Damn it, I need this! Chapter 16

Story by Faller on SoFurry

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#17 of Damn it, I need this!

Hey. This is a big one. I mean this is the largest single chapter that I have ever written. I really can't explain everything with out bogging you down for a big paragraph. I struggled to get this up tonight and I just finalized it. One thing though. When it comes to Jacob's scene, it gets a little trippy at a point, just so you know. So, please read and I don't exactly intend for this to be read all at once so feel free to divide it up yourself. Thanks.

Steven leaned against a chain link fence. He had one arm crossed over his chest and his free hand holding his cell phone up to his ear. He half sighed and half chuckled, "Okay Drake. So what is it going to be." Steven drummed his fingers on the side of his chest where one of his hands rested, actually fairly curious about what Drake would chose for his favor.

Drake sighed quickly. He spoke cautiously, "Well, your brother is Jacob Stark right?"

Steven tilted his head, curious, "Yes."

Drake said just as cautiously, "I want to personally meet him and scrimmage with you and him."

Steven shrugged, "Sure no problem." He thought Drake was going to ask for something bigger, but it wasn't important.

"And-" Drake said interrupting Steven's thoughts. Drake gulped loudly enough so that Steven could hear it through the phone. He said cautiously again with some excitement in his voice, "And... is he... gay?"

Steven's eyes widened a little, surprised. "Umm, well, he has a girlfriend-," Steven could hear Drake sigh disappointed on the other side, he quickly added, "-but, has told me that he is bi before." Steven smiled when he overheard Drake gave a quite "Yes!" to himself.

Drake said excitedly, "How open is he with his girlfriend?" Steven could feel Drake clenching his fists through his voice.

"They are fine with the other having sex with somebody else." Drake was feeling quite happy now.

"So when can we do this?" Drake said excited.

Steven chuckled, "I will have to check with him, but perhaps this Sunday."

Drake sighed with contentment, "Thanks Steven. Call me with the details. See you soon."

"Yeah, see you soon." They hung up. Steven jerked his head to the side and his mane flicked to the other side of his neck as he started walking slowly towards home. He flipped through his phonebook again. He dialed the number once he found it. He pulled the receiver to his ear and waited as it rang.

A phone vibrated and lit up on the glass table beside the couch. The black horse snorted and ignored the ringing and continued his nap. After a good ten rings, the screen dimmed and the phone froze. He sighed in relief and coughed lightly. He turned with his back to the table and sighed. Then there was a moment of silence only broken by

birds chirping in the autumn trees.

Suddenly, his eyes shot open to stare at the back of the couch as the phone started again. He simply groaned and turned to the phone. He grumbled as he turned back onto his back and stretched to his right to reach his cell. He grunted in the stretch, refusing to leave the couch. His finger narrowly grasped at the phone and quickly pulled it towards him.

"Gotcha" he grumbled to himself. His eyes still closed he brought the device to his ear. He cleared his throat, "Hello?" he grumbled.

"Hey Jake." Steven said clearly.

Jacob's eyes flicked open and he smiled widely. "Steven!" He sat up immediately, happy to hear from his brother. "Brother! Where have you been? You haven't called in

like a month?" Jacob said swinging his feet to the ground and sitting up in the couch in the way it was intended.

Steven chuckled, "Oh well you know. I have a had a rather complicated few weeks."

Jacob couched a little, "What do you mean?" Steven chuckled lightly and nodded his head side to side as he walked down the sidewalk. "I don't want to burn up all my minutes so I'll give you the short version."

Jacob stood up and grunted, "What ever bro."

Steven sighed and then took in a deep breath. He spoke quickly getting everything out in one breath, "I was in the shower at my gym when a guy named Drake started to suck me off suddenly and a guy named Lucian saw me and called me and asked me if I wanted a job. So I took his offer and ended up at a porn filming business and so now I am going to be in porn movies and get paid much better than at my last job. Oh and I beat up some thugs to save a teenage panther girl that I have now adopted and she is just going through her first heat." Steven took in another breath and sighed.

Jacob just stood a few steps from his couch with his arms folded and a amused smile on his face. The phone was silent and Steven got a little nervous.

"Okay, your are just going to have to come over and tell me that in person because that is a little over the top." He started to laugh loudly and started walking towards the refrigerator.

"Well that is kind of what I was calling about."

"Steve, you know you are welcome to drop by anytime you want, neither me or Sasha have any problem with you coming over." Jacob spoke as he bent down to look into the refrigerator. His black tail was swishing back and forth and his tight shorts clung to his muscled thighs as he bent over. Steven scratched his head and squinted at the afternoon sun that casted his muscled equine form onto the pavement.

"Well, it isn't as simple as me just coming over." Jacob pulled out of the fridge and shut the door. He twisted the top of a protein drink and took a swig.

He wiped his face with his upper arm and spoke, "Okay stop beating around the bush and tell me. I mean really sometimes you have to just spit it out." He took another swig and looked over at the flickering television.

Steven chuckled, "Okay, well I owe a favor to a friend of mine and he wanted to meet you in person and have a scrimmage with you, me, him, and some other furs." Jacob finished off his beverage and tossed it into a garbage bin.

"Yeah, no problem bro. Just tell me the time and we will arrange something." Jacob walked back over to the couch and laid back down on it with a air puffing from the cushions.

"Well, there is one other little thing. I think Drake has the hots for you."

Jacob had a stunned look on his face for a second. "Wha-" he smiled a little, "Okay this just got interesting. What does he look like?"

Steven imagined Drake in his head, "Well he is a doberman, brown and black, maybe about five foot eleven, lean, good muscles,"

Jacob scratched his arm and had a contemplating look on his face, "Hmmm, sound's good enough." He changed his tone a little, "How big is he?" Steven was silent for a second, "Look you said he sucked you off it probably went a little farther than that don't you think?"

Steven shrugged, "Well it isn't like I have measured him before. I guess about eight or nine inches."

Jacob nodded slightly, "Okay, that isn't bad. He better be a bottom though."

Steven chuckled, "Yeah, I would say that he is." "So when do you want to do this?" Jacob said as his eyes closed to visualize Drake in his thoughts.

"Would Sunday be good?"

"Yeah that sounds fine."

"Alright I will call you up tomorrow."

"Alright Steam. See you tomorrow." Jacob smiled and Steven chuckled at his old nickname.

"Steam. Man, that takes me back. Makes you think doesn't it Gabe?" Jacob chuckled lightly hearing the abbreviation for his middle name, Gabriel. Steven thought to himself. He thought back to when he was a teen and his brother played on the high-school soccer team together. Jacob was a junior and Steven a freshman, but even though he was young, Steven was on par with the juniors and even some of the seniors.

He snapped out of his reflection when he found himself almost walking headlong into an intersection. A yellow Hummer honked as it passed and the Wolf driving it leaned out to yell at Steven. Steven couldn't hear him and cracked up when the wolf nearly crashed into a telephone pole. The wolf turned just in time and swerved away from the sidewalk. Steven was laughing to himself.

Then he heard from his phone, "Hello? Steve?" Steven shook his head and snapped out of his amusement and pulled the cell back to his ear.

"Sorry about that."

"No problem. So I will see you tomorrow?" Jacob said scratching his stomach.

"Yeah. We will see you there. Later." Jacob heard Steven hang up and he flung his cell onto the table. It clanged as it hit the glass and Jacob was startled and just shook his head.

Jacob was a well built horse. He had a good amount of muscle mass but was still agile and quick. He was completely black, a stark contrast to his speckled white brother. He was about the same size as his brother, each about six and a half feet tall-- large enough to frame their muscles well but not to make unapproachable intimidating. His mane was long and black as well.

Jacob's ear twitched as he heard some fumbling coming from upstairs. He heard his mate yawn. Her light footsteps were soft on the carpet up stairs as she made her way to the staircase. Her figure began to descended, her spotted foot-paws stepping down the cold glass steps. The leopard's body was suggestively hidden behind a red silk robe. She curved around the bend in the stairs and Jacob's eyes followed her long legs through the gaps in the metal rail supports.

The robe was but casually wrapped around the leopardess's sleek form. The translucent cloth extended only down to her upper thigh, making it quite easy to see her bare ass cheeks slide against each other and her hips swinging as she descended.

She turned around the metal banister at the bottom of the stair case, her right paw sliding over it as she turned. Her chest motioned forward and her bust was open, just barely edged by the robe. Her white chest was the only deviation in her spotted fur. But her chest did take up a fair amount of space though. Her firm breasts lightly bobbed as her hips swung. Her pink slit was just visible and the lips clung tightly together. It was obvious that she was fingering herself upstairs as her right index and

middle fingers were damp and the fur around her lips were as well.

Jacob sat on the couch, one arm splayed over the backrest, inviting Angela to join him along with the firm outline in his tight boxers. Angela smiled lightly as she walked towards the couch, her long tail curving under her robe and moving slightly by her heels. She sat and folded her left leg under her and sat leaning in to kiss her black stallion. They pushed into each other passionately, softly kissing.

Angela stopped and began to nuzzle on Jacob's broad shoulders. She purred as his hand raised and pet behind her ears.

"Did you enjoy your nap love?"

She looked up at him softly with deep blue eyes, "I did. I just had a little urge in the back of my mind." She began to kiss up his neck. "I was dreaming of a beautiful stallion with a soft, sensual touch." Her paw raised and brushed Jacobs cheek as she kissed his muzzle softly, "I woke up a little too into the moment and I couldn't quite

take care of it myself." Angela began to kiss down Jacob's chest as she started to kneel on the ground.

Jacob just watched the feline lower herself, slowly moving her mouth down to his waist. Angela licked her lips and felt around Jacob's upper thigh. She lowered her cheek to his tight shorts and rubbed up against it, her fur nuzzling the hot contents below her. She rubbed her face up and down the shorts as her paws continued to stroke at Jacob's hips and thighs. She carefully moved down to the base of the stallion crotch, his member now firm and coiling in his lap. Her soft eyes looked up at the stallion with a smoldering lust.

