A Curse In Skyrim.

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A college student named Allen experiences first hand what it was like to live in skyrim during its dark times as a completely different species.

It has been over a thousand years or so since the wars ended. Mankind and its allies defeated the demons and abolished any evil that treaded it's soil. They say that it was a different time, one of chaos and poverty. The text books I read even gave notion that different species existed. Other than humans there were these tribes called argonians and khajits. They were supposedly just like men and women but no one knows for sure. The monuments and literature were either destroyed or lost to time itself.

Magic must have also existed at some point because most of the words on the scrolls from back then were complete gibberish and no one knows what they meant. The world certainly had changed and yet through everything the statues of the gods still remained intact. Scholars believe they require a sacrifice of some sort while others stopped believing in them so they fizzled out of everyone's memory over the hundreds of years.

It was in the middle of my college semester and I had just turned 22. We were going on a trip up the mountains to learn more about horticulture and maybe get lucky and find some lost treasure in the many abandoned dungeons. It was a small class of just 12 people including me. Who would have guessed that most people were just going to get a free day off. Not me however because I honestly just wanted to learn.


"Alright everyone try to keep up. We won't be stopping until we reach the campsite." Our elven teacher said outpacing the entire class.

"T-teacher.....slow down we can't keep up." One orc said from the back of the group.

We trekked up the mountainside which was covered densely in the thick foliage. The trees were overgrown and vines wrapped around them with flowers and weeds. The ground was rocky and there was no clear trail as to were to go. The green bushes and the setting sun made it difficult to keep track of our guide but through our exhaustion we managed. By the time we caught up we were already at the camp site.

Everyone collapsed to the floor gasping for breath and the teacher rolled their eyes counting their heads. The campsite was nothing out of the ordinary. It was just a large cleared out space were everyone could pitch their tents and make fires. There was only one actual building and it was a log cabin. Sure it was mostly for the teacher to be cozy but those that couldn't hack it could bunk up inside.

" Allen are you alive back there?" The teacher said to me.

I put my hand in the air and gave a lazy thumbs up as my lungs struggled to find oxygen. "All good" I said

I was just a normal human guy that was fully decked out in hiking gear. My backpack was full to the brim with books, rations, and many survival tools. I wasn't as big as the orcs in my class nor was I as smart as some of the elves but I'd like to think I made up for it in eagerness.

With some effort the rest of the day went smoothly. The tents were up and the firepits were lit with my fellow students sat snugly beside them. With idle gossip and chit chat filling up every spot I needed some place to do my studies in peace. I was curious on why some plants would only glow in the nighttime but I knew it was against the rules to wander too far from camp. My curious mind however only edged me to explore further so around midnight I snuck out into the wilderness to find what I wanted.

It was pitch black with the ambient sounds of hooting and insects chirping in the nearby bushes. The light on my phone was good enough to see were I was walking and I had left a trail with my feet so I could find my way back. "Ahh there." I said in satisfaction finding the one plant I was looking for. It was glowing a shade of blue and purple with bulbs sprouting out illuminating the area around it. It was so fascinating that I nearly missed the giant statue right behind them.

The stone statue was covered in moss and it looked like a regular man with a cane. "Ahh this is one of the old god statues I've read about. Let me think...was it Sheogorath?" I shrugged and started picking the plants carefully but when I lifted my head I noticed that the statue was now looking down at me. I leapt backwards sending my butt into the dirt. "The fuck? Was it always like that?" My eyes were glued to the statue and slowly I stood back up on my feet.

"Well Well Well ! It's about time I saw a friendly face!" A voice shook from the statue.

I nearly had a panic attack stepping back. "Wha...Who.....?"

"Wha Who? Is that some sort of slang nowadays? Seems to me like everyone has forgotten how to say hello.....So hello!"

"Uhh hi....Sheogorath?"

"That's me! The one and only. The only and one! Someone remembers and it fills me with joy."

"Interesting. I thought the gods were long since gone. I have so many questions!"

"But were is the fun in asking questions?"

"I just want to learn about how things were and of coarse about yourself. There is a lot of knowledge that is just lost." I said turning on my phone and pushing the record button.

"AH! I've got a splendid idea!"

Before I could say anything else, the dirt around my feet began swirling around me. I was soon cocooned in a small tornado with the dust and dirt blocking my vision. The air was thick drawing from my lungs as if sucking the life out of me. As my skin was pelted with debris I crouched down holding my hands on top of my head in a vein attempt at shielding my face.

The rough dirt underneath me as if by magic slowly turned white puffing up into cold damp snow. The dust around me slowly dissipated revealing a bright white sky with snow falling onto my body. Catching my breath I was able to finally understand what the trickster god had done. He had changed the weather! The once summery sky and lush green forest was now blanketed in white crunchy snow.

The temperature dropped by at least 40 degrees and dropping. My black t shirt and shorts were not well suited for cold weather. I gripped myself with both hands shivering slowly walking back to the campsite with the statue of Sheogorath suddenly missing. "Fucking why.....it's so cold....". Navigating the forest however was nigh impossible because the tracks I had made were gone. An overwhelming sense of dread seized my heart as I realized that I could die out here in this kind of cold.

I marched on in a direction with my body temperature growing colder and colder. A thin sheet of ice coated my skin while I forced my legs through the snow. Struggling to move my feet gave out from underneath me and I fell face first into the snow with the ice slowly covering myself nearly burying me. I grew tired with my eyes barely able to keep open. The numbness of my arms and legs were subtly burning underneath the ice as if my skin was being singed with iron. Eventually I could no longer keep conscious and drifted into sleep.

When my eyes opened again, I was staring up at a ceiling. My body was still in so much pain I couldn't move and I was covered in bandages. Did the camp send a rescue squad? I was so relieved that I was able to survive. My eyes welled up with happiness grateful to whomever save my life.

"Your awake thank goodness. I was beginning to think I was too late." A raspy voice said just outside my vision.

I was then greeted with an unusual sight. As the stranger stepped up to me I was able to see his face. However I was confused on what exactly I was looking at. It was obviously a type of humanoid except his features were a bit different. His face seemed to be pushed out like a muzzle and his skin was a dark green with scales. Two horns were on both sides of his head and just beneath his jaw were smaller horns as if like a beard. It reminded me of argonians from the ancient days but they were extinct so it was impossible.

"Don't move around to much just rest for now." He said to me putting his hands against my side. A faint glow emanated from his hands almost like a green hue and within seconds my body felt a little bit better.

"T-thank you." I said my voice feeling constrained somewhat.

"No need for thanks. Just don't go out wandering through the woods again. There are strange things happening as of late. Oh! My name is Ja-Keth."

There was no mistaking it anymore. He was indeed an argonian. Now I had even more questions then when I started and it had something to do with that trickster Sheogorath. Did he revive them or was this just an illusion.

"Were are we?" I said trying to lean up.

"We are at my inn. Its a small town just north of Whiterun."

"Well I appreciate what you done but I really need to get back to camp."

"Nonsense there isn't a camp site for miles and there's a storm. You can just stay here free of charge hehe."

Ja-Keth then stood up and walked out of my field of view opening the door and walking out leaving me alone with my thoughts. I took a deep breath before pushing myself upright. The bandages strained against my skin as I threw my legs off the edge of the bed. I felt better but not great. Its like my body was half asleep like I had been sitting on my leg for too long.

The room I was in was what you would expect of an inn. The walls were wooden with a single window that was closed with the raging snowstorm shaking the glass. Wooden beams were at the top and the flooring was made from rougher wood. Everything was so primitive but it had its charms. From what I can tell there was no electricity or electronics of any kind. Candles and torches on the walls lit the place up and there was a single desk next to the door. The only other thing was a chest likely for storing cloths.

