Back Again

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#19 of Cycled life

Heres yet another section, I hope you guys enjoy this one and all that stuff....

As always if you find anything that you want to point out or that you feel is off then feel free to tell me, criticism is quite welcome** , and with that.....**


Jake and Lucas began their hike early the next morning, getting up and leaving by half-past six. They arrived at the trial an hour later. It was the same place they had gone before spring break, and the day that Jake had told Lucas that he was gay. They walked together and talked to begin with-Lucas was still half asleep. Jake felt great, the cool air that ran through his fur made him feel invigorated. The entire park was relatively abandoned; the only people they saw were those that worked in park.

"How are you not freezing dude?" Lucas asked, looking over at the bear. Lucas had put on a light jacket, and had on a black pair of insulated wind pants, but he had on a pair of shorts underneath, for when it warmed up. He was still a bit chilled though; but, Jake, the bear was only wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Jake was also carrying a backpack that held a few things they thought would be good to carry; water, snacks, and other had his glasses in a container.

Jake chuckled lightly, "I just don't think it's that cold...I mean, yeah, it's certainly chilly, but Back home I didn't even wear jackets in the dead of winter,"

"This is where I could say you're fat," Lucas said under his breath, he said it with a chuckle.

Jake looked over at the wolf, "I'm not fat...just well insulated,"

"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night," Lucas replied with the same chuckle.

"That'd be you," Jake replied casually.

Lucas laughed, "I'm glad to hear that," he said with a grin. They both continued to walk, gaining speed as they moved. They would find themselves occasionally jogging, slowly running up or down a certain path. After the first hour they arrived at the foot of the mountain. It would take them two and a half hours to get up to the top, and then the same time to get back down.

They began their ascent and Jake enjoyed the pace. For the first hour they walked and talked casually, talking to each other about weather, school, and other things. After a while they both began to focus on the hike though, not spending breathes on talking. They would occasionally stop to drink water and rest for a moment.

Jake sat down on a rock and sighed, "I need to get out more..." he said and wiped a paw across his brow. He was keeping a good pace, but could tell he had gotten out of shape. He was glad he wasn't unhealthy though.

"You're doing fine," Lucas replied. He was leaning against a tree and taking a sip of water. He looked at the bear and smiled, "So ready to continue...Big-guy?"

Jake looked up at the wolf, "Only if you are...Puppy," he said, an equal smile.

Lucas's smile fell away for a moment, the bear's comment making him stare for a moment before he laughed, "Touché..." he said and extended a paw to the bear.

Jake grabbed the wolf's paw and let out a grunt as he stood back up. They were a bit more than half way there, but Jake remembered that the last mile was the worst; it alone took nearly thirty minutes. It was practically all up-hill; it was hell. The last bit of it was flat though, as it led to a look out. After awhile they arrived at the part where it went up hill. He sighed and looked over at Lucas, "It's all down-hill from here," he said, chuckling at his own joke.

Lucas looked over at the bear, "Well, let's just try it. It could be could require climbing," he replied. He watched as Jake nodded and took the first step of many. He followed suit and quickly moved after the bear. After just the first ten minutes his legs were killing him, and he could tell Jake was struggling. It was a difficult climb, Lucas knew that. He had even run when he was younger and thought this was difficult. It was probably one of the harder hikes, but the most important factor was perseverance, it was the deciding factor for every hike. Eventually he stopped, as did Jake who was behind him, he stopped for the bear, and for himself. Lucas could feel his shirt was damp with sweat. He didn't take it off though; he had already put his jacket away and his wind pants, now in a pair of shorts. Despite it all, the cold air up here may cool him off, but that was actually the problem. He knew that he needed to stay warm, so he didn't need to take off his shirt. He actually felt a bit chilled as he stood there. He looked at Jake whose shirt was damp, and the chest was actually wet.

"Why did we stop?" Jake asked, curious.

"You need to rest Big-guy," Lucas said and before the bear could raise a complaint he silenced him with his own paw, "and I do too,"

Jake stopped his complaint there. They moved over to a rock and both sat on it. They knew they were close; it was just a bit further to the top. This part of the trail was covered with trees; the trail itself was very small and very steep, yet ended with a plateau. The trees were a natural safety precaution, if you fell down you would hit one; an ironic way to save your life. The trial wasn't straight up, but it was steep. It wound, like a snake, you had to walk up the slivering path. He looked over at Lucas who was rubbing his shoulders. Jake slid closer to Lucas and moved a paw up to help the wolf, rubbing the wolf's shoulders.

Lucas looked over at Jake when he felt the bear's touch. He was about to say something, but it felt nice, the bear's paws relaxing him. Jake did this for a minute before stopping and Lucas looked over at the bear. He smiled and leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on the bear's muzzle, and Jake began to massage his shoulders again. He wasn't sure why but the touch made him relax immensely, melting into the bear's arms; leaning into him entirely.

Jake could feel the wolf relaxing. He wondered if he was actually helping, not sure what he was doing. He knew that rubbing around and near certain receptors could help with stimulating nerves, something related to what they had learned as the gate-control theory. He dismissed his more scientific thoughts and instead took pleasure in the fact that he was as close as he was to Lucas. The wolf leaned against him and Jake soon found himself leaning against the rock. It was actually comfortable, he rested his head on the backpack and they were on enough of an incline that it felt like a recliner. He felt Lucas begin to nuzzle against him, sighing frequently as he continued his treatment. Jake leaned forward and began to kiss Lucas's head.

Lucas felt the bear's kiss and nestled closer to the bear's warmth, feeling the bear's wet chest make his own back damp. He could smell the bear's scent, strongly emanating from Jake, and nestled closer to the bear, as if trying to cover himself with it. After a moment the initial impact of the bear's scent went away, and it just lingered, Lucas sighing and breathing it in. Lucas became lost in his own enjoyment, not sure how much time had passed. He was finally brought out of his trance when a pair of lips found their way to his neck, Jake nipping and kissing at his neck. Lucas realized that the bear's paws weren't even at his shoulders anymore; he hadn't noticed when Jake's paws stopped massaging his shoulders, and instead began to roam his body. He also realized that he had begun to unconsciously grind his rump against the bear, his tail moved to the side. He rocked back and forth against the bear's sheath a low moan escaping his muzzle.

Jake let his paws roam as they pleased, caught up in his treatment. He felt Lucas's tail flicking and wagging a bit, the wolf apparently not aware of it. Jake pulled on Lucas gently and let out a moan, beginning to grind his bulging sheath against the wolf's grey rump. The combination of their scents was nice, it seemed natural to Jake. He wasn't sure who was enjoying this more, him or the wolf above him. Jake began to grow more bold in his roaming, his paws beginning to slip past the wolf's waist, yet not into the wolf's boxers.

Lucas let out a gasp which turned into a sigh as the bear's fingers just barely touched the below his navel. He nuzzled Jake roughly, and felt the bear's paws finally slip into his shorts, past his boxers. The feeling of his cock quickly swelling in its sheath made Lucas moan, but the bear's paws never touched his sheath. Instead Jake rubbed his legs sensually yet roughly with his paws, and the bear's next action made Lucas let out a loud gasp.

Jake's paws finally went to the wolf's sack, rolling the wolf's orbs around in his paw, Lucas practically clay in his paws now. He could feel the wolf's grinding increase, which made him moan and meet the action. Jake couldn't help but smile as he played with Lucas who was, consciously or not, trembling with pleasure under his touch. Jake stopped kissing at Lucas's neck and moved his muzzle next to Lucas's ear, and let out a growl of pleasure.

The sound made Lucas shudder more. Everything Jake was doing was painfully pleasurable, making him bite his lip. He knew that their break should've been over, knew that they shouldn't even be as they were at the moment. Using whatever will power he could muster; Lucas pried himself away from his mate's grasp. When he pulled away he saw Jake smiling at him, and he smiled back. "Sorry Big-guy...but you want to complete this hike right?"

"Yeah...besides...we have more time for this later," Jake replied understandingly. He agreed with Lucas entirely. They needed to get moving if they were going to make it in good time. Besides there was the silent promise of what was to come as soon as they finished their hike. Jake smiled and nodded. He got in line behind Lucas, whose tail was swishing happily back and forth for the remainder of their hike. Jake felt like his legs were weakened, and wished that his cock would finally go down, returning blood to more needed areas. He pushed forward, not wanting to stop, if he had learned anything it was this; if you run, don't stop. Never give the lactic acid the advantage--that was the worst thing you could do in a race. He wasn't racing against Lucas but he was against his own body. He didn't want to lose, to quit or give up.

