Scale and Fetters - Ch 1

Story by mizor4 on SoFurry

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#1 of Scale and Fetters

Laisc finds opportunity after his sister forces him to entertain the son of a gryphon diplomat.

Laisc curled himself around a plain leather-bound book in the middle of the floor of his quarters, dark red scales like a pool of blood spreading across the smooth stones. The shelves around the walls held real books, their spines painted in ornate calligraphy, the covers embossed with gold leaf or the name of a well known author. His book had none of those things, the corners still sharp, the spine stiff and unforgiving.

The right page remained stark white and empty, but the left showed the burgeoning form of a predatory four-legged creature. A wolf in this particular case, but Laisc had seen many of the creatures during his explorations, and despite many similarities, they clearly weren't all the same animal. He thought of trying to catalog them, perhaps find a better way to distinguish between the larger, almost bearlike wolves depicted in his sketches and the smaller creatures that traveled in groups.

A wisp of smoke rose from the page, the warm scent of char curling through his senses, and Laisc forced himself to focus. A dragon's claws made for poor penmanship, and Laisc's father had forbidden him to have a human scribe inside the palace. But given enough practice, it was possible to control magic so precisely as to lightly scorch paper, marking it as if with a pen through force of will alone. Few bothered, the skill offered little beyond writing and took years to master. Laisc smiled at the creature beginning to take form, the prowling set of its shoulders exactly how he remembered.

The door to his rooms burst open without warning, heat nearly burning a hole right through the page. Laisc whirled to his feet, tail lashing in annoyance as he glared at his older sister. A faint mist of steam rose from his nostrils.

"I assume I'm not interrupting anything." Yphess strolled into the room, gracefully shutting the door behind her with her tail, a smirk traveling from the book he'd abandoned on the floor to himself.

Laisc growled softly. "You can't just barge in here unannounced."

"Would you deny a member of the royal family?" Her scales glittered, a beautiful opalescent sheen to her light gray body with verdant green markings that took on a blue tint towards her wing and tail tips. "Certainly you wouldn't be up to anything untoward locked up in here all by your lonesome all the time?" Her golden eyes took him in, a smile flashing fangs bared to strike.

The spines on the back of Laisc's neck and the tip of his tail flared, but he forced an outward calm to not give her the satisfaction. Instead, Laisc placed his flank to her, making it clear she wasn't welcome any further into his quarters. "I'm royalty too."

"Mmm." Her tone made it clear that she didn't agree. "Well, your grace, the gryphon emissary has decided to bring along one of her brood, a timid thing by all accounts, said she wanted to give him some experience in the world. Force him out of the nest, so to speak." Yphess strut directly towards Laisc, only to turn at the last moment, letting her tail rasp along his chest.

Laisc swatted her tail away, glaring. "I know father has no interest in me being part of any of that."

"The actual politicking, yes. But then I had the idea-" Yphess turned back towards him, her lean body angled away but her neck arched gracefully to look over her shoulder. Any other male in the court would have thrown themselves at her feet had she presented herself so to one of them. The unctuous sweetness in her voice made him nauseous.

"Who else would be more suited to suited to showing some runt a memorable experience here at the palace?" Yphess swooped towards him, her maw drifting towards his ear and striking distance of his throat. "I haven't heard the faintest whispers of anyone admitting to letting you mate. I'm sure you know someone who would stoop so low as to fuck one of those overgrown birds and keep quiet about it."

Laisc growled, baring his fangs, the spines on the back of his head rising. He could strike too, crush those coveted opalescent scales so she never spoke again. Despite his uncommonly small size for a male, he still outweighed her - a little.

Yphess grinned. "Good boy. I'll take that as a yes." She turned towards the door, the very tip of her tail snapping against the side of his muzzle. "A guard will bring the boy. Try to make this room a little less-" Her golden eyes traveled past stacks of books and the overturned bag of supplies he took when traveling, snout wrinkled in disdain. "Sad."

The door slammed shut, but Laisc stood watching it with his spines flared, bared fangs dried by the heat of his breath, long after Yphess left. Shame burned hot in his chest, tendrils of steam rising into the air from his nose. Every time he promised himself he wouldn't let her get under his scales. Then she did. Again. He forced himself to remain still, to breath. Succumbing to rage let her control him. She did not control him. He repeated it like a mantra over and over again until he trusted himself to flex his claws, then relax.

