A meeting after a long absence

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Two male dragons meet each other after a long time away.

Contains: Anal, oral, and watersports

My first adult writing, I had a lot of fun with it. Let me know how I did and if I should make more.

Blue-Eyes, or more simply known and preferred to be called as Blue, was a young dragon, some few years into his drakehood and first flight, once again strolling through the forest. He finds himself coming here more and more often, frequently pondering his thoughts on the culture and traditions of dragonkind. A crisp scent and breeze typical of the new spring season calms his thoughts, and his pace slows with each new observation.

"I hope I get there before Ember." Blue thinks to himself, picking up the pace, and hoping to arrive at the usual creek early to clean and relieve himself before meeting his boyfriend. That word sounds too good to be true. "My boyfriend" he thinks again. Pondering Ember's defined features, his shapely snout and clean, gorgeous red scales. Cleanliness was very important to Blue, better know to dragonkind as "NOBLE BLUE-EYES, SON OF BRIGHT-SCALES, OF THE FACTION OF THE LONG-TAIL MOUNTAIN, AND ALL OF ITS TERRITORIES." He shakes his head. "Another silly tradition." Why did it all have to be so obtuse.

Well, He might get there before Ember, if he hadn't overslept and lost his thoughts as usual. "Oh well, nothing to be done about it." He tends to fallback on this philosophy more and more, its so much easier to push all your problems away. "Damn, I really need to piss." He thinks, somewhat jarring him back to reality, in its primal simplicity. He considers relieving himself immediately, but decides to rush to the meeting place at the calm forest clearing and river.

His mind began to wander again. He was just returning from his visit to his hometown, in the mountains. His relationship with Ember would not go over well with his parents. It wasn't entirely because of his drakehood, indeed, his parents and others likely already guessed his disinterest in dragonesses and there wasn't anything especially taboo about it. His parents had many children and would not have to worry about lineage. The trouble came because of Ember's status as a member of a different faction, the river faction, and the societal expectations placed on drakes of the Long-Tail faction. The two factions had never gotten along. "Oh well." Blue thinks once again. "Nothing to be done about it."

He arrives at the river shortly thereafter, his mind wandering. He spots bright red scales in the distance as he arrives, both delighted to see his boyfriend, and dismayed that he did not have time to prepare for the meaning. "Fuck, oh well" once again, his two favorite words, or three in this case. Ember spots him coming and trots over adorably, emerging out of the water and dripping on his way over. "Shit, He's so hot." Embers scales glistened from the moisture. It was still so hard for Blue to believe he had such a beautiful boyfriend.

Beautiful and adorable, the way he trotted over, nearly tripping over himself on the way. "Hey Bloo-bloo, You're late again." Ember said. "You know how it is." Blue replied in a distance tone. "What's wrong?" Ember said in a teasing voice. "Nothing really." Blue replied. "You know how I am, always thinking about something. Its not really important or even relevant, I'm not sure why I was thinking about it at all." He continued.

"That's my smartie, always thinking. Were you also thinking about your incredibly handsome boyfriend as well, or just depressive societal reformational stuff?" Ember asked again, in a cheerful tone. "Always." The brown dragon replied.

Ember always loved the rugged look Blue gave off. He looked fierce and grizzled as any drake he'd ever seen, with a muscular fit build and dark brown scales and lighter brown underscales, and of course, his beautiful blue eyes. Sure, Blue looked toned and spoke intelligently, but he had a very gentle and pacifist philosophy. On top of this, lets just say his social skills were not the best. Ember knew this, and it made him love Blue all the more, and his simple way of communication.

The dragons of the Long-Tail mountain faction were viciously brutal in their training. All males were expected to participate in mutual combat with the others. Blue's training was no exception to this rule. Despite this, Blue had developed an interest in gentler pursuits, to the disdain of his parents and peers. Although he was scarred and muscular just as any Long-Tail drake, he was perhaps much less so than his nestmates.

"You know how I am." Blue broke the silence, waving his head to the side to avoid eye contact. "I was hoping to arrive first to clean myself off." "Oh, I see, you don't like bathing with me any more, I see how it is." Ember replied, a wide smirk growing wider as he spoke. "Again, you know me really well. Also I need to piss really bad. I know you like that." Replied Blue, returning the grin right back at his lover, and raising his eyebrows.

