Khatana Island - Part 1

Story by walkerc3 on SoFurry

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This is my first story that I have wrote so I do apologise if this isn't very good and I would love to hear your feedback - good and bad. This is going to be a series.

Khatana Island (Part 1)

Jack loved fishing. He loved it more than drinking, football and heck he even loved it more than his ex girlfriend. He preferred nothing more than to be out on the open sea catching as many fish as he could with his best mate Mike. Jack was a young male of 20. His short brown hair was styled by his hair gel which he never left the house without any on his hair. A large male and well built for his age - due to all the rugby he played at school. Mike was older - at 26 he again was well built due to the rugby he played along with Jack. Though mike had black hair and a short goatee beard. The best friends met up through the love for rugby when they were both younger and they have been best friends ever since.

"That's another one in the boat bud." Mike said as he was pulling in another fish in the boat. The fish flapped helplessly in the air attached to his hook and line. "Leave some in for the rest of us to catch mike - I still haven't had a single bite yet!". Jack said as he checked his bait and cast out again. "Not even a mark" he said to himself. Mike laughed "Looks like I'm not buying the drinks when we get back ha" and a smug smile came across his face.

Jack looked up. The sun was shining brightly and he turned his head left and just what he was dreading - black clouds. "I don't like the look of them clouds across there - its going to piss down." Mike looked up "Eh, I don't get it the radio said it was going to be great weather all week. I even checked the internet back home and everything and it all said the same. Anyway it isn't even storm season. Maybe it'll pass or the clouds will break we'll be fine". But Jack wasn't convinced and couldn't keep his eyes off the clouds that were looming closer

Then all of a sudden Jacks rod tip bent round and pulled. "Whoa" he said. "Finally my first bite and what a bite. I think this may need the net Mike". Mike reeled in and walked over to see what Jack was pulling in. "Just make sure your not hooked on the bottom" Mike said with a laugh. "Ha ha the way its gone for me today I wouldn't be surprised but no this is fighting back I can feel it move about and the rod tips pulling like mad" he now had a smile on his face. Taking his time he could see a flash of something a few feet below the surface. Then with a pull on his rod it came up and broke the surface. As it did Jack thought he heard something far from splash.

"Help please help me" the sound was weird but faint. The smile faded and he had a puzzled look on his face. The fish was something he had never seen before. Gold and green down the body but silver fins with black tips. It had the shape of a carp. Mike too had a puzzled look on his face and grabbed the net "Do you recognise the fish - I've never caught one of them before and no-one has in any magazine I've read" Mike said as he saw the fish. Jack was thinking the same thing but something else stirred in his mind - who said help. With a little ease he guided he fish into the waiting net.

Mike hauled the net onto the boat and looked at it. "Well I think that deserves a photo with the successful angler. Look at the colour of its body. It is the most beautiful looking fish I've ever seen" and he went to fetch the camera. Jack knelt down and removed the hook "Ouch. Please let me go don't kill me please". There was no mistaking it - the fish was talking to him. He saw the lips move and the eyes look towards him. Then it spoke again "Please the suns drying me out". Jack moved back - he was stunned. "Have you just spoke to me" was all he could think of saying. "Yes" the fish replied "Don't kill me". Jack moved closer to the fish "I wont kill you don't worry". He stood up and grabbed a container and bent over the boat and scooped up some water. He bent down and poured some over the fish and rubbed some down the golden body with a look of awe. "Thank you" the fish replied. Jack couldn't believe he was talking to a fish he didn't know what to say but all he could think of was "So what type of species are you?" he said. The fish looked at him "What do you mean - what type of species am I" He didn't realise how silly the question sounded until he asked it again. "I'm sorry I mean what are you called - do you have a name?" he poured some more water over the fish. "Well I get called Jasime by my friends" the fish replied. A smile came on Jacks face "Well Jasime my name is Jack".

Just then Mike returned with the camera "Sorry about that bud but I had to change the batteries in this damn thing. Right then lets get a picture of this little beauty." Jack picked up the fish and kneeled with it but couldn't stop looking at it. Mike put the camera to his face and looked through the lens. The scales flashed in the sunlight and the fish looked like it was made of pure gold. But Jasime spoke "Jack what is he doing - what's happening" Mikes jaw dropped and he lowered the camera. "Did that fish just speak" he asked his friend. Jack was looking from Mike to Jasime "Yes it did and he's just taking a photo to prove I caught you". Jasime flapped wildly "What's a photo, does it hurt" she said in a panic. Jack pulled her to his chest to stop her escaping "Whoa Jasime its just a still image of you and me together and no it doesn't hurt and as soon as we have one I will return you to the sea". Jasime soon stopped flapping and was still "You promise" she said. "Yeah now smile for the camera" Jack said and looked towards Mike. Mike still had his jaw opened gawping towards the fish. "Mike can you hurry up and take the photo please" James said to his friend. "Oh right" he stumbled with the camera and took a photo and another together.