Eventually they made it to the top with scrambling feet, racing each other to the look out, and both panting. They moved up and as soon as they got to the area both fell down and panted. Lucas had won, but Jake was surprised that he had kept up. He panted and tried to catch his breath, taking in every one like a man in the desert would burying his head in a pool of water. After a few moments he was able to gain his breath, and looked over at Lucas, whose breathing was better too. "That...was...crazy," he panted.

Lucas chuckled and looked over at the bear, "See...I told you that you're almost beat me...I must be the one getting fat,"

Jake laughed, "Yeah took it easy on me didn't you?"

"No...but you did get a head start," Lucas said.

" five what?" Jake asked, but what the wolf said was true.

"More like ten seconds...out of a thirty second sprint..." Lucas said and grunted as he sat up. Any response the bear gave wasn't heard as the scene caught his view, "Wow..." he said, gazing out at the view.

Jake sat up and looked out; the wolf's reaction seemed like an understatement. The view was one that took what little breath he had away. They were on the highest part of the trail, at the look out. In truth there was no actual peak to this mountain, at least no noticeable ones. It was like a large plateau was set upon the top, evening it all out. It was still considered a mountain though, it was still rising. Jake stood up and walked a bit closer to the edge, but stayed a good distance away. The view was amazing, and he felt a smile cover his muzzle at it. He saw Lucas out of the corner of his eye standing next to him, both just staring out at the space. In front of them was nothing but forests, and a few smaller mountains, some places still holding a bit of morning mist, that shone a golden green in the sun's rays. It looked as if, from this place, the entire world was still so natural. "I love this place," Jake said with a sigh.

Lucas smiled and stepped closer to Jake, "Yeah..." he replied. He felt the bear's arm around him and smiled. The view, amazing as it was, began to lose its hold as he looked towards the bear.

Jake smiled and brought the wolf closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and bringing him to his side. He wasn't even worried if someone saw them, they were isolated from the world up here. Jake found that the beauty of the scene couldn't hold his attention though. Instead the small of view of Lucas in his peripheral vision began to take over his entire eye. He looked over at the wolf, and was surprised to see the wolf doing the same. Without saying anything he leaned forward and kissed the wolf lightly on the lips, and then pushed forward a bit. He closed his eyes and began to kiss the wolf more passionately, feeling the wolf return every motion.

Lucas turned around as the bear began to wrap his arms around him, bringing him into a warm embrace. Lucas kissed the bear with an equal passion, moaning lightly as the bear pulled on him. Using his paws he rubbed Jake's chest feeling the fur just behind Jake's shirt. He moved his paw down and under the shirt, now running the bear's fur through his fingers, and finally returning the warm embrace. The feeling was amazing despite his aching muscles. The feeling of his and the bear's tongues guiding over the other's and how Jake's arms pulled him against the bear's chest and made a warmth spread throughout his body; all these seemed enhanced in the moment and Lucas didn't want it to end.

It wasn't fast or needy like when the bear had teased him. This time it was something else; Lucas wasn't even sure how to describe it. It was just as it needed to be; both expressing their love for the other as best they could through the kiss. Every movement seemed to carry the same passionate feeling as their muzzles were locked, tongues gently massaging one another's, and they both let out low moans. He was glad that it seemed Jake had no intentions of letting it end, as the bear pulled him tighter still.

After what seemed like hours Jake pulled away from Lucas, the passion of the kiss still strong. He didn't have his eyes open and leaned forward and kissed the tip of Lucas's lips gently, repeating this a few times. When he stopped he aligned his head with the wolf's; his nose on Lucas's and his forehead on Lucas's. Jake let go of the wolf, but Lucas still held onto him. He ran his paws up the wolf's arms and rested them gently on Lucas's shoulders. He cupped Lucas's face a little and gently rubbed the wolf's cheek, "I love you," he found himself whispering repeatedly into the wolf's ear every few moments.

Lucas held onto Jake lightly. The sound of the bear's voice repeating to him made him feel calm and warm. He nuzzled the bear and kept his eyes closed lightly, the feeling of the moment washing over him. Somehow everything seemed different, better, full of emotion. Despite the bear repeating the phrase, it always felt genuine; it never lost a bit of emotion. He told the bear the same, his words lighter than the bear's. He wasn't sure when Jake stopped saying the words, or when he began, but it didn't matter, it was just one part of the moment.

Lucas held onto the bear for a bit longer before they both pulled away. He looked up at Jake who was smiling gently back at him, and did the same. There was nothing to say, anything added about how they felt would only be superfluous, and they stayed near each other. Leaning up he gave the bear one more gentle kiss. He moved and stood next to Jake as he had before, both returning to the view. Lucas rested his head on the bear's shoulder as they stared out on the scenery; Jake's arm wrapped around him gently and lightly rubbing his arm. After a moment they both pulled away from each other, but stayed near each other.

They walked to a tree and sat down under its shade, Jake slinging off his backpack. He sat next to Lucas and rummaged through the contents of his backpack. He felt Lucas leaning on him and did the same, using each other to sit up. After a moment he brought out two sandwiches, some powder, and crackers, "I've got sandwiches, flavor for water, and some crackers..." he said, handing them to the wolf.

"Thanks..." Lucas said and took the food. He undid the saran wrap and bit into the sandwich, then grimaced immediately. The taste was horrible. He looked over at Jake who saw the reaction and began to laugh. Lucas grimaced at the bear, "You gave me your sandwich,"

Jake took the sandwich from the wolf and handed him the one in his own paw, " mistake," he said with a chuckle. "Some things never change,"

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked and took a drink of water, trying to get the flavor out of his mouth.

"Remember when we left for spring break?" Jake began with a chuckle.

"Oh...yeah..." Lucas said, interrupting the bear. He looked at Jake and punched him in the shoulder, "the first time I found out that you have terrible taste,"

"I do don't I?" he asked with a grin, "I mean, think about it...I'm dating you,"

Lucas fooled a face of mock hurt before laughing, "Ouch...that was a bit hurtful," he said, looking at Jake. Lucas was surprised to see the old goofy grin on Jake's muzzle; it was something he hadn't seen in quite awhile. It made him feel happy to see the grin on Jake, whenever he saw the grin it meant Jake was happy. Lucas leaned forward and kissed the bear lightly once more.

"What was that for?" Jake asked, still grinning.

"Just before you eat that terrible sandwich...I won't want to afterwards I'm sure," Lucas replied with a laugh.

Jake smiled at the wolf, "I may not even eat if it means I can have you instead,"

Lucas chuckled and bit into his sandwich, this one was much better. Despite the fact that Jake had terrible taste in sandwiches, or so Lucas thought, the bear could make good ones. He was impressed the bear's skills with food. He looked over at Jake, "Don't worry...there'll be plenty of time for that,"

Jake smiled and nodded before biting into his sandwich. He looked over at Lucas who was inspecting a drink packet.

"What flavor is this?" Lucas asked, holding up a drink mix packet.

"Fruit punch...I think," Jake replied, and grabbed one for himself. He tore it and poured it into his water bottle, then shook it up. He tasted it and looked back at the wolf, "'s fruit punch...I think,"

Lucas laughed, "What's that supposed to mean? You think you know that you think it's fruit punch?" he asked, getting confused from his own question.

Jake smiled and offered his bottle to the wolf, "It's fine,"

Lucas accepted the bottle and took a sip, the bear was right, it tasted good. It was very refreshing after the hike, everything tasted better after a hike for some reason. Lucas enjoyed the food a lot. He took his time, eating slowly, as did Jake. They talked a bit as they ate, "Going back down is going to really hurt,"

Jake groaned, "Don't tell me about it," he said, just the thought of going back down the trail made his muscles ache.

Lucas chuckled at the bear, "Well, you know something? Gravity could take us down quickly,"

"Intact?" Jake asked with a smile.

Lucas paused for a moment, acting like he was thinking; "No...probably not intact," he replied with a chuckle. He nipped at a cracker and stared out at the scenery some more. When he finished eating he leaned his head on Jake's shoulder, the bear had finished too. He felt Jake lay his head on top of his own. They both enjoyed the quietness of the moment and relaxation it brought. Lucas moved his head from under the bear after a moment.

Jake looked over at the wolf who had moved, and stared at him for a moment. He noticed that Lucas was staring at him.

