Scale and Fetters - Ch 2

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#2 of Scale and Fetters

Laisc finds opportunity after his sister forces him to entertain the son of a gryphon diplomat.

I did say I was going to write this. I hope it was worth the wait :3

Laisc lay despondent in his comfortable nest of blankets. A sickly cocktail of anxiety, embarrassment, and arousal mired his racing thoughts. The longer he lay there analyzing every possible misstep or awkward word that came out of his mouth, the worse each tiny transgression became.

A muscle in Laisc's lower back ached from inactivity. Worst of all was that even after criticizing every moment, he still couldn't pinpoint what exactly he had done to screw everything up. Maybe he did spend too much time alone, too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice anyone else. Laisc growled and forced himself to rise.

After shuffling items around his antechambers in a distracted attempt to organize his rooms, Laisc considered searching out Eiros to apologize, but that invited notice from Yphess. He already half expected guards to burst in and drag him before his father to explain why Eiros requested a different host. Or worse, what if Eiros didn't want to see him, turned him away?

With nothing else to do and not enough courage to face the outside world, Laisc pulled a pristine book from his shelves and curled himself up on the floor. Instead of acknowledging and dealing with his problems, he poured himself into his work. He had a wealth of new material to immortalize.

By the time late afternoon shadows stretched across the floor, Laisc had adorned several pages with intricate drawings of Eiros, mostly a very specific part of him. No matter what Eiros said, Laisc still felt awkward drawing anything that might identify which gryphon the intimate sketches depicted.

It may have been some of his best work. Laisc reviewed the pages, wishing he had the real thing in front of him to compare. Had he captured the small folds near the base of Eiros' balls just right? Did his flare really grow that much, or did Laisc's imagination conjure it from being so close when Eiros- An intrusive warmth crept through Laisc's body.

While the exercise had let his mind relax, this particular series of sketches let a gentle smoldering ignite the periphery of his thoughts in an inferno that demanded his attention. A faint scent tickled his thoughts, a memory of the Eiros' taste teasing his maw, a powerful jet of heat striking his scales-

A timid knock echoed through his chambers. Laisc jolted into a tensed ready on instinct, but a guard wouldn't knock like that, and Yphess didn't knock. Regardless, Laisc hid the book before making his way to the door, took a deep breath, and feigned a regal posture the best he could. He opened the door to find Eiros nervously tapping a talon against the floor.

Eiros kept his eyes on Laisc's paws. "Can I come in?"

"Of course." Laisc tried to hide the excited trepidation form his voice and stepped away before closing the door behind.

They turned to each other, neither willing to meet the other's gaze. "I'm sorry-" they said in unison, then froze. Each opened their mouth, but if Eiros had the courage to come here instead of moping about, the least Laisc could do was not let Eiros take blame for his own shortcomings.

"I got caught up in the moment and I didn't mean to do anything you weren't comfortable with. I'm sorry I treated you like something to be studied. I should have asked or - something. Listened." If nothing else, Laisc managed to keep his voice steady.

Eiros sat on his haunches and scratched vague lines on the stone with a large curved talon. "You don't have to apologize for that." A low embarrassed chittering noise rumbled from his chest. "I actually really enjoyed letting you examine me, too much, I think." He squeezed his bright green eyes shut. "I didn't mean to make a mess like I did. Especially-" His large black wings rose a few inches from his back, the white-trimmed plumage cupping as if her were about to take flight and flee, only to settle with no path to the sky. "Especially to get it on you." After an awkward pause he added, "My Lord."

Laisc blinked large golden eyes. His black slit pupils fixed on Eiros' abashed face. He chuckled nervously. "It was fascinating. I've never had the chance to see something like that up close." Shame curled like thick choking smoke in his throat. "You asked me to stop but I couldn't help myself. No one has ever given me an opportunity like that. And please don't call me Lord." It was Laisc's turn to shy away. Titles always made him uncomfortable. Yphess used them as a reminder of how unfit he was for such honorifics.