Jack stood up and Mike walked over to him "Now what are you doing with it" he said to Jack. Jack walked over to the edge of the boat and said to Mike "I'm returning the fish to the sea like I promised" "But Jack that fish can talk. I heard it talk and you where talking to it. No-one has ever heard of a talking fish before" he got really excited and a big smile came on his face "Jack were going to be millionaires". Jack looked over to him "Are you planning to win the lottery when we get back home Mike" Mike smiled "Ha I cant believe it a talking fish. We'll be rich and famous for catching a real live talking animal and when the press get a hold of this and hear it talk. This will be worldwide news". Jack leant over the boat and said "Yeah I know and that's why this fish has to be returned back to where it belongs" Mike looked stunned "But Jack we could be millionaires. We wont have to worry about any money problems again and not have to go to shitty work ever again" he pleaded with his friend. "Thank you Jack" Jasime said before he put the fish back under the water and held it there for a minute until he felt the tail kick in his hands and let go of it. He saw the fish glisten before it swam to the bottom and the blue engulfed it

Jack stood up and wiped his hands on his shorts and looked towards Mike. "We have nowhere to keep a fish of that size and a dead fish is penniless. Anyway what would people do to a fish that could talk experiments and dice it up. It's a miracle I even caught it and something neither of us will ever forget in our lifetimes and put it this way if Jasime didn't talk when we got back to society we would be put away in a nut house. The world is better off without a talking fish". Mike looked unhappy but nodded "Your right bud but what is Jasime?" Jack laughed "Sorry Mike when you where sorting out the camera I asked the fish what it was called and it said Jasime" "But hey at least we've got the photos - anyway if this is a new species what are you going to name it since you discovered it". Jack never thought about that. He may of discovered a new species and he would have to name it. "A Golden Jasime".

Mike laughed "Well whatever your going to call it lets see if I can catch one". Jack smirked and couldn't help but laugh "You've got to be kidding me. You know that if it can talk to us it can talk to other fish. It will tell the fish all about us and not to take any of our baits so we'll not get another bite". Mike sighed "Yeah your properly right like usual we'll have to change locations if were going to catch an more" Jack picked up his rod and reeled in the excess line "Hey Mike check our location on the satellite I wonder where we are as it would be nice to come back here again" Mike walked over to the satellite and looked at the screen - he hit the top of the screen but that didn't help. "Eh, I don't get it. Why is it not working. Were not showing up on the screen. I don't know where we are." he looked panicked as he started to make sure that the wires and plugs are connected correctly. James looked up. The black clouds were really close now and he was getting worried he didn't want to get caught out in the open with them so close. "We better make a move. Them clouds are too close to comfort and we need to find some shelter Mike" Mike hit the screen again "Fuck off" he shouted at the screen "That's all we need a fucking faulty satellite. Where the hell are we going to go to get out of the storm if we have no way of guidance". James' smile faded from his face "Don't you have any idea where we are" "No bud, we've been drifting on the current so I don't know where we cud be not without a map or satellite to help me".

James moved down to the cabin. Opening up a small cupboard he grabbed what he was looking for - binoculars. He came up on deck and viewed the horizon turning nearly a full 360 degree he found something that looked like land. "What's that on the horizon Mike is it land?" Mike took the binoculars of James and looked in the direction that James had been looking at "Yeah I think your right and by the looks of it it's the only bit of land I can see around us - its our only chance for shelter but I don't think we will make it my the time the storm comes Jack. The seas getting rougher as it is now." James went bellow deck to return the binoculars and brought back 2 life jackets and threw one to Mike whilst putting his own on "Just in case Mike if you say we might get caught out in the storm lets out these on whilst we have a chance or we might regret it". Mike put on his own life jacket and started up the boat. James collected the fishing gear and very quickly placed it below deck and the set off towards the island.

The sea was getting rougher by the minute and they both knew that they wouldn't make it to the island in time. The waves were really high now and Mike turned to James and shouted because of the noise of the boat and the storm "HANG ON". The boat tore through the waves throwing both men about in her. The waves were causing the boat to jump at angles to where they hit here and then it happened. A large wave hit the both with such force and angle that the boat flipped over and capsized. Both men were thrown over board.

Jack was thrown deep into the water and rushed up to reach the surface to get some air. He felt his head break surface and gulped a large amount of sea water and air at the same time. Coughing he looked around bit couldn't see anything but the boat "Mike, mike" he shouted but all he could hear was the thunder above. The sea was throwing him about amongst the waves and he saw it - the capsized boat. He made a swim towards to but then a large wave carried him towards the vessel. He was moving with some speed towards the boat and then he crashed into the body of the boat and he was knocked unconscious from the impact.