Lucas smiled gently at the bear and leaned forward, planting a quick kiss on the bear's muzzle, and then pulling away; "I love you," he said and kissed the bear again.

"If you kissed me after I ate my sandwich...I'm sure you do," Jake replied. Jake felt like the smile on the wolf's muzzle filling his own muzzle, and he began to return the kisses. He began to move a little and was soon lying down in the grass, and brought Lucas on top of him. He kissed the wolf lightly, that's all the kisses were; light and playful.

They exchanged the actions in turn, each time gaining a bit more enthusiasm and ground. Soon they were kissing each other deeply, sometimes only for a moment before pulling away and letting the other take over.

This continued for a minute before Jake stopped for a moment and pulled on Lucas tightly, grinning at Lucas. He felt a surge of joy running through him, that Lucas and him had this time together, "I love you too," he said to the wolf.

Lucas smiled at the bear and kissed him gently once more on the lips, "Yeah, but I love you more," he said. He didn't think about the words, it was more like a game. He usually hated it when people said these types of things, but this seemed different, it wasn't just some puppy love response.

Jake ran his paws over the wolf's back, "I'll have to show me to make me believe. After is a verb," he said with a grin.

Lucas smiled and kissed Jake slowly, but letting it build in passion.

Soon they were both pulling on each other and guiding each other in their dance. They both let out sounds of pleasure; Lucas yelping into the bear's maw when Jake did something surprising and moaning as they kept each other close, and, Jake growling in pleasure and letting off the occasional whine when Lucas teased to pull away. They began to switch positions, Jake occasionally rolling himself over onto Lucas and showing a bit more aggressive side, and just as quickly submitting himself to the wolf's roaming tongue and paws. Time blurred, neither sure when they had begun, but both sure that they didn't want it to stop. Sadly it had to, and both pulled away.

Jake looked at the wolf, "Well...I think it's a tie,"

Lucas smiled and nuzzled the bear, "Yeah...that sounds good,"

Jake held the wolf in his arms; Lucas had turned around so that they were both staring up at the sky. He hugged Lucas and kissed the top of his head, "You know...this place is special to me..." he began.

"Hmm?" Lucas inquired, waiting for Jake to continue.

"I mean, yeah, I came out to you at the apartment and all that...but this place...this is where it all started for me," he said.

Lucas smiled and nuzzled the bear as he spoke. The place was pleasant, that was true, but it hadn't held anything special. Now, with Jake telling him about how he felt; this place began to hold a special meaning, the bear's emotions and his entwined.

Jake continued after a moment, "Lucas, this where life seemed to finally make 'a turn around' for me. It's where I began to take the chance to open up, to allow someone to get close to me...and it's where I realized I wanted you to be that person,"

Lucas turned around in the bear's arms and smiled at Jake. He leaned forward and kissed Jake lightly, "Thanks," he said, it meant a lot for Jake to tell him that.

Jake held onto the wolf for a moment before letting go, the time to go approaching. When he felt Lucas roll off him he knew that was the signal to get moving. He sat up and grabbed the trash and threw it into the backpack. He looked down at his watch, "Oh...dang, it's already one o'clock," he said with a chuckle.

Lucas looked over at the bear's watch, "Hmm...time well spent though,"

Jake smiled and nuzzled the wolf again, "Yeah...definitely,"

Lucas returned the affection. He felt Jake begin to kiss along his neck and he pushed the bear away, "Jake...we really need to leave," he said with a chuckle.

Jake pulled away and smiled, "'re right," he said, and took the chance to kiss Lucas. He pushed his muzzle against Lucas's; kissing the wolf deeply once more before they had to leave. The sound of Lucas's moan made it harder to pull away, Jake didn't want to. After a minute he did though. He saw the look on Lucas's muzzle; it was one of content and confusion. Jake smiled at the wolf, "That one was for the trail,"

Lucas smiled at the bear, "Ya' know...this place is really amazing...I should've brought a camera...if it always had this type of effect on you" Lucas said with a chuckle. He didn't mean it insultingly. This place just seemed right; like when they were here everything felt better.

Jake chuckled, "Trust me Lucas...I love how this place is, but places like this can lose their look. And it isn't the trial that makes me feel this though; you will always have this effect on me," Jake replied and kissed Lucas once more.

Lucas felt himself blush, the bear's words burning his ears. Despite how much more the bear blushed, whenever Jake gave him such praise, kind and endearing words, he felt his face become red.

Jake grinned and stood up. He slung the backpack upon his shoulders and looked to the path. He extended a paw to help Lucas up, who came up with a grunt. He looked out on the scenery one more time and smiled, it was a good place. Letting out a sigh he leaned down and began to stretch his legs, Lucas doing the same. After a minute they both stood up again and moved out without a word.

Going down the mountain was quicker, but also felt more strenuous. Jake felt his already sore legs being worked in different ways, new muscles doing the majority of the work as he moved downhill. The quick pace did make up for it though, and he guessed that if they kept it up they could reach the bottom in two hours. He kept his focus on the wolf in front of him as they moved.

After two hours of hiking they finally reached the bottom, a clearing showing they had reached the end. Lucas smiled and took a deep breath, " we just have to get back to the car,"

Jake came up behind him and stood at his side, "Yeah...just another hour of pain and suffering,"

"This is what happens when you're lazy," Lucas replied with a chuckle.

"I don't think lazy is the right word to describe our life," Jake laughed.

Lucas looked over at the bear and nodded. It was true; they were actually too busy usually to work out. Without another word they began to walk again, glad to be back on flat ground, the sun shining over head. Lucas looked back over at the bear, "This has been fun,"

Jake smiled at the wolf at his side, "Yeah...thanks for coming with me,"

Lucas chuckled, and nodded. "Yeah, you probably needed an escort,"

Jake looked down at the wolf, "I'm pretty sure you mean that the other way around,"

"Do I?" Lucas asked with a grin.

"Yeah, and I don't feel all that tired...I'm still in good enough shape to get out here,"

"We'll then...let's see who keeps the lead...ho--" Lucas was saying before he fell down, not hard though. He heard the sound of feet scrambling, and looked up the see Jake running off. The bear grabbed him and lay him down on the ground. Lucas scrambled to his feet, "You cheater!" he yelled as he began to run after the bear.

Jake tried not to laugh as he ran, but couldn't suppress some of the chuckles that came along with it. He moved as fast as his legs would carry him, and was surprised at how quickly he was able to move despite how tired he was. Even running as fast as he was he could tell Lucas was catching up quickly. After a minute he felt like he had more weight as something jumped on him.

"Gottcha," Lucas said and jumped using the bear's shoulder as a support. He quickly moved past the bear and laughed. He looked over his shoulder, "Cya slow poke," he yelled and increased his pace.

Lucas ran as quickly as he could till he was out of Jake's sight. Once he was a fair distance he stopped and relaxed, waiting on Jake to catch up. Lucas looked down at his shirt, it was now wet with sweat. He waited for a few minutes before the bear caught up, Jake panting as he stopped. Lucas chuckled and patted the bear on the back, "You can still're even carrying the back pack. I'm impressed,"

Jake looked up at the wolf. He stood up and locked his hands behind his back so that he stood straight. He breathed deeply and after a minute was breathing more normally. They weren't far from the car now, it was just a bit further. "Me too" he replied with a panting chuckle.

"Want me to carry it?" Lucas asked.

"No...but can you drive when we get to the car...I don't want my legs to cramp up on me," he said with a sigh. He knew that in the seat his legs would. It wasn't that the seat was small, just that it wasn't large enough.

Lucas nodded, " problem,"

Jake thanked the wolf and they walked the rest of the distance. After twenty minutes they arrived at the car, running had made the last bit of distance seem trivial. When they finally arrived Jake threw the backpack into the trunk and tossed his keys to Lucas. Before they left they both went into a tourist station near the trail, a place to rest and buy materials. Lucas bought a drink, but there was no one at the cashier, so he left the money on the desk. The store itself was relatively eerie, calm and isolated. He looked around the store and wondered where Jake had gone, after a few moments he decided to wait outside for him.

Lucas waited for a few minutes and began to grow anxious wondering where Jake had gone. After another minute he ventured back into the store, opening the door slowly. He poked his head in and looked around for Jake, not seeing him. "Hello?" he called out.


