Special Tutoring

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Commission for Bubbles Prime

All characters are my original creations

This story contains Sexual acts with minors


It was summer, and Pietr Jorgenson had put out advertisements for being a personal tutor. He had to get extra money somehow. As fulfilling as teaching at a public school was, he was very nearly always at the brink of eviction from his apartment. He was half-asleep when the phone rang the first time.

He grumbled a little but sat up and walked across the room to his phone. This action ensured he was fully awake when he picked up the receiver. He placed the receiver to one of his scoop-like ears, "Good day."

"Is this a Mister Peeattre Jzorginson?"

The equine whuffled, "Pietr Jorgenson. Like Peter, but not. And like Yore, then genson... or... anyway, how may I help you?"

"Would you like to know how to save bundles on-"


The phone rang again before the horse had taken a step back towards his bed. He idly stroked over his soft gut, before he picked up the receiver again.

"Hello, is this Mister Jorgenson?"

"Yes." The equine paused, hoping for someone with something relevant this time.

"Though I have heard your methods are unorthodox, I have also heard that your students always succeed."

"I generally instruct them until they do, sir." The horse remained mum on his methods of instruction. "You are aware of my policy?"

"Your advertisement does say the tutored will stay at your home." It was at this point that the equine noticed the speaker had an affection, or perhaps an actual accent, though it was hard to place.

The horse whuffled, "Yes, that is correct. I have room here for boys, and none of the boys I've taught have complained."

"You can understand how a parent might be concerned."

"Yes, but I swear to you, I would do nothing to harm any of my students." The equine said, while stroking his gut slowly.

"I am certainly relieved." Said the voice at the other end, "I am still in the process of moving to your country. I find myself quite unable to take care of my twin boys quite yet. This method you use sounds like it shall fit my needs quite well."

Mister Jorgenson raised a brow. He had never taught twins before. This should be interesting. "Now, how is this going to happen...?"


Fully dressed a few days later, Mister Jorgenson stood at the airport, next to the exit for Customs, holding up a sign with a surname. The equine yawned and idly scratched his gut through his shirt as he waited. After a while, an employee came out of customs guiding two bunnies wearing similar clothes of different colors.

The boys looked over and spotted the equine, staring up at him. The employee escorting the boys guided them to the horse, "Are you Mister Jorgenson?"

"Yes. I am." The draft stallion spoke simply.

The two bunnies kept staring. The employee left them to return to Customs.

"How was the flight? Aaron? Zeke?" The horse tried to get the boys to respond. He noticed that their staring eyes kept lighting on his belly, or lower, and chuckled with a sigh, setting down his sign and reaching to pet the young bunnies.

This seemed to break their wordless stares, and the two bunnies squirmed, apparently realizing they had been staring. They looked up at the horse's face, before one spoke, "Long, sir." This one had an A embroidered on his bags.

"There must have been something nice about it." Mister Jorgenson spoke warmly.

The other of the two, presumably Zeke, though his bag had an E embroidered on it, apparently for Ezekiel, spoke now, "Well, we got to see a couple movies."

Aaron glanced at his brother, "They weren't that good."

"I kind of liked the Lucas Lee one."

"Ugh, the writing in that was atrocious. I took out my headphones and napped for the second half of that rubbish."

"Well... I liked it." Zeke muttered.

Mister Jorgenson smiled, "Well that's something, at least. Now boys, it's a bit far to where I parked, would you like me to carry your bags?"

This seemed like something the tired rabbits both agreed to, so the large equine hefted both bags and began to lead his two wards through the terminal and out into the parking lot.

The boys looked fairly exhausted by the time they had arrived at the car. Aaron was panting when he spoke, "Why's it gotta be bloody summer?"

Mister Jorgenson was packing the two suitcases into the trunk of his car, "Well, at this point in the Earth's orbit around the sun, the northern hemisphere is receiving more hours of daylight per day, and more direct sunlight at that."

"I knew that..." Aaron grumbled, obviously lying.

"I... didn't." Zeke muttered.

Mister Jorgenson chuckled and closed the trunk, before opening up one of the back seats, "It may take a little time before I can get the air conditioning to cool the air in the car down."