Jacob shivered at her gaze. Angela's paws held Jacob's hips snugly and her rough tongue creeped from her mouth. With her powerful gaze still transfixing Jacob's eyes, she dragged her tongue over the outline in Jacob's shorts. Her tail swung lightly behind her as Jacob moaned. Her tongue steadily glided up the length and she flipped her tongue after reaching the top. She giggled at the stallion's expression, absolutely enthralled under her touch. He had no room to grow in length as he painful tented his tight shorts. She gave him mercy and wrapped her fingers around the waist of the cloth.

She pulled the elastic put from the slim waist stretching it pull it over the head so that the fabric does not scrap the sensitive equine head. Jacob's head poked far out of the black boxers, his astounding length reaching up him.

Jacob's member was quite long, even more than Steven's, while Steven held a good eighteen inches, his brother toted somewhere around twenty two, very long for even equine standards. But Steven had one up on his brother: his girth.

Jacob had an average diameter for an equine, two and a quarter inches. But Steven's girth, perhaps even more awe striking than his big brother's length, was massive. Steven's thick shaft had a three inch diameter. It would be hard get your hand around Jacob's cock, but you would almost certainly need two hands to really hold Steven's monster. The brothers only knew these measurements because they each wanted to know who was bigger. But to be honest, no one female had seen both of their cocks, but every female was just as happy to see either one.

As glorious as Jacob's meat was, Angela continued to look up into his eyes, here blue gaze piercing to the root of his very drive and desire. Jacob just panted as his shorts slid down to his ankles. Her eyes still transfixed on his, the leopard began to rise back to the throbbing cock.

Suddenly she slunk under Jacob's groin and his gaze remained staring, feeling her breath slowly puff on his length as she lowered her face. Angela extended her rough tongue and reached behind Jacob's heavy balls. She placed her paws on the front of Jacob's broad hips. Angela pressed against the stallion's pelvis forcefully, extended her tongue, and forcing her face forward. Jacob shuttered as her course tongue pulled forcefully up from the base of his sack.

Her short muzzle was pressed between his thighs and his heavy orbs draped over either side of her snout. Jacob threw his head back and his black mane whipped onto the couch. His eyes clenched, coping with the stimulation and he grasped the couch tightly. Angela's eyes remained open, dreamily looking forward as she began to drag her pressing tongue up through Jacob's sweaty sack. She could taste his arousal on her pallet and she took in the soul-filled scent with zeal.

Her tongue parted the two nuts as her paws kept continuous leverage by pressing down on the equine pelvis. The cock rubbed hard on the tongue as it twitched erratically and began to leak pre that dripped down the shaft. The feline tongue soaked up the salty fluid and continued up the cock. It balanced on her tongue as it slid, allowing the leopardess's hand free to grasp at the course hair around the stallion's crotch.

After what seems like minutes of Angela sliding up Jacob's cock, the leopard raised from her knees to reach the head. She finally broke eyes contact as her head slid over the head, and Jacob moaned in pleasure and in desire of her gaze. Angela's paws then raised from Jacob's pelvis and grasped his cock, one just above the other. Then she raised her sights back at her lover, entwining him yet again in her hypnotic eyes.

Jacob could but squint and look down at her as he crumpled his face in pleasure. Then her muzzle began to fall down the cock, the spear aiming for her throat. Pre was now spraying freely, coating the feline's mouth with but two jets. She continued to push her muzzle down, dragging the meat further with in her. She slowed as the head slowly peaked into her throat. Angela looked back up at the stallion now and worked the head just in an out of her throat. She expertly coupled this teasing by twisting her fists that just barely fit around the member and pulled on the tight skin around it forcefully.

Although Jacob's fur was uniformly black, his longest and most impressive feature was colored by splotches of black and white. As his skin was pulled back and forth, the form of his veins showed through the thin dermis, the blue tint only revealing when stretched under the white splotches of the cock.

Angela, on top of massaging his base with her paws, caressed the top inches of the throbbing dick between her tongue and soft pallet, undulating the muscles to pressure and touch Jacob's sensitive tip. Jacob reached down with his strong hands and lightly laid them on Angela's head. He put forth no force but Angela began to slid the cock deeper into her throat.

She pushed the hot shaft as deep as her body would allow, conquering a good sixteen inches with in her sweet throat. She gagged but lightly for the sake of extended practice and she remained lowered on the spear as her hand contoured to twist and tug the skin at the base. Jacob could barely help to cum right there and flood her stomach with his sweet seed. But he restrained although Angela still persisted to milk him dry.

The steady stream of pre pouring out of the tip was nearly enough to convince Angela that her mate had indeed came. She never stopped massaging the base as she slid the meat out of her throat. Subtle smacks and splats emanated from the leopard mouth as pre continued to pour and Angela's saliva thickened. She pulled the cock from her and sighed in happiness as here tongue lapped up the wellspring of precum.

Jacob pet her ears softly and moaned, "Oh baby. I swear you are too good at that." He leaned down and kissed at her forehead lightly. She wrapped hands around his neck and glanced her tongue up towards his mouth. He took her tongue in openly and tangled it with his. In this process, he scooped up the feline legs up into his own arms. He raise her up and her arms straightened.

They continued to kiss as Jacob slowly stepped out of his boxers and walked towards the coffee table in front of the couch. He lowered her down onto it and rested her back on it. They kissed, each preparing for their next round. Angela released a paw at a time to let her silk robe slid off of her shoulders onto the table below. Jacob moved his arms one at a time to hold the bends of her knees and splayed her thighs.

Her moist pussy was now open to his gaze. He broke the kiss begrudgingly and kissed down the spotted body. He eventually reached the leopard's hot mound, her clit engorged and prepared. Similar to her treatment of him, Jacob released his tongue and licked starting just behind her pussy.

With great pressure from his wide tongue, he licked up into her to further moisten her lips. He removed his hands from the leopard's legs and kept her spread with his broad shoulders. He used his skilled fingers and spread her tight twat, revealing more pink flesh. His tongue danced among her stretched lips and glanced upon her clit. Angela was moaning and yipped slightly at every glance at her clit.

Then, without warning, Jacob, latched her mouth over the ball of nerves. Angela yelled and her eyes flew open. Her eyes glimmered while Jacob worked. The stallion chuckled slightly before he began to nibble on the clit lightly. Angela's arms squirmed and she winced in half pain and half pleasure. Jacob showed mercy and licked the pink flesh a little before retracting his tongue back to the base of her pussy. Angela panted and her snatch dripped copiously. Jacob ran his tongue once more up the mound and slurped up the juices. He licked the fur around the pussy afterwards. His cum laden saliva was spread over Angela's entire groin, moist with musk.

He brushed against her clit one more time before he moved his head up from the hot cunt. He raised his arms again so that they hooked around the leopard's knees again.

He pulled himself up a little, curving his back so he could position most of his upper body above the feline's beating chest. He licked his lips and with delicate precision poised his cock head at the entrance of his mates hot pussy. Angela's chest rose and fell strongly while Jacob lightly prodded his head in between her lips.

He swayed his hips delicately and slathered his slick pre over the pink and already well moistened cunt. With anxious looks from his leopardess, Jacob pushed his cock forward, the lube negating the tightness of the cunt. Angela sighed and squinted her gorgeous eyes as her walls grasped at Jacob's first inches. To her dismay, the equine member began to slid out of her again.

After leaving her he pushed the same portion of meat back into her. She grasped tightly again, hoping to keep the sweet rod inside. But he pulled out yet again. She opened her eyes and looked up at her mate with an aura of half annoyance and half pleading. "Your a damn tease you know that?" She said.

"Just wait, I need to tell you something really quickly." He looked down at her and she was wide eyed with loving desire. "I just need to let you know that Steven is going to stop by tomorrow with a little company." She perked up a little and her tail waved beneath her.

A innocent smile came over her face. "Steven? I haven't seen your brother in months."

She looked up at him a little more excited than before, "If it is okay with you, I am going to find out how good he is." She started talking to herself now, a little softer than before although Jacob could still hear her. "I want to see how big his cock is compared to-" Jacob grinned a little and decided to cut her short. She threw back her head and yelled at the top of her lungs while, in less than two seconds, Jacob had speared half of his member deep with in her feline cunt.

The hair on the leopard's neck stood straight and her eyes flashed with the pleasure rippling through her. She hoped to grasp to the table beneath her but her claws just slid off of the glass top. Jacob pulled back running his cock on her walls before he felt a distinct texture in the middle of the wall. As he passed over her G-spot Angela's tail flailed and her maw flew open, silent and struggling take in breath.

Jacob grinned and pulled his head just off of the spot. He then rammed into her again, shifting his thrust to the wall with the G-spot. Angela was speechless, just keeping her breath while her muscles tightened and heat flared deep within her silky confines.

"Steven is a not going to be a light-weight, I will tell you that." Jacob grunted, finishing Angela's thought for her. Although Angela was in mass disarray from pleasure,

Jacob had yet to push is full length into her and he didn't plan on doing it either. He pulled back and then grunted before shoving several more inches into his mate.

Angela's voice once again bursted from her mouth as the cock rammed hard into her cervix. The pain was enveloping her even though the feeling was still way below the aura of her pleasure. Her insides tightened as Jacob moaned, his cock slowly beginning to spread her cervix.

Angela moaned, her body accepting the member with far more ease than usual. Jacob had noticed that he was not gritting his teeth at the pressure and realized how easily he was pushing into her. Then the cock began to poke through the wall, and before either of them could notice that the cock had slipped into Angela's womb. Rather than yelping in pain, as was the norm, Angela moaned with the feeling of utter completeness for some reason.