On the desk was a bowl of warm water and towels. My body ached so I dabbed the towel into the water and started pressing it against my sore spots. It felt so good on my body. Was it enchanted as well I wondered. One thing did bother me a bit and I never noticed before but something was tickling the back of my leg as I stumbled around. Looking back I could see a long green tail leading straight up to my rear.

Reaching back with my left hand I gave it a little squeeze and it jerked a bit with a little bit of pain shooting up my back. "What the fuck?" I eagerly started taking off some of the bandages off my left leg. The hypothermia might have damaged my skin beyond repair but I had to know! Upon peeling back the cotton rags I began to see green skin just beneath and I began to panic.

I started ripping and tearing trying to free myself all hoping that this was still just an illusion. Falling to the floor the cloth piled around my feet and within a few short minutes a majority of my body was bare. My legs and arms were just like an argonians, green with thick and thin scales. My fingernails were sharper and the tail that was wriggling behind me was indeed attached to my spine. I was almost too scared to see the rest of me and yet I was also intrigued.

Very carefully I unwrapped myself starting with my face. As soon as I felt the cool breeze against my skin I put one hand onto my cheek. "Oh my I still don't believe it." My face was longer and I couldn't find my nose, my ears, or my hair. There were two small horns on my head though which still was a feature I never had. I felt over every inch of my new face both fascinated and confused.

"Enjoying the makeover!" A loud voice said.

"It's you!" I yelled looking around the room.

"It's me! So what do ya think?"

" What in the world did you do?"

"Answering all your questions like I said I would. Welcome to Skyrim about a couple thousand years ago...give or take."

" I knew it! I mean I had my suspicions...."

"Well enjoy your stay here. Come and find me shrine when ya want to come back. Toodles!"

"W-wait! Why am I an argonian?"

"Why? Why! To mix things up a bit. The best way to learn is to be there....them.....THAT! HAHA!"

With that a silence filled the room once more. All I could think of was if the trickster was always this annoying. Still he was right. This was an amazing opportunity to study the lost cultures and witness firsthand what it would be like. Being an argonian was just a small way of teaching me about their ways I'm sure....Unless Sheogorath was just being an asshole just to be an asshole.

I continued pulling the bandages off still mostly annoyed and concerned. Yet my concentration broke as my hand felt over a lump on my chest. With each layer peeling back I could sense that something was off. "No!...oh fuck...." I said seeing a pair of B sized breasts bouncing down as I removed the final layer from my chest. "Oh your such a jokester! This was not necessary!" I yelled out enraged. I fumbled with my fingers around my pelvis and couldn't feel any bulge beneath the leftover bandages.

After the final bandages were off I stood there in the middle of the room completely naked. Not only was I an argonian but, I was a female one. My cock was gone and only a pussy remained. My emotions were conflicted with one another nearly going through every single one. Angry, confused, embarrassed, and curiosity were flooding my mind on a rapid pace.

With a few deep breaths I was able to refocus . "Okay step by step. First things first. gotta get some cloths on. These things are incredibly distracting. " I opened the chest near the door and sure enough they were all old school clothing. I put on a light grey shirt and a pair of dark brown pants. My tail easily went through the hold in the back as this was made specifically for tailed people.

Next it was time to brave the world and actually meet a real argonian. I reached out and twisted the knob to the door and stepped out into the hallway. There were a few doors and a stairway that led downstairs which I cautiously stepped down. The lobby area consisted of a bar counter, a couple round wooden tables and chairs, and merchandise lining the walls . There was also alcohol just beneath the wooden bar counter with a large wooden box.

"Feeling better?" Ja-Keth said standing behind the counter.

"I think you overdid the bandages.....Ja-Keth."

"Oh sorry. It's a technique for warming."

My heart was racing from the anticipation of learning about his culture. Ja-Keth himself had a slim physique. He was wearing a white shirt underneath some brown leather jacket that had no sleeves but a puffy wool outline. Just like me he had on a pair of pants fitting to an argonian but they were light brown and had a small belt holding them up.

I looked into his reptilian eyes and smiled. "Well thank you. I hope you don't mind me borrowing these cloths. I seemed to have misplaced my own."

"Keep them. Can't have you walking around naked."

"Soo ugh were is everybody?" I said looking around the empty inn.

"Home probably. I don't get too many people coming in here. Mostly travelers."

As I walked up to his bar, he reached underneath the counter and pulled out a bottle of a strange purple liquid. Pouring it into a small cup he pushed it to me and I nodded. It definitely smelled like alcohol so I took a small sip. Instead of going into my mouth like I would usually do it, I fumbled the cup against my new maw and made a mess pouring the drink halfway into my mouth and halfway on my cheek.

"Oh shit..." I quickly wiped my sleeve on my face in embarrassment.

"Take it easy. Your probably still a little numb." He said handing me a small piece of a cloth. "So what were you doing out in this storm anyways?"

"Well I'm really big on studying things so I wanted to see if I could find anything interesting." I said wiping myself off

"Without any snow gear? You are an odd one."

The door to the front of the inn swung open letting in a small flurry of snow. A hooded figure rushed inside closing the door behind. After approaching the bar they lowered their hood revealing another lost species, the khajiit. Like the argonian kajiits were also tailed and had a snout. This khajiit in particular was covered head to toe in light yellow fur with their tail having a single black stripe around the base. Its cat like face had whiskers, tall pointed out ears, and had a hairstyle that matched his fur and flowed down to his neck. Lizard people and cat people right infront of me....wow.

"Good evening Ranva. What are you doing out here?" Ja-Keth said pushing the bottle of liquor to the cat man.

"It's the wife. I think that she is sleeping with another." Ranva picked up the entire bottle and forced the hole to his lips chugging the intoxicating liquid.

"Nonsense you have been together for years now. How can you be certain?" Ja-Keth said leaning over and yanking the bottle from his mouth.

"Its just that....when we laid together, her nethers were how should I say....more open than before. Don't get me wrong Ranva is big but not thaaat big if you catch my meaning."

"I get it. You can stay here as long as you need to. I'm sure this is just a mistake though." Ja-Keth pushed over a key to him.

With a miserable look on his face the khajiit walked past me and up the stairs. I guess drama never truly changes no matter what time period you live in. With the inn quiet again I opened my mouth to start asking questions but then I realized that it might be a bad idea to ask about argonian culture.....as an argonian. I don't need the only place I'm staying at compromised so I bit my tongue. Perhaps I could learn over social cues or books....yea there are certainly books here somewhere.

"Ja-Keth say you wouldn't happen to have any books for sale would you?" I said laying my arms across the countertop.

"That is the one thing I don't sell other than weapons and armor. There is a general shop down the road but I dont recommend going in there without any gold." He responded.

"Oh yea money. That's right haha. Say you also wouldn't happen to know of any jobs lying around would ya?"

He chuckled with a big smile. "Unless your an adventurer there isn't much you could do. But......."

"But what? I'm an adult you know. I'm smarter than most people too." I said huffing.

"Well if you want to work here you can. It can be pretty hectic on my good days and I can pay you a couple gold pieces for ever hour. When you want to leave you can so I won't hold you here. It's just an option."

After some consideration I accepted his proposal. In my time business was complicated with fees and hidden fees lurking in every purchase. Service was also a mixed bag depending on who you got. Ja-Keth of coarse was not from a time were greed was as bad. It still existed sure but honestly everything in the inn seemed affordable enough. Rooms were around 10 gold and extra services were 5. There was no kitchen or fancy agenda so the extra services were just things like information or anything that would feel more comfortable for the rooms. Extra pillows and sometimes extra furniture depending on the guest.

He explained that my job would be assisting customers and occasionally running the bar for either merchandise or booze. I would get 5 gold per day and a free room. It was a good deal all things considering and didn't seem to hard. Once I learn the prices of the items it would be a piece of cake.....or at least it should be

The snow storm died out early the next day and I was finally able to see out my bedroom window. It was indeed a small town in the middle of the woods with cobblestone paths leading up and down the thin road. There were many wooden structures and buildings each with their own signs attached via a plank above their doors. There was also a river that led into a big waterwheel and continued through. There was very little in décor but a lot didn't exist that I was familiar with.

