Family Life: Bachelor

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#1 of Family Life

Family Life: Bachelor

By: DarkSerpent

Well here it is the first chapter of season three. Thank you to everyone who are fans and i hope you enjoy.

The house was cold. Valentines Day was three days away and it was a very special day. Adam, Glenn, Matt, and I were set to be married on that very day. Finally, the rings on our fingers would mean more than a promise. They would symbolize our lifetime commitment to one another.

Nevertheless, the best part was before and afterwards. After the wedding, we would be heading for a six-day trip to the Caribbean. Before the wedding tonight actually, my dad and his friends set me up for a bachelor party. Adam, Glenn, and Matt were getting their own private party thanks to our mothers. It was to be a very interesting turn of events.

I sat on the couch staring at the coffee table. Pictures of my boys and me scattered across the table. I picked up a picture of us at Christmas. It was all of us standing in front of the Christmas tree Matt on his knees in front of me wearing the Santa hat. His brand knew PS3 in front of him as he smiled goofily. Glenn on my right wearing his brand knew diamond studded collar. Adam hanging on my left arm with a stocking full of his favorite chocolates and his new toy buried at the bottom.

I stood in the center with the glowing lights strung around my horns. My gift was the bachelor party and the honeymoon trip. I was not going to argue as long as it all turned out all right. Leaning back, I sat the picture in the shoebox. The door opened and shut as Adam jumped up to the top of the steps. "Hi daddy bull," He smiled over at me. "Hi baby," I smiled up at him as he stretched.

"How was your mother?" I asked looking back down at the pictures. "Oh she's good we got my dress all ready for Saturday," He smiled and the door opened and shut again. "Yes my third year of college is done, I finished my final exam today and I am completely done," Matt let out a long sigh and moved up the steps. "Aw congratulations Matt," Adam hugged him and Matt smiled. "Thank you bunny," Matt hugged him back. "Just think you're going to be resting on a beach with me and Glenn and your new hubby," Adam whispered and the two giggled.

They both moved over and sat on each side of me. We looked over the photo's just going through the memories. "Well you should know that since tonight your going to be having fun; and we agreed to let you have one last night of being a bachelor," Adam cuddled up on my side. "Yeah so Glenn is going to be picking up something for tonight," Matt kissed my cheek. "Speak of the devil," I looked up hearing the door open again. "Anyone 'ome?" Glenn yelled from the landing.

"Yes Glenn we're all up here, did you pick it up," Adam smiled and he walked up the stairs in his work cloths. A bag on his arm with a small black box on his arm. "C'mere we have a little thing for ya to do," They all pushed me to the kitchen. They sat me down at the table and I raised an eyebrow. Glenn sat the bag in front of me and they all smiled. I looked at them then dug into the bag.

I pulled up a small ten-pack box of condoms. "Bovine brand Condoms, for ultimate protection," I laughed and they each giggled to themselves. "And what am I supposed to do with these?" I looked up at them. "Well since tonight is your last night as a free man," Adam snickered. "You're ta use all of those in that box tonight, and have a bonzer time," Glenn sat on the side of the table. "But just remember in two days your ours for life so no big commitments," Matt hugged me from behind. I opened the box and pulled out one.

"This is all I'll need, I won't require anymore than that, because I doubt I can find anyone to be with tonight," I laughed and they looked at me. They stared almost as if they knew something I didn't. "What do you have planned?" I asked and they all looked away. I shook my head and laughed to myself. "Alright be secretive, I have to meet my dad so you all can have your friends over and party," I gave each of them a kiss and moved to my bedroom.

As I got dressed, I thought to myself wondering what would happen tonight. I was heading out with my dad, Henry, Mr. Simmons, and a few of their friends. While all the girls and my boys friends were coming over here to have their own party. I stretched to myself and let out a soft yawn as I slid my jeans on. When I put on a nice shirt and coat before stepping out of our room. I looked down the hallway seeing my boys all standing by the door.

