Mega Trainer Chapter 7 (X)

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#7 of Mega Trainer

Seth and the gang finally arrive in Haven and meet someone new.

Seth the hybrid trainer

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon


Seth was the first to awake in the morning. He bolted up when he realized where he was, looking around the cave. Luxray was nowhere to be seen. Seth breathed a sigh of relief. Both of the girls were still there and seemed to be fine, Soul on the across from him and Sky lying right next to him. He slowly got to his feet, trying to be quiet. The fire had since burned out, only the ashes remaining. Seth tried to extend the range of his senses, but still couldn't sense the luxray. *Good riddence.* Now that that was out of the way, he sat back down and waited patiently for the girls to wake up. While sitting there, he experimentally stretched his body. He was still pretty sore but he could at least move.

Looking down, he saw his familiar chest spike and yellow chest fur. He was still a lucario but something was off... He felt taller, for one. Looking at Soul's sleeping form, he had to be at least a foot and a half taller than her. His usual lucario form was the same height as her and his mega form was only a few inches taller. The oddities didn't end there though. His fur looked and felt shorter, his ears were about half their usual size and he only had one pair of aura sensors instead of two. The weirdest part were his paws...they were not paws, they were in the shape of human hands, four fingers and a thumb, but covered in fur and with a spike on the back. His feet were the same. "Am I..." He said out loud, but still quietly. *Mewtwo did say something about anthropomorphic hybrids. Damn. I wish I knew how all this worked.* Around that point, Soul began to wake. She shuffled around, trying to get comfortable before she accepted being awake and opened her eyes. Her eyes darted around the room, passing over Seth at first. When she saw nothing wrong, she looked back to the lucario. Her eyes widened as she saw the much larger creature. "S-Seth? Is that you?"

"Yea. I'm apparently an anthro lucario. Any ideas why?"

"Well, you were a normal lucario when you fought off Luxray... You feel asleep while using aura... and then Sky cuddled with you."

"That's one thing. When I got angry while with Mewtwo, I mega evolved, and that was without the need to save someone. It wasn't hate or anger that caused it, then. I hated that bastard and I was angry enough to kill him, if it wasn't for Sky. And it wasn't contact that caused it because Sky touched me, and then I became this, and Mewtwo didn't touch me at all. So what the hell causes my mega evolution!" Seth said, getting angry.

"Forget mega evolution, I wanna know what caused this. I think you're much sexier this way." Soul said, starting to purr lustily.

Seth sighed heavily. "Well, let's see... I transformed first, and then I was anthro after I woke up. So it could have been sleeping with Sky, but then why now? Ummm... maybe it was using my aura so much. But then how would I become anthro as other pokemon? It's too damn early to think this much." He said, flopping back down. Upon landing, Sky wrapped a paw around him, licking him on the cheek. "Hey Sky. Did we wake you?"

"Yeah." She said, her voice little more than a whisper. "I woke up about halfway through. I have an idea. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and you were human. While you were holding me, I was thinking about how strong you looked when you saved me, and I wanted to see you like that again. So I played with myself enough to get you to transform, but you became like this. Not that I mind."

"So it happens exactly like my normal transformations. Great, more things I don't know." Seth said with a huff. "Well, we need to go grab my stuff and get back on the road. Either of you remember where the campsite is?" Soul nodded. "Okay, you take the lead then." She went first, stepping out of the cave. The ground was still wet and muddy, but the floodwaters had at least receded. From the looks of the sun it was still early morning, but not sunrise. Soul guided the others, not even fussing over the mud staining her snow white fur. Sky on the other hand, felt as if she was in a nightmare. The mud was so gooey and nasty, messing up her purple coat, which she had spent so much time trying to fix last night, before... all that stuff happened.

Seth saw her fussing. "Come here Sky." He said, holding out his hands. Sky gave him a quizzical look before complying. He lifted her up, holding her to his chest and out of the muck. His arms quickly got tired however, both due to her weight and his soreness. "Here let's try this." He said, propping her up on his shoulder. "Climb up for a second." She did so, straddling his head and shoulders. It certainly would have looked silly and definitely did not work. Seth put his hands behind his back. "Ok, put your paws in my hand and hold onto my back." Looking down, Sky saw his hands waiting. She wrapped her paws around his neck before slowly dropping off of his shoulders. She scrambled franticly for a moment before her paws and his met. She tried to even out her weight so she wasn't strangling him but she wasn't putting all of it on his hands. His soft paw-like hands, having pads where his palms would have been, tickled her feet, causing her to nuzzle into his neck. This in turn made him chuckle. "Not while I'm walking, I'll lose my balance!" He said playfully, wobbling his legs purposely.