I could see people helping each other clear out the snow from their doors and greeting one another. There weren't just lizards and cats but actually human beings. I believe some of them were separated into different races but they were still all humans not including the orcs or elves of coarse. It seemed like a friendly town and I was very eager to learn more about it.

"Good morning". Ja-Keth said entering my room. "How did you sleep".

"Pretty good. The beds are really comfy." I said walking over to him.

"Thank you. I personally filled them with hay myself."

"So what's first?"

"Well first off I never managed to learn your name so that would help. You should also bathe and.....Oh I got you some fresh clean cloths. They belonged to my sister to I hope they fit you well enough."

"It's Allen. You didn't have to get me cloths. I like these all the same." I said crossing my arms.

"Al-leen? Interesting name. Your weren't born at the marshes I assume?" He cocked his head.

"No I was raised by humans. I actually dont know much about the marshes or really any argonian cultures"

"Hehe I'll have to tell you sometime then but first lets get ready. The day is only beginning."

Ja-Keth led me downstairs and into a small room with a big metal tub in the center. There were scrubbers, bottles, and a few candles that lit up the dark room. "Your kidding me. I mean I wasn't expecting a shower but come on." I sighed looking back to make sure the door was closed. Moving closer to the tub I could see it was filled with water and when I put my hand in it I could feel the soothing warmth of the liquid. "How....is this warm. Does magic really exist?"

I carefully pulled my shirt from over my head letting my boobs bounce down. As I began taking off my pants I could very clearly see my reflection in the water allowing me to see myself for the first time. I did not even recognize myself as it was an argonian staring back with yellow reptilian eyes. Yet when I raised my hand to my cheek my mirrored form did the same. At least green looked good on me.

Putting one leg forward I submerged my feet into the warm water and sunk myself down until I was sitting on the bottom. 'Ahh....fuck that feels good." Setting my arms on both sides of the tub I was able to relax allowing the water to work over my weary muscles. I used the towel and the soap on my scales running the cloth over my arms and around my neck. Feeling the liquid trickle down my body mixed with the soap caused me great satisfaction and honestly I could have stayed there forever.

Looking down at my boobs though gave me pause. Any normal guy would be falling over themselves by now but, I didn't know if I would be a pervert for touching my own breasts. Still they were technically mine and I technically am a girl now. "Screw it." I reached up with my right hand and cupped my left breast feeling around the jiggly mass. It felt like a water balloon in a thick hide molding around my fingers and bouncing back to a neutral position when I let go. My dark green areola was a bit sensitive and I was having a bit of fun.

When I was done playing with myself, I looked between my legs and and began massaging my inner thighs. I was almost a bit too eager at the idea of masturbating but I think I was going to draw the line at touching my boobs for now. Standing myself up I got out of the tub and dried myself with one of the towels. Next to the door there was a box with a note on it reading: "Got you some cloths. Come meet me when your done. We open in a few hours, J-K.

Sifting through the box I found several pieces of clothing. A cloth bra and panties, a long white skirt, and a top that made me blush heavily. The middle to bottom half was a red corset with interlocking weaves of string. However in the breast area the top half was nonexistent. The sleeves were detached from the arm and shoulder and it had straps that went over the shoulder. Basically I had two blue sleeves barely attached while my top neck and shoulders were exposed. There was an obvious cloth space just about the corset were I could settle my breasts. "I can't wear this!"

The options were extremely limited and I was forced to wear it. I sorta did the best I could with the underwear and the skirt was easy enough to tie to my hips. I then pulled the top over my head and tightened the corset around my stomach. The two sleeves fit snuggly on my arms and I pulled the two straps over my shoulders with the blue cloth hugging my boobs almost too tightly. "This thing barely covers my boobs dammit."

I nervously stepped out into the lobby area were Ja-Keth was talking to a Khajiit woman with orange fur. I kept my arms propped up to my boobs in fear of them just popping out of their cloths. The inn had garnered a small crowd filled with all sorts of races. Some of them were drinking at their tables reminiscing with their friends while others were looking at the merchandise.

"Al-leen come here real fast." Ja-Keth said so I shyly walked over careful not to draw too much attention.

"Yes? I said with a smile.

"Do you mind watching the bar for a moment? I have to go get someone from their room."

I nodded and he left to go upstairs. I took my station behind the counter for the first time and didn't know what to expect. Having learned very little I was still confident in my money handling abilities. The khajiit lady was still there eyeing me. She was all geared up in some kind of iron armor with chain mail as sleeves. Leather straps around her chest with a large sword on her back.

"Well well well you must be the new girl working here. Outfit looks a little tight on you." She said squinting her eyes at me.

"Oh yes this is my first day. I kind of need the money." I replied. "What brings you here?"

"Husband. He ran out on me last night. This is were he usually goes when he needs privacy."

"Oh yea I overheard that. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Maybe its my fault for not being home often enough."

"Oh you are an adventurer?"

"Yes I am with the adventurers guild in Whiterun. My husband runs the blacksmith shop a few houses down but he can be a bit suspicious at times. My name is Nardine and you are Al-Yhen yes?" She said.

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well when you have free time I can get you better fitting cloths. You remind me of Ja-Keth's love."

"Is he married or something?" I said looking down at my cloths.

"Well.....not anymore. He may seem all friendly smiles but deep down he is still hurting." She looked away from me.

"Did something happen?" I said reluctantly

"Not my story to tell. Maybe he will tell you someday."

Ranva and Ja-Keth came downstairs with the khajiit nearly falling down. Nardine huffed in anger and started dragging her husband away by the arm into the nearest corner. I could hear them arguing about their relationship and as Ja-Keth walked beside me he nodded so I could give him his bar back. For the rest of the day, I just went around asking if people needed help with anything and occasionally cleaning up after the messy patrons. It wasn't hard. Ja-Keth gave me pints of beer and alcohol and I brought them over to the tables with a smile . It was nice feeling appreciated by everyone for my work.

For the next few days I kept up my work. I managed to attain a good 400 gold and that's including tips. Now I could go out into the town and purchase some knowledge. Finally it was all going to be worth it. I had never been outside the inn because I wasn't sure what to expect but all the patrons of the inn really made me feel like I could do anything. It was a great confidence booster.

I strapped on some leather boots and stepped outside. Strolling down the stone road I waved at the passing people feeling as light as a feather. The cold weather had started warming up a bit but the sheets of snow covered most everyone's lawns. I passed by building after building looking for the right shop and soon enough I found it. It wasn't a big building just a shack with a book symbol on the door.

Books upon books lined the bookshelves of the small building. It was like stepping into a library back in high school were there was just rows of bookshelves all categorized from A to Z. I scanned through the titles so excited to finally learn something that I didn't even notice the nord librarian looking at me from behind the counter. I got as many volumes as I could on argonian and khajiit culture as well as some of the history in skyrim and the other provinces. I happily payed for them hugging them close to my chest. I thanked the nord and went on my merry way.

Racing back to the inn along the road my view was quickly interrupted by Nardine and since I couldn't stop I ran headlong into the khajiit causing both of us to collapse into the snow. My books went flying to the side and all the bystanders gave a laugh or two. "Oh gosh I am so sorry! I didn't see you coming!" I said frantically getting up to help her.

"Oh its fine. I haven't had my morning breakfast yet so its a good wake up call." She said taking my hand so I could stand her back up.

I dusted off the snow with my hands and saw that Nardine was wearing a "normal" set of cloths. Leather pants, leather boots, and a white shirt with a leather vest over top of it. No cleavage showing or any fur in the open other that her face. We laughed at each other and after I picked my books back up we walked down the road talking about how our days were going. It was nice being able to talk to someone so freely and I was beginning to think of her as my second friend.

