The Silver Renomon Series chapter 2

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#5 of The Silver Renomon Series

First things first the disclaimers: This is entirely a work of fiction and nothing more. With respect given to the copy write owners of Digimon the anime series and assorted books etc. In addition, I would like to thank all of the writers out there on the net, especially Rena Tamer whose stories were my inspiration. And to all those others I have read in the last six months and those I might read in the future, Thanks for inspiring me to write again. And lastly I need to think my wife and her editing skills, without her this story would have never reached the internet.

This is my first try at writing a Digimon lemon so be kind with the critique. Notice this story involves mature concepts and adult situations, graphic sexual situations, language, violence, blood, death(not in yiff) and it's not recommended for those under the age of 18. Some (a lot) of yiff, for those of us that don't understand the rest of what I just

The Silver Renomon Series

By Howard Hilmer-Tyson aka wolf421

Editor Diana Hilmer-Tyson aka Lady Shandi

Chapter 2

A short time later, as the tears are drying on both of their faces; Devon is the first to speak.

"To tell the truth I had always wondered what my brother was doing or where he was and whom he was with."

Kithira looked down at him.

"He was my partner for a very long time, for too many digital years to remember. We had our good times and bad ones, but I never doubted his love for me not once. He was a good man and a good mate too me in all ways. My only regret was not making our relationship a binding one beyond that of partners. "Kit said regretfully.

Devon thinks for a minute before speaking, then blushes.

"Then you and my brother didn't actually mate ah, sexually?"Asked Devon now feeling rather uncomfortable.

"That was my only regret about us." She says, the inside of her ears turning red.

Just then the sound of the kitchen door closing reaches Kit's and Devon's ears.

"Devon, you down in your room? I could use some help with the shopping."

Devon recognized his mother's voice from upstairs.

Kit and Devon pull away from each the other, Kit looks for some place to hide; seeing none she adjusts her kneeling position slightly to where she is facing the door, and picks up the tea cup and sips from it.

"Uhhgg! The tea has gone cold. " Kit thinks to herself and grimaces at the cold tea.

Devon hops up and sticks his head out the bedroom door.

"Be up in a second, I need to get dressed, he said," Grabbing a pair of pants and a t-shirt he runs into the bathroom to change.

"Humans are so strange they have to change their fur every day or sooner," Thought Kit as she shook her head and sipped her cold tea.

As Devon comes out of the bathroom, he sees Kit shaking her head and a smile on her lips. Devon smiles at her,

" I'll be back down in a few minutes." He said almost running into his mother at the door to his room, a large box in her hands.

"Devon, when were you going to introduce me to your friend?" Asked his mother as she handed him the box and stepped into the room.

"Uh, mom, I was just on my way up." Stammered Devon clumsily.

An awkward silence grips the room as Devon's mother enters and bows to Kit.

"Honored Renamon, welcome to my home; I am Devon's mother, Lisa Thackry, I hope my son didn't shame himself too much while I was out." She said.

Kit rises to her feet and returns the bow, "I'm Kithira, and actually Devon has so far today saved my life twice that I know of and is now my human partner." Kit said.

Devon's mother nods her head the turns to face her son. "Devon, bring your new monitor down and go upstairs and make some fresh tea for us and bring it to the living room upstairs. Afterwards you can bring the rest of the boxes down from the kitchen while Kithira and I talk. If you'll follow me upstairs we can talk in a more refined atmosphere." Devon's mother leads the way as Kithira nods to her request and follows.

Devon puts the box down in time to take up the rear behind Kithira as she ascends the stairs out of the basement. Devon watches the way Kithira walks her tail always swaying to left or right with each step she takes. On the stairs the vision in front of him is almost more than his seventeen year old mind can handle; as Kithira is three steps higher than him and with each step she takes her furred covered asshole and the slit of her pussy are visible to him. His heart rate increases as does his breathing with the sight before him, his growing erection in his pants the result of it. Kit doesn't need to look over her shoulder to know what's going on; her ears and nose have picked up the change in his breathing and the pheromones being released into the air by his bodies sweat glands.

"Well that's something I didn't expect .He's attracted to me as a breeding mate. Would Devon actually mate with me? Ooh why is the thought arousing me so much. (Kit giggles quietly to herself.) If he is so willing, why don't I give him a taste of what's to come."

