(C) Canis Servus Ludum

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#43 of Commissions

This is the Tier 4 raffle winner from my Subscribe Star! For User-Anon we've got a really fun story set in Ancient Rome! I'm a HUGE fan of Ancient Rome, so I got to flex my nerd muscles on this one. There are some real terms and even a real name drop in here, for you other Rome stans out there. :P

The story itself is of Aurelia Montis, daughter of the recently deceased senator Gaius Callidus Montis. She accepts a shady deal to try and keep her status, which involves sacrificing the gladiator she owns, Maximus, though he does not know the details until it is too late. However, before she lets him go, she has one final bitter-sweet request. She wishes for an heir, and can think of no better person to father it than Maximus.

This was the Tier 4 raffle winner for November. if you would like a chance to win a story every month, please consider checking out my SubscribeStar

Canis Servus Ludum

By XP Author

The bag fell into her hands, the coins within making a metallic crunching jingle within. It was heavy, far heavier than she had expected. There was more here than she had held in a long time. She quickly stashed them within her clothing, feeling the weight still. It pained her to make this deal, but after her father's recent and sudden death, she had no other means for herself. The bear opposite her smiled, showing a dangerous mouth full of teeth and deception and cunning. "You're not even going to count it?"

She shook her head. "No. It is heavy enough. I would rather not flash coin in the darkness of a back alley if I can avoid it."

The man chuckled. "Yes. One might think you a lady of a different standing." The proud wolf shot him a hard glare. He held up a hand defensively. "I am saying you are not that, of course. The name Montis has not fallen so far yet." She squinted at his use of 'yet.' He quickly moved back to the topic at hand, his hand motioning to her, or more accurately, where she stashed the heavy sack of money. "I assume then, that we can take this as accepting our deal?"

She nodded. "Yes..." There was still some reluctance in her voice, but she was not one to back down from her word. "You can do with him what you want at the next games."

The bear smiled again. "Very good. In these troubled times, the people need proper entertainment. Disposable slaves are within short supply. The emperor would be most pleased to know that Gaius' daughter carries his drive to better the citizens of Rome."

She scoffed. "You mean the senators will be most please to keep the people distracted. I may not sit in the curia, Arcturus, but I am no fool. My father is not so long dead that I do not remember what happens within."

He chuckled darkly. "You have certainly inherited his intellect and biting demeanor, Aurelia. And at so young an age."

She glared again. "You act as if I am a child." At 26, she was more than an adult. Her biggest problem was not her age, but her lack of spouse. Most women her age were not only married, but had a child or two, possibly working on more. With no heir and no family, her position would slip far lower within society. With the coin provided by the corrupt senator before her, she could invest and hope to keep at least some life for herself.

Arcturus shook his head. "I meant no insult. I have known you since you were but a cub. I may not have liked your father, but I respected him. And I respect his daughter, the same. I only hope you also inherited his wisdom."

She let out a breath. "Worry yourself not, Arcturus. None will know of our deal save myself and whatever conspirators you are in league with. Even the slave will be unaware." She turned. "I will take my leave now. I grow weary of you and this darkness. Slink back into the shadows and prepare your 'entertainment' for the masses."

He chuckled, and it was again not a friendly sound. "Two weeks time. You had best make sure he is in good condition. He needs to put on a good show." With that, he turned and vanished into the darkness of night and the shadow of buildings.

She sighed, pulling the cloth up to cover the top of her head, not to hide bit simply from the chill of the night air. Her villa was some distance away from the forum, and she had a long walk home. Enough time for her to wrestle with her thoughts and come to terms with the choice she made. The weight of the coins hidden within her clothing shifted with every step. They felt more like a burden than a blessing.

* * *

Maximus skipped back several paces, his weapon held in front of him. He thrust out with the spear, feinting right before it connected with his target, sweeping the weapon to the side under an opponent's guard. Or that would be what would happen, were he fighting an actual person and using an actual weapon. The dog was simply practicing with a wooden dummy for now, the spear in his hand little more than a sturdy staff with a weighted end to simulate the real thing. He preferred spears over the typical clubs or swords most gladiators favored. It gave him reach and speed. He also lacked the typical overly muscular build of most other gladiators, choosing instead to keep himself lighter, more lean. Built more for speed and agility than raw power. It had served him well the last several years.