We went to a few stores mainly because Nardine needed to shop for food and supplies for her husband. After our little outing I followed her down the street and we arrived at her place. It was weird seeing a blacksmith station outside. The massive anvil, the furnace, and all the tools on the table really drew my attention. In my time things like weapons and armor were manufactured by machines.

Ranva was inside sitting on a wooden chair looking into their fireplace. Their home was small and cozy with one queen sized bed in one room with the kitchen area and table all being near the front door. The only other room was a guest room which kind of made me feel like an asshole staying at a huge inn for free. We set our stuff on the table and Nardine approached her man from behind kissing him on the cheek with her arms around his shoulders.

"Welcome home dear." Ranva said kissing on his wife's arm.

"Are you still upset? I promise you I would never sleep with another man". Nardine responded.

The khajiit kept staring into the fire sighing unable to really make heads or tails of the situation. Nardine had a sad look on her face almost as if she really was guilty of something. She then just left both Ranva and I alone in the room while she went into the bedroom shutting the door. I have never been in a more akward situation in my life. Do I just leave or try talking to one of them. Maybe I could get some more info from Nardine if I asked nicely.

Biting my tongue I slowly creeped into the bedroom with Nardine. She was crying on the bed trying her best to stifle her coughs. She immediately came up to me and wrapped both of her arms around my body burying her furry nose into my neck. Reactively I held her back rubbing on her back. "Hey it's ok. Your being honest with him and he is just not listening....or are you not telling the whole truth." I said

"I-it's both. I really would never sleep with another man....but I can't tell him the whole truth either." She managed.

"Tell me then..please as your friend." I said trying to be as gentle as I could.

"Its Ranva......He is a werewolf... and sometimes he gets a little rough....in bed." She said quivering.

"Wait so that means he turns into a wolf man.....and forgets?" I said stunned about the existence of werewolves.

"He doesn't even know he is one. I'm just too scared to tell him. Werewolves are horrible beasts with no restraint. The only reason the town doesn't know is because I am able to keep him distracted by other means.....He would hurt a lot of people otherwise and that would terrify him."

I was out of my element. Drama was never my thing and this was waaay beyond drama. The wrong thing could end their marriage...and in this case someone could really be hurt. I tried my best to draw from my vast knowledge but I came up with blanks. Maybe there was a simpler solution that I wasn't thinking about or maybe it was doomed either way.

"Listen" I started to say. " Maybe he needs to know. Keeping it from him is only hurting you."

"But what if he can't take it? What if he gets too scared and runs away?" She looked me dead in the eyes with her eyelids puffy from the tears.

"Honey he might do that anyway. Just talk to him. You never know."

She wiped her face on her furry arm and nodded sucking her tears up and mustering the courage to tell her husband the truth. As she opened the door and walked over to him I stayed in the bedroom with the door left wide open. Nardine started telling him everything and his face went through a wide variety of emotions. It was difficult to tell what was going on in his head but the moment he stood up and hugged Nardine I knew it was ok.

I decided that it was a good time to make my leave. Heading back to the inn I wondered to myself if I would ever find someone like Ranva or Nardine. Someone to love...someone to love me. Books and learning were my main goals in life but the didn't have to be my only goals....

Upon my arrival back to the inn, most of the patrons had likely retired to their rooms and Ja-Keth was slumped over one of the tables.....drunk. He was mumbling to himself and half conscious so I did what he did for me. I walked over picking him up with his arm slung over my shoulder and forced him to walk up the stairs to my room. Thankfully he wasn't totally unconscious. I doubt I could carry him all by myself.

"Sheeshka.....you've come home...." He said as I flopped him on the bed.

"It's Allen. You shouldn't drink so much ya know." I said

"You look so much like her.....so beautiful.." He tried to lean up but I kept him down with my hand.

While the comment made me blush it only made me more curious about him and his past. He swiftly fell asleep with me sitting on the bedside looking after him. I took one of the extra pillows and took a spot next to the bed. As soon as I got comfy the bed squeaked and Ja-Keth was suddenly laying down right beside me. His arms quickly wrapped around my waist and he pulled me as close as he could to his chest. My cheeks were burning red and my brain was half fried.

I could smell the alcohol from his breath. His body was so warm and he was so gentle. I thought about just pushing him off but it was oddly comforting. The way his hand slowly rubbed against my body was soothing my aches and pains. I had nearly fallen asleep....until he decided to start grinding his hips against me. My eyes shot open and I could feel something hard against my backside. "Okay we need to just-". His reptilian muzzle pushed against mine and his lips spread around mine allowing me to task the alcohol that he had been drinking.

My first instinct was to slap him and scoot away. The sound reverberating of the walls in an echo. He immediately let go of me and fell face first into the floorboards. While I couldn't be too mad at him I was still pretty agitated....and aroused. "Fuck you body of mine....my loins are on fire now." I huffed standing up off the ground and jumping into the bed facing away from Ja-Keth. I fell asleep shortly after trying to forget what just occurred and hopefully by morning it would be a thing of the past.

When I got up the next day and prepared for my work routine, Ja-Keth was back to his normal self. He apologized if he did anything weird last night and brushed it off. I had been in similar situations before. Not to that extent but when you heater goes out in the middle of winter sometimes you got to spoon a few dudes to keep warm. The day went on like usual except we had a little bit extra.

"Al-yhen could I propose some extra work. I'll pay you of coarse." He said as I was cleaning a skuma soaked table.

"No lap dances." I replied in jest.

"No nothing like that. I have a delivery to Whiterun. Normally we don't do these kinds of things but the pay is good." He said while pouring drinks for a customer.

"What exactly are we delivering?"

"Ranva had made some weapons and equipment that he wants to sell. Getting overcrowded I believe his words were. Not much use for them here I guess."

"I don't know this sounds kinda dangerous."

"That's why we hired Nardine as a bodyguard. Plus I know we can trust her."

"Sure I wouldn't mind exploring a bit." I smiled and through my hand up in the air with my fist closed. "Lets do it."

Around midday we started loading some of the cargo into a wooden wagon with a horse in the front. The horse was massive and easily double the size of anything from my day. It had a brown coat and was hitched to two poled on both sides of its body. There were four wheels on the wagon and spaces that you could sit on in the back but for now they were being used for delivering weapons.

Nardine was fully decked out in her iron armor and her massive sword. If I remember correctly in this time period the roads were littered with bandits and creatures. I felt safer knowing there was someone I could count on. I had never left the town until now but I was eager to see the land. I brought a few books with me just in case I got bored or had some time to kill.

Traveling was actually kinda enjoyable once we got out onto the road. The sights were just amazing. You could see the snowy mountains in the distance and the lush icy snow glistening on the trees. I even saw a tower and some mercenaries marching on the side of the road. If only I could see a dragon or something mythical then my day would truly be made.

The city of Whiterun was also a gorgeous looking place. Its massive stone walls surrounded the town and it was like being in a medieval fantasy setting. I half expected a draw bridge but oh well. Ja-Keth chatted with some guards and then we were allowed inside and honestly the town itself didn't look that much different from our own except it was larger. There were a few stand out things like the beautiful looking tree in the middle of town with pink leaves, an upside down ship attached to a building, and a large castle like structure likely home to the jarl.

Our stop was the blacksmith's place which was close enough to the entrance to the town. Ja-Keth went straight to work unloading the supplies and with nothing better to do I wanted to explore the historical town. Most of it in my day was turned into a residential area but the tree still stood right were it was. As I was gazing at the magnificence of the tree, Nardine popped up beside me and put her arm around my neck.

"Hey! Any plans?" She said with a grin.

"Just looking around mostly."

