a century!" I barked out with a wide grin as I dodged between the flames.

"Kill you, I'll kill all of you!" Triallia screamed in a mad voice, her paw blurring as she sent lances of green flames at us while we danced and weaved between them.

I decided it was time for a little fair play and as she fired off a blast towards Elias, I blurred towards her. The ninetails jerked her gaze to see me face to face with her. I showed her my teeth in a wide grin before slamming my forehead right into her muzzle. The dog barked furiously as she backed up before seeing me draw my gun and fire off a shot.

Blurring from sight to dodge the bullet I then heard her howl out in pain as several bloody shards flew into her back before exploding in small flames of hellfire and divinity. Katrina showed a snarky grin as she hissed out mockingly, "Predictable."

"You little wretched-" Elias didn't let her finish the curse, moving in and driving his knee into her stomach before spinning to send a flaming kick into her jaw. The ninetails slammed into the ground, bouncing against the sand several yards before picking herself up with pant, her fur scorched in several places, showing burned flesh and open wounds.

"Brother! Don't just stand there!" She screamed at the other ninetails who had just been enjoying the show.

The golden-haired fox raised his handpaws as he showed a coy grin on his muzzle. "Woah... no can do sis, I'm oath-bound to stay out of this battle, remember?"

By now the three of us had surrounded her, flames rolling off all of us as Triallia clenched her muzzle, her sharp bloody teeth showing as she snarled at the situation. I could see her plotting in her eyes but I wouldn't let her have the time to think of a solution, I knew the best thing to do was keep her on her toes.

"Come on, where's that bravado now, bitch?!" I barked out as I leaped forward, sending my flaming saber at her, making her side step only to take a lance of radiant fire to the side, then another half dozen shards of bloodsteel from Katrina.

"D-Damn you!" She blurred out of sight, hopping back several yards to regroup herself, her one handpaw clutching at her chest as she panted. "I'm not at the height yet, but know I'll not forgive this!"

"You're not running away again!" I screamed out as I sprang forward, the fox widening her eyes as I slammed a flaming fist into her jaw, sending her to the ground with a massive displacement of earth.

Her eyes focused on me, furious and full of rage before she swept my feet out from under me and dove upon me with her flaming paw outstretched, but as it came towards my face I pushed the barrel of my revolver to her forehead, the hammer cocked back.

She showed her teeth, growling as we stared face to face with one another. She could easily send that fire straight into my eyes, but I could just as easily pull the trigger. The sound of two more hammers cocking back were heard as Katrina trained both her guns on the ninetails, the barrels only a few inches from the side of her head.

"I'll blow your fucking brains out if you hurt my fox," She hissed the words out, eyes flaming red, hellfire drifting off the barrels of her guns.

"Triallia, get up and walk away. I'll keep my wife at bay, but if you don't, me and Katrina will kill you, I assure you of that," Elias growled the words, the sound in his voice cold and furious.

"Sister... I'd like to tell you to practice self-preservation, but if you die I get your power, so feel free to ignore them," The other ninetails hummed the words with amusement.

I showed her a wide toothy grin as I pushed the barrel of my gun harder into her forehead. "I baited you into this you know, so predictable... go on... do it, I'll trade my vision to blow your fucking brains out and listen to my husband rip you limb from limb."

Triallia showed me a furious snarl, staring hard into my eyes, Katrina pushing her own guns up against the side of the foxes head. The ninetails scowled as she shifted her gaze to the cat, then to my husband before hesitantly asking, "Your word?"

"My word. Get off my wife and go in peace, we will do the same," Elias huffed out pointedly.

"My word. Go in peace, we'll do the same." Katrina nodded as she pulled one gun away, leaving only the left one to Triallia's head.

Her gaze shifted back to mine and narrowed, I showed her a haughty grin. "We'll settle this later, but for now, you can have my word. Tuck your fucking tails and skitter away like you did before, I won't shoot you in the back," I spat the words up into her face, my bloody spittle hitting her muzzle which sported several cuts and gashes.

She scowled furiously but pulled away, slowly taking a step back. "So be it. Know this changes little when I come at full strength and with my armies."

