Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 21

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#21 of B&C 2

Have you been enjoying your time in my little world, my lovely reader? I think we're getting close to the end here and I hope it's been an enjoyable ride for you.

Erm, speaking of enjoyable rides. We've got some loose ends to tie up and I've been hankering to write sex, though I will warn you; this episode I'm trying something a little new. What's new you ask? Heh... well, I'll leave that to you to discover, but the title might give you a hint.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

If this is your first visit to Silverpaw, I strongly recommend starting fromepisode one to get the best experience.

If you are new to Blood & Carrots as a series, you need to start withthe first serial if you want to fully enjoy it.

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Have you been enjoying your time in my little world, my lovely reader? I think we're getting close to the end here and I hope it's been an enjoyable ride for you.

Erm, speaking of enjoyable rides. We've got some loose ends to tie up and I've been hankering to write sex, though I will warn you; this episode I'm trying something a little new. What's new you ask? Heh... well, I'll leave that to you to discover, but the title might give you a hint.


*Episode 21: *

Full Moon Nights

"Here I come!" Shouting out, I lunged forward, my saber slamming against her longsword, steel grinding before we both began a flurry of strikes and parries, sparks showering out from the constant impacts.

Another blade entered my field of vision as I was locked in my engagement with Gloria, I showed my teeth in a snarl before drawing my revolver and catching the swing. The steel ground on the iron as my saber rattled in my grip from Gloria baring down on it while my mother took a few more strikes that I parried with my gun.

My ears lifted as I heard the groaning steel of my training saber starting to fail. Gloria gave a resolute bark as she slammed against the same spot, the blade snapping under the force of the blow as Rachel twisted her own longsword, forcing the gun from my hand, disarming me.

"Try-" I screamed out as I ducked a slash and blurred forward, appearing behind them as my hands stretched out towards their wings, sending a violent blast of hellfire into both their backs. "-harder!"

Both archangels barked out from the blast of flames that sent them to the ground, but they quickly righted themselves, snapping wings of black and white outward to fling the flames away, their stances set.

I showed them both a cocky grin as I lifted my hand, red flames drifting from my fingertips, then the world spun suddenly and I took a knee, grabbing my head as my hellfire faded. My vision darkened slightly, my body wanting to collapse from the exertion I had been putting upon it.


"My pup!"

Both angels called out to me in shock and were at my side, each taking a knee and gripping my shoulders. "It's only been a day, Sarnai, don't push so hard," My mother scolded gently into my ear as she gripped me.

"Yes, you pushed your body to its limit prior, please tell us when the strain grows to be too much, sister." Gloria whimpered as she squeezed my other arm while I huffed and shook off the daze.

I pushed off my palm that was bracing on the mat, slowly standing as the two angels followed me up, holding my arms still. "I'm okay... Pushing is exactly what I need to do."

Pulling from their grip I paced forward to pick up my discarded gun and collect the broken saber. "She'll be stronger next time, I have to be as well," I snarled the words as I collected the warped broken blade, the steel warm to the touch from all the friction it had endured before snapping.

"Gods willing, the magi will be able to negotiate peace as we all hope, and there will be no need for more fighting." Gloria frowned as she put her free hand to her chest, holding the small rosary she wore.

"Wishful thinking, sister," I growled as I flicked my wrist, tossing the broken blade across the training room to a small pile of ruined equipment we inevitably created, we usually cleaned the pile up once it started getting too big.

"Don't be such a pessimist, my pup," Rachel grumbled at me as she sheathed her sword and gave me a fussy mother-like look.

"Don't tell me how to live my life, Mom! I'm an adult now, got my own place and everything!" I retorted in my best whiny teenager tone, showing her a haughty grin. Rachel grinned and Gloria giggled at my attempt to cut the tension of the room down a little.

"Joking aside though, try to have a little faith, Sarnai. Prepare for the worst, yes, but hope for the best." My mother nodded to me, then lifted her own ears as a loud tone sounded from her cell phone several yards from us, the angel turning to go check the message where the rest of her belongings were.

"No doubt that would be the citadel." Gloria sheathed her own weapon as she spoke out, her gaze shifting to fully settle upon me, a small smile showing as her eyes softened. I couldn't help but return the smile, how could I not? She had always been a lovely dog, but since her change, she was downright radiant to look upon, especially when she smiled. Also, that brewing tension we had going on hadn't been dealt with yet, so that didn't help matters.

"I've been summoned," My mother sighed out, her tone of voice sounding irritated by it.

"Color me surprised." I walked to my mother and we embraced in a hug, pushing our foreheads to one another.

"You take care of yourself, my pup, I'll see you for more training on the morrow," She cooed the words in that doting motherly tone she had developed with me.

"Sounds good, I'll see you then." With a nod, I pulled from her arms, then my mother moved and embraced Gloria as well.

"You also take care of yourself, sister."

Gloria smiled and nodded before stepping back, folding her hands together as she smiled. "It still feels strange to hear you call me that."

"It is strange that we are now equals, I agree. You must very much feel the way I do to Ichiro and Samanth addressing me as one. Nonetheless, these are our roles now." Rachel offered the other angel a gentle smile, then gave a nod. "But of course, you are always welcome to come to me with any worries you have, my sister. I will attempt to be as helpful as I can in the matter, as I was when I was your superior, you are still under my wing of protection, even if yours are equal in size to my own."

My mother heard her phone sound out again and rolled her eyes. "I should go, and you should come to the citadel within the next few hours, Gloria. Ichiro will no doubt want us to go over some more things."