Completely unrelated to her words, Laisc did need to clean his quarters. Most dragons of his station had servants do that, but he didn't trust them to not rummage through his belongings, and more importantly, his books. Even if not out of curiosity, on orders of Yphess or another of her faction. No one would chose loyalty to him over her.

So he set about the task, calmly organizing his things and secreting away his personal works. What was Yphess' goal in having him host some gryphon lordling? She was cruel, but never without reason. Humiliating him was a bonus, but she wanted something else out of this too. Was this visit somehow more important than he realized? Would their father be upset if he failed spectacularly enough?

Laisc straightened one final stack of books then curled himself up in the large nest of fine blankets he slept upon. If he left now, no one would find out before morning, and by then, he could hide out in the wilderness until the delegation left. But that could be treason if his father wanted it to be, and Yphess would certainly push the case. He groaned, then lay awake for what felt like hours running through every scenario he could imagine before sheer exhaustion took him.

He woke late the next day, untangling himself from warm silks and velvet. Rarely anything ever forced him out of bed, and while the welcoming ceremony wouldn't require nor want his presence, he didn't want to risk scrambling awake when they knocked on his door. Instead, he took the time to nervously pace his antechambers.

Some royal he was, his stomach boiling at the thought of entertaining an unimportant young lord of a lesser faction. Yphess' words rang in his mind, taunting. A timid thing. Had they been to mislead? What would he even do with the young gryphon. He'd never even spoke to one before, and his own eccentricities didn't make him popular among the court.

Some of the heat washed up his throat, thin trails of steam leaking between his bared fangs. Find the boy a mate. No one in the royal court would degrade themselves as they'd see it, even though it posed no risk of a clutch. No one had ever shown interest in him, and he was a direct descendant of the high lord himself. Probably another one of Yphess' machinations. At least that was what he told himself.

A sharp rap at the door startled Laisc to attention, his claws extending reflexively before he could settle himself. He should have fled the previous night and never returned. Gritting his teeth, then letting his face relax into what he could only hope appeared a friendly expression, Laisc opened the door.

One dragon and two gryphons waited outside. The dark green dragon had black spines and accents, wavy onyx streaks running along his flank and shoulders. Red and gold silk adorned his left foreleg, a mark of the royal guard. Laisc didn't know him by name, but this particular guard often attended Laisc's father.

The young gryphon lord had his own escort, an older grizzled looking creature with a long scar down the neck of his dull brown plumage and wearing armored claw-guards as if preparing to fly out to a battlefield. Hard sky blue eyes sized up Laisc. Laisc found the older male's expression impossible to read, even for a gryphon.

Between the two guards stood the youngest of them, a proud, handsome male with sleek black plumage that shone faintly blue when the light struck him just right. An ashen furred torso shared its color with his wings, ivory feathers adorning the trailing edge. A mostly white tail swayed with restrained excitement, the tip black with the same hint of blue as his feathers. Wide light jade eyes beamed up at Laisc, the younger male's plumage ruffling in anticipation.

"Lord Laisc," the dragon guard spoke, his voice clear and bold with none of the disdain Laisc had come to expect from Yphess and her cronies. His dark green head with the exact amount of deference appropriate. "This is Lord Eiros of the First Flight of Vinwood."

The young gryphon hastily bowed, lower than necessary, his front talons slipping on the polished stone floor, but he recovered quickly. "It's an honor, Lord Laisc."

Laisc nodded respectfully. "Just Laisc. Please come in." He stepped away from the door and extended a wing in invitation.

Eiros scurried inside, awed eyes taking in the large antechamber. Laisc nodded politely to the two guards. Eiros' escort stared hard at Laisc, then the dragon guard, but said nothing, and the dragon closed the door for Laisc, shutting them in.

"I didn't expect to meet one of the High Lord's sons." He bobbed a quick bow. "It's a great honor."

Laisc chuckled. "Clearly you aren't familiar with our court." The moment the words left his mouth, Laisc wished them back, wincing.

"S-Sorry." Eiros shrank in on himself, feathers flattening against his body. "We don't often get news from so far away."

Lasic wanted to bite off his own tongue, but forced a smile and bowed his head in apology. "No no, it was a poor jest. I'm-" He managed to stop himself this time. Telling the excited gryphon that he'd been dumped on the court pariah probably wouldn't improve things. "I'm not known for my eloquence."