"Alright boys I'm heading out, Adam do not drink a lot cause when you do you get a little loopy," I kissed him and patted his bottom. "Fine," He playfully sighed. "Matt, you can drink tonight but be on your best behavior," I kissed him as well and gave his butt a nice swift smack. "Alright!" He yelled and I moved to the last of the trio. "And as for you, you're the oldest so I expect you to be able to talk clearly when I come home," I kissed Glenn softly and smacked his ass hard making him jump. "Ok ok, you always ruin our fun," He laughed and they all hugged me as I stepped outside.

I shut the door and headed down to the car. I never really drink which most people don't understand why I don't do it. Just never really affected me I could drink a case and not feel any of the affects. Of course, my family was full of drunks so I might just be immune to the affects of alcohol. I started up the car and drove over to my parents. After picking up my father and Glenn's father from the hotel my dad toke over the wheel.

"Alright bud we're going to head to some place real special," My dad looked at me in the mirror. "Really where's that?" I asked as Glenn's father turned down into the city. Three more guys' cars fallowed and the car stopped at a place called Club Venus. "A strip club, of course," I smiled and everyone found a place to park. The lead me inside to the dim atmosphere. I could hear the loud music and thick smell of smoke. We pushed through a curtain into the large room. Bars stool and hollering men filled the room.

A long bar along the right and a large stage on the left. The stage jutted out in three long sections with poles at each end. Women wandered about the room giving lap dances as other girls danced on the stage. I gulped seeing a very attractive wolf up on stage half-naked swaying her hips to the music. The guys pushed me down to the stage and my dad slipped my a wad of one dollar bills.

We sat and I leaned up against the stage. The white wolf walked away and the announcer spoke something inaudible. Suddenly from behind, the curtain walked out a large leopard. I gulped seeing her perfect DD tits bouncing softly as she strolled out in a string bikini. I gulped seeing that long tail swish form side to side slowly. I looked around, suddenly all of the guys were at the bar, and I was completely alone. Gulping gently she smiled at me and motioned for me to stand up. "Yes ma'am?" I asked and she smiled at me. "Care to help a lady down darling," She hissed softly and I toke her hand as she walked down the steps.

This women was tall even taller than I was and I stood 6'1. She smiled and wrapped her arm around me leading me to the back. "Um ma'am?" I gulped and she smiled at me. "Your name is Drew isn't it?" She batted her long eyelashes. "Yes it is," She pulled a curtain leading me into the backroom. The back room was flashing strobe lights and black lights hanging everywhere. She removed my coat handing it through a window. "I was told that you are soon to be married, to three men no less," She smiled and I nodded. "Well this will be the last night you get to be free," She sat me down at a back table.

Only a few men sat around the room with women waiting on their every need. "So what is this room?" I asked and she sat across my lap. "Well by the thing pushing against me I can tell you're not entirely gay," She smiled. "Well...yeah I'm not entirely gay but..." She stopped me by putting her finger against my lips. "You're soon to be husbands called earlier this week and set up for me to personally treat you to what you want," She whispered and I shivered.

"How about we start with a nice slow lap dance?" I slid a portion of the ones into her hands and she giggled. She turned so she sat back against me with her back against my chest. The pumping music determined her movements as she ground back against me. That large perfect ass pressed up against my erection as she placed her hands on her hips. Her tail swished up under my chin.

Twisting around she let her hands slid up from my neck up along my muzzle. Her hands moving up and gripping my horns. My face was forced between her massive tits. I couldn't help but smiled as I leaned back. Her hands moved back unhooking her top letting it fall across my muzzle. She pulled back slowly exposing her perky tits making me blush deeply.


Back at the house, a party was taking place. The room was filled with girls and guys. A blender running full blast only to pour out the endless strings of colorful drinks. Matt and Adam one the couch talking to their friends. Glenn and my mother poured some apple margaritas for everyone.

It was a bachelor party to say the least. Not to say I wasn't having any fun myself. However, while I was playing with two very perky toys my boys were getting some special gifts from their soon to be in laws. "Boys we all drew from a hat and each of us got you something special, I got Glenn," My mother smiled and handed him a box wrapped in a large blue ribbon. "Oh Ms. Mills ya didn't 'aver ta," He blushed while Adam and Matt stared at the box wondering what's inside. Glenn pulled open the ribbon and pulled the box open slowly.

