A time since lost . . .

Story by Kit321 on SoFurry

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#1 of A Time Since Past

Authors Notes:- Legal disclaimer:- All characters and events are fantasy, should anything appear to resemble RL this is purely coincidental. As this is my first story I would love any feedback people may have. Please note this story contains scenes from the Gay world if that bothers you then please keep those comments to yourself. If you are underage please refrain from reading further. Hope you enjoy itJ (C) Kit321



Another quiet Tuesday night in the'Eviga' I thought, oh well least it'll give me chance to unwind after the long day at work. I often came here for a drink after work. Well when I say often I mean every night after work. The 'Eviga' was the one bar in town where you could just be yourself, no-one cared whether you were Gay or Straight or Fur or Hume, 'Attitude free' they used to advertise themselves as and they were as long as you didn't cause any trouble no-one minded what you were. The reason I liked it so much though is because it was quiet, the regulars who were there all the time were like my second family always there to cheer you up when you felt down or just be there to have a quiet drink with to help unwind.

The bar itself is just of the high street down a small alley, yes I know what you're thinking I have a gutter mind myself :-p but yes everyone knows exactly where you're going when you head that way and you get used to all the comments after a while you simply learn to block them out.

I'm Kit a 20 year old fox 5'8" with immaculate orangey-red fur with brilliant white chest fur. I know I sound pretty typical except for the brown streak which runs down the length of my chest, which when I was younger used to get picked on because of as everyone thought I was really a half-fur a Hume in a suit and the streak was my zipper and would try 2 unzip it only to find it just a fur mark. The amount of times I've tried to dye my fur white only for it to come back more prominent.

I live on the edge of the lower town in an area called 'Grey Mountain' so called because of the amount of slate which dominates the area; away from the busy student dominated upper town, what can I say I'm an old fashioned fox at heart I enjoy the peace and quite to much to be bothered with all that palaver. Mainly because I work in a school in a nearby town so want to come home to a nice quiet house. The school is the only one in that area that's fully mixed Hume and Fur, despite being in the roughest district of that town which, like many it suffered from more than its fair share of problems, 'Ysgol Harmoni' was a haven for the children and really lived up to its name for bringing harmony to the community.

I sat down at my usual table with my friend Katalina who was still buzzing over that fact that some crisis had happened at work today and as usual all her male colleges were to chicken to deal with it.

Katalina, is a dragon,'Y Ddraig Rhew' (the Ice Dragon) we all call her partly because of her icy white scales but also because of her temper if you got on the wrong side of her, not that we'd ever seen her get that angry but hey you know what rumours are like, she's also one of my best friends as I can tell her anything and she never judges, guess it's true that dragons are wise as she always knows just the right thing to say. She's a couple of years older than me and works on a kiddy's petting farm but she usually has to deal with the more aggressive animals they have as she's the only one not scared of them, probably because of her tough dragon scales she wouldn't care if she got head-butted by a goat she wouldn't feel it under all that armour. Katalina is straight but everyone's first impression of her is she's the scary dyke in the corner but really she's not she's lovely although it does help when you have trouble makers in the bar how I love it when she makes Chavvs feel about an inch tall especially when she can ridicule them in front of their mates.

The layout of the bar needs some explaining as it's quite random when you first enter. As you enter you feel like you're in a corridor with the walls missing between too rooms one with benches chairs and tables round the edge the other with a large stage at the end with the DJ booth attached. As you go forward you see the bar which is very small and can get quite crowded on a busy night especially as the bar forms the 'wall of the corridor as the snug is directly opposite which his usually the only part of the pub to have any sort of light in it, we all suspect the owner is a vampire as the place is so dark either that or he doesn't want anyone to see the scares from all the face lifts everyone says he has.

"Another quite night in the Eviga" I said trying to get the conversation off work.

"Did you honestly expect anything else Kit? This town is always so dead on a Tuesday night everyone's nursing their hangovers from last night.

"True" I responded somewhat uninterested if I'm honest.

As you've probably guessed we live in a quiet town in Wales where Monday was always the big night out in the clubs, but you could hardly call it a scene with only 2 venues.

It was at that moment as I was just looking round paying no attention to anything really, when I saw it, out of the blue, was I imagining it someone like that wouldn't come in a place like this all I could do is sit there staring.

"Kit ... Kit.... KIT... beth sy'n bod arno chi?"

(Kit .... Kit .... __KIT... what's wrong with you?)

"Huh" I suddenly snapped out of my trance."Hey, dim gweiddi ar fy Katalina"

(Hey, don't shout at me like that Katalina)

"Paid bod yn hurt, chi'n llwynog gwirion .. . o a chau dy ceg neu ti'n ymgais i ddal pryfed?"

(Don't be silly, you silly fox . . . oh and close your mouth or are you trying to catch flies?)

"Dwi'n iawn okay" I replied"a dwi'n ddim broga"

(I'm fine o.k. and I'm not a frog)

"Nah with that red colour of yours I'd say you look more like a goldfish with your mouth open like that"

"My mouth wasn't open" I replied with a slight snarl I didn't mean to it just sort of came out like that.

"Not much . . . thought they were going to re-route the channel tunnel at one point"

I glared at her unable to comment as I closed my muzzle, she was right though I had been staring a little.

"What was so interesting anyway?"

I didn't say a word I couldn't I just returned my gaze to the dragon-bunni that had walked into the bar. He was about 6' tall with short purple rabbit ears instead of the long bunny ears rabbits have. He was wearing a full length jet black leather jacket which covered his tail and wings, I guess this was an attempt to draw less attention to himself, but even in this he looked beautiful you could just see the hint of a defined dragon chest against the outline of the fabric.