"I will do so," Gloria spoke out as the other angel simply shifted out of reality, slipping through one of their gates they used.

Celestials didn't use the same kind of gates that mages used. Whereas a mage simply parted reality in an area where the magical forces allowed it, Celestial's established a semi-permanent connection to a location through a divine ritual. This also requires them to be present at said location, and if the location is within a threshold of ownership, required consent.

This is why all those years ago, the angels couldn't simply gate over to Charlotte when she was up to her trouble, they wouldn't have had a random gate in the middle of the wilds like that. Now that I thought of it, if our relationship ever went south, we would be in for some trouble, seeing as they now had a direct gate network with a few of our homes.

"You were splendid as always, sister. I love watching you fight. Your movements are fluid and so beautiful." Gloria sighed the words, giving me a gentle smile as her hand rested on her chest, her golden tail wagging slightly.

I tilted my head and offered a smile at her words. "I think you're just horny, sister."

Gloria gave me a surprisingly confident growl as she moved closer, her hand moving to rest upon my hip. "I can't help myself, you're just so beautiful to behold, and I've been waiting so long..." The angel trailed off as she moved in, brushing her lips to my own in a brief kiss.

"Flattery will get you everywhere with me, my lovely angel," Cooing the words in return, I kissed her lips back, then we pushed closer, deepening the kiss, our tongues meeting and flicking against one another curiously.

We kissed for several moments, my hands already wandering, hers doing the same, grasping at my hips and breasts, my own rubbing at her own chest. After some heavy petting, I parted from the kiss, a cocky grin on my face as my ears lowered. "You know I smelled her on you, how was it?"

"She was surprisingly assertive, I adore her even more now." Gloria sighed out as she tilted her head, feeling my tongue slide along her throat, her pulse throbbing against it as she bared her throat obediently. "I'm yours, Sarnai... drink your fill if it pleases you." Her words came out in a blissful sigh, as she gripped my shirt.

My hand grasped her chin and I started to snap down upon her throat, the other voice calling out in my mind, 'Shouldn't we focus on her alone our first time? We've had her blood before, sister.'

'Gods will you shut up and let me have this?!'

'Will you be happy to take her in a euphoric daze and not herself?'

"You're a real killjoy, you know that?" I snarled aloud as I eased my grip on the angel's chin. The look of shock then remorse showing clearly in her eyes made me realize I had said the words aloud.

"S-Sarnai, I- I didn't mean-"

"No! Not you!" I barked out then pushed a hand to my head, growling at myself before I composed and looked her right in the eyes as I spoke, "I mean myself, I don't want to be a killjoy and ruin our first time. I- I want it to be just us, not the high of feeding, you know?"

Her eyes had already started to form tears, but then they shined happily as she showed me a brilliant grin before pouncing right atop me, knocking me to the floor. I yipped out from the impact as she climbed over me, pushing her mouth to my own, kissing me hard as her tail cut through the air rapidly.

'Wow! She's really into the romantic stuff, you should thank me!'

'Will you shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride!'

My fingers tangled into her curly hair, returning her kiss with every bit of force she gave, our tongues playfully rolling together as I argued with myself to shut up and focus on her. Gloria parted from my lips and began to kiss down my own throat, nipping at it playfully with her own bites.

"You're so wonderful, I want our first time to be special too." Her words came out in a hungry growl, her hands squeezing and rubbing somewhat roughly on my breasts through the t-shirt I had worn for training.

"That's what she says... huff... as she drags us both to the training room floor. Not the most picturesque location for it, hm?" I growled the words playfully, then gave a soft grunt as she just snatched at my shirt and jerked it up over my breasts, pulling the sports bra I had worn right up with it.

Her eyes shone as she saw my breasts spill out of the top, her tongue lolled slightly as her tail wagged faster. "Oooh, I think yours are as big as Katrinas... such a lovely fox."

"She's actually got me beat by a-" I snapped my teeth together in a hiss as the retriever didn't let me finish, pushing her mouth down over my left teat and beginning to suckle roughly, her teeth digging into my flesh.

Her growls sounded playful, mixing with whimpers as she suckled happily. I reached down, rubbing at her ears, feeling them lift as she looked up at me with her shining blue eyes, her large black wings spread out over us like a throw. "Ha... ngh... down girl, such an eager dog, I knew you were going to b- Ngh! Geeze!"

I barked out as her hands grabbed at my workout pants, wrenching them down impatiently and bringing the crimson panties right down with them, nonchalantly exposing me to her for the first time.

She didn't give me the chance to say anything and simply grabbed under my knees. I fell back to my palms, bracing, then her face was between my legs, her hot mouth against me, lapping and tasting me frantically.

"Fuck, just-" I clenched my teeth, feeling her suckle and lap skillfully, no doubt desperate to please me. My tongue lolled at the constant strokes her tongue made and before I realized it, I was filling the room with a throaty moan, the archangel having thrown me past my edge.

'Damn, she's one hell of a dog...'

'Shut up! I can't think clearly enough to argue with you, with myself!'

I shuddered, groaning as I felt her lap at my honey, then blinked as she climbed back over me, giving her wings a small flap as she showed me a proud grin. "You taste so good, Sarnai... oh, I can't take it anymore, let's have sex right now!" Her words came out in an eager bark as I saw she was already tugging her panties off while wagging her tail. She had somehow peeled off her jeans while I was in the throes of release, I didn't even realize she had done so until now.

"S-Sure, but don't you want me to return the favor, my angel?" I showed her a playful grin, then huffed as she climbed right into position, tangling her legs with my own.

