The Shadow Chemist 3.5 (extra)

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#4 of The Shadow Chemist

Hey, guess what? I've got this half-chapter that's sandwiched between the third and fourth ones. It's not like, super essential to the main storyline, but it totally helps flesh out the world I'm creating. Plus, it's my big chance to play around with some of the scraps I've been collecting and try my hand at writing some seriously steamy encounters.

Kia was a creature of beauty and lust, Her curves were highlighted by her sleek brown coat which shimmered and sparkled as she moved gracefully through the club She was a loyal servant to her boss, Zan--a powerful figure in the underground world of their city. Zan had become a kingpin of sorts, controlling the flow of drugs and money in the area. Kia had worked for him for years, doing whatever he asked of her without question.

But this time, Kia had a request of her own. She had seen her friend, succumb to the effects of a new experimental drug. She had seen her friend collapse to the floor, unable to move, overcome by pleasure and bliss, her body trembling as she climaxed over and over.

The thought of experiencing the same ecstasy filled Kia with a mix of fear and anticipation. She knew the consequences of Zan saying no or punishing her for such a request would be dire, but she was willing to take the risk.

Taking a deep breath, Kia approached her boss. She prostrated herself before him, then looked up and said, "Boss?" she said with a leading tone.

Zan looked down at Kia with a raised eyebrow. "What is it, Kia?"

Kia swallowed hard, then said, "I..., boss, to let me test the new drug. I .. I really need it, I want to feel, taste it, I have to experience it..."

Zan looked at Kia intently, his mind turning as he weighed the risks, she was one of is best whores and it would be a shame if something happened to her, the fox was still in a state of shock, but it was clear that something had changed. It seemed like he was having the time of his life and probably never wanted it to end The last he heard, she was still going at it with no signs of slowing down. He eventually had to take action and have her moved to a pleasure room after the second passerby accidentally stumbled into the slippery pool of fox juice's.... was he ready to risk Kia?

He paused and licked his lips, letting his eyes roam over her voluptuous body. 32 was pretty old for one of his whores, but he couldn't deny how she could still make men melt with desire. Then remembered that she had a daughter who showed potential to follow in her mother's footsteps... So would it really be that much of a risk?...

"Alright, Kia. Nothing comes for free so if you want it, there will be a price," Zan remarked slyly.

The otter gazed up at her master with anticipation in her eyes. "anything, daddy," she spoke before taking the man's finger into her mouth and starting to lightly suck on it.

Zan looked on as Kia carefully licked and sucked his finger, her tongue following every inch. "I have two men who have been working hard," he announced with a smile. "I think they deserve a special reward, and I can't think of any better treat than you, my sweet Kia." He felt the otter's mouth wrap tightly around his finger; it was warm, wet, and smooth. Zan dug into his pocket and pulled out one of the blue vials. "Take this and meet my boys in my private room. They'll be there after our meeting."

Kia gratefully accepted the bottle and made her way to the master's private chamber, shivers of excitement running up her spine.

Zan sat atop a tall, plush chair that creaked and groaned under his massive silverback form. His flowing grey fur was combed and tucked into neat lines, while his intelligent brown eyes seemed to scrutinize the room. He leaned forward, clasping his hands together as he focused on each of his advisors in turn.

Mark, a crafty weasel with shaggy brown fur, lounged back in his chair, twirling a pen between his fingers. His beady little eyes darted around the room constantly seeking something to exploit.

Kaz, a powerful Wolf with jet-black fur and piercing green eyes, tensed up at Zan's presence. His body was coiled like a spring, ready to pounce at any moment if necessary.

The once famous white rabbit doctor, Sara, nervously twitched her pink nose as she fidgeted with her lab coat. Her bright white fur shone in the dimly lit room while her large expressive eyes gleamed with excitement.

Dim lights lit up the walls and cast eerie shadows around the room, making Zan look even more intimidating than usual.

"We have a new drug," he said in a low, gravelly voice. "I want to test it, replicate it, and sell it."

Kaz cracked his knuckles with popping noises, and there was a threatening glint in his eyes. "What exactly does this drug do?"

A sly grin spread across Zan's features. "It's an aphrodisiac. Extremely powerful."

Sara stared at him, her expression unreadable. "We already have two of those on the streets already," she said. "What's so different about this one?"

He grabbed a data pad off the table and tossed it to her without a word. She hastily opened it and her eyes widened as she read the information displayed on the screen.