"Good cause I have been dying to try this one place out. We can get off our feet and relax for a bit." She said getting behind me and pushing me into the direction of a building much like the rest. It was really quite difficult to tell the buildings apart sometimes.

As we entered the building I was immediately hit with the scent of flowers and honey. We were in a lobby filled with people standing around talking to one another about a possible dragon born wandering around Skyrim. There were also talks of war which I already knew how it ended.

"Come with me." Nardine said grabbing me by the hand and leading me around to a separate part of the building. "I've always wanted to try the bathhouse."

"Bathhouse?" I said with a girlish tone to my voice. "Wait a sec I dont know if I feel comfortable with this."

"I promise it will be fun. Besides I will be paying." She said gleefully as we went through several doors.

We then came to a crossroads and it was something I had been dreading since coming here, the changing rooms. Normally I was only ever in the men's but given my new feminine nature I had to be forced into the unknown. Still being dragged by the hand I entered the women's room. Thankfully everyone was already in a towel. It felt so degrading to even be standing there.

There wasn't much to the room, just some chests for people's personal affects and some benches and stools. Nardine looked pleasantly surprised and greeting everyone. I struggled to even move from the spot I was standing. Soon enough my friend started ditching her iron armor and my face began turning bright red. I turned my head looking off to the side.

"Al-yhen are you going to undress. You can't go in the bath with your cloths on you know." Nardine said setting her armor in a chest.

I turned around facing a wall and pulled the straps off my shoulders letting the top part of my attire sag down. I was a nervous wreck and was shaking the entire time. I think Nardine took notice of it and giggled to herself. I slowly undid my corset and let my skirt fall to the floor. After kicking off my boots I stood there nearly completely naked, all except for my cloth bra and panties were visible.

"You having a hard time undressing infront of all these people?" Nardine remarked.

"I-I'm not use to being in the same room with this many people. I'm kind of a private person." I said putting a hand on my face.

I turned around to see Nardine.....completely in the the nude. Her dark orange fur stood out prominently but was overshadowed by her C cup breasts. I couldn't keep my eyes off them and the sheer embarrassment of being in this situation caused me some grief. I was a guy once and this would be any man's dream to be standing infront of a naked women in the women's locker room without being beat half to death by angry girls. Yet I just couldn't help myself.

"It's quite alright. I just couldn't think of any other way to thank you properly." She said walking up to me.

"For what?" I said straining my eyes on her face.

"Ranva. You helped us move on. Sure it wasn't much but I feel like I needed a friend to say something to me."

"Your welcome. I'm just happy for the both of you. What do you guys plan on doing?" I asked

"Well we are planning on getting him some help. Either by controlling the beast or expunging it all together. Sadly we don't know any other werewolves that aren't mad."

"Baby steps honey. You two will get there." I gave a nerdy thumbs up.

Nardine smiled at me and put both hands on my back pulling me in close for a tight hug. A sense of warmth pounded in my chest as I reached around her waist squeezing her body. In the middle of her hug I could hear her snickering and before I knew it she had undone my cloth bra. With one swipe I was left bare chested and I quickly covered my boobs with my hands.

"Now lose the panties. You can still wear a towel you know." She smiled tossing my cloths in the chest with hers.

I regrettably complied with her wishes and slid my underwear off my legs. I then wrapped myself in a cozy 3 inch thick towel. Nardine did the same and we both walked out to the baths. It was a large rectangular room with most of it being occupied by a massive pool in the middle. Around the walls there were scented candles that lit up the room in a blue hue. In the pool there were flowers that smelled of honey and varies women from all the different races. Never thought I would see a naked orc chick sitting beside a naked dark elf but here we are. There was also a visible fog emanating from the water and it excited me a bit.

When we got near the edge of the pool, we dropped our towels and stepped into the warm water. Absolute heaven is the way I would describe it. Inching my body down the water seemed to reinvigorate my muscles. The combined scent of the flowers and the tantalizingly warm bath made me want to melt. I found a bench beneath the water and tossed my tail to the side.

"You know I heard that they put healing magic in the water." Nardine said to me.

"I would believe it. Wow this feels amazing." I said leaning my head back against the concrete floor.

"Told you. My fur is going to be crystal clear at this rate." She smiled scooting beside me.

My mind was getting lost in the pleasure and I could probably stay in the bath all day and night if given the chance. Nardine poked me in the arm with an evil grin on her face. I already knew she was up to something else but I wonder what she wanted this time. Her eyes looked me up and down as if trying to judge something.

"What are you looking for." I said letting my body sink deeper into the water.

"Nothing....just trying to figure out what kinda men your into." She smiled.

"I don't know how or what your talking about." I said realizing I was engaged in girl talk.

"Well you dont wear any accessories and I don't see you around town often enough....perhaps you've already got your heart set on somebody?"

"N-No.....I just dont umm have the time. I am a really busy person."

"Nonsense. Everyone including you deserve to find that special mate. Now come on. Tell me what your into."

A flash of one of my recent memories popped into my head and I lost my train of thought. Nardine the ever vigilant persecutor noticed that my eyes lit up for a brief moment. The other girls in the pool took a keen interest in our conversation and corralled around the two of us. I wanted to leave right then and there. My heart just couldn't take the scenario that was thrust upon me. I was now surrounded by naked women all talking about men.

"My husband is a soldier and he has that rude attitude that I just can't get enough of." An orc said.

"If I could I'd love to try new things with mine, just as long as their into it." The dark elf said.

" I need a guy that can provide in and out the bed. Preferably a stud as well. " A human said.

I was beginning to feel more and more out of place and kept myself quiet while the other girls gossiped. Nardine started talking about her husband, leaving out the werewolf bit, giving them a long winded story on how they met on the road when Ranva was still a traveling merchant. Then things descended into a more lewd direction.

"When we first made love it was outside in the middle of summer. He was such a seducer and got me on a rock in the middle of the road. What a night that was. He was forceful and gentle when he needed to be. The excitement of being caught out in the open and the size of his cock....oh sorry too much detail." Nardine laughed holding her mouth shut with her finger.

The other girls laughed and regaled one another in vivid detail on their first sexual encounter. I tried to distract myself by blowing bubbles in the water but it was hard not to hear how the orc pinned her man to the bed, ripping his pants down , and nearly breaking their bed. The conversation went on like that for a bit even challenging one another to see who could take the biggest dick.

"What about the argonian? We didn't forget about you." The dark elf said.

"Oh your fine." I said weakly trying to deflect.

"No no no. Come on don't be shy." The orc chimed in.

"I have a pretty good idea who it might be." Nardine said poking me in the arm again.

"There is no one. I'm just not like that really."

"What about Ja-Keth? I know that's who were thinking about earlier."

My lungs seized up and couldn't find the words to tell her off. I wasn't even suppose to be in this body and having a relationship was not in the cards for me. I just wanted to read my books, learn a few things here in the old ways, and get out back to my own time. Yet the memory of the man who took me in kissing me on the floor made me tighten my legs.

"Bingo we have a winner." The dark elf blurted out.

"Yep. He is a hardworking guy and you guys spend a lot of time working at the inn. It's not surprise you like him. " Nardine smugly said.

"You know we could never......" I started to say.

"Listen to me and take your own advice. Nothings ever going to happen if you don't talk to him.

I nodded my head wanting this conversation to end so we could move on. Nardine and the others then went on a tangent about the best way to have sex with their partners. Some of them argued that you had to be assertive and touch them as methodically as possible while others said that you had to be a bit rough. I already knew how to pleasure a man because I was one and the "Yanking of the balls while pushing your fingers up the shaft" was not my idea of pleasure.

Eventually the girls left the bath and wanted to keep in touch with us so Nardine told the location of our small town and that they should stop by when they can. I could now relax with all the noise gone and Nardine and I were left in the bath together. We rested our heads on the concrete slabs behind us and enjoyed each others company. Nardine sighed looking over at me and I had nearly fallen asleep in the soothing waters.