He started his practice over, positioning himself several paces away from the target, where an opponent would at the start of a bout. His daily routine was such practice, or running paces around the villa. For a slave, his life was a good one. His old master, the late Gaius Callidus Montis, had favored his fighting style over more traditional gladiators as well. After the master's recent passing from fever, the daughter, Aurelia, inherited him, along with everything else. She had always taken a liking to him, being of similar age. More than simply as his master. Though she tried to hide it, he could tell.

As he danced around the target, striking it every so often, he allowed his mind to wander, muscle memory doing the heavy lifting. He thought back to his home. His old home. His past as a soldier for a nation now absorbed into the Roman Empire. He had fought valiantly, and was given the 'honor' of becoming a gladiator. Not a prisoner, yet still a slave. However, with fighting and victory came privileges. In some ways, he had more than some free citizens. He could earn coin for himself, and while much went to his master, he had enough to buy his own clothing and armor, and could even buy his own weapons if he chose. He always thought it ironic that he had a better life as a slave than he ever had as a free man.

As the tip of his practice spear connected with the 'head' of the target, he heard clapping behind him. Turning, he saw Aurelia, giving him a wistful smile. He returned the smile, then respectfully dropped to one knee, setting the practice spear on the floor at his feet. "My lady."

She smiled at him, letting him stay like that for just a moment so she could admire him. While training, he wore only the leathers around his hips, leaving his upper body exposed. His fur patterns were always so exotic compared to her fairly uniform grey fur. Instead he had an impressive array of dark along his back, fading quickly to lighter tans and almost yellow along his front and chest. His blond hair stood out against the typical darker hues she saw. Eventually, she motioned. "You may stand." She turned, her simple but elegant cream dress flowing a little with her motion. "Walk with me a while."

He nodded, getting to his feet. He set the spear against the training dummy, then grabbed a simple cloth tunic to throw over himself. Moving to her side, he gave a very slight bow of his head to her. He stood quite tall, so even with his light bow, he towered over her. "Do you have something to discuss with me?"

She nodded, walking out of the large barn-like structure he used for training and into the mid-day sunlight. "I do." She walked down the garden path, the smell of flowers in the air. "You will have another match in the Colosseum in two weeks time."

This got his attention. "Oh!" It had been some time since his last fight. He was worried it had something to do with her father's death, bumping him in favor of other, more influential houses. "Very good. I will, as always, endeavor to bring honor to you."

Aurelia had to fight to not react to the comment. She simply nodded. "I am sure you will put on an adequate display." It was the best she could offer. She could not tell him the truth, even if there was nothing he could do to change things.

"Do you know who my opponent will be?" He asked.

This time, she could not keep a twitch from her tail. "Ah... yes. It is not another gladiator. You will be fighting a beast from the southern plains across the sea. And as such, you will be the spectacle of the day."

His ears perked up even more. "A beast?" He had seen others fighting beasts from foreign lands before. And if he was to be the spectacle of the day, then he had the chance to win a great deal, not just in money but in standing. Both for himself and for his master. "I will of course do the best I am able."

She nodded, getting quiet for a few minutes as she walked the path near the villa wall. Something about her silence made him uncomfortable, but he did not ask. Finally, she could hold back no longer. "There is more..." She stopped and turned to him. "This will be your last fight as a gladiator. At least for me."

He blinked. "Last? D-did..." He hesitated to choose his words carefully. "Did someone else buy me?"

She tilted her head a little. "In a manner of speaking. You were chosen to be the spectacle. And if you win the fight, then you will be free." If, by some miracle, he did win, then she had no doubt this would be the case. "From there, you can choose what you do. You may continue to fight as a gladiator, or you may leave. But in two weeks time, win or lose, you will no longer belong to me."

