Lover's Endless Rivalry Chapter 7

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#7 of Lover's Endless Rivalry

Sorry for the delay on this chapter. I've been extremely sick and haven't had the energy to stay out of bed long enough to upload this as soon as I came home from work. This is another heavy chapter but I hope you lovely sols enjoy it! Take care while I try to get rid of this sickness.

The two Cat Ferret Pokémon sat cross-legged across from each other with Severus resting behind Zane as the young Zangoose opted to sit close to him so he could finally explain things when it was his turn. Both knew the Seviper was still conscious and listening to their conversation but neither truly cared as their focus was on the other Zangoose sitting in front of them.

"Alright, Favian. I have some things I expect to be answered fully if I am to understand your motivations on why you opted out of telling me such important facts," Zane uttered disdainfully as he took another bite out of the pecha berry he reluctantly took from Favian who went out to bring him some to cure the poisoning he willing took.

Favian nodded. "Of course. I will tell you the whole truth, no matter the question."

"I should ask about the truth on how I came into your care and the true story of my orphaning, but I wish to get the more trivial questions out of the way first. I have a feeling the former will take more time to explain."

"What trivial thing do you wish to discuss first?"

"That fighting you did back there. In all our years of training, you've never moved that fast or shown that much strength. Hell, I never knew you could use Close Combat! Why did you not show us your true strength? Why did you not teach us that powerful attack? Why hide that side of yourself at all?"

"Believe me, at the time, it was for your own good not to know. To wield this kind of power is something most people cannot handle carefully, and Zander is a prime example of this. It wasn't that you weren't capable of controlling yourself, it was so Zander wouldn't grow even more power hungry than he'd already become.

You can recall the day we found Zander first possessed the most impressive strength out of anyone in the pack. I knew for a fact that he inherited that gene from me. There was no question about it. However, he was brash and stubborn and was not willing to learn patience or humility. I knew if I were to reveal my full strength and power, he would have expected me to train him, so he was equal in my strength with the powerful attacks I know. And we both know what may have happened if that was the case.

Me acting feebler and weaker as I grew older would help sell that I am not as capable of fighting so Zander would not think to ask me to make him stronger than he already is. This was to not only protect Zander from himself but by extension protect everyone yet even more so to protect you from him."

Zane nodded as he took this in. "I get it. Zander being as strong as you is a terrifying thought. I understand that you also wanted to make sure no one would be harmed by a power-hungry monger like him but then that brings up my next question. You knew about Zander's goal of getting me killed so he could outright influence the decision to make him heir to the pack. You said as much in your duel with him. Why did you do nothing?"

"I did not think he would try to murder you. However, I did suspect that some foul play was at hand for years. The hostility and bullying he directed at you was my first sign of such treachery. But I could not approach him without damning evidence against him and his intentions otherwise he may have used any accusation I gave against me with the pack.

It's no secret that I love both my sons but it's also obvious that I have a stronger bond with you because of your temperament and demeanor. Zander may be of my blood physically, but you are of my blood spiritually and mentally which is why I was a bit biased for you to meet my expectations to become the next heir.

Zander would have used my bias for you against me if I were to accuse him of trying to sabotage your performance to become the next leader and our pack would have most likely agreed and demanded that Zander take over so that I would be fair and not be accused of showing favoritism. So, I kept to myself and kept a watchful eye on you both to see if you were harmed or if he was scheming something.

I hoped it would be something tamer that he was planning, like staging an accident that would leave you disabled in some way and lead to your disqualification of becoming leader. But I never thought he would go that far to try and kill you. I thought he had more restraint but clearly, I was not aware. I'm truly sorry for my negligence."

"No. I can see why you waited for Zander to make the first move. You needed to ensure that the pack would believe you in your accusations and with the hunters having witnessed this, they surely will not be able to doubt your testimony," Zane theorized. "So then... what will become of Zander now?"

"He will obviously serve the pack for what he did and no that will not be leading the many trainings or going on hunts for the pack or even defending the pack from attacks. He will be placed with menial tasks such as tending to our elderly and keeping our lands clear of debris."

Zane shook his head and argued, "No task is menial in our pack. It is all important for the well-being of the pack."

