Task Failed Successfully

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#7 of Commissions

When Arata woke up as a raikou, he thought that was the strangest part his life would reach. He was wrong. Gay pokemon having sex.

Arata growled something indistinct as he slowly came to awareness again.

Where was he? How was he? Why was he?

These questions and more had to be set aside as he opened his mouth and realised he was as dry as Terrera's dusty plains.

Eyes stinging, he forced them open and looked around for something. He gasped and groaned, rolling onto his front feeling like he'd gone through seven trials of mountain falling. The pain distracted him from his hand, golden furred and tipped with sharp claws. Bracing himself on the dirt, he hoisted himself up.

A tail swished as he wobbled, catching his balance. Smacking his lips, he looked around, ears twitching and swivelling.

The distant sounds of water moving attracted him and he wobbled his way forwards, gaining his feet, focused purely on slating his thirst.

The river was not as close as his ears implied, needing to walk a good few minutes before smelling the freshness blowing through the air. Excited, he sped up and nearly tripped, cursing as he stepped on a sharp stone.

The pain caused him to hop, grabbing his foot that lacked shoes for some reason. Then, and only then, did he realise he was holding the leg of some strange pokemon.

He blinked once, twice, thrice. Fingers squeezing the leg attached to him and feeling the pressure on his own muscles.

He dropped his leg, feeling his tail touch the leaves on the ground. Then raced forwards towards the water.

Instead of drinking he dunked his head straight in, a blast of freezing cold surrounding his senses for a moment.

The need for air overruled his need to dunk his head and he pulled back with a gasp, blinking water out of his face and willing the truth to conform to what he desired.

Truth conformed only to the most inconvenience possible and his hopes were dashed on the river rapids as he came face to face with a monster.

A magical creature, a pokemon, he couldn't believe his own golden eyes.

A dark crest with two spherical protrusions sat atop his head, framing his slanted feline eyes. It dipped down into his muzzle before meeting golden fur below his eyes and a lightning blue cross-like fur that stretched out jaggedly.

Two sharp fangs poked out of his mouth and curved down dangerously through a puff of fluffy white fur making up the lower part of his head.

Frankly, his face looked like a thundercloud and his expression reflected that.

His hands, he still had those at least, had plush golden fur with dark arrowtips along his arms to the backs of his hands, those very hands tipped not with nails but claws. White and golden fur made up the rest of his bipedal body, with an electric blue tail jutting out from behind him.

The feeling of a fifth limb nearly made him gag, unable to cope with it all at the moment. He planted his face back in the water and drank, hoping again that this was some sort of thirst-based delusion.

Yet even after drinking his fill and almost giving himself hiccups, the cat stayed.

And he was naked.

He noticed that next.

It was hard not to notice once he noticed it. A very noticeable thing that felt like the eyes of the world were upon you.

So, he did the only thing a man could do upon realising he had streaked through the woods.

Checked out his package.

His balls were fluffier than he remembered, but weightier and he liked the feel of them. That, at least, was slightly familiar. Touching himself began to excite him and out of curiosity, he examined what was there.

He'd seen underneath pokemon before, so the concept of a sheath wasn't exactly new to him. Felt squishy, enjoyable to play around with, and touching the fuzzy flesh sent new sensations through him, making him get hard against his palm.

His cock was different, way different. Too different and almost robotically he wrapped a hand around the spined tip, feeling the bumps and thick, triangular head. He shivered; he was sensitive all over.

A dewdrop of precum built at his head and he poked it off, leaving a string that soon snapped. His cock hung heavy and throbbing as he examined the precum and tasted it.

He flinched; his tongue was not what he was expecting. Bumpy and grippy, pulling at the fur covering his fingers and leaving some trapped to his tongue. So, that was why feline pokemon hucked up hairballs?

The thought removed any arousal in Arata's body, and he slowly sat down, trying to process what was going on.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there on the rocks, his tail slowly asserting itself as nothing else was moving. His eyes had slipped close, head pounding. With them closed, his other senses made their differences known.

He had heard the water from so far away, his ears were stronger. His body felt lithe yet powerful. He had trained a great deal as a Junior Warlord to fight on par with his pokemon partner, where were they?

Where was he even?

His smell was stronger in turn, the crisp smell of flowing water drenching the rocky shore that he sat on. The drifting wind brought light flowery touches across his nose, bringing the smell of nature from all around him.

He could tell what was around him even with his eyes closed. His ears, they were part of that black mask-like set of fur, swivelled with range of motion he'd never known. The way the wind moved between the trees, bringing different scents allowed him to map the area around him in his head.

As he opened his eyes, his senses proved accurate, and he could judge his hearing and smell to be accurate to what he had planned out in his head.

Why had he opened his eyes, however?

"Oh, goodness!" someone gasped. Golden eyes met a tawny brown before the owner glanced away, colour crawling around his eyes and ears. Blushing with a face of fur, only the thinner skin could be spotted discolouring in embarrassment.

Arata did not know the species that he had become, a raikou, nor that in his world they did not usually stand on two feet with a muscular build. The pokemon he was met with, however, was a little more familiar.

A woody tan fur was fluffed all across its body, chest and legs the same sandy beige with the leg fur being thin and smooth. Powerful arms with woody spikes popping out of them being framed with a thorny-studded shell.

What of him that could be seen at least, he wore trousers and bits of armour across his arms.

The chesnaught was a little less hunchbacked than he was accustomed to, but it was still significantly more recognisable.

He, it was a he Arata swiftly determined from a glance at his lower body, was staring at him in concern even with his animalistic features. He was wearing clothes, dammit. Arata was the naked one. A bulge though, he couldn't help but give an admiring glance over.

He refused to be embarrassed and did not cover himself as he gave a nod of acknowledgement. Talking pokemon, well they could clearly understand each other so he wasn't that surprised all things considered.

"Greetings," Arata said firmly, swiftly rising to his feet. His toes also were tipped with claws, his legs felt fantastic for pouncing forwards, how strong was this body? Could he use pokemon abilities?

He extended a hand in greeting and the chesnaught blinked once, twice, thrice at him. Perfect, off balance already. Arata could use that, he kept his hand out until the armoured pokemon hesitantly took it with an awkward shake.