Jacks eyes were closed but he had the worst pain at the top of his head. The sun was baking down on him "Am I dead" he thought. He suddenly coughed up some sea water and sand then realised that he was face down in the sand. Rolling on his side he opened his eyes slightly. He saw nothing but blur so he rubbed his eyes to clear his vision and looked across. He was on a beach. He survived the boat capsizing and found land. He thought to himself that this must be the island they were travelling to on the boat before it capsized. He wondered how he ended up on it as all he could remember was shouting for Mike then the sea washing towards the upturned boat. He lied there and thought "I must of drifted to the land. When I hit the boat it must of knocked me out - that would explain the pain". he rubbed his head and felt a bump and thought how lucky he was to still be alive and said to himself "Thank god I put this life jacket on". As he lay there he thought about Mike and wondered if his friend had survived the sea as well. Then tears came to his eyes as he thought about his beast friend and that he may be dead.

He saw that there was a lush forest behind him and recognised a coconut tree and it cheered him up that at least he might not starve to death. Then he saw something across the sand. It looked like some sort of common feline but it was a light colour of purple and it had black shoulder length hair. It was walking like a human on hind legs and it was wearing what looked like a plain t-shirt and shorts on. He wondered if it would attack him but he needed help. The creature was looking about collecting what looked like fruit off the floor. He let out a low moan and said "Help me please" he wasn't sure if the creature could understand him but it turned and looked straight at him. He looked the creature into its eyes and say the green cat eyes look straight back at him, "Please help, my boat has...." but he never got to finish the sentence as the creature dropped the fruit and ran into the cover of the trees. "NO WAIT" he shouted "damn it" he muttered to himself. He then sat up and saw the marks it left in the sand where it had stood seconds before. Then his eyes saw the brightly coloured fruit it had left behind and he scrambled to get the fruit as he realised how hungry he was. The fruit was some sort of mango and he bit into it. The taste was bitter but he mouthed down the pieces of fruit. He wondered about what he had just encounted and thought about the creature he had just seen. He wondered if it had been a figment of his imagination but it had seemed so realistic. He then collapsed due to exhaustion and tiredness and fell in a deep sleep amongst the sand.


The feline ran through the trees, as fast as she could on her legs. She knew the Forrest well and the short cuts that would take her to her destination faster. As she ran the branches and twigs were grazing her face but she didn't care, she must tell the others what she had just saw. As she ran there was a clearing ahead. She knew the clearing so well as it was her village. She came to the edge of the clearing and continued running. The village was made of small huts both on the ground and in the trees. She could see smoke rising from some of the huts and she guessed that they were cooking fires. She ran past the smaller huts until she came to the largest hut of them all. In front of the entrance was to large creatures - a rhino and a gorilla. She stopped for a second eyeing up the two guards. They both were wearing their guard uniform (white tunic with a large red paw print and grey leggings) and carrying there spears for protection (not that they ever needed to use them). She took a run towards the entrance but the guards stood there and blocked the way. The feline stopped in front of the guards "Let me in hurry". The rhino laughed "What do you want in this building little cat" he said. But she looked towards the gorilla and said "Please Epa I must speak to his royal highness. It is very important" the gorilla looked at the cat with a puzzled look. "Felicia you know I cant let you in to see the king without very good reason. He hates to be disturbed when he's - entertaining". "Don t you mean when he's fucking one of the local whores" she replied. The rhino stepped forward towards Felicia "How dare you speak about our king like that" but the gorilla put his large arm in front of the rhino and stopped him advancing any further. "Now Diceros get back" Epa commanded. "But sir, we cannot let her speak about the king like that" the rhino spoke to his commander. But Epa just turned his look back to the cat "Now Felicia you will tell me why it is so important for the king to be disturbed from his chambers when he has given us the command that he is not to be disturbed." Felicia looked from Epa to Diceros and back to Epa then spoke "It is what I found on the beach Epa whilst I was collecting fruit for dinner. A human, I didn't see it first as I was looking for fruit but then it spoke to me and when I heard it speak I turned around. It was just lying there and spoke our language asking for help". She knew that this information caught both of their attentions and she continued "then I panicked and ran for help towards the village and I ran straight here to inform the king" when she finished Epa looked towards the rhino. "Diceros go and fetch the king immediately he must know of the news Felicia brings" but Diceros didn't move he just looked at Epa and replied "But the king as asked not to be disturbed by anyone". Epa growled at the rhino as he roared "It wasn't a request it was a command. I order you to fetch the king here immediately or do you want to be the one to let a human roam free in his kingdom." the rhino looked furious but turned to fetch the king as fast as he could.

