Mega Trainer Chapter 19 (X)

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#19 of Mega Trainer

Seth has a final showdown with Team Purity.

Seth the Hybrid Trainer

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Eclipse the Zoroark

Eve the Lucario

CHP 19

Everyone was awoken by Seth's alarm that morning. He expected to have a rough sleep, but he felt energized. "Alright, here's the plan." Seth explained during breakfast. "We stick together and play it safe. Our target is their leader, Vincent. If we can find some way to destroy the place, that would help. We also need to free any pokemon they have captive too."

No one voiced any worries. They saw Seth's desire.

After they finished eating, Seth stuffed some medical supplies into a smaller backpack, leaving the camping supplies behind, and they departed. The snow drifts were quite big, requiring some effort to get around. Eclipse led them on the path up the mountain, and eventually into the woods. She led them to what looked like an abandoned cabin, with holes in the walls. It looked uninhabitable. Inside, she stuck her head into the fireplace and up into the chimney. She brought a paw in to press the button hidden inside. A slab of wood popped up, revealing a large trapdoor with a ladder that led down into the earth. Seth peered down, seeing the bottom far down, about 20 or 25 feet he would have guessed. "Soul, Sky, you'll have to go back until we get down, it's too far to jump." He did so and the three humanoids climbed down the ladder. Eve was becoming visibly nervous, returning to the site of her hardships. "It'll be okay. I won't let them do anything to you." Seth told her. His promise helped her fears a little, but she still looked uncertain.

The moment he reached the bottom of ladder he let Soul and Sky back out. He took a moment to look around the room they were in, until he spotted a camera, trained on him. "They know we're here." He announced.

Suddenly, all six of the doors in the room slammed shut. A loudspeaker cracked before a voice came out of it. "Seth. Welcome. I suspected Eclipse was with you. Ferocity only confirmed the deaths of two Team Darkfire members. So here's the deal, I both respect and hate you. On one hand you disrupted operations, but you also pushed us to become better. Without your actions, Team Purity would still be weak. Now, let's end this, my rival. First things first, tell you friend to get down here. Yes you, miss."

Seth looked back up the ladder in confusion, only to see a head poke over the edge. "Hannah?" He shouted up at her.

"Yea... Hold on, I'm coming down."

"What!? No, get out of here, it's dangerous!" She ignored him, continuing her descent. When she reached to bottom, Seth tried to stop her. "I'm serious. This is way too dangerous. These people are evil!"

"Seth! You are my friend so I am going to help you. I don't know why you're here, but I will help you regardless."

"But you're helpless." Seth pled with her.

"No I'm not! I have my pokemon. And this." She said, pulling a small handgun from her bag.

"Alright. But be careful. These people are experimenting on pokemon and they want me dead."

"That's good. The gang's all together." Vincent interrupted. "Now," One of the metal doors opened. "Come on in."

As much as Seth's instincts told him not to, there was no other option. He closed his eyes and put a hand on Soul's head for a moment, turning into his anthro lucario form. "Here we go." He said, taking a deep breath. He was the first to go in, followed by his pokemon, then Hannah and her pokemon, Amp and three eeveelutions. They went down a straight hall with no doors or alternate paths. Seth looked to Eclipse for any insight, but she just shrugged. They soon came into a large room, filled with cages with pokemon inside. Everyone proceeded cautiously, giving curious looks to the caged pokemon. Most of them behaved aggressively, attempting to break out of the cages and snarling at the passing group. Towards the end of the room was another door. As they neared, a loud buzzer sounded through the room. The speaker came on again. "Seth, I am about to open all of these cages. All of the pokemon inside have been given what we call 'rage candy'. It powers them up and throws them into a blind rage. I am also going to leave the base. Your only hope is to split up and come after me while your pokemon hold back the test subjects. I await you decision. You have ten seconds."

"Damn! We can't blow this opportunity. Soul, come with me. We'll take care of this. Everyone else, keep this horde off of us." Seth said, already starting for the door.

"Seth wait, I'm coming with you. Amp, you're in charge." Hannah said, following.

