Corruptive Household- part 1: The perfect crime

Story by chevs on SoFurry

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#1 of Corruptive Household

I got a little bored with the other serie and decided to try something new. Well, not new, but new for me. I intend to write many parts on this story (hopefully I don't get bored again), written from the thoughts of the different characters.

The color of the text should make it a little easier to see from which point of view you're reading. Chevs is a male wolf (written in black), Tanja a female dalmation (written in pink), Sam a male cat (written in brownish) and Kyle a german shepherd (written in blue). All characters are about 20 years old, friends in some degree and share a household.

This part will stay relativelly clean, part two will probably have watersports, three scat and after that, you're in for everything you can imagine, I suppose =3 If you still want to read part three after reading this disclaimer, don't forget to put your filter to 'extreme'

Also, the usual stuff: Don't read this if you're not 18 yet and if the tags scare you off, blabla.

And finally: Please do leave a comment if you have any thoughts about it at all. I'm experimenting a bit in what style I like to write most, stuff like that.. enjoy!


With suppressed haste, Chevs fumbled about with the keys in his wolf paws until the right one found its place between his thumb and index finger. He pressed the house key into the lock and twisted it in a full circle before shouldering his way inside. Fully dark. A small smile came to his face when he closed the door with a push of his right foot and flicked the light switch with a paw.

On his way home he had ran into his friend, Tanja, who had been on her way to the supermarket, something that would take her at least 20 minutes. He shared the house with 3 friends and it hardly ever happened that he found himself home alone. He had already known Kyle was visiting his parents and had been suspecting and hoping that Sam would still be at work.

Slyly, he dropped his coat right in front of the door, with the thought that if someone would enter unexpectedly, the extra noise might warn him. With an excited pressure on his chest, he made his way to Tanja's room, very carefully opening her door. Entering each other's bedrooms was strictly forbidden by the house rules they had agreed upon, but he wasn't about to let such a rare chance pass by. He turned on the light and felt his sheath stir in his boxers, his breath turning slightly erratic. Even standing in the middle of such a girlish room got him quite excited, or perhaps it was the slight crush he had on his housemate. He gently closed the door behind him and took in a deep breath. Such a heavenly scent. With the most cautious steps he found his way to her closet. He feared moving something and forgetting to put it back exactly the way it was before. Slowly and full of excitement he kneeled down on the soft red carpet and opened the first drawer. He knew exactly where to look. He ran a finger over the delicate fabrics of all the underwear stored there. A soft sigh escaped his muzzle. He couldn't take the most special ones, the sexiest of them all. She would notice them missing. He closed the drawer and reached for her washing bin. He lifted the corner of a still slightly wet towel and then a sweater before finding a pair of white panties. From a former research, he knew she had lots of this brand. With two fingers, he brought it to his face, pressing the front closely against his nose before inhaling deeply. A shiver went down his back, the female dalmatian scent intoxicating. He groaned softly and shifted his position slightly to put less pressure on his constrained erection. For a moment, he just looked around the room and enjoyed being there where he was not allowed. Then he stuffed the panties in the left pocket of his jeans and folded the towel and sweater in the washing bin the way he thought he found them.

Tanja had offered Chevs a polite chat before hurrying on. The quicker pace that the wolf continued with didn't go unnoticed. So far, it had gone exactly as she had planned. For weeks, she had been suspecting the canine of sneaking through her stuff and today, when she had been home alone and saw the male approaching, she left the house and made sure to run into him. After she had told him she was on her way to the supermarket, she sat down on a bench in the park that had a visual on her bedroom window and closed the zipper of her pink vest, hugging herself against the cold. Silently, she thanked the winter season for turning dark so early, something that gave her a much better visual and hid her almost perfectly. It didn't take more than a minute of spying, to find her bedroom invaded by the wolf she knew better than he expected her to. And now she was sure. She shivered as she stood up, not just because of the low temperature, but mostly because of the grossly invaded privacy. When she walked towards town, she only turned her head once to see the lights in her room being turned off already. Revenge would be sweet.

With the softest click he closed her bedroom door. The perfect crime. He swooped his coat off the floor and flung it over a chair in the living room before making his way up the stairs, anticipating the fun he was about to have.