"I agree. It is however for Zander which is why he will never get to experience the things he loves like the thrill of battle or using that strength of his in a way he would consider productive. He will do the things he deems unworthy of his strength for as long as I see fit. This also means if he had a chance to change my mind and make him the next heir by proving himself more worthy, then that opportunity has long passed and will never be obtainable."

Again, Zane nodded his understanding of everything that was said between them as he took in a breath before looking at Favian. "I think it's time to discuss what really happened to me and my family eighteen years ago."

Favian bowed his head. "I couldn't agree more."

"Why did you lie about what happened that day? I always thought you were the most honest to me about everything but so far today has shown that isn't even remotely true."

"I don't expect you to believe me but not everything has been a lie. You now know what my intentions were with everything else you've asked but this was a more sensitive topic for you. You were a child and I wanted to tell you what happened, but I feared the full truth would have been too much for you to comprehend. I wanted to wait until you had matured more and while I was getting closer to telling you when you aged last month, I decided to wait a few more years just to be safe. Because the full story is not going to be easy to comprehend, I believe."

"Well, I'm pretty sure we're past the point of regret so might as well get it over with. What happened?"

Favian took a moment of pause to collect himself as he seemed to mentally prepare himself to retell the events that occurred that day.

"It was just a normal spring day when it happened. I had opted to take on a Seviper hunt by myself, much like how you did but mine was purely for the thrill. I was wandering further from our usual spots to find some Sevipers to take out but that's when I heard it. Whimpers and cries of a baby Pokémon and I immediately dropped my hunt to search for it. That is how I found you cradled in the arms... of your dying mother.

She was cut up and bleeding out and I approached cautiously, inquiring her about what had happened. Apparently, her husband and mate had been followed by a Seviper colony and they launched a full-scale attack on the Zangoose pack. They tried to fight them off, but the colony was too big for them to handle as every Zangoose was overwhelmed by multiple Seviper. She saw most of her pack slaughtered and with who she saw remaining, being the children and elderly, she knew her entire pack was massacred by that point."

Zane felt his heart split apart at this news. His original pack, the pack he wanted to meet someday, was completely vanquished by the Sevipers? Not a single member was spared? Zane curled up a bit but didn't take his eyes away from Favian so he could show he still needed to hear more despite how badly he was hurting. Favian acknowledged this as he continued.

"Your mother was told to run by your father to protect you at all costs. She complied as she ran from the slaughter but two Seviper caught up to her and began attacking her. All she could do was lie over you and take every hit to ensure your safety. Luckily, two other Zangoose had jumped on them and pulled them off of her to allow her to escape. She heard their screams as they were overrun by more Sevipers coming to the aid of the other two as she escaped.

Her final request was to have me take you into my pack and raise you as I saw fit but to ensure you grew up a proud Zangoose they would be proud of. That is the reason why I gave you such love and attention. Not because I loved you more than my own flesh and blood, it was for your parents. I wanted them to know I honored their final wish and that you were being loved and cared for as they watched over you with Arceus above."

Zane didn't realize it until he felt a tear hit his paw that he was crying as he sniffled and wiped at his eyes and nose with a smile, feeling the sadness of how his pack had met their demise but also joy to know his parents did love him to the bitter end and that love was projected all these years through Favian, no his father. He was sure of it.

Favian looked at Zane as Zane tried to compose himself again. "You're taking this a lot better than I was expecting. I was thinking you would have a major vendetta against the Seviper species and wishing to eradicate them all after hearing what happened to your original pack and parents."

"He should." Zane and Favian looked back at Severus who finally spoke up.

Favian blankly stared Severus down. "So, the silent Seviper speaks at last. Well, I've shared my piece so why don't you clue us in on yours."

"But how can we be sure he has anything to add? Again, he couldn't have been involved with the massacre of my pack. He would've been too young," Zane reminded him.

"Did you forget he mentioned your mother when he questioned me about meeting her? He knows more than he's telling you."

"Surely, it was for a good reason. Right, Severus?"

Severus was quiet for a second before he spoke up. "Not a good enough reason. I simply didn't want you to loathe me more than I already hate myself."

"What are you talking about? Please stop dancing around it and tell me what you did," Zane begged him.