The rhino ran down the hall knocking over other creature servants. "Move out of the way" he said to the foxes and felines who where busying themselves around the kings hut. Diceros ran towards the kings chambers were one of his guards were taking watch. The guard was a lone panther. But instead of been at his post he never saw the panther that should of stood there. "Where the hell is he" he thought. He walked down towards the kings chamber door and could hear deep purrs. Walking towards the sound he heard them getting louder. They were coming from a passage way to the right of the kings door. When he looked at the entrance of the passage way he saw the panther accompanied by a female fox who was one of the maids. The panther had his leggings down and his cock fully erect. The female fox was kneeling down taking the panthers fully erect cock into her mouth. She was bobbing her head up and down so fast and her tongue was moving around his cock that the panther knew he would cum soon. Diceros stood there and watched for a few seconds, seeing the panther getting sucked like that was getting himself hard. The royal palace was full of sluttish maids that loved being used for sex. The panther put his paw on the foxes head and forced it to go faster. "Oh baby you get better and better. I'm going to cum soon right down your throat" the fox's head was moving so fast. The panther put both paws on her head and arched his back off the wall as he emptied all his balls into the fox's mouth. There was that much that some of it dribbled down her outfit. The panther was breathing really fast and he kept his eyes shut. "Are you finished private or should I come back later" Diceros said to the panther. The panther opened his eyes in shock and the fox stood up as fast as she could. "Shit" the panther said as he bent down and pulled up his leggings in shock unable to do his belt as his hands were shaking. Diceros spoke to the fox "YOU FUCK OFF OUT OF MY SIGHT" the little fox ran down the hallway.

"ATTENTION" Diceros commanded to the panther. The panther stood back straightened looking forwards though you could make out his erect cock under his leggings. "So, your now playing about with the slut foxes now are we private when you should be protecting out king. Why weren't you at your command post?" the panther still looked forwards his eyes fixed towards the wall in front. "Sir, I'm sorry sir. I don't know why I did it whilst on command. It was a moment of weakness sir and the maid came onto me sir". Diceros didn't look impressed by the panthers reply. "Whilst you were busy with your dick anything could of happened to out king. Someone could of easily walked into his chambers whilst you had your eyes closed. I stood here for at least 3 minutes watching you." "But sir no-one has ever tried to harm our lordship. He is much too powerful for most here to harm sir". Diceros looked pissed off with this remark and grabbed the panther around the neck choking him easily with his strength. "It may seem that he can defend himself against most of the creatures of this island but there is something here that is more powerful than us all. A human has just been found on the island and the king must be told of his presence" the panther was choking under the rhinos strength. Diceros threw the panther on the floor and turned and knocked on the kings door.

There was a roar from the chamber and "I ordered not to be disturbed" the king said. Diceros was nervous as he replied "We have urgent news that his highness must be made aware off" he waited for the king to reply. "This better be good Diceros - enter if you must". Diceros opened the door and stepped into the kings chamber. The king was a tiger. White in colour and as large as a the rhino himself. He was wearing one of his robes which was thrown on in a rush. Diceros could see a lioness lying covered in the kings bed. This was one of the kings private slaves and was beautiful. The king was busying himself with a drink at the table "Well Diceros what is it? I have business to finish off" he said as he glanced at the lioness. Diceros looked from the lioness to the king "King Bali we have important news from one of the villagers. She found a human on the island sir. On the beach where she was collecting fruit" he saw that this grabbed the kings attention. "A human you say, just the one (the rhino nodded). We must fetch this human as once and have him imprisoned for questioning. We must know how he got on the island. Diceros inform Epa to take yourself and the villager to go and collect the human. We cannot have it patrolling the island." Diceros nodded and left to go and meet up with Epa. As he left he turned to the panther "Private I order you to quickly go and fetch 2 replacements to stand guard at the entrance and tell them to meet me there in 3 minutes. Then return to your post" and he walked away toward the entrance.

As he got there he found Epa in deep conversation with Felicia but as soon as Epa saw Diceros coming he stopped the conversation "Later Felicia. What is King Bali's order?". Diceros then repeated the orders to Epa. Epa nodded "I thought so and are you alright in leading us to where you found the human Felicia" he turned and asked the feline. She nodded and Epa turned to Diceros "Right Diceros we'll need to find us replacements to cover the entrance..." "I already have commander and here they come now" he pointed to two chimpanzee troops. "You know what to do" Epa sad to his troops "Now lead the way Felicia" he said to the cat.

Well that is the end of chapter one (and my first ever story) please leave your feedback and any comments about the story as it would be greatly appreciated. I do apologise for the lack of yiffy but there will be more and better scenes in chapter 2 (I just wanted to set the story line) Thanks walkerc3