Lucas walked in a bit more and couldn't see anyone or anything new. The store gave him a creepy feeling, like there was someone watching him. Lucas walked to the cash register again, his money still sitting there. Suddenly he heard a sound behind him and turned around. He saw a flag waving lightly; which wasn't natural, there was no wind. Lucas walked towards it, and decided he was going to find out where Jake had gone. As he passed by a counter a pair of arms wrapped around him.

"Boo!" Jake yelled and hugged the wolf, who immediately began to fight against whatever was holding him.

Lucas let out a yelp as he felt arms surround him, and squirmed, but the grip was too strong. After a moment he realized that it was Jake holding him. He looked back at the bear, who was biting on one of his ears, "Where did you go, and did you see anyone in there?"

"Nature's call...and no..." Jake replied.

"Weird...Can we get out of here?"

"Scared?" Jake asked, teasingly.

"No..." Lucas said.

Jake chuckled, "Really? I would be...this place is creepy if you ask me...let's go outside,"

Lucas was grateful the bear didn't tease him for his scare. They walked outside and once there he felt Jake hug him again. Lucas nuzzled lightly against the bear, "You can really scare me sometimes. Come-on let's get out of here,"

Jake nodded, "Yeah...sorry I'm ready to go," he said, but didn't move, instead still holding onto the wolf. He began to move on the wolf's body, slowly biting on his neck and shoulder. Happy that Lucas wasn't trying to move away, Jake began to tease the wolf. He felt Lucas shudder under his touch, and began to rub Lucas's chest more roughly, moving his paws under the wolf's shirt.

Lucas smiled and shivered in the bear's arms. He knew they needed to get moving, but any thoughts of that disappeared as he felt a paw breach his shorts. He let out a long moan as Jake fondled his sack, and kissed his neck. Lucas found himself rubbing against the bear, his tail moved as he milled himself against the bear's large bulging pants and nuzzling Jake. He lightly whispered the bear's name, feeling his body going limp under the bear's assault. Using what was left of his demising will power he pulled away from the bear. After a moment he forced himself to move away, "Sorry, Big-guy...we can play later,"

Jake nodded, a small frown on his face. It was soon replaced by a smile though, "I'm looking forward to it," he replied and they moved to the car. After, he got into the passenger seat and put the seat down and back. He lay his head down and let out a content sigh as the car began to move.

Lucas drove along the road and noticed that about half-way down the bear had fallen asleep. He felt a smile cover his muzzle and he tried to focus on the road. Lucas wouldn't say it, but he was ready to get back to the apartment. It seemed like all day the bear had been teasing him. His sheath was now filled out and showed no signs of decreasing. After awhile the bear woke up and looked over at Lucas. Lucas smiled, "Have a good dream for me?"

Jake chuckled and raised his seat up. He let out a long yawn and looked at where they were, they were close to the apartment. "Well, you were in it if that's what you mean..."

"We should be home soon," Lucas replied, blushing at the bear's comment, "then we can relax for the rest of the weekend,"

"Yeah...I could use some...relaxation..." Jake said with a small smile, playing on the wolf's words. He looked over at the wolf and stared at him as he drove down the road.

Lucas blushed at the bear and noticed the bear's stare, "You OK?" he asked.

"Yeah...good," Jake replied and continued his stare.

Lucas fidgeted a bit, the bear's stare wasn't rude or strange, but it just made him begin to fidget. It was like he could feel the bear's lust coming off him, as if he wasn't about to explode from it already. He heard Jake chuckle and then felt the bear lean over and kiss him lightly on his cheek. He couldn't hide the smile that came over his muzzle at the bear's actions though, and felt the bear's paws move over to him next. The feeling of the bear's paws was becoming a large distraction; Lucas found that his foot became much heavier on the car's pedal. He pushed Jake's paw away, "If you don't stop then I may lose my concentration,"

Jake smiled at the wolf, and pulled away. "Yeah...that'd be a problem," he chuckled. He wanted the wolf, but knew that he would have to wait till they were safely back home and in the privacy of the apartment. From the wolf's reactions he chuckled; Lucas began to speed and was showing his own impatience. Soon they arrived at the building and Lucas quickly got out of the car and didn't even bother with the backpack in the trunk. Jake chuckled as the wolf almost ran up the steps. Jake smiled at the wolf, "In a hurry?" he asked with a grin as he chased up stairs. He didn't blame the wolf, he felt the same.

Lucas smiled at the bear, "It's your own fault," he replied, "Over the week you were 'distracted' but I guess I get it now...but still, we didn't 'play' at all,"

Jake chuckled, "Yeah...I guess I was...sorry Puppy," he said, they were at their door now. Jake wasn't sure if he didn't care or if it was just the lust but he was already leaning against Lucas, his paws rubbing the wolf.

Lucas looked back at the bear, "I'm just glad that you're scared me," he replied, not even bothering with the bear calling him by that nickname.

"Sorry..." Jake said, he was practically leaning on the wolf at the door, "But I'll make it up to you..." he whispered, his breath hitting and rolling down Lucas's neck.

Lucas was unlocking the door, trying to keep his paws stead as he unlocked it. He felt like he was about to die from the anticipation, wanting to take the bear now. The door finally unlocked and Lucas turned around, "Well, I gue--" he was in the middle of saying before the bear cut him off with a kiss. He didn't have time to react to the kiss, instead keeping his attention set on not stumbling as the bear pushed them into the apartment. The door closed with a slam and Lucas felt the bear's arms wrap tightly around him. As he adjusted to the situation he began to return the kiss, moaning loudly as the bear's tongue wrestled his own. They navigated through the apartment, losing and loosening some clothing as they went. Lucas quickly kicked off his shoes as did the bear and his jacket was thrown from him. He could feel the bear's paws fumbling with his shorts; eventually succeeding in unbuttoning what would've usually been an easy task. As they moved Lucas groped at the bear, and after some failed attempts with the button of the bear's pants stopped and groped the bear instead.

Jake moaned into the wolf's muzzle as he slowly pushed Lucas into the bedroom. He was actually surprised they made it without one or the other tripping or falling over each other on the way. Once they reached the desired location Jake pushed the wolf down onto the bed and began to take off his own clothing. He quickly took off his shirt and socks; Lucas somehow moving quicker than him though. The wolf was left in only his boxers and Jake felt the wolf pulling him closer. He didn't waste anytime with words, instead locking his muzzle with Lucas's once again; the wolf's tongue exploring his maw. He let out a moan of pleasure and leaned onto the wolf, pushing him down onto the bed.

Lucas pulled tightly on the bear, and began to run his paws down Jake's sides, never pushing them into the bear's pants though. Lucas pushed himself deeply into the kiss and began to grind against the bear, his boxers having a wet patch in the center. After a moment he pulled from the kiss.

Jake was about to say something when he felt a pair of lips start to suckle on his neck, tickling his skin as Lucas bit along his neck. Any words he had were lost in the moan as he melted in the wolf's arms. He let out a happy groan as the wolf's paws finally moved past his pants and began to grope him.

Lucas stayed on the bear's neck, and inhaled the bear's musk deeply. It was intoxicatingly strong, fermented from their hike today. He found where the bear's mark was and lightly bit on it, and a surge of memories flooded him. Lucas hadn't 'mated' with the bear since summer, ever since they had broken up. Lucas wanted to mate the bear again, but wasn't about to ask. Sometimes Jake would lightly rub his shoulder, more as if to feel the mark. Lucas noticed this fact, and felt that when and if, Jake wanted to he would let him know; he wasn't going to push Jake. After a moment Lucas felt a growl emanating from the bear's chest. He pulled from the bear's neck and buried his head in the ruff of Jake's chest, breathing in more of the scent. A shudder ran through him and he pulled more on the bear, eliciting another happy growl. Lucas then pushed on Jake and moved himself on top of the bear and silenced the bear with a quick kiss, proceeded by more quick and light kisses--Jake returning each motion.

Jake could feel the wolf's member pressing on him from Lucas's boxers. He moved one of his paws into the wolf's confining boxers. The wolf's cock was already slick with pre and Jake began to stroke it slowly, making Lucas moan loudly into him. As he stroked the wolf's cock he felt Lucas begin to rub on him more aggressively, the wolf's paws pulling at his fur, and making him moan loudly into the wolf. Soon he felt Lucas grab his pants and pull them down and he kicked them off. His briefs were tented heavily, a large wet spot in the center. Jake began to grind against the wolf's body, rubbing his and the wolf's body together and mixing their heavy scents.

