The Feeling is Mutual

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In a city where elves and dragons live next to one another Kai and Zanrith are an elf and dragon that have been squabbling about having to share. When the elf manages to sneak a rare product from right underneath the nose of Zanrith the dragon decides to try and get a little revenge. A plan is hatched and after shapeshifting to an elf he attempts to sneak into the life of the herbalist in order to find some way to get back at him.

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In the city of Delestio elves and dragons have learned to live together in harmony with one another; the elves have the side mostly covered in forest where they make their homes among the trees while the dragons carve huge, impressive structures out of the rock of the nearby mountain. It was originally just a normal piece of mountainous land that had a river cutting through it but the discovery of alchemical reagents and precious gems had caused a land rush from both elf and dragon alike. Rather then the typical course of action that came with such disputes in the form of war a council had been formed and the spoils of the land were shared equally among the two races with the city forming around their mutual needs.

While the peace had been held for centuries there were downfalls when creatures both great and small chose to co-habituate so close to one another. The arcane magics of the elves that were used to create enchantments would sometimes cause a drain on the dragons while the size and magical nature of the huge beasts caused several to be accidently trampled underfoot or cause nearby areas to be set aflame. For that reason elves and dragons kept to their own sides of the city for mutual consideration for one another, though the trading area at the river that cut through it provided opportunities for them to interact. Many shops and other buildings were set to try and accommodate both races, and while that resulted in some unusual architecture it also created a zone where the they could freely interact with one another.

Zanrith was a gold dragon that had been tasked with going to the central market by the other members of his clan in order to try and catch something from the latest shipment of sundries that had come in. Though the city had the capability to produce its own food the area was scarce and required shipments to come in and supplement whatever they had in exchange for freshly carved runes and various treasures mined from the mountain. For the gold dragon that was in the form of a number of coins minted by the fires of his kin, and though he wasn't fond of having to watch out underfoot for elves he was the smallest of his clan and also didn't have access to his fire breath quite yet. Despite being young though he was still over three times as big as the tallest elf as he moved to the docks to try and get the first of the shipments.

Much like most of the central city there was a queue system set up by numbers instead of having to wait in line, mostly to keep dragons from taking a step forward and accidently cutting in front of several elves. Zanrith found himself grinning as he found that there was hardly any crowd as the ship came into the harbor and realized that he might finally be first. He had predicted that with the way the river flowed the boat would be in hours earlier and he felt his scaled chest filling with pride as he padded his way over in order to get the first number. Already he could think about the accolades he would get from his family as he might be able to secure one of the rarest imports, black diamond sugar from the northern wastes, that only usually had one crate in stock.

There was a rule that neither dragon nor elf could wait around the harbor before the boat arrived so Zanrith had timed it just right in order to get into the gate as it opened. Once he was at the shipping office he put his freshly minted coins on the counter to show he was there to buy and then got his number, which caused his big grin to fall into a frown. "Two?" Zanrith said, trying to keep his voice down which was part of the protocol even as his anger rose. "How did I get two if I was the first one here?"

"Well it would stand to reason that you weren't the first one here then," the harbormaster replied as he motioned towards the edge of the pier. "That one got in just as the gate opened, you were probably no more then twenty seconds behind him." As Zanrith was about to complain more he saw the one that had taken the first number and found his eyes narrowing. Kai... not only was he one of the best rune-crafter elves in the city but he knew it too as he walked over to the harbor master holding his number.

"How..." Zanrith said as the arrogant elf showed off the elf-sized token with the number one scratched on it.

"You think you're the only one who saw that the river flows were exceptionally turbulent?" Kai said with a chuckle. "If you had kept watching though you would have felt that wind shift that would have given you a better timed walk, but I'm sure you'll get it right soon enough." Though Zanrith practically had smoke coming out of his nostrils he knew he couldn't say anything as the elf put down his token as well as the bag of runes that he was trading once the captain of the vessel appeared. "Hey, you guys got any of that black diamond sugar on board today?"

"Two crates," the trader captain said, which caused Kai to perk up. There was still a chance that he could get what he came for, especially since elves didn't nearly as many resources as dragons did. One crate was better than none at all...

"Fantastic, I'll take them both," Kai suddenly said, bursting the dragon's bubble. "Can't have too much of a good thing, am I right?"

The captain chuckled and nodded as the workers got to fulfilling the elf's order, which also included quite a few things that were on his list as well. Though there was still enough that by the time Kai was done he managed to get a fair share of it the fact that he had been denied his prize caused him to see red. "I hate you so much right now," Zanrith seethed as they watched their respective crates being loaded on the elf and dragon carriers that would bring them to their destination. "What elf needs two crates of black diamond sugar?"