Jacob fell down to her, his weight now supported by he metal edges of the table. His head and mane hung above Angela who sweated and moaned. Her pussy quivered, unable to take anymore of the stallion. Jacob had rarely completely hilted into any fur, male or female, as it was just too much for them to take. He had once before hilted in his mates ass, but that was quite uncommon.

Despite being a little physically separated, the room seemed to go dark around the two. The two puffed air onto each other's faces each sweating to add to the musk that could as of yet not envelope the large living room. Angela felt like she was floating a dark void, alone with her love. He eyes shimmered in the peaceful darkness, a tear of joy escaping the blue pools of her eyes.

Her golden fur felt as if it was vibrating on her, her every hair follicle resonating with passion. She looked up at Jacob. She could see him looking at her with equal feelings. Although his fur with black, he stood out from the darkness. Rather than his ordinary sleek black, his fur was sprinkled with a golden aura that showed but weakly on his stomach.

In her mesmerized vision, she saw portions of his form dusted with a delicate light. Her eyes trailed down to his hips. She could see the base of his mighty horse-hood twitching, just unreachable by her body.

The entire area surrounding his base was exaggerated with a fiery light that Angela could only attribute to, what she thought, was a true vision of him. She was drawn equally by his gaze as she glanced to the his most familiar features and his fur seemed to vibrate even more with the golden luminescence.

His soft visage looked down on her, the face that she treasured to awake to, to kiss, to touch, stared at her with calm eyes that quelled the fiery passion that was just recently brimming in her heart. His mane dangled at the side of his face, flecked with gold to a less extent than his face. Perhaps she was imagining it in her love fueled dream, but she could have sworn that this flecked hair was rustling softly as if brushed in by some unknown breeze. Through her eyes, Jacob's divine facade reflected an ethereal source of light and love that she held more dear than anything.

Although this vision was so vivid and she was entranced, Angela could hear Jacob's voice calling her to reality. Her glazed blue eyes suddenly flashed and startled the curious horse. Her attention floated up to him, her tear of joy, the conduit of her vision, still running down her cheek. Jacob could feel her happiness. The feeling rang up from his thoroughly buried cock and flooded into his body. With some preeminence he could hear her before she spoke.

As her mouth opened to speak, he shushed her softly. She still looked up at him, but now with a whimsical smile. He gave a light smile and then his eyes flashed. With one last drop of strength, he trusted as far as her body would allow. Her body wanted to scream, but all Angela could do was smile blissfully as Jacob trusted but a half inch more.

He pulled back the same amount over and over again, ramming into each time he pulled back. In a matter of seconds, after this furious drilling, Jacob's mouth opened and his balls pulled up. He let out a great whiney that rang through the house as he orgasm.

His cock twitched as a flood of cum began to rush up his shaft. The torrent exploded within Angela and shot the entire shot directly into her womb. The cavity soon filled and the cum rushed up the length between the leopard's inner walls and Jacob's rock hard cock. The cum leaked out of her pussy.

Angela staggered to let out her breath and she wrapped her arms around her the stallion's black neck. Jacob was silent, despite his wobbly legs, and, with his mate hanging by his neck. He stood up from the table, pulling his love up with him and cradling her back with his arms. She pulled her face to his shoulder and buried it in the black fur.

He made his way to the stairs, carrying his mate to which he was still connected. The strong horse ascended the stairs slowly. Angela's body rocked slightly with each step and she purred into Jacob's shoulder. Jacob soon reached the top and walked up towards the bedroom. Upon reaching the bed he slowly laid down on his back, his mate laying atop of him.

They sank into the bed like a cloud, still embracing, the stallion cock softening around the quivering pussy as it continued to drip cum as it did up the entire ascension of the stair flight. Angela purred in her lover's arms as they laid in the cloud. Jacob had his arms wrapped around Angela, his right arm reaching over her back and extending onto her belly. He rubbed her belly softly, as if he was bonding with something more than just his mate.

The tumblers in the lock of the apartment clicked as Steven turned his house key. He pushed the dark wooden door lightly. Eva's ear's twitched as she heard to door creak open. She looked back to see Steven shutting the door. Her wail wagged slightly, "Hey hun. How was you meeting with your boss?" Steven looked up with a curious stare. He dropped the contents of his pockets on the table beside the door.

"How did you know about that? I didn't even know about that until the minute it happened." He had his hand on his chest and still looked at her perplexed. She had turned to him by now and had her paws behind her back. She rolled on and off the ball of her foot-paws as he eyes trailed the room playfully.

"Well, I got a little hint during lunch." Steven turned his head and thought for a second. I suddenly clicked and he chuckled lightly, his face pointed to the floor as he shoved a hand in his pocket.

"I thought Tera and Lucian were acting a little strange." Eva walked over to him now and wrapped her arms around Steven's chest. She tilted her head up and she kissed him lightly.

She snuggled into his shoulder, "So what was the outcome?" Steven hesitated for a second. "Well, I finally have a contract so I can earn money from my scenes, I have been invited to do some special work, and attend a party tonight at the complex." She sighed into his shoulder.

"So nothing I don't already know." Steven chuckled and held her close as they rocked slightly from side to side. "I am not going to the party. I wouldn't want to embarrass you." She smirked and giggled. Steven kissed the top of her head and let go. She let go to and they both walked towards the couch. Each plopped down. Steven folded his hands behind his head and leaned back while Eva leaned against his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Steven took in a calm breath. "Eva. I was thinking Sunday we could pay Jacob a visit."

Eva smiled, "That would be nice, it has been a while."

Steven's head tilted against Eva's for a second and he spoke, "Where is Sky?"

"She is taking a nap in the bed."

Steven rubbed his hand against Eva's thigh, "I wonder what she will think of Jake."

"I am sure they will get along just fine. Your brother is just as friendly as you."

"I know." Steven sighed and looked up at the clock. "Well, it starts at ten o'clock, so we have a couple of hours to pass."

Eva sighed as she moved her hand over Steven's crotch. "Hmm, well we can't have any bonding. I just ate, so dinner isn't really an issue." She moved her hand so she just rubbed his thigh.

"I kind of want to go to the park." Steven smiled to himself and placed his hand over Eva's paw. "That sounds nice. I just need to change and get a little snack."

Steven kissed Eva on the top of her head. and rose from the couch. Eva yawned, her ears folding back as she took in a breath, "Well I will go get Sky ready."

She jumped up onto her foot-paws and stretched her arms as she walked towards the bedroom. Steven had reached the kitchen and was rummaging through the refrigerator. He snorted and closed the door before turning to the kitchen counter. He smiled when he saw a couple of apples sitting on the counter. He grabbed one of them and then opened a cabinet. He reached inside to pull out a protein bar.

He peeled the bar bare and ate it all with two bites.

Then he remembered, "Damn. I have to change into something more appropriate." He looked at himself, still wearing his dress-shirt from the night before. He walked over to the bedroom door which was closed. He knocked softly. Eva turned the knob and Steven looked curiously when he saw her in only her bra and panties.

"Am I interrupting something?" He said with an eyebrow raised. She playfully punched him in the shoulder, "Sky is in the bathroom. What do you need?"

"I need to change into something a little more casual."

Eva flicked her eyes to the bathroom door quickly, "If you hurry, you can get it done before Sky is finished."

"Alright I'll be quick about it." Steven said as he unbuttoned his shirt. He shedded the striped fabric and wadded it up and tossed it onto the bed. He reached down for his fly and began to undo the top of his jeans. He walked as he undid the button towards the dresser. He approached Eva as she began to slip on a shirt.

He let his pants fall and stepped out of them, now only in his boxers. Eva peered down at Steven bent over and looked at his toned ass. She sighed and reached to get another pair of jeans for herself. Steven laid the jeans over the dresser and rummaged through his drawer for some clean jeans. He pulled them out and then he stopped to think. He looked back at the bathroom door, "Should I get some new boxers too? Do I have time?" He pondered. He made the quick decision to go for it and began to slip out of her boxers.

He pulled them down to his ankles, revealing his meat to Eva. She moaned in a tortured tone. She desperately wanted to feel his cock but knew that if she did, Sky would catch them. She gave an anxious sigh and pulled up her jeans before walking out of the room. Steven's black cock reeked of his musk and cum, a scent that had thoroughly rubbed into his boxers. Steven quickly pulled up his boxers and jeans up all at once, not giving his musk a chance to diffuse through the room. He had just zipped up his fly as he head the bathroom door open. He slowed down and gave a quiet sigh of relief and pulled out a plain white v-neck shirt.

Sky just barely got to see the defined muscles of Steven's back as he raised his arms to slip the shirt on. She hid behind the door frame a little before Steven turned around. She came out of the bathroom quickly and walked towards Steven with a little smile. He smiled back and bent his knees down, bringing his head closer to her level.

"Sky, how was lunch with Eva and Tera?" Sky gave a light embrace around Steven before responding.

"It was great. Tera is really nice." Her tail whipped quietly behind her.

"Yeah, Tera is a good friend, I am glad you enjoyed yourself. So are you ready to go."

"Actually, I have to make the bed really quickly." Steven chuckled, "Alright we will meet you at the door. Steven left Sky alone in the room. Sky looked over at the bed to see that she was a little restless during her nap. The covers were moved around and half of it was slumping on the floor.

"What was I dreaming about?" she thought as she fixed the covers. As she did this, she noticed Steven's jeans laying on the bedspread.

"Did Steven change his other clothes too?" She looked around and fixated on the old boxers that were folded on the dresser. She looked out of the door to see Eva calling somebody and Steven eating an apple. She decided to investigate. She walked over to the garment and instantly smelled the vague scent of cum.

Her nose perked more as she got closer to the boxers. She soon got within reaching distance and her paw cautiously reached for them. She picked up the cotton boxers and stared at them intently. The smell of cum sent endorphins into her blood and her breathing quickened a little. With a shaky grip she brought the musky fabric to her face.