Seth, Hannah and Soul all got to the door, which opened. They stepped through and it immediately shut as they continued forward. Ahead of them was one more door. As they neared it opened, Seth noticing a motion sensor above it. Inside the room was a large wooden desk with two chairs. In those chairs, was a human in a black suit with a goatee, and a lucario with an eye patch. "There you are!" Vincent said, spreading his arms. "I wanted to end this, just the two of u, but you brought some friends..." He stood up and turned around, opening a safe on the wall. "In here is more money than you could possibly need. Consider it a reward for being my rival. It's yours, if you live. One of us will die here." He drew a long barreled revolver. Irons also stood, forming an aura sphere. Before Seth could react, Vincent aimed at Hannah, and Irons fire his aura sphere at Soul. The aura sphere was massive, easily three times the size of a usual one. Seth, with almost no time to react, dived in front of Soul, forming a shield of aura. Irons' attack burst through it, impacting Seth and exploding. It sent him flying back, into Soul, and both of them went sprawling.

A gunshot rang out through the metal room. Seth saw Hannah clutch her chest, and fall forward. "NO!" He yelled. A purple light suddenly shone around him and Soul, before it burst out. Seth and Soul both mega evolved. "Soul, Vincent. I'll take Irons." He said, as he picked himself up. He sprinted through the cloud of dust the aura blast left behind and threw a punch at Irons. The other lucario caught his fist. Seth locked his eye's onto Irons lone one for a moment, before they both launched into a flurry of kicks and punches, both parties using close combat. Both pokemon were in a near blur, Irons easily keeping up with the mega lucario.

Soul was darting towards Vincent, using her wings for extra speed, being fast enough that he could not get an accurate shot off. Due to him using a six shot revolver, he avoided wasting ammo. He reached behind him and took a katana off the of a mount on the wall, turning back just in time to block a night slash from Soul's horn. A normal person would have been injured from the impact of blocking such a powerful blow, but Vincent barely budged. Both he and Irons had been physically enhanced with the most successful experimental procedures. He parried, knocking Soul's head to the side and swung his blade at her. Soul followed the motion of her head and spun around, catching his blade with her tail. Spinning back around, they entered a stalemate of blocking, her horn and his blade.

Irons leapt away from Seth and formed a large staff of aura. He rushed back towards him, swinging the makeshift club at Seth. He had no choice but to block with his arms. He could feel the impact cracking his bones. Seth's aura flared up, flowing off of him, his single pair of long sensors floating into the air. The pure life energy coursing through him was knitting his wounds as they formed. Seth was ignoring all of this, focused purely on the fight. Seth's anger was reaching a fever pitch, his aura increasing in turn. With a loud roar, a wave of aura pulsed off of him, knocking Irons off balance in surprise. Seth was on him in an instant, with a super powered hyper beam charged in his fist. Just before his fists hit Irons' face, he opened his palm, firing the attack point blank. Irons had just enough time to raise his own hands for protection. The hyper beam fired out with insane force. A normal hyper beam would knock a pokemon unconscious in a single blow. One delivered with killing intent however...

Soul knocked Vincent's sword aside, and was winding up to deliver a vicious slash to his chest. Vincent was prepared for this though. With his off hand, he pulled his revolver from its magnetized holster and fired it at Soul, hitting her in the flank. The high powered bullet went clean through one leg and grazed the other, causing Soul to fall to the ground from the loss of balance.

The hyper beam ripped into Irons body, regardless of his steel typing. It disintegrated his blocking arms and tore flesh from his face, causing his fur to catch fire from the sheer power of the attack. Seth's sensors twitch and he used extreme speed, appearing before Vincent before he could deliver a killing shot to Soul. He swung a hand, knocking the revolver away. Vincent responded by swinging the katana still in his right hand at Seth. He aimed for his right shoulder, cleaving cleanly through one of Seth's aura sensors. The blade stopped when it hit Seth's steely skin, bolstered by his aura. Seth's aura picked up again, a blue corona becoming visible around him. He totally ignored Vincent's attempted blow and thrust his hand forward, a large and dense aura sphere in his hand. It impacted Vincent in the chest, blasting through his billowing suit and sending him flying back into the wall. Seth could see the wall dent slightly from the force of the impact.

He turned back and knelt down to Soul. He put his hands to her flank and began to flow aura into her. "What are you doing?" She asked, wincing from the touch to her fresh wound. Seth said nothing, increasing the flow. Soul's wound began to close, returning her to normal condition. Seth's efforts were interrupted by a gruff voice.

"How dare you!" He looked up to see Irons standing up, bone showing in his face. "All we strive for is perfection and you would deny that!" Irons took a step forward and collapsed. He twitched for a moment then fell still. Seth got up from Soul, her following him over to Hannah. Seth put his hands onto her, trying to heal her. When nothing happened, he kept increasing his aura, until her body was covered in his blue aura. Still no reaction.