"An elf that's throwing a party," Kai replied. "Going to be celebrating my birthday soon, you're welcome to come if you want so you can get a taste of that sugar... though make sure you can shapeshift, wouldn't want you stomping around and ruining things. Anyway it looks like I'm all loaded up, you have fun with what you got, always happy to talk to you Zanrith."

The feeling was not mutual, Zanrith mused in his head as he felt himself practically blowing smoke out his nose as the elf laughed as he walked away, the dragon feeling his nostrils twitch. That cocky bastard... every time he came down to this dock he was competing with him, and somehow he always managed to get the best of him. As much as he would have liked to switch docks there were so few that catered to dragons and for some reason this port was the one that Kai did business with as well. As he watched the cart with the two crates of his prized sugar get driven into the elven side of the city Zanrith decided it was perhaps time to pay Kai a little visit...

One thing that made the city work between dragons and elves was that dragons had the capability to turn themselves into smaller humanoid creatures, though with all the enchanting going on most tended to not bother since it would be draining at best and potentially cause them to shift back at worst. Zanrith was too enraged to care and found himself weaving among the thick trunks of the trees as a blonde-haired elf man. He had given himself a glamor to hide the golden hair and eyes that he normally had since he didn't want Kai to realize that it was his rival that he was talking to. It didn't take long for him to find the rune shop as it was probably one of the more ostentatious ones that were in the city square.

As he got close to the door however the reality of the situation began to set in that he didn't have a plan for what to do. Zanrith had gotten as far as disguising himself and going to Kai's shop, but even as he stepped inside he wasn't quite sure what his goal even was. "Hey!" Kai's voice shouted from the back of the rather large shop, Zanrith swallowing hard as he turned to see the familiar face of the elf staring at him angrily. "What do you think you're doing?"

Oh crap, Zanrith thought to himself as he saw the elf hop over the counter and approach him. Had he been able to see through the glamor and knew that he was a gold dragon, thus knowing it was him by proxy? "I... um..." Zanrith fumbled, not sure what to say about the situation. "Sorry, I'll just go."

"Oh no, you're not getting off that easily," Kai said as he put a hand on Zanrith's shoulder before he could turn to leave. "You think you can just come in an hour late and then leave? I expect better service then that, and if you think that I'm going to pay for waiting for you then you have another thing coming."

Zanrith found himself blinking a few times in disbelief before Kai began to go on about how he needed the shop decorated and the things that he would need to get ready. It seemed like Kai believed that he was some sort of party planner or something, and after not following he was asked point blank if he was... to which the disguised dragon just nodded his head. That seemed to satisfy the other man to continue on with his long list of needs. Thankfully most dragons had an eidetic memory and could remember everything, though that still left the problem that he didn't know how to have a party, much less an elven one.

Just as he was about to walk to follow Kai further into the back of the shop Zanrith heard a noise at the door and turned back to see an elf standing there. "Excuse me?" the elf said bashfully. "I'm here to plan Kai's party, so sorry about the wait."

"Too late," Zanrith said quickly as he shut the door on the shocked man's face. "You're fired, don't come back, thanks." Before the other elf had a chance to say something the disguised dragon closed the door and locked it behind him before breathing a sigh of relief. That was close... though he jumped slightly when he heard Kai shouting for him and raced over to keep up the façade.

In the end Zanrith had a preparation list a mile long, but fortunately Kai was so particular about how to do things that most of it was just fetch work and decorating things. One thing that he was supposed to do was cook and as they walked into the kitchen he happened to eye up the two crates of black diamond sugar along with a few crates of normal sugar. Perhaps this could be advantageous after all, Zanrith thought to himself, if he could switch out the black diamond sugar with regular it was unlikely these elves would even know the difference, and if they did it would just embarrass the braggart. As he formulated his plan Kai brought him out back to help him with the furniture set-up in his private back garden area.

The task of groundskeeping was arduous and in the hot sun overhead Zanrith found himself missing his dragon form as he weeded and prepped the plots for the flowers. It didn't help that he had waves of weakness occasionally from enchanters in the area, though he made sure not to show it. Though Kai wasn't helping with the more back-breaking parts of the work he was out as well setting up the magically enchanted flower seeds to go and with the midday sun over his head he decided to take off his shirt before continuing to work. Though Zanrith kept working with his own on, the sun not bothering him even in his disguised form, he found that something else was causing him to heat up.

...Kai was quite handsome.

The second the thought crossed his mind the disguised dragon tried to shake his head of it. While elves and dragons were used to mingling with one another there was one aspect that was considered taboo, especially from the dragon side of things. While both were quite long-lived neither side really found benefit in such and those that did were often looked upon strangely. Plus most dragons found themselves too prideful to find such small creatures as attractive, and up until this point Zanrith had been one of them.