In an instant I could feel something squeeze on my left boob. I jerked my head up and saw Nardine cupping my breast in her hand. "Not a bad size I'll admit." She said rolling my nipples around in her fingers. My face was burning either from humiliation or excitement and I opened my mouth to say something but nothing ever came out. It actually felt kind of nice.

As she felt around on my bouncy cleavage, she reached down with her other hand and pulled my hand up to her breast. "You have really got to let go and have a bit of fun. We are friends so we can talk about anything." Nardine said letting my hand rest on her perky boob. I took a massive breath and squeezed down on her. They were much like mine except with damp fur. I pushed her boobs around careful not to go too hard and watched them jiggle.

"Now I want you to imagine Ja-Keth doing this to you." Nardine smiled whispering it into my nonexistent ear.

"I kind of can." I said. Maybe if I play along she will eventually drop it.

"Good now imagine him reaching under skirt and putting his hand between your loins." She continued and pushed her free hand against my thigh. Her fingers pulling and pushing up and down my leg. The images of him doin so were put there in my mind and it wouldn't leave.

"What are you doing Nardine." I said feeling something happening between my thighs. I felt this heat that was driving me almost exactly like getting aroused. Is this how women get an erection I wondered. The more pressing concerned is I was getting aroused about thinking of a guy.

"Shhh. Then Ja-Keth undoes his belt in front you dropping his pants. He leans over you feeling you over as he positions himself to your aching pussy. After driving his manhood inside you both moan in desperate passion. Once he fits as much as he can, he gently thrusts. Now inside he thrusts smacking his balls against your inner thighs. He wants you more than anything his pre cum oozing out from your merged genitalia. As he reaches his climax he moans your name and makes you his. You can feel his seed properly impregnating you filling your belly with his warm cum." Nardine kept going with her hand subtly reaching my cunt. I gasped as her finger felt over my sensitive vulva.

"O-Okay! I get it." I said loudly and she smiled.

"Good. I want results then. At least try for me okay?"

I nodded my head weakly and we both got up and went to retrieve our belongings. Upon returning however I noticed that there was an extra set of cloths in the chest. It was a normal set of cloths with a pair of wool pants, a silk white shirt, and an overlaying long sleeve brown shirt. "I thought you could use something to wear that's not a dress for once." Nardine smiled dawning her iron armor set.

I felt somewhat normal for a change wearing the cloths yet I might have gotten too attached to the dress and corset. Maybe just a work set....for now. With our escapade finally finished I felt extremely refreshed and we both left the bathhouse.

Ja-Keth was waiting for us infront of the blacksmiths house. He smiled as we approached and we all started loading the wagon for our return trip home. It was considerably quiet on the road and every time I looked back at Nardine she had a dumb grin on her face. I didn't want to do it. I was a guy! These thoughts and feelings were just a temporary thing and once I'm back home I can forget about it.

The wagon suddenly stopped in the middle of the road and Ja-Keth let out a sigh. "I'll be right back." He said jumping down and walking off trail. "Can you come with me a moment Al-Yhen?" I looked at him surprised and shrugged my shoulders. We trudged through the snow and up the hill a way until we reached a cemetery. Ja-Keth had a sad look on his face as we slowly made our way one of the headstones named "Sheeshka...".

"Is this....your wife?" I said being careful with my words.

"Yes...Its been 5 years to the day as of a few days ago." He said with his eyes swelling up.

"You must have really loved her. I wished I could have met her." I said stepping up beside him as he crouched down putting his hand on the rough stone.

"You two would have been good friends I'm sure."

"Can I asked what happened?" I said nervously

" Well we were childhood friends growing up but as the years built on us we grew closer. One day I proposed and we were married in front of Mara's shrine. It truly was a blessed day. Mara herself spoke to us giving us the impression that our love would be eternal. On the night that we were going to consummate our love someone broke into our home and attacked us." He put his hands together praying.

"She was killed?" I asked curiously.

"That's the tragic part. She wasn't"

"She is alive then?!" I gasped.

"In a manner. We were attacked like I said but it was not physical. It was dark magic like the one wielded by Sheogorath himself. My beautiful loving wife was transformed into a troll. At first we were confused and angry. The man who assaulted us was equally so but sadly took off before we could change her back. We went to priests, gods, and even tried the daedric ones sadly there was nothing I could do. We tried to live our lives beyond it but it grew impossible. The curse grew out of control and transformed my wife several times over the coarse of a week. Spider...then a wolf.....finally it stopped at a dragon. The toll was too much as she started to go mad."

"Oh no...." I had no words to say but I kept listening intently.

"The last day I saw here she was flying off to the west likely under the duress of her instincts. I honestly don't think I could imagine my wife laying with a dragon..."

" I'm so sorry. That's sounds awful." I put a hand on his shoulder as his tears dripped down into the snow.

"Thank you. Everyone has been encouraging me to move on including Ranva. He told me that he was dealing with a transformation dilemma as well and he and his wife are trying their hardest to get past it. Which is why I think I am finally ready to move forward as well." He said closing his eyes.

"Ja-Keth.....you will always love her. No species could ever deter your love. I'm sure deep down that she still feels the same. Just remember it was real and wasn't your fault." I said patting him on the back.

"Yes.....Though I will never see her again....I'll always value our time together."

He wiped his forearm on his face standing back up next to me. After one last look we began walking back to the wagon. The ride back to the inn was quiet and the soft thuds of the horse echoed in my head as I pondered why he wanted to tell me about his wife.

As the days rolled on, I burned the knowledge of all the books I had bought into my mind. It was so exciting to learn about everything from this time and even more exciting to learn about the mythical creatures that still existed. Werewolves, dragons, and magic were just so interesting and incredibly vague on certain subjects. I'd guess that even now some information is just incomplete.

My work got easier as most of the patrons were regulars. I knew only some of their names but they all seemed friendly towards me. I kept the skirt and corset strictly for work because it made the guests a bit happier, I think I can guess why. I maximized my know how on bartending and cleaning which grew a little boring not going to lie. I think Ja-Keth picked up on it as well.

"Al-yhen. Would you like to learn something new today" He said to me while we were moving tables around.

"Sure what do you have for me." I said enthusiastically.

Ja-Keth wiped his hands off with a towel with his eyes darting around. I started to worry but after a bit he gestured for me to follow. He kindly opened the door for me leading to the street outside. I stepped out and he followed locking the door behind him. I grew suspicious. We went down the street a ways and veered off coarse in between two buildings and got on a side path leading into the woods. "Ja-Keth why are we traveling into the woods." I said and he responded by itching his neck.

I could hear something in the distant growing louder and louder. The sound of laughter and people cheering. We were then passed by some of the town folk eating a box of sweetrolls. My eyes opened wide as I was soon greeted with the site of a carnival. There were tents with striped blue and green patters of all shapes and sizes. Wooded in gates full of unique animals and creatures. Vendors from all over skyrim were even set up in stalls all around the area.

"So what exactly am I suppose to be learning here?" I said flicking my tail back and forth.

"How to have a good time with me." Ja-Keth said offering his arm.

I bashfully accepted interlocking my arm around his and we set up to explore the carnival. Our first stop was the food stalls. They had such exotic foods from this era that I had to feed my face. One was steamed mudcrab legs boiled in a stew with homegrown vegies. Putting in my reptilian maw shocked my senses and I almost drooled from the satisfaction. The meat so tender and the cabbages were so crisp and flavorful.

Our next venue was a circus act. The main large housed benches on all sides and Ja-Keth and I took up a spot in the front row. I felt like a kid again nearly bouncing up and down in anticipation on what was going to happen. Ja-Keth kept his eyes on me almost lost in thought so I smiled at him patting him on the leg. The lights went out in the tent leaving a dark and eerie atmosphere with a slight bit of fog .