"Leave!" Elias shouted at her and the ninetails returned a snarl before bounding backward as she faded from sight.

Katrina offered me a hand as I climbed to my feet, then we all heard a slightly muffled sound of clapping as the summer spirit took a few steps towards us, clapping his handpaws together. "That was exquisite, why, I've not seen that bitch put in her place like that in millennia!"

My cat hissed as she trained both guns on him, her ears folding as she panted out, sounding winded. "You going to try your luck too? I'll dance all night."

"Whoa, I'm not at my height right now and I'm not feeling particularly suicidal." He showed an oddly amused grin given the situation.

"Your word!" I barked out sharply.

The ninetails sighed and rolled his eyes, "You've my word I'll not try anything, but I do want some answers, like who are you guys?"

"Just some foxes and a cat, taking care of their family, nothing so special," Elias spoke out as he forced the divine flames away, then I saw his knees buckle as I quickly moved to brace him. Katrina moved to his other side, as he threw both arms over our shoulders and gave a fatigued huff.

"You'll hear from us soon regarding your shard, know we do not do it out of malice, and you will have a fair opportunity to regain it," Katrina spoke out politely if not a little winded, her feet starting to move as I matched her pace.

"I'm not happy about the situation, but I'm nothing if not curious. I'll wait and see what you have to say then. Thanks for the show, you've given me a lot to think about." He stepped aside, pushing a handpaw out towards the gate.

"At least you're not all rampaging maniacs," I snarled as I walked with my husband bracing upon me.

"We are all a little mad at the height of our power, try to understand my sister's point of view too." He huffed and turned from us, quickly fading from sight.

"That asshole owes me a new ship..." I muttered with a growl as we passed through the gate, all of us a little bloodier and bruised, but me especially so.

Lorelai rushed up to us, tears in her eyes but a furious look on her face. "You stupid dogs and cat!"

I showed her a grin then closed my eyes, letting the tension of battle go. "Give me a lecture later, love. I need a nap..." Panting the words I gave a weak huff before feeling darkness surround me as I collapsed, hearing my name called out in panic by several of them before the unconsciousness took me.


Coming to, I didn't recognize the room or bed I was in, but given the general decor, it wasn't hard to assess I was still at the circle, no doubt in one of their guest beds. I pushed a hand to my head, rubbing at it as I tried to collect my thoughts.

"Decided to rejoin us, Lady Blackpaw?" I shifted my gaze to the corner of the small room, seeing a gate had parted, Kazemde moving into the room as it closed.

I gave the archmage a nod. "Hey, good to see you made it back safe. Are my brother and sister well?"

"They are, I'd have not been able to accomplish the goal without them. Those twins are truly formidable. When we took the orb the whole shrine was enveloped in barbed vines and various other plants. They had to fend off dozens of fae as I kept the flora at bay."

"Sounds like a wild time," I spoke out weakly and sat up against the pillows.

"Nothing in comparison to your own. Elias filled me in on the situation. I didn't realize you had such power, Lady Blackpaw."

"Neither did I." With a sigh I looked away, folding my hands in my lap. "That bitch tormented my dreams, I'd been mentally preparing myself for a rematch since that first night. I replayed our battle in my head over and over again. She's ancient, so I assumed she'd keep the same tricks, not having needed to change up tactics since she always overwhelmed."

"Very astute, you'd make a formidable mage I think." The archmage gave me a nod of approval.

"Ha... I do well to keep what I have in check. Between the demons wanting to destroy everything and arguing to myself, I think my plate is full enough. I'll leave the magic to my girlfriend."

"Ah yes, I had sensed that within your soul. I did not realize it was such a developed bond." He nodded in understanding.

My gaze focused on him as my ears perked curiously. "Really? Well, what can you tell me about what's going on inside me."

The cobra gave a casual shrug. "Nothing you've not already surmised, I'm sure. Alice had explained in detail what she encountered within you that night. It sounds like the powers simply manifested a portion of your own self to form the being that now resides within you."

'I've already told you as such, have I not? I'm still you and you're still me, but I can think for myself when I need to.' The voice came to me and I frowned, flicking my ear as I tried to pay attention to both of them.