Though Zanrith brought his focus back to his work he couldn't help but continued to glance up and watch the shirtless elf from time to time. Every time he caught himself he rebuked himself and tried not to let it happen again, though that would only work for a little while. Was there some sort of glamour of his shop, something that made those that were inside of it attracted to him? As Zanrith wondered he found that unlikely considering even in his disguised state he had the magical resistance of a dragon.

Eventually the sun set and Zanrith found himself breathing heavily as he looked at all the work he had one. Since he didn't have his fire-breath yet normally he tended the clan's needs and that included housework, but usually it didn't involve this much work as he felt exhaustion set in. "Good work," Kai commented, Zanrith looking over to see Kai there with a large glass of water in one hand and a towel in the other. "I hope you don't mind if I clean off first, my runes will make sure there's plenty of hot water waiting for you."

Zanrith had no intentions of cleaning up at his place but found himself nodding anyway as he took the glass. As he watched Kai leave he found that this version of him was way better than the prick that usually showed up at the docks. He began to have doubts about his plans to steal the sugar, even though it should have been his to begin with, and as he drank down the rather refreshing water he heard something that caused him to look up. It was the sound of water falling and as he gazed up at the entrance he could see steam coming out of the opening.

Interesting... Zanrith normally just bathed in a pool of water and while he had heard of this concept before never saw it in action. Though the window was up high the fencing and buildings around the are meant he could quickly just shapeshift back into a dragon and peek in to see what runes and set-up he was using. After taking a quick glance around and sensing no one nearby he morphed back into a dragon, ducking his head down to not be seen by anyone passing by and looking into the window. Steam continued to pour out as he saw several glyphs that had been carved into a metal pipe that was pouring the water down into an apparatus that allowed it to shower down onto the elf below.

The very naked elf...

The very naked elf masturbating...

Though he was just going to take a look at the runes Zanrith found his gaze locked on the rather lithe creature standing there, his long hair wet and matted against his back and shoulders as he put his hand against the wall while stroking himself with the other. He was muttering to himself about something, and as he tried to focus in above the sound of the water he was surprised to find it was about him. Kai had also thought his shapeshifted form was rather handsome and that he had even taken off his shirt to prompt the other elf to do the same. This made Zanrith blush slightly to hear that their feelings were mutual to one another, though as he watched something else caught his attention as he saw something happening to the fingers against the wall.

At first Zanrith thought that it was just the twitching from his pleasure, but as he heard the elf let out a soft groan it looked like his fingers were lengthening. Soon it became unmistakable that he was growing claws and somehow that prompted him to just jerk off even more frantically. The groans soon could be heard over the water as the dragon watched in shock as his spine began to stretch a bit, mostly in the lower back where a numb formed as his skin started to turn textured. Scales... Zanrith couldn't believe his eyes but as Kai began to pant he could see his teeth sharpening and his lips starting to push out.

A low grunt escaped from Kai's lips that finally clued him in to what was happening and as the elf released the grip from his cock he saw that his maleness was much longer with bumps forming on it. Zanrith quickly gasped and shapeshifted back into his elven form in case Kai went looking. Fear suddenly went through the dragon's body as the unusual sight caused him to put his transformed slender fingers against his face. It looked like Kai was also a dragon, but considering the surprise he saw on the elf's face after seeing himself like that he imagined that there was something else going on.

For a while Zanrith sat there with the mostly empty glass of water in his hand as he tried to figure out what he was going to do. If it was something he had done and Kai was still transforming in the bathroom he should go and help, but another part of his mind told him to just get out of there and leave. He was the only one that knew at least what was happening though and if whatever was happening to the elf was problematic he might be the only one to get him help. Before he came to a decision though he heard Kai call out for him using the fake name he had given, which prompted the disguised dragon to get up and go see what was happening.

To his surprise Zanrith saw a normal looking elf stepping out of the room with a towel around his waist gesturing towards the room. "You're good to go," Kai said. "Just press your hand against the symbols on the dial in order to activate it and adjust the heat, the spells on it recycle the water so take as long as you want while I make up your bed."

"Oh, uh, thanks," Zanrith replied, though as Kai passed by he realized what the other man had said. "Wait, make up my bed?"

"What, did you think I was going to have you sleep out in the garden like some sort of animal?" Kai said with a chuckle. "I wouldn't even do that to a dragon, unless your services no longer need me to provide room and board for the night. I will be happy to have you on your way in that case."

Once more Zanrith found himself shaking his head and stepping into the washroom, locking the door behind him and dismissing the glamour on him for the moment. His clothing and normal visage disappeared to reveal the golden-haired, golden-eyed naked elf and as he took the spot he couldn't help but remember what he had seen in this spot. He quickly pushed away those thoughts though and focused instead on how to get the water working, which after a few moments he found was rather intuitively carved into the wood around it. Almost immediately he was greeted with a blast of hot water that would have probably cooked most elves under it but actually felt pretty good to the gold dragon.