Eiros let out a nervous laugh, his wings twitching to settle their feathers. "Oh, um, well I guess I'm not either." A silence hung over the room like a thick smoke, choking and grim. "These are very nice rooms."

It took all his effort not to retreat to his bedchamber and bury himself under blankets. Eiros was doing a far better job of this than himself. Laisc attempted an inviting warmness to his tone. "I hope your own accommodations are comfortable. We don't often get visits from gryphon flights. You're actually the first gryphon I've met in person. I'm excited to meet you as well."

"Oh!" Eiros puffed out his chest a little, attempting a regal pose. "I guess I always think that dragons already know everything." His laugh sounded a little more earnest. "My quarters are very nice, thank you. Your whole palace is very impressive!" He wandered around the periphery of the room, head cocked towards some of the books Laisc had left out. "I think you have as many books here as our entire library back home."

"Do you read often?" Laisc's hopes rose. If there was one thing he had no trouble conversing about, it was books.

"When I can." Though he sounded hesitant. "To the detriment of my other duties, according to some." He shot a rueful look towards Laisc who returned a wide grin.

"Yes, my tutors made that observation clear to me as well." He gestured to the bookshelves. "Luckily my father has other more ambitious heirs to occupy him, and I can do as I wish, most of the time. What do you read?"

From there, conversation flowed easily, and the two compared titles, Eiros explaining the many histories kept in their library, and Laisc attempting to interest the gryphon in titles absent from a far more limited selection.

"There are far fewer books written like this one," Laisc explained, watching Eiros to gauge his interest.

Eiros carefully used the back of his claw to separate and turn pages rather than risk tearing the vellum with the tip. "It just describes different types of metals?"

Laisc nodded. "Their properties and how to combine them."

"It's very detailed," Eiros noted, his tone unsure. "Are you planning to become a smith?"

"Not a smith." Laisc tried to contain his excitement. No one else had shared his enthusiasm of the topic yet, or even humored him. "But look at it all, the order, all this information laid out and cataloged. There are countless books on histories, on individuals and nations, but why not natural things? There are patterns in his lists, connections he makes near the end, possibly new combinations of metals and their uses. I think this same methodology could be applied to all kinds of things."

"Like what?" Eiros continued carefully flipping through pages, his tone preoccupied.

Laisc shifted nervously. Did he dare mention his personal works? But if not now, when might he get another chance, someone who might share his interest, or at the very least entertain a discussion. And with Eiros leaving in a few days, he wouldn't have anything to gain by spreading rumors to the court.

"Like everything," Laisc said, deciding. "Stone, the stars, plants. All of it can be cataloged and studied." He took a deep breath. "I've started working on something myself. Studying animals."

"Animals?" Eiros finally pulled his attention away from the book and set intent green eyes on Laisc. "You write?! Can I see? Do you have your own scribes?"

Laisc beamed, ruffling his wings in an attempt at modesty, trying not to puff out his chest. He knew it wasn't a good idea, but he'd never had the chance to show anyone else his work. "I haven't completed anything yet. Most are just studies anyway." Who would Eiros even tell? In the end, Laisc scurried over to the large desk where he hid his books under the false bottom of a drawer.

Eiros crowded in, feathers puffed up in excitement. No one else knew about the false bottom, and Laisc tried to block Eiros' view with little success, not that it wasn't already obvious. None of the leather-bound books displayed a title on spine or cover. No one else might ever lay eyes on them.

Despite their similarity, Laisc knew the small tomes well, and picked out two that didn't contain anything too questionable. Some of the anatomical studies he'd drawn would certainly die with him. Laisc carefully placed the books on the desk and stepped away.

"I prefer to spend time away from the castle when I can," Laisc explained. "They're mostly simple observations." Compared to the other books Eiros had peered through, the thought of someone else reading his amateur work sent a nervous curl into Laisc's tail. He pawed the stone floor awkwardly, waiting as Eiros reverently opened the first cover. A long silence hung over the room, each moment warming Laisc's chest until hot vapors curled from his nostrils.

Eiros ran the back of a claw across a page. "This is scorched! It's supposed to take years to learn. My tutors wouldn't let me."