Chesnaught winced a little from the tight grip and was relieved to end the handshake. His eyes were trained firmly up, even a little higher than Arata's eyes. He might have wondered if there was something on his head if he was wearing anything at all.

He planted a smile on his face that he hoped didn't look threatening with the sabre teeth and all. "I am Arata, and you?"

"S-Seyk," Seyk replied, glancing at his eyes and no further down. "Um, what are you doing out here naked?"

"I am afraid I do not possess any belongings at the moment," Arata began and Seyk gasped, somehow surprised at the notion that seemed bare and clear.

"Were you robbed?" Seyk demanded, a flicker of resolute determination entering his eyes.

"...I might have been," Arata replied. "As I do not remember getting here nor how I wound up unconscious in the woods."

Seyk chewed his lip, glancing around warily. Arata caught it all, he was impressed by the caution. It would be a fine trap to distract with a naked man in distress to spring an ambush.

Arata was genuine with naked honesty on his face and Seyk nodded to him. "Well, that's terrible to hear but your luck is about to change! I'm Seyk, I am a wandering explorer who does his best to offer a hand of help where I go. I have some spare clothes you can have, do you know where you are at the moment?"

"I do not."

Seyk nodded, excitement entering his eyes. "A mystery! I'd be happy to help you out!"

"With my nakedness?"

Seyk flushed. "Y-right, yes. Let me." He turned swiftly and swung a heavy backpack off, his shell armour poking dangerously close to Arata's everything and he took a step back for safety.

Seyk fished out some trousers and a shirt and tossed them at him. The trousers were a little too big and the shirt didn't seem to be something Seyk ever would use with that shell, so Arata pondered why he may have it.

Pokemon were generally kind creatures in his experience, but he had no idea where he was or even what. Things could be different, and he wouldn't offer blind trust. He'd see what Seyk wanted out of him.

Seyk smiled in relief as Arata clothed himself, the sleeves of his shirt were too long and the waistband of the trousers needed to be held, thus Seyk offered him a thin rope to tie around his waist.

He watched curiously as Arata weaved a trained tie around his hips, ensuring he wouldn't be getting pantsed just by walking anytime soon. "You tied that well," he commented.

"My master ensured I knew the basics," Arata replied.

Seyk cocked his head. "Master? Are you a student of sorts?"

"I was a Junior Warlord," Arata replied, before grimacing. He shouldn't be giving information so freely, it could not be taken back once said. "Well, besides that. What can I do for you?"

Seyk blinked at him. "Do for me?"

Arata frowned. "Your generosity cannot come for free and I need to know where to go next. I am a skilled warrior and possess a multitude of skills, I prefer not to leave ambiguous favours in the world."

Seyk smiled. "Ah, I see. Well, I don't need much of anything but I wouldn't mind some company. We're in a rather deserted area, besides the shifting dungeons. They can be quite difficult for a lone adventurer, if you are indeed strong that would be a great help to me, cutting down my time as well as possibly acquiring valuables to sell. How about it?"

"That seems acceptable," Arata replied, still a little wary but open to seeing how this went.

Seyk gestured onwards with a smile, shaking off the unusual start to the day. "Well, let's see just how skilled you are."

Arata had acclimated well to this new place he had wound up in.

No map or pokemon could inform him if he were still a part of Ransei or the world he had known. That in itself almost confirmed that he wasn't, but didn't really help with where he was.

At the very least, he was not merely surviving.

Seyk and him had made a formidable duo. Entering one of those curious labyrinths had shown him not all pokemon were so different, bestial and violent 'ferals' remained to plague these dangerous locations, making them a risk for any pokemon to enter.

However, the rewards of competency were great. Treasures to horde or sell, curious natural weaponry and armour that amplified his fighting skills.

To Arata's disgruntlement, he felt the major difference in his new body to his old. His strikes felt clumsy, his stances out of cohesion and the tail constantly tripped him up.

Seyk, however, had been all over him once they were through the first 'dungeon'.

"You were not kidding!" he had said, brimming with excitement. "How anyone got the jump on you, I have no idea!"

Normally no one would have, Arata quietly agreed. Seyk may have been impressed but he found his performance lacking and immediately began to train himself.

It was easier in a sense this time around, he already had experience in developing his strengths and the teachings of his master could be attributed to many aspects of his new form.

The tail, as always, was the wildcard that he had yet to master.

Seyk was pleasant company. Cheerful and driven, able to fill the silences that Arata hadn't noticed he had grown accustomed to. The sound was preferable, he decided. He could focus a little better with some white noise chatter than pure silence.

Pure silence left his mind racing, crawling, pondering and mapping out things he didn't need to distract himself with. The sound of Seyk's voice on the other hand, or was it on the other paw now? Either way. The sound was preferable.

Pokemon had developed some sort of mimicry of human society, Seyk introduced him to a town as they left the Wyldwoods. Pokemon building and crafting, trading and bartering. It was a very curious sight to his eyes.

Pokemon had always been a part of his life, of everyone's, but they were always the partner, never the master themselves. Seeing them run their business particularly was a fascinating prospect.

He watched and listened, not asking very often. Content to stand by Seyk as he chatted to anyone and everyone.

"Would you like to keep on with me?" Seyk had asked two days after reaching Raggen Town, refilling his supplies and taking in what needed to be done in town.

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, one that was rewarded as Arata nodded. "I see no place for myself here," he replied. He was always a wanderer and Seyk's smile was nice.

And so, that was that. They made a team together and leapt forth into the wild blue yonder.

Taking missions from pokemon in need, acquire an item for them, guide them through a labyrinth, or even save someone lost.

Arata had noted, to his interest, there were also reports of criminal pokemon that had to be taken down. He didn't care too much for 'justice' but the challenge could be interesting.

Seyk was a softer sort, however, a bleeding heart that helped anyone he could in need. Which led them to today's meal ticket.

Rescuing a floatzel who had disappeared into the Creeping Forest.

Quite a few of the grassy typed pokemon within it, however thanks to training with Seyk and not only around him, Arata had learned a few handy ways. With a blade he'd been able to acquire through a slew of difficult dungeon runs he could slice through vines and leaves that came his way.