"I..." Severus paused again before he continued speaking. "I was the one responsible for my father's death and the deaths of your parents and your pack! It was all my fault!"

Zane felt ice encase him at this revelation as he did not have a response to this. He simply waited before Severus began to elaborate.

"I had just barely turned 10 when my father had returned from living with his human. As I mentioned, the lifestyle he picked up when he lived with that human never left him and he never truly integrated back into life with the colony and he was belittled by everyone except me. I had always been asking questions of life no one seemed to have a reasonable enough answer for. None except my father who always seemed to have an answer to all my worldly questions. He used the humans and their lifestyles to answer a lot of my questions or to just tell me stories on how strange their world was in the cities and towns they lived in. That is why I know all about human lifestyles and why I wanted to live a life like my father; free of adversity and war we lived on a daily basis in the colony.

My father had left one day to forage berries when I had another question for him, and I was too impatient to wait for him to return so I snuck out after him. It took me some time but soon enough I had found him picking oran berries as he gathered it in an old sheet his human left with him which Father used to carry his load. But once he picked up the sack and went to move onto the next berry bush, I went to make my move and ask him my question.

However, a Zangoose was prowling nearby and had spotted my father and that's when he pounced on my father and went to end him. I hid myself back in the brush and looked away, expecting to hear my father be killed but then I heard him beg for his life and that he has done no wrong. The Zangoose tried to argue with him that he's simply a Seviper and that he would surely do someone wrong. But once my father told him he was just gathering his dinner and pointed to the berries, the Zangoose looked confused as he saw my father spoke the truth.

At first, the Zangoose believed it to be a hoax and no Seviper would eat a berry, but my father said he would prove it if he let him have one and when the Zangoose grabbed a nearby oran berry, he tossed it into my father's mouth and he happily ate it. Now even more confused, the Zangoose began asking questions I'd asked him before and new ones I never thought to ask as my father answered every question the Zangoose had.

Soon after that encounter, the Zangoose wanted to inquire more from my father because he was still so curious about my father and why he was so different from every other Seviper. So, they came to an agreement to meet once a week in the same spot until the Zangoose was satisfied. Little did they know that I was just as thrilled to see these meetings and would sneak out just to see every one .

That was exactly what happened every week for a few months. They would sneak out, meet up at those berry bushes, and dine on them as they conversed while I would feast on my own as I stayed hidden and listened in. Over those weeks, the conversations evolved to where my father was also asking questions about the Zangoose and his life. While not as intriguing as my father's, he had some interesting tales to share and the news he and his wife just laid their first egg.

I was surprised to see a Zangoose act so civilly towards my father and I could tell the first friendship between our species had come to fruition right before my very eyes. But that's how my naivety ruined everything. During one of their meetings, the Zangoose asked if he would like to meet his wife and child and the rest of his pack. They believed that this could be the start of creating a bridge between our species and they wanted to introduce my father to his pack to start things off.

However my child brain thought why not let my colony elders know about this in advance so we can welcome the Zangoose when they visit us. So I told them everything that had been happening. Because of my ignorance, I failed to notice the appalled look on my elders. But one saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of and thanked me for the good work and that they would begin planning for this. However, I left them none the wiser about what they were truly planning behind my back.

That next day, I followed my father as his Zangoose friend to their pack. There I saw his wife and child waiting with their pack leader but was too far away to hear what was said and could not get closer without being caught. At first there was tension but it looked like things were lightening up as they spoke on. Yet I was too absorbed in it to notice not only had my colony gathered but they had gathered two neighboring Seviper colonies to put their plan into motion.

By the time I noticed and cried out to Father, it was too late. The Zangoose leader shoved my father's friend out of the way as my elder gutted their leader. The friend assumed this was a set up and my father begged that it wasn't him but they didn't have time as the friend and his family had to retreat but the rest of his pack arrived only to be met with the onslaught as they began fighting. Sevipers were dropping dead on occasion but not as fast as the Zangoose.

I couldn't handle the guilt anymore now that I realized what had happened in the shadows after talking to my elders. I ran out intl the middle of the battlefield and to my father and begged to be punished for what I did. He immediately understood why everything was happening but instead of punishment, I was forgiven. With a final kiss on my head and a whisper of love given to me, he picked me up in his mouth and began racing through the war-struck land.

