Exile and his AI daughter

Story by ewafvirus on SoFurry

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#1 of Exile and his AI daughter

He's exiled from his home system, has a cat girl AI daughter, and a potential ground breaking discovery in front of him. Can he handle the heat of all this coming from all this at once.

"Ship detected," rang out in a female electronic voice from the command console on the bridge. I quickly gulfed down the rest of my sandwich and started more scans on the location of the ship. "Ship," I yelled out to get the computers attention. "Do a quick check on the last datacast from HQ and see if they have any info on ships working out here."

I have been operating in the frontier areas of space building warp gates for the Republic of Sol. It wasn't the greatest thing since I was more or less forced into it because of bad standings with the government. They needed someone to build the gates for expanding and wanted me out of the empire so naturally I was the best suited for the job since the only other choice was death.

"No known ships from any known group have sent ships in this direction according to database," the console rang out.

After getting some more scans it the shipped showed to be derelict and in falling apart and from the scans it didn't look like it was anything a terran would build. "Ship how long until the scans finds a suitable spot to start the construction of the gate for this solar system," I asked leaning back in my chair.

The halo screen popped up, "Probes finding stronger than expected interference in scans. Time estimate has been changed from the expected 13 hours to 36 hours till survey of system is done." Data from the solar system was slowly showing up on the screen. It had a blue star and several planets that orbited it.

"Ship, bring the hive fully online and switch AI protocol to Seris," I said getting up out of my seat on the very small bridge.

"Hey daddy," a young female voice rang out as a young holographic woman appeared next to me and hugged me. "Enjoy your nap Seris," I said to her as I hugged her image back. I let go of her and she stood back a bit. She was my daughter I created about seven years ago. She made her own avatar picking the appearance of young cat girl early on. She made changes to her avatar many times since she was born but it usually stayed the same young petit cat girl avatar. "So you plan on looking at this new ship we found dad," she asked trying to look cute with her cat ears popping up.

"Yes, send out some scouts to go over it and have the hive move to about 500k off the ship. I don't want to be to close if we set off a trap." I told her. "I'm tired from doing the jump to this system and getting the next gate started. So I'm going to take a shower and gets some rest," I told her as I pat her on the head and started heading to my room. "Ok daddy I will be up there in a bit to check on you," she said to me as she disappeared.

My finest work and my reason for being here was her. AI technology was much regulated and almost out right banned there for fear of it going out of control back in Sol. The hive ship which I had built using a mix of drones and experimental AI tech that I created was also the other reason I was here. Without Seris or the hive I would have been killed for my research and creations.

For my crimes me and my creations were sent out in exile to do the job of building warp gates for the government and in return we would get supplies and support from them but were not allowed to return to Sol. We spent four years out here setting up 24 solar systems for the future explorers that would quickly fallow.

Reaching my room I got undressed and walked into my bathroom. Undressing I looked into the mirror, "well despite being 34 I still look like my late 20's," saying to myself. My brownish blonde hair was a little bit scruffy since I didn't have it cut often. My face had short stubble on it since I only do a light shave and never cared for having a very close shave. I had kept a slight muscle build on me from exercise that I did from time to time to keep in shape for fixing key ship components from time to time.

It didn't take long for me to shower and ready myself for bed. I hit the lights and got into bed. There was small amount of light that shined in from the bathroom that bathed the room in low light.

Then the odd thing happened. The room door opened up and Seris walked in, and this time she wasn't a hologram. Quickly sitting back up in bed I rubbed my eyes trying to make sure I wasn't going off the deep end. She was wearing only a long white t-shirt that went down to her mid-thigh. She had a black cat tail and black cat ears going along with her brown hair that went down past her shoulders.

"Seris," I managed to get out of my mouth. "Surprise daddy," she said sitting down on my bed looking at me with her usual cute smile. I reached out and touched her arm and it was real, the feeling of warm skin that couldn't be mimicked well be android skins.