And at the top of the stairs she times it just right and stops and ducks her head through the doorway and lifts her tail straight up along her back exposing her sex to his full view. Not expecting Kithira to stop at the top of the stairs, Devon is caught off guard and buries his face in her ass and her hood slips into his mouth. A sweet musky odor and taste invades Devon's sinuses and taste buds, not unpleasant, but alluring and erotic in a way as the erection in his pants surges to it's full length. Kithira shudders as Devon's hot breath flows across her backside and his mouth sucks on her hood.

"Devon can't resist shove his tongue into her to get her full taste. Devon groans quietly and sucks a second or two longer, then quickly remembers himself and blushes furiously.

"Oooh that felt good, It's been too long, I need to get mated. But not now, hopefully later. I see he liked it as much as I did." Thinks Kithira ,as smile forms on her lips, she continues to follow Devon's mother through the kitchen and down the hall to the living room.

Devon stops in the kitchen and watches as Kit follows his mother down the hallway to the living room. And begins making the tea his mother requested him to make.

"She did that on purpose the tease! But what if she wasn't teasing? It's not like it hasn't happened before a digimon and their tamer getting it on; heck the internet was full of websites with stories, pictures and videos of it. In the last 30 years, society has changed and accepted the fact that it's going to happen regardless. Damn she's so sexy when she walks like that her tail just swaying back and forth giving just a hint of what the tail conceals, I could get use to waking up with her in bed next to me. And burring my cock in that tasty cunt of hers. Aww man she tasted good! I hope she lets me do that again and for a lot longer than a few second. I can't believe the hard-on she gave me. Ok, I'd better stop before I have to go jack off."

Thought Devon as he continued to fantasize about the many things he wanted to do with kit. Mostly of how that hood would feel tightly wrapped around his cock as he buried it deeply into her, repeatedly. While waiting for the water to boil Devon carried the boxes from the kitchen to his room down stairs. None of the boxes were marked with anything more than a part number, then it hit him what his mother said when she asked him to make the tea.

"She didn't go to work today, she went and bought me a new computer system! Oh man now I feel bad about the way I acted this morning, no better than a spoiled brat would being told "no you can't have ice cream for breakfast. And the fit that happened after being told no. He felt guilty and as a result his erection died just as quickly as he got it. "ok so much for masturbating, I feel like an ass. I need to apologize to her for the way I acted. I'd better get those boxes too." Thought Devon.

From the heater vent on the ceiling the voice's of Devon's mother and Kithira talking can be heard; Devon opens the vent all the way to hear better and is shocked by the topic of discussion. Devon listens to them until the shrill sound of the teapot whistling reaches Devon's ears and he has to run upstairs to make the tea.

Meanwhile in the living room:

Lisa Thackry walks over to her easy chair and motions Kithira to the couch knowing how the renamon like to lounge instead of sit or kneel. Kithira steps to the couch and waits for Devon's mother to sit first then takes the offered couch. After a moment Lisa begins to speak.

"I'll be very honest with you, I'm not happy about you and Devon mating downstairs while I was out." Said Lisa

The look of astonishment crosses Kithira face then she laughs.

"I didn't mate with Devon. If you're talking about the blood on his bed that came from my various wounds I had when he brought me here this morning from my village in the digital world, That was from the first time he saved my life." Said Kithira bowing her head.

"Impossible! Hypnos closed all gateways to the digital world over ten years ago to humans, no human can go to the digital world period, I know I tried and they wouldn't let me kept saying it was too dangerous." Said Lisa.

"Never the less, Devon was able to bring me here and now his D-arc shows us to be partners." Said Kithira.

"Listen it's nothing personal against you Kithira, I've lost two of the three men in my life to the digital world or to a digimon. The first was my husband to the digimon D-reaper when he attacked the television station in Tokyo Japan over fifteen years ago. The second was my eldest son who went to the digital world over ten years ago just before the gateways where closed. I do not intend to lose the last of my family to the digital world." Said Lisa.

Kit cocks an ear toward the hallway listening for Devon, hearing him grunt in the kitchen picking up a box and then his footsteps on the stairs, she nods and speaks.