The pair clambered up into the car, getting buckled up slowly, noticeably sweating, their fur starting to matt down. The bunnies had a harder time, apparently, since their winter coats had been growing in leading up to now.

The horse got into the driver's seat once he was certain the twins were secure, with the windows rolled all the way down and the air conditioning blasting as soon as he started the engine. "So, I've never been to New Zealand. Is it nice?"

"It's alright." Aaron muttered, leaning to try to get more of the air conditioning.

"The countryside is pretty, but we stayed in Wellington most of the time." Zeke said softly.

The equine swiveled his ears, nodding as he pulled up to the pay booth, paying the attendant and waiting for the gate to swing up. By the time they reached the freeway, the air was cool enough to close the windows, but the boys remained slumped and appeared very drained.

As they arrived at the horse's apartment building and Mister Jorgenson parked, the boys were half asleep. The equine smiled and left them there while he took their bags up to his apartment, then returned for the boys themselves.

Zeke murmured, finding himself held in a strong arm against a yielding gut and supportive chest. He opened his eyes slightly, and saw Aaron being held across from him against the same. The little bunny blushed up at the horse carrying them, and who would be their tutor and babysitter until their father had gotten their living arrangements in place.

The bunny boy softly started to churr as the equine clomped his way up the stairs.

Mister Jorgenson perked, and smiled softly down at the meeker of the pair. He eventually got to the top of the stairs, glad he hadn't eaten enough to cause any problems on these stairs today, and carefully unlocked the door, carrying the boys into the small apartment. The equine set the pair down on his bed gently, and moved to close and lock the door.

Zeke whimpered with the loss of the soft body pillow that was the equine, and managed to wake all the way up. He looked over at the equine as the thermostat in the room was adjusted.

"You know, Zeke, if you're feeling hot you can take off some of those clothes. You don't need to wear so many layers here. In fact, since you're so sweaty, you boys can shower off, and change into something cooler."

The meek bunny nodded, and wheeled his suitcase into the bathroom, closing the door.

Aaron stirred as well, looking up at the equine.

The stallion sat down next to the more confident bunny on the bed, smiling warmly, "You alright?"

"Yes sir..." The boy started peeling off his clothing, revealing more of his supple, frankly delicious looking body to his new tutor. The rabbit got down to his underwear, and then, perplexingly, laid his head in the horse's warm lap, nosing softly at the soft, shirt-covered gut, then down against the idle bulge of the equine's natural endowments.

Mister Jorgenson simply pet over Aaron, waiting to see what he would do.

Little paws soon joined the bunny's muzzle, and they worked to undo the adult's clothing, tugging at zippers and buttons, until the horse's tented boxers were exposed, and the broad soft gut above was in plain sight. "You're really hot, sir..." The rabbit muttered, kissing that soft gut, even as his paws were working at exposing the equine's bits.

It was about this point when Zeke finished his shower, peeking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He stared, then sighed, "Aaron, why do you gotta seduce every tutor we get?"

Aaron turned his head, glaring a bit at his brother, "Because you won't."

"Aaron, why don't you get nice and clean, then we can talk about the lesson plan..." Mister Jorgenson managed, although the bunny's paws had finally found his shaft and were fishing it out.

"But I wanna get dirty first... please sir; give me a real reason to need to bathe." Aaron kissed the mushroom head of the horse's cock, grinding against one of the horse's strong though padded thighs.

The teacher sighed with a half-smile and curled a digit to Zeke, inviting him to sit on the bed, "Well, Aaron, I guess it's time I should mention my methods..." He panted as his arousal swelled up, rivaling the length of Aaron's torso.

Zeke, although more meek than Aaron, appeared to be as sexual, as he simply dropped the towel, the moist bunny padding over naked and already noticeably aroused.

Aaron murmured and licked along the head of the shaft, now kneeling on top of one of the horse's thighs just to get at the preing tip.

"While I will be tutoring you on traditional subjects, which will ensure you are at least level with your fellow students once regular schooling begins..." The equine remembered their father giving him the name of which private school they were to attend. Of course Mister Jorgenson had researched this school's curriculum extensively. He felt confident he could bring them in line with their peers academically, "I shall also be teaching you some practical skills that will help, adjusting to a new culture."