"Later, later! I need you now!" As she barked the last of the words, she pushed her own clearly wet folds to mine and I gave a soft groan, folding my ears as my hips began to grind with her own, both of us pushing against one another.

"Demanding... impatient... ha... I love it..." I panted the words, wagging my tail as I looked into her eyes, watching her pant and work her hips against me, frantic to release her own tension upon me.

"Yes, I couldn't take it anymore, I've been begging the gods to give me some alone time with you!" She moaned the words in frantic breaths, then clenched her teeth hard, shuddering before she parted her lips, giving a blissful sigh of relief that sent chills down my spine.

It was an adorable yet incredibly sexy thing to hear, then she showed me a pant as she watched me shudder, my body eager to respond to the show she had put on. I crested for her as well, both of us now panting in relief, but our hips still frantic in their movements.

"Give me all you've got, my fox." The angel sighed the words, her hips frantic as she moved towards stoking both of us into a frenzy once more.

"Yours am I?" I showed her a playful grin of my own, my own hips rocking with hers, both our folds drenched in one another's lust as we panted together.

"Yes, Yes! Mmmph... such a majestic fox I have. Ha... I'll be yours too, just keep fucking me!" The last of the words came out almost like an order. I felt my teeth show in an amused grin, this was a very cute side of her I was quite enjoying.

My nails dug into the mat beneath us as I ground more attentively, feeling my pearl pressing to her own. "Ngh... this time I'll play along... don't think you'll always be giving orders, my angel."

Gloria shuddered at my words, her tongue lolling out once more as she barked out into a sharp moan, her tail slamming into the mat beneath her as her wings unfurled in response to her throes of release.

I showed my teeth in another grin, closing my eyes as I felt my own release tear through me as well, though I didn't have the elaborate props she had to show it, she would have to do with just hearing my tail wag against the mat while I sighed out in my own moan of relief.

We kept it up for a while before finally getting it out of our systems. After cleaning up the area, we found ourselves in one of the showers in the locker room. Gloria was pushed up to me, kissing at my lips as I returned the gesture, our hands running over one another's body, sponges in hand as we washed the smell of sex from ourselves.

"Oh sister, that was so much fun. I've been wanting you for ages now." Gloria cooed the words as she hugged me, our breasts pushing together as I moved a hand to stroke down her wet tail.

"You should have approached me sooner." I nuzzled her cheek, patting her firm rear playfully.

"I was concerned about a lot of factors. Alex, Elias, and of course, Katrina." She pushed her forehead to my own, sighing as I scratched at the base of her tail, lathering soap into where the fur met her flesh.

"Seems things are working out. This whole house has just turned into one big orgy, it's deplorable!" I barked the words out in a haughty tone, flicking my own tail as she met my eyes with a small smile.

"Have you laid with Alex yet?" She tilted her head curiously, giving me a surprisingly eager look.

"We've not really had any time to. I suppose it's a lot like you and I, what with focusing on training and keeping our heads on."

"True, I've not spoken with Katrina since we all were together. I feel guilty, like I should have stepped aside and let them have their first time alone." Gloria frowned as she pulled from me slightly, putting a hand to her bare chest, resting over her rosary.

"Hey, this isn't some sappy romance novel, you don't need every first time to be cheesy with smooth jazz playing to be special, you know?" I gave her a playful grin, resting a hand on her hip.

"Yes, you're right. We just did it in the training room, but it was wonderful and special, a-and..." She trailed off, her cheeks growing darker as the water rushed over her body, dripping off the feathers of her folded wings.

"And what?" I moved my palm to her face, cupping it and guiding her to look upon me. I already had my answer as her eyes met mine.

"I want more..." Gloria snarled the words in a hungry growl before I suddenly pushed her to the wall of the shower. The dog yipped at the shift but groaned eagerly as I started kissing down her body, shifting to my knees.

"Fine by me, but this time I'm taking the reins." I felt her fingers tangle into my wet hair and rub at my ears while I kissed down to her navel.

"Yes, please... I'm happy to have you take my reins, collar me and call me your dog if it pleases you." She groaned the words drunkenly and I grinned as I shook my head. Once again my life had become more complicated, but at least I'd never be bored at this rate.

The following day I, my husband, and Alice had gathered to speak with Alex about pack business.

"So I get this little pack thing you do is important, but can't you rain check it? I mean we are due to go speak with the magi about peace talks any day now." Elias put a hand to his hip, giving Alex a frown as we stood in the foyer of the mansion.

"Attendance is not optional, you don't miss the seasonal hunt under any circumstance. If you draw breath you don't miss it." Alex frowned as he folded his arms, giving a resolute nod.

"Well technically, you meet that criteria now," I spoke the words playfully, but I saw the frown show on his face. I had no doubt inadvertently hit a nerve, but that stands to reason, we weren't even sure how his pack was going to take all of this.

"I'm more worried they'll try to kill you, love." Alice frowned and put a hand to her chest as she continued, "I really don't want to slaughter all of your pack mates in a furious rampage of tears you know."

"Hey hey, if one of us is rampaging, we all are. No one is to lay a finger, paw, or whatever were-appendage they may have on our brother," Elias growled the words, giving the rabbit a reassuring nod.

"Look, I'm sure if I explain the situation, it will be fine. I've been a member of their pack as long as I've been here with Blackpaw. Worst case scenario they ask me to leave, but I don't foresee them even considering killing me."

I nodded and put a hand to my own chest, huffing out in a matter-of-fact tone, "Yes, I'm sure it will be fine. I shall also accompany you as a representative of our house and your sire. Perhaps that will help to smooth things over so you need not be exiled from your pack."

