Unspoken Boundaries; chapter two; Acceptance

Story by Willace Diamond on SoFurry

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Warning! This story pertrays several very graphic instances of Zoophilia between a teenage boy and a male dog. Zoophilia is the sexual and emotional attachment of a human being to an animal. The bond the person feels with the animal is more than just simply physical though- it is also very deeply emotional. Those who have these feeling care for the animal the same way two conscenting human lovers would, be they heterosexual or homosexual. I ask that this be kept in mind if you are to read this story. This story is actually a continunce of another I have written. To fully apricate this, please read the first segment beforehand.

Would he ever feel normal again, Nicco wondered while he tossed and turned restlessly. As he tried to block it out, the memories kept flooding back. It didn't do any good; no matter what he tried it wouldn't go away. The way it felt when they touched lips, a memory that was now frozrn in his mind. Part of him wanted it to happen again, but Nicco tried to pretend that he didn't. After another hour of pointless shuffling, Nicco kicked his covers off and sat up.

"Dammit, what the hell is wrong with me?" He asked outloud with his face clasped in his sweating hands. The clock flashed 4:26 and Nicco got out of bed. After a brief moment his sight adjusted to the darkness. Artiemus was laying across the sofa and stirred at hearing Nicco stand up. Sommething seemed different about how he looked at Nicco, as if he was waiting for something. Those eyes made Nicco burst into tears and run out of the room. He couldn't look at his beloved pet. It wasn't right for him to feel like this.

Trying to whipe his eyes dry, Nicco collapsed against the doorway. Unable to stop his tears, Nicco slid to the floor and sobbed. As he cried he began to think about all the times he spent with Artiemus. With each memory he revisited he cried a little less. The two of them shared countless hours playing together but he never thought this would happen. One last tear slid down his cheek stood back up. Maybe now after a good cry he could sleep. So he walked back into his room, purposly avoiding looking at Artiemus. His head met the pillows and he held his eyes closed so tighly they began to hurt. "No more tears Nicco..." he whisperd to softly himself as he finally drifted off to sleep.

As the morning sun burst through into his room unforgivingly, Nicco rose from his mattress with feelings of uncertainty and dread. His beloved pet came to his side as if sensing something was wrong. For the first time Nicco began to understand, though not fully, Love is the same, even on the other side of the unspoken boundaries he held in his heart.

"Good morning Artiemus." Nicco greated him with a quivling tenderness in his voice. Nicco reached his hand out as if to brush the side of his pet's face but quickly withdrew it. The feeling he felt in the bedroom the night before slowly crept back into him. Their was a moment of silience as the two locked eyes. In the stillness of a second reason took hold once more and Nicco forced his eyes away. "Out!" He shouted with fear. Artiemus abrouply turned and fled the room and Nicco held back his emtoion the best he could. Distracting himself by preparing for school, he rushed through a shower and skipped breakfast. As he left he gave a heavy sigh seeing artiemus standing at the end of the hallway with a look of heartbreaking loinging.

The day seemed to drag on for eons as Nicco Struggled to remain focused. It was a wasted effort. The only thoughts that filled his mind: his beautiful freind and fear. Fear of what they had done, fear of what it ment, and fear of if someone would ever find out. He wasn't the most popular student, being openly gay in such a closed-minded town. It would push people to the brink if they discoverd that he and Artiemus had touched in such a way. Midway through lunch those fears almost overwhelmed him. Nicco left the cafeteria and snuck out of the building. It was just too much to stand, He had to understand why he felt this way.

Taking the back way home, he realized that it wouldn't be smart to go right home; his father would be there. "Oh god," he thought. Nicco's father wasn't the kind who would accept the fact his son was gay let alone he had kissed the pet dog. Arriving at the house Nicco sighed a breath of relief seeing the driveway empty. Still he didn't want to risk being seen ditching school. The backwindow proved easy acess and he slid through. As he did, Artiemus leaped from the bedroom couch and ran over to him.