"What I'm about to say Devon can never be told about unless I am dead or things change in the near future, the same goes for you. Eleven years and some odd months ago I was captured in the firewall of one of the gateways by Hypnos trying to come to the real world from the digital one. At that time I was fleeing from an army of digimon and bringing news to Hypnos of new threat to this world. They offered me a job and I took it. I was given a D-arc a very special one, not only would it allow me to travel between the two worlds bypassing the firewalls and other security systems but it came with one other feature. It would stay with me as long as I live regardless of how many human partners I have. But with the job came the one thing I didn't count on, a Hypnos agent and human partner, your son Daryl Thackry." Informed Kithira.

Lisa shakes her head in denial.

"That's a lie my son went with a college study group to catalog the many types of digimon and the flora of the digital world! He would have told me if it was something like that." Asserted Lisa

Kit checks with her ears again Devon's location in the house and finds it safe to continue.

"There was twenty of us, ten digimon and ten humans. We stopped the threat to both worlds. Nine years ago when the entire internet crashed the twenty of us spent months fixing the damage in the digital world. We lost half our number in the first four years on different missions for Hypnos. And the rest in the last five months; digimon having their data absorbed and the human partners being killed in both worlds not just the digital one. That's the reason Daryl and I never came here was to protect you and Devon, because Daryl believed that someone in Hypnos was setting us up, was the way he put it." Enlightened Kit.

In the kitchen the teapot starts whistling and Devon's footsteps can be heard running up the stairs.

In the Kitchen: Devon Thinking: "If I go in there and lose it they both will know I was listening to their conversation. But if I don't say a word I leave myself open to attack by unknown forces or even the known ones like Hypnos." Devon finishes pouring the tea into cups and then places a third cup on the tray and fills it like the others picks up the tray and heads to the living room. Entering the living room they are both to quite, which means they heard him making the tea and stopped talking as not to reveal anything to him. Setting the tray down on the coffee table between them Devon picks up one cup from the tray and sets it in front of his mother and the other in front of Kithira, taking the last for himself sits down on the end of the couch near Kit's feet.

Lisa Thinking: "Boy he's grown seems like just yesterday I brought him home. D-arc on his belt and his digimon next to him, boy they do make a pair. Reminds me so much of myself at his age with my digimon partner by my side, only my partner was male and one hell of a lover unlike my husband turned out to be. Smiling at the memory of days gone by the smile fads from her face; The D-arc on her sons belt it has a tracking device built into it! Coming out of her revere, she drops the teacup and jumps up heading for the hallway. Devon and Kithira look on as his mother pulls out a lock box from the closet and brings it back into the living room. Lisa sets it on the coffee table with a look of worry on her face. While entering the combination to open the box,

"Your d-arc! Give it here!" She said looking at her son.

Opening the lid as soon as the lock releases Lisa pulls out a folder and two packs of playing cards in a clear case and two D-arcs of a style never seen before and a micro-screwdriver set and places them on the table. Devon watches his mother's actions, as he hands her the d-arc, worry is on her face as she works quickly opening the D-arc's case with a mini-screwdriver and begins disassembling it. While working she asks Kithira some questions, rapid fire.

"Kithira, you said that five months ago members of your group started getting killed in both worlds. By chance did all of you get called for a meeting some months before? And did everyone show up for the meeting is now dead? And did they whom held this meeting want to up-grade everyone's D-arc at that time?"

Kithira thinks on it for a minute before answering.

"Yes to all three questions, but I don't see where this is going." Said Kithira.

Removing what should be the last circuit board from the d-arc's case, Lisa finds what she's been looking for. Another circuit board with a small flashing light and a battery attached, this one she drops into the lock box and closes the lid. Lisa sighs in relief before speaking.

"At the meeting they didn't up-grade your d-arc they installed a tracking chip, that's how they have been able to find you. Devon go downstairs and get your pack and a couple changes of clothes, we haven't much time to get far away from here before someone's likely to notice that the chip is not sending it's signal to base."

Devon starts to question his mother but by the look on her face, he knew it wouldn't be a good idea and headed downstairs. Kithira watches as Devon's mother opens the case of the red colored d-arc and then picks up one of the circuit boards from her now dismantled d-arc and pulls a chip from it. Lining up the chip with a slot in the red d-arc she pushes it in and snaps the case shut. Picking up the blue d-arc and a pack of playing cards and the folder Lisa hands them to Kithira.