They both pulled on each other and exchanged positions, their initial lust diminishing and a more passionate feeling taking over. As the heat of the moment went away they both lay there, still kissing, just more slowly. The lust hadn't died, it was still pungent in the air, it was just like an after effect now. Jake was kissing Lucas slowly, taking his time as he ran his tongue over the wolf's. When he pulled back he smiled at Lucas and kissed him again, beginning with a light kiss and slowly pushing himself into it. He let go of Lucas and instead moved his paw to the wolf's, interlacing their fingers. The feeling was nice. There was no need to be fast; they had all the time in the world. Jake pulled on Lucas gently and kissed him just as gently. When he pulled away he smiled at Lucas, "I love you Lucas,"

Lucas smiled and kissed Jake, "I love you too Big-guy," he replied and then pushed back onto Jake. After a few more minutes neither found it possible to ignore what was going on down below though. With both their members already fully engorged and poking the other. Both of them had tented underwear with an ever growing wet spot. Lucas was about to take his boxers off before Jake stopped him. He looked at the bear who just kissed him lightly on the lips, and then rolled him off. Lucas was on his back and he felt Jake moved down his body. He could feel the bear's lips tracing his fur all the way to his boxers.

Jake kissed along the wolf body and once he got to the wolf's boxers he licked at the wet spot in the center, the taste diminished. He ran his paws up Lucas's legs, rubbing his thighs and began to push his muzzle through the hole in the center of Lucas's boxers, his nose touching Lucas's cock. The smell was strong and heavy, it made his head feel dizzy and he wasted no time before his tongue was out of his muzzle lapping at the wolf. He adjusted himself and was soon sucking on the wolf's cock, half his muzzle stuck into the wolf's boxers. With his paws he rubbed the wolf's balls; pulling, massaging, and rolling them in his paw. He could feel Lucas thrust lightly up into his maw and Jake let out happy moan.

Lucas moaned loudly as the bear began to suck on his cock, and placed a paw on the back of Jake's head. With the approving growl he received he pushed the bear's head down a little and thrusted forward. After a few moments Lucas let go of the bear's head, but kept his paw there, Jake moving of his own accord. He thrust slowly and steadily into the bear's waiting maw, Jake's eager tongue coating his cock in saliva. As the bear continued Lucas found his gaze constantly running to the tent in the bear's underwear, a lustful stare on his face. Lucas let out a happy groan and then pulled Jake off his cock, who looked up at him questioningly; "I'm feeling a bit useless...can I help you out?" he asked.

Jake licked the wolf's cock, seemingly ignoring the wolf's question, but after a moment looked up. The taste of the wolf was amazing, it always was, and Jake felt like he could stay there forever. He didn't have to ask what the wolf meant he understood it perfectly well, and his own lust was urging him to take Lucas up on the offer. He pulled away from Lucas's cock for a moment and took the chance to remove what was left of their clothing, throwing the wolf's boxers and his underwear to the side. He moved and positioned himself over the wolf. He straddled Lucas, his cock hovering above Lucas's muzzle. Without another word he quickly returned to the wolf's cock, eager to have it back in his muzzle.

Lucas let out another moan as the bear's tongue wrapped around his member. He looked up at the bear's own leaking member and licked it quickly. He could feel Jake's reaction, the growl in his chest making his tongue vibrate around his own cock. Lucas let out a long moan at the new sensation and buried his head between the bear's legs. As he inhaled the bear's sack he lapped at Jake's cock, pre coating his tongue. When he pulled away a bit he began to lap at Jake's furry sack, not leaving one part untouched. After a bit he settled for taking the bear's sack into his maw and rolling it around, the bear's moans increasing greatly as he gave the bear's orbs a rough massage with his tongue. The taste of the bear was great; it increased his enthusiasm like a drug running its course through his body. Lucas noted a large amount of pre building up on his chin and under his muzzle from the bear's leaking member, but didn't want to give up what was already in his muzzle.

Jake lapped at the wolf's tip as he gently sucked on it. He pulled away for a moment before licking his lips, and letting out a moan as Lucas continued to lap at his sack and play with him. Looking back up at the wolf cock he wrapped his warm lips around the head as he suckled on the pre that spurted out from the moaning wolf. Jake began to use his tongue to lap at the tip more, and savored the flavor of his mate as it built up in his muzzle. He rolled his tongue around and over the cock, each action getting a different type of moan from his lover.

Lucas let the bear's balls fall from his muzzle and replaced the empty space with the bear's cock as soon as he could. As soon as he began to suck on the bear's member Jake gave a much louder moan and increased his own efforts, trying to show his gratitude, which Lucas noted, his own cock pulsing in pleasure. The musk of the bear had been good, and the taste of the bear's pre was even better. Lucas lapped at the drooling head, making sure to let the fluid cover his tongue before taking the entire member into his muzzle, sucking as eagerly as the bear was on his own. The feeling of the bear's cock in his muzzle was great, wrapping his tongue around it and sucking eagerly. He felt his lips being pulled and pushed by Jake's cock as it grew a bit thicker, then the felt something soft begin to hit his chin, noting that it was the bear's ball sack swinging back and forth, Jake thrusting in and out of his muzzle.

Jake felt his cock begin to pulse and quickly pulled away from Lucas, who gave a whine of confusion. Jake stopped for a moment and concentrated on trying to stay away from his climax, he didn't want to end it just yet; he had better things in mind. He looked back at Lucas and smiled gently before giving a quick kiss on the tips of the wolf's cock and beginning to turn back around to meet Lucas. He moved back up the wolf's body, taking his time and inhaling the wolf. He started at the base of Lucas's member and moved up slowly, nuzzling Lucas gently as he did.

The scent was strong and heavy, excellent and stimulating, familiar and comforting. Jake let out a sigh, and inhaled as much as he could; like it was a source of life. This was something he had come to love and recognize; it was the smell of his mate, something that he could never grow tired of. He finally reached Lucas's face and smiled down at him. He licked at the wolf's chin, clearing his pre from the wolf's muzzle before greeting the wolf in a passionate kiss.

Lucas could taste himself on the bear and could feel the bear's cock rubbing against his own. He enjoyed the feelings. After a moment he felt Jake pull away from him.

Jake looked at Lucas and licked his nose. He nuzzled the wolf for a few moments, and wondered how to ask. He knew what he wanted, but didn't want to seem like he was pushing the wolf, and was silently hoping Lucas would still want to even agree to it. He sighed and took his chance; "Lucas..." Jake began and blushed, "would you...mate me?" he asked, his face red.

Lucas looked up at the bear, a bit surprised. He didn't respond though, instead his mouth was half-way open as he let out a strange sound, something between a word combined with an unsure grunt. He stared at Jake, whose look never disappeared. " sure? Jake...I'm not going to rush you...If you do--" he was saying before Jake put a finger to his lips.

Jake smiled at the wolf, "Lucas, you're my mate, and I guess that makes me yours in retrospect," he said with a chuckle, "We're mates. You're the one I want to be with, my everything. You know...I'm not sure if it makes since...but, I need you because I love you,"

Lucas stared up at the bear, "Same here..." he said, the bear had truly said everything that he could. "Jake, I love you. I'm lucky that you're my mate" he said, leaving it simply at that, what else could be said.

Jake smiled and licked the wolf's nose, "I'm the lucky one," he replied with a smile. For a moment everything was calm--tranquil. He leaned down and gently kissed Lucas again. He pulled away after a moment, "Well...what are you waiting for Puppy?" he asked with a grin.

Lucas took that as his incentive to take over and hugged the bear tightly to him. He rolled over and made sure that Jake was the one on bottom. He didn't even pretend to be angry about the nickname; something in him was beginning to enjoy it. With a growl he pushed Jake further onto the bed, getting a grunt in response. He rolled the bear over so that he was on his back, looking up at him. He nipped at the bear's shoulder and neck a few times, teasing Jake. "I want to see you," Lucas said and kissed the bear on the lips.

Jake let out a groan of pleasure, and leaned up, pressing himself against the wolf. The wolf's cock slipped between his cheeks and he felt it rub against his hole. Before anything could happen though he felt Lucas pull away. He heard a snap, from a bottle, and then heard Lucas let out a playful moan. Jake began to grow anxious, tired of waiting on the wolf, and then felt Lucas's cock prodding his hole again. He felt Lucas lift up his legs and he did as the wolf instructed, relaxing them on Lucas's shoulders. He let out a low grunt as the wolf pushed into him, and Lucas slowly moved in to the root. Jake let out a happy groan, the feeling of his mate filling him.