Soul heard their cheerful laughter and looked back to see the scene. She smiled, finding the way the lucario held the espeon that was a third of his size. She also felt a twang of jealousy. She felt a little envious, but then she remembered something. He would have done the same thing to her if he could. She planned to have her time later though. Though he would hold her a very different pose. She turned back to the front, getting back on the path and calling to the pair behind her. Continuing on however, she couldn't help but fantasize about this new form. He was about two feet taller, hopefully he would have a tool to match. His set certainly looked more sizeable from the brief glances she had taken, and even better, he still had a sheath, so his cock was likely more canine than human. She liked certain things about each type, but a knot was by far her favorite, that feeling of oneness it brought. She tucked her tail down to hide the growing moisture on her rear.

Soon they reached the campsite. It was a mess to say the least. The tent was torn asunder, the remains of it tied around the only standing post. The other posts were knocked down, half buried in the mud. Sky poked her head around Seth's head and shouted, "Soul, check the tent. I hung the pack from one of the posts." Soul went to the tent and used slash to cut her way into the tarp. Underneath was the backpack, however some of the stuff had fallen out and into the filth below. Seth came over and took the pack. "Shit." Seth growled upon seeing the fallen stuff. He dug through the mud, retrieving anything he could.

Some food had fallen out, berries and such, and had to be abandoned. Clothes were also dropped, covered in dirt. He decided they weren't worth the trouble of cleaning them. He did find some dropped medicine, including some paralyze heal. "Would have been nice to have those last night. It's hard to fall asleep with your body stuck." Soul commented. Seth gathered the salvageable things (Holding both of Sky's feet with a single hand), scrapped what dirt he could off of them (Soul helped by using her horn) and returned them home. With that he turned to the main path, just a bit away from their site. "Well, we need to get to Haven. With no tent, we can't really sleep outside, at least I can't." He said, taking the lead.

When they got to relatively dry land, he set Sky back down. Both of the girls followed just behind and to the side of the anthro lucario. Just as they set off, Seth had a realization. "I'm still a pokemon! That means I might be able to be captured." He took off his backpack and pulled out an ultra ball. He tapped it to his chest. In a flash, he was consumed by the red light it emitted. The ball dropped down, with no one to hold it now. It shook three times before the button flashed and it became still.

Inside the ball, Seth was suddenly exposed to something he had never seen before. The inside of the ball looked like what he assumed a computer simulation would, data like streams moving around him. Above him, he could see part of the sky, a tree and the ground, reminded him of what he had seen outside. A massive paw consumed the view. Then, just as suddenly, he was taken out, back into the real world. He looked around in total confusion, before seeing the tree he had seen inside. "What was that?" He said aloud.

"Oh yeah, that was your first time in a ball. It can be a little jarring." Soul said.

"That's an understatement." He muttered, bending down. He took the ball in hand, unhinged it and bent it back until it snapped. "There. As long as no one hits the release, we should be fine." He said tossing away the bottom half and putting the remaining half, with the release button, back in the backpack. "Now I can't be captured. And just in case." He said, reaching back in and pulling out a black collar. "Pokemon are supposed to be collared when they go out alone, but you two look cuter without a leash." He said while putting it on, making Sky blush. The collar had a much smaller version of his trainer id attached to it, marking the wearer as his pokemon.

The group continued on, Seth remaining a pokemon the entire time. Several hours later, with only an hour long lunch break, they arrived at Haven. When they got there, he had another thought. *Do I speak pokemon or human in this form. The girls can understand me either way. I guess I just have to keep my mouth shut.*

The town was built in the swamp, the houses built on stilts and out of lightweight wood. The gym was right next to the center and was pretty cool. It was built out of hardened mud and clay, with wood inlaid for more stability. The top was held together by a large amount of trees, their roots keeping it up and the top of the building was covered in grass and other flora. Seth could have even sworn he saw a pokemon or two running around up there. The sign on the gym said that it was a bug type gym. Good thing he wasn't challenging it.

Seth led the group to the pokemon center, going on inside. The pokemon center was built together with the pokemart. He went up to the nurse on duty. "Oh hello there." She said cheerily. "You're a big one. What can I do for you? Need healing?" Seth thought about it for a moment and decided it couldn't hurt. He nodded. "Ok then, follow me." She led them to the counter. "Do you have your balls?" I shook my head. "Follow me back then, we'll do it old fashioned." She led the group back into the medical ward, leading them to an empty room. "Wait here and a chansey will be by as soon as possible." She said, smiling and leaving them.