"Damn it!" He yelled, slamming his fist into the metal floor, leaving a large dent. He rolled her over gently and put both her hands onto her chest, in a peaceful position. "I tried to tell you..." he whined out. His grief was stopped by the feeling of a gun to the back of his head.

Before Vincent could utter a word, Seth moved aside and knocked the barrel away. Vincent tried to fire the gun but he missed. Seth took his head in his hand and charged forward, smashing his head into the metal wall. Seth felt Vincent's skull crack under the impact. He went limp and a stream of blood flowed down the silver wall. Seth stepped back, turning away from the scene. "Let's go regroup. We'll come back for Hannah."

They left the room, returning down the hallway in a rush. It was mostly quiet now, which worried Seth. The door slid open and revealed the large room. All the trained pokemon were fine, as the berserk feral pokemon lacked skill to their fight, only having an advantage in numbers. They were just as likely to attack each other as the group, so that didn't help either. Fainted pokemon were strewn around the room, none of the experiments remained standing. What was standing however, were three mega evolved pokemon on the far side of the room. A garchomp, a gardevoir, and an anthro lopunny.

"HI!" The lopunny shouted in a ditzy voice and waving a paw.

"Happiness!" The gardevoir scolded. "If they came back, then the boss is probably dead."

"Wow. Wisdom, do you know what that means?!" Happiness said with sparkles in her eyes. "He's strong! I call dibs!" She turned to the garchomp, wagging a finger. "So back off Ferocity, you lizardy buzz kill."

"Happiness, you idiot!" The scythed dragon roared. "We can't take chances! Not after all-" The garchomp was cut off by a bone shattering punch delivered by the lopunny's ears.

"Wisdom!" The lopunny sung. "Be a dear and take our poor injured teammate to a safe place. I'll finish up here." She pulled puppy dog eyes, pouting and begging at the gardevoir.

Wisdom sighed loudly. "I know how you get... fine. Meet us at the usual spot. No one leaves alive though. Promise me."

"I know, I know." The lopunny said, waving the gardevoir away before turning back to the large group of pokemon. "So, who's first?" She said cheerily, putting her hands on her hips.

Seth stepped forward, his aura still visible around him. "Wait," Soul said, stepping up beside him. "We can just gang up on her."

"No." Seth said in a serious tone. "If she took down that garchomp, she is incredibly strong. If we try to cheat her, she could kill someone. I'll do this alone."

"That's smart!" The lopunny yelled. "I am the strongest of our group. We don't have to be mean about this. If you can beat me in a fair fight, I'll leave you be. Do we have a deal?"

"We do. One on one, happiness."

"Please, call me Laura. Happiness is just my codename."

They both charged at each other, Seth launching into a close combat attack, trying to end this quickly. The lopunny moved fluidly, dodging each of every blow, not even trying to block, only moving out of the way. This continued until Seth fired off an aura sphere, tracking her with it. Before it hit, Laura stabbed it with an ear, busting right through it harmlessly. "Is that the best you've got?" She teased. Seth was panting heavily, exhausted from the fight before, the exertion of aura, and maintaining mega evolution for so long. He felt light headed and was wobbling, only staying in the fight by sheer willpower. The lopunny bunched up an ear and shot it at him, hitting him the force of a bullet. If she had been trying to kill him, he would have a hole in his torso, but all that happened was he was sent sprawling to the floor.

*That... was close.* Seth thought. *No way I can beat her like this. There has to... be...*An idea, and a memory, surfaced in Seth's mind. There was an attack he could use. One that would change this into a different kind of battle. He looked back to the onlookers and saw his potential assistant. "Amp, I might need your help with this, be ready." He got back to his feet.

"Already asking for help?" The lopunny scolded.

"No. I'm doing this!" Seth said, reaching down and hefting his balls, while winking, firing a heart shaped projectile at Laura.

She dodged to the side, easily avoiding it. All hope left Seth's face. That was, until Laura appeared beside him, moved his paw aside and took his balls in hand with a purr. "So that's how you feel~ You could have just asked~ Let's change this to a contest of pleasure." She spouted out in a blur. "First to cum loses!" She shouted, diving down and going all in on his sheath. Both paws and her mouth were put to work, licking and rubbing at him. The sudden stimulation and softness of her fur had him erect in seconds. "And don't even think of calling for friends. This is still a battle." Seth had no time to respond as she threw her mouth onto his dick, taking the whole thing in one move. She moved her paws down, playing with his balls, while his cock hit the back of her throat. Seth was stunned by how easy this had been, so stunned, that he did not notice her ears going to work. One snaked around his back, holding him, while the other pushed on his chest, forcing him to the ground, though her other ear softened his landing. After he was down, both her ears pressed down on his chest, not enough to hurt, but it let him know who was in charge.