He got the feeling there was more to this than she was telling him. More that she either would not, or could not share. It was not his place to question these things, however, and so he just nodded. Not was not like he had a choice in the matter. "I will miss serving you, my lady. You and your father have been very kind to me these past several years."

He saw her smile soften, in the same way it did whenever she thought he wasn't looking. There was also a slight sadness in those lovely brown eyes. "Yes. You have been a very good servant to us, as well." She licked her lips a little. "So there is one last task I would want you to preform, before you throw yourself into your training for this final match."

Maximus nodded. "Anything, mistress."

She moved closer, close enough that her hip brushed against his. When she spoke, her voice was low and breathy, almost conspiratorial. "I want you to make love to me."

He blushed, not having expected that at all! He stumbled over his words as his mind reeled. "I... uh... n-now!?"

The wolfess let out a soft, trilling giggle at his sudden awkwardness. "No. Tonight, in my bed chambers." He still was very unsure. Eager, of course, she was a very beautiful lady, only a year or two younger than him, but she was also his master. She seemed to get an idea of the conflict running through his head. "This is not an order, merely a request." She stepped back, her hand moving to touch her lower belly. "I wish for an heir. I can think of no better candidate to give me one than a powerful gladiator such as yourself."

He continued to stare at her for a long moment. Even with the note of sadness in her gaze, there was an eager anticipation upon her face. His expression softened to a smile. "I would be honored to give you this boon, my lady."

The way her face lit up only made him smile all the more. "I'm glad to hear that, Maximus." She reached out and gently brushed her fingers against his arm, the light touch almost erotic. "I will await you tonight, after dark." She turned to walk away. "You may go back to your day as you see fit until then." She paused. "Oh, but do be sure to wash yourself before tonight." She glanced over her shoulder at him, giving him a teasing look. "That's IS an order."

He laughed despite himself. "Of course, my lady."

* * *

Maximus tugged at his tunic, fidgeting awkwardly. He stood outside the arch to Aurelia's bed chambers, feeling more than a little nervous and awkward. His hair and fur were finally dry from the baths, feeling a little fluffy still. He no longer wore the leathers, only in a long tunic that hung just past his knees. He took a deep breath to calm himself, then moved forward into the room. It was large, befitting the master of the house. He had been in the room only a few times before. This was only the third time since Aurelia had taken it as her own.

It was dim, lit only by the moonlight coming from the window. Green leafed plants sat in pots and planters along the walls. A few pots dotted around here and there, along with a table and chairs. A pitcher and small cups sat upon the table, filled either with water or wine, he did not know. In the center of the room was a bed, like much of what Aurelia preferred, elegant in its simplicity. A cushion of furs and soft leather low to the ground, covered in soft, light brown cloth. Upon the center of the bed was the woman herself.

Even in the dim light, he saw the smile she gave him. Her hand beckoned him closer. "Come in, Maximus. Join me." Her voice was softer than normal, a little sweeter and more familiar than he was used to hearing her speak to him.

He returned the smile, stepping further into the room and over to the bed. "Yes, my lady."

"Aurelia." She corrected. "For tonight, you are not my slave, I am not your mistress." She leaned over, taking his hand and guiding him to sit upon the bed beside her. "For tonight, you are my lover."

His smile softened, feeling a little more at ease. "Of course, Aurelia." He took her hand in his own and brought it up to his mouth to give a gentle kiss. "How would you like to start?"

She let out a soft, playful hum, her tail thumping against the bed as it wagged. "You could start by wooing me."

Maximus let out a soft chuckle. "Says the woman inviting ME to HER bedchambers." He kissed her hand again, this time up near her wrist. "Not that I am in complaining." He kissed further up her arm, leaning down as he moved along to her shoulder. "A gorgeous lady such as yourself is the dream of any man. A beauty second only to the gods."

She laughed a little. "Okay, that might be a little much." Still, she felt herself blushing at both his words and the touch of his lips, no moving to her neck.

He shifted himself to get more fully onto the bed beside her. His hands gently rested upon her sides, fingers playing through the light fabric of her clothing. "I speak the truth. You are a very pretty woman. I have always been honored to be in the same home as an elegant beauty such as yourself."