A few minutes later a round, pink pokemon wearing a nurse's hat popped her head through the door. "Hello! Let me see what I can do." She said, her voice so sweet it might as well have been sugarcoated. "Yeah, our trainer sent us here to get healed, but he didn't give us our balls." Seth said. "Alright! I can check you out!" The bubbly chansey said, closing in and beginning an examination of each pokemon. When she got to Seth she let out a murr. "You're pretty big for a lucario~" She said while touching the tip of his sheath, her tone becoming much less upbeat and more lusty. "I could do a more... thorough exam on you~"

"No. I'm spoken for." Seth said, motioning to the two girls sitting off to the side.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. Most males aren't so loyal. You girls are lucky." She said, becoming sweet again. She hurriedly finished up, applying a potion to most of Seth's body. He immediately felt intense relief, his entire body cured of its soreness. *Wow, so that's how those feel.* He held in a purr at the warm feeling spreading through him. The chansey did a few final things, and left the room, a blush still on her face.

The party returned to the nurse once again. "Hello again! What can I do now?" She said through a smile that must have been causing her face to ache. He pointed to his collar and then closed his eyes and rest his head on his hands. "A room?" He nodded. "Alright, let me see your trainer's id and I can check him in." I bent forward, leaning my head back so she could get at the tag on my collar. She looked it over, entered some information on her computer, and turned back to us. "Ok, you're good to go! Room 24. Here's the key." She said, giving the lucario a pouch containing a couple of keys. He took it, trying to look like he was fumbling with it.

Seth, Soul, and Sky left and went behind the center to the small shacks that were rooms for trainers. A trainer id also serves as a debit card for any poke a trainer had saved, so the room was charged to that. There were two rows, the further back was designated with twos. The group went to the right room and Seth pulled out the key. It was easy to handle with his humanoid hands, though the fur did get in the way a bit, making his fingers thicker. As he turned the key he heard a yelp from the room next door. He paid it no mind, as it didn't sound like fear, more like an accident. The inside of the room was quite small, only having a toilet, shower and a bed all in one room. He hurried in, closing the door behind him after the girls got in, before he plopped down on the bed with a relaxed sigh. The girls hopped up, resting on either side of him. Seth let out a loud yawn, while reaching out and embracing both of them, pulling them closer. "I'm still kinda tired, but at least I don't hurt anymore."

Only the sound of their beating hearts could be heard for the longest time before Seth broke it. "I think you girls deserve a reward for all the stuff I put you through."

"Seth, you don't have to-" Sky started.

"Nonsense. You two roll over." He said, climbing out of bed. He turned and faced the girls, who had rolled onto their backs with their heads raised to look at him. He knelt down and reached forward, scooting the girls towards him. With each paw he trailed down the belly of each girl, reaching lower and lower, only stopping to rub a hidden nipple when his pad brushed over one. Arriving at his destination, his fingers touched over the tip of their 'Y' shaped pussy lips. The feeling made Soul purr and Sky yelp and blush. He continued down, lightly spreading them but not sinking a finger in, going all the way down. When he reached the bottom, he reversed, stopping about halfway up. He took two fingers and spread both the girls, revealing the interior to his eyes. He couldn't help but take a moment to admire each.

Soul's pussy was the most familiar. Blue canine lips the same color as her skin and as her insides went deeper, they got progressively more blue. The small amount of her vaginal passage visible to him were beautifully textured. Every once in a while it tightened, as if trying to pull on some unseen object. Even now, with so little stimulation, copious fluid was leaking out of her folds, coating his fingers in her slippery moisture.

Sky was less unique but no less lovely. Her crotch was nearly the same color as human skin, but a lighter shade. Her lips on the other hand were red, and got even more red and puffy the more aroused she got. The entrance to her depths was smaller, and she was much tighter, not just because she was a foot shorter than the absol. Unlike Soul, she did not have much control over her milking, most likely from not being as experienced as the sexually charged absol.

Looking back up, Seth took a look at their faces, Soul panting and Sky blushing. He turned his gaze back down, resuming his work rubbing and teasing the girls. The pads on the tip of each of his fingers made the whole experience better for both parties. Seth's pads were much more sensitive than his human fingers, making feel of the soft sexual flesh even better. For the girls, the pads had more texture than human flesh which, along with the tickling fur, made for a more pleasurable experience. With every move, a different part of their pussies was exposed to Seth. That, and having two girls to look at, was driving him insane, the red tip of his manhood peeking out.