Alice frowned and started to speak, but Elias put a hand to her head, rubbing it gently. "My wife can handle this, Alice. You already negotiate enough with the magi and celestials."

"Then doesn't that mean I'm more than qualified to negotiate with this as well?" Alice grumbled the words as Elias rubbed her ears and hair.

"Who said I needed either of you to do so? Look it's my pack, I can take care of things," Alex growled the words, his own posture shifting to a defensive stance.

"I see no reason to not come as a representative. Our family has a long-standing treaty with your pack, would a diplomatic liaison not help your chances, brother?" I titled my head as I spoke the words smugly, giving the wolf a cock of my eyebrow.

He met my eyes, seeing I would not back down from my stance, and looked away with a low growl in his throat. "I suppose you have a point."

"I think you just want to have a romp in the woods without me." Alice pouted as she folded her arms.

Usually, I found her fussing cute, but in this instance, it annoyed me, and it clearly showed as I growled out my response, "Not everything is sex-related, Alice. I simply wish to see my brother no worse for wear over a situation I have thrust upon him. He did not ask for what I did to him, and I will feel remiss if I do not do all in my power to rectify any issues he has with his other family. Do you understand?"

She gave me a frown at my stern tone and nodded. "I was just being playful, I understand, love."

I showed my own frown, realizing how heated my words had become, and nodded. "I apologize if my words were harsh, I simply feel responsible."

"You're a good fox, Sarnai. I'm lucky to call you wife and friend." Elias spoke proudly then gave me a playful smile. "Though I suppose you can be a little scary in the moment."

"I like how all of you have decided this without listening to me. Everything will be fine, I promise." Alex barked the words out, trying one last time to deal with the situation on his own.

"Do you not wish me to come, brother? Do you not trust my abilities?" I tilted my head, flicking my tail as I looked up at the wolf with an inquisitive glance.

"That's not it, I just... I don't want you having to feel you need to protect me. I can accept whatever the pack deems best."

"I will also accept whatever they feel is best, but as your sire, it is my duty to see you better than worse from my hand in things. If you do not wish me to go, say so now and I will relent."

Alex frowned and averted his eyes as he sighed, "Look, it's not that I don't want you to go, it's just-"

"Then it's decided, let whatever apprehension you have pass, it will work out neatly, I'm sure." I waved a hand as I strode past the trio to move towards my room. "I shall prepare at once for departure."

In truth, I wanted to get out of the house and into nature a bit. I felt better since my last encounter with Triallia, but I also wanted the distraction, so this was as much therapy for me as it was having my brother's back.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect when we arrived at the location of his pack, but I'll admit to being awash with nostalgia over the scene that spread out before me. A small community of yurt-like buildings spreading out, four of them in total. There was a large smoldering bonfire situated in the central area with a small plot of land fenced off to the side, no doubt set aside for farming purposes given the newly tilled soil that awaited the spring planting season.

"My what a sight." I hummed the words as I took a few paces from Alex, my boots making no sound on the packed earth beneath them. I had opted for simple rugged attire, durable jeans, and a heavy jacket of faux leather that I wore over a button-down shirt.

The massive black wolf shifted back to the familiar view of my brother and progeny, shirtless in a pair of baggy sweatpants that stretched to accommodate his shift. I had a spare jacket slung over my shoulder for Alex but took a moment to enjoy the view as he stood before me, his upper body on full display.

After sufficiently ogling over his muscles, I threw the jacket playfully into his face as I huffed out, "See, I told you I'd easily keep pace with you, why I'd have outrun you had I known our destination." I flicked my tail up with a haughty poke of my nose in the air, seeing the wolf grin at me as he slid the jacket on.

A small child ran up to us, the little girl looking to be some sort of bat like Lawrence, one of the house heads that I knew. She blinked upon the wolf with wide yellow eyes as she spoke out, "Brother Alex, is that you? You smell different, and how did you change your fur? Or, or your size, you were bigger this time? Is this your girlfriend? And-"

"I'll explain everything later, can you let the elder know I've arrived?" He cut the little bat off and she gave a nod before springing from her feet and quickly fluttering out of sight towards the largest yurt of the four.

"Girlfriend huh?" I cocked a brow and showed him a grin as we started walking.

"Kid's, you know?" He gave me his own grin as we made our way through the small community.

"This brings back memories, I think mother would enjoy seeing this little community as well." I hummed as we walked, finding my tail wagging, my spirit already at ease.

The entrance to the residence parted as the small bat pushed out and left one flap of the fabric held open. "Okay brother, the elder said to go on in!"

"Thanks, little one." He growled and moved a hand to rub at her head as he passed, mussing her blonde hair, then we both slipped into the dwelling.

The interior was lit by a few oil lamps, tapestries hanging about to adorn the inside with some semblance of decoration. A small crackling fire burned at the far end with some sort of stew simmering in a pot. Once again I found myself feeling overwhelmed with nostalgia and regretted I didn't wear my formal wear for this meeting.

"Alex, boy, get over here and explain why you stink of death!" A gravelly voice called out, drawing our attention to her, the small bat looked eerily similar to the little girl we just saw. The obvious ravages of time aside, that is. The little girl had curly blonde hair, while the elder had wispy silver hair that was pulled back into a long braid that rested on the ground behind her. The large leathery wings looked worn from use over the years and she sported deep well-worn laugh lines along her face.

Alex quickly moved over to sit upon a large folded rug before the elderly bat. "Yes, I'll explain from-"

"Sarnai... Sarnai Silverpaw, is that you?" She turned her focus to me, squinting her eyes in recognition.