She closed her eyes and shoved the cotton onto her nose. She sighed as she took in her adoptive guardian's scent, enjoying the fullness of the sweet smell. She took another deep breath of the musk before her pussy began to heat up. She blushed a little and placed the boxers back on the dresser before wiping her face and walking towards the livingroom.

She grabbed the frame of the door and looked back before sighing happily and going to Steven and Eva.

Eva looked up from her phone, "Ready?"

Sky smiled, "Yep." Steven chucked his apple core into the trash and wiped his mouth with his midarm. He grabbed his phone and personages, "And so we are off."

He opened the door for the ladies and the three walked out, Steven closing the door behind him.

Steven clipped his watch around his wrist. The face had a respectable shine and the number's showed clearly through it. The horse rolled up the cuffs on his shirt to about midarms. His fingers stretched and he pulled them together in a lattice. He pushed them forward and heard a satisfying crack from his knuckles. He released his grip as he turned onto Vault street. It was about a half an hour before show time and he walked down the dimly lit boulevard as autumn leaves rustled under his feet. He shivered a little, the chilling breeze navigating under his exposed fur and glancing across his face.

He crossed his arms and shivered, "God, it was nice an hour ago." His dark jeans rustled around his toned legs and his untucked shirt whapped a little in the wind. He sped up slightly, hoping to reach the warmth of the complex soon. He crossed one more block before he finally came to the alleyway. He came to the metal door and knocked on it. He heard a body stand behind the door and pull the door open.

Mitch smiled at Steven casually, "So, your are going to join the party?" Steven chuckled and he pushed the door more with his hand, he shivered as he touched the cold metal. Some leaves rushed into the hallway as the door closed and air rushed in. The leaves quickly settled and Mitch kicked them to the opposite side of the door.

"You are a bit early. We won't be getting anybody for at least another half hour. You can go ahead down to the main room and check up on everybody."

Steven waved, "I'll be seeing you."

The bull chuckled, "No. No you probably won't." he did so while continuing to shuffle the foliage to the corner.

The elevator dinged as he descended and it opened its doors. Steven walked into the lobby. It was immediately obvious that they had deliberately dimmed the lights to about half the brightness that they usually were. That in combination with the subtle babbling of the pond provided suitable abeyance. The large screen had also been altered. Rather than the usual list of names that resembled a screen at an airport terminal, the screen was slowly fading in and out images of the people who would be working the party and the guests that would be arriving.

Steven turned from the screen in hopes of being surprised by who had been invited. He turned his head to the front of the lobby where Galen's door was located. He found the doorway obscured by a sort of glass podium. He began to walk that way to see if Galen was helping with the prep work. He opened the glass door to see no receptionist at the desk.

He saw Galen sitting at his desk with his arms crossed watching a screen on the side of the wall. Steven knocked the glass with his knuckles. Galen looked up a little startled and then smiled. He waved his paw and motioned the horse to enter. Steven shut the door behind him to see what looked like a small crowed of furs standing in a small lobby.

"Have a seat. I was just checking out the live feed of the guests." The screen was split into quadrants. Two cameras look over from the back corners of the room, one watched the outside door to the building with a guard or two next to it, and the fourth was left with a black screen. Steven sat down in one of the wooden chairs and it creaked.

"Ah, so is this going to be everybody?" Steven asked.

Galen chuckled, "No, this is about half of them. This is no small party, we have a good forty to fifty people invited with each allowed to bring a friend. So there are still about half more to come. These are just the early people. But I wouldn't discount the people already here. Them being here early says that either they were invited before and had a good time, or they are just eager people. Either way, the early ones tend to be the most interesting and memorable considering they are here before the entire scene gets too hectic."

Steven was a little perplexed. "Why exactly are you watching them?"

Galen shrugged, "The primary reason is to make sure only invited people are showing up and aren't trying to swindle the guard, not that they will be fooled easily. But the real reason is so I can see the people here and by extension, how good the night will be."

"So what are you getting from the people here?"

"I know most of them personally, so I will defiantly be enjoying myself." Steven was a little surprised and started to talk before Galen cut him off, "So yes I do have my share of entertainment at this party. And for other people, I suspect even someone as new as you will get along with the guests. I for a fact know that they are all fairly intelligent and lighthearted lot and don't take this all too seriously. They are approachable and happy to screw the night away. They know what the party is meant for."

Galen looked at his watch and then turned back to Steven. "Since this is your first time, I going to tell you the few ground rules. One, though the guests can, I would strongly suggest against drinking for two reasons: As much fun as it is supposed to be it is still a job so you need to be focused, and although everybody should be cleared before hand, in case they have a STD, you would want to be cognizant of them having a disease considering you could spread it to the entire company."

Galen put up two fingers, "Two, the customer is always right. You have the right and ability to refuse anybody service, but they need to be making the decisions unless they want and abuse and if so they need to make that explicitly clear."

He put up three fingers, "And three, most importantly," he paused and leaned in close, "give them your all. Your performance reflects not only your ability to be referred to others but also represents the company as a whole. If you are fucking them good, they will be aching for more in more ways than one."

Galen stood up and patted Steven on the shoulder. "Come. I have to show you a few things outside before showtime."

The two stepped out of the office. The black wolf led Steven to one of the corners of the lobby. He opened one of the taping rooms to find two couches, a coffee maker on a wooden table, and a number of mugs.

"I am aware that this could get a little tiring, so you can get coffee for some energy and some food in the fridge and," Galen reached behind the couch and took out a pill bottle. "some Viagra to keep all the males busy." Galen looked at his watch and clapped his paws together and then slid them back and forth on each other.

"And it is just about time." He walked over to a phone on the wall of the room and dialed a three digit extension. He pulled the receiver to his ear.

"All non-security staff report to the lobby for initial presentation. For security, open the doors in exactly five minutes." He hung up the phone and then gestured for Steven to follow. He brought Steven to one of the to be unused rooms for the night. Galen left the room and Steven stayed, listening to the quite mumblings of his coworkers as they filed into the room with him. Steven looked them over to see some more familiar faces: Lucain and Tera. Each was wearing semi-formal attire.

They smiled at each other as each of the thirty furs lined up. They were chuckling and talking quietly to each other as they waited for the crowd. Then they heard them, the crowd was making their way to the lobby. The doors to the lobby remained still before the murmurs got slightly louder. Soon enough, the door opened and furs began to pour out into the lobby, starting to already diffuse throughout the lobby while the stars stayed put.

Soon the mass was distributed throughout the lobby. He felt a little closed in in the room packed with the others, but apparently this was not uncommon as most other people were simply talking and waiting. Soon he heard a voice over the loud speaker and the crowd hushed. "Welcome. I am Galen Rathic for the new guests among you. I will be your host for tonight. For the repeat guests her you might remember the layout but for our first-timers I will give you a run down of tonight. Tonight is the time to meet some great new people, time to get to know new people, and a time to enjoy each other's company in a more physical way. Don't feel contained to any person or persons or any one way to enjoy yourself."

Galen cleared his throat, "For those that are guests of our guests, I would like to welcome you to the same opportunities. Any place is fair game for sex here. If you don't mind the prying eyes of others, you may do it where ever you would like. For those with a little more reservation, we have semi-private rooms fit for four or five small groups. If you want, you can lose the clothes right now and get busy.

"I will remind you though that at the open bar," Galen pointed at the corner of the lobby to a room with neon lights over the doorway, " at least some mild clothing is necessary. And with that, please turn your attention to everybody around you. The only limits are those I just set, and what these furs around you and the professionals that will soon be released are willing to do. Have a great night."

Galen stepped off the podium and the crowd clapped lightly. Then the voices of everybody began to sound once again. The "professionals" remained in the room, many, including Steven, now anxious to see the entirety of the party. They sat there for what seemed like an hour as the voices of people intensified and a dull roar overcame the room beyond them. Eventually, some of those voices changed from conversation to laughter, groaning, and the shutting of doors to the separate rooms. They were actually only there for five minutes, not an hour, before Galen opened the door to speak one last time to his employees for the night.

"Alright gang. Be vigilant out there and remember that the better you are, the better your pay and there may even be a tip in it for you. Now," Galen swung the door open, " you are free to work."

With that everybody began to push to get out of the single doorway. Steven found himself carried away by a stream of people into the growing crowd in the lobby. After the stream left him he saw many furs talking together next to a table of beverages, mind you not alcoholic, so everybody was fully coherent and aware of their surroundings. Steven swallowed strongly, realizing that he had been thirsty since he had arrived.

He thought, "Well, I guess I'll get something to drink before I get to involved in everything." He walked over to a table and looked over at a row of drinks on the table.

He was reaching for a Dr. Pepper when his hand landed on the paw of another grabbing at it. Steven pulled away to see who he had just touched.

His gaze rose to meet the green eyes of a slim coyote. The male smiled at him and extended his hand, "Sorry about that."

Steven smiled lightly and took the sandy brown hand into his. "Steven. Steven Trent."

"Garet. Garet Jackson." Steven's eyes widened a little, "The Garet Jackson? You work on FM 86.9 radio?"

Garet's eyes rose a little in surprise, "Why yes I am."

Steven was a little in awe, "Wow, I love your music segments." Garet was flattered and blushed a little under his fur although Steven was a little too excited to notice.

"I am always glad to meet a fan. So Mr. Trent- " Steven released his hand, "Please call me Steven."

Garet chuckled slightly, "Alright, Steven, I see that you are working here tonight." Steven paused a little surprised that he knew that.

"I saw your face up on the screen under 'escort'."

Steven placed his hand on the back of his head, "Um, yeah I am." Garet looked up at the larger fur with a hint of excitement and a bit of subtle hinting.

"So... do you take requests?"

Steven paused to take in what Garet said. "What... What do you mean?"