Eiros tested a small laugh as well. "I panicked. Once it starts, um, hitting my belly like that, it's very hard to calm down without-" His inky black plumage puffed up around his throat, and he made a circular gesture with the tip of a wing. "And you're a potential heir to the Great Lord, and I-" His voice grew increasingly small. "Your chambers, your face-"

Earnest laughter bubbled up from Laisc's chest at the memory. All signs pointed towards what had been about to happen, yet that first powerful jet of cum striking the side of his muzzle caught him completely off guard. And there had been so much of it. He barely escaped the second, and a part of him he refused to acknowledge how he wished he hadn't. "Even that part was interesting. Though I'll admit it didn't taste very good."

Eiros whined, drawing in on himself again. Laisc stepped up before the gryphon and pressed his forehead to Eiros' feathered scalp.

"Thank you for sharing yourself like that with me. I really appreciated it. I don't think I would have been as brave." Laisc nuzzled against Eiros, and Eiros pressed back, chuckling a little himself.

"I'm glad I did." Eiros admitted, daring a quick glance up at Laisc's eyes. "It felt really good."

A familiar heat rekindled in Laisc's belly, something akin to pride, happiness that he made a friend feel good. Silence stretched, and Laisc attempted to steer the conversation to something that didn't overwhelm him with uncertain thoughts. "Did you tour any more of the palace after you left?"

"Only by accident." Eiros' tail swished along the floor, and he paced a small circle around the antechamber. "One of your guards found me wandering around trying to find the rest of my party. I said I was looking for something to eat."

Laisc winced but tried not to show it. "Sorry, I should have shown you the way. I hope it didn't cause any trouble."

Eiros fluttered a wing. "No." He let out a deep sigh, continuing around the perimeter of the room. "Everyone in court thinks I'm sheltered, yet they won't let me go anywhere without my tutors and attendants. They probably thought I was scared to be on my own." A touch of misery tinged his final words.

For a time, Laisc simply watched Eiros prowl the antechamber. An impressive amalgamation of predators sculpted Eiros' form - the unrelenting intensity of a hawk and grace of a large plains cat, apex predators of land and sky. Wicked curved talons clicked against the stone floor, but his wide hind paws fell with silent precision, claws retracted but ready to spring. Each time he stepped in front of a narrow window, sunlight played across his inky feathers to add a complex metallic sheen of blues and greens.

"Well I'm pretty good at avoiding notice around the castle. Is there anything you want to do with your freedom? No one will bother the two of us." Laisc doubted Eiros wanted to spend his visit crouched in a damp field waiting for animals to wander past, but he also didn't know what normal people did with their time.

Eiros cocked his head in consideration and shot an occasional glance in Laisc's direction. "It's been an eventful day already. Do you mind if maybe we just relax here for the evening?" He hesitated. "I've really enjoyed getting to know you. You're not at all like what my tutors described."

"Of course!" Laisc tried not to show his relief at avoiding social draconic nightlife. "I'm probably not what you should expect from others of my kind. What would you like to do?"

Eiros halted his slow processing at Laisc's desk. "Do you have any other books that you've worked on?"

"I do," Laisc replied slowly. While none of his books focused exclusively on reproduction, many of his books included anatomy studies. A link existed between reproductive features and- He shook his head before he ended ignoring his guest yet again. Laisc's paw hovered over the book he'd been working on that morning. Eiros had given him permission, yet showing his drawings off felt - invasive? Perhaps he should double check Eiros' permission.

Laisc addressed one of the windows off to the side rather than Eiros himself. "I drew a few sketches since yesterday if you'd like to see?"

Eiros blinked. "Of me?" And when Laisc nodded, he leaned in closer as if trying to discern which tome Laisc referenced. "Really? Already?"

A nervous warmth heat prickled Laisc's chest, and he slid the untitled book to the middle of the desk before stepping away. Eiros opened it reverently, careful of his large talons. His bright jade eyes widened, dark plumage swelling.