The blade could conduct lightning and form an electrified blade that shocked and scorched where it struck. Greaves and leather armour to ensure his body was protected and with the speed and strength of his new body, Arata could charge amid an entire host of feral beasts and send them fleeing in moments.

Perhaps that had given him a sense of overconfidence?

Perhaps Seyk too believed they made an unstoppable team?

As they pushed further into the dungeon, a sweet scent hung in the air. Thin at first, merely a pleasant aroma of something flowery.

"Smells nice," Seyk commented.

As they went further, however, the air grew thicker. The scent became visible in the air in a sense, with a smog of the scent taking a pinkish hue drifting in the air.

It was a very nice smell, even Arata smiled and nodded.

Some poisons could be sweet, however.

Being grassy himself, Seyk was less affected as the aroma grew overpowering and stung their eyes like smoke. Arata covered his muzzle with cloth, coughing a few times as they trudged along. No ferals had been seen in minutes, they were just following the sweetest scent.

And then they were at a dead end.

"It can't end here?" Seyk said, looking around through squinted eyes. "Hello? Is anyone here? We're here to help!"

Arata's hand crept towards his sword.

Quick as a flash through the smog a vine snatched his arm and pulled. He roared something, making Seyk jump, pulling with his arm as another came for him.

Another grabbed his other arm and one wrapped around his midsection, pulling him into the air as something tittered at them.

"Aarata!" Seyk shouted, reaching for him as he was pulled up. Arata strained with all his might, hoping to snap the thick vines with pure strength. The one around his midsection tightened and more appeared to grab his legs, stretching him into the splits.

"Bendy kitty," whoever was doing this crooned. Seyk, having Arata's roar of warning, was slashing out with his own blade, slamming spikes and slashes to ward the vines away from him.

He was holding out well, but couldn't reach Arata as he was pulled higher and higher.

Losing control of his own ascent thrilled him with a surge of fear. His head was too heavy from the sweet scent, his struggles not as strong as they should have been. He tried to remember how to channel lightning, but the neurons were not flashing with inspiration.

Something tapped his nose as his vision swam and his eyes cleared enough to see another vine, a thick bulbous end, hovering in front of him. It poked him again before pushing against his mouth. He refused to let it in, teeth gnashed and bared.

It gave up after a moment, sliding down his shirt instead. He gasped as it grazed a nipple and then again as the one around his midsection tightened, his waist being compressed.

Did that feel... good?

No! He would not be bowed. His tail lashed and he remembered he had it. No vine had snared it yet and he focused as hard as he could through the heavy musk.

The vines continued sliding along his body, up his arms and along his sensitive neck. They were distracting him, searching over his body. His clothes began to snap as vines tore through them. Another vine crept along his thighs, a maddening feeling as it crept further up.

One brushed along the spot between his balls and ass and he almost yelped. More vines, along his palms, feet, even his lips. His tail lashed, he had to focus, focus, focuuss....

"Arata!" Seyk cried.

An arc of lightning flashed through the air. His tail sheared through the vines holding his waist and legs with a blast of sharp lightning. He immediately used his abdominal muscles to flip himself against the vines still holding his arms, lashing out with the claws on his feet and breaking the vine pulling his right arm.

And another slash with that freed hand cut the last of them off and he dropped, almost naked but free.

Vines tried to snare him again but Seyk summoned his own and restrained them until Arata had landed, snatching up his fallen blade.

Lightning crackled around the furious legend and Seyk almost took a step back as the electricity burned the air around him, a stink of ozone taking away the allure of the sweet scent.

The vines began to retreat, sinking back into the ground and trees around him. Whatever had been tittering seemed to realise this was not a good fight to have.

Arata's keen eyes looked through the fog until he spotted something. "There!" He pointed.

Orange and butter yellow fur was stark through the browns and greens below the pink haze and Seyk carefully ran over, not sheathing his blade.

"He's breathing," Seyk said, examining the floatzel they were looking for.

The floatzel stirred as he was rolled over. "You can cuddle if you want," he groaned, eyes remaining firmly closed. "I don't mind."

"Are you Meyer?" Seyk asked and the floatzel cracked an eye open.

"Who are you?" he replied instead.

"We're here to rescue you."

He began to help him into a sitting position as Arata looked around for their enemy.

He wasn't naked. Or covered in anything unmentionable besides some leaves and twigs. He groaned, head pounding. "Yeah, Meyer's the name. I was looking to see if the rumours were true."

"Rumours?" Seyk asked, relaxing as he knew Arata had his eyes on their surroundings.

"Tentacle forest!" Meyer said eagerly then frowned. "Nothing was here besides the sweet scent, I think I must have passed out."

"Clearly, they don't like you," Arata growled, he seemed a little distracted, glancing around a lot. Meyer's eyes widened as he took in the mostly-naked raikou.

"Who's the handsome streaker?" he asked.

Seyk's eyes narrowed just briefly before he said. "Get your clothes back on. That's Arata, he's my partner."

"Oooh, I see. Lucky you."

Seyk didn't respond as Arata gestured at himself. "They broke."

"I don't mind," Meyer replied, using Seyk to get to his feet. "And what was that about 'them'?"

"Let us just leave while we still can," Arata said stiffly. He wasn't embarrassed by his body, but... he was struggling to control things that might be a little more embarrassing.

Arata led the way out, striding fast and long as Seyk mostly carried Meyer out of the labyrinth.

Arata had to keep ahead, glancing downwards told him how his body had reacted to that. He was hard, dick twitching and throbbing. He was leaving a trail even, although the droplets Seyk probably wouldn't see.

This had to go down, if it got any worse he'd take ages to get soft. Exploring this body had informed him he possessed an intensely-sensitive ball of flesh at the base of his cock that emerged when he was aroused enough.

It took forever to go down, which made masturbation trickier with Seyk around all the time.

His body tingled, trails of fluid those vines had leaked leaving shiny marks on his body. Along his waist, neck, that place between his balls and ass-

No! He had to not think about it. Withholding a shiver that threatened to overtake his body.

The vines had gone through his clothes, and he did not possess briefs. Seyk eventually tossed him another pair of pants, citing he didn't want to stare at his ass all the time.

Their third company cheerfully said to the opposite, "I mean, it's a nice look I don't mind. Does he do squats?"