A soft squeak from Sky set him off. He shifted from rubbing the outside, to sticking in a finger, rubbing it around inside and all over their walls, with near fury. His current hands seemed perfect for this task. His nails were nearly nonexistent, his aforementioned pads, and the fur clutching and grinding against every point of contact made for what Sky assumed (from what she had heard about this kind of thing) to be the best fingering. In truth she had only ever done this to herself, making her a bit biased. Sky on the other hand, had never even pleasured herself intentionally, only having licked over the area while cleaning. She was having the time of her life, writhing in pleasure and trying to force herself down and his fingers deeper inside.

Neither girl could hold back the sounds of pleasure when he brought another finger into mix, rubbing it against their clits. Sky hit the edge first, her tunnel clenching harder and her pulsations increasing in frequency. Just before she hit her climax, Seth removed his hand, making her almost yell in frustration. What came out instead was drawn out squeak that ended in a moan. Seth had replaced his fingers with his mouth, licking over folds, collected the precious sweet liquids that had gathered, before lapping and sucking at her clit, which set her off. The sounds of Sky in pure bliss made Soul look down. The sight made her climax approach even faster, the anticipation of her turn making her get there faster. Seth removed his muzzle from between Sky's legs, licking his chops to clean up the leftover juices staining his fur, before turning to Soul.

The two of them locked eyes, Soul giving a hungry grin and licking her lips, before she pointed down with one paw, while licking at the other. "My turn~" She purred deeply. Seth obeyed, moving over to give Soul what she needed. Just after he got into position, tasting her nearly tasteless fluids, he felt two fluffy paws on the back of his head, forcefully holding him down. He got the message, his tongue going ballistic, quickly switching between diving into her and teasing at her clit. Her head was also going crazy, but in a different way, writhing from side to side, letting out breathy moans the whole time. Her end was closing in, and fast. She hit her edge too soon for her liking but Seth made it better. He felt her violent pulsations, her walls squeezing at his tongue and trying to milk something out of it. However, he kept going, lashing at her, bringing her pleasure to a fever pitch. She let out a loud scream, his ears ringing a little afterwards. Her juices were too plentiful for him to swallow, forcing him to remove his tongue for fear of drowning. His muzzle was drenched, his fur weighed down by the almost flavorless fluids. He licked out, trying to catch as much of the savory liquids as he could. Even with his efforts his fur remained matted. Looking back at the two girls relaxing in their afterglows, he saw that both of their crotches were also soaked. He climbed back up, settling in between them. Neither of them moved, so he reached his arms around, holding both the girls while they came down.

About ten minutes passed, Seth just enjoying the breathing of the girls he was between, his own erection only an afterthought. "Well, we should get cleaned up. We need to do some shopping before nightfall." Seth sat up, rousing the ladies from their stupor. Sky got up and went to the shower, waiting for him to get in. Soul on the other hand refused to get up. "C'mon we got more work to do."

"I don't wanna." She whined.

"Fine then." Seth responded off handedly, getting up from the bed. He saw Soul close her eyes and flattened herself out. Sneaking up beside the bed, her quickly reached under her, picking her up. She squirmed wildly, yelling "No! I don't wanna shower!"

"Too bad, to the shower!" Seth said, laughing evilly. The wild absol in his arms made it a difficult trip. "Sky, turn on the shower, we got a live one!"

Sky forced herself to stop chuckling and used psychic to turn the handle, turning on the hot water. Seth dragged the squirming white puff ball into the stream, it immediately soaking her fur. She let out a feigned cry of pain, before giving up, and allowing the water to clean her coat. Sky on the other hand enjoyed the warm water greatly, her shorter fur not becoming as matted. The absol sat in the corner of the shower, a scowl on her cute face. Seth was about to begin washing himself, when he felt a jolt run through his nerves. His fur quickly receded and the few changes to his body reverted to the human norm. "Well there goes that." He muttered quietly, it almost drowned out by the falling water. He knelt down, pulling Soul over and into the stream. She let out a huff, her scowl growing more pronounced, almost comically so. He helped clean her, running his fingers through her soaked fur, cleaning the stuck in dirt and mud, and undoing the knots in her coat. She remained as uncooperative as ever. Sky was cleaning her own self using her feline like tongue. When she finished, she relaxed, sitting to one side, enjoying watching Seth try to clean the upset absol. He was getting to her belly but Soul wanted none of it. She huddled down on the floor, curling into a ball to limit his access. "I'll do it myself, without the water!" She cried out.

