Tour of Atlantis Chapter 1

Story by Amor on SoFurry

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Tour of Atlantis

Story 1

Joseph sighed looking out to the water, his now black eyes looking to the horizon. For the moment he was a black-scaled dragon, having taken on the form of one of the doctors by accident. He didn't mind it though, the feeling of a dragon's muscles and power was enjoying to him, as was the long draconic tail that was flicking at the water's edge.

He didn't know how long it had been, since he and the other members of the Atlantis project had been rocked through time back into prehistoric history. Most of them had died in the temporal catastrophe, but those that survived changed so that they were never human again. However even among these new 'furs' he was different. Because he had never been hardened to temporal energies from smaller experiments before hand, and thus his current form wasn't completely stable.

He blinked and looked at his scaly hands and curled them into a fist, feeling his new muscles clenching and his wings expanding to feel the waning light of the sun among the wings, the sunlight warming the blood in the veins.

"Pretty nice feeling huh?" he heard a voice behind him and he turned his draconic head. It looked like a clone of himself, but he knew he was the clone. It was the junior researcher he had accidentally stolen the form of.

"It's ok," he said with a small grin, showing off his sharp teeth and his tail flicked again. "Takes a little getting used to though."

The black dragon nodded and sat next to Joseph. The junior researchers name was Edward, and was someone he befriended shortly before the accident.

Joseph sighed as the black dragon sat, careful to move any limbs away so that he didn't touch the black dragon. The dragon blinked looking at him curiously, the same black eyes he had in the dragon, "What's wrong with touching me now? You've already taken on my form..."

"I don't know what would happen though..." he sighs and shakes his head. "I'm sorry Ed but I just can't take the risk of what this mutation could do to me..."

"But doctor!"

"Yes I know what Dr. Gregory said," he snapped back, his draconic muscles clenching as his anger flared.

"...I'm sorry Joseph," he sighed and looked out to the Mediterranean Sea, "You were just visiting for the day when it happened."

Joseph sighed and shook his head, "I'm sorry Edward... Just some stress."

The black dragon grinned at his clone, "You know Joe. There are some things about my body you might like to know..."

The unwillingly cloned dragon looked back, his eyes semi glaring at the dragon, "What do you mean?"

"Like for example," the dragon grinned as suddenly his clawed paw reached out to stroke the dragon spine, sending ripples of pleasure through the new dragon. His head rolled back to look at Ed, his new tongue hanging out of his muzzle.

"What...what are you doing?" he panted from the feeling, he almost felt completely helpless now from the pleasure.

"Trust me Joseph," he smiled and scooted closer to the clone. His paw continuing to work it's way up and down the dragon's spine sending the waves of pleasure through his body. "I know how to treat my body," he whispered into the dragon's ear as his other paw gripped his clone's rump.

"Edward..." he panted trying to complain. But when he opened his muzzle the dragon had already locked his muzzle around the clone's. His red draconic tongue slithering into the other black dragon's muzzle and curling around the familiar let foreign cavern of teeth and gums.

Joseph closed his eyes and murred, no longer struggling to get away from the tongue and paws of his friend. His nose twitched as he picked up the musk of his friend before realizing it coming from him as he got to feel for the first time the strange sensation of his draconic cock swelling inside of his slit, the bright red tip poking out.

Edward smiled as he retracted his muzzle from his friend and stared down at him. It was a view he saw often in the mirror, but it wasn't him. It was the body of his friend, looking up at him lustfully and wanting more of what he was showing him; he no longer cared about what the consequences of his actions might lead to.

The dragon smiled down at him and kissed him again, before retracting his muzzle once again and let his tongue slide down, the serpentine tongue tracing down the jugular vein of his neck before reaching his collarbone and tracing along that. After reaching the chest of his clone the tongue followed down the smooth lines of his muscles, slowly sliding down accompanied by the soft and gentile moans of the dragon below him.

Eventually the long tongue coiled around the head of his clone's cock, the dragon letting out a loud moan feeling the smooth tongue curl around his cock as more of it slid free into the waiting dragon's view. The original dragon pressed his maw down now, the strong muscles keeping the cock in place as his long tongue coiled around the cock before actually sliding into his slit to get to the rest of it.

"Edward..." Joseph moaned now, his tone so different from before. He bucked up into his friend's maw, his tail now wrapped around the original's neck bringing him closer. He could feel his cock now almost all the way out of his slit.

Edward grinned back at Joseph as he moved off of the cock, letting him see the foot long cock covered in saliva. It was standing between his legs like a banner, and he loved the sight of it. For the first time seeing his draconic cock fully erect. He soon cooed seeing Edward place his own erect cock next to his, enjoying the feeling of his friend's cock rubbing up against the identical cloned version he had.

Joseph continued to murr as he looked up at the dragon, wanting more than just to see and feel the identical cocks rubbing against each other. Edward seemed to pick up on this, as he grinned down at his friend and moved. His legs moved to each side of him and he felt the dragon's tail hole at the entrance of his slick triangular headed cock.

"Oh Edward..." he moaned and closed his eyes again as he felt the dragon's tail hole suddenly take in his cock. The feeling was new, strange, and pleasurable as the flesh closed in around him. The dragon now on his cock moaned as well as he felt the cock he had pawed off to so many times now inside him below his tail. Already he could feel the warmth of pre inside of him and wanted more.

He looked down at the identical copy of him as he hilted himself on the cock identical to his own letting out a moan. Joseph had his eyes closed with his head seemed to be in a constant state of pleasure. The original dragon murred and started to bob himself up and down the clone's cock, moaning every time the head of the cock pressed around his prostate. His own pre started forming on the tip of his cock and dropping onto his clone.

"Edward...thank you..." Joseph moaned and bucked up into the dragon's rump now, faster and faster as he felt the strange sensation of his climax building in this form. His tail wrapped itself around his friend's, coiling and keeping it tight as the familiar yet now strange sensation of coming built up.

Edward let out a loud moan, beginning to feel the dragon's climax coming from its twitches and throbs. He could feel his own cock pulsing and throbbing now, his pre dripping faster and faster on his clone's belly.

He heard his friend murf and moan loudly, and then he felt the streaming of white warm seed into him. He clamped his tail hole shut around the warm pulsing cock and lets the feeling of warmth and pleasure overpower him; sending his own cock squirting his seed onto the dragon's chest.

Edward panted, enjoying the feeling of warmth in his tail hole and the after effects of his climax. He murfed a little and looked down at Joseph, amazed to now see him cleaning up his cock with his tongue and smiled...

Later that evening the rest of the surviving community from Atlantis were amazed to see how much Joseph had changed, particularly the smell of his friend Edward on him. Through out the rest of the evening he started experimenting with taking the shape of different members and yiffing them, which peaked the interests of many of them, almost all of them wishing at some point to yiff themselves and having their dreams come true with his unusual ability.