"Whoa, is that really what it looks like up close?" Eiros cocked his head to get a better look at the pages. "It's uh, kind of hard to see myself." He shot a grin at Laisc. "Our necks aren't as bendy. The detail is incredible."

Laisc squirmed, both from the praise and how freely Eiros admired himself. To Laisc, mating was an inadequacy Yphess bludgeoned him with. Anger lanced through him at the mere thought of her, how she constantly infected his mind. He bared his fangs, and the heat of his breath rippled the air in front of him. Laisc managed to bury those feelings while his sketches kept Eiros preoccupied. He would not let her ruin this too.

Drawing on Eiros' excitement and the praise of Laisc's artistic skill, he found another one of his sketchbooks and added it to the desk. One morning didn't allow for many drawings, and Eiros already rest a claw beneath the page, ready to turn to a blank one.

Laisc placed another book on the desk. "Horses tend to be rather skittish around dragons, and I don't often run across them, but you might find them interesting."

"Horses?" Eiros, noticing the blank page, quickly turned to the book Laisc offered. Despite trying to appear thorough, Eiros skimmed in search of more interesting sketches. Laisc's stomach fluttered, and he moved away to give Eiros privacy to peruse the book as he wished.

"You asked if I had done one on dragons." Laisc made the comment in as offhand a manner as he could manage, hoping Eiros was too preoccupied to notice the tremor of forced calm.

Eiros flipped a page. "I figured since you were a dragon and all-" His words trailed off. There weren't many pages in that particular book.

Laisc craned his neck, finding the page he expected. "I noticed some uh, similarities."

"That's really what they look like?" Eiros shifted his weight between his hind legs, sitting on his haunches in front of the desk.

"I prefer your spines," Laisc teased. Eiros ruffled his plumage sheepishly, and the two of them shared an awkward laugh.

"The females look pretty similar too I think, not that I've-" A nervous chirp cut off the thought with as little subtlety as possible. "Are there any animals similar to dragons?" Eiros asked, quickly shifting the subject.

Laisc shook his head. "Not that I've seen. Lizards are too small to study, but maybe?" He shrugged and carefully considered his next inquiry. "Do you find dragons attractive?"

"Yeah." Eiros snapped his attention to Laisc as if surprised to find him there. Sunlight glimmered in his light jade eyes, large and round and intense. "I mean, your kind are so impressive." His eyes followed the lithe curves of Laisc's body armored in deep red scales that caught the light like uncut jewels. "When I was younger I used to watch the mountains hoping to catch a glimpse of one. Nothing else in the sky has the same silhouette and grace. I could always tell, even at such a distance. I used to fly around pretending to be one of the high lords."

Laisc giggled, imagining the kind gryphon roaring at his imaginary subjects. "Well I'm glad you're not. I don't particularly enjoy their company."

"You'll be one, someday." A distant look fell across Eiros' face.

"My sister, definitely. Not me. I'm not exactly favored among the court." Laisc hoped his bitter tone didn't come across as obviously as it felt.

"What? How come? You're so talented!" Eiros gestured to the books. "Surely they can't all be generals. There hasn't been a war in decades. Good leaders are always smart."

Laisc turned away, unsure of what to do with praise, his thoughts suddenly scattered and hard to pin down. "Would you ever consider mating a dragon?" The words left his mouth without consideration. Why would he blurt out a question like that? Laisc considered smothering himself with his own wings, but Eiros didn't try to humiliate him.

Instead he giggled, then sighed. "I have a hard enough time with my own kind. I doubt I'd ever have a shot at catching the eye of a dragon."

"If the opportunity arose?"

"Definitely." Eiros took a breath, glancing towards the open book, then towards Laisc. "Sorry if this is weird but I've never talked to anyone about this. Can I ask you what it's like? I've um, well I've never-" His tail swished nervously.