Brushing the dirt off of his jacket he told the black lab to follow him. The two of them returned to Nicco's room and he locked the door. He would settle all of this where it had begun. He pulled his jacket and tossed it to the floor. With a bit of bounce in his step Artiemus approched his master and sat at his feet.

"Last Night..." Nicco began, hands clenched to fists. "Last night, you and I... you let me do that to you and you kissed me..." He paused and knelt so that their eyes were level. Starring into the deep yellow pools of light he saw a familair look of anticipation. With his heart and thoughts racing Nicco continued. "I couldn't shake it out of my head, so let's..." He reached his hand around the dogs neck, watching the antcipation in Aretiemus'es eye intensify. "Let's do it for real this time."

He moved their faces together and Artiemus gave no resistance. Their lips met once more and Nicco's let Artiemus push his damp, rough toung against his own. As the kissed, he felt a burning fire in his chest. He never knew such enjoyment and they drifted away. As the kiss ended Nicco knelt against Artiemus aroused and breatheless.

Suddenly it made sense to him and he held fast to the dog whispering in his ear a simple dream. "Tell me i dont have to cry anymore," he begged fighting back the tears in his eyes. Artiemus licked his owner's face and Nicco said softly "Tonight, I am your pet and you... you are the master. You and I both know I can't fight this anymore." With heavy strokes he started petting the black lab's strong shoulders down to the tip of his tail. Each touch brought a wave of endorphines and the two of them moved closer together.

Artiemus sat upon his rump and put a paw out into Nicoo's lap. He seemed to place it perfectly against the ardent teenager's body, making him inhale deeply. Taking his this oppertunity Nicco pressed genlty aganist Artiemus's paw. Even through his jeans the dog's touch seemed perfect, massaging the side of Nicco's shaft. After a minute or two 'shared petting' Nicco began to feel the urge to go further.

"My God Artie, this feels amazing! I want you to feel like this this too." Nicco panted begening to caress his friend's chest. Without much hesitation his finger meet the lab's member and he stroked delicalty down on the sheath. That was all the more it took for Artiemus to become just as hot and ready as Nicco was. Taking pride in his lover's reaction, Nicco kept one hand loosely around his friend's unit and unbuckled his pants with the other. With fingers around wrapping his eager antomy Nicco panted. "This feels just like a dream to me Artie. If it is, don't ever let it end."

Pressing their faces together again Nicco felt Artiemus start to raise off the floor. The idea of giving himself up for his dog's pleasure excited the young teenager and he began to strip his pants. It was time to take this to the bed. Helping the dog onto the mattress Nicco gave a few strokes at his rump and that was all the more incentive he needed. With an energetic thumping hop he felt Artiemus's paws wrap around just below Nicco's ribs. The lab began the instinctive thrusts. Each time was spasmatic and he had a hard time reaching his mark. After two dissmounts and a bit of 'guidence' Artiemus managed to put it against Nicco's opening. The second it happened Nicco quickly spread himself open and rested his weight on his shoulders.

At first, Nicco though it might not fit, but was proved wrong when Artiemus squeezed at least two or three inches in. Grunting, Nicco felt his eyes water and his fist clench the sheets. It was like nothing he had ever felt before, so invigerating. The lab mangaed to pump it a litte deeper into his owner a couple times. After a few minutes of this ectasy Nicco felt his lover's tip leave his insides and Artiemus dismounted.

"Ga...Good jo... job boy," Nicco commplemented his new lover, outstreatching and colapsing his rump against the bed. Artiemus's golden eyes seemed to shine and he laid down with his face next to Nicco's gasping face. Understanding that his pet hadn't climaxed Nicco laid his arm across Artiemus's back and nestled in face to face. "Let's play this way again soon," he paused to pull a blanket around them. "I want to help you to really finish. But for now, I say it's about nap time, what do you think?" Lapping his owners face the lab closed his eyes and the two faded of to sleep. Nicco drifted off, feeling the release of accpetance.