"Yeah, they, or we as it were, have recently gotten more vocal, communing even when I'm awake, whereas before it was usually only in slumber," I spoke out pointedly, making a mental thought to tell the other me to quiet down for now.

"That sounds terribly fascinating, I'd love to experience that and see what type of personality I would have." The cobra gave me a curious gaze, giving me that same look he had given Gloria when she arrived in her archangel state.

"Probably an overly curious weirdo like you, Kazemde." I showed him a playful grin at my jab, hoping he realized I wasn't being malicious.

His eyes widened, his hood puffing out slightly in surprise, taking a moment to process the words before he hissed out in a chuckle. "Oh, oh. You were being satirical, yes that was a good one."

"So do you think it'll be okay with... us?" I asked curiously.

"I do. I think your bond is developing, but it's still just you at the end of the day. You can make many things from a skein of thread, but it's all still the same thread at its base."

"Thanks, Kazemde. I'll try not to worry about the overly horny weirdo in my head then." I showed a grin at him, speaking the words more as a jab at myself than anything else.

My inner self snapped out fussily, 'Hey! You're just as perverted as me these days, miss I wanted to do it at the citadel! I had nothing to do with that one!'

Kazemde watched my eyes slightly darting as I conversed with myself and showed a knowing grin. "Let me go inform your loved ones that you've awakened, they'll be keen to see you."

"Thanks, was I out long?"

The cobra waved a gloved-hand nonchalantly. "Only for the day, the sun has recently set anew. Though I sense my student is still unconscious, her body will probably take a little longer to recover."

"Is Katrina okay? I was shocked to see her powers so magnified."

He nodded and sighed. "She pushed too hard, she was pulling from her own life force right at the onset, thankfully once the greater spirit was injured from the first strike, she was able to start using Triallia's own blood in the spells, but that initial shield she erected nearly killed her. Had she been mundane it surely would have."

I gave a grim nod as I slumped back into my pillows. "Damn, what a cat... We're lucky to have her."

"She will be a mighty force to be reckoned with in the future, I've never seen one blend their natural talent with the arcane so seamlessly. Ah, but that's enough of that, Alice and the others are keen to see you, let me retrieve them."

"Sounds good, thanks again, Kazemde." I gave him a smile as he bowed and stepped back into a gate.


I gave you a resolute sigh before picking back up my drink. "And now you're caught up, my child." You looked between myself, Elias, and Katrina, all of us having given you excerpts of the last few days.

Katrina showed her teeth in a scowl at your very first question, her cheeks growing darker. "Really? We fought off a greater nature spirit that wants to wipe out all civilization and you're wanting to know if I sealed the deal with those two dogs?"

Elias chuckled as he rolled some blood in his own wine glass. "Didn't you though? I could have sworn I smelled Gloria and Alex heavily upon you shortly after it all settled."

"Y-Yeah, but-"

"Oh ho, is it about to be naughty storytime with Katrina? Don't leave us all waiting, give us the details." I showed her a wide grin, seeing my cat squirm in her seat, looking away awkwardly.

Your words came to her playfully but also in comfort and she hissed out with a fussy glare, "I know I don't have to! But uh... well it's not like I've not regaled you before of such things."

"I find this prospect particularly interesting, given they're partners of yours I do not share in. So please, do go on my cat," Elias growled the words with a hunger in his voice.

"You're such a voyeur, husband." I hummed playfully as I rolled the blood around in my own glass.

"Hey, it's not like that, I just like hearing about it sometimes!" He barked out in a playful defensive tone.

You spoke out eagerly and I shifted my full attention to Katrina as did my husband, a grin showing as I spoke eagerly, "Well, my cat... are you going to share the details, or have you sworn to keep it secret?"

Katrina's cheeks darkened, her heart obviously pounding as she averted her eyes. "Fine... I guess it can't hurt if it'll appease you, perverts."


When I came to, I was in my room at the circle and the first thing I noticed before even opening my eyes was the scent of the two of them. Slowly looking around, I quirked a brow to see Gloria sitting in a chair at the side of my bed, she was leaning forward, her head resting on her folded arms, dozing as she leaned against the mattress.