She smirked, reaching up to gently run her own fingers through his hair. "Oh? It sounds as if you have fantasized about this moment before."

The dog nodded. "I won't deny it." He trailed his lips up to her ear, whispering into it. "I know you have, too." He gave a gentle nip to the ear, then gently kissing the side of her face again.

She let out a soft gasp, tensing at the nip. "I may have. But a lady's fantasies are her own to keep..."

He slid his hands down, touching at the cloth tied around her middle. He stared down at her face, right into her eyes as he untied the belt. "And tonight, yours come true." He finished opening the belt, pulling it away and dropping it to the floor. With the thing out of the way, he gripped at the cloth, pulling it up. She helped, lifting her arms so he could slide the dress over her head and off entirely. Laying on her back, she smiled up at him, now fully exposed to him for the first time. He said no words, only leaned down to kiss her lips, saying all he needed to with actions.

Aurelia pressed back up into the kiss, only to moan as his hand again trailed along her body. Fingers played through the fur at her belly, enjoying the softness of both the fur and the woman. His touch trailed up, until his hand rested against her breast, long fingers taking hold and squeezing it gently, yet firm enough that she let out another moan into his mouth. His other hand held her side gently, feeling the soft fur and just holding her.

When he broke the kiss, his lips trailed down to her neck again, leaving her to moan softly at his ears. She spoke so softly it was almost a whisper. "Slip out of that so I can see you, too." He smiled, giving her neck another gentle kiss before slipping back off the bed. Grabbing the bottom of the simple tunic, he lifted it up, slowly revealing himself to her. His light fur made him easy to see in the moonlit room. She turned a little, propping her head on her hand as he undressed himself before her. First revealed were his legs, though she had seen these many times. What she had never seen in person was next. Sitting between his legs was a sheath, his shaft nearly fully exposed from it already. More than a hand span wide, it was an impressive sight, with a bulge at the bottom. She had wondered if he would also have a knot like wolves.

Once the tunic was up fully, he pulled it over his head, dropping it to the floor with her dress. Her eyes ran up to his toned chest, something else she had seen before, but was in no way tired of seeing now. Before he could get back onto the bed, she reached out to touch that chest, halting him. "Not yet." Her hand slid down, until it wrapped about his shaft, eliciting a soft breath from him. "I want to explore this first." It was not like it was the first she had ever seen, but she was surprised at how similar it was to a wolf's. She was not entirely sure what she expected, though. When she leaned herself closer, his scent came to her nose. THAT was far different. Familiar as she knew him, but more powerful than even when he was working on his form.

Her mouth opened, tongue sliding out to lap at the tip, getting another gasp from him as reward. The taste was even more exotic than the scent. So similar yet just different enough to be erotic and almost taboo. Her lips wrapped about the tip, sliding several inches into her mouth. Maximus could not help but let out a moan, reaching down to gently run his hand through her hair as her head started to slowly bob back and forth. She worked to coax the last bit out of his sheath, ensuring he was at full length. She also took hold of the sack dangling under. It was a hefty thing, the balls within heavy with seed she craved.

She continued to bob her head back and forth, feeling the shaft twitching against her tongue. A hint of what it would give drooled from the tip, giving her another new, exotic taste of the man. After several minutes, he gently moved his hand down to pull her head off, tilting her gaze up. "Ah... as much as I am enjoying this, I would not want to waste any of what you want..."

She smiled up at him. "Yes... that would be a shame." She kissed the tip again, then laid on her back for him again. Her legs parted a little as he watched, his eyes taking her form in now. He had never seen her this exposed before, appreciating the beauty. Grey fur covered most of her, lighter along her slightly plump belly. He moved between her legs, hands resting on her thighs, squeezing the soft flesh under his touch. She expected him to crawl forward and take her. So when his tongue instead ended up running between her lips, she gasped in surprise. "W-wha...?"