"There's the boyfriend I missed so much." Ember replied raising his eyebrows a little in amusement. "I'd think you'd be more enthusiastic about it, I haven't seen you in over a month, by the twelve gods of the winds, its been so long. Too long if you ask me." "Even a day is too long to miss that face of yours, you always brighten my day." Blue replied unenthusiastically, mind doubtlessly wandering again. "What's wrong, you know you can tell me anything, really." Ember said, cheerfully but concerned and realistic. "I really mean it, tell me what's on your mind."

"Its the same as usual." Blue replies stoically. "Our relationship. My parents aren't thrilled about it. Not because of me, they don't even care, they are concerned about their own reputation." Ember rolled his eyes and trotted around in a circle. "Aw, cheer up. You know I don't care about any of that. They can stick a stick right up their stuck up old school tailhole." Blue laughed at that one. "I know they wouldn't like that, but I think I know someone who would."

"It would be a REALLY BIG STICK with you know, how sticks have like, smaller sticks coming out of them and stuff. maybe its wet cause it just rained too. You know how sticks are, probably wouldn't be that comfortable." Ember was giggling now as he talked. "Do you have experience with sticks in your butt?" Blue asked, looking suddenly concerned and raising his head. "I don't think they've ever tried sticking sticks in their butts. Is there something I need to know about Ember, have you really missed me THAT much?" Now Blue seemed serious. "Of COURSE I have NEVER EVER, put ANYTHING, into my asshole. Its too pure. What would make you think I would do something like that?" Ember was losing his shit now. "I need to preserve my asshole incase I ever need to use it for something important."

Blue smiled. "Well if you're done talking about your butthole, then I need to go clean up." He started walking toward the creek, and looked back at Ember. "Oh, also, I really do appreciate your concern, but nothing has really changed, we've discussed it before. The trip went just fine, all things considered" Ember was glad. He was being honest and knew that humor always cheered up his boyfriend. He walked behind Blue as he lumbered over to the creek, not so subtly lowering his head to look under his toned tail and legs. "Like what you're seeing there boy?" Blue hollered back. "Hell yeah, its been too long." The green eyed drake hollered in response. leaning under his tail to lick at his cute hole. The brown dragon pretended not to notice and continued to the water, washing his forearms and head.

Blue enjoyed the feeling for a moment before jumping in and splashing around. "Rude, I was eating that." Ember says, in a overly upset voice, raising his talons to his chest. Blue began Cleaning carefully behind his ears and horns. Without notice, he dived under completely and splashed his wings. "Almost done." he said as he emerged, flipping on his back. "Oh wait, I missed a spot." He flipped over to float on his back, nearing the surface and reached to his genital slit and tailhole, and began rubbing them in a deliberate cleaning motion. "Did I mention I need to piss really bad?"

"I think I remember you saying something like that." Ember was already hard, his member emerged from its slit several minutes earlier, dripping with pre-cum. He reached his snout down and began licking his boyfriends asshole, now nice and clean, with the pink tip of his boyfriends cock emerging from its hiding spot. "Mm. alright, here it comes." A stream of urine dribbled out of his cute pink dick slowly, intentionally to savor the precious liquid. It dripped out and pooled into his tailhole before overflowing into the water below, yellowing it. "Don't tease me like that, I'm horny as fuck already." When Ember said this, the stream was let loose into its full pressure, fountaining into the air and onto the red dragons snout.

Ember felt like he was in heaven. He closed his eyes and allowed the warm, amazingly scented liquid to run down his face and chest. He let his tongue out to taste it and began licking at the base of his boyfriends dick and tailhole. As the stream weakened, Ember moved his mouth and tongue up further toward the tip to suckle. "Amazing." he said, his head drenched in piss. "I'm glad you saved it for me." Thoughtfully, but reluctantly, he lowered his head into the water to wash away the delightful liquid.

Blue emerged from the water as Ember washed, shaking the water from his body, and moved his head under Ember's tail to lick at his now throbbing member. "Damn, you really do like that, don't you?" He said, nipping and licking at the tip. "Not as much as I love you." Ember replied, done with his wash and leaning into Blue, nibbling his ears. "Nothing can ever change that." He probed his snout around Blue-eye's muzzle and coaxed his tongue out to kiss him, passionately.