Laisc sat on his haunches and curled his tail close to his body. He ran a curved onyx claw along its smooth ruby scales. "Most outsiders have a hard time telling male and female dragons apart. It's fairly safe to guess based on size. Males are larger. We can tell instinctively among ourselves. It's hard to explain." Laisc shrugged, knowing he was babbling but completely unable to stop the words tumbling from his maw. "I was the only one to survive of my clutch, and I've always been small for a male. Even other dragons have confused me at a distance." He addressed his rambling monologue to the floor at his feet, acutely aware of Eiros' curious gaze upon him. "Some say I'm cursed or-" His voice caught, giving Laisc the opportunity to awkwardly pull out of this spiraling dive. "Anyway, I've never had a mate either."

Only Eiros' tail twitched, his beak parted in incredulity. "But you're a direct prince of the- Surely plenty of-" His wide eyes grew even larger and Eiros shrank back, head nearly lowering into a bow. "S-Sorry. I didn't mean it like-" He snapped his beak and eyes shut. "Sorry."

The honest mistake rolled off Laisc's hardened scales. His words didn't have the malevolent precision of Yphess' fangs. In fact he barely even heard the words before they were lost to the anxious buzz filling his head. Other emotions cut through the fog. The faintest whispers of hope and kinship, feelings he hadn't known in so long he didn't even remember them until they heated his scales like midsummer sunlight.

Laisc never took risks. Yphess tortured him with every one of his many failures, dug her claws into the slightest vulnerability to pry open his soul. But if he didn't take this chance, he might never get another. The question leapt from Laisc's mouth as if he were running out of time. "Would you want to try with me?"

Eiros gawked. A stunned silence fell across the antechamber. Even his tail stilled. It took Eiros a few tries to produce sound apart from a nervous chittering. "We're both males."

Already Laisc began to let hope recede, buffering himself against the cutting words to follow, running through a list of what would bite the deepest so he could brace himself. Resignation crept into his quiet voice. "It's not unheard of between dragons." It wasn't exactly encouraged either. Laisc shrugged. "I thought maybe I might appear enough like a female to you."

Eiros let out an anxious chirp. "You meant me_to mate _you?" He glanced around the room as if searching for a trap, wavering side to side, talon to talon. His voice came out little more than a whispered hiss. "You're a _prince -_a _high_prince!"

Laisc admired Eiros with a sidelong glance, the sleek iridescent blacks of his head and smokey grays of his body. A nervous tension left Eiros' powerful haunches ready to launch himself into the air but also put his defined musculature on full display. Silky fur rippled with warm soft appeal. Laisc could think of no one he would rather offer himself to.

"We both haven't but want to." An unfamiliar confidence blanketed the nervous energy smoldering across Laisc's insides. He'd watched other dragon females strut, both in invitation and to posture. Laisc had the same willowy grace and thoughtful precision to his movements, even if his deep red scales were more typically a masculine coloration. He stretched, letting his body flow over the ground as if he were in easy soaring flight, lowering his neck and letting the undulating wave gently process down his spine to the very tip of his slender tail. He needed this to work more desperately than he'd ever willingly admit, even to himself.

Eiros chirped. "I-I can't. I'm nobody and you're- Your father is the-" He squeaked again when Laisc nuzzled against his cheek and again into his feathered neck.

Laisc brushed his lean draconic body against Eiros' fur, careful of the large delicate feathers. Laisc maintained a light contact between them and lifted the back half of his tail just enough so the tip of it stroked the underside of Eiros' beak as he passed. The moment contact between them slipped away, Laisc swept his tail down. Eiros followed it, dropping to his haunches in shock.

"I'm nobody too, whatever my lineage." And for once that fact didn't bother Laisc. He grinned and turned back to Eiros, meeting his large jade eyes. Laisc approached until their snouts nearly touched. "Please?"

Perhaps given their station, it should be Laisc to make the first move. He nuzzled his cheek against Eiros, then took a step forward and lowered his neck. The way Eiros sat exposed his large sheath to Laisc's admiration. While his tip remained nestled in the furless folds of his sheath, a slight dribble of precum left a glistening trail across smooth black flesh.