Seth responded by reaching under her and rolling her onto her back. Now without the defense of the floor, she was vulnerable. "Soul, just let me finish up and then you can get out of here." She considered it for a moment. Her paws drew away and feel to her sides. "Fine," She said, puffing out her cheeks. Now without the resistance, the cleaning was completed much faster. The moment the shower was turned off, Soul darted past the curtain and onto the mat Seth had placed down outside. Before she could shake off, Seth followed, latching himself onto her and holding her still. "No you don't!" He yelled. She tried to shake off nonetheless but Seth held tight, preventing her from getting water everywhere. He reached over to the wall, pulling a towel off the rack. When he started to towel her off, she relaxed, pushing into it to try and get more water off of her.

Sky dried herself, and soon Soul was dry as well. Seth took to drying himself while Soul tried to straighten out her coat. Sky looked normal but Soul's coat looked flattened, nowhere near as fluffy as usual. Her efforts were in vain however, no matter what she tried, her fur remained flat. Seth saw her frustration and stifled a laugh. He went over to the bed, where he had left his pack and took out and put on some clothes. "Are you coming Soul? You could stay here."

She let out a groan. "I look like a mess but it's boring here... I'll come with you but I'm still mad." She said with a huff.

"What's wrong with you Soul?" Sky said, "You were fine in the rain."

"Look at me! I feel like a soaked cotton ball! Besides that was a desperate situation."

Seth opened the door and put a foot outside. "Last call, come on if you're coming." Both of the girls hustled to the door, following him outside.

Seth turned back and made sure the door was all the way closed, instinctively tapping his pocket to make sure he had the keys. Everything was good so he turned back, but what he saw surprised him. There was a girl, who looked to be about his age, standing on the edge of the main path, right next to where pathway that led to his door. Next to her was an oddly familiar black manned lion pokemon. As Seth and the pokemon locked eyes, they both had a look of shock. It was the luxray from last night! Before the situation could escalate the girl spoke up, defusing the situation, for now. "Hi there. I see you're a trainer too. My name's Hannah and this is Amp."

"Hi. I'm Seth and this is Sky and Soul."

Hannah looked to Soul and said, "Aww, having a bad hair day?"

"Don't patronize me!" Soul said with a sinister undertone.

"Yes she is!" Hannah continued. "Poor girl."

"Yeah, I just finished giving her a bath." Seth said.

"So that was all the fuss I heard a little while ago." Sky blushed and Seth tried not to. "Sorry if I made too much noise earlier. I just captured Amp on the way into town and he's not too happy about it. He didn't hurt me but he did give me a good jolt or two. Anyways, I've never had this much trouble with a pokemon before and I was hoping you might be able to help me out."

"I'm not really a super good trainer. I think I just got lucky with my first two here."

"What about that giant lucario I saw earlier? That was a pretty impressive pokemon."

"Yeah, he's mine."

"Well if you can train a pokemon like that, you can break this big kitty into shape." She said jokingly, reaching over and ruffling Amp's mane.

"Please no... This day has already been humiliating enough." Amp said hopelessly.

"I'd love to." Seth said, smiling at the luxray's plight.

Hannah knew none of the background things going on. She smiled back "Thanks a bunch."

"Before that, I need to stock up on some stuff at the mart. You're welcome to join me."

"I'd love to."

And with that we both departed back to the pokemon center. Inside the attached pokemart were a few shelves, stocked with trainer supplies, potions and heals mostly. The next shelf was for camping supplies. Seth gathered everything they had lost, primarily a new tent set. Before he could pay at the counter, Hannah intercepted me. "Please, allow me. Think of it as payment."

"Hannah you really don't have to-"

"Nope. Too bad. I'm paying." That was the end of that as she gave her id to the clerk. They were checked out as the three pokemon outside were dealing with some things.

"Hah, you deserve someone like her!" Soul cackled.

"No I don't! She's horrible! I own females, not the other way around. And even then she treats me like some cute pet! I'm a regal alpha, not some showcase feline!" Amp argued.

"Maybe this is karma. You've abused females all your life and now one owns you." Sky said meekly.

"I've never abused a female." Amp said proudly. "If you would have let me have you, you would have experienced pleasures beyond your wildest dreams. I always satisfy~" He boasted.

Their conversation was cut short as the trainers returned. "Okay, let's head a little ways out of town. We'll do some training there." Seth said to Hannah. They both gathered their things and departed.