Aaron pulled off the equine head for a moment, "What, this isn't practical?"

The tutor chuckled, petting the bunny, "Not all problems can be solved with your... quite talented muzzle... at least, not like this." He whuffled pleasantly, and then gently slipped the bunny off his thigh and the snug underwear off Aaron, standing and turning towards the boys on the bed as he shrugged off his shirt fully, letting his pants fall. The horse then slowly worked his mostly hard shaft back through his boxers' fly, and let them fall as well, revealing the heavy sac below.

Now that all three were naked, Aaron grasped for the cock again, while Zeke hugged the horse's thigh, nosing at his soft hip and over to the base of the thick shaft and the sagging balls below.

Mister Jorgenson groaned heavily, petting both boys tenderly, "Oohh... Boys certainly are eager to start..." He chuckled, but his body was eager. He flexed his shaft firmly, and the slightly protruding urethra at center of the mushroom shaped head pulsed and stretched open on its own.

Aaron stared at this, watching the tube turn into a tunnel in front of him, staring as it leaked the same thick pre down onto him. His shaft was hard between his legs, and dribbling a little as his sweaty fur was drizzled in the musky preseed. The more assertive bunny got up from his knees, staring down into the cock, putting his paws on the sides of the head to steady it. He looked up at the horse inquisitively.

"I know you've travelled a long way to be here, but there's one more trip you two need to take." He grinned, but without malice, only lust. Gently, Mister Jorgenson guided the bunny's paws from the outside of his cock to the inside, shuddering and letting out a soft moan, "This way to my tutoring center..." He muttered, and before Aaron could comprehend that his arms were inside of a cock, the insides started to flex and pull the forward bunny inward.

Aaron moaned out and writhed about, the musk all around him overriding any apprehension he might have had left, leaving only his lust, and the odd fact that though the air was slightly more muggy inside the horse's maleness than outside, it felt more comfortable, like it was where he wanted to go.

The meeker bunny stared, a blush on his cheeks and his erection, if anything, seeming harder as he stared at the display of his brother chest-deep in horsecock, instead of the sight he had seen before: horsecock chest-deep in his brother. He was uncertain for a moment, looking up at the equine's face, but his expression, though plastered with lust, seemed not to mean any harm. He slowly resumed his nosing and grinding at the stallion's leg, reaching with a blush to feel over the bulge in the underside of the thick shaft, of his brother's face.

The equine instructor smiled as he felt Zeke resume his attentions, glad the boy wasn't scared. He flexed again, and Aaron's feet left the bed, dangling down as the ravenous maleness worked down his waist. One hoof-hand gently tucked the hard bunny shaft against the adventurous bunny's lower tummy, before it too was claimed into the tutor's arousal. Another flex pulled the shaft more upright, and worked the rabbit's hips in completely. With both hoove-hands the horse lifted the boy's legs above his shaft, and he started to buck his hips forward.

Inside, Aaron's paws had slipped through warm tubing, and now pressed into a snug chamber. They had to curl around by the time his face joined them, and he continued to curl as his legs slid inward.

Zeke gasped and sat back, stroking his own arousal now, watching the erotic display. He bit his lip, fingering his tailhole as well.

Mister Jorgenson grunted and let go of the boy's legs as he got to the knees, leaning back and thrusting straight up, each thrust taking in inches of Aaron's lower legs, and adding to the swell in the horse's right testicle. He panted, grinning through lidded eyes at Zeke, knowing the meeker bunny was enjoying the show he was putting on, grasping his shaft and holding it firmly upright as he remained nearly imbalanced, leaning back, and rubbed along his urethral ridge as the rabbit's feet slipped all the way in, and his cumslit closed up. His hoof-like digits traced the last lump of Aaron's bulge down the length of his whole shaft, before settling on the curled up lump of bunny in the right side of his scrotum. He whuffled and curled a finger at Zeke, "Time to tuck you in too... I'm tutoring you both, after all."

Zeke squeaked, shuddering and shooting his bunny cream out over himself, blushing deeply.

The horse chuckled, and gently guided the rabbit's big feet together, as his urethra opened up again, preparing for its second boy of the day.