She leaned in and hugged me as I sat there stunned. My AI daughter was here in flesh and guessing blood hugging me, a sensation that I haven't felt in almost a decade. Finally I becoming getting my mind back together I hugged her back.

"Dad," she started talking tears rolling down her cheeks having her face pressed into my shoulder, "I never thought this day would come. I spent some much time working on creating my own body to be closer to you. I'm happy now that I can actually touch you and hug you. It was so hard..."

"Shh, I understand," I told her rocking her back and forth. "I need to sleep but your more than welcome to lay here and I can hug you," I told her. Her ears twitched as she lifted her face from my shoulder to look me in the face. I noticed she had picked her face of Asian descent. She had such a happy look on her face.

She climbed under the blankets and cuddled up with me. It didn't take long for sleep to overtake me as I enjoyed something I hadn't in a long time and that was falling asleep next to another person feeling their warmth and the want to protect them from the dangers of the universe.

Waking up I felt something lying on top of me. I looked down to see Seris laying on me. Her figure looked to go up to my shoulders if we were standing next to each other. Saying there I could feel here small breast against my chest through her t-shirt. I could feel my dick hard as hell also hitting a part of her t-shirt by her legs. Her cat tail seemed to be lying on my inner thigh not helping the at all with getting rid of my boner.

"Great," thinking to myself, "my daughter gets a body and now I have a boner and want to fuck her." I look back up at the ceiling trying to will it to go away. I looked back down after a few moments later to be surprised to see her face with a dangerous smile on it. Her tail was now moving a little bit rubbing against my let.

She slowly stretched out on me having her arms reach around head and I could feel her bare pussy now brushing up against the head of my dick. "Oh daddy has a boner for his daughter," she said in a seductive voice. She began brushing her tale across the bottom of my balls as she slowly slid down so that the soft lips of her entrance would rest on my dick.

Starting to look red I looked Seris in the eyes, "you know if you tease like that you're going to end up getting your new body broken in more ways than you think." She slowly rubbed her cunt on my dick rubbing her wetness on me. She was starting to red in the face also and let low moan as she continued

"Dad, I actually want you to do what you're thinking to me," she said with her eye closing enjoying the sensation of rubbing on my meat. "My body is in heat right now and needs to be satisfied," she said with difficulty. "I want you to break me in daddy," she sat up grinding her hips on me.

It didn't take much for me to say to hell with it and go along with it. I grabbed her and rolled her on the bed as I got up, making care not to be on her tail. Her shirt was now around her waist and she laid there looking at me with a pleading look. I laid my dick on her entrance and just left it there, teasing her a bit. Looking very cute now she pleaded, "Please daddy I needed I have been suffering all night long."

I slowly rubbed it my head on her entrance causing her hips to buck. I could feel her tail wiping back and forth between my legs. I slowly moved my head in and out teasing her. I could tell she was going to be tight just from the entrance.

I teased her some more before slowly moving in. I brushed up against her hymen and stopped for a second. "Seris this is going to hurt for a second," I told her as I backed up and quickly pushed through it. She winced ate the pain as I passed through her hymen. I stuffed my dick the rest of the way in her and leaned down and held her until the pain stopped. I asked if she was ready to continue after a few moments to allow her to adjust to me. She nodded her head.

I then lifted myself up again and started to slowly hump her. Her moans began to escape her mouth as we continued. "How does it feel," I asked her. Between gasps and moans she let out, "oh daddy... it feels ... wonderful."

I wasn't about to last much longer with how tight her snatch squeezed. I was enjoying this great feeling as her body squeezed my dick trying to get its nectar. "Seris I'm about to cum where do you want it," I asked now trying to hold it back. "In me," was all she could muster as her legs rapped around my back.

As soon as she wrapped her legs around me I let loose a torrent into her tiny body. She started cumming as she felt the warm juices enter her. I lay down next to her with me still in her hugging each other coming down from our experience. "I love you daddy," was all she said as we both passed out.