He chuckled. "You got a taste. I want one, too." He lapped again, getting another gasp, with a moan this time. Like Aurelia, he was surprised by just how similar yet different she tasted to any woman before. Even other wolves. There was something exciting about lapping at the juices of his owner, getting her to moan and squirm a little at such a simple touch. His tongue dove slightly between those lips, lapping at the inner walls. He felt them, warm and squeezing a little. He was not surprised she was no virgin, but she was also not as well used as the slaves he was allowed to spend his time with.

Aurelia panted heavily as he worked his tongue upon her. "P-please... e-enough teasing..." Her voice was not commanding, but almost pleading with him. That sent a thrill through the slave.

He gave one last lick up her lips, flicking at her swollen clit. She yipped, a tremble running through her. "As you wish, my lady." He said it with an almost sarcastic tone, taking some personal joy in being in control for now. Crawling up her body, he positioned the tip of his cock at her slit. With a thrust, he slid between those lips, both moaning loud as he sank within those warm, wet folds. "By the gods, you feel amazing!"

She reached up to wrap her arms around his shoulders, pulling him down a little. "You're... you're bigger than... I thought!" She let out a louder cry as he sank that much deeper, nearly filling her. She had not expected him to be such a tight fit, but it was a welcome one. "P-please... take me... Take me like you would any other! I need it!" It had been a long time since she had let a man satisfy her needs, and her body was craving it.

He leaned up to whisper into her ear. "As you wish, Aurelia." He pushed his hips forward harder, jamming the rest of his length into her. She cried out loud, the cries continuing as he started to thrust, humping himself down against her. She clung to him, her legs wrapping about his waist to pull him deeper. Every thrust sent a shiver through her, his efforts before already pushing her close to the edge. She had wanted this, wanted him for a long time. This was better than any fantasy.

Maximus thrust deep over and over, enjoying the rising moans it got from her. His pace was hard and consistent, able to keep it up thanks to his training. It was a pace no other man she had ever had could keep for as long. It was not long before she was clinging to him, her moans turned to whines, her breath shallow, rabid gasps. "I-I'm..." She could not finish as he picked up his pace, forcing a loud cry of pleasure from her. Within seconds, she was almost screaming her ecstasy, an orgasm ripping through her. She clung to him tight, both her arms and legs, and her pussy around his shaft. He held himself deep, letting her ride the waves and enjoying the clenching.

When she finally loosened, she panted and laughed breathlessly. "Gods... I needed that... more than I thought..."

He smiled down at her, kissing her gently. "We're not done yet." He sat up, reluctantly slipping himself free of her, much to her chagrin. His cock bobbed a little, glistening from her juices upon it. "Roll over, get your tail up. If you want me to breed you, I'm doing it proper."

She gasped at him, though clearly playfully. "My, so demanding." The wolf let out a soft giggle, rolling herself over to get onto all fours. Her tail flipped up, rear waving at him tantalizingly. "You had best keep your word, puppy. I want a whole litter from you."

His grin widened, a hand moving to rest against her rear. "You'll get it." He positioned his still throbbing shaft at her entrance, then shoved in all the way to the bulge. She gasped loud, his pace starting hard already. She gripped at the bed under her, still sensitive from her orgasm.

He gripped her tail, using it to pull her back as he thrust, jamming himself deep. It was even deeper than before, striking so far back she swore his cock was kissing at her womb. He seemed even more firm than before, too. She could feel every throb and pulse of his shaft. "Gods... you're as hard as marble!" She lowered her head, leaving her rear up for him, holding none of her moans back. Maximus was holding none of his own back, either. He panted, gasped, moaned, and even let out little yips of pleasure. She was squeezing around him in no time once more, her inner walls feeling as if they tried to drag him yet deeper.

His knot started to swell, gradually making the thrusting more difficult. He switched to harder but slower movements, forcing it to pop in and out of her each time. She yelped and shivered every time the steadily growing bulge spread her lips. Soon, it had grown too wide for him to simply slip in any longer, hitting at her drooling lips with every thrust. She cried out for him, pleading. "Do it! Tie that big knot in me! Fill me with everything you have!"