Inside was a pair of fuzzy cuffs with six wrist holders. Everyone laughed and Glenn blushed softly. "That way all of you can get something out of them," My mother smiled. Glenn was speechless and couldn't form a sentence. He was embarrassed more than anything else. "And I got Adam," Celia smiled and handed Adam a box. "Oh Ms. Davison thank you so much," He pulled the paper off. Adam pulled up a black fish net chemise. "Oh my!" Adam blushed and everyone made there oh's and ah's.

"So that only leaves Matt," Adam's mother handed Matt a box. "The box is um...vibrating," Matt raised and eyebrow and everyone laughed. "Sorry...must have turned on," She giggled and Matt opened the box and reached in turning the toy off. The party quickly continued when a sudden knock at the door.

Back at the Strip Club.

The leopard had finished her lap dance and now was pouring me a glass of indeed scotch. "Drink up sweetie," She handed me the shot glass. I raised an eyebrow and downed the shot. I think she was expecting me to be hammered. The entire bottle was gone and she stared at me in amazement that I wasn't slurring out my words. "How the fuck are you not drunk off your ass?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Everyone on my dad's family has been drunks going back generations, I have probably the highest tolerance of any living person," I laughed to myself. She laughed and I felt her place her hand on my knee. "Well are you ready for the rest of the special treatment?" She smiled and led me to a tall staircase. "Um...where does this go?" I asked looking up at the blackness. "You fallow the line on the floor to the fifth room on the right," She whispered and patted my ass. I gulped and moved up the stairs and the curtain shut slowly behind me. It was pitch black as I carefully moved up the steps.

Once I reached the top a hand softly grabbed mine making me jump. "Shh," A soft voice spoke and we moved down the hallway. The figure lead me down the hallway and we came to a stop in front of what I could assume was a door. The door clicked open and it pulled me inside. I was lead around the darkness until I was set on a squeaking bed. The mattress spring creaking as I sat down. "Do I feel familiar?" A voice spoke and I reached out feeling soft fur under my hands. I gulped feeling the silky fur of what I could assume was a belly.

Whoever it happened to be was fat. I ran my hands up through the thick fur. "Well with this kind of fur your canine," I gulped and he laughed in his throat. I was chubby and my belly hung over my belt but this guy was at least twice my size around. I moved my hands up feeling a nipple ring hanging from his sagging breast. "Hm that's interesting," I raised and eyebrow and moved up to a classic canine muzzle. I felt along that flawless canine face. "Well any guesses?" He spoke and I moved my hands away. "Well I've only known one wolf," I felt his cold nose against my palm.

"Jeffery?" I asked and a soft tongue ran across my hand. "You can't be Jeffery, what happened?" I asked and a soft light clicked on. The completely black wolf was revealed before me. The once very fit black wolf had indeed changed drastically. He was larger as his stomach pushed out from his frame. "I went to New York, and well found a love food, then I got the call from Adam and decided I wanted to have the bull that made me like men one last time...if you'll have me," he blushed and I touched his face. "Of course I will," I felt bad that he came all this way and my boys did say it was ok.

I stood up and grabbed his face pulling him close. His big belly pressed up against mine as I grabbed his fat ass softly. He jumped and wrapped his arms around my neck leaning up slowly kissing me gently. I kissed back and picked him up making him wrap his legs around me. He was warm; I think all of his fat added to that. I could feel his member pushing against my belly softly. "Excited?" I whispered and rubbed his back gently. He nodded and I laid him down on his front across the old bed. He gulped softly feeling my hot breath run across his perfectly large ass.

"Damn..." He growled as my tongue ran along his soft pucker. His shivered and reached back spreading his cheeks letting me have more access. My tongue traced the rim slowly; I could hear his claws digging into the carpet and bed sheets. "Fuck!" He moaned and I reached between his legs grabbing his swollen knot. I pushed my tongue into him and squeezed his knot gently making him moan. I pulled back and he shivered lifting his tail. "I'm nice, wet, and ready Drew," He looked back at me as I dropped my pants. "Shit!" He eyes opened wide as he stared at my member. "You got even fucking bigger since college!" he gulped and I laughed a little.