"It is!" Laisc paced around the antechamber to expend some of the nervous energy vibrating through his lean body. "I've been practicing for about six years now." Unfortunately most dragons found the level of dedication required to master the skill a useless endeavor. Such a precise application of magic offered nothing to a batlefield. A waste of time for someone of Laisc's station, or so he was told. Not that he had any status in the court anyway.

A sense of wonder filled Eiros' voice. "These pictures are almost lifelike. You should publish this, others need to see!"

Laisc squirmed at the unfamiliar brilliance spreading through his chest, all of the stress and anxiety that had clawed at his mood since his last visit with Yphess melting away. No one had ever complimented him on anything he'd done before.

"Thanks," Laisc all but whispered once he fought down the urge to chirp like an excited fledgling. "I've never shown anyone before." Eventually he sat down on his haunches, wrapping his tail around himself to stop it from wagging. A silence fell over the room, broken only by the occasional turn of a stiff page.

"Have you done any other species besides this book?" Eiros asked, but Laisc missed the hesitant tone.

"A few, but there a many more wolves around the forests than other species. There are subtle differences between the packs I've encountered. There are some wolves that I don't even think are wolves at all, the smaller, lankier ones, but I don't know why. They behave differently as well." Laisc cut himself off, Eiros still engrossed in the book more than the explanation.

"I see," Eiros said in a distant tone after the silence stretched. "Any about gryphons? Or dragons?"

"Uh, n-not yet." Not that he hadn't considered it, but something like that could land him in a far more embarrassing situation if anyone found out. Eiros hadn't turned the page in a while, so Laisc got up to peer over his shoulder. The weightless elation dropped away, dread plummeting into his gut. How had he forgotten about this page?

Detailed sketches spanned both pages showing different angles and features of canine anatomy, one picture in the bottom right of two wolves mating. An embarrassed heat crippled Laisc's thoughts, an urge to snatch away the book, maybe even flash the pages to ash, erase the evidence. The longer his thoughts raced without traction, the worse that awful searing grew in his chest, heat shimmering before his eyes.

"S-Sorry," Laisc stammered. "I didn't realize that was in there." He forced a noise out of his lungs, intended as a laugh, that sounded closer to a death rattle. "Nothing really, just something odd I thought of trying out." Eiros let Laisc shoulder him aside to snatch the book and snap the pages shut. He held the book outstretched as if it might explode, unsure of what to do with it.

"I don't mind," Eiros said quietly, not quite looking towards Laisc or the book. "You're able to capture so much detail." He settled his feathers, picking at the stone floor with a large hooked talon.

Laisc froze, also keeping his gaze to the ground. "You don't think it's weird?"

Eiros shook his head. "I've never considered it before. They're not at all like my-" Again he shook out his plumage, letting sleek feathers settle back across his chest and wings. "I thought maybe you would have done one on dragons."

A different type of heat spread throughout Laisc, his heart slowing from a frantic sprint, leaving a prickling discomfort of embarrassment. He didn't want to admit that he'd never had the chance to explore a female dragon in any detail. Laisc chuckled nervously, placing the book back down on the desk. "I don't think many of my kind would want to have themselves in such a book. Any of the greater species, really, and you're the first gryphon I've ever met in person."

Eiros laughed as well, a similar edge to his voice. "I guess so." A tense pause filled the room, both dragon and gryphon glancing towards the closed book then away. "I-" He breathed deeply. "I wouldn't mind."


Eiros' feathers and sleek fur puffed up, green eyes lingering on the floor around Laisc's feet. "I wouldn't mind letting you put me in one of your books. I mean, if you wanted to."

"You- Really?" Laisc couldn't hide the interest in his voice, the words escaping before he could even consider.

"You're really talented. If you've spent so much time working on this, then I'm sure there's a good reason, and-" Eiros forced his chin up, meeting Laisc's golden eyes. "I'd be happy to help with your work!" The summoned confidence impressed Laisc, his guest alone in a foreign domain and willing to indulge Laisc's strange interest. There was no way Yphess could have planned this as some kind of trap. Probably.

"If you're sure, but you really don't have to-"

Eiros grinned, and Laisc couldn't help but match. the wholly strange experience and awkward subject forging a bond between them.

"What should I do?" Eiros asked.

"I guess just stand in the middle of the room?" None of Laisc's subjects had ever offered to pose for him. Typically he hid the best a large apex predator could and observed from afar.