"I love you too." Blue replied, feeling relieved from his piss and madly in love with his boyfriend, pulling his snout away and looking into his reflective green eyes "I really did miss you." He looked away. "I'm glad to hear it, but if you wouldn't mind, I really want a fat cock in my butthole right now. Its pure, remember?" The gorgeous dragon asked sarcastically, back to his old self. With only a soft smile, Blue walked around and began sniffing probingly at his boyfriends tailhole, lifting his thin tail up with his front claws. The scent was too much for him to handle, and he was clean as a button, freshly out of his bath. The way the underscales part to reveal the winking tailhole was far too inviting for him to resist, now erect to his full length.

"God dammit, you are so hot." he said, licking at his adorable asshole and throbbing cock. He poked his tongue at the hole and began kissing it. "This hole is far better than the other one. way less bad jokes. I think I'll just kiss this instead from now on." "I don't think it makes as many sounds unless something is inside it. I haven't fully tested it but it definitely makes noise. Maybe you could conduct some research." The red dragon was practically shaking from the pleasure of being eaten out, but obviously didn't lose his obnoxious wittiness. "ob cowse, sonds sientifcly sownd." Replied a brown dragon with a little too much dick in his mouth. He had already flipped his boyfriend over and had taken his length into his mouth.

He moved his tongue around the base and swallowed the delicious liquid that was now leaking at an outrageous pace. As he pulled his snout away from the softly moaning river drake he kissed and suckled the tip before letting off. "lets get this in there." he said as he lifted Embers legs up, resting against his own muscular thighs and pressing his cock against his boyfriends winking pucker. "please do." The red drake replied, loosening his asshole to allow the brown one to push in. The butthole kissing session from earlier had lubed it enough to make it a lot easier. "Fuck, its been too long." Blue moaned out, overwhelmed now with the pleasure of his boyfriends clenching tailhole, moving it in carefully as far as it would go.

He began thrusting and stared into the eyes of his lover as he did so. "I really do love you, nothing can ever change that." Ember said, reaching to his own member to stroke it. It was perfect, Blue thought, this is the way it should always be. He listened to the soft moans of his lover and picked up the pace. "I'm not going to last much longer, oh Blue, you are so good at this." "I'm getting there too." Blue replied, "let me help you with that." He reached his hand up to his snout and began licking it seductively, and with one final stroke of his long tongue over his hand, he reached down and tightly grasped his lovers throbbing cock.

Ember peeped out an adorable gasp as Blue intensely gripped his cock, moving up and down rapidly, all while vigorously thrusting into is tailhole, hitting his prostate smoothly and seemingly deliberately. Blue let up his grip a little bit and pushed his hips in as far as they would go. He leaned in and began kissing Ember , moving his tongue to dance with theirs. He was overwhelmed with pleasure as he felt the absolute bliss of his orgasm, seed filling the beautiful drakes tailhole. When he finished, he pulled out and painted the exit with the remaining seed.

"Fuck, that's a good butthole you got there." Blue said. "True, I'm glad you think so." Ember replied. seed dripping out of his winking tailhole. "I can fit all kinds of things in there. Its very versatile really." Blue let him down and lay his head on Embers soft belly. "Let me help you with that." He said, as he began fingering the pooled cum in Ember's butt. He pressed in as carefully with two talons trimmed carefully for just such an occasion and began lapping at the red drakes penis.

The pleasure from the talons in his ass, squelching from the cum and the warm, loving licks of his boyfriend caused Ember to moan and reach to caress Blue's soft, adorable ears. "I'm cumming." He said. The brown, toned dragon took this as a signal to move his head sideways right up to the tip and move his tongue around it, as delicious semen began to squirt out onto his adorable boyfriends chest. he moved his tongue in the way after a few spurts and suckled the tip clean, and then climbed on top of his panting boyfriend, softening dicks pressing together.

They laid like this for a few minutes nipping and kissing at each other, contented. "I hope it can always be like this." Blue said, licking behind his lovers ears. "Whatever happens, we'll get through it." Ember replied. "I know we will."

to be continued