"She's been out about an hour. She's been periodically using her healing energies on you." I shifted to the sound of the voice, seeing Alex sitting on another chair at the other side of my bed.

"Well being what I am, I'm sure that doesn't help her powers work like they should." I huffed the words out weakly, my throat feeling dry and my voice coming out raspy as I shifted to sit up in the bed.

My movements made the retriever's ears lift before she rose from her arms, giving a wide yawn, her wings spreading out before one of them hit the end table, making it clatter over before she barked out in surprise. "Ah! Sorry, sorry!" She huffed out as she quickly moved to right the tumbled furniture.

"Still getting used to them I see," I spoke the words in what sounded like a whisper, wincing as I rubbed at my throat. "Damn, how long have I been down?"

"It's been about a day and a half," Alex responded to my question pointedly as he nodded.

"No wonder I'm so hun-" I quirked a brow as Gloria shifted and presented her wrist to me.

"You were so brave, I could see most of what happened through the gate, it's no wonder you're so fatigued." She hummed the words in a motherly tone as my now red eyes looked from her face to the veins in her wrist.

"You mean when you weren't howling in fury and chopping at the damn gateway with your sword?" The wolf quipped back with a coy grin.

Gloria barked out and blushed. "H-hush Alex, there's no need for-" She hissed out as I bit down on her wrist, not wanting to hear the lovers quarrel in my own bedroom. Her divine blood filled my mouth and I shuddered as I felt it go down.

The angel gave a euphoric sigh as I fed from her, my ears flicking drunkenly as I partook of her essence, it was familiar but more potent, as if it were ambrosia from the gods, which I suppose in a way it was now. Of course, the screams came to me, the token hunger to take it all, end her life, etcetera.

You can only hear the cries so long before you just begin to tune them out, but it's when you try to normalize it, that they will sneak up on you. I took several gulps, feeling my energy returning rapidly and with a lot of hesitation, I withdrew my teeth, dragging my bloody tongue over her wrist to heal the open wound. I could have sworn the wound was already healed before my tongue even passed over it though, perhaps the divinity in her rapidly healing her from the injury.

"Alex, get me a bottle of blood from the small fridge in the corner." The words came out sounding normal now that my throat wasn't parched and I could feel my heart pounding as my body rapidly expended the divine blood to further heal me.

"Are you sure you've had enough? Ah, I don't mind if you have a little more, you can have all of it." Gloria cooed the words as she presented her wrist once more.

I gave her an understanding smile and pushed a palm to her face, giving her cheek a few light stinging pats. "Snap out of it, we know that's not you saying that."

Gloria flinched from the light slaps, then bit her lower lip as she gave me a nod, slowly withdrawing her wrist. I watched her blue eyes focus and then she had control again. Frankly, I was impressed, usually, it took several tries to talk her down.

"Isn't her blood more potent now? You reined it in pretty well, Kat." Alex hummed the words as he passed me a sports bottle of cold blood, I grimaced at the thought of it but popped the cap off it and turned it up.

I don't care what Alice or Lorelai say, cold blood is disgusting and I forced it down as rapidly as I could just to get it into me. Of course, I'd like nothing more than to keep drinking from Gloria's wrist, it was hot and like a drug, but that's exactly why I wouldn't.

There was a shudder as I took down the last of it, but not the euphoric shudder from before, more of a glad that's over with, one. I gave a sigh as I met the wolf's eyes and nodded. "It's because it's so potent I reined it in. The more I drank the harder it would get to control myself."

Gloria frowned as she rubbed at her wrist. "Katrina, I apologize if I presented you with undue stress."

I gave her a small smile and shook my head. "No, your blood was probably worth three bottles of this cold nasty stuff in its effects. I'm grateful, really."

The three of us settled into a few moments of silence before I spoke out curiously. "I'm sure they're fine, but what of the others? I vaguely recall seeing Sarnai drop before I also lost consciousness."

"Everyone is fine, Sir Kazemde has already dispatched messengers to the courts of the greater spirits to convene for negotiations," Gloria explained simply, then Alex followed up.

"Everyone from our house has returned home as well." The wolf gave me a gentle smile as my eyes looked to him, then cut back over to Gloria.