After taking a few minutes to wash up Zanrith dried himself using the towel provided before once more using his glamour to provide a different-looking set of clothes for night wear. As he stepped outside and looked around he found Kai waiting for him and directing him to his room. Though he was completely covered this time the disguised dragon couldn't help but look him over as he walked a few steps behind, remembering what he was like in the shower. It took all his willpower not to show his arousal as they got to the guest room that was made for him, Kai telling him that if he needed anything he was in the next room over.

Zanrith nodded and as he stepped inside the room he turned to thank Kai, only for his eyes to go wide as he saw a pair of horns starting to push out from behind the elf's ears. Kai looked at him in confusion and was about to reach up to scratch his head only for the other man to reach out and grab his hand to shake it. Even his palms were scaly, the disguised dragon thought to himself in worry, and when he managed to give the confused elf a sheepish grin he saw the tips of his hair turning silver as well as his eyes. Zanrith could feel his fear spike as he did the only thing he could think of, shutting the door and putting his hand against his head.

As he sat against the wood Kai asked Zanrith if he was alright, which he responded that he was fine and was just tired. The excuse seemed to be good enough for the other elf and as he started to walk away the disguised dragon carefully opened the door and peeked outside. He half expected to see the Kai walking away with a tail growing out his back or something but as he saw him leave it looked like the horns and other adornments were gone. While that was a relief it was baffling why it was happening; he had never heard of anything like this before and he wasn't sure who he would even go to about an elf spontaneously growing draconic traits.

It was a problem better left for tomorrow, Zanrith thought to himself as he settled in for the night. Though the bed was comfortable being in elven form was not as he found himself tossing and turning. Part of him wanted to just become a dragon, but between the size of the room and Kai potentially walking in there was no way he could risk it. Eventually he fell asleep but when he woke up again he found his legs dangling off the bed and his feet covered in gold scales with black talons on the end of them.

Though Zanrith was exhausted as soon as he got his glamour up to change clothes again and stepped outside he found himself with a list of chores to do to get ready for the party that night. When he saw that one of them was to take a delivery of extra ingredients for the food that he was supposed to cook he realized that was his opportunity; he could get the ingredients in and tell them to pick-up the black diamond sugar and send it to his clan. It would be fairly obvious if Kai came and checked but by that point he could say it was for services rendered and escape. It was a decent plan... and his only shot if he wanted to get it out of there.

A few hours later Zanrith was flipping through all the recipes provided to memorize them when there was a knock on the door, which when he opened it he found the elves waiting to unload. This was his chance... and as the disguised dragon directed them to the pantry they were practically hovering over the crate. How easy it would be to have them load it up and send it out, he thought, and within the hour the sugar would be his. Zanrith found himself rubbing his hands together as he watched crate after crate come in, until finally...

...the delivery crew left, Zanrith waving them off while he leaned against the two crates. Once they were gone he let out a sigh and put his head against the crate that he had intended to steal. He just couldn't do it, even if they were taken from him it was stealing at its root. Even his intention to embarrass the elf had soured as he slowly opened the crate to get what he needed for the big dessert.

"Don't bother with that," Zanrith suddenly heard, looking up to see Kai standing there in the doorway to the pantry. "I decided to go with the stock sugar instead for the desserts, make sure that you don't use any of the good stuff."

The sudden declaration had taken Zanrith off-guard and found himself following Kai as he had started to walk out into the kitchen proper. "Are you sure?" Zanrith found himself asking in confusion. "I mean, I can't imagine a party like the one you're throwing and you don't want to use such fine ingredients for it."

"I've come up with a better use for it," Kai said simply. "I'm sure my guests won't even know the difference, and considering the fine food that we're about to serve there is no need to gild the lily. Just make sure that everything is done up right as I would hate for you to have to use it because you messed up."

Zanrith assured Kai that he would make everything perfect and watched the elf walk away, which prompted him to scratch his head. That was a strange turn, especially since he was practically boasting about using the sugar for the party while they were squabbling on the dock. Even if the guests couldn't taste the difference it would be a bragging point that he could have used the entire night as he began to prepare the ingredients for the rest of the dishes. As he began to start on the recipes he found himself suddenly coming to the realization that he was caring about the motivations and party of someone he did not like, though his draconic pride made sure that he would make the best elven dishes that anyone had ever seen.

It turned out that once he had gotten started Zanrith had quite the knack for cooking. It was easy when he could just determine the heat of a fire by touch and use his magic to warm things up more quickly without burning them. Hours before the party started he had actually managed to finish everything and get it ready, even taking the time to do some decorations that he hadn't attempted before. Most dragons ate for sustenance and cared little about such things as presentation, but after he was done he sort of wished that they did.