Garet placed his hand on Steven's forearm and looked at him with a hint of wanting.

"My boyfriend and I were looking for a little bonding experience tonight." His hand slowly moved from Steven's arm to his torso and began to track its way down him.

"I'm sure, like most strong horses such as yourself, you are quite gifted." His paw moved down even more so that it was rubbing Steven's thigh. "If you are willing, my mate and I would love to see how gifted you are. What do you say?" Steven smiled a little and nodded.

Garet grabbed Steven's hand in excitement. "Great, follow me and I'll get my mate." Steven followed behind Garet as they walked speedily to a different corner of the lobby. Steven could not help but look at the backside of his leader. His butt was nicly shaped and of the fur that showed, he was a sandy brown with a white-tipped and bushy tail. His tail wagged slightly as he led Steven.

Steven also noticed the varying activities around him. On the walk he saw a female cheetah making out with a male bull, a female mouse biting the neck of a female

Dalmatian, a male ferret sucking off a male lion, and bear screwing a male rabbit in the ass.

It was a little confusing seeing two people having a pleasant conversation while between the two, two or three furs were going at each other with wild abandon. He almost bumped into the back of Garet as he suddenly stopped. He stopped just short of his torso running into his back before he stopped and took a couple steps back.

Galen turned around with his hand now around the waist of a red fox.

"Flint, this is Steven. He is going to join us for a little bonding." The fox stepped forward, a little taller than the coyote and extended his paw.

Steven took his hand, "Nice to meet you."

Flint smiled and looked the horse up and down, "Yes it is. Why don't we find a little more privacy so we can be more than polite." The fox was far more forward than his

Garet and his excitement was just as palpable as his mate's. With that, the coyote walked both of them over to one of the rooms.

The party was not in full swing yet, so the room the trio entered had but one other couple in it. They ignored the three as they entered and the male continued to ram his hips into the females behind.

"Nice to see somebody else enjoying themselves." Flint said casually. The screwing couple was on the floor which left the bed vacant aside from a few rose petals sprinkled for aesthetics sake. The fox and coyote led Steven by his hands to the bed, each of their bushy tails wagging behinds them. Each of their hearts were beating furiously, adrenaline flooding their senses and rendering the three on a one track mind.

The two released Steven's hands and began to shed their shirts. They flung them to the side, each reasonable fit with a compact core and slender shoulders. They turned to Steven and each giggled playfully.

"Well, what are you waiting for stud. Let's take a look." Steven blushed a little under his fur but obliged. He unbuttoned his shirt and then tossed it far away, because he knew it would get dirty otherwise. The two's eyes sparkled. Steven was, as usual, well muscled with definition around the shoulders and they were compact so he did not look too muscled for his frame. Each was in awe of his form, quite humbled by their own presentations.

"Well, you blew my expectations out. I guess it is our turn to show the rest." Garet still eyeing up Steven's chest. Flint licked his lips as he reached for his belt. Steven was a little embarrassed by their stares but avoided their wanting eyes for fear of blushing again. When he looked, Flint was leaning over the bed while his jeans slid down to his ankles. He gave Steven a full view of his ass and he raised his tail high.

His pink pucker blended with his rusty red fur. He waved his ass, with his head turned to see Steven's prying eyes. As his ass swung so did his sack with his heavy balls lightly slapping against his thighs. He could not see his hard cock as it pulled towards his stomach and out of view. All the while Flint put on this show and Steven watching intently, his girth slowly grew firmer, Steven heard Garet, "Your turn stud."

Steven looked just right of Flint to see Garet with his cock throbbing and his eyes intently gazing at Steven's crotch, longing for what it contained. Steven took a deep breath and slowly unbuckled his belt. Flint and Garet's tail wagged swiftly behind them while Steven unzipped his jeans. Steven took one more breath and then released the pants to fall to the ground. The pair of eyes in front of him suddenly widened and their mouths dropped slightly.

Steven could not help but notice their positively amazed faces. They stared for another thirty seconds before Garet slowly approached Steven. He could only spare a small glance at Steven's face before his attention fell back on the crotch. Flint began to tentatively approach as well, each quite speechless. In this slow movement, Steven got a better look at his new acquaintances. Garet, although smaller in stature was fairly endowed and toted a ten inch member that with each twitch and throb caused his large nuts to swing slightly. Flint was similar but with an eight inch cock, a little wider than his mate and with a looser sack.

He could tell that their tails had frozen in awe. As Garet closed in on Steven he fell to his knees. Steven was not even completely hard yet and he thoroughly had their attention. Flint fell on his knees as well, their expression priceless.

Steven chuckled gaining his usual sexual confidence, "Go ahead, It won't bite." Steven could see the lust burning in their eyes. Garet slowly reached for the black monster.

He slowly wrapped his shaky paws around the girth.

"This... This is the most... just... God..." Garet tried to muddle out as his paw felt the black cock. The cock was throbbing in his hand and he could barely believe that it was still growing. He continued to gawk and Flint wrapped his paws around it as well. Each tried to speak, but they were at a loss for words. Nothing could come to mind to describe the wonder they felt in the presence of this truly fantastic cock. Steven moaned at their touch but he could feel his dominance over the two, he had them to do as he willed with, and they didn't have the capacity to deny him.

Their faces of awe were slowly forming back into ones of excitement and fervor as the mere presence of the dick filled their senses. Steven was still not completely hard and he decided to speed things up a little while he still had control. He took his hands and pulled their paws from his length. They looked up at him with longing in their faces, waiting patiently to get back at the cock.

"Alright boys. You will get to both take it together soon. But for now I need to get at full length. So, who is going to give me their ass so we can get to the bonding?"

Each looked back down at the cock, neither particularly sure they could take it. Flint gulped and then looked up at Steven. "I... I will."

Steven chuckled and pointed Flint to lean on the bed. He gulped again and rose from his knees. He turned his head turned back worried at the cock that would soon tear him up. He was sweating in half anticipation and half fear. He leaned over the bed and stuck his ass out and his tail up.

He grasped the covers and closed his eyes. He heard Steven approach him and then felt his legs and his body turned so his paws were in the air. He looked to see

Steven positioned in front of him, his monster pointed at his quivering pucker.

"Garet, why don't you give Flint a little head to get through this." Garet's tail wagged a little and he climbed onto the bed and turned towards Flint's aching cock. His mouth was watering and he wrapped his lips around his mate's head. The fox shut his eyes peacefully, his mate's warm muzzle suckling his cock, soothing his mind. The sensation of the oral was soothing enough so that he didn't notice Steven lightly pushing his head onto his tail hole.

Steven could feel the pucker quiver beneath his head. With Flint thorough soothed, Steven felt it was time to begin, and he was not going to be light. With his hand guiding his growing cock, he pushed his entire head into the foxy ass. Flint's eyes snapped open and he just barely suppressed a full on yell. He settled for light yelping as he coped with the entry.

Steven was hardening now, his skin now tightening and the imprints of his veins press out against the thin black skin. Flint was in a lot of pain. He was no novice to yiffing, but Steven was far thicker than anything he had taken before. His hole stretched tightly around the girth and before he could catch his breath, he felt the friction of

Steven's length sliding into him.

With that jolt of stimulation, he came into Garet's mouth. Garet took in all the cum and continued to suck and bob on the cock as the cum gathered at the edge of his lips.

Garet's sweet caressing just took the edge off the cock piercing his ass, but luckily, even the pain in his tail hole was starting to subside. Pre generously coated his anal walls, lowering the painful friction of the stallion cock tugging at his walls. Steven's flared head scrapped the entirety of hole, its firm edge holding close to the tight confines of the ass.

"Oh man, that is insane. Ohhh, I have never *grunt* felt so full in my life. You are getting a tip if I can help it."

Steven smirked, "Well your demeanor changed, I must not be working hard enough." Flint's eyelids flew open and he looked at Steven like he was kidding him. His eyes were pointed down giving them a mysterious shadow as he narrowly smirked. With that hint, a shiver coursed of Flint's back and his hair stood on end.

"I can barely handle him now! What am I going to do when he shreds me from the inside out!" Flint was screaming in his head. His eyes were darting around, a primal fight or flight instinct, and he thought he wanted to flee. But something kept him bound to that bed. Some force beyond his comprehension, that tied his back to the bed and welcomed the furious cock thrusting in and out of his raw tail hole.

The feeling of willing entrapment was so subconsciously enticing. His mind began to settle and he relaxed. Steven felt this lapse in resistance and thrusted deeper into the his depths. He immediately tensed up again and he barely held back a tremendous whimper.

Steven grunted, "Oof, you really tightened up there. Garet, how about you make him more comfortable and lube his hole." Garet nodded as he licked the last drops of fox cum from his muzzle. He swung his legs over Garet and had them splayed inches from Flint's clenching face. His rock hard cock laid on Flint's neck, pointing down the fox's white chest and his balls stayed just behind it and open to Flint if he was to open his eyes.

He scooted forward slightly and tucked Flint's rising cock in his chest as he pushed his face down to the cock thrusting into Flint's raw ass. As the cock slid in and out, the inches that entered revealing themselves with a glossy sheen of the generous precum spilled in Flint's bowels. His long tongue extended and caressed the raw skin the throbbed and clenched around Steven's massive horsehood.

His tongue lightly soothed the searing friction between the cock and Flint's poor ass. On top of caressing the hole, Garet's tongue licked off the drops of pre that dripped from the ass with every thrust, a small trail already trickling down onto the bed. Flint, although still dealing with the huge intruder, felt a heat emanating from in front of his face. He squinted his eyes open to see Garet's ass presented before him.

Weakly, his long tongue snuck from his muzzle, his mouth watering from the sweet musk encompassing around his senses, he flicked at his mate's ass. Garet murred as he continued to glide his tongue along Flint's ass. Garet returned the favor quite expertly, even mustering the energy to raise his paws and pull the ass closer to his tongue.