Eventually we spotted his friend as I witnessed his mate and baby fleeing from the bloodshed as he stayed behind trying to hold the Sevipers back as two got past him with two Zangoose hot on their tails before he killed the Seviper he managed to hold back."

Favian's eyes widened in realization. "Wait then... that friend your father had made was..."

"My birth father?" Zane completed his father's thought.

Severus looked down as he slowly nodded before continuing, "My father had hidden me in a nearby bush to keep me concealed as he approached your father. But your father immediately attacked my father and my father refused to fight back as he just took attack after attack.

Your father was demanding he fight back and live up to his betrayal. My father simply told him... he told him he was simply receiving reconciliation on behalf of his son's mistake. My father looked directly at me as your father spotted me too and that's when the pieces must have been put together for him because he didn't attack my father again and instead hugged his friend and begged for forgiveness which my father reciprocated.

But that's when my mother came into view and saw them embracing to which she screamed at my father for being a traitor as she rushed in to stab my father in the back which I could see that he was going to do nothing to stop this. That's when something neither me nor my father was prepared for happened. Your father jumped in the way and took the stabbing instead of my father by my mother's tail. It pierced him through completely as it could be seen sticking out of his chest. Mother slowly lifted him up off his feet as if she was showing off her kill before she retracted her tail out and dropped your father to the ground.

My father was enraged by this as he attacked my mother but couldn't manage to land a hit from the damage he took from before as my mother sneered at him before my father gave up and coiled himself around your father. He started to cry over his death before my mother scolded him for corrupting me and being a pathetic excuse of a Seviper but she then noticed me as I was crying myself. She screamed at him more for getting me involved as she then grabbed me and took me away to escape.

I uselessly flailed in her mouth trying to escape and go back to my father as he looked at me lovingly one final time before a group of Zangoose charged at him, most likely thinking he had killed your father and was about to consume him. I cried out for him as they tore my father apart before more Seviper surrounded them to shred them apart in return."

By this point, Severus was wailing uncontrollably and not even Zane could stop himself as he began sobbing loudly too. Favian was dumbfounded by how things had progressed that day as he could only sit in silence.

Zane managed to compose himself enough to look at Severus with an understanding of things. "So then that night when I mentioned how my parents died when I was born, the reason you seemed so uncomfortable and on edge was because you figured out who I was back then."

"I just knew it had to be you. You being eighteen years old now when it took place that many years ago and you were the only child I didn't see slaughtered so I just knew you had to be the same baby being taken away by his mother. The same child I took everything away from and got our families destroyed on the same day! That's why I need you to kill me! So you can get your revenge for your pack! For your parents!" Severus pleaded as he kept his head low, inviting Zane to do the deed.

Zane slowly shook his head at Severus. "That's not fair to you! You were a child! You weren't aware what your actions would cause! I won't do that to you!"

"I'm not asking you, I'm demanding you! Execute me! Take your vengeance against me! I can't live with the guilt I've been carrying these last few days for everything that's been plaguing me!"

"You say that as if there's more you're hiding from me! What other guilt could you possibly be hiding from me?!"

"I'M ATTRACTED TO YOU, ARLIGHT!" Severus screamed out as more fluttering from distant flocks of bird Pokémon were heard scattering, frightened by Severus' echoing shout.

Both Zane and Favian stared at the Seviper with mouths hanging wide-open in utter disbelief. Severus stared back at Zane with anger and sadness mixed in his face but then could only coil his body up as he lowered his head to the ground and hid his tear-filled eyes from sight using his body. The Seviper's weeping could still be heard as Zane felt his face heat up as his mind flashed back to when he caught Severus sucking himself off and tears were in his eyes when he climaxed.

"The reason he was blowing himself was because I got him excited? And the reason he cried afterwards was because he felt guilty feeling that way about me?" Zane thought to himself as Serveus' quivering voice soon spoke up as he kept hiding his eyes in shame.

"I can't believe I'm admitting this but it's true. How could anyone not be? You're beyond intelligent and compassionate, you have a strong sense for your family and your pack, and to top it all off you're drop dead gorgeous with your striking yet soft fur and dazzling blue eyes. You inherited your mother's fur coloring and those beautiful eyes from your father."