"I don't have time to explain before Devon gets back just listen, this is my sons D-arc advanced and this deck of modify cards are designed just for him, this folder contains the only record of his true birth and other information you and him might find useful." Lisa began hurriedly.

Picking up the red D-arc advanced and deck of cards.

" I took the memory chip from your original d-arc and put it in this advanced model, it uses a lot less power for you to digivolve than that old one did, also both of these advanced model's can't be tracked." Said Lisa.

Kithira takes the d-arc, folder and deck of cards from Lisa and puts them inside her long purple gauntlets; as Devon comes running back into the room with his pack.

"Mother do you mind telling me what's going on?" asked Devon.

Handing Devon the red d-arc and deck of cards,

"This d-arc is for Kithira as are the modify cards in this deck."

Pulling out her purse and removing the cash and a credit card she hands them to Devon.

"Here's all the cash I have it should be enough to get you to Hauser, this credit card is one of them prepaid ones so it can't be traced back to you or me. Now son I need you to go with Kithira no questions asked, go to the cabin we spent last summer in and I'll contact you by e-mail the password is Cole, when I think it's safe."

Looking at both of them,

"If you don't hear from me in a week leave the cabin and don't look back. Also, whatever you do don't come back home. Now go out the back door and don't look back. Kithira the folder has everything he needs to know, I think you understand."

"But mother I just can't up and leave you here; what are you going to do? And what folder, what are you talking about?" Interrupted Devon.

"Son I have to keep those that I think are coming for Kithira off your back long enough for you two to get away; and the only way I can do that is to lure them with the tracking chip." Said Lisa

Picking up the lock box and her car keys and heading towards the kitchen and stopping at the garage door; Devon and Kithira following her, turning Lisa gives Devon a hug and kiss before going through the door. Kithira puts her fur covered paw on Devon's shoulder,

"Come let's do as your mother has bid us" she said, as the car motor starts in the garage and the car pulls out.

Devon makes no sign that he is going to move so Kithira does the next best thing, she bodily picks Devon up and heads for the kitchen door knocking it off of its hinges when she reaches it with a well placed kick. Once outside she leaps to the rooftop and then bounds off across the rooftops carrying Devon. Devon is taken completely off guard by Kithira's actions and is speechless until almost a mile away.

"Kithira, stop and put me down!" Shouts Devon over the rushing wind.

Kithira stops but doesn't put him down, looking down at him,

"What is wrong partner I'm only doing as you mother asked me to do, and that was for me to get you away from there." She said.

"I know but there are other ways of getting around besides bounding from roof top to roof top and attracting un-due attention to us; you know like the bus or train." Said Devon.

"Where do we find this bus or train?" She asked him.

"Well first how about we get down to the street and then you can put me down, then and we can walk to the nearest bus stop." Said Devon.

As easy as breathing air or walking Kithira leaps into the air and lands light footed on the street and sets Devon down on his feet. Taking a second to get his bearings, Devon is amazed at the actual distance they had traveled almost a mile in a under two minutes. Looking at Kithira,

"You sure know how to move quickly, it would have taken me almost ten minutes to get here from home walking." He Said.

"In the digital world you have to move quickly or you don't survive long. Now where are we going?" She asked.

Devon walks up to the street sign and pushes the button and watches the traffic go by until the light changes.

"Come on kit." He says crossing the street.

Once on the other side of the street he walks over to the bus stop and checks the schedule times against his watch.

"We have about ten minutes before the bus shows up; might as well take a seat and wait." He says sitting down on the bench. Kithira walks over next to him and puts a paw on his shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze, but remains standing.

Meanwhile outside of Devon's house two black vans pull up into the front yard and disgorge troops, each armed with high power weapons and wearing body armor stenciled with FBI and other law enforcement patches. In true military manner and training the troops surround the house and commence with a full breech of the house. Within minutes the troops relax as they have discovered the house empty. Down the street a camera focuses on the proceedings at the house from inside a car parked at another house that's vacate and for sale. The lady inside the car watches on as another van pulls up and disgorges a group of men carrying scanning equipment enters the house and stays for almost an hour before leaving. A car pulls up on the street in front of the house marked with a Hypnos sign on the doors and a late twenties age man climbs out with a patamon sitting on his shoulder.

"Boy the players in this game are getting more and more interesting by the minute; First we have the J.A.S.F show up in full gear then some flunky from Hypnos with a orange puff ball on his shoulder, unreal, are you seeing this Dax?" Speaking into the mic on her collar.