Awkwardly, Eiros moved to the center of the antechamber, his feathers inky black beneath interior light. Ash gray fur covered a powerful torso, sinewy muscle transitioning to scaled talon below the knees of his forelegs. A barreled chest tapered to a lean belly and powerful hind legs, hide stretched taut over well defined muscle all the way down to heavy paws, the hint of retractable claws tipping each toe. For all the arrogance of the draconic court, Laisc couldn't help but admire such a handsome creature, his striking predatory face and agile wings, the way his fur rippled across lean muscle and graceful curves.

Laisc slowly circled Eiros in an attempt to memorize every small detail. He rarely had the luxury to sketch in the field. Wind could interfere with how the paper burnt. It felt strangely voyeuristic to study a sentient being.

"Do you mind if I touch you?" Laisc asked, admiring how the sheen of Eiros' coat shifted as he moved around him.

"I guess not." Eiros shifted his talons, tail held meekly by his ankles. "Be careful with the feathers. They're probably a little more delicate than your wings." His feathers looked impossibly delicate, layering his head, neck, and wings with intricate patterns. Laisc didn't dare touch them.

Instead Laisc gently nudged Eiros' flank with snout, letting his scales brush through soft silky fur, warm against his face. A faint woody scent filled his nostrils, an earthy clean scent reminiscent of the forest after a heavy rain. Even the most luxurious silks lacked that intrinsic heat of their own, and Laisc found himself nuzzling into Eiros' hip.

"You're very soft," Laisc said, eventually pulling away again to admire how the muscle shifted beneath fur as Eiros balanced himself against Laisc's prodding.

Eiros chuckled, running his talons over his other foreleg. "I guess compared to only having scales." His tail swished, the motion drawing Laisc's attention.

"Nearly all larger creatures are like you." Laisc watched Eiros' tail sway back and forth across two heavy balls hanging between his thighs. "All of your anatomy is external. It seems inconvenient."

Eiros blinked, then shrugged, head lowering shyly. "I guess I don't really notice."

After so much time wondering their purpose, Laisc couldn't help himself but take advantage of Eiros' offer and leaned down to probe them with his snout. Eiros' powerful hind legs tensed, his sack drawing tight up against his body.

"C-Careful," Eiros squeaked. "They're um, they're very sensitive." His hips shivered but relaxed.

Laisc jerked back. "Did I hurt you?"

"Um, no." Eiros' tail meekly obscured his balls.

Such a strange yet pervasive feature. They fascinated Laisc, and he carefully resumed his exploration, tenderly curling his claws under Eiros' tail and letting the slim appendage trail through his slack grip and guiding it out of the way. Laisc leaned back in with the utmost care, lifting his snout from below to feel their impressive their weight. Eiros' balls slid to either side of his snout, each a distinct heavy orb, a gentle musk radiating with the heat of Eiros' body.

Unlike the rest of his body, this singular patch of exposed hide carried no fur, the black skin smooth, letting Laisc glimpse the subtle features below, each ball slightly oblong, the way everything joined his pelvis. Laisc's snout offered a limited probe, so he let his long dexterous tongue inspect their enticing curves.

Eiros gasped softly, his rump tensing. "T-That's warm," he whimpered in a tight voice but didn't ask Laisc to stop.

The gryphon even tasted softer than a dragon might, warm hints of fur and flesh and a slight tang of salt. Laisc's tongue probed the smooth underside, the slight ridge running along the top less obvious at first glance. He curled his tongue around an entire orb, slowly licking to memorize the exact curves, enjoying the smooth flesh, the reluctance of his tongue to pull away, tacky to against bare hide.

Eiros panted. "Um, L-Lord Laisc, maybe we should-" A low whine accompanied an intense shudder. "Should take a quick break."

The request didn't sound pained exactly, and Laisc allowed himself one last lick, his snout buried in the crook of Eiros' hip to let his tongue caress the full extent of his balls. A meaty slap reverberated through Eiros' belly accompanied by the faint patter of liquid against stone.

Laisc pulled away. "Are you okay-? Whoa."

Eiros shied away but could do little to hide the enormous cock bobbing underneath his belly. Thick veins ran the nearly three foot length, smooth black flesh taut, a full ridge running along the underside to a blunt tip. Large stubby spike protrusions crowned his tip, but they appeared soft and pliable. His cock tensed again, slapping the underside of his lean belly and releasing a stream of precum to the stone floor between his talons, a few glistening drops clinging to ash gray belly fur.