Mark nodded slowly, thinking through what had been said. "So, what are we going to call it?"

"Blue Lust," Zan said after a few moments of silence. The corners of his mouth turned up in a slow grin and he leaned back in his chair, his gaze glittering mischievously."

Sara cautiously analyzed it, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Wow, this is fucking incredible!" exclaimed Sara, her eyes widening as she tapped on the device in her hand. "I've never seen anything like this before. It's not just an ordinary aphrodisiac - it's a fast-acting dopamine enhancer that triggers an heat cycle almost instantaneously, even in males! It's unbelievable!"

Mark interrupted. "Male heat cycle?" He licked his lips as visions of wealth flashed through his head. "is such a thing even possible, how would that even work."

'No fucking clue, we'll have to test and find out." Sara's excitement was palpable as she continued to study the data scrolling across the screen before her. "And that's not all - it appears to have several complex layers with synergistic effects, but that's all I can tell from here."

Turning to Zan with a look of amazement, Sara asked, "Where did you even get your hands on something like this? It's like nothing I've ever seen before"

A cruel smirk broke out on Zan's face. "A fox gave it to us as a parting gift."

Sara's eyes lit up, and she nodded slowly. "This could be game-changing," she said as she leaned forward, her long, white fur cascading over her shoulders. "If we make it so that people can inject it instead of taking a pill, then their pleasure will be off the charts! Plus, more precise doses would cost less to produce, meaning we'd make even more for less product."

Zan leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing. "It's your call, Sara. I want you to cook up a batch of injectable Blue Lust ASAP. We'll test it on some of our own first."

Sara took a deep breath, looking around the room. "I can break down the formula and replicate it, but I'm going to need some supplies. This isn't going to be cheap, and it will take some time."

Zan nodded. "Money isn't an issue. We need to move quickly on this. Mark, make sure Sara has everything she needs. This is our top priority now."

Mark nodded, his small eyes shifting around the room. "Sure thing, boss," he said. Kaz leaned in closer, his words quiet. "Who's going to test it first?"

Zan leaned back, a satisfied smirk appearing on his face. "That's the easy part; there are plenty of junkies ready to do anything for their next fix."

Sara nodded, her mind already racing with the possibilities. "I'll get to work right away. You won't be disappointed."

"See to it you don't." Zan stood up signaling the end of the meeting. "I want reports at the end of each day moving forward, I believe this is our ticket to the big-time guys, no fuckups."

As Mark and Sara made their way out of the VIP room, Zan motioned for Kaz to stay behind. The wolf's muscles tensed as he waited for his boss to speak.

"Kaz, I wanted to thank you for taking care of that 'fox problem' for me," Zan said, his voice low and gravelly. "You did a good job."

Kaz's ears perked up at the mention of his recent assignment. "It was no problem, boss. Happy to help."

Zan nodded, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Well, I want to show my appreciation. Why don't you and your best man come to my private room later tonight? I have a special reward for you."

Kaz's eyebrows rose in surprise, and he let out a low whistle as Zan leaned closer and dropped his voice to a whisper. "Have you met my prized Kia?

Kaz couldn't help but grin, having heard stories about the legendary Cock puppet. "Is she really as good as they say?"

Zan clapped him on the shoulder with a smile. "Better. She was bred to be a cock sock- Go give her a test drive and enjoy."

Kia took her time getting ready for her night with the boys, first taking a long hot shower that relaxed both her body and mind. Once she was finished, she looked through her closet for something that would make an impression. She tugged on a of skin-tight black leather mini-skirt that clung to her body like a second layer of skin. She sauntered over to her wardrobe and pulled out a barely-there crop top, its neckline low enough to show off her curves in all the right places. Her lips curled into an animalistic smirk as she surveyed her reflection, knowing that this outfit would leave nothing to the imagination., Kia grabbed a small purse and headed out to Zan's private room.

As Kia reached the entrance she could hear music playing from within and she felt herself become increasingly excited for what was about to happen. Taking a deep breath, Kia opened the door and stepped inside to find Kaz and another man already there waiting for her. The two men gasped in awe when they saw Kia's outfit; it was obvious they were impressed with what they saw.

Kaz cleared his throat before speaking in a husky voice "Well hello there, Kia... you look amazing... I think we are in for one hell of a night!" He looked over at his friend before continuing "Shall we?" With that he offered Kia his arm as if inviting her on some grand adventure; eager to explore what the new drug could really do.