"So that's why I have this rare eye coloration. My father was a blue Zangoose," Zane deduced, blushing even harsher after hearing Severus flatter him with those compliments.

"The humans prefer the term shiny but yes, your father was a blue Zangoose. Which makes his tragic death even more unnecessary! Which is why you must end my life now! Please! Don't let their deaths be in vain! Do what you must to set things right!" Severus groveled as he flattened himself against the earth in front of Zane as if making him seem like he was nothing but dirt to be stepped on and trampled on unceremoniously.

Zane was feeling too many emotions after what had been discussed at length today. Zane's mind and heart were overloaded with so much negativity that he felt it seeping out of every pore in his skin and absorbed right back through his fur. But there was one thing he felt lurking inside him. He knew what it was and he knew what he was going to do with it as slowly approached Severus with a distant gaze before he knelt down in front of him.

"You really want me to do whatever I want with you? You won't try to run or fight back?" Zane asked him. Severus lifted his head off the ground and replied only with a sad nod of his head.

"Then before I can do anything, I have one more question I would like to know."

"I will answer to the best of my abilities," Severus whimpered out.

Zane took a breath of air before he looked at Severus with a serious look on his face before he asked Severus, "How do humans show affection?"

Severus blinked as his head suddenly shook in bewilderment. He must have not heard him right. "I-I'm sorry what did you ask?"

"How do humans show affection?"

Severus and at this point Favian were both suffering from befuddlement, trying to comprehend the random question.

"U-Um... well, they hug each other and sometimes pet another's head or shoulder to show affection. But I recall how my father told me humans show true love by kissing, which is someone pressing their lips against a body part on someone else. That action is generally done in a doting way like how a father loves his child, which is why my father kissed my head to show his love for me. But there is another form that is performed between those who deeply love one another like mates or partners where one's lips is pressed on the other's lips to show true love." Severus explained, still trying to understand the question.

"How intriguing. So then does it work like this?"

Without any other warning, Zane suddenly took hold of the Seviper's cheeks to lift his face higher up before he pushed his face in and planted his lips right in between those giant fangs and onto Severus' own lips. Severus froze up as he stared at Zane in horror before a feeling of euphoria enveloped his body from the inside out, warming him up as he was unable to move as he felt Zane kiss him.

Meanwhile Favian was now just as mortified by this sudden action as his eyes simply couldn't fathom what he was witnessing. His felt his mind racing with many thoughts and couldn't put them together to think clearly in that moment.

Zane, however, felt those same feelings he felt come gushing in all at once. The fluttering heart, the Butterfrees in his stomach, the pleasant sensations overloading his head as he couldn't think straight, and of course the heat rising in his cheeks and body.

After what felt like an eternity, Zane eventually pulled away and began smiling dreamily as the sensations from the kiss lingered in his body and danced upon his lips. He soon opened his eyes to see Severus as he bared a frown with sad eyes that made Zane soon match him.

"Why?" Severus whispered weakly, "Why did you do that? Are you trying to mock me? Do you wish to torment me for my feelings? Or are you trying to give me some kind of compassion before you end me?"

Zane slowly shook his head at Severus before hugging him around his neck, tightly yet carefully. "No! None of those! I kissed you because I have attractions for you too! I reciprocate your feelings!"

"I don't understand! You were supposed to hate me! Be disgusted by me for what I did to your pack and your parents! I don't deserve your forgiveness or your affections! I deserve retribution and death!"

Zane pulled back enough as Severus' shouts grew louder with each sentence before silenced by a sudden slap across his face before Zane leaned up and kissed the now tender cheek and Severus spotted the tearful look Zane was giving him, making his heart ache at the sight.

"Please. Stop saying these things. You were a child when that happened. If you think you deserve to be punished then it's basically like you asking me to put that same child on death's door. I could never do that to a child! I could never do that to you! You made a mistake and you recognize it as one. That alone already has put you on the path of redemption. Being a martyr and getting yourself killed will not do anything for you!

If you truly want me to forgive you then I need you here with me! I need you to stay by my side and live a life our fathers would be proud of! You're too perfect and wonderful in my eyes to die! To me... you're everything I want in a mate!"