POW! Two lights of green and blue erupted from fire pillars scattered around the center of the stage. A khajiit dressed in a red robe and a swanky top hat emerged from the shadows. Putting both hands to either side of him flames shot out of his fingertips and he danced around making a trail of fire through the air. Afterwards he launched his hat high into the air and two elves jumped down from the rafters cutting it to pieces in a single blow. I was in awe and focused intently on the performance.

There were many magic performances from summoning a few wolves and making them all dance in unison to more excessive magic use like ice sculptures made to look like a dragon. Ja-Keth laughed and cheered alongside me. I think it was the first time I heard him laugh. As the show started to wrap things up the khajiit from before took center stage again.

"For our last act we need two brave volunteers. How about the argonian couple in the front row!" He said clapping his hands.

I excitedly jumped up pulling Ja-Keth along with me like a doll on a string. The khajiit started moving his hands and nearly in an instant we were lifted up off our feet. Our bodies were weightless but Ja-Keth grabbed my wrist so I didn't fly too far from him. We both rotated in circles as if dancing in the air. He kept his smiling face to me at all times and spun me around. Then the final move he pulled me against his chest with his arm around my waist. It was fun I had to admit.

I nearly forgot about the crowd so I blushed knowing everyone saw our duet. When we got back on our feet we laughed some more returning to our seats. When the show ended we left the tent and my heart was pounding in my chest. We decided to explore around for just a bit longer but other than the main show there wasn't a lot else. I had a blast watching all the magic users and couldn't understand how this art was forgotten.

"Al-yhen I have a confession to make..." Ja-Keth said.

"Oh no.....was it the mammoth ham?" I said jokingly

"No......Ranva convinced me to do this."

"Carnivals can be scary sometimes."

"I mean taking you out." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh...I get it. I must say I never seen you do anything other than tending business. It's nice to see you get out."

"It was well worth it. I love seeing you happy." He said with a nervous look on his face.

I felt his hand picking mine up and squeezing it in his tender grasp. "What are you doing?" I said watching him dig around in his pockets. Slowly he pulled out a necklace with an circular emblem. It had a small blue jewel in the center and an embroidered cross in the middle. He stared at it for a bit hesitantly.

"I want you to have this." He said offering me the amulet.

"Wait......isn't that an amulet of Mara? Whoa who I don't feel comfortable getting married."

"It's a symbol of how I feel for you. I know we haven't known each other for very long but I have these feelings for you that I can't deny. I love how you talk to all the customers at the inn and working hard to improve yourself. I love how you want to help other people instead of distancing yourself. I love your smile, your walk, and even how you stuff your face at times. This little trip has given me no doubt that....I love you."

I was flabbergasted and flustered at the same time. My face was probably bright red and I couldn't think of anything to say back to him. He held the amulet out with his tail flicking around. I pondered the situation in my head as I had no clue on how to proceed. I didn't want to destroy his feelings. He has only ever had one relationship and that ended terribly for him. Maybe if I just listed the negatives I could come to terms with telling him no? I'm a guy trapped in a female argonians body for one....and who knows when I'll decide to head home. Another thing is we hardly know each other......sure he saved my life....and we work together almost every day....and is now wanting to spend more time with me.

"Okay..." I blurted out seizing my tongue.

His eyes lit up as I took the necklace from his holding it in my hand. Surely this had to be another of Sheogoraths's jokes but somehow I knew his feelings were genuine and some part of me really like the attention. I didn't date much so this was another new experience for me. The warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach and how comfortable I felt around him indicated that I did like him on some level or another.

"Finally!" A voice blurted out from behind a tree.

Ja-Keth and I turned our heads to see Nardine and Ranva watching us. I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. They walked up to us happily with Nardine hugging me again swinging me around. Ranva patted Ja-Keth on the shoulder laughing.

"I'm so proud of you Ja-Keth. I told you she would say yes." Ranva said.

"Shut up.....Though I should thank you my friend. Without you I would never had said anything to her." Ja-Keth said said.

Not only was Nardine trying to get me to hook up with Ja-Keth but it seemed like Ranva also wanted it to happen. "Your welcome. I only ever wanted to see you happy and she is a good one. I wish you nothing but the best." Ranva walked over to his wife kissing her on the lips. Ja-Keth and I looked at each other blushing. I knew he wanted to try it because I could see it on his face.

After our rendezvous, the four of us went to celebrate back at Ranva's house. As guests the two khajiits cooked a few meals laying them out on the table for everyone to enjoy. It was a great afternoon full of laughter. I felt lucky to have such close companions now. I contemplated in my head whether or not I really should return home. As we sat around the fireplace on our wooden stools, Ja-Keth and I toasted our drinks.

With the day coming to a close, Ja-Keth and I said our goodbyes and headed back to the inn. Unexpectedly the inn was empty with most of the patrons being in bed already. The days festivities really took their toll on the town. I streched for a bit heading over to the stairs but I was stopped by Ja-Keth wrapping his arms around my waist. His warm body stood so close mine as his heavy breathing on my neck made me look back at him.

With slow lean Ja-Keth put his scaly lips up to mine pushing my mouth open a little as he kissed me. It felt completely different from the last time and at first I tensed up feeling the urge to slap him again. It faded out and I melted in his arms. I twisted my body around to face him as he continued kissing me , his saliva leaving a string from my lips to his. I could feel my stomach fill with butterflies with each of us savoring our passion.

The sounds of our lips smacking against one another were burned into my memory and the taste of his tongue against mine gradually made me more excited. I was subtly pushed back against the bar and his kissing got a little more intense. His jaws opened wide enough to fit around mine cocking his head. Ja-Keth dug his tongue deep into my mouth as his body pushed tightly up to mine.

I could feel his hand pushing against my belly cautiously traveling upwards. Normally I think I would feel embarrassed or a compulsion to get away because of a man kissing me yet I felt oddly comfortable. I could feel the argonian's hand pressing against my breast with his fingers enveloping the nipple underneath the cloths. I reached up holding his hand in reaction and he let the kiss trickle off.

Ja-Keth stepped back for a moment gripping the end of his shirt and pulling it up and off leaving him bare chested. We didn't say anything but as he removed his shirt my inner female was impressed at his slender scaly body. Funnily enough he had nipples as well which I thought odd. Ja-Keth dropped his shirt on the floor walking back up to me and I felt compelled to rub my hand on his chest.

"Sorry I don't know what's gotten over me." He said.

"Oh your fine. This is just so new to me." I said turning around with my thoughts racing a million miles an hour. "Turn around please."

He looked a little worried but complied turning around. I walked behind the bar shaking nervously. It was undeniable at this point....I was gay...or straight. I was actually getting turned on by a guy so much so that I wanted us to keep going. As a former guy myself, I knew the next step he wanted to take. I took a deep breath and took my shirt off leaving me in just my bra. With a good yank my boobs bounced free into the warm open air.

"Okay you can turn around now." I said trying not to blush.

As soon as he looked at me his eyes went wide. I could swear there was a bit of blood oozing from his nostril as well. "They are.....very nice." He said. "Can we...." He said. His eyes drifted away for a moment likely thinking about the last time he got this far with a women.

"We don't have to. I'm not forcing you to do anything." I said leaning over the bar.

"I wish to make love to you.....right now." He said causing me cheeks to burn.

"I like kissing and touching on you as well. It's something I never thought I would ever do to a guy." I hid my face with my hands.

"You misunderstand me." He said walking behind the bar with me and pulled me close to him. " I want you....all of you on my bed."

"You mean like sex?" I said as my blood pressure started to skyrocket.

"If you'll have me....I can't wait around and lose someone again." He said gazing lovingly into my eyes.

"We can...try some things." I said meekly.