"So you two stayed behind for me?" I called out to the two of them with a playful grin showing.

"Well, we had to argue with both the foxes and Alice that they should return home to focus on their duties. Alex has been here the whole time, I've been coming and going between here and the citadel for my training, but I've been by your side as much as I could." The angel nodded and gave me an apologetic smile as if I would be upset at the fact she couldn't give me all her time.

I shifted my legs under the sheets and then asked pointedly, "Which of you took off my pants, shirt, and bra? This is not what I was wearing when we were on our mission." Indeed, I could feel I was just in a pair of panties, the shirt a large baggy one I often chose to sleep in.

Alex barked out a laugh and raised a hand. "It was me, I couldn't resist getting a better look at that body you're rocking. Also, I've been the one cleaning you up."

I felt my cheeks flush as my heart pounded, then clenched my teeth offering him a furious glare. "You son of-"

"He's jesting with you, my sister." Gloria put a hand to my arm gently as she explained.

I frowned then looked back at her. "So what's the deal?"

"Kazemde summoned some sort of invisible 'servant' to tend to you and the room. He made a point to usher us and himself out for your privacy," Alex huffed the words, his own hand gripping my other arm gently as well.

"Ah, that explains things." I had seen the magic before, it was primarily what the mages used to keep the circle tidy. Unthinking entities that could perform simple tasks like cleaning or tending to others. It wasn't uncommon for most of the mages to not even bathe regularly, using similar spells to simply allow a spirit to do it for them while they remained focused on their task.

I had tried using such a technique in the past, I felt unnerved feeling the ever-present tingle of it touching my flesh as it cleaned and dressed me. I suppose it was simply something you grew accustomed to with time though. Still, the circle had bathing facilities that several of its members used, so I assumed I wasn't alone in my thinking.

Coming back from my thoughts, I realized both the dogs that were holding my arms, had now shifted to grip my hands instead. Their tails were wagging happily and I knew it was mostly in part to me coming out of everything in one piece, but I could also smell the eagerness on them. It stood to reason, we had been stringing this along for a while now, not to mention how long it had been building for Alex and myself.

My dreams hadn't been helpful either if I was being honest. I shifted my legs under the sheets, feeling my hips squirm as I huffed out and glanced to Alex, then to Gloria in turn. "So uh... look, ever since I've been with Alice and Elias, I've always thought they were enough. I had buried feelings for Sarnai and I've been so blessed to finally act on them, but that was the thing, I acted on them. I've changed so much..."

"You've always been confident and assertive, Kat," Alex gave me a nod as he squeezed my hand gently.

I showed my teeth as I hissed out, "But not when it came to my feelings, not when it came to matters of the heart. Had Alice not gotten involved... you, Elias, and even Sarnai. I'd have most likely kept it buried forever."

"What are you saying, sister?" Gloria tilted her head, giving me a curious look, her free hand resting a finger on her chin.

My brow furrowed as I snarled at the angel. "Geeze, are you going to make me just spit it out, Gloria?"

The angel showed me a surprisingly sinful smile, her eyes glittering as she spoke out simply, "Yes."

My cheeks grew warm at her look, feeling my heart thump before I folded my ears and huffed out stubbornly. "Fine! I don't know if it will work between us, but I want to try, I want to give it a shot and-"

Alex climbed over me and forced me into a kiss to silence my babbling. My eyes widened then closed slowly, our tongues pushing out to find one another. I felt the tension ease as his hand brushed my cheek, deepening the contact.

My hand moved up into his shaggy brown-blonde hair, rubbing at one of his large ears gently as we kissed. I had never forgotten that kiss we shared that night and in a way, regretted it several times for taking the high road, despite knowing it was the best thing at the time.

Opening my left eye, I saw Gloria sitting there, a hand to her chest, her cheeks flushed while she watched us. Pulling from his mouth I gave the angel my full attention, my hand moving to cup her cheek as I spoke out in a hungry tone of voice, "Alice and Elias come with me on these trips sometimes, I've got a large bed in my room for a reason Gloria."

The retriever gave me an excited grin, her tail thrashing as she simply pounced atop me and Alex in the bed. I couldn't help but giggle at her excited response, feeling her move right in, kissing up my throat, then my eyes widened as she grabbed my wrist, pinning them above my head before pushing to my lips in a furiously hungry kiss.