Severus gasped in shock at his words. "A mate? He would consider me a potential mate?" He shook his head of these thoughts and spoke to Zane. "But we cannot be mates! We're not of opposite sexes, we're not of the same species, and to make matters worse our kinds hate each other! No one would allow us to be together in such a way! Besides, we cannot bear each other an egg. There are just too many factors against us. You're much better off finding yourself a Zangoose to become a more sufficient partner."

"I couldn't care less about any of that! I always knew I was attracted to the men of my pack, especially after a lesson on same-sex pairings my father gave me, but none of the bachelors in my pack ever so much as bat an eye in my direction and most certainly none of them caught my eye the way that you have. As for an egg, I would like to father children one day but I always knew I would have to surrogate to have one so having a mate who can't give me one himself has never been an issue.

Severus, I care for you because of your gentle nature. I like you because you've done so much for me from making sure I was okay at the expense of your well-being, to helping me overcome my PTSD of drowning, to opening my eyes to things I never knew were possible! Such as how eating berries together would be beyond delicious! But more importantly, showing me I cannot judge every Seviper based on the overall past of your species but by the actions of the one's choices! You are not an evil Seviper like I was led to believe all were but the most wonderful Pokémon in the entire world and I would be honored, no, privileged to have you as my mate."

The flabbergasted Seviper was in tears again but Zane could see the happiness finally replace any resentment or sadness of not getting his initial desire for death. Severus dropped his head low and sniffled as he began to quietly cry with a beaming smile unable to hide itself. "It would be I who is privileged to have you as a mate. If you're truly fine with accepting me, then I'll make things right by staying by your side and helping you live the happiest life you could have!"

Zane smiled with glee as his sparkling blue eyes bridged to Severus' lustrous red eyes and they both finally felt the warmth and affection of the other not through physical touch but through their hearts coupling together from eye contact. They felt connected now more than ever in mind and soul as the two simultaneously leaned in slowly, lips opening to one another in perfect synchronization.

But a quick and distant sob reminded the two that they were not alone as they broke apart and looked at Favian who was now curled onto the ground upon his knees and openly crying into his paws. Worry filled Zane as he approached him cautiously. He carefully placed a paw against his father's back and began to rub him soothingly.

"Favian? Father, are you disappointed in me? I... I know this is probably what you didn't want for me but I know Severus and I can make a big difference in our pack. I can lead the pack to a brighter future and..." Zane was cut off by Favian as he leapt forward and hugged Zane tightly.

"My son! You don't realize how proud I am of you! You did not accomplish your original goal but you've done something truly fantastical with what you have done! I never thought I'd witness our hated rivalry turn into something so beautiful! The story of the friendship between your fathers and the love between you two are stories I will pass down for the rest of my life!" Favian cried out which caught both Zane and Severus by surprise but Zane began crying tears of joy, elated by his father's acceptance of his relationship with Severus.

But that's when his father backed away from the hug and left his paws on Zane's shoulders before one lovingly caressed the top of his head, down to his cheek before holding there. "That's why it pains me to do this to you."

Zane's joyous grin was quick to vanish from his face as his eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

Favian began sobbing again but this time it was clear his crying was not of rejoice but of mourning. Favian was unable to calm himself to speak clearly as the words leaving his mouth were drowned out by his sobbing.

"Father! Please! Just tell me!"

Favian trembles harshly as he forces himself to speak in between his sobs. "I-I-I... must... I must... banish you f-from th-the pack!"

Suddenly all the happiness Zane had felt earlier was shattered in an instant when he heard those words. "W-What?! But Father! I don't understand! I-I thought you were proud of me! Why are you banishing me!? I don't understand!"

Zane felt the panic overtaking him as he fell away and crumpled on the grass in a shaking ball of anxiety as Severus immediate coiled himself around Zane to hug hima dn try to comfort him as Zane began weeping loudly against Severus' skin as he hugged him back, soaking his neck with tears.

Severus looked madly at Favian with tears now fresh in his eyes. "Why are you doing this!? If you're really fine with accepting me into his life then why are you betraying him like this?! Do not lie to him if you're just going to harm him emotionally like this!"