About an hour later, Sam hurried down the path. It hadn't been the best day at work and half way home it had started raining. Something that he, being a cat, had never been a fan off. He found no necessity to search his backpack for a key, there was already a pair dangling from the front door. He turned it slightly to open the door and closed it quickly behind him to keep the cold outside. With a grumble, the first thing he did was grab the coat in the living room and find his way upstairs. There he knocked on Chevs bedroom door. He rolled his eyes as instead of an answer, he heard lots of stumbling and an unconvincing 'not right now'. He threw the coat on the floor in the hallway and kicked the keys through the slide between the ground and the door. 'That's just great. Spend as much time keeping the place neat as you spend it pawing off, and you'd never hear me complain. And mind your keys, would you? If we get robbed, you're paying.' The cat shook his head, moving on to his own bedroom further down the hallway.

Standing doubtfully in front of a dark alley, Tanja bit her lower lip, staring into the blackness. She regretted leaving in a hurry and not taking her coat, her jeans and vest fully soaked by the pouring rain. Tightening all the muscles of her body, the Dalmatian attempted to both warm herself up a little and find the willpower to move on. She was absolutely sure this was the alley, but she did have to admit to herself that it was crazy to believe the shop she needed existed. Stepping over a couple of carton boxes and avoiding the kicked over trash bins, she eventually walked into the dead end of the alley. When she slid her fingers over the dirty stone wall, she wondered if perhaps she needed psychological help. What was she doing here? She sneezed loudly and leaned into the wall to support herself. That was when she found it. Sucked right through the wall, she felt dizzy when she suddenly stood on old wooden planks in the middle of a shop. So it Was real. Perhaps she should have felt some form of victory, but her emotions were overwhelmed by the creeps the place gave her. There were more spider webs and dust formings in the small room than she had ever seen in her life. There wasn't a piece of wood in the room that didn't look rotten or was without cracks. Instead of neatly stored items, there were piles of items everywhere. Well, she supposed she couldn't expect the customers of such a place to be very picky and demanding. The piles glowed with magic, making her feel both uncomfortable and intrigued at the same time. She took a step in the direction of what seemed to be the counter and was met with a loud creaking sound with every step she made. She gasped as she found there was a small tiger staring at her from the shades.

'Can I help you?' She made of his words. It was hard to understand the sounds that were almost gurgled. Only when she came closer, she decided he or she was strongly deformed and she had no idea what gender it was. 'I uhm.. a friend told me about this place. She got a self-cleaning fridge here. Told me you had anything I could possibly imagine?' She shrugged strongly when a long silence followed. 'Yees?' He finally replied. She took it as a request to continue. 'I need a pair of panties that when you put them on, they turn into a diaper' She spoke the sentence without a pause, but a slight blush rose to her cheeks when she realized how crazy it must have sound. The creature blinked at her with his one good eye and shuffled closer. Uncomfortably close. She decided he stank too. 'It ah.. it needs to be lockable too.' Another long silence. His gaze felt like he was trying to peer into her soul. 'You'll have to excuse me' He muttered 'I don't get a lot of good looking, kinky girls in here, you know?' Her eyes widened and she immediately shook her head. 'It's not for me!' She protested insistently.

'I see.' He replied disappointed. 'What do the panties need to look like?' The creature coughed sickly. Tanja took a step back. She did not feel comfortable standing so close. 'White, rather plain. With a thin pink edge. Cotton.' She knew exactly which one her wolf friend would have taken. The tiger-like creature shook its head. 'That won't do, I need to see a pair of them.' Again a long silence, this one filled with thoughts. Finally, the dalmatian gave in, lowering her jeans just enough to show off the pair she was wearing, just like it. It was slightly damp from the rain that had seeped through the pants. The shopkeeper reached for the material and touched the side with a finger. With a shocked gasp, Tanja slapped it away and pulled her pants back up. 'This is not worth it!' She exclaimed.

'I know enough' The creature squeaked quickly and pulled a package out of a pile of items, pushing it into her surprised paws 'There you go. It changes automatically when it is put on, locks itself and all and can only be taken off by pouring the fluid over it that is also included in the package.