Laisc lowered himself into Eiros' clean masculine scent and gently licked the tip of his cock. Salty precum graced his forked tongue. Eiros chirped, and his cock spilled from its sheath, quickly swelling and trailing precum along the stone floor. Laisc backed away as Eiros rose.

"L-Lord Laisc, I don't know if you should be-" Eiros breathed heavily. His cock continued to stiffen, slowly bloating, swaying until it grew hard enough to parallel his belly.

Ignoring Eiros, Laisc circled to gently lift the thick shaft with his snout and pressed it against Eiros' soft gray belly. A twitch of pleasure ran through its impressive length. Precum spilled across Laisc's snout before thickly rolling down his muzzle and onto the floor. Laisc managed to catch the next release, accepting the fluid into his maw before lapping the remainder from Eiros' bobbing tip.

Laisc nuzzled Eiros' chest before grinning at his stricken friend. "It would be a waste to make a mess of my chambers again after I went through all that trouble to clean it up last night." Eiros chittered nervously, shifting his weight between hind paws and dropping his gaze from Laisc, but neither could ignore the regular spurts of precum loudly spattering the floor.

Conflicted tension laced Eiros' strained tone. "I-I can hold back. It won't happen again." He chirped in dismay as another audible release wet the stone beneath him.

"That's not what I meant," Laisc whispered against the side of Eiros' head and walked towards the center of the room. His tail curled around Eiros as he passed, catching around his hind leg, stroking the contours of a graceful torso, teasingly flicking the tip of his beak.

This time, Laisc didn't lower his tail and instead dropped his chest. Laisc's tail rose in one of the most blunt gestures he could imagine. Not even the sound of Eiros' breath broke the silence. If anyone beside Eiros ever saw Laisc in this position, he'd die of shame.

While nerves helped keep Laisc's own excitement at bay, it wouldn't last. Male pairings were accepted if rarely acknowledged, and that contained the full extent of what he knew of the subject. Laisc assumed it had to happen before he grew noticeably aroused.

Talons clicked on stone flooring, a steady dripping, but an otherwise silence dragged on. Anxiety tensed Laisc's muscles, tail wavering at the absurdity of presenting himself so. Had he finally overstepped? Laisc glanced backwards to find Eiros shyly examining his hindquarters.

Eiros clicked his beak nervously. "I uh, I'm not really sure how to- I mean maybe we shouldn't. What if I hurt you?" The weighty slap of his cock against his underbelly betrayed his true desires.

Unable to continue holding such an obscene pose, Laisc lowered his tail and turned to Eiros who shied away. Laisc nuzzled the side of his beak. "I'm a dragon. We're resilient. I want you to try if you do."

Another slap and the patter of precum spoke for Eiros. "I probably won't be any good," Eiros muttered, his tail swishing.

"I don't care about that. I um, I really like you. Maybe if you try it with me, you'll feel more confident when you find a female. Let me do this for you. Please?" Laisc sauntered past Eiros, letting scale brush across fur and feather. "My vent is just at the base of my tail. I-I'll try to relax it a bit." Embarrassment warmed his chest until tendrils of steam warped the air in front of his eyes.

Once again, he used the tip of his tail to draw Eiros' gaze, then raised his tail again in offering. A heavy spurt of precum echoed through Laisc's chambers, a constant reminder of the young gryphon's virility. Laisc couldn't explain why his mind fixated on that, why it sent bright sparks of anticipation dancing through his belly. A swelling pressure between his hind legs threatened to expose his own arousal but also helped spread his slit.

Eiros awkwardly brushed aside Laisc's tail with a shoulder as he approached, chirping nervously. He placed an apprehensive touch against Laisc's hip, talons sliding harmlessly across armored ruby scales. Laisc spread his wings, offering his back for Eiros to mount.

"Y-You're really sure?"

Laisc's legs trembled, a warm chest against his tail, Eiros ready to- "Yeah," was all Laisc could manage, panting. The "please" he wanted to add sounded too desperate even in his thoughts. Far more lurked there that he didn't want to address, not now.