Enjoying cooking and lusting after an elf... this was not what he had expected to find when he started on this. Zanrith shook his head at where this ill-conceived heist had taken him and began to think about ditching once more, wondering why he hadn't done so in the first place. He was under no actual obligation to help Kai with his party and after all the work he had done he wasn't sure what he would do with the gains for it. Yet after putting out all the food so that people could snack on it during the party he found himself continuing to hang up decorations until it was time for it to begin.

"I think that will do it," Kai said after Zanrith hopped down from a ladder, the rune glowing softly and lighting up the area. "That was quite the work you put in there, worth every penny."

"Oh, of course," Zanrith said as he tried not to sound sheepishly embarrassed about it. "Glad that I could be of service."

"Now we cut it a little close but I can still give you payment right now," Kai explained. "Or if you would like you could stay and enjoy the party you helped put on and then I can get it for you later. Which would you prefer?"

Zanrith realized this was his chance to cleanly break from the situation, taking the money and figuring out what to do with it later as he felt himself swallow hard. "I... would like to stay," Zanrith finally said, mentally cursing himself. "It seems like this will be fun."

"Great, I was hoping you'd say that," Kai said, and as Zanrith was about to look away he suddenly found a hand on his cheek and turned to see the other elf moving in on him. The disguised dragon was stunned as their lips met and he found himself kissing his rival, and more so that he started to return the gesture until finally Kai pulled away with a smile. "That's a little tip to hold you over until we get things squared away."

As Zanrith found himself unable to move there was a sound that indicated someone was at the door that prompted Kai to leave. He found himself shivering as his brain struggled to process what just happened and just went back into the kitchen before anyone saw him tenting his pants in the middle of the small courtyard. He went to the sink and splashed cold water on his face to try and calm himself down, especially as he could hear people starting to filter in. The sound of others quickly tempered the flare of passion he had gotten and as he took a breath he couldn't believe that just happened.

After taking a few minutes to calm himself down the disguised dragon decided to process it later and push the experience to the back of his mind. It wasn't long until the courtyard was filled with elves celebrating some milestone that Kai had achieved and suddenly Zanrith felt more awkward than anything. He was a dragon among elves, and though sometimes his kin did do similar if they were invited to events it was a first for him. No one really seemed to see past his glamour, or if they did they didn't care as he began to walk around in order to clear his head.

The day quickly turned to night and the party was still going strong, though as Zanrith walked about he found himself the recipient of someone spilling the punch he had prepared on him. Though the liquid hit his bare skin he quickly shifted his glamour so that it looked like it was on his clothes before excusing himself. Great, now I'm going to be sticky the rest of the night, though as he remembered the washroom he decided he would make use of it just to wash himself off. After making sure no one followed him Zanrith locked the door, removed his glamour, and activated the magical sigils again to let the water cascade down his naked body.

As he let the hot water wash over him Zanrith looked down at himself and ran a hand down his lean form. When the digits got to his groin he saw the elven member twitch slightly, causing a small surge of arousal to go through his body. Dragons really lacked the capacity to properly masturbate and as he gave himself a stroke he found himself shuddering. It was... quite pleasurable, and as he brought a hand up to the wall to brace himself it reminded him of when he saw Kai in this exact position.

It also brought up the kiss to the forefront of his mind again and the promise of payment at the end of the night. Was Kai talking about sex, or was he just being flirty? As he continued to stroke himself the possibilities of what would happen after the party swirled around in his mind, and though his inner dragon told him to just take the money and run he found himself fantasizing more and more about a carnal form of repayment. Maybe they would even do it here, Zanrith licking his lips as he imagined the other elf on his knees with the water flowing down their bodies as they continued to kiss until he slid down Kai's wet form until he was in front of his throbbing member...

Kai paused at that and though he continued to pleasure himself he thought that the positioning was a bit odd. Granted the other elf didn't know it but he was the dragon, if anything it should be him with his mouth wrapped around his member. When he closed his eyes again he imagined that his hand was the lips of the elf wrapped around it while his hips slowly rocked back and forth. The closer he got to completion though the more he found it hard to focus on that situation, instead finding him kneeling there pleasuring Kai while he merely stroked his own maleness.

For some reason the sight was incredibly arousing and he found himself focusing more and more on himself being the one giving the blow job, even licking up and down his groin and letting him use his mouth. Zanrith found himself licking his lips in the shower as his fantasies were pushing further and his mind wondered what it would be like if he was in his dragon form. To his slight shock he found that his fantasy had Kai on the ground with him leaning down and dragging his tongue all along the elf's body. Kai's moans practically rang in his ear as he brought his large scaly muzzle down to that erect member and began to tenderly suck on it...