Lucas let out a content sigh as the bear took his entire length. He waited for a few moments, letting Jake adjust to him. In that time he began to bite along the bear's ear, chewing lightly and playfully on it. After a moment he pulled out a bit and then pushed back in, the moan coming from the bear telling him to continue. Lucas kept a slow and steady pace at first, not wanting to hurt Jake. He nuzzled the bear's shoulder gently, a constant low-pitched moan coming from the bear. "Ready?"

Jake looked over at the wolf and licked his cheek, "Please," he said, implicitly allowing the wolf to continue.

Lucas smiled and pulled out of Jake, till the tip was left in and just as slowly pushed back in. It was a slow pace, taking his time and feeling the bear's passage clench around his cock. Lucas loved watching Jake's reaction almost as much as the general feeling. The bear was as relaxed as he was; his maw open and his tongue hanging out to one side haphazardly, but at the same time tense. Jake would shudder every few moments as his body was once again assaulted with delight. Lucas smiled and continued his pace for what seemed like forever, both of them moaning lowly like a song that showed no signs of a beginning or an end.

Jake felt his own stomach becoming wet with pre, his cock leaking more than he thought it ever had before. Despite the slow and leisurely pace he was breathing a bit more deeply now, as was Lucas, both slowly approaching their climaxes. He found himself in a trance from the wolf's treatment, the only things he was conscious of was the fact that he was with his mate and that his entire body was being drenched with pleasure. As amazing as everything was Jake felt a more primal lust building up in him, pleading for the wolf to pound into him. With an effort he pulled off Lucas's cock, the wolf letting out another whine of surprise mixed with confusion. Jake smiled up at his lover and quickly changed his position, getting on all fours and moving to the center of the bed, his tail hole facing Lucas. Jake looked over his shoulder and gave a wicked smile, "Well puppy? Are you just going to stand there?" he asked.

Lucas didn't need any more convincing and practically pounced the bear. He wrapped his arms around Jake's body, and pushed into Jake deeply, burying his cock back into where it belonged for the moment. He didn't waste anytime with their usual foreplay, instead beginning to pound Jake roughly. The sounds of their mating filled the room; their moans echoing around it, a chorus that turned to a orchestra, each one matching the other, Lucas's sack slapping against the bear's butt, and the sound of the occasional grunt from either party. Lucas was thrusting into Jake harder and faster than before, wanting to give the bear everything he could.

Jake let out a low moan of pleasure and pushed against Lucas. The wolf's member ran across and hit his prostate with every push, making his own cock leak a stream of pre that was building up underneath him. Jake could feel his cock pulsing, his climax already drawing up on him. Jake pushed back onto Lucas, making the wolf's cock go deeper and let out a low moan, saying the wolf's name in a more lustful state. His own cock was twitching and leaking what seemed like a river of pre. Jake began to thrust into the air, riding the wolf a bit more.

Lucas heard the bear and took that as a sign to change his rhythm. He began to thrust into Jake deeper and harder, the bear grunting occasionally. Lucas let his lust take over, he knew he wouldn't last long, a week of built up pressure threatening to blow with each thrust. "Jake...I'm getting close," he said, warning the bear.

He leaned down, all his weight on the bear, and began to buck into Jake, whose moans matched his own. He quickly nuzzled the bear's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Jake's chest before biting the bear roughly. It wasn't too rough though, not wanting to mark the bear yet. The pressure in his sack was building up with every thrust, as his sack slapped against the bear, every moment his climax closing in on him. His moans were muffled by the bite on Jake as his bucking became more rampant, the bear trying to ride him also. Any verbal sound he made was also accompanied by a low primal moaning growl from the bear.

Jake began to move as best he could, burying Lucas's cock into him every time the wolf pushed into him. He was moaning loudly now, the sound filling the room. The feeling of Lucas's bite was strange, a feeling that he hadn't felt in what seemed like an eternity, yet something that was too familiar to forget. He let out a low growl, his balls rising up and his orgasm threatening him. The only sounds in the room were that of their mating. Jake held back as best he could, but knew it was a losing battle. "Lucas...mate me!" Jake growled, something between a demand and plea.

At the bear's words Lucas felt the last thin ribbon that still stood between him and his climax gone. He bit into Jake's shoulder as hard as he could, penetrating the bear's skin, as he came. The first of his load shot into the bear's passage, followed by more, each one firing off. He moaned loudly and pulled on Jake as hard as he could, wanting to claim the bear as his, and for him to be the bear's. Suddenly, Lucas felt Jake's passage tighten around his cock like a vice, making Lucas's own cock pulse and surge, coaxing out everything in him as more waves of electric pleasure ran through his body. The bear's sudden move made his thrust return even stronger, bucking more into Jake. He pounded the bear as hard as he could, never letting up on his bite either.

Jake felt his own cock shooting, some hitting his stomach, but most hitting the sheets below him. As he shot his load and the wolf bit into his shoulder he let out a roar, his entire body being racked with pleasure. He bucked into the air, riding the wolf's cock a little as he did-increasing the feelings even more. He felt his entire body shake with the roar, sure that it was heard outside. He felt the wolf's bucking continue, and was grateful for it so he could ride his partner through his orgasm. He could feel a dull throb in his shoulder, the wolf still holding on with a deep bite. Jake felt drained of energy in the afterglow, and suddenly fell, brining Lucas with him. He fell down into the puddle of pre and cum that he had shot, and was breathing heavily, his cock still twitching as the sill thrust into him. Lucas was still thrusting into him, slowly and fully, making him moan, "" he found himself saying as the wolf continued to breed him.

When Lucas finally stopped thrusting into Jake he realized he was still biting the bear, and slowly let go, a bit embarrassed by his more primal side. He quickly began to lick the bear's shoulder and nuzzle Jake affectionately, worried over the wound. Despite the bear asking and saying that it was OK, there was always a moment of fear that Jake would be angry with him after they had mated. Lucas wasn't sure where the fear came from, but it was only amplified due to the time that had passed since he last bit Jake, it had been since summer. He felt a pang of fear run through him, "I'm sorry," he said lightly, still nuzzling Jake and a whine escaping him.

The wolf's words took Jake by surprise. He felt the wolf pull on him, but not like normal; it was out of worry. He turned over and looked at Lucas, who was still nuzzling him. He grabbed the wolf's shoulders and made sure the wolf was looking at him, "Why?" he asked, the question was vague, but he meant it as strictly as he could.

Lucas looked up at the bear, "...I just..." he began and then took a breath to help keep his tone steady, "I just...I'm sorry for everything Jake. That I ever betrayed you, that I haven't been ther--" he was saying before the bear cut him off.

"Lucas," Jake said firmly, "you aren't still thinking about that are you? I don't want to have that looming over you...or me. So's in the past...I forgave you, and I always will, and never have to say that you're sorry...not to me," he said as Lucas nuzzled his chest.

Lucas kept his head buried in the ruff on Jake's chest, staying there. He could feel the bear's paws running down his back and comforting him. He tried to keep himself calm, and let his emotions drain out of him. After a moment he looked back up at Jake with a weak smile, "Sorry...It's just...this was the first time...the first time, you know, that you asked me since summer. I was scared that I hurt you...that you were angry with me,"

Jake chuckled lightly and kissed the wolf on the lips, "Lucas, if I'm angry about anything it's that I waited so long before we did this again. It was amazing...I mean, it always is with's just..." Jake found that he was fishing for words.

Lucas chuckled at the bear and nuzzled his shoulder, "I know what you mean. It's just...different,"

Jake smiled, glad the wolf understood, "I'm sorry I waited so long, I don't know why I did...maybe it's because I was scared...but Lucas, I'm not anymore. This's the proudest thing I could ever have. I love you," he replied.

Lucas smiled and hugged Jake tightly. He buried his head in Jake's chest again, but not because he was sad. He did it because it was nice, the bear's presence made him feel better.

Jake held onto the wolf, and chuckled again. He thought to himself about how he had changed since he and Lucas had been together. It was strange; he felt like he was himself now. He wasn't wearing any masks or hiding a part of him, the wolf saw him for who he was. Pulling Lucas closer he kissed the top of his head a few times. When Lucas looked up Jake took the opportunity to kiss the wolf, running his paws through the fur on Lucas's back. He let out a happy growl and pulled Lucas onto him, the kiss was slow and tender; their lust satisfied for the moment.

Lucas pulled away from Jake and smiled, "You hypocrite..." he said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked, confused.

"You said you were sorry," he said, still chuckling.