"Long time no see, Matilda. I Was debating if you'd still be kicking or not out here in the mountains. Also, it's Blackpaw these days." I showed the bat a grin as I took a seat before her.

The elder of the tribe gave me a snort through her nose. "I'd like to say you've not changed a bit, but by the great spirits, you have. I don't sense any of the swirling demons within you I did years past."

"Hang on... You know Elder Matilda, Sarnai? Why didn't you tell me?" Alex lifted his ears, shifting his gaze to me.

"Because last time she saw me, I wasn't an elder, boy!" The bat snapped out sharply at the wolf for speaking out of turn. Alex frowned and bowed his head respectfully.

"I knew Matilda before I met you in Vietnam, Alex. We had an... altercation, so to speak." I showed the bat a playful grin as I tried to keep the story civil sounding.

"I almost put you in your place, you smart-aleck fox!" The bat hissed out as she thrust a crooked finger at me, the tone in her voice heated but still a bit jovial.

"Almost." I raised my hands to air-quote the words, showing her another smirk.

Matilda huffed out and shifted her focus back to Alex. "I met Sarnai some eight decades or so, she was in the process of trying to butcher one of my pack and we came to odds over it."

"Yeah, but we worked it out. At the time she was on the other side of the country though, so I didn't expect to see her here," I chimed in, giving a shrug. "How old are you now?"

"I lost count, but probably around one fifty, give or take a decade." She shrugged in response to the question.

"I'd call you an old bat, but that might be redundant." I gave her a haughty grin as I leaned back, resting my hands on my bent knees.

"You're still a smart-mouthed little hussy, bless your heart." She showed me a weathered grin.

I nodded to Alex as I continued, "Anyway, Matilda is the reason I even knew your kind had any kind of pack system. You could say she's the reason you and a few others are even alive now. I had a reason to actually not outright kill when I had to deal with your kind."

Alex rubbed at his chin. "That does make sense, I had-"

"More to the point, boy! What has become of you? I sense no life in your bones. Well, I still sense the mish-mash of energy, everything from demon to celestial, but where's your pulse? Is this your doing, Sarnai?"

"It is, let me start from the beginning, Matilda." I then proceeded to bring her up to speed. I had no reason to gloss over details, so I explained in full about the great nature spirit, me having to turn him to save his life, and so on. I even explained the situation with the Faemarch as well.

"Tar and damnation if I didn't say the great spirits would come a'calling for us eventually if we didn't get our act together!" The bat snarled the words, shaking her head at the reveal of everything.

Composing herself she focused hard on Alex as she spoke, "So are you here to withdraw from the pack, boy? Can't have a dead dog prancing around I suppose."

"I'd rather not if it could be avoided, and I'm not really dead you know," Alex huffed out the words, sounding both respectful and snarky at the same time.

"No pulse, might as well be. I'd ask if you could even change form but my grand-daughter already said she'd seen you, a great big wolf of black with red flames she said."

I held a hand up as I spoke out, "Matilda, we go way back here, can't you make an exception? He's still one of your kind, only with an... upgrade."

She frowned at me and shook her head, "I don't know... how is this even possible? We've had our kind attempt this before, but the curse wouldn't allow it, it'd just stop their tickers and that'd be that."

"I think it has to do with that 'mish-mash' of energy you felt in him. Suffice to say we've got a chimera playing with everyone's energy like a kitten does with a ball of string."

"I don't know nothing about no chimera, but... Well, boy. You've been here for over half a century and a lot of the kits look up to you, including my grand-daughter, says she's gonna marry you someday and all that, no accounting for taste if you ask me!"

"You mean, I don't have to leave?" His ears lifted as he wagged his tail a little at the prospect of it.

"Nah... I'm getting along in years, I've not got it in my own ticker to put that kind of drama on it. Though if any of the young'un's want to fuss over it, you'll have to deal with them." Matilda wagged a finger at the wolf, grumbling the words.

"Thank you, elder Matilda!" Alex huffed out as he bowed and I could hear the relief in his voice.

She reached a hand out to pat his head, ruffling his jagged brown locks a little. "That's enough groveling, boy. You're a wolf, chin up and show some backbone!"

"Right, my apologies." Alex huffed and sat up straight, refocusing his gaze.

I climbed to my feet and showed the bat a smile. "I appreciate it, Matilda, he loves this pack you know."

"Well I didn't do it for your fool ass, Sarnai, but you're welcome all the same. He's a good dog, the pack would be all the weaker without him."

With a nod to Alex, I turned on my heel. "I'll excuse myself, I know this get-together is an intimate family affair, I only came to help smooth things over for my brother."

"Thanks, sister. It means a lot you had my back in this." I heard him speak to my back as I smiled and started my way out of the yurt.

Matilda grumbled out at me, "Now hang on, Sarnai. What do you take me for? Some low-class harlot that don't properly offer hospitality to delegates from our allies?"

I looked over my shoulder and grinned at her, "I'd never think such a thing old friend. I simply didn't want to intrude."

"Pah! Intrude on what? A bunch of noisy kits yipping and running all over, sniffing at each other, and kill'n whatever beastie happens to be in their way?" The bat grumbled the words as she grabbed a nearby walking stick, using it to support herself as she pulled from her sitting position with much effort.

Turning to face her, I put a hand on my hip, showing a smirk as my other hand lazily raked through my hair. "Alright, Matilda, I'll bite. What can you even offer me in way of hospitality though? I obviously don't eat what you eat, and your pack will be off galavanting the hills within an hour or so."