The time between heartbeats dragged for a torturous eternity. Eiros clumsily hopped forward. Talons scrambled across Laisc's back for something to hold, scales easily deflecting Eiros' sharp claws. Eiros didn't weigh nearly as much as Laisc expected but his hips easily brushed Laisc's tail aside. The blunt tip of Eiros' cock slapped just forward of Laisc's vent with surprising force. The gentle wet slap reverberated through Laisc's internal sex and left precum glistening on his scales. Pleasure and anticipation tensed Laisc's hips. They were really about to do it.

Soft hot flesh pressed insistently up against Laisc's underside, tantalizingly close to his vent. Eiros painted wide smears of precum across his scales. Laisc tried to angle himself better, but neither could see the messy dance happening below them.

Laisc shuddered, his voice trembling. "Back a little."

Eiros obeyed, a soft stream of excited chirps accompanying his jerky motions. Talons scratched against scale. They both gasped. Eiros' blunt tip caught on Laisc's parted vent and the fleshy ring of muscle his scales hid and protected. An instinctive but uncoordinated thrust didn't manage to overcome Laisc's resistance but strained his body in a way he'd never felt. Precum sprayed directly into Laisc's slit followed quickly by a second exploratory thrust, and the bizarre pressure intensified.

Laisc growled, dropping his chest lower. Another heavy pulse of precum spilled into him before escaping around the broad tip of Eiros' cock. Laisc tried not to acknowledge how his body responded, but Eiros was running out of time. "Harder. You're almost in." He hated the desperate whine in his voice.

A deeply uncomfortable fullness overwhelmed Laisc's entrance and impaled his cloaca. A low growl stole breath from his lungs before the blunt tip of Eiros' cock crashed against the delicate conduit of nerves at the base of Laisc's internal sex. Embers danced across Laisc's vision, and he let out a strangled yelp.

Eiros cried out in a mixture of triumph and dismay. Laisc struggled to support himself, claws scrabbling uselessly on the stone floor. His hind legs no longer worked quite right. Eiros managed a firm hold on Laisc's hips, refusing to let him pull away.

A deep throbbing ache radiated from within Laisc's pelvis. Eiros filled him in a way his body wasn't designed, straining muscles Laisc didn't know existed. He felt two heartbeats, the second a powerful rhythm that spanned the length of Eiros' massive cock. The immense girth crushed Laisc's hemipenes against the inner walls of his cloaca and denied their continued attempts to swell.

Eiros withdrew, tugging at everything inside of Laisc as he did so. The thick spines surrounding his tip caressed Laisc's twin semi-erect shafts. Pleasure briefly outshone the dull amorphous pain. Another thrust crashed against the same sensitive spot, momentarily blinding Laisc. His forehead dropped to the cold stone floor. A desperate breath of hot steam hissed through bared fangs, his mind unable to sort through the wild sensory overload. Did he ask Eiros to stop or beg him to continue? He doubted he could speak anything coherent at all.

Eiros lowered himself across Laisc's back, whining. Through the haze, Laisc couldn't feel Eiros' hips against him, his cock too long, tip grinding against the most delicate and vulnerable parts of Laisc's body in a desperate search to thrust deeper. Laisc shifted, and Eiros' blunt tip forced his insides to obey its domineering presence. Something finally started to give, a vague sensation of surrender. Eiros must have felt it to, because a sharp buck of his hips forced past a tight internal barrier into the depths of Laisc's belly.

Laisc silently grit his teeth, silent because he couldn't breathe. His claws curled as Eiros desperately claimed his body, driving so deep that Eiros had to hobble forward before slamming his hips flush against Laisc's hindquarters. A delighted trill played from Eiros' beak, his head lowering against the back of Laisc's neck. Talons secured a crushing hold around the base of Laisc's spread wings where they joined his back.

"Oh!" Eiros couldn't pull his hips free. His long cock dragged through Laisc's tight guts, but Laisc's inner barrier trapped him. The stubby spines crowning his wide tip flared as he withdrew and locked him on the far side of a strained ring of muscle. Laisc let out a low whine, but Eiros didn't try to fight it. "So warm," he whispered into Laisc's neck.