Kia stood there frozen for a moment before finally regaining her composure. She stepped forward into the room, feeling both fearful and aroused all at once by the sexually charged atmosphere around her. Taking another deep breath, Kia opened the vial and quickly downed the blue vile, feeling an instant heat rush through her veins that made her raw with desire. Nothing mattered but fulfilling this desperate urge, and before she knew what was happening Kia had pounced onto the wolf, ripping away his clothing piece by piece in a frenzied passion. Every muscled contour of his strong frame seemed to shimmer in the light as Kia explored its depths with feverish energy. An uncontrollable thirst flooded her veins and all Kia could think about was claiming her prize now - no matter the cost.

Kaz felt the weight of the otter pressing him down and heard her excited grunts as she pulled his pants off. Every part of him went tense with surprise and anticipation - he'd never experienced sex with an otter before, but he had heard stories about how hey made some of the best cock-sleeve's "This must be what the boss meant when he said there was a special reward," Kaz thought with a wry grin.

Just then, the door swung open and revealed a Jaguar standing in the doorway. "Ahh, I know this cock puppet ," the jaguar purred in a low voice. "It's Kia, one of the boss's top whores." With that, the jaguar shut the door behind him.

Kia felt the heat of the Wolf's muscled body on her back, and when he pressed his hard member against her softness, it took all her willpower to suppress a gasp of pleasure. His thickness filled her completely and Kia shuddered with pleasure as her walls were stretched beyond their limits. She moaned out loud as ripples of pleasure coursed through her body, and each stroke sent more intense pleasure radiating through her veins.

The strain of the Wolf's length pushing inside was like nothing she had ever experienced before, and Kia hung her head down in ecstasy as small orgasms rippled through her. The weight of each thrust pushed her up higher off the ground, and she opened her mouth wide to let out a series of heavy pants. Her tongue lolled out slightly and she gulped down a breath before moaning out again as the walls around him gaped wider with each push.

Her movements were fluid as she dropped her chin and released a deep exhale. A moan rose from her throat, echoing through the air. She'd never felt this kind of sensation before; pleasure rippled through her body as it adjusted to the size of the cock. Her nerves blazed in response to the thrusts, further expanding the tight walls with each stroke. Each time it pushed deeper, spasms ran up its ridged shaft and lifted her high up off the ground.

Aaron looked over and saw the female stomach impossibly distended, breasts heaving up and down in time to the thrusts. Each breath of air was a rasp through her throat, each moan escaped her lips and cut through the room like a knife. Her pussy was soaking wet and pushed aside as the Wolf thrust into her. Her tongue stuck out and she made sucking sounds with each push of his cock. His hands gripped her hips tightly, digging into the tender flesh with claws that threatened to break through the skin itself. The slight pain of the incisions sent shockwaves straight to her cunt which spasmed and contracted involuntarily in response to the stimulation. The drug coursing in her body, bounding through her veins and taking her to the shores of a new undiscovered world. The drugs enhanced every sensation and made it so she could not distinguish time, Her mind tried desperately to grasp hold of something other than what was happening between her legs, but there was nothing except the feeling of him driving himself deeper into her. His girth spread her apart until she felt full - like she would burst if he moved within her another centimeter. Yet at the same time she craved it, moaned for it, and arched her back so that he might sink into her even further.

The wet sound of sliding flesh against flesh filled the room as his pulsing cock tip pushed out from her body, dripping precum down along the inside of her thighs. With each thrust, he drove deeper and deeper, pushing her ass higher until she felt her cervix split open wide to accommodate him. Her breathing came in ragged gasps and her fingers grabbed onto the edge of the table for support. She could feel the intense pressure of being opened up, her outer lips being forced wider and thinner than before. The smell of musk and arousal hung heavy in the air, making her long for more. He teased her with shallow thrusts before finally bottoming out at her cervix line again.

The force of his penetration caused her inner walls to push forward, stretching them even further than before. His breath was coming in hard snarls as he pounded into her mercilessly; his focus completely lost to the animalistic instincts that had taken over. His cock filled her body until she felt like it would burst, sending waves of pleasure through every part of her being.

She let out a loud cry, her legs splaying apart to take him further inside. She had no sensation of the room around them, all of her sensory pleasure was focused on the Wolf. His body heat against her skin and the distant sounds of fucking had kindled an inferno of need in her body.