He was not one to deny such a request. Gripping at her hips tighter, he pushed forward with all his might. He felt the lips slowly parting, until suddenly he stuffed himself fully within, his hips striking hers. He let out a loud cry at the same time she did. She squeezed him tighter than ever before as she came for the second time that night. He could hold back nothing, cumming with her, his cock jerking and spraying his seed deep into her quivering tunnel. He leaned forward to cling around her middle, his hips still humping forward as his balls drained everything they had. Even he was surprised how much he had to give, pouring every drop deep, hoping it was enough to give her what she wanted. What he realized he wanted.

For minutes, they stayed like this, him holding her, both panting while his cock spit every last drop it could into her. He rolled to his side, still holding onto her to take her with him. His knot held firm, and would for quite some time. His hold on her middle softened, instead becoming a gentle hug, cuddling up behind her. He kissed at her neck gently. "I hope this is enough to get you your desire."

She smiled softly, a hand moving down to touch her lower belly, where his load sat comfortably warm within her. The touch moved up, resting on his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I am sure it is, Maximus." She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, basking in the lovely feeling of being held, filled, and very satisfied. They spent the rest of the night like this, allowing herself to be held by him as they slept.

* * *

The day of the games was finally here. Maximus had spent nearly the entire two weeks training and preparing himself. He had seen others fight a beast before on a few occasions, and they were always tricky foes. Not so easily predicted as people, and could be far more vicious. He stood at the gates, spear in hand, wearing his leather armor. Not just the skirt-like protection of his lower half, but the chest as well. It was still light, allowing free range of movement, but it could catch a wayward blow he missed blocking. At least from most weapons. A beast was another matter entirely.

Someone spoke loud, the voice echoing over the crowd. He heard his name spoken and gripped his spear. The gate before him started to raise up, opening to show the Colosseum grounds before him. The sun beat down bright upon the light dirt and sand covering the floor. There were no pillars on the grounds today, so it had only been fights, no prisoner executions. There was a few splatters of blood here and there soaked in from previous matches of the day. As the gate fully rose, he walked out into the center, holding his weapon and head high, the crowd cheering for the man that would be the spectacle today.

As Maximus stepped to the center, he turned to the Emperor's seat. It was vacant, not for the first time. This did not surprise him, as the new Emperor Otho was already out dealing with an uprising in Gaul, having marched with his army personally. There was much civil unrest outside the walls, with the assassination of the previous emperor by his own praetorian guard only 4 months since. These were the sorts of things a gladiator needed to make the people forget, even if for only a day.

Clanking his spear against his chest, he saluted the royal advisers and empty imperial seat all the same, proclaiming the oath all gladiators spoke when entering the arena. "I, who am about to die, salute you!" The crowd cheered, as they always did. Unseen by Maximus, Aurelia looked away, knowing how true those words were now more than ever before. She had kept her word, and told him no more of what he was to face this day.

The speaker, a bear in a purple toga, raised his hands again. The crowd silenced a little. "Release his opponent. Let the games begin!" The crowd went nuts again, but Maximus tuned them out. His attention fixed upon the distant gate that started to rise. The moment it was high enough, the beast held within launched itself forward. The feral lion flew out, a streak of fiery gold and fur. Maximus' eyes went momentarily wide. It was like Apollo himself came charging at him with the full fury of the sun. He regained himself quickly enough to narrowly avoid the initial pounce by the large tiger.

The beast wasted no time, landing, skidding a little in the dirt as it turned, and lunged at him again, all teeth and claws. His spear came up, the teeth clamping upon it instead of his arm or leg. It nearly pulled the weapon from his grip, and for a moment, he expected the shaft to snap. Instead, he managed to use the beasts weight and momentum, pivoting on one foot to throw it to the side. It let go, only out of surprise, but managed to land on its feet. Instead of lunging again, it started to pace around him, letting out a deep, rumbling growl. He recognized the sound not as anger but hunger.

He took the initiative, lashing out with the spear, the beast hopping back away. He carried himself forward, thrusting out again. However, instead of following through, he executed his signature move. He moved to the side, closing the distance as the beast hopped to the same side. His spear swiped with his movement, the tip catching the beast along its face. It was not a deep wound, but the beast still roared in pain. The crowd cheered in elation as he drew first blood.