"I bwy mae'n debyg?" (Who's he like?) Asked Katalina

"Duw a ?yr! Ond o'n annwyl." (God knows! But he's cute) I replied without thinking what I was saying.

"I hadn't noticed" she said with a cautionary tone to her voice.

I could tell she wasn't impressed and to be honest she had every right to be concerned she'd just spent the past two months picking up the pieces from the disaster of a relationship I'd not long come out of with 'Vidar'. Vidar was a British Bombay cat whom, like all cats found it hard to settle in one place I guess he was what you'd call a free spirit. He gave up his life to be with me but always resented the fact then one day while I was at work he just moved out without a word moving back to his hometown completely destroying me.

Suddenly this beautiful stranger spoke, his voice was like music to my ears it wasn't harsh sounding nor old and wise like that of a dragon nor was it happy and bouncy like that of a rabbit it was something completely new, I don't know why but it completely mesmerised me.

"I'm looking for erm ... oh, how do you say this? ... 'Why Dray-Guh Ruh-Heeww'" he said to the barman.

"If you mean 'Y Ddraig Rhew' she's the white dragoness over in the corner next to the fox."

I shook my head as though I was hearing things, had I heard that right, this handsome stranger was looking for Katalina and was coming my way. My heart skipped a beat as I came to my senses, play it cool I thought, but as he approached I felt myself staring again Katalina noticed too as she nudged me in the side.

"Diod r?an?" (Drink now) she said as she nudged me "get yourself one as well and one for our guest what would you like?"

"Thank you Miss" he replied "but you don't have to"

"It's fine... I insist... don't mind the fox he's going to the bar anyway"

"If you're sure?" he said looking straight at me I felt like I was going to melt as those dark eyes looked at me "can I just have a cola as I'm driving"

"Sure no problem I'm driving too" she replied "Wel para r?an"(Well go NOW)

"Who's the new guy?" asked the Dalmatian behind the bar as I approached

"Dunno but it seems like Kat knows him anyway."

"Hyfryd ar y llygaid" (Easy on the eyes too)

"Oh Geron please . . . he's only just walked in give the poor guy a chance besides isn't Amos picking you up tonight" I couldn't believe I was being so hypocritical, there was me telling Geron off when I'd been doing exactly the same thing since he walked in.

"What Amos doesn't see can hurt him" he said winking turning towards the girls who'd come in not long after the stranger "Yes love, what can I get you?"

I stood leaning against the bar thinking about this handsome stranger that had walked in. my head was buzzing with questions 'Who was he? Where had he come from? How did Katalina know him? Did she really know him? After all she did ask who he was when he walked in. He wasn't local that was clear from how he asked for her; then again did he really know her? Since he had to ask for her and we hadn't exactly been out of view of the door. I looked back over at Katalina and could see the outline of the strangers' chest better now he had sat down as it had pulled his jacket tighter mmmm nice six-pack he'd got going on.

I'm not usually one to be swayed by looks as I like to be able to hold a decent conversation with someone not just something pretty to look at well Vidar wasn't what you call conventionally attractive he had a bit of a spare tyre going on that he refused to acknowledge existed which really wound me up as he'd insist on wearing clothes that were really 2 sizes to small as he'd refuse to buy a larger size but somehow he'd stolen my heart a few months earlier. Right now however things were different, there was something about this dragon-bunni that had got my attention, all I'd seen really was his face briefly and the outline of what I assumed to be his well defined chest . . . then suddenly I remembered what jeans I was wearing and quickly turned around put it this way they wouldn't leave much to the imagination if I didn't take my mind of him soon ... man he was hot.

"Kit ... Kit"

"Huh" I replied still in my dreamy state

"Three cola's that's £3 pl... Kit? Are you ok babes? You look miles away."

"Sorry Geron I was" I chuckled "... erm how much for the drinks . . . £3 yeah"

"Yeah that's right . . . as long as you weren't hankering after Vidar again I don't really mind where you were. You're better off without that cat" He replied chuckling to himself.

I paid Geron and took the drinks over.

"Kit this is Dreken he's not long moved to this town." said Katalina as I sat down.

I went to say something but couldn't get the words out it took all my effort just to manage the words 'Hi I'm Kit"

"Pleased to meet you Kit" he said smiling sweetly as he offered his hand to shake. "Sorry for pinching your girlfriend for so long I've been having some problems with my housemate and needed someone to talk to."

"We're not a couple" we both said simultaneously giggling at the same time.

"Just good mates that's all so there's no problem" I added as Katalina got up to go and cover for the DJ who needed a break.

"Sorry just saw you looking over a few times and thought . . . forget it its fine . . . tell you what let me get you a vodka to put in that, before you protest I'm gonna have one too I don't have to rush home so one shot will be out of my system before I have to drive."

"If you're sure you won't be driving for a few hours ok . . . although looking at how busy this place has got maybe you could buy me the drink next time you're in"

"Ok deal" he said.

We spent the rest of the evening just chatting about random things but I wasn't really paying much attention to what he was saying I just sat there letting him do most of the talking while my mind wandered to thoughts of what lay beneath that long coat of his. He must have caught me looking a few times as he mentioned he was sorta seeing someone from back home . . . bummer why are the good looking ones either straight or taken. Least I knew one thing I'd have a pleasant nights sleep dreaming of my handsome stranger.