"Even I know you've got the tricks to change form, you can come galavant with us, you dumb fox. There'll be plenty of blood spilled when the packs kill'n and eating, you can just be the one that goes for the throat."

I pursed my lips at the offer, after all, I had come here to get away and relax. What better way to do so than just be wild and savage for a while. "You know what? I'll take you up on that offer you old coot."

Alex's ears lifted as did his tail, the excitement at the prospect of me joining in evident even as he remained silent out of respect for Matilda. The bat grunted with some effort as she shuffled over to the pot on the fire, giving it a good stir for a few minutes as we all stood there in silence, only the crackling sound of the fire filling the yurt.

My ears lifted as I heard the distant sound of chatter coming from the horizon, the sound of a few dozen voices all holding conversation while moving closer. "Sounds like the rest are finally here, lazy kits, why can't they be early like you, boy?" The bat grumbled as she gave the wooden spoon a few clanks against the pot before setting it aside.

"Well, the nights not getting any younger and I don't know how many more of these I've got left, so let's get a move on." The bat grumbled the words as she started making her way out of the yurt.

Alex moved over to me, his tail wagging as he looked me over while I casually unlaced my boots. "Sarnai, can you really just change forms and join in like this?"

I gave him a smile as I slipped my boots and socks off, wiggling my toes. "Shifting to something like a hawk or another form would be an incredible strain upon even one my age, but my primal form? That's not nearly so difficult. Still a bit taxing, but if I've a chance to get some blood in me during, it'll be no problem."

"What do you mean by primal form?" He tilted his head curiously.

I pointed to my ears, then looked behind me at my thick black tail. "Primal, as in evolution. We all came from the primitive animal forms, Alex. I'd wager we may have looked something akin to Triallia somewhere in the in-between phase. That may go to show just how ancient those spirits really are."

The wolf gave me an understanding nod then lifted his ears as Matilda started speaking out to the crowd, the two of us quickly moving out of the yurt to join the festivities.

"Alright, you kits! We've done this plenty of times before, so you know I don't usually like to make a big show of things, but tonight we've got a special guest." Matilda snarled the words out in a surprisingly loud tone.

I stepped out barefoot onto the packed dirt, seeing all manner of mundane before me, males and females of various species. There was everything from rabbits to otters, even a few canines like me, though it was rare a lycanthrope matched its mundane form, so I didn't assume they'd share similarities once the pack was formed.

"This is Sarnai Blackpaw, I don't think I need to explain who she is, but if any of you are dense in the head, speak up now so I can elaborate!" Matilda barked the words out as she clutched her walking stick, the tone in her voice saying she wouldn't be pleased if she had to elaborate.

I lazily brushed my fingers through my hair, making a show of my grin that fully bared my large sharp canines. For good measure, I added a healthy dose of my own will that pushed out over the crowd and let my black flames drift from me. "Matilda, please... just treat me as a member of the hunt for tonight, so long as none of your pack disrespects me, I'll not take any of their throats."

The display made its point and I could feel the collective awe from the gathering, all of them knowing keenly of house Blackpaw since they were denizens of the local paranormal community. Lycanthrope, vampire, demon, or even a mage, when you're a member of a community like that, word gets around and you hear of the local big players of the game.

"Well you heard the fox, let's not dawdle any longer, if my stew burns while we lollygag here, I'll be furious!" The bat snarled the words as she cast off the long flowing robe she wore, her withered body coming into view for only a moment before she shifted before the group.

The wings seemed to be absorbed into her back as grey fur erupted from her form, her size growing to twice its original as her body contorted from the change. I cocked a brow at her shift, seeing two large paws slam to the earth, joining with the back ones to replace her hands and feet. She now sported a muzzle of teeth and perked grey ears, her full primal wolf form on full display. The massive wolf let out a savage howl that echoed through the hills, sending a warning to anything nearby of what was to come.

"Now I see why she likes you Alex, and why her granddaughter wants to marry you." I showed the wolf next to me a playful grin, then widened my eyes as he simply tugged his pants away, his length springing forth, hard and eager. He gave me an apologetic grin, then dropped to his hands, his own shift taking place as he took his primal wolf form.

I glanced over to see others in the crowd tugging ties free, unbuckling belts, others just shifting in their clothes, too eager to get to things. Before long I had a pack of eclectic beasts before me. You'll forgive me if I said, lions, tigers, and bears, oh my, but there were at least one of each of those in their ranks.

Before I knew it I was the only one still in a mundane form, the whole pack shifting to look upon me expectantly, a deep rumble of a growl coming from Matilda, as if telling me to get on with it. I stuck my nose up into the air and casually peeled my jeans away, dropping the heavy jacket before the shirt was unbuttoned. I was making a point to take my time, showing I'd not be hurried.

Finally, I tugged my crimson panties off and dropped my bra, before focusing my own will on the change. It had been nearly a century since I had done this, but the effort was minimal compared to other forms I'd had to take.

I dropped to my hands as they shifted to paws, black fur covering my flesh as my mouth elongated into a muzzle full of rows of sharp teeth, but my canines still showed to be more prominent than the others. I had to push a little extra will into the change to keep my mundane size instead of shifting to the smaller form of a primal fox, but soon enough there I stood, my form fully changed to that of a primitive vulpine all be it much larger version.

Black flames drifted from my tail and along my paws as I sat right down on my rear, spreading my maw in a lazy yawn before my red eyes gave an expectant if not bored look towards Matilda before I jerked my head, as if giving my own signal of 'get on with it'.