"Yes," Seyk said roughly.

Meyer leered up at him, enjoying being carried by the powerful chesnaught.

Seyk did his best not to look. Anywhere, not anywhere. Not at Meyer, definitely not at Arata. Arata clearly didn't realise it, but he had a very good sense of smell.

Very good.

They had to keep moving though, it wasn't the time to make a thing out of anything. Not the time, not the time, not the time....

Arata said with legs crossed, his eyes closed, focused on introspection.

It had been a few weeks since they had met Meyer. The floatzel had stuck to Seyk like glue and had essentially invited himself along with them.

Arata was dubious but Meyer had actually shown himself to be capable and useful. He was a little too focused on matters of the flesh, of pleasure and sensation to really hit his stride as a warrior, and that was a shame because he was quite strong.

Fast too with even more agility than Arata himself. His water could conduct Arata's lightning in battle while providing Seyk a medium to channel his own grassy abilities.

They made a rather seamless team.

However, he was a weak link. He felt that surge of need as those tendrils were overtaking him. Smothered by the power of the sweet scent already leaving him hot and bothered, he had been caught off guard, weakened, and nearly overpowered to a humiliating fate.

He refused to be weak. Never. Not in anything.

So, he focused on training his body and mind against it. The need could be controlled, the monks of Ransei spoke of such inner strengths to defy the body's urges. He could master that as well.

His hand, his old best friend, was abandoned to the weapons now. His sword. His-

Dammit. Did everything have an easily lewded shape or connotation?

It was harder, dammit, than he would have thought. Specifically refusing to work out his frustrations in such a way made him crave what he couldn't have all the more.

And Meyer was not helping.

The floatzel, taller and more muscular than he remembered from the old place, was a rather relentless flirt and Meyer was not blind and deaf, merely pretended to not understand his double meanings.

If he were to learn that Arata was abstaining entirely he might take it as a challenge of his own and that would just be hellish. He was not ready to resist such temptation yet, he was still working on control.

Seyk was having an even-worse time.

"Come on, just imagine what it'd be like?" Meyer whispered in his ear. They never should have allowed such a lynx to join them, not one that whispered about what you couldn't have.

"Shove off," Seyk replied, denying him as he always did.

"You look tense," Meyer said, switching tracks. "I can think of a few ways we could fix that~"

Seyk groaned. A relentless flirt. Meyer would cajole him to make a 'move' on Arata at least once a day before offering his own body instead. He couldn't deny that the floatzel was appealing but he liked Arata.

His raikou companion was just such a specimen. Attractive, strong, mysterious and kind. A really good listener, and he knew he listened because Arata would comment on a few things he'd say after some time had passed.

Plus he had no issue with being naked except that one day. He'd gotten a noseful of the others musk and it was all he had not to throw Meyer onto his back and fuck him.

Since the floatzel had felt his arousal he was playing with both of them. Arata didn't seem to notice but Seyk certainly did!

Things began to change, however, after another near-miss against Tyr. A powerful incineroar that Seyk had grown up alongside. They were once close, but the incineroar had changed a great deal since setting his own path.

He'd dogged them a few times, seeming to have an issue with Arata that talking refused to solve.

Meyer had taken a seriously nasty hit in that fight but had prevailed to douse Tyr's inferno and give Arata and Seyk the opening to send him fleeing.

"What was up with that guy?" Meyer groaned as his burns were tended to by Seyk's gentle hands.

"I don't know anymore," Seyk sighed sadly. Arata had gone back to meditating, despite his own burns.

"He does that a lot, doesn't he?" Meyer asked, nodding to where Arata sat. "Think he's even listening?"

"It's Arata's way," Seyk said fondly. "And he always listens, now sit still!"

Meyer pouted, stopped from crawling off to bother the raikou. "You know him then? I wasn't really listening to what he was shouting about."

Seyk sighed. "Yeah, we grew up together."


"We left on our own paths and I hadn't seen him for years. First time we ran into him in years wasn't long after meeting Arata. Tyr spent no time picking a fight and I had to break them up. We've had more run-ins the past couple months than I have in ten years."

"Sounds like he's jealous."

Seyk snorted. "You think everything is some grand romance."

"I have yet to be proven wrong," he said confidently.

Seyk raised an eyebrow.

Meyer took that as a challenge and raised his voice. "Hey, Arata! Seyk has something he wants to sammmph!" Seyk stuffed a bandage in his mouth to shut him up.

Meyer pulled it out with a gag. "Not what I was thinking when I asked you to choke me the other day."

"I'll choke you," Seyk grumbled, determining Meyer healed enough and came to Arata's side to tend to his wounds as well.

He had nasty burns and scratches. Was it a feline thing to fight, he wondered? Or was Tyr really jealous? He couldn't imagine that was the case. They were friends once, sure, but that was years ago.

"How are you holding up?" he asked Arata. He waited, wrapping a bandage around his arm before Arata answered.

"We won."

That was the one annoying thing. Arata could be difficult to actually converse with at times.

"That's us, not you."

Arata's eyes opened, they flicked to him and he nodded. "I'm quite well, thanks to you and Meyer."

"I am helpful!" Meyer called, satisfied that he was included. "Now kiss!"

Arata frowned at Meyer and Seyk glared. Meyer just gave a thumbs up and passed out.

"Ignore him," Seyk said softly.

"Hard to," Arata replied, almost wincing again. Seyk thought it was a pain twitch, but in truth Arata found Seyk's gentle hands on him rather pleasant. He closed his eyes again, lest his body betray him at this close angle.

There would be no hiding it.

Eyes closed was worse. He could smell Seyk's piney scent, just a hint of woody sweetness to him. It almost brought his mind back to the sweet scent which would swiftly unravel everything.

Seyk read it differently and handled him more carefully. "Tell me if it hurts."

"It does not hurt," Arata replied. Seyk wasn't so sure.

"Are you alright ?" Seyk asked seriously.

Arata had shivered when Tyr had scored just a grazing blow in the fight, right along his waist. It had distracted him, again, just a moment.

"I just need to be stronger," Arata replied, hoping to alleviate his partner's concern. Seyk patted him on the shoulder and stood to go fix something for a meal.

He trained on.

Today was different.