Short, powerful strokes compelled Laisc's insides to spread before Eiros' thick cock no matter how tightly Laisc squeezed. Precum coated his inner walls, each thrust wearing down the last hopeless resistance of Laisc's body. The soft ridges at the base of Eiros' cock massaged Laisc's own soft shafts and their many sensitive features. Each full thrust that brought the full girth of Eiros' thick base between Laisc's vent sent a crushing swell through his cloaca that threatened to break him. A chaotic inferno of pleasure muted so many unfamiliar discomforts. Laisc panted between soft whimpers, his mind struggling to parse a flurry of sensation.

Laisc's body rocked beneath energetic thrusts, but Eiros clung tight to his back to ensure each one left his furred hips pressed to scale, short chirps growing in pitch. The thick shaft within Laisc grew unyielding, coercing Laisc's guts to concede, no longer willing to follow the gentle curves of his inner walls. Laisc gasped for breath. A growing pressure expanded around Eiros' tip, the massive flare more than doubling in thickness.

"L-Lord Laisc- High prince- I'm- I can't help it-!" Eiros cried out a loud exultation of conquest. His cock lifted in powerful spasms, battering Laisc's soft unarmored insides. A thick pulse traveled the length of Eiros' shaft before cum erupted deep in Laisc's belly with staggering force. Heavy jets flooded him, and Eiros' enormous flared tip ensured the wealth of seed had nowhere to go but deeper.

Laisc stole shallow breaths where he could, limbs trembling to support them both, eyes squeezed shut as Eiros bred him. Eiros quivered nearly as hard. Talons locked tight around the base of Laisc's wings with crushing force. Furred hips bucked, already flush with Laisc's scales. Heavy balls caressed the underside of Laisc's vent as they furiously pumped their heavy load into him. It didn't end. Laisc clenched his stomach, half expecting to taste cum at the back of his throat. A relatively cool dense weight spread through his belly.

Strange thoughts assaulted through Laisc's mind. Pleasure beyond the sensation of another male's seed passing his own shafts, the slick tightness pervading his cloaca, stretched beyond what a female would endure with his own shafts crushed against its inner walls.

The soft weight of Eiros' body draped across his back. The way his talons hooked over the base of his wings, the failed attempt at playful nips against the back of his neck rebuffed by hardened scale, held a powerful intimacy. Laisc curled his tail around Eiros, holding him close as he stilled.

Eiros let out a long, satisfied sigh. His body relaxed and massive cock demanded slightly less of Laisc. A gentle tug pulled at something very deep within Laisc's belly. Thick soft spines flared out and grasped at his insides in an unsettling way, slowly dragging through him. A meaty snap reverberated through his pelvis when Eiros forced his flare through the tight ring of muscle, a brief flash of pain giving way to teasing thrill when those same spines caressed his internal shafts and left a tide of cum in their wake. Eiros shuffled backwards enough for his thick flare to stretch Laisc's vent wider than when it first penetrated him, then jolt free with a loud pop.

Laisc stumbled to his knees before collapsing to the ground, exhaustedn. In the sudden void, Laisc could truly appreciate the extent of Eiros' release within his belly, the remaining weight his seed alone. This must be how females felt laden with eggs. His pelvis ached in a pleasant sort of way, a dull heat throbbing along the tract of his mated insides. Only a small dribble of cloudy fluid escaped his gaped vent.

"T-That was incredible," Eiros chirped, prancing a few steps, tail thrashing in excitement. "The way you squeezed around me, and so warm. So warm! I'm sorry I couldn't last very long but it just felt-" He paused, only then realizing Laisc's despondence, and lowered his beak to nuzzle Laisc's shoulder. A thread of worry tinged his breathless words. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Very okay, I think." Laisc groaned, shakily getting to his feet and feeling cum jiggle in his stomach. It slowly oozed backwards, no longer trapped by Eiros' flare. It had a long way to go. He smiled sheepishly, still unsure of how he felt letting another male take him now that it had happened, now that he carried Eiros' seed like a gryphon mare. Now that he knew how good it felt. But when he saw the unrestrained delight glimmering in Eiros' bright green eyes, he knew he didn't regret it. He nuzzled Eiros affectionately.

