He’s a Keeper

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Written by TwistedSnakes

Illustrated by Rhavul

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It's not always you meet a guy who's a keeper, but there he was. Handsome wolf, beautiful fur, sculpted body. Great personality too, but we know it won't matter once he's mine. After a fancy dinner date, we find ourselves on my living room couch, chatting over a glass of wine each.

He's tipsy by the time 11 PM rolls around, but that's when he decides he'd make a move. But I'm not about to let him go. Like I said, he's a keeper. I grab him by the shoulders and push him back onto the couch. He's stunned as I swoop in for a kiss. My hands grope his chest, then move on to unbutton his shirt.

He pushes me off. His cheeks are red, flush from the alcohol and his blushing.

"I-- I... Sorry, Rhavul. You're a nice guy, it's just that this is just our first date and uh..."

He attempts to get off the couch but he stumbles the first step.

"What did you put in my drink?"

"It's a little strong, isn't it?" I smirk. "Come on, strip for me."

"You..." He grabs his head and winces. "What did you do?"

"Look at me."

He turns to face me and I catch the last moment of his lucidity before my spiralling eyes are reflected in his gaze.

"How do you feel?"

"I... help..."


"Relax... ?"

"Feel yourself slipping deeper into a trance."

His shoulders fall and his body loosens up. The tense expression on his face softens. He's still fighting it, but he's quickly losing control. All I need to do is give him a command.

"Now, strip for me."

He hesitates, but my hypnosis is stronger. His mouth curls into a gentle grin and his fingers fumble with the buttons on his shirt.

Such a tease.

He slips his shirt down his broad shoulders, letting it slide down his sculpted biceps and hanging on his elbows. The beautiful white fur on his chest is exposed. His half-lidded gaze arouses a feral instinct within me. A hunger.

I must have him.

He lets his shirt fall to the floor as he undoes his pants. His manhood forms a sizable bulge in his trunks. As he tugs that off, his member stands at attention.

I chuckle. Nothing gives me as much satisfaction as bringing someone under my complete control. Every inch of him is mine to mould and manipulate. His modesty is mine. His maleness is fully primed under my hypnosis. I can only imagine the utter shame he'd feel if he could see himself now.

What a slut.

He holds still as I slither around him, surrounding him with my naga body. Without his clothes in the way, I can admire my new possession without obstruction. Sculpted pecs and abs form his trunk. His shoulders are flanked by his rounded deltoids, leading to his muscular arms. I circle to his back. His shoulder blades form accentuated ridges on his back.

I need no more convincing. He's a keeper, for sure.

"Get on the plinth." I nod towards a black marble slab in the corner of the room. He asked about it earlier, but he's going to find out its true purpose now.

He steps onto the middle of the cold stone and looks at me with his loving eyes.

"Let me pose you."

I lift his chin up in a sultry gesture and take my hand away. He keeps his head still. Just like a mannequin waiting to be posed. I grab his wrists and spread them apart so he looks like he's inviting someone in for an embrace. His red mast is already erect, so there's nothing else for me to do.

"Good. Hold that pose for me."

He lets out a soft, contented purr from the back of his throat, but he doesn't move. I slide open the drawer of my coffee table and take out a gun-like device with a needle at the end. Below it, there's a vial filled with a yellow liquid. It's a little something I bought from a... less-than-legal dealer. This stuff is hard to come by.

I jab the needle into his thigh and squeeze the trigger. The golden liquid is pumped into his veins and the wolf shudders. Within a minute, the fur around his thigh turns black. I give it a feel; his soft fur and warm flesh has turned to hard and cold stone.

The wolf lets out a whine. His smile was gone and his eyes were worried. Ah, I forgot. The stone transformation has a tendency to hurt. Burning pain, searing through flesh and bone, or at least that's what my test subjects tell me.

He took a frantic step forward.

"Don't move."

The command is enough to make him freeze. The blackness spreads up his crotch and down his other thigh. Lines of gold agate form along his new marble skin.

"Endure the pain. You'll be alright."

His shins are completely stone too, then his feet.

"What's... what's happening?" The dazed look in his eyes is gone and he's looking around in fear. His hands hug his chest tightly and he hunches over in agony.

Drat. My hypnosis is succumbing to the pain. At least his feet can't move now, or he'll fall over and make for a terrible statue.

"Relax." I force myself into his mind. "Sink deeper into my trance."

"It... hurts..."

He's resisting. I push harder.

"Listen to my voice and forget the pain."

I look at the progress. His abs are turning into beautiful shades of smooth marble and shiny gold. His cock is rock hard, literally. I chuckle to myself at that pun.

"Pose for me, boy."

The pained look in his eyes fades away and he smiles again. His hands return to his earlier stance. Just in time, because his pecs have solidified into stone. His arms are the next to go.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

As it spreads up his neck, I catch a glimpse of concern in his eyes.

"Give me your handsome smile. Let me preserve it forever."

He smiles as his lips turn to stone. His eyes are locked in a soft, inviting look once more, before they are immortalised in black and gold marble.

The wolf statue is done. I slither back to admire my new creation. Handsome wolf, beautiful fur, sculpted body. Like I said, he's a keeper.

I'm starting to rescind my previous opinion. He's beautiful, sure. But after six months of standing in my living room, the sight of him no longer holds as much... allure. I walk over to the plinth where he stands. "Decro" is engraved in a golden plaque on his stone platform.

"It's been nice having you, but you're taking up space."

I smirk. Then I push him over.

I expected him to smash into a thousand pieces of rubble. Sure, I'd have to sweep up chunks of marble for the next hour or so, but it'd still be a less messy breakup than some relationships I've had in the past. But no, it turns out he's made of harder rock than I thought. His tail had cushioned his fall somewhat before snapping clean off his back. He laid there with his arms stretched out.

Actually, that gives me an idea. I place one hand just above his thigh and the other below his ankle. Then I pull. There's a sharp crack as his left leg is snapped off just above the knee.

Very nice.


His other leg now lies on the floor, separated from his torso. His stone body clatters as I let go of it.

"We're not done yet, wolf boy."

I grab his wrist and pull upwards. One by one, I twist his arms right off his shoulders. Shattered shards of marble are scattered across my living floor. I'll clean them up later. First, let's take a look at our handsome statue.

He'd make a good bust, I think, but I still don't have space for a stone column to mount him on.

Sorry, buddy.

I lean over him and twist my snake body around his broken thighs and sculpted torso. His serene face looks back at me. I stroke his face with one hand, feeling the cold and smooth surface of his soft gaze.

Then I constrict my torso.


His body shudders. I squeeze harder.


Just a bit more, and...


I let go and slither back. Everything below his upper abs has been reduced to rubble. His balls are now two orbs sitting on my living room floor, and his rod has been flung under the coffee table. I'll retrieve it later. In the meantime, I examine my creation. He's now small enough to be put on a shelf. However, the edges where I broke him are still sharp. That's an easy fix though, so I lift him up and drag him to my workshop.

The black and gold wolf bust sits on my computer desk. The sexy look on his face, mmm, simply exquisite. His cock and balls are beside him in two separate pieces. I keep saying I'll fix it someday, but it's been a few months now.

Still, he makes a nice display piece while I work on my computer. If I ever grow bored of him, I'll let him sit on a shelf and collect dust. Either way, he's mine for years to come.

What can I say, he's a keeper.

~ End ~