Now with extra leverage, she doubled her efforts, rapidly bobbing her head up and down his meat while her tongue ravished and suckled at it. She had the most skilled mouth Seth had yet encountered, the perfect mix of ferocity and tenderness. Seth's mega evolution was playing against him, making him more sensitive. All he could do was writhe and moan before her. He was doing his best to hold back the pleasure but it was quickly getting to him. Lucky for him, she was in the same position, her crotch drenched in juices just from this. Neither of them knew it, but the overflowing aura spilling out of his body was driving both of them into a pseudo-heat, though no children would result, only a wild sexual experience.

Laura couldn't take it any longer. She rapidly crawled up Seth's body, and slammed his cock into her pussy, no warning or anything. The moment she bottomed out, she started bouncing herself up and down, rubbing her needy heated flesh against his. There was no love in this act, both parties were rutting each other with reckless abandon, driven only to reach climax. Seth's male and feral instincts told him to fight back, to bend her over and pound her harder, but her ears kept him pinned to the ground. Laura slammed herself down, his knot squeezing against her tight depths. Seth's aura exploded out, a wave of wind passing by all the onlookers. In the aftermath, both Seth and Laura were unconscious and in their normal forms, his knot still lodged deep in her.

Soul took a deep breath, reverting back to a regular absol. "Eclipse, come with me, I have an idea." She said, turning back.

"Where's Hannah?" Amp asked while stepping in front of her. "Why hasn't she come back?"

Soul visibly winced. "Amp... Listen..."

Amp dashed past her, towards Seth. "You bastard!" He screamed.

Soul gave chase, tackling him down to the ground. Amp immediately rolled over and pinned her instead. "She's dead isn't she?!" He forced out, tears dripping onto Soul's face. Soul also began to cry.

"We tried to save her! There was nothing we could do..." She cried out, head rolling to the side. She couldn't bear to look at him like this. "I'm so sorry."

Amp climbed off of her and curled up on the ground. His entire body was shuddering. Soul wanted to try and console him, but right now she had more important things to deal with. "Eclipse, let's go." The two pokemon returned to the previous room, where Soul got Eclipse to look at Vincent's desk. "Is there like a evacuation button?"

"Yeah... but it's already been called. All the doors in the facility are unsealed and everything. This place is abandoned besides us." She took a moment to look around the desk, paying attention specifically to the computer, her claws allowing her to use the keyboard. "I found a map here... looks like there's an actual exit we can use. What are we gonna do about Hannah?"

"We bury her."

"And this?" She said pointing at the safe full of stacks of money.

"I could care less. We need to get everyone out of here safely."

"Well I am going to take it. This is enough to make the rest of our lives pretty comfortable. Seth can decide what to do with it when he wakes up." She grabbed a bag from under the desk and stuffed it full of money.

Meanwhile Soul returned to the cage room. Amp approached her upon her entrance. "Please just leave. Let us take care of her. She is our master."

"If that's what you want. We're going down the mountain to the nearest pokemon center if you need anything." All of Seth's pokemon gathered up around him, still unconscious and attached to the lopunny. Eve and Eclipse took hold of him, standing him up with Laura leaning onto him. It took both of them and a stabilizing Soul behind them to move forward, but they managed it.

They found the main door, a large blast door, wide open. It led out into a cave, sunlight visible just beyond. They headed back down the mountain, to the lodge they had a cabin at. There was an attached pokemon center where they checked Seth in. The nurse blushed a bit, seeing the lucario still knotted to the lopunny. But she was a professional, and began to check their health. Every girl except Eclipse, as she had gone to get Seth's stuff from the cabin, sat in the waiting room. The nurse came back shortly. "Besides exhaustion," She explained, "They are both uninjured. Tell your master to keep them both out of battle for a while."

It took a long bout of charades, and Eclipse coming back and planting the image in the nurse mind, to get her message across, but eventually the nurse understood. "A wagon? I guess you could buy one at the poke mart..."

Eclipse was the one to purchase it, disguised as Seth with some of their newfound wealth. They got a kids toy wagon, just big enough to put Seth in. The plan was to put him in and pull it. "So where are we headed to?" Sky asked as they got on the road. In the wagon, Seth was still knotted to Laura, somehow still completely swollen.

"Breeze town, Seth's home."