Kaz groaned and thrust himself deeper into her petite frame as she eagerly rocked her hips toward him. The size of him was breathtaking as it held her walls open wide and sent a multitude of pleasurable tremors through her body. Pre-cum bubbled up from deep within her core and mixed with his own arousal, dripping back in thick rivulets.

A large jaguar rubbed against her head and neck, making her look up at him. She couldn't recall his name as he moved forward and exposed his bright pink flesh. Pre-cum rolled off of it and down the length of its base. She noticed immediately that he was much bigger than even a well-endowed cat should be--his size was unprecedented. His flesh was taut and encapsulated a huge set of dark black testicles. Her eyes traveled up them to meet his gaze before he stepped closer and pulled her head towards his groin.

The sultry musk of a jaguar filled the air, stirring something animalistic within her. She lusted for it hungrily, letting out a shuddering breath, His cock quivered in anticipation as he pushed forward and Kia opened her mouth wide to accept him. She wound her tongue around the engorged tip, savoring the salty tang that came with every swallow.

The Wolf's hips were pushing her up into the air, causing her legs to spread wider in a desperate attempt to take him deeper. With each thrust, Kia felt like she was being enveloped by molten heat and pleasure bubbled up from within her core. He growled in approval as she moaned around his length, the taste of jaguar flesh filling her mouth and sending her senses reeling with pleasure.

Her muzzle opened impossibly wide as Aaron's hard flesh was forced deep down her throat. The jaguar thrust forward with force, and she welcomed it eagerly, almost choaking from the pleasure - pain of his barbs scratching her throat on the way up; the only sound she made in response was a muffled groan.

The Wolf kept pushing further and further until his tip breached her cervix, eliciting a louder groan of pleasure. She moved with him, entranced by the wet, messy sounds that surrounded them. Her toes curled as she braced against his hips while her hands clutched tightly at them. Her tongue lapped hungrily against the length before being dragged back just enough to take another drive forward. The sensations coursing through her body were intensifying with each thrust as cat coaxed out more and more moans of ecstasy from her.

He pressed forward one final time, burying himself within her depths, and she felt herself climb higher and higher until all pain had dissipated and there was nothing but ecstasy. The small visceral contractions and swallows became more desperate, frantically gulping and savoring the electric mix of hot, sticky precum that was spilling down her throat. She pushed forward against him, arching her neck as his furred paws clamped down on her shoulders, digging deep enough that she could feel pain in the midst of pleasure.

The Wolf's member swelled, pushing her inner walls to their limits as it stretched her wider than she ever thought possible. Her body writhed and trembled beneath him, trembling from the tension growing inside of her. A wild noise escaped from her lips, a high-pitched whine that was quickly silenced by the jaguar's member driving into the back of her throat where it burrowed in deep. All that remained was a wheezing sound and an ever-increasing pleasure.

Her eyes widened in shocked pleasure as she felt the jaguar's hard length pushing her to her limits. His snarls echoed against her neck, while his claws dug painfully deep into her skin. She gasped in delight as he flexed inside her, gripping tight and yanking her back with a power that made her insides quiver in anticipation. Salty cum burst onto her tongue, an overwhelming flavor that drove her wild for more.

The Wolf's weight pressed down heavily on her as he emptied himself, bloating her small frame open further so that there was a squirt of cum escaping around him. She felt the creamy mixture running down against the line of her inner thighs, trailing in goopy dribbles, marking her. And she wanted more, she was still hungry for more. It was a need that there was no escaping from.

Kia's body reacted to the Wolfs Knot which had settled into her at just the right angle, the pleasure quickly amassing deep in her abdomen. She quivered at his roar as his cock twitched and surged into the air, its tip penetrating deep into her waiting womb. Then she felt it--the heat of his ejaculate burst over her, dousing her with rope after rope of cum. Her stomach bulged outward and she thrashed around, hips swaying back and forth, struggling to contain the intense sensation that pierced through her. Her eyes shut tight when he pushed the next stream of semen deep within her tender belly. The jaguar plunged his cock further into her mouth and she moved her head up and down hungrily trying to savor every flavor. All she could manage were guttural cries of supreme indulgence as she was stuffed full.

The jaguar released her from the tight grip he had on her throat and she lay there beneath them basking in the afterglow. This new drug was exquisite, it made all other desires seem insignificant compared to its power. She could feel waves of pleasure still dancing away inside her core and knew that this was something that she wanted... no needed again and again.