Jake realized the wolf was correct and grinned, "I said, 'you never have to say sorry' doesn't mean you can't,"

Lucas looked at the bear, "You're just changing the rules as you go,"

"There are rules?" Jake asked.

Lucas stopped, and stared at Jake, wondering about what the bear had said. The only thing he could do was chuckle and kiss the bear. As he kissed the bear he felt his sheath begin to swell again, and felt the tip of Jake's cock pressing against him. He moved a paw down and squeezed the bear's sheath, getting a loud moan. Lucas felt Jake break the kiss, and wondered why.

Jake smiled at the wolf, "Ready for another round Puppy?" he asked with a grin.

Lucas grinned and kissed Jake in return, "Anytime...but I think it's your turn...or could I say my turn?"

Jake looked at the wolf and finally caught the meaning. "Oh...does Puppy want me to show him how it's done?"

Lucas actually felt himself blush, "Yes...I do actually," he replied, and his entire face became red.

Jake laughed, shaking the bed and pulling on Lucas affectionately, "OK...I love second rounds,"


There was no school on Monday, but on Tuesday life's chaotic pace continued.

"And that sums up memory. We will be studying emotions for our next chapter. For memories you will write an essay. This will be the first time I'm having you e-mail me your essays, but there is still a time-line so don't get used to it. As soon as you leave you will find that the essay topic has been emailed to you, so as you can imagine--this is honor based. I will not read any essays that are sent after four on the test day. On top of that, your test is also next class, be sure you're ready for it," Mason said to the class, finishing up a chapter on how memory works.

"Professor Kumar," a student asked, raising his paw in the air.

The professor turned his attention to the student, "Yes?"

"You said four...but four in the morning or afternoon?" the student, a cougar asked.

"Good decide...I'll take essays until the afternoon," Mason replied, "and with that; you are dismissed! Have a great day and be sure to come-in ready for the test, what a fun day to look forward to!"

The students got up and began to leave. Jake sat at his desk and began to gather his materials. He stood up and walked over to Lucas who was talking with Mason, they did this after every class. Despite the fact that they were students and Mason was a teacher, they thought of themselves as friends. The tiger was nice, and they got along well.

They were in the middle of a conversation before Mason's phone went off. "Oh...hang on," he said to Jake and Lucas then grabbed the phone, "Hello? Oh, hey...yeah...yeah I'm're working late? When will you be done?...Well why don't I just wait for you then...we could drive home together...because it'd save fuel...of course I want to wait on you...don't worry about it...I may just come and see you...Ok...Ok...yeah, you too," he said then hung up. He looked back at Jake and Lucas.

"Sounds like you need to go," Jake said

"Ehh...looks like I'm in for a bit of a late please don't be afraid to send in your'll give me something to do," the tiger said with a laugh.

"And if our essays say the exact same thing?" Lucas asked jokingly.

"You two aren't dumb enough to try that...but I'm sure ya'll will cheat off each other,"

Jake looked at the tiger, "What do you mean?" he asked, actually curious.

"You two...always seem to have similar answers...both of you give similar responses in my questions on quizzes, and I was glad to see that you weren't cheating," Mason said.

"Did you think we did?" Lucas asked, feeling a bit surprised.

"I did...your answers were very alike, but when I checked during one quiz I didn't see any signs of it..."

"But you think we will on the essay?" Jake asked, chuckling a little.

"I expect people to. You'd be dumb not to," Mason replied with a chuckle. "Besides this in itself is a study I'm doing. Remember what I said about the honor system?" he asked, referring to a previous lecture.

"You was way of running a variety of endeavors based on trust, honor, and honesty," Lucas replied, Jake nodding in response.

"Yes, I never said that you couldn't use each other....its more like a study on a persons' view of language; connotation vs. denotation," Mason said.

"OK...sounds like you're just playing games if you ask me," Jake replied.

Mason looked over at the bear, "Nothing harmful...just looking into nature I guess. I'm still learning myself after all,"

"Uh-huh...self justification," Jake replied, now just playing with the tiger.

Mason laughed, "Maybe..."

"Well, I need to head out...cya later Mason," Lucas said, picking up his backpack and putting it on his shoulder. He stopped and looked back at Jake, "You've gotta run by a class too right?" he asked the bear.

"Oh...that's right...I have to turn in my paper for Mr. Marlinton," Jake said, and thanked the wolf for reminding him. He looked back at the tiger, "Don't go playing too many mind games," he said and left, Lucas with him.

They both exited and went separate ways, agreeing to meet at the car. Jake quickly ran to the bear's classroom. He opened the door and found Kaden sitting at his desk, pencil in hand and lamp shining on a stack of papers. Jake could tell the bear didn't see him as he walked up. "Kaden, here's my paper," Jake said, alerting the bear to his presence.

Kaden jumped, his pen causing a large streak across the paper, and tripping right back into his chair. He looked up quickly at whoever had scared him, "Jake! What...what are you doing here?"

Jake chuckled and pointed down at his paper, "My said you needed it is,"

"Oh...well, thank you," Kaden said and grabbed the paper then put it on to the top of the stack. He put his pen down and leaned back into his chair, "Oh...this is going to be a long night,"

Jake chuckled, "You could try not giving us any work..." he suggested jokingly.

"Don't tempt me with that at the moment," Kaden replied with a chuckle. He let out a sigh, "So...what's up?" he asked the bear.

Jake smiled, "Nothing much...just got done with classes...get to go write an essay...what fun," he said, faking his enthusiasm.

Kaden laughed and smiled, "Well, it could be worse..."

"Yeah...I could be you," Jake replied.

"I guess that's true...but it's not all bad,"

"That's it's not that bad? How have you been?"

"Oh not too bad...I like the days...right now it's more like a rhythm of things. I can't really deviate from the set standards that I have to teach you. Are my lessons really boring?" Kaden asked.

"No...I like them. I think it's fun. I hope my grades agree with that though,"

Kaden chuckled, "I don't think you have to worry about anything in this class Jake, you're my brightest student. It's rare to find someone whose interested in evolutionary may sound nerdy but I'm looking forward to you're paper,"

Jake smiled, he was glad to hear it. Even if it wasn't very ethical, Kaden told Jake that he was his favorite student, but there wasn't much competition. Most of the people in class were very apathetic about being there or just wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible. Jake liked the bear's presence, they got along well together, both able to talk to the other for long periods of time. One moment they would be discussing a topic in the class like phenotypic plasticity and the next moment would be talking about their plans for the weekend. On most occasions, Lucas ended up coming into the room to find Jake still talking. "I hope it's OK...I don't feel I did too well when discussing on a new way to incorporate biomechanics with natural morphology...I mean, it's crazy...just the two names negate each other,"

Kaden chuckled, "I'm sure you did were supposed to write about a new way to incorporate two different studies and to combine them using the scientific method and suggesting such integrations could do. The entire purpose of the paper was to make you think...of course it was all skeptical to begin with,"

Jake sighed, "Yeah...I figured as much. It was fun...I just don't think my methods are very...sound I guess,"

"Well if you were to make a procedure that made sense...then you would either be a genius, or you'd be lying. Besides basic incorporation, talking about how one affects the other, you weren't really expected to make any new ground. Oh well, enough about the paper; you did fine I'm sure. So, how has life been?"

Jake smiled, happy for the change in topic. "It's going well. I went for a hike this weekend...wanted to get one in before the winter closes off the trails...but I think it'd be fun to see a snow covered view from a mountain top,"

Kaden smiled, "Yeah...too bad the park officials won't allow it...but it's for the best either way. Where did you hike?"

"Umm...White Ridge Pass...up to the plateau...we went up to the top of...umm...I can't seem to remember," Jake responded, trying to remember the names.

"Rock's Seat?" Kaden asked.

"Yeah! That's it...I knew ever been there?"

"Oh's one of my favorite nice and calm,"

Jake agreed and looked down at his cell phone to see the time and saw it had been nearly fifteen minutes. He quickly ended the conversation, stating that he had to leave. With a smile he said goodbye and began to leave, "I'll see you tomorrow Kaden,"

"Looking forward to it Jake," Kaden replied and waved a paw in the air as the bear left.

Jake moved out quickly and got outside quickly. He made a left and began to head towards his car, hoping Lucas wasn't waiting on him. On his way he saw Mason walking down the sidewalk. He stopped and waved at the tiger, "Hey...what's up?"