Alex was nearly double my size as he trotted around me, tail wagging as he huffed at the air around me. I tilted my head before rising back to my paws, lifting my tail as I allowed him to huff at my backside. I had been a primal dog like this a few times, me and my husband experimenting with it together, I understood the social cues well enough.

Everyone seemed to be doing similar meet and greet gestures, which would have eluded to the statement Matilda had made about sniffing on one another. My head tilted as another dog came up to me, a coyote by the look of him, he didn't match Alex in size, but still handily dwarfed me.

The new dog started chuffing the air and I allowed it, but when he moved to my backside, I gave a rumbling snarl of warning, as if that were something I'd have only allowed the wolf near me to do. The coyote hesitated but moved towards me again and I shifted my stance to face him straight on, showing my large sharp teeth as I gave a warning bark, but then Alex simply drove a paw into his side, sending the smaller dog tumbling back.

The two started to square off in a snarl of growls as if to compete for mating rights to a female. It pissed me off at the prospect and as they started to close on one another I sprang from my hind-legs and stood between the two of them. I sent out a furious howl as red flames rolled off my form before shooting a snarling growl at the newcomer. The dog tucked his tail and quickly retreated from me, then as Alex huffed out but I gave him my own stare, my flames still pouring off me. The wolf lowered his ears and whimpered in apology as he shifted down to bend on his front paws.

I stewed for a few moments then calmed my flames, moving to him and pushing my nose to the side of his muzzle, nuzzling him to show I forgave him for his crass display. He returned the nuzzle then the pack leader howled out, the tone different from the last. On a primal level, I understood it, it was basically saying social time was over and it was time to hunt.

Alex and I howled in return as a chorus of yips, howls, roars, and all other sorts of battle cries came from our hunting party. Then like that we were on the move, moving as a single unit as we swept down the hills and into the nearby plains. The world blurred under my paws as I huffed and panted, running alongside the wolf, as if being pulled by some supernatural awareness.

Matilda led the pack, moving with surprising speed, but it was obvious some of the members were hanging back, others acting as guards to protect the venerable pack leader. It was as much a ceremony as it was a hunt for them.

The scent of prey was found quickly and we broke off into various groups to bring it down. Of course following Matilda's advice I and Alex decided we'd bring the final kill after the prey had been chased. Sparing the gory details, when the time came I did indeed go right for the throat and given I brought all the supernatural power my other form had, it was a simple task. I and Alex focused on the blood, lapping at it while the others that had joined our party tore the hapless creature apart in savage snaps of jaws and rending of flesh.

So the night went, we ran and we hunted, the killing frequent. I understood now the point of this, it was therapy for them. A way to let the beast out of the cage, get the savage hunger quelled so they could function normally until the next hunt. It also explained why the hunt was mandatory.

Things blurred for me as the feral wild side of my brain took hold. I stopped thinking, stopped caring, I became one of the wild animals, stalking and hunting, all the while with the wolf at my side, that wolf I had known for decades, the wolf I saved, my wolf.

Hours passed and eventually, the pack dwindled as members grew fatigued or felt satisfied before returning to the camp. I found myself winded as well from all the activity, though more from a mental standpoint than a physical one. I found myself lazily lounging in a field, my paws tucked under me as I leaned against the wolf that had been with me the whole hunt. He was on his side, letting me push into his underside, just below his own muzzle.

He moved in, nuzzling and growling into my ears as if praising my efforts. I returned the nuzzle, my own growls of contentment obvious as we had our primitive cuddle session, none of the other pack members around, giving us the small field to ourselves.

The wolf gave a playful huff and I felt him bite down on my ear, I gave a shocked yip and jerked back, bumping under his chin with my muzzle, my tail smacking into his hip. He growled and licked my cheek and I felt a shiver go down my spine before I returned a lap against the side of his own jaw.

His growl shifted to one of hunger and I found myself panting as he climbed over me. I felt my tail hiking up on instinct alone as he started to mount me before my mind finally caught up with the animal in me and I gave a sharp bark of realization. The wolf huffed in shock as I moved away from him slightly, then willed my form to change as I shifted back to my normal appearance.

"Alex! I'm by no means a romantic, but our first time is not going to be as primitive dogs!" I growled the words, still on my hands and knees, my tail lifted as the dog got a good look at my drenched folds. I looked over my shoulder and sighed out with need, "Hurry up and shift, you're not taking me as a wild dog."

The wolf blinked his eyes, as if coming to grips with what had almost happened, then he shifted out of the primal form as I had requested. "Sorry... is this... better?" The words came out raspy and forced as my mouth hung open, seeing he hadn't gone back to normal, but instead shifted to his full were-form.

"What do you mean bet- hrk!" I bit back my words as the massive werewolf climbed right over me, his heavy paw shoving on my upper body, forcing my chest to the ground, my rear sticking up, tail still raised.

I clenched my teeth together, huffing out as I dug my hands into the earth beneath me, snarling as he moved over me. "Alex! Do you really-" I couldn't finish the words as he pushed his length right to my entrance, my tongue lolled at the pressure of it, I couldn't see him but I could imagine what his shifted form did for him down there as well.

My nails dug into the earth as I clenched my teeth, huffing and wincing as he ground against my entrance, his heavy paw pushed to my back, his other holding my hip. His hooked claws slightly dug into my flesh as he held me in place, slowly grinding and prodding until the tip of his length finally pushed past.

I shuddered and felt my tongue loll again, my eyes rolling up as I felt him pushing in, every inch forced into my tight walls until he came to rest at my core with a heavy bump. I heard a savage throaty groan of relief from him before he collapsed onto his own elbows, large claws splayed over my smaller hands, digging into the earth like mine had done.