Suddenly a shout snapped him out of his imagination, letting go of his throbbing shaft as he heard a disturbance from the window of the washroom. He used his magic to quickly dry himself off and reestablish his glamour before heading out to see what was going on. As he got in the doorframe he could see that a number of elves had started to back away from the main stage that he had set up while a murmur of concern passed between them. It quickly became apparent why as Kai was hunched over the side of the railing, his breathing heavy as it looked like his clothing was tightening around him.

Except that it wasn't his clothes that were the problem, as he managed to lean back everyone gasped including Zanrith as they could see the massive bulge in the front of his pants rip apart to reveal a very draconic dick that sprung out. The looks of concern turned to fear as Kai tried to say something only for his tongue to swell up in his mouth while his face started to push out. There was no doubt this time, he was clearly turning into a dragon as more seams gave up trying to contain the growing creature and ripped to reveal silver scales underneath. When he locked eyes on the transforming elf he could see that there wasn't fear or horror in his eyes... it was embarrassment...

The already damaged pants were quickly shredded by Kai's thickening thighs as a tail began to snake its way out, wagging in the air while he attempted to get his bearings. Zanrith could see why he was having trouble standing as the boots he wore were pulsating from the toes underneath until finally a set of clawed toes spit the thick hide and began to push their way out. Damn, he's even sexier as a dragon, an errant thought of the disguised dragon floated through his mind as the crowd's panic levels rose. To his shock when he had a fleeting moment of desire the transformation that looked like it might have been slowing pushed forward even more, Kai letting out a deepening groan as Zanrith saw those horns pushing out of the wilding mane of hair the elf was growing.

Wait, Zanrith thought as his mind started putting pieces of the last few days together, was his lusts causing the elf to change? Things started happening when he saw Kai naked and from the looks of it Kai hadn't experienced anything like that before... but he had never heard of anything happening. Of course he had also never heard of a dragon desiring an elf in the first place, so it seemed like a lot of firsts were happening. As he continued to muse he looked up and saw that the size of the elf was starting to slow, even diminish in some places that only further proved his theory.

Though he had to make sure not to gawk at that thick member too much Zanrith mentally steeled himself so that Kai could change back, which was exactly what started to happen. As the elf emerged from the dragon once more though his face was beet red and the disguised dragon could hear chuckles once the threat had passed. He frowned as he realized that he had just ruined the entire party and that this would not only embarrass Kai but probably damage his reputation as well. Unless...

"It looks like you started the party without me!" Zanrith suddenly shouted, causing all the eyes in the party to go from the mostly naked elf to him. "I apologize, I had just gone in to freshen up and didn't realize that it was time for the demonstration."

Once more Zanrith heard murmurs from the crowd as he tried to walk as confidently forward as he could, desperately hoping that his plan he just formulated in the last thirty seconds would actually work. "Oh, yes, of course," Kai replied as he quickly caught on before turning back to the crowd. "My apologies for my immodesty but it was supposed to be a surprise, I just hadn't expected the magic to run out without... my partner here."

"Partner?" one of the elves in the crowd asked. "What's going on? What demonstration?"

"The demonstration of a brand new type of enchantment that will make it easier for elves and dragons to interact," Zanrith said as he took the lead once more. "Dragons can shapeshift into elves, but elves lack the ability to reciprocate that hinders progress between our kind. What Kai and I have been trying to create is... um..."

"A rune of transfiguration," Kai interjected, the elves in attendance getting more interested by the second. "It will allow the elf to temporarily become a dragon in order to better interact with our neighbors to the north. It is going to be the crown jewel of my creations, something no elf has ever accomplished before."

A Zanrith watched the crowd most of them seemed to be buying the act, though he could see several older elves scoffing to one another. "I find it hard to believe that even an experienced rune-crafter such as yourself have cracked the means of dragon transfiguration," one of the group said pointedly. "I've been working that same problem with an entire circle of transmuters and no one can match the magical energy needed to even mimic the form."

Zanrith felt his pride bubble to the surface and motioned for those that were near him to step back, getting himself enough space before he let the glamour and his shapeshifting drop at the same time. Nearly everyone in the crowd gasped as his draconic form manifested itself while he looked down at them. "As you can see, Kai is not just working with elves," Zanrith said as he leaned in towards the group and breathed a puff of hot air from his nostrils to cause them to stumble back. "Does that answer your question?"

"I... of course, yes," the older elf said after stumbling a bit, though he quickly regained his composure in front of the others. "I suppose then you'll be continuing on with the demonstration?"