He rolled his tongue and crushed it into the tight pucker. With all his ability, Flint inserted his tongue into his mate's ass, allowing the muscles to crush him. Garet was murring quite loudly now, having to take deeper breaths as he continued to lick, the musk around him hindering his concentration.

Suddenly, Flint's eyes flew open and his tongue widened to the delight of his mate. Steven had jammed into the fox's prostate. Pleasure shot up his spine as he felt he was going to cum again. Steven continued to pressure the wall, he still with a comfortable distance from orgasm himself. The relentless pressure and the tongue massaging his battered tail hole push Flint over.

His vulpine cock throbbed and at shot another load, this time shooting down from Garet's chest to the coyote's sandy brown belly. Garet murred at the feeling of the fox's cum soaking into his fur. He moaned while his paw grasped Steven's length that was not entrenched in the fox ass and pumped up it, slapping against Flint's asshole with each push down.

Steven moaned in pleasure but still expertly held back his build-up to orgasm. Steven grunted as he began to pull from Flint's depths. As the fox's orgasm settled, his raw ass loosened its grip on the enormous rod. Flint sighed as the pre soaked rod slid from his bowels. Garet released Steven's cock and slowly dismounted the bed. He stepped down on the floor gracefully, not half has tired as his mate and watched intently as several inches of rock hard meat slid from his partner's battered ass.

As the rod finally slid from the hole, pre started to drip from the hole. Garet went wide-eyed when he noticed what Steven's fucking left the hole as. It was still gapping severely, quivering and remaining mostly the same circumference of the cock previously hilted in it. Steven stepped away from the raw ass and lightly pumped his cock with his fist to keep it active.

Garet walked cautiously behind the ass, his cock hard from the sheer shock. Garet starred at the hole, his own cock burning with lust. He grasped his veiny length and guided it to the fox hole. He was surprised to find that he could fit his entire cock into his mate's ass and only barely touch the inner walls. He dropped it down onto the bottom of the ass and felt Steven's pre drip over his cock. When he pulled it from the hole, his meat was glistening with equine pre.

His mouth was watering as he got down on his knees. Flint was still recovering from the ass fuck and his chest continued to bound up and down for breath. He gave a little moan as Garet's tongue slid into his gaping ass. He lapped up the stream of pre dripping from the ass and rubbed his tongue over the insides as far as he could reach in. The hole slowly started to close on his tongue as Flint regained his strength.

He soon found his tongue struggling to lap up the sweet nectar that Steven had left and was forced to retreat from the vulpine confines. As he pulled out, the pucker closed shut and Flint sighed in relief. Garet gave a final lick on the ass from the his tail hole to the base of his sack. He then began to climb back on to the bed over his tired mate. He lowered himself into him, their cocks sliding onto each other his cum soaked chest rubbing with Flint's.

They kissed each other as they massaged each of their lengths against their mate's. "Well, I suppose you two have earned your prize. If you want it, come kneel and get ready."

The two lovers perked up and scrambled off of the bed, almost forgetting of the fruit of their labors. They dropped to their knees in front of Steven, their bushy tails wagging happily and mouths open. Steven said with a chuckle, "I am glad you two are eager, but this is for the both of you. So pay attention to each other and I will cover the rest."

The coyote's eyes shifted to the corner to see Flint looking back at him. They both shifted their kneel so that they were facing each other. Flint put a hand behind Garet's neck and pulled the coyote muzzle into his. They kissed each other and their tongues licked at the other's mouth, their muzzles separating form time to time to tilt their heads.

Steven readied himself and began to stroke himself with far more vigor. He watched as the two lovers kissed feeling the love between them. He let out a small grunt as he began to mount orgasm.

He mumbled out, "Make it passionate because I am going to cum..." The two obliged and began to push into each other more, their kiss now with far more fervor than before. Steven gritted his teeth and his fist pumped up his black cock, his balls swinging below his crotch as he jerked himself. His face crumpled and he let out a powerful whinny and came. Cum spurted from his head like a geyser and sprayed all over the two in front of him, coating their faces and tongues with cum as they passionately made-out.

The sticky storm blew over their faces and stuck to their lips as the smooched the other. Steven shot eight strong shots of hot spunk over their face, their facades now obscured by the goo covering them. Steven grunted as he sprayed his last few drops on the lovers. He pushed his tip onto one of their cheeks and squeezed out he last ounce.

The cum dripped down their necks and their sides with them still kissing. Strands of cum bridged between their mouths as they came together over and over again. One of the faces broke the kiss and licked up the other's cheek, taking a helping of sperm into his mouth. The other giggled and mirrored him. They continued this until they were more or less clean, their fur matting with the residual.

They sat down on their rumps and Flint rubbed his head against Garet's shoulder and murred. He looked weakly up at the smiling horse who was pulling up his boxers.

He mouthed out a "thank you" before he closed his eyes and cuddled with the fox. Steven slipped on his jeans and his shirt and looked back as he left the room. He shut the door quietly and left the two naked furs to enjoy each other.

As soon as he emerged from the room he leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a second to think and he breathed softly. His eyes soon flicked open and he shifted his back forward from the wall and began to walk towards a drink table. He never actually had that drink before his first encounter so to say the least he was parched.

He found the table from before and grabbed a Dr. Pepper quickly. He snapped open the top using his thumb on the tab of the lid and brought the soda to his face. He took large gulps, the throat overtly moving as he gulped the entire soda down in a matter of seconds. He gave a sigh of relief and smacked his lips before tossing the can into the trash. He raised his head to scout out the situation in the lobby.

There were more furs in the room now, and much more activity than before as well. He saw many more couples in the crowd getting busy, stripping off each other's clothes and rubbing their partners. He even saw of group of five furs stripping and kissing each other.

He thought to himself, "They must have really been looking forward to tonight to do that in the open with so many others." People passed him as he scouted the area, trying to find somebody he recognized. Somehow he found himself drifting over to the bar. He soon found drunk furs around him, laughing stupidly and tripping over themselves. He leaned against the counter on his elbow and then his chin on his hand.

He looked over the furs at the bar. He scanned over to drunks trying to find someone to have intelligent conversation with. His eyes eventually caught a young girl with red-brown fur with square-framed glasses, sipping a drink. She was a marten with her ears rounded cutely above her head. He saw her head turn a little and, not to seem like he was staring at her, turned his head quickly.

Steven could swear he saw her smirk a little out of the corner of his eyes. He turned slightly back to her and saw that the bartender taking her glass away. He could see her dark muzzle as she talked her ears flicking a little above her. He was a little surprised when he saw her stand up and turn her head in his direction. Steven saw her pale blue eyes glancing at him as she molded into the crowd of furs, another person soon taking her seat.

"Was she trying to tell me something?" Steven thought to himself curious as he scanned for her in the crowd to no avail. He got up from his elbows and directed himself into the crowd. Since he could see over the heads of most now he figured he could find her more easily. He looked for a minute or two, just seeing drunk furs fumbling around.

"Are you searching for somebody per chance?" said a voice from behind Steven which startled him a little. He turned quickly to see the girl from before looking up at him with the same blue eyes as before. She raised her brow a little, "Well?" She was very cute, she was small, just a few inches or so over five feet, but she was slim and very curved. Steven tried to speak but got confused on what to say.

"I... well you..." Steven stammered a little. She looked up at him with a curious but understanding face looking up at him. Steven dropped his head for a second and chuckled. After a few seconds he gathered himself and looked up with a warm smile and casually extended hand down to the shorter fur.

"Steven. Steven Trent." she smiled back and grasped his hand.

"Tess. Tess Harrow." Steven had a look of recognition on his face.

"Ah, so you review music in the paper right?" Tess gave a quick nod. "Yes I do." Steven looked away and around, finding each of them surrounded.

He looked back at her, "Shall we find a little less crowded space?"

She sighed a little in relief, "Yeah it seems a bit crowded doesn't it?" She nodded for Steven to follow her and he did so as she walked. They walked out of the mass to a lighter part of the lobby a couple of yards away. On the way, Steven was examining her up and down.

She was slim and small, and although she was slim, her frame fitted nicely around larger hips that swayed a little as she walked. The sway was a little hypnotic as her tail mimicked the motion, its darker tip brushing across Steven's view of her well curved rump. He noticed that her hands had a similar color to her tail, darker then the rest of her. She was wearing a stylish purple halter dress down to about mid-thigh. They stopped and turned back to each other.

"So Steven was it?"


"So Steven, what do you do for a living?" Steven cleared his throat a little, slightly more confident than at his last encounter.

"I... I am part of the party."

Tess smiled a little. "I suspected as much."

Steven looked at her curiously, "Is that so?"

"Well, you just had a driven look, as if you were on the job." Steven nodded a little, and he found himself taking a step closer. "And your interest in my reasoning suggests you aren't surprised that I know."

Steven smiled a little. "Well you know plenty of me. What about yourself? Have you enjoyed your night so far?" Steven said changing the subject.

Tess's tail swayed a little more wildly behind her giggling a little. "Oh you know. Talking with some people, just party talk. Nothing all too special. I am a little more interested in you to be honest." Tess said with a unnoticeable blush under her lightly freckled face fur. Maybe it was the pool of hormones around him but Steven could swear that she was coming on to him. Tess was speaking quite eloquently considering she was burning on the inside, a fiery lust in her so in contrast with her icy eyes.

Steven took another step forward. As he stepped his vision quickly glanced at Tess's chest. It jutted out tastefully, but still large enough for her size to be particularly sexy. Tess continued to look up at the horse, silently burning for contact. She murred silently when Steven touched her shoulder.