The timid bunny slumped against the bed, panting and pulling out his finger, still blushing. It took him until his knees pressed themselves together to notice that his feet were somewhere warm and wet. He wiggled his toes a little, feeling moisture squish between them, and felt the pulsing work up his calves, and then to his knees. He figured it out pretty soon that he was slipping in to join his brother now, and that made his blush deepen. Up above him was the beautiful stallion, smiling softly down at him... "D-did you put on a show for me...?"

"Perhaps... just relax and let me tuck you in. Jetlag must be setting in now that you've got all those endorphins running through your system..." Mister Jorgenson said softly.

"What're endorphins...?" Zeke muttered, and then yawned, a wave of exhaustion washing over him.

The horse smiled softly as the boy's hips slipped out of sight, then his waist, "They're chemicals your body releases when you have an orgasm, causing that warm fuzzy feeling..."

"Oh... okay..." The meek bunny murmured as his chest was wrapped in hot flesh. The equine remained leaned over his bed, so that Zeke's head and shoulders would remain supported until they were inside him. Soon the rabbit felt his arms getting pushed up around his head. Zeke tilted his head back as the warmth travelled around his neck and underarms, watching as the hot wet flesh framed his view of the bedroom, watching the smiling face of his teacher slowly get obscured by his own arms and the tight flesh. Down below, he could feel his feet were already in a warm snug chamber, and his legs were having to bend to fold up in order to join them. He felt the world shift, gravity suddenly in line with his body rather than across it. There was a clench, his body held in place for a moment, and he felt digits stroking over his body, wiggling a little when they stroked the curve of his rump through the hot flesh, but then they came to his still exposed handpaws. He gently grasped one of the thick digits, and felt warm lips kiss over his fingers. Zeke murmured blissfully, and let go.

Mister Jorgenson watched the timid bunny's fingers slip out of sight, and his two nuts gradually equalize in size, having identical bunny bodies to weigh them down. He watched as the pair occasionally squirmed, but eventually settled down. Once they had, and he felt they had fallen asleep, his cock flexed, and released a gush of air with a wet belch. The horse shuddered, having forgotten how good a cock burp felt, "Ohh... gotta do this more often... then again, I'm tutoring all summer." He chuckled, rubbing his two students lovingly as their forms started to soften with wet gurgles. He clopped over to the chest of drawers and retrieved a condom, humming to himself as he opened the packaging and started to unfurl it over his sensitive shaft. After two consecutive meals, it felt ready to gush, and he wanted to wait until both boys' bodies had turned completely into hot seed.

It took him a couple minutes, but he managed to get the condom fully wrapped around his hard shaft. The pleasureful sensations of bunny boys growing softer and staring to slosh and churn between his legs were enough to keep him hard as he went about some business around the apartment, putting the boys' luggage into his closet and their discarded clothes into the hamper. He oofed as his right nut jerked and bounced off his left, "Now now, Aaron... play nice with Zeke..." He whuffled and held his sac gently, the boys were nearly fully liquid, but for the moment their mostly dormant minds were still contained by the seed they were becoming... his peak would change that.

He sat down and felt over his testes, panting softly, but he found he no longer had anything solid inside his balls. The equine panted and then grasped his covered dick, jerking it firmly and pushing it down to horizontal as the head of his shaft spread into a flare. A moment later the whole shaft pulsed and grew even further in length and girth. The scrotum below jerked and hot seed started to gush up and out, mixing as it passed through the shaft, and deforming the latex condom as it left the protruding urethra. The latex stretched and re-adjusted, sliding forward on the cock as more and more seed filled the space in front of the flare. The horse was glad that the condoms had a tighter area at the base, though, as that refused to pass in front of his flare as he gushed out more and more seed, the latex forming a giant teardrop dangling from the head of his shaft, a little bigger than one bunny boy, but not as big as two. When he finished, he sighed and gently pulled on the condom until it popped off his receding flare, swiftly tying it off and carrying the bag of seed to his refrigerator, placing it at the bottom. As his cock went flaccid, he smiled as he noticed it was heftier than before he met the boys. Walking to a mirror he hefted his heavy shaft, and saw the mottles on his scrotum had formed a symmetrical pattern, a pair of bunny faces facing away from one another, in inverse colors. The testes in the sac were also heavier and fuller than before the boys had arrived.