Uh oh... that was not something that Zanrith had not been expecting to hear. He had just turned into a dragon for them, he was sort of hoping that would be enough. But as he could hear those that were in the audience also excitedly calling for them to finish the demonstration he found that either they would have to keep going or that they were about to have their bluff called. As Kai looked up at him the dragon found that the only way he knew how to make this happen was he working theory he had, though he was finding himself with quite a bit of performance anxiety he decided to go for broke and used his forepaws to pull away the tattered remains of the clothes that Kai had on.

Fortunately Kai continued to play the part and showed no qualms about being naked as Zanrith began to press his forepaws against the sides of the elf. The rune master began to talk about something that made little sense to him as though explaining how the magic worked as the dragon continued to focus on how lovely the one in front of him looked. His mind began to drift towards the images he had while in the washroom and though he was once more on the receiving end of the elf's ministrations he let it go for now. It seemed to be what got him in the mood and sure enough he could see the tanned skin of the elf start to shimmer with a silver hue while his body began to grow bigger.

With it being intentional this time Kai was back to his usual nature, showing off his tail growing or his wings sprouting from his back. It also helped hide his maleness that was completely erect by the time his appendages had started to change and it only became harder to obfuscate as it began to turn red and bloat out to an impressive length. Seemed he was enjoying his transformation now that it wasn't taking him by surprise, Zanrith found himself thinking as he found himself getting an eyeful of the elf's butt right as it filled with muscle and had a tail grow out from it. Soon he had to back up as Kai's body pushed out, his chest and stomach growing and reforming into the shape of a dragon as his hands morphed into massive paws that caused him to fall to fall fours.

Zanrith was so captivated in what was happening that he hardly noticed when Kai had finished up, his wings fanning out with a flourish as he let out a roar that caused everyone to clamp. For quite a while people came up to both of them asking how it worked and how Kai felt as a dragon but the rune-master was quick to say that it was an industry secret but that it felt amazing. Eventually the silver dragon started to transform back and as he did he excused himself, telling everyone that he didn't feel like strutting around the rest of the party in his birthday suit. The others chuckled at that and once he was gone all attention turned back to Zanrith, who just continued to mutter the same thing Kai had.

Eventually Kai returned fully clothed and the party continued with a renewed buzz in the air. Between keeping the shapeshift up for so long and actively trying to transform Kai he was quite tired and decided to stay a dragon since he had been unmasked anyway. The party continued late into the night but eventually things started to wind down, mostly when the food and drink were nearly depleted. Finally it was just Zanrith alone in the courtyard as he waited for the elf to lead the last of the guests out as he kneaded the ground nervously at his feet. Things had gone way farther than he thought and he wasn't sure how Kai would react to knowing that his biggest dock rival had crashed his party and turned him into a dragon.

After what seemed like ages Kai came back and Zanrith felt his stomach drop to his feet. "So... Zanrith..." Kai said as he walked right up to him. "When I said that you could come to my party I meant it as a guest. I have to say though if you wanted you could make a great career as a cook."

"I can?" Zanrith replied, the jovial nature of the elf catching him off guard as he shook his head. "I mean, you're not angry that I sort of, you know, injected myself into your life like this? Do you even know why I did it?"

"I assume it was to steal the black diamond sugar I had snatched out from under your nose," Kai said with a chuckle, Zanrith frowning slightly at that before the elf patted him on the foreleg. "Look, as long as we're both being completely honest, I knew that it was you after you walked into my shop." When the dragon's jaw dropped slightly Kai motioned to one of the runes that was over the doorframe. "I knew you were a shapeshifted when you activated my rune, and I had a reasonable suspicion it was you after our meeting at the dock that was confirmed with the way you eyed up those crates."

"I suppose... that makes sense," Zanrith replied. "So why let me work for you on the party then if you knew I was there to steal from you?"

"Curiosity mainly," Kai said with a slight shrug. "Most dragons won't even set foot in elven territory, so I wanted to see what you would do once I allowed you access to the crates. Also I gave you the hardest work I could find to see if you would do it, and have I mentioned that your elf form is pretty hot?"

Zanrith found himself looking down bashfully as the two continued to talk about the events over the last few days. It turned out that despite knowing who Zanrith was Kai hadn't been aware that he was the source of his strange mutations, something he had blamed on his most recent work with transmutation runes. The elf had also ordered the extra ingredients just to see if the dragon would steal from him, and when he didn't it had moved him enough to give Zanrith the crates as payment for the work and giving him something interesting. That had led to the party and the ill-fated transformation, which Kai found fascinating that the dragon lusting over him had caused his own body to change in response.

"So, now that everything is said and done," Kai said as he stood up. "How are we going to proceed with this research of ours?"

"Research of ours?" Zanrith asked.