I felt a moan escape my throat as we kissed, feeling her tighten her grip, our tongues rolling against one another while she pushed into my smaller body. Of course, Alice had told me spatterings of their lovemaking, I knew Gloria tended to be dominant in bed. Of course, I loved that aspect of Elias, Alice, and even Sarnai. It sent chills up my spine when they took me so confidently, but as I had said previously, I'd changed.

My eyes were already red, but I'm sure they both felt my will push forth as I broke the angel's grip and rolled her right over off me. Gloria hit the mattress with a shocked gasp, her large wings spreading out as the wolf juked to the side to avoid one as it slapped against the tangled sheets.

"Though I love the idea of it, you'll not hold me down like a delicate little flower on our first time, Gloria." I hissed the words as I climbed over the angel, tangling a hand into her curly locks and jerking her head to the side, baring her throat to me.

Her tongue showed in a pant, eagerly submitting to me as I dragged my own tongue up her throat, tasting her and feeling her pulse throb violently. I wanted to drink from her, but I knew it would get messy if I did, especially like this. "Such a good dog... I'll have to-" I cut my words off and looked behind me, feeling Alex moving his hands to my hips, grasping at my red panties.

"Alex, what do you think you're doing?" I hummed the words, whipping my wiry black tail about, playfully smacking his arm with it even as he casually dragged the fabric down, exposing me to him for the first time. I could see his ears perk at the view and practically feel his hunger at my scent.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." He snarled like a wild animal as he moved right down and I gave a soft gasp as I felt his mouth against my folds, tasting me and dragging his tongue against my pearl.

I showed my tongue, moaning outright in the angel's face, looking down at her while I felt Alex lap at me, no doubt tasting how eager I was for them. "Oooh gods... your wolf has such a good mouth... ha... are you regretting letting him touch me yet?" I cooed the words, leaning in to peck at the angel's lips between groans.

Gloria whimpered and I felt her hips squirming beneath me as she gave me a throaty groan. "I'm only remorseful I can't have my face between your legs too right now," Her words came out surprisingly lusty, a tone I'd never have expected to hear from her.

Sighing blissfully I let the wolf lap a little more, relishing in finally getting his attention in such an intimate way, then with a lot of hesitation, I pulled from him and showed Gloria a wicked grin. "Oh, well I'll happily oblige, my lovely angel."

Carefully, I turned around and straddled her face, making sure to avoid bracing on the bones of her wings. I felt the retriever grab at my hips with eager zeal as she shoved right against my folds, lapping and suckling at my spot rather roughly.

Tongue lolled, I flicked my tail, moaning out as Gloria finished what Alex started, my honey coming forth as she happily lapped at me. I shuddered and sighed before looking upon Alex who looked awestruck at watching what the two of us were doing. Giving him a grin I felt Gloria getting right back to lapping at me as I spoke out, "C'mon Alex, I let you see mine, show me yours."

His tail wagged and he almost looked a little bashful as he quickly unbuckled his belt and parted his jeans. I couldn't help but bite my lip as I saw him at last, thick, hard, and even dripping a little at the tapered tip for me. I'll admit his size was a little intimidating and I even felt some hesitation, but my body seemed to demand I keep going as I started to pull from Gloria to climb forward.

I gave a gasp as the retriever growled and locked down on my hips, not letting me go while she lapped. I clenched my teeth, letting her have this moment as she rolled her tongue hard against my pearl, determined to give me another. "W-Well! Ngh... your girlfriend won't let me go, so I guess you'll have to let me watch you have her for a bit, go on Alex... let me see it."

The wolf seemed all too eager to comply as he hastily moved to unbuckle Gloria's own set of jeans, stripping them along with the frilly blue panties away. I shuddered at the scent of her own desire, then perked my ears as Alex spread her legs, holding them at the knees, moving the underside of his length against her folds. "Like this, Kat?"

I watched her hips squirm and looked back and down, the dog beneath me whimpering in need, her focus wavering as she was teased. I was at a knife's edge and hissed as I glared at Alex. "Stop teasing her and put it in!"