Favian rapidly shook his head. "No! It's not like that! I swear I meant every word!"

"Then why!?" Severus screamed at the elder Zangoose before Favian screamed back, "BECAUSE I WANT MY SON TO LIVE!"

Zane's loud cries turned to mouse-like whimpers when he heard his father yell that but was unable to speak during his hyperventilating. Severus took it upon himself to speak on Zane's behalf. "Explain yourself." He demanded.

Favian bowed his head to his chest as he stood there, trying to not let his emotions drown out his explanation as he spoke. "There are many packs that follow many of the olden ways of our ancestors and those who have been more open-minded to how things work in the world we live in now. From what I heard in your story, Zane's original pack might have been the latter when his father showed interest in learning about your father and then later taking a chance by introducing him to his family and pack leader. That would also explain why Zane is more like his original father and his pack considering his choices these last few days since he did originally come from their pack even though I raised him myself.

However while I'm more open-minded than the rest of our pack, our pack still falls into that of the old traditions. The news of today will surely spread from the scouts and hunters I sent back with Zander and if Zane were to return with a Seviper as his chosen mate with my ruling of him to remain the heir of the next pack leader... they'd have you both executed."

Zane and Severus felt a shiver dance down their spines as Zane shook worse than before which made Severus squeeze him tighter to try and settle his nerves. "I-I get why they'd want me dead but why him!? He's done nothing wrong!"

"While I agree, the pack will not see things that way. I cannot lie about the events that took place here today. Zane attacked Zander first and took his eye as a result of his actions which the hunters would be able to call me out on if I tried to cover it up. I know it was just instincts for you to protect Severus, for who you harbored feelings towards, but the pack members will only see this as an act of betrayal for attacking a fellow member of your pack. Even though we now have evidence that Zander had intentions to kill you and claim leadership for himself, it won't be enough to counterbalance the fact you struck him first. It would be one thing to spare a Seviper but to do so by also harming another of the pack would put those in the pack more in tune with the past ways to demand you to be killed!

I will not allow my son to be executed! I made a promise to your dying mother and I love you as if you were my true son! That is why I must banish you! To protect you!"

"But Zander attacked him with the intent to kill! Zane fought back in self-defense! Why won't they execute him for attacking a fellow pack member!?" Severus yelled at Favian.

However Zane was the one to answer his question. "It's because I'm not truly a pack member like Zander is."

Severus peered down at Zane who stared blankly at nothing in particular. "That's total bullshit! You grew up in that pack as their leader's son! They should recognize you as a member!"

"Some may think that I am but under the laws of the pack, if an outsider is brought into the care of another pack then I must partner with someone of the pack to be fully recognized as a member. My years living there and the deeds I do are meaningless without a rightful passage into the pack completely through mating with one who originated from the pack to seal me in."

"That still doesn't explain why they wouldn't execute Zander for attacking you," Severus grumbled.

Favian took over explaining once again. "Because Zane isn't recognized as a legitimate pack member, they would see Zander attacking Zane as a form of defending the pack from an outsider especially since Zane attacked him first. While this would surely make him the only candidate for taking over as leader, rest assured I will not allow that to happen since his intentions may be seen as in favor of the pack but truly were for his own gain.

His intentions to harm or kill you all these years will not be overlooked when you made no intentions of harm towards the pack or its members all those years while living there. Not to mention how poorly he treated the hunters while trying to hunt your Seviper, I mean Severus, by choking one out when they hesitated to follow.his orders. All this will be proof used against him so he will never become our pack's future leader."

"But then there is no one to take on your role if Zane is banished!" Severus argued.

"Not true. I would have to simply search upon the remaining youths among the hunters and choose a worthy successor from them since none of my young can take up leadership in my stead. A new bloodline would take over our pack and you can be sure I'll only choose the best as I did before."

Zane's lips quivered as his father approached them and knelt in front of them. Severus pulls Zane away from him, now weary of the Zangoose's intentions which Favian did not mind in the least.

"Zane... I do not wish to do this either but I cannot allow you to die. This is more than a dying wish and more than showing empathy as a living creature on this planet. To me, this is about giving you the life you deserve with a mate worthy of the other's affection and protection. I do not wish to hurt you by banishing you, I wish to grant freedom to be your true self without having to sacrifice or abandon Severus for a pack that will not accept you. I give you this... as a father who loves his one true son with all of his heart."