"Yes just like you," I leaned over his with my cock slid up between his ass cheeks. I reached under his grabbing his massive fat belly. "I'm going to fuck your fat ass," I whispered and he whimpered like a young puppy. "I think I remember you liked being humiliated," I grabbed his ears forcing his face up. He nodded gently and I pulled back and pressed against his entrance. He whined louder and I smacked his ass. "Relax bitch there is no reason in fighting it now, you want to be stuck like a fat ass hog?" I kissed the back of his neck and he relaxed. I force myself in at the first sign of weakness. My waist slammed against his ass and he jumped arching his back.

"Damn I'm so full," He clenched down on me and I pulled back before slamming back in. I was soon fucking the fat wolf under me. I pulled him up slightly and he groaned making the pole inside him press up against his prostate. "How's that feel," I reached my hand under grabbing his tits twisting his nipple ring. He howled softly and I started fucking him again.

His fat began to jiggle and bounce as I fucked him as hard as I can. "Harder! Please!" He begged and I destroyed his ass roughly. The room became hot and steamy as we fucked. My lips roughly kissing his silky black fur. He growled to himself and shivered reaching back grabbing my ass holding me inside. "I can feel it inside me, it's so hot," He muttered and u reached under him feeling the wet spot where he came. He didn't say anything and was just letting me continue.

I kissed him hard and fucked him faster. He started gasping and groaning like a bitch in heat as my rob slammed in and out of him. He bent forward and I grabbed his tail pulling him close. I bent over him holding him close and I slowed making him look up at me. "Shh just enjoy it baby," I whispered and moved slowly making him gasp to himself. Our slow rhythm was more passionate and intense. "I only get to make love to one more person before I get married and I want it to last," I whispered and he smiled gently.

Back at the House

Glenn shook all the girls hands as they stepped out the door. "Thank for comin'" he smiled and the male stripper stopped in front of him. "Thanks for the great time," The well cut polar bear kissed his cheek and Glenn blushed. "Oh don't' mention it," Glenn blushed and the polar bear walked out slowly. He smacked himself softly snapping his attention away. "Make's me wish I had sixty more ones in ma wallet," He closed the door and moved up the stairs.

Adam and Matt leaned against each other passed out on the couch. The entire upper level of the house covered in beer cans and trash. He shook his head and smiled moving to the kitchen. He leaned on the counter. He grabbed some of the familiar shaped candies and tossing them in his mouth. "Welp better start cleanin up," He yawned. He grabbed a trash bag and began picking up. Suddenly his pocket began to vibrate and he pulled up his phone.

Txt Msg

Jeff - (859) 555-7507

Msg -

Drew just headed home, we had a lot of fun

Wish I could get a second time with him.

Maybe you all could share your soon to be

husband ; ), thanks!

Glenn smiled and he typed back onto his phone.

Txt Msg

Glenn - (859) 555-0389

Msg -

Well I'd have to ask the other guys about that now

LOL. We can't thank you enough. : )

The two exchanged a few more brief texts before sliding it back into his pocket. He picked up the house and ran the vacuum the best he could. When I unlocked the door, I could still smell the sweat and alcohol but the house was picked up at least. Glenn was leaning over the sink washing out glasses. "Hi baby," I walked up to him and kissed him softly. "Hi hun," he yawned. "Have fun?" I asked and he nodded. "Wanna explain the thong hanging from the ceiling fan?" I smiled and he blushed. "Knew I forgot somethin," He smacked his forehead.

"I'll finish cleaning up baby, you head onto bed, he's extremely sleepy," I smiled and kissed him gently. "Carry me," He held up his hands and I picked him up. I carried him to the bedroom before slowly laying him down on the bed. He cuddled up into the covers and the pillows. I quickly moved back doing the same with Adam and Matt. Laying them in bed, I turned and headed back to the kitchen. I pulled the thong off the fan and started to clean up. The parties were the only thing that remained was to make the loves of my life mine forever.