The large, fuzzy sun-creature growled at him again, but now it was wary. It knew he was dangerous. He saw some level of intelligence in the glowing embers of its yellow eyes. Not that of a man, but enough that he knew to be wary himself. It was sizing him up the same way he would any opponent. The two circled again, Maximus jutting his spear out every so often to keep the creature at bay while he looked for an opening.

Then he heard another growl. Several. Risking a glance, he saw not one, but three more beasts slinking into the arena. His eyes went wide again as the lionesses closed on him, quickly encircling him as the initial lion backed off to let his pride hunt properly. Maximus suddenly put all the pieces together. He knew why Aurelia had looked so sad, what it meant that this was his last game as a gladiator, why she would no longer own him. This was not his fight. This was his execution. Still, he was a gladiator, and would be to his very end. He gripped his spear, and threw himself into this final challenge. If he was to die, he would not go down without a fight.

In the crowd, Aurelia watched. She did not cheer with the rest of the crowd when the three other beasts stepped in. Though she could not help but smile at the man's resolve. He had always been a good slave, a true gladiator. He held his own for longer than she would have thought. He even managed to get a slash in on one of the female beasts, slicing at her flank and opening a wound deep enough that it limped from then on. However, it was not enough.

He defended the pounce of one, but it only opened him up to the other. While trying to throw off the first beast that lunged at him, another suddenly latched its jaws onto his arm, biting down so hard it snapped the bones. She was thankful the crowd was so loud she could not make out his pained screams. It was all over from there. They dragged him down, pouncing upon him all at once. Teeth bared at him, the weight of one beast pinning him down while another held him by his arm. He tried and struggled, but he was thoroughly pinned.

The demeanor of the beasts shifted, knowing their prey was done. He squirmed as tongues the size of his hand lapped at his face, their texture so rough it felt like that alone would rip his fur off. More lapped at his arm and leg, licking his wounds. Not to clean, but to get a taste of their meal. He again tried to throw the one sitting on his chest off, but the lioness he had wounded clamped her jaws around his neck, forcing his head back to the dirt. The others closed in, including the male from before. Soon, he vanished under the writhing pile of golden fur and hunger as they started in on him, taking their time with their prey. The beasts seemed to like their prey still alive as they fed.

She stood up, not wanting to watch the rest. The crowd could enjoy it, that was what they were meant to do. They could watch as the man she had held dear was quite literally torn limb from limb, consumed by the ravenous monsters below. She glanced at the emperor's box, seeing Arcturus glance back at her. The vile man smiled wide at her, then turned his attention back down, eagerly watching as the man's blood sprayed out from the mass of fur. His cries still sounded loud enough, showing he was still alive under it all.

Aurelia walked away, down the steps leading out of the Colosseum and to the road. She knew he was already dead by now. At least she hoped he was. Those... creatures seemed to have gotten some joy taking their time with him. She dared not go back to look, the thought of him still screaming as they slowly ate at his flesh too much for her to bare. A wave of nausea came over her, and she leaned against the wall. Passers-by would likely think it was simply a woman with a weak stomach, seeing death for the first time. She would let them think that. After a moment, she regained her composure. She would return later, collect her winnings. She had bet well, and of course bet against her own slave, knowing what would happen. Overall, she had near tripled the money Arcturus had given hear for this horrific display.

Now she would need to spend it properly. She would need to invest, or bribe her way to keeping her position. Her hand lowered, touching her belly. She already knew there was a child growing within, even with no signs showing. She knew with a certainty that night of love and passion had given her the heir she wanted. She needed to make up a story, of course. Not the child of a slave, another dog but a proper citizen. Perhaps a soldier, off to fight in one of the many wars. Wed but weeks before he left, he died heroically defending Rome. A fitting story. With a few coins spent properly, it would be official, and Montis would have its new heir soon.

She smiled as she leaned her back against the wall, gently rubbing the belly that would soon be growing. "Lucius Canis Montis." It had a nice ring to it.

* * *