"I think it is still a little crowded here. If you'll join me, I now a little spot we can go." He took his hand from her shoulder and held it in front of her, palm up. Tess blushed a little and took the equine hand. Steven led her and walked a little in front of her a he made his way to one side of the lobby. Tess's tail was brushing around much more now, understanding Steven's implications.

Steven soon arrived to one of the private rooms. The two walked into the dim room. Steven closed the door slowly behind him. Tess had a quick look around the room before she turned back to Steven and approached him. Her icy eyes were melting, the lust within her breaking her mysterious facade. She soon was right next to him, waiting for his move. Steven smiled before he reached behind the marten and pulled her muzzle to his. Her arms likewise went around Steven's back as they came into a kiss. Steven squeezed her ass with his hands and she murred into his muzzle.

They separated their mouths with a little panting and giggled. They released their embrace and Tess grabbed Steven's hand. She began to lead Steven to the white couch in the middle of the room. She guided him in front of they couch and lightly shoved him towards it. Steven sat down and Tess moved her paws behind her neck and began to untie the top of her dress.

"To be honest, you had my attention at your first glance. Silly horse." As she said this, she untied the knot holding the dress at her neck and pulled it down. She had a brown lace bra, that kept her modest breasts in the center of Steven's attention. She brought the purple dress down, shimmying her hips a little as they dress went down her waist. After it passed her hips she let the dress fall the floor, her lacy black panties blending with her dark fur.

She had a creamy white belly, slim and tight to her form. She slowly reached up behind her and her fingers went to her bra. She unhooked it and it likewise fell to the floor, her breasts still perked without its support. Tess made her way to all fours and looked up at Steven as she crawled back to the couch. She smiled when she saw

Steven take off his short, revealing his broad shoulders and defined front.

As she made her final approach, she placed her paws on Steven's thighs and sat on her heels, her tail still brushing behind her. She looked down on the stallion's crotch and her hand made their way up to his waist. Steven's belt jingled as it unbuckled. She looked up as she unbuttoned the jeans and unzipped the fly.

"Your my first horse, we will see if rumors hold true." With that she pulled the jeans down with his boxers down to his knees. Her grasp on the jeans went weak when she saw that what she had heard was true, and then some. Tess's pussy immediately flared and her gaze was fixed. She smiled deviously and her paws made their way to the soft meat. The entire experience had hit her at once: the sight and the wall of musk that smashed into Tess's senses immediately were quickly overcome with lust.

She just touched the cock and it tweaked to life, and blood diverted so that it began to fill. She had rubbed it for but thirty seconds before it was firm and standing, although still not rock hard. Tess pulled the skin down on the cock, flaring the head more than before. Her tongue came from her mouth and she lifted from her heels to bring her face to the head of the member. She panted on the heat, her excitement growing by the minute.

She flicked her tongue under the rim of the head. Steven shivered and his cock twitched. Tess giggled teasingly and her tongue got to the same position as before. She waited for a good twenty seconds, Steven on the edge of his seat for her to flick across his rim again. She suddenly flicked her tongue on his cum slit and he whinnied lightly. Tess giggled again, enjoying the horse's jump.

Her hands began to pump up the shaft now, which was nearly engorged. A pool of pre began to well in Steven's tip. Tess's mouth was watering as she pushed the head into her muzzle. The sucked on it and took in all the pre in the pool and a small jet squirted into her mouth. She pulled the cock from her muzzle and smacked her lips before pushing it back in deeper.

Steven moaned as the small mouth took in his girth and six inches of his length. It was a tight fit, but Tess kept her teeth well away from the meat as she continued to jerk him off. A steady stream of pre slowly dripped to the back of her mouth. Tess waited for it to pool before swallowing, the pressure of her pallet on the cock rising as she swallowed.

Steven had his hands on the couch grasping at the warm leather as he dealt with Tess's blow job. Tess bobbed her head before taking the cock from her mouth and licking her lips. She pulled the cock closer to Steven's torso and placed her tongue at the base of the shaft. Her slick tongue slowly slid up the entire eighteen inches, taking up the pre that dripped down as she went.

She reached the top and gave the cock a few more pumps. She then rose from her heels and stepped onto the couch. Tess grabbed Steven's hands and guided them to her hips. He soon supported her and she bent her knees and pushed her ass back, grinding Steven's cock between her ass cheeks, the base of her tail brushing at the part of the shaft next to the raised tail.

"I want you to shove that cock of yours into my pussy." Tess said moving her hands to Steven's shoulders. She unbent her knees and Steven guided her up, his cock springing back to him and then bobbing back and forth before settling. Tess's panties were soaking wet when Steven pulled them to the side to get at her pussy. Her lips were flared from arousal making it far easier for Steven to prod the tip of his cock into the pussy.

"Oh gods, you are so thick. Uhhh, shove it in me." Tess moaned as her pussy slowly enveloped the head. Pre continued to lube the head as it slid further in. Tess grinded her teeth as she was pushed down on the length, as she never such a girth shoved into her. Steven managed to slid eight glorious inches into Tess before he pulled her back up.

She was tight right now, so he had to go slow. The edge of his head tugged at Tess's walls and she let out audible moans.

"Ohhh, that's it. Let's see what you've got." She was supporting herself on Steven's broad shoulders and her head dipped down below her shoulders. Steven started to speed up, his cock thoroughly loosening the hot pussy. He had reached a steady pace and began to thrust up as he pushed her down. He was getting some eleven inches into Tess and she was enjoying it.

Her pussy leaked juices that mingled with Steven's pre. The combination dripped down Steven's cock and matted his groin. Tess leaned heavily on Steven's shoulders, feeling safer as she got closer, her tits soon began to brush on his chest as her ass slid up and down on Steven's pole. Tess suddenly moaned as an orgasm over took here.

Her insides held tight to Steven's cock and she fell over Steven's chest, her paws still on his shoulders. She panted there for a second and Steven continued to pull her hips up and down on his cock. Tess soon regained her strength and straightened her legs. As a result, Steven's length pulled from her depths but her pussy was too flared out so that her panties did not cover over her slit.

She rose from the couch and stepped back onto the floor, her legs still a little wobbly from her orgasm. She grasped at the sides of her thong and pulled it down, giving

Steven a generous look over the well loosened pussy. She stepped out of the lace and then got down on all fours. Her head turned back to Steven over her shoulder.

"Come get me Steven. Don't hold back." She waved her ass a little as she spoke and Steven smiled as he rose from the couch and stepped out of his jeans.

His black shaft was glazed over by pre from both him and Tess. His balls swung lightly beneath him while he came over to the enticing ass. Steven leaned over the

Marten, his larger body fully over her's. Tess was panting and sighed when Steven's hand guided cock prodded at her cunt. He leaned over the fur, breathing heavily on her neck and making her body burn with lust.

Steven grunted and shoved eleven inches of his pole into the marten all at once. Tess's eyes went wide and her glasses jumped to the tip of her nose. Steven pulled back quickly and shoved it in again, each time with a yelp. Steven could feel her tremble under every thrust and after every retreat, wanting the cock to be buried in her even more. He happily obliged and continued to small into Tess's ass.

"Oh shit! That is amazing!" Tess managed to grunt out. Steven soon doubled his pace and shortened his thrusts so he was hammering into the cute twat. Tess found it

hard to keep her self up on her forearms, even though Steven kept all his weight off of her and she had, without her notice, came at least twice in this position, but she

could feel the third coming.

The cock sloshed in and out of the moist pussy. Tess's juices and the stallion's pre dripped and splatter all over Tess's ass and down to Steven's crotch. Steven, was

closing too, his thrusts now almost spasming at the apex of each thrust. He picked up the pace even more and rushed recklessly to his orgasm. Tess could barely hold

herself and her moans were louder then the sound of Steven's ball's slapping against his thighs.

"I'm... Gonna... Cum..." Steven grunted into Tess's ear. She managed to yell out, "The... Best... Part... Do it... cum inside of me!" With her blessing Steven leaned over

and began to bite on Tess's neck, she moaned even louder. Steven plummeted into orgasm, thrusting just as quickly as a load of jizz emblazoned and steamed in Tess's

pussy all while he bit on Tess's neck.

She came as well as the cum filled her, her thin juices and Steven's thick equine cum sloshing deep within her and out of her cunt to splatter on each of their groins and

onto the floor. Tess's glasses fell down in front of her if Steven's final thrusts. Steven rod pulsed deep within Tess. Her pussy was gaping as he pulled out his cock

followed by a stream of cum. Tess grunted and closed her pussy as best she could to keep her prize within her. She flatted onto the floor when Steven pulled out her

crotch landing on the small puddle of cum on the floor.

She panted heavily and chest rose up and down. Steven reached down to her and picked Tess up into his arms. He took her to the couch and laid her out to catch her breath. He gave her a peck on the lips before going for her glasses. He placed the square-frames back on her muzzle and she looked up at him with thanks. Tess closed

her eyes and sighed, happy to feel the horse's mighty load enclosed inside of her. Steven walked over to his clothes and redressed. Tess sighed as she laid there and she

pushed her glasses back up on her nose. Steven stepped out and shut the door softly. He had taken two steps before something curious began to happen.

The lights began dim throughout the lobby. Steven could hear the voices of the full party getting louder as the darkness slowly enveloped them. Around him a few people

looked around confused, while others began to yip and smile wildly. Something was happening, and only some people knew what. Soon Steven couldn't see his hand in

front of his face. A couple of people bumped into him and he heard about half the crowd confused and the rest quite excited.

Then over the loudspeaker, Galen's voice rang out. "Well my friends, we have just turned from midnight and into the next day. We are now going to implement a fan

favorite. All of the participants that are here today were informed that they may have to be exposed to everyone else in the party. The time for this has come. In five

minutes, the lights will come back on and in those five minutes, everybody's clothes must be shed and held in their hands." A dull roar came about the crowd, all sounds

of excitement.