"You said that we were working on a rune to turn an elf into a dragon," Kai explained. "As such you seem to have the means to do that, though it's a bit wild at the moment I think we can hone it and make it into something that is actually workable. Plus I would rather not become a silver dragon every time you see me at the docks, my clothing bill would be outrageous."

Zanrith hadn't really thought about that, though the mental image of seeing Kai smugly get in front of him only to turn into a big dragon did cause him to smirk slightly. "I suppose you're right, I did just say I was helping you with something," Zanrith commented. "How are we going to figure out exactly what is causing the changes to happen?"

"I always enjoy using trial and error," Kai said with a smirk of his own as to the dragon's surprise he started to undress himself. "Now if you shapeshift back into an elf we can go into my bedroom and discuss more, if that's something you wish to do. Just promise that if I do start changing that we don't destroy the place."

Zanrith found his tail wagging and could already see the elf's fingernails darkening before he caught himself. He couldn't believe he was really getting into this but he was far too horny to care at this point, but when he attempted to activate his shapeshifting powers though he found that he didn't even start to shrink back. "I must have tapped all my magic," Zanrith admitted. "Between keeping up the shapeshift and the elves using enchantment siphons I can't change back."

"That's fine, more than one way to do this," Kai said as the naked elf began to walk behind him. "Get down as low as you can and put your tail as high up as possible."

"Wait, what?" Zanrith said as his body shuddered despite himself, looking back to see the elf sliding up against his flanks. "What makes you think that you're being on top?"

"Because you would split me in half otherwise," Kai noted. "If I change again, which is quite likely, you'll have your own turn, but if we want this to happen now it's this or you waiting to regain your strength."

Though Zanrith didn't want to admit it the feel of the elf behind him was stoking his lusts better than the mental image he had, and as Kai let out a grunt and felt his feet arch up he chuckled and stated he assumed that meant yet. Zanrith covered his head with his forepaws, hoping that no dragons somehow flew overhead and saw the compromising position he was in. The elf had no such qualms however and as he teased the larger hole of the dragon with his fingers he grunted as a popping sound could be heard. It was Kai's toes merging and shifting into a more draconic foot, which indicated that it wouldn't be an elf behind him very long.

Kai seemed eager to fuck the dragon as an elf though and quickly switched out his fingers for his cock, his nails growing into points anyway as he guided his throbbing tool into him. With the size difference it pushed inside easily enough, though as his slick walls squeezed around it he could already feel it growing. If the size he had seen when he first transformed was an indicator the gold dragon knew that his silver counterpart was sizable to most others and the sensation of feeling it growing inside of him made it all the more intense. With every thrust the tip seemed to get a little deeper and his hole get stretched out just a little more as he could feel the elf's hands sliding along his scales.

As the elf started to change more Zanrith could hear him chuckling, his voice starting to deepen as he commented on the strength and power he felt. Kai had always been somewhat dominant and growing into a dragon seemed to be intensifying those traits, feeling him start to thrust with more vigor while his legs popped and cracked to get his new stance. His tail was also growing in quite quick and soon it was almost like another dragon taking his tailhole even though Kai's top half was still mostly elven. That was quickly changing however as Zanrith could feel his body quivering from his head stretching out into a muzzle and his neck growing longer to slide along his back.

Two more cracks and suddenly a pair of forelimbs were pressed against Zanrith's body, his own chest buried into the ground as he was pounded from behind. Kai was clearly enjoying his new form as he licked his tongue along the horns of the other dragon just to feel it stretch out while his wings grew back in. The gold dragon could feel every swell and bump of new flesh and muscle in the former elf's form as scales spread along every inch of him to cover the last of Kai's former form. The grunts and groans turned to snarls of pure pleasure as Kai continued to spur on their carnal rutting, their claws digging into the ground as they were loud enough that others no doubt heard them.

That was before both Kai and Zanrith let out a huge roar as they both orgasmed, shaking the nearby buildings as the walls of the courtyard trembled around them. Zanrith felt his seed spill onto the ground as he was filled by what could only be described as a silver dragon behind him. Kai continued to buck forward even while he was climaxing as though to get as deep into the dragon beneath him before finally they both collapsed on the ground with a loud thud. Several decorations got knocked over and the stage partially collapsed, but neither dragon cared as they laid there against one another.

"You know... I think I could get used to this," Kai said with a chuckle as he looked down at Zanrith, who lazily glanced up at him. "Plus I didn't know how exhilarating being a dragon could be, or perhaps it's just having one like you impaled by this new cock of mine underneath me." Zanrith couldn't help but giggle as Kai wiggled his scaly hips about, feeling the thick rod of flesh still inside of him. "I think that it's going to be quite the pleasure working with you."

"Yeah..." Zanrith huffed as he laid his head back on the ground. "The feeling... is mutual..."