Today was unique.

Today they were prepared.

Tyr had sent them a challenge, loud and clear to meet him in the depths of Harrowood Forest.

"Should we just ignore it?" Seyk asked, concerned at what traps Tyr might think to lay. "It couldn't possibly be three-on-one, he's not that overconfident without some sort of trap."

"Trap or not we cannot ignore it," Arata grunted.

"We could though."

"No," Arata returned, he looked to Meyer for support and the floatzel shrugged.

"I don't really care," he said. "Honestly, I bet he'll just want to fight Arata alone. One on one. Maybe they'll wrestle, that'd be fun."

Seyk knew he was outvoted and determined to at least stock up on healing items.

It would take a good week to reach Harrowood Forest and once they had they had come too far to turn back.

Harrowood was not a labyrinth like many other places they entered, but a literal forest. "He could be anywhere," Seyk pointed out, feeling the plant life around him with his senses. "Could that be the trap...?"

"You're really fixated on this being a trap," Meyer commented.

"It just rubs me the wrong way," Seyk replied.

"I could rub you a better way~?"

Arata was listening to everything around them, his ears twitching and taking in everything. His training had done well, he could almost see around him with just his senses. Nothing moved around them that he wasn't picking out.

Which came in handy.

His hand resting close to the pommel of his blade suddenly snatched out, drawing his blade swiftly enough to slice a sack in half.

It burst as he slashed it apart, dousing him with a face full of powder. The powder immediately drifted through the clearing, sinking into their fur and noses. Meyer and Seyk covered their faces, but they had to breathe.

Coughing, Seyk said, "Dammit, do you believe me now?"

His face, normally so soft and kind, was screwed into fury and he roared with a voice that shook the leaves off the trees. "TYR? ARE YOU THIS MUCH OF A COWARD?"

He began to dig through his bag, looking for general healing medicines for potential poison. Arata, not bothering to cover his face as he got a lung full immediately stood guard with his crackling blade. Meyer not even dropping a comment about a load in the face as he glanced around warily, water shaping into a dagger in his hand.

A deep voice sounded out all around them as a fireball struck out like a whip. Meyer stopped it cold, smoke pouring as it failed to reach the bag. Tyr came swaggering out from around the trees, body aflame with his fire-resistant cloth around his midsection and nothing else.

"It's not poison," he said blithely, his deep voice thrumming through the air. "At least, nothing that can harm you."

Seyk was blinking hard, his focus was wavering as he rifled through his bag. He felt... hot?

Meyer's mouth parted, he began to pant. "F-fuck." He reached down, groping a swelling bulge in his pants. "I know what you're up to."

Arata had his eyes trained firmly on the incineroar, not moving an inch besides to keep him at sword's distance. Ready to respond to an attack.

Tyr's eyes remained fixed on Arata, like flickering embers hungrily looking at some wood to consume. They narrowed slightly, there was no response, not even down below.

"Well, see I learned something by asking around a bit in some choice taverns," Tyr said friendlily. "I learned how the three of you came to be." His eyes raked over Arata again before focusing on Seyk who was panting for breath now. "Well, needless to say gossip spreads."

"What did you say?" Arata said gruffly. He was clearly speaking to Seyk, enough that he flinched.

"W-well, we might have noticed what the sweet scent actually did to you and after a few drinks might have been...." He cringed, guilt flooding his body to briefly combat the heat pooling down below.

Tyr laughed. "Sure did! Heard how much you, er, 'appreciated' him but he didn't seem to notice. But, say, I checked the area out myself, chatted about and learned something fun about your partner here."

Arata glared. He could feel the effects of the powder course through his veins, but he had trained for this. Ironclad resilience restraining anything else that might harden, not a flicker clouded his senses this time.

"Hm, I was hoping that'd even the odds," Tyr said, now growing uneasy. "It isn't fair, you are a raikou ."

"A what?" Seyk and Arata said at once.

Meyer stared at them in confusion. "You didn't know?" he asked, panting alongside Seyk. One hand seemed to have a mind of its own, groping himself through his clothes with no shame. "Fucking legendary our hot bud is."

Seyk's eyes widened and Tyr and Meyer sighed in unison.

Tyr took a step back, legs tensing as his claws popped sharp. "Whatever. I want to fight you, Arata, one on one."

"Cheap tactics," Arata growled, pointing his blade at Tyr. "Won't get you a fair fight."

Tyr glanced nervously at the blade. "Okay, look, put that down before Seyk pops at the sight of you handling a shaft that big."

Seyk made a sound between a choke and a whimper, his legs squeezing together.

Tyr began to move back and forth, close to Arata, his tail whipping out around him. He had learned other things too from the bearer of the vines. Maybe....

Arata glared at him for a moment longer before sheathing the sword and bringing his own hands out, claws crackling with electricity.

The two felines stared each other down for a moment before jumping each other.

Arata was the stronger, clearly, within moments of slamming into a grapple, yowls and roars spilling out between claw and limb strikes.

Arata succeeded in sweeping Tyr's feet out from under him and slamming him into the ground, pinning him.

He pressed down, drawing a pained wheeze out of Tyr. He pressed him down harder, almost choking him until Tyr's tail managed to slip through his own and brush between his legs.

Arata's eyes snapped open, pupils dilating.

For a moment, just a moment, his warriors' control over the powder's effect stalled for a moment. Just a moment. Just enough to let it in.

Tyr managed to throw him off him and they continued to fight, but Arata's performance was clearly affected. Face reddening, his pants getting tighter as crashing into another muscular male in passionate fury sent his blood singing.

Tyr was perhaps correct in his assumption of needing a crutch to even the odds. Why he was fighting in the first place, however, had yet to be explained.

He didn't possess any nefarious intentions to use the powder besides distracting Arata, but as he threw himself into the fight he didn't realise he was breathing in the powder as well. Especially the coating flaking off Arata's face as they headbutted each other.

They eventually wound up on the ground again, trying to choke each other yet not using fire or electricity in their grips, just squeezing down on each other.


The shout broke their focus and they were separated by a furious Seyk. He threw Tyr off Arata and helped Arata up. "This is fucking insanity," he snapped, a rare swear causing Tyr to flinch. "What is WRONG with you, Tyr?"