Mason looked up, surprised to see the bear, "Oh, Jake...nothing...I'm just walking this way. Get to go and wait for the next few hours..."

"Well...have fun with that...speaking of waiting...I really can't keep Lucas waiting. He already threatens to drive himself," Jake said with a chuckle and ran off.

Mason watched as the bear ran off and chuckled. He went and moved further down the hall before making a right and entering Kaden's room. When he entered he noticed the bear was over his papers, obviously lost in thought again. Mason felt a smile creep over his muzzle and he ducked behind a chair, slowly making his way up to the bear's desk, trying his hardest not to be seen. He didn't have to try too hard though, he knew that he could walk up to the bear in broad day light and still scare him, it was almost too easy. He slowly walked up behind the chair and then wrapped his arms around the bear, "Boo!" he yelled, followed by a simple "Hello," and got his expected reaction.

Kaden jumped out of his seat, only to trip back into it and make another mark across a paper. He put a paw to his heart and took a few deep breathes, "What is wrong with everybody?!" he asked, looking down at the paper and wondering how he was going to explain all the random marks to the student.

"Not my fault you scare easily," Mason replied with a chuckle before gently kissing the top of the bear's head.

"I don't scare easily," Kaden said, trying to defend himself.

" don't? Then what did I just do? You're eyes are wide and you're heart is beating quickly and you're breathing harder...all parts of fear," Mason replied.

"Or maybe it's just an evolutionary response to stimuli when someone sneaks up behind you," Kaden replied, using his own teaching tone.

"Would this evolutionary called fear?" Mason asked, teasing the bear.

Kaden stared at the tiger for a moment, not letting it falter. He wasn't too angry, the tiger usually did try and scare him. His mind was just a bit frayed from all the papers.

Mason chuckled and walked forward before kissing the bear on the lips, "Oh come-on you know I love you," he said, mollifying the bear.

Kaden felt his stare fade away and a smile cover his muzzle, "Well, you'd think after having people scare me my entire life I'd get used to it," he said, and then lightly returned another kiss.

"Want me to run out and grab us a bite? You said it's going to be a long night," Mason said.

"Yeah...that sounds good...thanks. I'm sorry...I didn't think that I'd have to grade all these papers so suddenly," Kaden said, immediately returning to his papers.

Mason smiled and kissed the bear's head once again, "You just need to keep up with'd miss your own birthday," he said jokingly. He laid his stuff down and exited, wondering what to get for them.

"Be careful Love," Kaden said, putting one more paper into the finished pile.

"Will do," Mason said and ran out the door.


Jake ran up to the wolf, who was waiting by the car, putting up a phone, "Sorry...was talking with Kaden again," he said.

"Yeah I figured...don't feel bad, I just got done talking with my dad," Lucas said and smiled. "He asked about you,"

Jake felt a small smile cover his muzzle as he got into the car. When Lucas got in he drove back to the apartment. Along the way they began to talk about what they would do for the report, "You know...I'm tempted for us to do this essay separately,"

"Really? I was thinking of just one of us turning one in and then the other giving him another paper that just says 'copy and paste' or something like that,"

Jake laughed and looked over at Lucas, "That'd be pretty good...too bad one of us would probably fail,"

Lucas sighed, "Yeah...too bad, but oh well, fun idea. So what do you think the topic will be?"

"I'm hoping on long-term memory vs. short-term memory or something like that," Jake replied and looked over at the wolf, "Hey...mind if we just stop by a drive thru for supper tonight?"

Lucas looked up at the bear, "Sounds good to me,"

Along the way it was silent for a moment and then Jake finally spoke, "Does something seem strange about Mason?" he asked the wolf.

Lucas looked over, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, he doesn't wear a wedding band...but he says he lives with someone...and he usually gets called...and I'm only guessing that it's a girlfriend...but this person has to teach at the school...but I have no idea who it is," Jake said, thinking more about it.

Lucas chuckled, "Curiosity isn't a great thing..."

"Are you saying you aren't?" Jake asked.

", I'm curious...I've noticed it too, but I guess it doesn't reason to snoop into it...I wouldn't want it to happen to us," Lucas replied calmly.

Jake laughed, "Yeah...that's true. Still, just a bit curious really. He gets called after almost every class...and yet he hasn't said anything about it,"

"Well...we haven't said anything about us being together," Lucas replied.

"Yeah...but I don't think most guys are quite about their girlfriends. I mean, come-on, we can't get Kyle to shut-up about his," Jake said as he drove up to the speaker box at the drive through.

Lucas laughed and tried to be quiet, not wanting to interrupt as the bear ordered. After he finished they drove around and got the food; he had ordered two burgers and three large fries. As the bear drove back to the apartment they resumed the conversation, "So...why the curiosity about Mason? You like him?" Lucas asked teasingly.

Jake chuckled, "Oh, yes...that orange fur really does it for me...and how he's a teacher...oh it's just like a forbidden fruit," he said, acting like he was daydreaming.

"Haha," Lucas replied to the bear, surprised he went along with it.

Jake looked over at the wolf and laughed, "You know you're the only one for me,"

"No, I'm just the only one who would take you," Lucas replied, jokingly. "So...why the curiosity?"

Jake chuckled, "I don't know...I just thought it was know, just something about how he wouldn't think of him as the type to be bashful about it...he's got a pretty eccentric personality,"

"That's true..." Lucas said and chuckled, "Oh well, he does have a few years of psychological training more than we do,"

Jake laughed, "Yeah....that could make a difference," he said as they pulled into the apartment. Grabbing the food Jake looked over at Lucas, "Well, let's go see what our assignment is,"

Lucas chuckled with a nod and grabbed whatever the bear couldn't. They moved up the stairs slowly, and he opened the door for the bear. When they got in they both sat down at the table and began to unwrap their food.

"I'll get us something to drink," Jake said and moved to the refrigerator. He began to put ice in the glasses then fill them.

Lucas was typing in the password for his email, while stuffing a few fries into his muzzle, followed by looking for the e-mail from Mason. After finding it he opened it and swallowed the fries, and then read it aloud, "You have remembered your password, which allowed to access your e-mail...Ok, this is weird," Lucas said, stopping after the first sentence and then continuing, "if you hadn't had a memory of your password, you would not be able to know the object of this assignment. In a clear and coherent essay please discuss why we forget. What makes us remember what we do? How can we trust what we do remember? Please don't forget that this is due by the time I see you next class," Lucas finished.

"OK...sounds...boring," Jake replied as he looked over the wolf's shoulder. "I guess we could talk about motivated forgetting, interference, and the decay theory for one section; it would sound good,"

"Yeah...I can take care of the paragraph for initial memory dullness we could talk about Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve, and then just tie some stuff together. Sound good to you Big-guy?" Lucas asked.

Jake smiled and kissed the top of Lucas's head, "Yeah...this shouldn't take us more than thirty minutes,"

Lucas chuckled, "Yeah...can you believe it? We don't have too much work to do tonight. This is a miracle; we can get to bed at ten,"

"Yeah, I know. We might be able to sleep by ten or so,"

"Huh? Big-guy, I just said bed...sleep can wait," Lucas replied with a grin.

Jake didn't look back at Lucas, instead a blush covering his face. He opened up a document and began to type for the essay, taking care of one section as Lucas did another. They both decided they would type their own introductions and conclusions, but work on the body paragraphs together. As they began to type they ate their meals, both eating a burger and eating the fries. Jake usually ordered three fries; they both enjoyed them so he got extra. By the time they finished eating they were done, both finishing the final parts--making sure they didn't sound too much alike.

"Well....that's that," Lucas said, closing his computer and sighing.

"You finished?" Jake asked, putting the last sentence into his paragraph.

"Yeah...I always finish first," Lucas replied with a chuckle.

Jake laughed, "Yeah...that's true," he said. The wolf was much faster than him in these areas, but not by much. He felt Lucas come behind him and begin to bite along his neck, playing with him. Jake smiled, "Can't you wait till I send this to Mason?" he asked and began to nuzzle the wolf.

"Wouldn't have to if you were quicker..." Lucas replied and then kissed the top of the bear's head, "And definitely not if you're going to rub against me anyway,"

Jake sent in the e-mail, grateful it was over, and stood up quickly. He turned around and pulled Lucas into a tight hug, "There...I sent it,"

"Good," Lucas said and kissed Jake on the lips lightly.

"Time for bed?" Jake asked, his grin painted on his muzzle.

Lucas chuckled and returned the embrace, "If that's what you want to call it,"