His chest was pushed to my back, leaving me trapped under him, then he started moving, pumping himself inside, gliding along my walls, and impacting deep into me. I pushed my forehead to the ground, panting as he took me in such a primitive way and in such a wild form. "Huff... damn... so deep... you're going to break me Alex..."

"You'll be fiiiiiine..." He hissed the words in a proud snarl in my ears, then moved in, nuzzling at my cheek as he had done in my primal form before giving it a lap.

I panted out as I looked to the side, seeing the large rows of teeth, his tongue lolled out of his muzzle as he bucked against my smaller body, pushing deep with each impact. My release came a few moments later and I gave a throaty moan in relief, the sexual tension obvious from the night.

'Gods... I've no words, sister.'

'Good! Keep it that way and let me enjoy this!'

I couldn't help but give a drunken grin as he kept thrusting even through my orgasm. My hand moved up to rub under his chin, scratching at the fur there as I sighed out, "That's a good dog... c'mon Alex... make the most of it, there'll be hell to pay for this little stunt."

He gave me an excited growl, as if my pending retribution was something he was eager for. I briefly imagined tying him down before having sex with Gloria and Alice, or some other dominatrix-level torture tactics. My thoughts scattered as he snarled and started thrusting more vigorously in me. I yipped out and dug my nails into his chin, bracing on my elbow as I felt the wolf battering at my core, as if trying to break me.

"Alex! F-Fuck!" I cried out as he made me crest again, my nails digging into his jaw as I hissed out, feeling him once again just pushing through the release. He fucked me like a wild animal in his were-form, savage snarls filling my ears as he bucked against me, my knees drove into the earth as he took me like I was a pack bitch in heat.

By the fifth, I was already drooling and feeling my mind reeling when I felt something pushing along my walls. I tucked my tongue and clenched my teeth, eyes growing wide at what I felt. The damn wolf had a knot in this form. I started to say something, but his thrusts just grew harder, my throat unable to do much more than vocally yip and moan.

He pulled another from me and I felt my eyes growing wet with tears, the pleasure making my mind reel as he pumped into me, the bulge of his knot growing with each stroke. I released his muzzle to brace on both elbows, my tongue lolled as I drooled from the pleasure, then as I started to crest once more, I gave a shrill yip as he bottomed out violently into me.

My teeth clenched as I felt his knot bloom to full, knowing I was trapped with him and as his fire erupted in me, it flung me over the edge once more. I howled out but it was drowned out by his own savage howl of a moan. I jerked under him, tongue hanging out, feeling as punch drunk as I probably looked. He ground and jerked against me, but the knot wouldn't let him move an inch as he poured everything into me.

By the last gush, I felt so full I would swear my stomach might be pushing out slightly as I gave an exhausted groan, feeling him slump onto his elbows, panting in relief in my ears. "... love you... adore you..." He snarled the broken words before nuzzling at my cheek.

"Fucking wolf... " I slurred the words out, shaking my head as I tried to compose myself, my tongue still lolled out as I came down slowly from it all.

I felt his fur-covered chest pushing to my bare back as he panted heavily into my ears. One hand pushed up to rub under his chin, scratching there as I finally sighed out, "You have my love as well, but gods am I going to be sore from this..."

"My apologies." The words came out clipped and sharp as I grinned, feeling him nuzzle and shifting my hips, feeling him still secure in me.

"How long does this usually last, Alex?" I gave him a glance, pulling at his muzzle so he could see my eyes. The massive wolf gave a shrug and my ears lifted. "What do you mean you don't know? Haven't you done this with Gloria or Alice?"

His head shook in response and my mouth gaped slightly at the realization that he had shared a first with me. All be it a savage, frenzied, animal-driven first, but a first all the same. I gave a resigned huff and settled back onto my elbows, wagging my tail against his belly. "I'd ask if you had anything to talk about, but it seems you have to struggle to speak in that form."

Alex gave a nod, then I felt his massive arms gently hug me, giving my cheek another doggy kiss. I grinned and scratched under his chin as I shook my head. "Kisses won't save you, there's gonna be hell to pay for this one, big guy." I cooed the words in what I hoped came off as playful as we laid there in the grass together.

I frowned at your question and gave a shrug, looking away awkwardly, surprised at myself for divulging the story at all. "It wasn't too bad, I was able to wriggle loose after about five or ten minutes."

A bark filled my throat as I glared at you when you asked how much I enjoyed it. "That is a rude question to ask! I- I refuse to answer it!" I shoved my nose into the air, giving a frustrated huff as you laughed at my response.

My stomach twisted at the thought of the session that had happened just yesterday, it was quite a thrilling experience and something I never expected to experience. "My child... it never ceases to amaze me the things you can still experience in this world, even at my age."

We grew silent and I thought about everything that had transpired this last year or so, I wanted more than anything for you to be strong, strong enough to protect yourself if something happened to me. My ears folded and I sighed, "My child, I think-"

We both looked up as Alice came trotting right into the study without even announcing herself. "Hey, it looks like the magi have set it all up."

"Ah splendid, when?" I tilted my head curiously.

"Now. It looks like this isn't a cordial thing. It's more of a 'we do this now or we lose the window.' kind of thing.'"

"Damn those stupid spirits." I snarled as I rose and gave you a nod. "We'll talk later, my child. I need to go prepare for the coming situation." I snapped my tail in a hard flick as I walked past my lover, moving to our bedroom to get changed. I'd dress formally, but in my battle attire lest things went south.

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