Mister Jorgenson sighed with a smile and padded to the bed, laying down and petting his shaft softly as he dozed off.


The boys awoke in a warm, but very comfortable chamber, slightly musky, and with round walls. No light source was visible, though they could both see. The floor was contoured with continuous curves from the walls, with a slight ridge in the center, one side dipping lower than the other. The top of the chamber seemed to come up to a near point. Before they knew it, though, they were being hugged to a soft warm gut by strong arms.

"So, boys, I think you've noticed I'm not a normal tutor by now..." Mister Jorgenson said tenderly, petting both.

"Where are we...?" Zeke murmured.

"Physically, mentally, or spiritually?" The horse smiled warmly.

Aaron blinked, "Physically."

The horse gently let go of the more assertive bunny and reached down to cup his own heavy nuts meaningfully.

Both boys began blushing deeply. Zeke managed to speak, "And... mentally?"

Mister Jorgenson tapped his own brow, "and spiritually, you're here..." He placed his palm on his chest, over his heart. "Here you are safe, and I'll be conducting our small group tutoring here, until you two boys are ready to join the main class."

"Where's the main class?" Aaron asked, not seeming to find any of this very odd. Arousing certainly, but not odd.

The stallion chuckled and patted his gut with a whuffle. "Once in the main class, you can interact with my other students, and prepare for finals."

"What're the finals?" Aaron asked, idly rubbing that belly now too.

"A series of tests you have to pass to convince me that you'll be safe released back into the real world." The equine instructor said warmly.

"Why wouldn't we be safe...?" Zeke spoke up.

"Others might try what I did to you boys, but they wouldn't be nearly as nice to you about it..." The horse said quietly. "You have to learn how to defend yourself, or, in worst case scenario, how to bring yourself back... If you two study hard, you can be back in the real world by the time your dad's moved here fully."

Aaron didn't seem to appreciate the danger. "I don't wanna study... Unless it's studying studs..." He reached over and grabbed at his teacher's heavy cock. The bunny gasped as the equine shaft wrapped around his arm instead of his paw closing on the flesh.

Zeke blushed deeply as he watched Aaron getting sucked in for the second time that day, reaching to feel the stretching sac of his teacher.

Mister Jorgenson panted heavily, and patted his scrotum as well while it started to gurgle wetly.

Aaron appeared in one of the two depressions of the chamber floor, which Zeke realized was shaped like the inside of a massive sac. The little bunny rubbed his head, blushing as he saw a bunny shape melting into just a heavy pair of nuts between the horse's legs.

"Now do you see why you have to learn?" The horse said warmly.

"I... yeah... Will you teach us to do that too?" Aaron grinned suddenly.

Mister Jorgenson smirked.


A week later, Mister Jorgenson woke up from another tutoring session within him, and sighed with a smile. The twins were ready to meet his boys. He clomped his way to the kitchen, rubbing his head a bit, and retrieved the full condom from the fridge. Untying it carefully, he tucked the opening into his muzzle, then began to drink, panting and pausing to savor the musky, bunny flavor. His belly started to gurgle eagerly, and he lowered the bag, patting his gut, "That's right boys, new classmates are coming... just settle down and give them a warm welcome." With that his gut settled, somewhat, and he resumed drinking. Within a couple minutes, the condom was empty, and being tossed into his trash-can. The equine belched and patted his gut as it sloshed a bit, starting to process the liquid bodies of his two boys. As he walked across the apartment back to his bed, the mottling on his belly and sac shifted gradually. By the time he was laying down, the dual bunny shape that had been on his scrotum was framing his navel, surrounded by the mottled faces of his other students, "Aaahhh... there we go..." The equine felt over his shaft with his left hoof hand, smirking as it seemed his added girth and length didn't migrate to his gut, rather the twins had added to both. His right hoof hand felt over his belly as the efficient stomach and intestines below turned the already very broken down bodies of the twins to a new strata of pudge around his waist and hips, completing the enrollment process.

"Now, play nice everyone..." The stallion stood and clomped to the bathroom this time, sighing as before he could get there, the phone rang. He changed course and picked up his phone, "Hello?"

He grinned, "Why yes, I'm still open for tutoring."


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