He showed his teeth in a grin and I watched him push the tip right to the angels' slick folds, then every inch of his pulsing length disappeared deep inside her. The dog gave a cute little barking moan as her body jerked from his deep impact, then as he started pumping inside her, she redoubled her efforts, suckling almost painfully on my pearl now.

Crying out in both eagerness and shock at her aggression, I clenched my teeth, looking at Alex as his girlfriend worked me. He leaned forward and I threw my arms around him, both of us kissing furiously as I felt his hand slide up under my baggy shirt, rubbing and squeezing curiously at my left breast, a constant shifting beneath us from him pushing into Gloria while she moaned between licks.

My lips parted from the kiss, my nails digging hard into his shoulders as I felt myself crest from her attention, a second wave of relief washing over me. In my daze I felt Gloria shudder as she gave a muffled moan of relief while lapping at my honey, then I felt Alex tugging at my shirt and I gave him a coy smile as I raised my arms. "Eager to see this 'banging body' as you put it?"

"You know I am." He growled as he peeled the shirt off me, my breasts coming into view for him at last. He huffed out in admiration and reached for me, but I casually slipped away while Gloria was recovering from her own orgasm. The angel blinked up at Alex, then glanced over at me, biting her lower lip as she felt him start to pump into her again while she gazed upon my fully exposed figure.

"Get one more out of her, Alex, I want to watch it happen." I purred the words, giving the angel a devious grin as I casually moved to the wolf, pulling at his own shirt, peeling it off him to expose his strong defined muscles to me. Pushing in I nuzzled his chest, then playfully kissed along it, giving his own exposed nipple a playful nip as the wolf gave a cute little yip at the shock, all the while taking the angel beneath him eagerly.

My tongue circled at his hard peak, my nails digging into his firm muscles and raking down against his abs, leaving thin bloody scratches that quickly healed in my wake, his blood dripping onto my fingertips. I moved down to his abs, only inches from where his length was pumping into Gloria, then dragged my tongue up, healing what was left of the wounds before I brought my fingers to my lips, lapping the blood off them and shuddering. I could see by the look on his face he loved what I was doing, giving Gloria a particularly deep shove.

The angel yowled out in a throaty moan as he obviously brought her to release once more, the small dog shuddering and whimpering. I watched his teeth clench, obviously being crushed by her walls as she came for him. "Ha... not gonna give in are you, Alex? It'd be a shame, why you've not even been in me yet." I hummed the words as I leaned close, feeling supremely confident in this moment, knowing I'd have them both on my terms. Oh, I'm sure once the dust settled, I'd happily let them throw me around, tie me up, or whatever struck their fancy, but this was our first time and I'd have it my way.

"I- I'm okay!" He huffed the words with some strain and I gave him a smile, then grinned down at Gloria, watching her tongue loll as she obviously came down from it.

"Sit." I huffed out as I pushed on his chest and the wolf gave a shocked bark as he fell back, his length gliding out of the angel. I heard her own protesting bark as he left her, Alex falling onto his rear, his thick brown tail smacking the mattress in a wag as I climbed over him.

Biting my lower lip I rested one hand on his shoulder, using my other to grasp his throbbing length which was now drenched in Gloria's love. I shuddered as I brought his tapered tip to my entrance, then meeting his eyes, I gave him a hard determined look, keeping them locked to his own gaze as I pushed my hips down.

I felt him pushing past my entrance, filling me at long last, every throbbing inch spreading my tight aching walls. My smaller body slapped into his lap heavily and I could feel him at my core, pushing there, my walls clenching as I gave in to him right away. "Finally... finally..." I panted the words aloud, my hips already grinding, feeling him throb as I pushed my forehead to his chest, feeling his own hips starting to move, making him stir deep inside me.

"Katrina... gods, I've wai-" I pushed my fingers to his lips, silencing him and shaking my head. I didn't want the honeyed words right now, I just wanted the moment, I could feel how he felt and knew it all too well.