"I-I just."

Arata moaned, being held by Seyk with his blood still roaring. The sound broke through the tense air and brought Seyk's eyes down immediately. Right where a wet patch was developing on Arata's bulge.

They were breathing so heavily, so close to each other their mouths were almost touching.

"Just FUCK already!" Meyer shouted, breaking the moment and causing Seyk and Arata to cringe away from each other.

The floatzel groaned, sitting down and unable to hold it anymore. He almost ripped his clothes off and began to rub himself. "I can't take it anywhere, fucking heat powder. Is this what it feels like to be a lady? Three sets of eyes fell on him in shock, the jutting mast of floatzel pride sticking out of his sheath rigid and leaking a watery fountain of precum.

"...the gossip wasn't kidding," Tyr said quietly, glancing between everyone else. "You two do need to fuck."

"W-ME?" Seyk retorted. He tried to pull away, but Arata's hand was on him and squeezed when he did.

Tyr growled something low and frustrated. "Fucking look at him, damn he needs it." Seyk's eyes were drawn back to Arata. The raikou was breaking under the spell of the heat powder.

Not taking care of his own needs for so long had left his body desperate for touch. Just the fight with Tyr, pressed against another body and rolling on the ground had pushed him to his limit and his pants were getting soaked with his arousal.

Seyk's hand was still on Arata's bicep, squeezed down in an attempt to hold himself at bay. He couldn't help, then, so close to him to marvel at the raikou.

A legendary pokemon? Did Arata know it and hid it or was he truly innocent of what he was in this world? He was so strong, so very... very....

His hand squeezed his muscle again. The burning feeling, so unlike usual for the grassy pokemon, descended further. It was like it was sinking into his core of energy, inflaming his whole body with a need .

His nose twitched, taking in the tricky scent that Arata carried with him. Smoky and, for lack of a better word Seyk knew, electricky. Like a thunderstorm before the rain, mixed with a tantalising strike of male musk.

So strong....

Arata's face, usually composed into a passionless mask, was fracturing. His eyes burned darkly, a storm of arousal whipping up waves in his body. His mouth was parted slightly, allowing just a taste of a pink tongue to poke out.




Yet, Seyk held himself back. He knew this was a flaring of need caused by the powder. Not for him, but for Arata. He couldn't....

"Seyk," Arata said with a low voice. It caused Seyk to shudder, he realised he so rarely heard his own name from Arata. "Please."

Seyk's stomach felt like it was plummeting, plummeting with his self control falling with it. He couldn't hold himself any longer.

He pushed forwards with a desperate, manic need and slammed his mouth against Arata's, pushing him down onto his back underneath him. Their tongues and breaths mixed together, breathing in the powdered heat further as Seyk grabbed onto Arata's muscles and squeezed.

First his biceps, marvelling in their strength, to his pecs taking fistfulls of them and then drifting down lower. He traced Arata's battle-hewn body slowly, as their tongues scraped against each other. His pectorals could cut cheese on them, tracing the gaps between them as Arata's belly heaved against him.

Arata's tongue pulled at his own, the powerful raikou was not content to be overpowered by anyone. Even Seyk. He pushed back, pressing him up, shifting their hips forwards until they were grinding against each other through their clothes.

Arata's length had drenched his trousers so much he might as well have not been wearing anything. Grinding feverishly against Seyk's own pulsing need. Seyk managed to yank his pants down, exposing his thick length to the rougher clothes still covering Arata.

Arata shuddered as the flesh of the other male pressed against his, his barbs catching against the fabric of his pants. He could feel himself getting harder, at the base of his cock a knot was developing, pushing the cramped quarters of his trousers to the breaking point.

They grinded against each other until Arata's claws dug into Seyk's shell, scratching gouges in it. Seyk pulled his tongue out of Arata's mouth lest he bite too hard, pulling him against him. Their bodies writhed against each other, muscles of their bellies pressing like stone against each other as Arata gasped loudly, cock unloading against Seyk.

His eyes clouded, stuttering closed as his body jerked against him, gasping against Seyk's neck and licking at his skin, lapping up the sweat that had formed as he orgasmed for the first time in what might have been months.

Seyk rumbled lowly, silently soothing Arata as he unloaded against him. Arata was a powerful pokemon, but Seyk was bigger than him and he had the raikou pinned against him, Seyk having no shirt that could ever fit and Arata's seed spilling against his muscles and dripping down his abs to fall over his own twitching cock.

Seyk licked at the feline's neck, sucking at the muscle and fur there before pushing him back slightly and leaning down, ripping Arata's trousers off to free his cummy cock. He marvelled at the beast he packed, hard and rigid, flushed with arousal, dripping with cum and dotted with barbs with a thick knot at the base.

He pressed the spade-like tip between his lips and tasted Arata in his rawest form. The salty savoury taste of his cum filled his mouth and he swallowed, sucking and swallowing his cum as Arata was still cumming, his mouth drawing out the raikou's orgasm to the brink of madness.

Arata thrust between his lips, sinking his spasming cock between his lips and battering against his throat, still spilling his cum for the first time in months. Seyk grabbed him by his haunches, marvelling the strength of Arata's body and the muscle that was everywhere before pulling him in, sinking his cock further in before adjusting his hands to tug and grope at Arata's balls, feeling the plump sack heave as his balls unloaded their payload in the chesnaught's hungry maw.

Some of the cloud had faded slightly from Arata's eyes as he panted for breath, but only some. Arousal still surged through his body, arousal that was swiftly taken advantage of.

Meyer and Tyr hadn't just been watching Seyk express his desires at long last. Tyr's loincloth burned up against his fire and Meyer had crept closer, pumping his cock dripping so much precum it looked like he was coming.

He moved first, grabbing Arata by the back of the head and pulling him back further, turning him to face him. His cock poked against his lips and Arata wasted time only to raise an eyebrow at Meyer before allowing the floatzel to slip his cock between his lips, sinking into his mouth with a groan.

Seyk was pulled up and off Arata's cock, a string of cum following him.

Seyk didn't have time to voice his opinion on that as Tyr was on his other side, jacking his cock right against Seyk's mouth. It was close enough to lick, dripping sizzling precum. Seyk swallowed, eying Arata's mouth being taken by Meyer before throwing reason to the wind and licking Tyr's musky cock.