"Are you sure? Did I hurt you?"

Laisc took an experimental step, then lowered himself back to the ground. His vent still felt stretched open in a deeply unsettling way verging on obscene, but he couldn't bring himself to twist around and look. Instead he lowered his tail in hope of modesty. If anything, a low but insistent pleasure burned alongside and far brighter than any pain. He shook his head, not wanting to say anything that might dull the brilliant expression on Eiros' face. "I'm just happy it was you."

Eiros beamed and ruffled his feathers shyly before awkwardly draping himself across Laisc in a haphazard pile of wings and limbs and tails. Laisc winced at even the slightest pressure applied to his bloated abdomen, but otherwise couldn't help but laugh and wriggle beneath his friend.

"Thank you so much." Eiros settled himself with his beak close to the back of Laisc's head. "Is that weird to say? It felt so good and there's this energy and I'm just so happy. You're amazing." His wings fluttered around Laisc's body. The torrent of words should have sounded silly, but they didn't.

A profound sense of kinship made Laisc want to curl himself protectively around Eiros, a feeling so foreign and unlike anything he'd even felt from any other of his short-lived friendships, and especially his family. Or maybe he'd prefer Eiros curled around him? There were so many thoughts he'd eventually need to address. They settled into a mostly comfortable sprawl, tails entwined, Eiros' body vibrating with pleasure atop Laisc.

Eiros continued. "I almost asked my escort to take me back home when we first saw the palace. My mother warned me about how dragons could be - kind of intense. I'm so glad I didn't."

"I'm glad you didn't either." Laisc gently nipped the talon laying across his muzzle, and Eiros giggled before shifting it out of the way. For once, someone appreciated Laisc's existence. All he had to do was lift his tail like a dragoness. Of course it wasn't like that, right? Was it bad if it was?

"Are you sure this was okay? I mean I guess it's too late now. What would happen if your father found out? Do dragons do this kind of thing often? Maybe you should. I would. I mean, you're a high prince, right? You can do anything you like."

No. It probably wouldn't be okay. That question topped the list of things Laisc's mind avoided. He had no idea what his father would do. If Yphess found out, would she hurt Eiros just to get at him? Maybe he should have thought about that before dragging Eiros into his problems. But as Eiros wriggled closer, soft feathered wings spread against his and brushed away Laisc's worries.

"Maybe don't tell my dad. Or anyone." Laisc laughed to try and soften his tone, but the noise that came out sounded choked.

A shudder ran through Eiros. "No offense, but I hope I never have to speak to the high lord for any reason whatsoever. He's terrifying."

"Agreed." They both shared a laugh before returning to their gentle game of prodding one another in increasingly delicate places. Laisc curled his tail around Eiros' thigh, and Eiros nipped Laisc's scaled throat. They continued until somehow Eiros managed to get Laisc onto his back, wings trapped and belly exposed in a thrillingly submissive position. Instinctual anxiety thrumming through Laisc's body. Had it been anyone else, he'd be using claws and fangs to their full lethal extent to escape. Instead he shyly drew in on himself, eagerly awaiting the intent glittering in Eiros' jade eyes.

Not that he was complaining, but Laisc hadn't received the same release Eiros had, and distracting sparks of arousal burned holes in his already tenuous thoughts. Eiros stood regally over Laisc and admired the glossy sheen of his exposed underbelly scales. Darker streaks of black accented his sleek torso, and the scales around his vent glistened where Eiros had marked him with precum.

Eiros scratched a talon down Laisc's belly, only pulling his claws away when they reached the larger scales surrounding Laisc's swollen slit. His green eyes met Laisc's. "Would you maybe want to do it again?"