My hips rocked and ground against him, my smaller body bouncing in his lap slightly as I began to pant. He was big, but somehow I was taking it all, and I could feel every inch in me as he throbbed. My ears lifted as I felt Gloria behind me, one of her hands cupping a breast, her other snaking down my belly, and then pushing her fingers to my pearl. I gave a shocked gasp, leaning into the angel's chest, whimpering as she worked me while he pumped up into me.

Between him and her, it only took a few moments to drive me over the edge again, my tongue lolled as I felt my walls clench, my honey soaking my wolf lovers cock while it drove into me, feeling a knot starting to show at his base. He didn't ease his thrusts to let me come down, he just kept taking me through the release. I wanted to argue, I wanted to assert things, but it felt too good.

He pushed his left hand up to rub at my breast that Gloria wasn't squeezing, his other on my hip, holding me steady. I wasn't even grinding my hips anymore, just letting them touch me and revel in me. Their scent, their touch, the sounds they made, I drank it all in.

Gloria leaned in and I found myself kissing her once more, one of my hands rubbing at her cheek, the other staying on Alex's chest. The wolf took several more deep thrusts while I sat in his lap and I heard him give a throaty defeated moan. "Ha... Kat, I- I can't..."

My tongue rolled against Glorias and I opened one eye, locking my legs around him and holding him in his final thrust, clearly showing what I wanted as I forced his knot into me myself. It was all the convincing the wolf needed and like that, his heat was rushing into me in a violent tide of his love for me.

I couldn't help but part from her lips, clenching my teeth as the heat spread through me in thick gushes that didn't seem like they would ever stop. My ears folded and I whimpered as my own release was coaxed forth again, my mind reeling in the moment. He shuddered and gave a cute whimpering moan as the last of it was taken into me by my clenching walls.

My tongue lolled in a relieved pant, feeling everything he had inside, then they both were hugging me, their tails wagging against my bed. Their scents, their touch, and even their energies, I was awash with it all. I brushed a hand over Alex's face, giving him a weak but satisfied grin as I moved in and pecked his lips with a kiss, then leaned back to rub at Gloria's cheek. "Sorry I took it all..."

"I was happy to let you sister, I know how long you've waited... Next time we can share." She cooed the words into my ears while holding me.

"Sounds good to me." I sighed and relaxed between the two of them, flicking my tail while I purred in contentment. "Damn dogs... pouncing on a cat when she just wakes up... so disrespectful."

"Ha... now you sound like Sarnai." Alex grinned at me, then leaned in to nuzzle at my cheek.


Katrina squirmed in her seat at the awkward silence of the room. Elias cleared his throat to break the silence after the tension drew too tightly. "That was, quite a story, my cat."

She frowned at him and awkwardly ran her fingers through her hair. "I- Are you upset with me for laying with another male, Master?"

Elias gave her an understanding smile and answered with a question, "Are you upset when I lay with others, my cat?"

"No, of course not. I grow a tiny bit jealous if I feel you've not been paying me enough attention, but otherwise, I hold no ill feelings about it." Katrina gave the fox a confident nod, her cheeks still dark.

Your words seemed to echo what my own were about to be and I gave a nod. "I agree, it was quite tantalizing. Alice fancies herself versed at sexual storytelling, but I'd say you're her equal, my cat."

Katrina purred happily at the compliment and Elias gave a nod. "I agree, I wouldn't mind watching that unfold sometime."

"You're a pervert, husband." I fussed at him playfully, showing a grin.

The fox put a hand to his chest, showing a smug grin. "I prefer the term eccentric."

"Pervert." Katrina nodded as she returned my sentiment. She then showed him a smile. "That's okay though, I like having such a kinky Master."

"Well then, let us retire for the day, I'm eager to indulge you in that, my cat." Elias hummed the words as he stood from the chair, Katrina hopping up eagerly with a smile before looking towards me hopefully.

I clicked my tongue as I sat my glass down. "We share the same damn bed, Katrina, of course I will be involved." The words came out haughty, which I knew my cat loved to hear as I stood and gave you a small smile. "It seems storytime is at an end, for now, my child. Do try to have... pleasant dreams, won't you?"

My teeth showed in a grin at your hungry gaze upon the three of us, it had been over a year now. Perhaps once this fae debacle was settled. Well, that was a bridge for another time.

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