Galen cleared his throat and continued, "After the lights are on, please make your way to the rooms to the east, that is the wall right of the pond, to deposit your clothing

so you are not lost in the commotion." Suddenly a sound of clothes moving began to ruffle throughout the crowd. Belt buckles jingling and jeans ruffling. Steven chuckled

loudly and thought to himself, "Only here would this kind of thing even be considered."

Steven was laughing all the while he unclipped his watch and dropped into his jean pockets, and unbuttoned his shirt. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them to his ankles

along with his boxers. He bent down and picked up his clothing. In combination with his, a cloud of musk and hormones saturated the air. The universal scents of sex and

cum swirling in the air, shared with everybody and making sexual tensions flare in every fur. Steven himself was still moist with scent from just minutes ago. Steven could

feel the tension glowing in the darkness, a hundred furs prepared reveal themselves to the world.

Then the lights slowly began to light up again. However it began growing lighter far faster than it got darker earlier, the lights fully illuminated in a minute or so. Steven

looked around, a sea of fur and tails throughout the crowd. Then the speaker came on again.

"Employees. Please make your way to the break room to deposit your clothing and gather supplies for the next couple of hours." Steven looked around to find the break

room in the corner. He walked his way over there brushing against furs as he maneuvered through them. As he passed them, many stop and stared at his horse-hood.

Steven chuckled and could feel their stares and could hear them panting.

"This should get pretty interesting." Steven chuckled to himself, finding he was excited for the change of pace. He made his way to the room, his nude coworkers also

shuffling into the door, laughing and asking each other about their night.

"Steven!" Steven turned his head and saw Lucian and Tera walking towards him, he smiled as a the nude tigress wrapped her arms around Steven's chest.

"Have you been enjoying yourself Steve?" Tera said.

"I have had some interesting experiences and-" Tera cut him off as she squeezed Steven's cock. She giggled at his jump and then walked away, her hips swaying as she

walked into the break room. Lucain patted Steven on the back and led him to the break room.

Steven thought for a second, "Did she do that to cut me in line?"

Lucain laughed heartily as he knew it to be true. "She is devious that mate of mine." Lucain said. Steven soon found himself in front to Galen taking the clothing of the

workers. He took up his clothing and handed him a pill.

"Your going to need some help to stay straight for the next couple of hours. Trust me. Now, go line up on the wall outside, there is one more thing I need to mention

before we start." Steven nodded and lined up on the wall Lucain followed close behind. Galen soon came around with a box of what looked like wrist bands. He was

handing out red, blue, purple, green, and orange wrist bands.

He looked up at Steven with a little question in his face, "Do like cock in either your ass or mouth?" Steven was a little confused, "No I don't." Galen nodded and handed

Steven a purple and a green wristband. Steven took the two and Galen moved on. Steven put them on and pushed them up to the to top of his arms so that they were

tight and nearly around his shoulder.

He noticed Lucain had a purple and an orange band. Galen, after passing out the bands, he walked back into the break room and closed the door. Soon his voice came

back on the loud speaker.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you see a fur with a wristband, then they are a part of the staff and will refuse nobody that comes to them for a good time. However there a

few guidelines. Red means that they only take women, Blue that they only take men, and purple means they will take either or both. Also, Green means they don't get

screwed in the ass or the mouth, and Orange means they are willing to take be taken in every orifice. You may stay with any of the guests with their explicit consent or

you can seek out an employee that will suit your needs. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your night."

Steven's coworkers then moved from the wall Steven walked into the crowd. He was almost embarrassed to see most of his fellow workers to be willing to take it from

every angle. Steven had taken two steps in the crowd before he had a fur following behind him. He barely noticed at first but he soon saw a good amount of people

following behind him. He looked back in front of him and chuckled, delirious from what was to come.

"I am going to be fucking for the rest of the night aren't I? I better find a good place to sit." Steven was relieved to find an empty black couch on a wall. He walked up to

it, a crowd growing behind him. He turned and the furs looked over his body, but mostly his crotch.

"Alright, I am going to accept people one at a time but will allow more if each are in accordance. Second, for those of you that like cum, when I am about to climax, I will

say it and whoever my partner at the time is needs to get off of the couch. At that time, everybody can circle around and I will give it out as best I can. So" Steven

plopped down on the couch and splayed his arms over the top of it, "who is first?"

A female fox in front pushed to the top of the crowd. "I am, and I have a little wager for you." Steven folded his hand over the back of his head and looked over the fox's

body. She was a looker, her breast were big and perky and she was all white, with a thick bushy tail behind her.

"Alright, what is it?"

"I bet I can make you cum with my pussy before I cum. And if you cum first," she looked at him with wild eyes, "you can only fuck me for the rest of the night and you

have to get me a job at this company."

Steven looked at her still, unphased, "And if you cum first?" She giggled, "If you did, which you won't, you get to fuck my asshole."

Steven continued to look at the confident vulpine, "And?"

She gave a toothy grin, "Did I mention that my tail hole has never been touched by a single man?" She turned to Steven and leaned over and lifted her tail. Steven was

interested now, in contrast to her luscious ass, her pucker was tighter than any he had seen before. She reached back with her paws and spread her cheeks with her

paws and wiggled it side to side.

She looked back, "So is it a deal?" Steven thought for a second longer.

"Alright, on one condition."

"And what would that be?"

"After I fuck your ass for the first time, you have to take it in the ass for the rest of the night, from any guy that wants it. And you will be here, a yard or two from this

couch so I can make sure you keep your promise."

"Psh, arrogant. I agree."

Steven laid back on the couch, taking up his entire length. As the fox approached, he straightened his length so it pointed up in the air. The fox stepped up on the couch

and stood over the spire. She pushed her hips down and enveloped a foot of cock with a grunt. She smiled and chuckled as she began to grind the stallion's length on her

insides, "Feels good doesn't it horse."

She had her eyes open and looked at Steven's face, and he smiled confidently. She frowned and then started to fuck the cock, raising it up and down. She worked the

cock up and down for five minutes in the same way. She was getting nervous now as she felt herself advancing to climax as the cock sloshed within her pussy. She

looked at Steven's face and he had the same confident smile. She started to panic.

She honestly thought that she would never get fucked in the ass, and she was legitimately scared of Steven's massive cock tearing through her tail hole. She started to

breath heavily, this fear unnecessarily arousing her even more. She began to pound as fast as she could desperately trying to get him to cum, but he restrained himself too


She cried out, "Come on! Just cum already!" She was sweating and she had to stop or else climax. She fought to hold it back, and panted heavily.

"My turn?" Steven said as his hands made their way to her hips. She looked at him and mouthed a silent and desperate "No." Steven smiled deviously and pulled here

entire body down on him. She screamed into the lobby, as Steven's cock bashed into her cervix. Steven pulled back and bashed into her again. Each pound was like a

hammer on the fox's nerves and she was just as close to climax as before. She was panting heavily and yelped as the stallion pushed into her womb.

She was frozen with pleasure and electricity shot through her body. Steven smiled as he felt her cumming and her pussy clamped down on him.

"No!" she screamed, defeated. Steven struggled to pull from her grip as he pushed her body up. Steven finally pulled her off of him and she fell back on the couch. He

turned to the awe filled crowd.

"I have to teach her a little lesson, so this will be the only time for the night I will cum in somebody. There will be plenty later." With that he turned back to the broken fox

and flipped her over and pushed her ass in the air.

She was almost crying now, "Please. I never wanted this! You are too big! You are going to shred me!" she looked back desperately, her tail in between her shaking


Steven looked at her with soothing eyes that calmed her, "I'm sorry but it was a wager and you lost." She nodded and a tear fell down her cheek and she turned away.

Steven peeled her tail away from between her legs and positioned his cock at her quivering pucker. Steven relentlessly smashed into her, his head wasting no time to

squeeze through the virgin hole. The fox screamed in pain, and her tail quivered in Steven's hand as he kept it raised over her ass. He made it the entire way through and

pushed his entire length into her without pause.

She was wracked with pain, she had never felt so helpless and overcome. Steven pulled back and began to pound into her ass. Her face dropped into the couch as her

tears soaked into the pooled on the leather.

Steven held nothing back and trusted into the fox with wild abandon. His balls slapped loudly in the fox's dripping pussy. He soon felt climax coming on and bucked

ferociously into the quivering ass. A couple of people in the crowd were pleasuring themselves to Steven's show and could not help but want him even more. Steven

whinnied and it rang through the lobby as he came into the tightest ass he had ever fucked.

The fox's eyes opened wide as warmth filled her body, almost soothing the pain of the fuck. Her pussy was dripping with juices as she had come three or four times

during the fuck and her pussy was red-pink and pumping with blood. Steven's cum splattered out of her ass and sprayed over Steven's crotch. Steven waited for the fox

to calm down before he pulled out of her ass.

An endless pole of meat ushered from the ass until the flared head popped out. The Viagra kept Steven straight as he pulled out and his cock popped up after leaving the

ass followed by a river of cum from the abused tail hole. The fox's hips fell onto couch and her crotch into a pool of cum.

She still breathed heavily as Steven picked her up and took here a bit away from the couch. He set her on a chair by the wall and she looked up at him, almost thanking

him. He smiled and walked back to the couch.

He sat back down and sighed, his cock standing at attention. He looked up at the excited group in front of him with fiery eyes. "So who's next?"

I told you it was long, at least by my standards. I hope this gave you plenty to read because I will take a hiatus from the series to make some singular stories. It seems that stand alone stories are better at attracting new attention and readers so I am going to experiment so if people see my profile, they don't see some large menacing series that keeps them from reading. I would like to thank a certain reader who provided her profile to be used in the story. My thanks, it was interesting using your character. I hope you liked her representation. Now go. Rate. Comment. And if you came, the world wants to know (or at least the counter). So don't leave me or the world hanging. Thank you for reading and I hope to see your comments here and on subsequent stories.