Up above, Tyr grabbed a handful of Meyer's chest fluff and pulled him into a steamy kiss of their own as their cocks began to be licked and sucked by the men below them. Meyer's hips flexed with practice and purpose, sinking his sleek cock into Arata's throat with each thrust, revelling in the gags and grunts of the legendary pokemon accepting his cock into his maw.

Tyr groaned louder, knees shuddering as his old friend lapped at his heavy barbed length, tongue catching against the bumps and tugging and teasing them before he opened his mouth and sucked him in as well, sinking him into his cheeks and sucking forcefully at his cock.

Tyr's spicy precum left the heat bubbling worse in Seyk's chest and grinded against Arata, thankful that he had torn his pants completely off, so he could press against the length of the legend without anything getting in his way.

Grasping their cocks together, a hand on each side and slickened by Arata's seed, they jacked their cocks against each other, frotting as they guzzled precum their paramours fucking their mouths as they swapped saliva.

Meyer gasped sharply into Tyr's mouth, being the first to start and overtaken by the rough yet soft warmth of Arata's mouth. He thrust hard, Arata's throat convulsing around his length as he flexed and throbbed. He pressed harder, sinking both cock and tongue into different people as his balls expelled a load into the hunky legendary.

Tyr blew shortly after, thrusting eagerly into Seyk's mouth before pulling out and grabbing his cock, jacking himself off rapidly as he groaned, knees almost bending as he burst across both of them, and a little on Meyer's legs.

Seyk leaned in, lapping hungrily at Tyr's cock as it pulsed and shot ropes across his face and chest, Arata's cummy mouth joining him and they began to kiss over Tyr's cock, the incineroar shouting out in pleasure and thrusting between their mouth as he continued to cum.

Arata grabbed onto Tyr's legs as he started to cum down and then pulled. Tyr shouted as he found himself falling, landing on his ass and on the ground between them as a riled-up legendary crawled onto him, glowering.

Hands with claws forced Tyr to the ground as a cum-covered Arata loomed over him. Tyr's face was nervous but his cock jumped excitedly as he was forced down and then Arata kissed him as well.

Unlike the hungry, passionate, pleasant making out he had shared with Seyk, this kiss was dominant and forceful, almost angry in its pressure, slamming Tyr down to the ground as his tongue ravaged his mouth, making him taste Meyer and his own cum on Arata's tongue and sucking the breath out of his lungs.

His tail whipped once, twice, before raising slightly. Arata broke the kiss and looked behind him as the two were stroking each other off at the display. He didn't speak, but continued whipping his tail with a glare until Seyk took a bold action and grabbed his tail.

Arata didn't respond but turned back to Tyr, attacking his neck next as the incineroar lay dazed, his cock dripping onto Tyr's balls and sliding down his taint.

Seyk pulled Arata's tail up and out of the way and he leaned in, pressing a kiss to his muscle's glute. Meyer rolled his eyes and leaned in as well.

"Here's what you do," he said and dragged his tongue up from Arata's balls to his pucker. THAT caused Arata's knees to quake and a ragged moan to escape his throat. Meyer did it again and then attacked his pucker, ramming his tongue in without any softness and drawing another sound out of Arata.

Seyk leaned in further, turning his head and lapping at Arata's hanging cock as well, drinking his pre and post cum from his length lest it be wasted entirely on Tyr. Seeing how this was going to go, he chose to show mercy on Tyr and pressed his head between them entirely.

Trapped between Arata and Tyr's groins, the smell of their musk all he could smell even over the heat powder, he pressed his tongue as forcefully into Tyr as Meyer was to Arata.

His old friend's flesh gave in easily, eagerly to his tongue, stretching him open for Arata's response to the heat powder attack. Arata's knot hung on the back of Meyer's head, pulsing with his heartbeat until he pulled away from the trembling incineroar to lick along the barbs to Arata's straining knot.

The flesh craved his tongue, spurting along his fur and Tyr's body as it was suckled at, throbbing desperately against him.

Seyk pulled out of the heavenly cavern of musk and grabbed Arata's cock by the knot. He gasped, throbbing hard against him and he pulled him down, angling against Tyr and pressing his spiked tip against him.

Tyr leaned into the touch with more eagerness than he may have meant to show, Arata's cock sinking into his flesh. Pressing firmly at first, straining against his tightness before it gave in and popped in with a jagged thrust.

Seyk pushed Meyer away and stood over them and pressed his own thick cock against Arata's hole. "Am I right?" he asked, whispering against Arata's ears.

"Do it," Arata breathed, moaning as Tyr accepted him further and further, clamping around his buzzing need. Arata pulled back from Tyr, pressing himself against Seyk as Seyk thrusted.

Meyer knew what he was doing and he slipped in easier, despite the head of his cock being thick. Arata groaned, his flesh trembling against him as he speared him open, sinking into his depths.

Meyer tugged at his cock, glancing over everyone and Seyk nodded towards Tyr. Meyer knelt over him, pressing his cock against Tyr's lips. The incineroar growled but a thrust from Arata had him gasping and opening up, allowing Meyer's cock to invade his throat as he pulled Seyk into another kiss.

Meyer enjoyed shutting Tyr up with his cock and tasting Seyk as their tongues slid together. Meyer's hands crept down along Tyr, tweaking his nipples and groping along his muscles as he fucked Tyr's throat, causing a prominant bulge to appear as he thrust in.

They slid into a rapid rhythm, Arata setting the pace as he thrust into Tyr and then back against Seyk, fucking himself on the chesnaught's thick length. Seyk's thick precum slicked the way for his cock, thrusting more into Arata with each motion until their hips were clapping together.

His balls swinging, Arata pounded into Tyr with the fury of someone fucking a rival and for the first time in months. His knot knocked on Tyr's backdoor, demanding to be let in. He was swollen to maximum but he was still determined to get it in and tie him.

Tyr's cock bounced between everyone, untouched but spewing precum as his prostate was battered by Arata's barbed cock. Arata's barbs pulled at Tyr's flesh, scraping along his walls and leaving a thrumming thrill buzzing through his veins until he was writhing underneath everyone, sucking on Meyer's cock desperate for his cool cum.