"Yes I've watched every bit of it; I'd say whatever Kithira and Daryl uncovered is way too hot." Dax said.

"Well whatever it is, I'm going to hang out here and wait for everyone to leave and wait and see if they shows back up." She said into the mic.

Over at the house an uniformed officer jumps out of one of the vans and walks over to the one that has been giving orders since they showed up who is talking to the guy from Hypnos. Speaks with him for a minute then heads back to the van. The one in charge shouts out some orders and the troops load back into the vans quickly and leave like they were late for dinner, the Hypnos agent hops in his car and leaves with them. Before she has to ask for instructions, the speaker on her comlink chimes and Dax starts speaking.

"Kithira's warbler just showed up on the grid south bound Park road, check that she's now west bound I-90. She must be in a car or truck because she's moving too fast to be running."

She thinks a moment before responding;

"I'll stay here and watch the place, Kithira and Daryl didn't know they were being tracked, and we didn't discover the tracking device was installed until after David and Golath were killed two months ago. By then her and Daryl had gone to ground and out of touch."

The comlink stays quite for a minute before coming back to life.

"Very well Deb; it's your call I just hope it's the right one." Said Dax closing the comlink.

Fifteen minutes later miles away downtown on the I-90 freeway west bound, a semi-truck is being pulled over. Then surrounded by police, as well as two black vans full of troops. After five minutes of searching the truck, one of the troops calls for the commander.

"Commander you need to come over here and look at this."

Walking over to the trooper,

"What have you got Brooks? Asks the commander.

"I found the tracker taped on that cows horn, pointing at the cow, sir!"

Turning on his comlink,

"Base, deactivate the tracker for Kithira it's been removed from the d-arc and notify command central we may have a rouge agent and digimon on the loose."

Hours later at Devon's house:

Tired of sitting in the car doing nothing, Deb gets out and acts as if she's looking at the house for sale, moving to the back yard of the house she looks for any sign of being watched and slips out the back gate into the ally. She then heads down the alley to the back of Daryl's house like she belongs there. Hoping the chain link fence with ease the first thing Deb notice's is the back door is laying some ten feet away from the house on the ground.

"Well now I know how they left, better check the house" Deb thinking to herself.

Entering the house through the door into the kitchen and then into the rest of the house. After verifying that she's alone in the house, Deb walks through the house room after room looking for anything and everything that might give her a clue as to where Daryl and Kithira were going. Stopping in the living room, she makes a mental note of the three teacups on the coffee table now long gone cold and the remains of a dismantled D-arc. Looking through the circuit boards of the D-arc she spots the memory chip has been removed. Activating the comlink;

"Dax, I'm inside Daryl's house and your not going to like what I found" She says.

"Whoa, I thought that you where going to stay in the car? What are you doing in the house? Asked Dax."

"I'm collecting Intel and be glad I did, I've found Daryl's D-arc dismantled on the coffee table with the memory chip removed and the tracking chip missing." She said.

"Well look around and see if you can find any clues about where they are going. And I'll keep an eye on the network for any sign of them here. " Dax out.

Looking around the living room, nothing unusual to set it apart from any other families, couch with end tables, pictures on the walls, older TV on a stand etc. Reaching down and picking up a picture from the end table next to the couch, she looks at it and see's a picture of Daryl's family.

"Boy this picture is old taken before he joined, Daryl's family I take it; let's see there's Daryl and his mother, his father and his baby brother. Funny he never talked about them, and here I thought he had told me everything about himself," Deb talking out loud to herself.

She starts to set the picture back down were she found it but stops spotting something not right with the picture.

"What's wrong with this picture?" said Deb curiously.

Turning the frame over she releases the clasp that holds the back on it and removes the frame back plate, the picture was folded over to conceal another four inches of it. Pulling the picture from the frame, she unfolds it to revile the hidden part; a male renomon standing off to one side of the family with a cabin in the background.

"I can't believe my eyes a male renomon with Daryl's family, but males never leave the digital world much less their villages, I got to tell Dax about this."

She says as she starts to key the comlink but stops when the sound of a pistol being cocked and placed against her head.

"Who are you? And what do you want with my family?" Lisa says her voice guttural and menacing.

Here endes chapter 2