'You.. have exactly that, just laying around here?' Even though she took the step of believing in magic, such a thing sounded very unlikely. 'Yes.. and I'll even add this as a gift' The shopkeeper added and snapped his finger. A second later she was standing in the rain in front of her house with a package clung to her. She could just see Sam slam the door shut. There was no need to wonder about a forgotten paying. She clearly felt she was no longer wearing any underwear. Tanja hurried inside and watched Sam storm up the stairs, not even noticing her. Perhaps it was for the better. She walked into her room and literally tore the carton apart to inspect its contents. It was time to start part two of her plan.

A loud knock on his unlocked door made him startle and his heart jump in his chest. Chevs quickly pulled Tanja's panties back up and his own pants over them, groaning as he felt his own semen soak into the underwear. 'N-not right now' He tried to say with the most normal voice. After bearing through Sam's complaints and hearing him leave, he quickly stripped and stuffed the slightly stained panties in his underwear drawer, to then waste no time by running to the showers with a towel, intent on cleaning up after a very intense orgasm.

Sam sat down at his desk hearing Chevs door close once and soon the sound of the shower raining down in the bathroom. The noise was enough to keep him from hearing Chevs door closing again a couple of minutes later. When a bit later, he went down to get a drink, he caught a flash of a very angry dalmatian, but had no clue about the stained panties in her pocket.

With a satisfied sigh, the still slightly wet wolf padded back to his room, towel around his waist. He didn't bother hanging it up, throwing it over a chair. He had a very pleasant sleepy daze over him and intended to go to bed right away. He opened his underwear drawer and put on a black shirt. When he was about to grab a pair of boxers, his eyes fell on the girlish underwear. Having waited so long to get the piece of clothing, he felt naughty enough to put them on for the night, not noticing it missed the stains he left on them before. Curled up under the blankets, he was off to sleep sooner than he imagined, not aware enough to consciously notice the changing of material around his waist. He let out the occasional moan though, as the material grew thick and padded around his groin and butt. The pink edge turned into a pink belt, attached to the diaper by loops like a belt would normally be connected to pants. His dreams that night were sweet and safe.

The next morning he woke up with a light cramp in his right leg. He had slept with his legs spread a bit too widely, because of the puffy diaper. With a groan he rolled over and sat on the edge of his bed, pushing the blankets to the side. He immediately felt the difference. The wrongness. Chevs tugged at the clothing with his paws in shock. A very sick dream? He blinked and looked around. No, he always knew when he was dreaming. It must be a prank. He stood up and tried to push the diaper down. The belt was much too tight around his waist. He spent the next half hour trying to unbuckle the belt, cutting the loops, scissoring through the diaper and tugging as hard as he could. Only when none of that seemed to work, did he come to understand the abnormality of the situation. The fear and shame almost brought tears to his eyes. His pressing need to take a piss didn't help either.

Tanja sat at the breakfast table, taking a sip from the extra strong coffee. The fact that the wolf was so late meant her plan had probably worked, but she was somewhat disappointed that he didn't come out to beg for forgiveness. Surely he must understand it was her doing? She took another look at her watch. Ten more minutes before they'd have to leave for work. Just then did Chevs come down into the living room, fully dressed. He looked like he had a terrible cold, if it wasn't for the blush on his cheeks. He sat down and poured himself a cup of coffee, drinking the overly warm drink down quickly. All the while, he kept his gaze on the table and only every now and then shifted his gaze to meet her eyes . 'Are you feeling well Chevy? You look a bit sickish.' She asked, forcing genuine concern in her voice.

Chevs took another gulp of his coffee, meeting her eyes once more, shortly. She acted way too normal to have pranked him. He had no idea how he had gotten this absurd curse, but it was obvious there was magic in play. He ran every face he knew through his mind, trying to make a connection. Someone who could do magic And who would do this to him.

'Did you hear me Chevy? Are you feeling well?'

He blinked, smearing himself a sandwich. It was almost time to leave for work. 'Ah.. not really, no. I tried to call in sick, but the boss insisted it would be too busy today' He stood up slowly and perhaps a bit awkwardly. He tried not to feel too watched. After all, he had checked the mirror thoroughly and was sure the bulge didn't show too well. 'We should probably go, you need the 8.05 train as well, right?'