Zane then did something neither father nor lover was expecting as Zane rushed out of Severus' embrace and pounced at Favian with tears flowing faster out of his eyes.

"FATHER!" Zane cried out as the two hugged each other so hard they were sure bruises would be left behind but neither cared as they began crying harder than ever in the other's arms as father and son mourned together with Zane's face buried into the crook of Favian's neck and Favian's chin resting on top of Zane's head to plant loving fatherly kisses on his head like how Severus described them from before.

Favian peeked through clenched eyes to see Severus was also crying and Favian suspected the memories of losing his father were being replayed at the sight of Zane going through it himself. But Favian surprised Severus by holding a paw out to him and beckoning him over. Severus seemed hesitant until Favian spoke up.

"Please. Your mate needs you here with him. Please join us, my new son."

Severus felt his heart drop as he heard those words, thinking he'd never hear them again but was over the moon to hear Favian call him that as Severus now knew he fully accepted him as his son's mate. He quickly slithered over and wrapped around both of them before placing his own loving kisses against whatever parts of Zane's face he could reach. Severus and Favian made eye contact and both gave a nod of acknowledgement to the other before pouring their love and affection onto Zane as the three shared in the love and grief they were all feeling in this tragic yet magical family moment.

Hours had passed and the three did not wish to separate but as the sun began to set in the horizon, bathing them in the orange and purple hue that radiated from the skies above, all knew that Favian must begin his journey back to his pack. Severus had been the first to separate Zane from his father as he took the time to hug his new father goodbye first knowing it wouldn't take very long.

"Thank you for everything, sir. I swear I will give your son the love and happiness he deserves. I give you my word he will live a prosperous and full life," whispered Severus.

Favian murmured back to him, saying, "I trust you to do the same. Live your life to the fullest together and do not let the weight of your past carry you down anymore. Let your love for each other lift the burdens of the past off your shoulders so you may move forward to bright futures. Oh and please enough of the sir. It's honestly annoying to have my new son not properly refer to me as a father."

"Technically I'm your son-in-law and you're my..." Severus was silenced with a claw pressed against his mouth.

"Your father..." Favian pointed the claw to himself now before placing his whole paw against Severus' chest and said. "My son."

Severus did not argue against his father. He only nodded before trading one last hug before they parted and Zane came back to hug his father once more.

"I'm so proud of the Zangoose you've grown into! No matter what the pack may think, no matter what the world may think, I am filled with such pride to call you my beloved son who has the best partner I could have asked for! You may not be living the life of pack leader I was thinking you would live but I know you will find your true calling as a leader with Severus by your side out here than you ever would back with the pack."

Zane felt his arms tighten around his father at his kind words of encouragement and love as he began to reply back, "I'm not sure what there is to lead out here but I'm still thankful for everything you've done for me. I just wish I didn't have to lose you out of everything."

"You haven't and never will lose me. You may not be able to live with me and see me everyday but you will always be my son and I will always be your father. Besides, I will find time to travel from the pack once I step down as pack leader so I may visit you as often as possible so you will never need to fear not seeing me again either," Favian reassured Zane.

Zane smiled as he looked at his father's face. "Is that your way of saying you'll sneak out to see your favorite son?"

Favian grinned back with a chuckle. "Possibly but the way I said it doesn't make it sound so nefarious. Even if you are correct in your assumption."

The two laughed together before looking over the other one more time as they slowly and lovingly came back together with a final hug that they wanted to last forever as Zane whispered to him, "I love you, Father."

Favian squeezed back and kissed Zane on his forehead once last time before he softly whispered back, "I love you most, my son."

The two shared remorse as they finally found the courage to separate themselves as Favian began backing away, not taking his eyes off his sons as Severus came up to Zane's side as he placed a coil on his shoulders and pulled him against him as the two watched their Father depart. Favian soon turned his body so he could walk forward towards his home but kept his eyes trained back on them, only glancing forward to ensure he wouldn't walk into anything as he eventually traveled beyond the horizon as they lost sight of each other.