He smiled taking my had into his. I was then led upstairs and into his private room. His room was like mine except for a few more dressers and few family portraits on the wall. His bed had wooden legs and a backboard along with a large quilted blanket on top. After we entered he locked the door behind him and I could hear my heartbeat in my throat.

Ja-Keth snuffed out some of the candles leaving only a few on near the bed and sat on the bedside. I walked over to him with my eyes transfixed on his pants. Was I really about to do this? I'm inevitably going to see his junk.....but would it be so bad? Very carefully I sat beside him and Ja-Keth kissed my cheek and palmed my right breast in his hand. He leaned in kissing more on my neck salivating as his fingers squeezed around my nipples. My boob rolled around and my own hand began to wander up his scaly chest.

The argonian's breath on me tensed me up and I was unsure what to do next. My fingers traced down to the very edge of my lover's pants. He then stopped kissing on me sitting back up and waited expectantly. This was it. The moment I could no longer call myself a man. I reached down between his legs feeling over the bulge. The sheer warmth emanating from his crotch and the sudden pulse let me know just how excited he was.

I got off the bed and kneeled down in front of him. He widened his legs as I pushed both of my hands up his inner thigh while watching the bulge twitch. Ja-Keth blushed a bit before untying his waist and letting his pants sag a bit. Effortlessly they dropped to the floor around his ankles. It was just a small loincloth now separating my eyes from his cock. I didn't have to wait long.

Undoing a small knot on the cloth and his loincloth was free. At last my eyes were greeting with an argonian's penis. It was like a regular humans cock except the skin was a light green and the balls were covered in a thicker layer of scales. The very sight made me shiver. It was about 7 inches in length and leaking pre out of the mushroom shaped head. He strangely didn't have much of an odor. His girth was average but still beat mine out back when I was still a human.

"What do you think?" He said to me.

My only response was to reach out and grasp the center of his dick. It was spongey yet firm and the skin was satisfyingly malleable. Ja-Keth leaned back a bit letting out a soft moan and clenching his legs a bit. I felt up and down his shaft with his pre cum oozing around my fingers. I maybe lingered a bit too long but soon I found myself leaning in more until my nose was only inches away from his manhood.

I stuck my tongue out pressing to his cock and licking up the shaft until I ran over the tip. I could hear him struggling to contain his moans which only encouraged me. The pre cum drizzled against my bottom lip and the bitter taste coated my mouth. The more I tasted him the more I wondered how far I was going to take this. With some sense of pride it planted both of my hands on his thighs positioning my maw just above his cockhead. Carefully my lips parted around his penis with his shaft traveling along my tongue until the throbbing tip was pressed firmly against the back of my throat.

"Gods!" Ja-Keth blurted out as my lips pushed against his balls.

The warm throbbing on my jaw put me in a state of zen and I slowly pulled up and down gliding my tongue against his rigid phallus. As I found a rhythm I was cut short by Ja-kith tapping me on the shoulder. I popped his cock out of my mouth looking up at him. "Is something wrong I said. He was breathing so heavily and almost forgot about the male need to orgasm.

"Oh your absolutely amazing my dear. I just don't want this to be over so soon. " With one swift motion, Ja-Keth grabbed my arm pulling me onto the bed. Now he took charge with his muzzle hovering around my leg. I scooted up until my head was resting near the backboard and felt him gripping my pants slowly undoing the string. Slowly he jerked my pants off until I lay before him in my panties. I know I should have been nervous but I was so horny that it didn't bother me much.

I made an attempt at being sexy by opening my legs wide with my hands around the edges of my panties. As he watched I pulled them down and with a kick I sent them flying off to the side. I was now a naked argonian on a bed with another naked argonian now my life was officially weird. Ja-Keth crouched over me with erection intact. I smiled as he leaned down to kiss me on the lips. This time his his fingers went straight for my vagina.

Distracting me with his kiss, the tips of his fingers molded around my aching pussy. I felt so sensitive with every stroke causing me to jerk my hips. My cunny lips then opened up around his two fingers as he pushed inside causing my eyes to bulge out of my head moaning into his mouth. I eagerly pushed back against him as he dug around my pussy. It felt so good I felt like I was going to pass out.

When he pulled out I felt some relieve but there was still that burning need in my loins. Keeping me beneath him, he pulled the quilt out from underneath us and set it aside. I could see his need for pleasure by his heavy breath and his throbbing erection. With a passionate lick of his lips he positioned himself between my legs with his face right next to my breasts. It was really happening......

Locking his lips around my areola I couldn't help but moan. His tongue swirled around as he hiked his legs up squeezing his penis around my pussy. His warm cock was resting on my cunt and I reached down around his back to try and grab ahold of his ass but instead rubbed over the beginning of his tail. With a wet pop he let my boob go and scooted up further until we were face to face.

With the tip of his cock pointed at my vagina, he began slowly to push the head forward. I gripped his shoulders feeling the sudden pressure on my pussy. "Oh god....oh my god.....Oh SHIIIIIIIT!" I yelled out as his tip sunk into my body breaking my hymen in the process. He stopped pushing for a moment to let me adjust to him. My whole body was shaking heavily and as overwhelming sensation of being penetrated finally calmed down I was able to catch my breath.

"So tight...." Ja-Keth grunted.

I held onto him for dear life as he continued pushing in. Every inch pushed my tight walls open until finally his cock head was pushed up against my cervix. His pelvis was pushed up as much as it could against my thighs and I could feel every pulse of his cock inside of me. It was an unbelievable experience and so pleasurable having my body filled like this.

"I'm going to start now." He said and I responded with a weak whimper.

Gently he pulled his hips back dragging his cock out a little and stuffing it back in. He repeatedly thrusting getting into a nice rhythm. The bed beneath us squeaked and squeaked and the room was filled with the sound of him clapping his body against mine. The thick balls of his were bouncing off my ass as he worked his shaft to my loosening pussy.

Every nerve in my body was on fire. Every time his cock forced into me I couldn't help but moan. My vaginal walls were slowly molding around him squeezing against the rigid green cock. His pre cum started to leak out from between us and I could feel something building in my loins. Then it happened my first female orgasm. My pussy clamped down on the base of his cock and my body shook and shivered as I lost myself in the sexual daze.

I let go of him letting my head lay on the soft pillow. Ja-Keth's eyes were then locked on my boobs as they bounced up and down in timing with his thrusting. I could feel him getting warmer and more rigid. His feet curled and his legs began twiching. "I'm .....so close...." He said huffing almost out of breath. As his cock grinded through my cunt he started to slow down but his thrusting getting heavier. The tip of his cock was ramming against the entrance to my womb.

"You're going to make me cum again!" I said moaning squeezing my thighs against him.

"Oh! Al-Yhen!". He pounded on me a few more times before I could feel a hard pulse. I squeezed against the pillow under me as my belly began to fill with warmth. His argonian seed pumped into my uterus while he kept his hands firmly planted by my sides. Some of his cum shot out from our nethers and onto the bed which we didn't mind. After his cock was spent, he slowly retracted his penis plopping down beside me completely exhausted.

We looked at each other and smiled. His flaccid cum covered cock was soon covered by the quilt as he pulled it over the both of us. Ja-Keth scooted as close as he could get wrapping his arms around my belly. We both were panting heavily but content with the nights proceedings. My pussy ached but it was well worth the experience. "Ja-Keth...you were wonder-" I started to say but he was fast asleep. I laughed to myself burying my face into the soft pillow and went to sleep. However as I slept his seed was taking root inside my belly. My ovum went to work straight away creating a problem or a blessing for a future time.


Author: I hope you all enjoyed the story :) I do have future plans for the next little installment. Maybe some werewolf hijinks or something. Little peeved because my computer crashed 3 times trying to write this lol. It was just too hot to handle. Tell me what ya think and have a great day :). Thank you.