"Sorry," Eiros stammered. "Your tongue felt so-" He cut himself off and hid his beak under a wing.

Laisc couldn't take his eyes off of Eiros' endowment. He had spied horses from a distance, their anatomies similar. He'd longed for a closer look at the flighty animals. Now he had his chance. Another powerful slap left precum matting Eiros' underbelly and an already impressive slick on the floor below him. Laisc bent closer, Eiros' scent heavy in the air, a gently masculine prickle running up Laisc's snout.

"Are you doing that on purpose?" Laisc asked curiously, waiting for the almost predictable twitch and thump before leaning in. Once more Eiros shied back but stopped at a calm shushing from Laisc.

"Not really." An anxious chirp echoed through the chambers, wings ruffling. "It happens when I'm close to-" He moaned softly.

Laisc wouldn't let such a chance slip away from him. Careful to not allow the tips of his claws even a chance of grazing Eiros' thick shaft, Laisc gently grasped Eiros' cock which instantly leapt upwards with surprising strength. Eiros mewled, shifting his weight between sets of limbs. Stilled by Laisc's grasp, precum dribbled in a near constant flow down the broad face of Eiros' blunt cock, interspersed with heavier pulses.

Laisc couldn't explain why he felt so captivated by the sight, perhaps the intriguing anatomy or the wanting undertone of each whimper, the shy reluctance despite Eiros' obvious need. With a deep breath, Laisc ran his tongue across the glistening flat tip of Eiros' cock, tasting the salty fluid, feeling the hot precum stream between his parted lips to leak down his chin. Eiros' cock attempted to surge upwards, the shaft swelling thicker, stiffer. The fleshy spines reached outwards, and the blunt head bloated, the flat tip curving outwards while the circumference nearly doubled in thickness, edges curling back.

"Lord Laisc, you shouldn't-" A series of elated chirps interrupted his protest. "I'm not going to- I can't-!"

Thick cum erupted from Eiros' cock and battered the side of Laisc's muzzle, bitter salty seed flooding his maw before he snapped it shut, the viscous fluid clinging to the inside of his mouth before another pulse doused the side of his face. Each heavy jet bloated the thick black shaft, drawing the black skin tight and gleaming, Laisc feeling the seed flowing between his curled paw. He held Eiros' cock towards the ground, protecting his belly and the backs of his forelegs from the torrent and instead wasting the virile release in a loud spatter against the stone floor.

Eiros bucked his hips, a delighted chirping song playing from his chest that Laisc hoped no one outside heard. The six fleshy spines protruded outwards, reaching in tandem with each torrent. Female gryphons must enjoy quite an experience.

The display waned until only a trickle of cloudy white fluid oozed from his cock. Eiros gasped, his large chest heaving, quiet pleasured chirps woven among panting breaths. Tension drained from his limbs, the tight definition of clenched muscles fading beneath silky fur.

Laisc let go of Eiros' softening shaft, letting it swing between his hind legs, the last strands of cum falling in fat drops. Everything retracted back up into Eiros' pelvis, leaving little hint of his true size beyond a thick hairless sheath of the same black flesh. His tip nestled up into the folds, glossy and wet, a small bead of cum hanging precariously.

Distracted by the impressive sight, Laisc nearly forgot the mess slowly dripping from his face. His long tongue easily cleaned the viscous seed from his maw, but swallowing it proved tricky, Laisc feeling it cling to his mouth and throat. The sharp taste lingered, each breath carrying the pervasive scent of Eiros' release.

A low keening sound chilled the room. Eiros nervously shifted beside the large puddle slowly spreading across the stone floor, his fur and feathers puffed up in embarrassment.. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I-I can clean up, I didn't think I couldn't even control myself-"

Laisc tried a gentle laugh to lighten his tone. "Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal." He tried to nuzzle Eiros' shoulder but the other male avoided the contact. "I've never gotten to see someone orgasm like that before. It was incredible!"

Eiros hunched lower. "Sorry. I-I should probably go. I'm sorry." And before Laisc could try to stop him, Eiros fled, slipping out the door and leaving Laisc alone with the scent of semen thick in the air and a large pool of it covering the middle of his antechamber.

Laisc let his forehead droop to a clean section of the cold stone. He was such an idiot.