Seyk hooked his arms around Arata, hugging him close and tight, feeling every breath of Arata's that pulsed his muscles in his grip. He was fucking out of rhythm, slamming into Arata with rampant need that had nothing to do with the heat powder.

Its effects had begun to fade but none of them noticed it, wrapped into their tryst and the pleasure it brought along with the relief.

Seyk's thrusts began to do what Arata's couldn't, force Arata's knot into Tyr. Several pounding slams pushing his knot to the brink, pressed firmly against Tyr's butt before another slam began to edge him in.

Arata shouted out, voice breaking. "YES! SEYK, FUCK ME!"

Seyk did, going wild at the order roared in such need. He slammed into Arata fully and began to grind, moving their bodies as one as Meyer anchored Tyr to the ground and allowed Arata's knot to finally pop in.

His walls gave in, the knot popping through and locking into his flesh.

Then Seyk pulled back, popping his knot back out.

He began to knot-fuck Tyr with Arata's body, leaving both of them howling before he couldn't take it anymore and slammed all the way back into Arata and hugged him tight, rocking against him as his cock spasmed inside him.

He forced Arata's knot back in and Arata exploded again, filling Tyr with electrical cum, causing the incineroar to shudder all the harder. He had burst between them already, Arata's final knotting extending his orgasm by multiple seconds, drizzling steaming cum against his chest.

Meyer continued to thrust cleanly, savouring the cocky Tyr gagging throat spasming around him but eventually pulling out to let him breathe. His cock was still hard however.

Seyk panted hard for breath, coming down from his orgasm as he remained sheathed in Arata when he noticed Meyer standing by him. He poked his nose with his cock and Seyk opened his mouth for Meyer's cock, but the floatzel only gave him a taste before pulling out again.

"Pull out," Meyer requested Seyk and Seyk groaned but complied, his cum drizzling out of Arata as he unplugged him. Meyer left him on his back, crouching down to lap at Arata's leaking entrance, cleaning him of Seyk's drizzling cum, but fingering him afterwards, drenching his fingers in Seyk's cum.

He reached behind him and began to press Seyk's cum into himself, moaning as he rubbed his cock. Arata reached behind him and took Meyer's cock in his hand and stroked him as he fingered himself.

"Lay down, pull him on top of you," Meyer ordered Arata. Even he hadn't been so bold before, he acquiesced and pulled Tyr up so that the incineroar was sitting on his knot.

The incineroar released a little whimper, ears tilting as Seyk stood up again and grabbed his mouth. He looked up at Seyk's narrowed eyes and opened his mouth, drawing Seyk's softening cock into his mouth and beginning to clean it with his tongue, sucking out the rest of his cum as he began to harden in his mouth again.

Seyk was thicker than Meyer and his eyes turned further down as he prepared for his throat to be ravaged like his ass. Meyer snuck behind him, rubbing his muscles with his hands, feeling him and learning his waist was just as sensitive as Arata's.

Meyer chuckled as Tyr gagged on Seyk's cock before Meyer stood over him to kiss Seyk briefly and then slip between everyone to sit on Tyr's half-hard cock.

Tyr groaned and gagged as his throat began to be opened up by Seyk's length as his own was sunk into the floatzel's constricting grip. Arata had had enough of a break and began to grind into him again.

He wasn't pulling his knot out which Tyr was fortunate of, but so much cock stuffing him with a knot grinding back and forth, pressing into his prostate had his whole body shuddering and he blew in Meyer who didn't slow as the barbs flared as he was filled with the fiery pokemon's cum, grinding and fucking himself onwards as he ground his cock against his abs.

Tyr was brought to the edge again as he was stuffed with Arata and Seyk's cocks, feeling them throb in him, Arata's cock surrounded by his warm cum, teeth biting into Meyer's tails as Meyer bounced on Tyr.

Meyer howled in pleasure as his cock spurted against Tyr's abs, drenching him in the water pokemon's expulsion of cum. Gripping his fur, Seyk snorted out hard as he rammed down Tyr's throat and filled his belly with his cum, his balls resting on his chin as they pulsed their load out.

Arata growled, lighting crackling and dancing along all four of them as his knot pulsed again, filling Tyr even more before yanking himself out and marking the rest of his pelvis with his cum.

They let Tyr go and he slumped down, coughing and moaning in pleasure as the four of them began to come down from the heat powder.

Catching their breath, it was Seyk who was the first to speak. "Uh, Tyr. What was this all about anyway?"

Tyr groaned, trying to pull himself into a sitting position. Arata offered a hand that he took, wincing as his ass twinged with pain.

"Jealous," Tyr admitted. "I wanted it to be us, but you wanted to be on your own then we met each other again and you've got two companions." He frowned at Arata. "I guess in my head I decided you thought a legendary was better than me."

He managed a smirk. "But you didn't even know, classic Seyk."

Seyk blushed, caught out that he wasn't well versed in that whole side of the world.

"Well the answer is obvious," Meyer was the next to speak, crawling over to Tyr as the incineroar looked nervous at the prospect of another round. Meyer's tongue lapped at the damage Arata had left, and where cum was leaking out of him. Drawing some muffled grunts from Tyr but he didn't complain and Meyer pulled back rather than going for another.

"And that is?" Arata asked.

"Tyr can join us," Meyer said, throwing an arm over the incineroar's shoulders and pulling him against him. Tyr looked most displeased at the hug. "After all, can't go back now that all of us have been inside him."

"Must you?" Tyr grumbled, feeling everyone's cum in and on him.

"You'll get used to it," Arata and Seyk said at the same time, then smiled at each other.

"Yeah, they're like that," Meyer said as he and Tyr scowled at the adorable display.

"I think all three of you are 'like' a way," Tyr growled. "Who says I even want to?"


"Fuck," he cursed, foiled again.

"We already did."

Tyr groaned and lay down. "Fine."

"Glad to have you," Arata said. "We'll be training a lot together."

Did Tyr look nervous at that prospect? Or did he look excited?

Seyk and Arata leaned against each other in a clear hug, as Meyer decided to copy them and wrap himself like an octillery around a growling Tyr.

Time would tell.

Commissioned by the amazing ZooFan. Thank you!