Always Cry Wolf (Part III)

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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Part III

Kendal felt strong hands suddenly pull him into the shadows at the back of the club. A gruff voice in his ear whispered for him to stay quiet. He felt the sharp point of the blade against his lower back as he was led to one of the back rooms. Two other figures awaited their arrival. The stench of cum filled the young kit's nose as he was thrown down on the floor at the feet of the two figures. Their hooves gave them away as horses. Kendal tried to crawl away on hands and knees but he was knocked back by his abductor, a draft animal from the feel of his feathered wrists. A high whinnying protest came from one of the two males; his friend assured him that the fox was ok, lifting the stunned kit from the floor and offering him for inspection. A hand felt his crotch roughly and the third voice spoke in a low murmur about prepping the poor bastard before they took their turn with him. Kendal met the gaze of his molester; the gray stallion tossed his mane out of his face and stared at the fox.

The animal's blue eyes sent a chill through the kit and he struggled again in the drafty's grip. The other horse was bay; his black eyes never looked directly at the fox as he was forced to the ground. Kendal yelped in panic as his pants were roughly torn form his waist. Another strike to his face silenced him for the last time. In a daze, the fox could feel cold liquid being squirted under his tail. A hand rubbed the lube into him carelessly, the tearing of his delicate rim forced tears in his eyes as he wept helplessly as the first animal mounted him. He fell to his knees from the weight of his attacker. As he dropped to the floor he briefly caught a glimpse of the gray stallion watching from a chair across the room. He was readying his own shaft for its turn in the tight virgin ass of the young kit. Kendal began screaming uncontrollably as the pain swept over him, he thrashed out but was quickly restrained by the strong black draft hooves which beat down on his calves.

Suddenly Kendal was awake, kicking and screaming as soft paws tried to hold him. He was crazed with fear and snapped his jaw in the air. A familiar voice was calling him back from the nightmare.

"Kendal, KENDAL! Please wake up Kendal, you're scaring me. Oh God Kendal, what's wrong?"

The blond wolf holding him was Trevor, his best friend and lover. The lupine tried to embrace his thrashing lover, his wide eyes showed great concern for his friend. He was doing everything he could to avoid being struck, but the dark bruise had already begun to form over his right eye. When Kendal finally realized where he was, he hid his face in the sheets and wept uncontrollably.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He screamed.

The blond wolf's ears fell and he backed away from the bed with his tail between his legs.

A knock at the door brought Trevor back from his state of shock and he turned to open it. Jenny stood there with a grave look, her brows lept up at the sight of Trevor's black eye.

"Oh my gosh Trevor, did Kendal hit you?" She pushed passed him and headed to confront her brother.

The vixen froze in her tracks at the sight of her sibling writhing in the bed. She turned back to Trevor with new understanding.

"Was it a nightmare?" She asked.

"I think so, he was screaming and thrashing like nothing I've ever seen."

The vixen fell on the bed next to her brother and scooped him up into her arms. She held him to her breast and stroked his head. They rocked together as his sobs echoed through the hallway where Trevor had gone to escape the uncomfortable situation. He paced nervously, not able to comprehend what would transform his lover into such a wreck.

Jenny quietly waited as her brother's shaking subsided and he pulled away gently.

"I guess I fucked that up." He said between tears.

Jenny hugged him again and shook her head.

"No Kendal, he doesn't know does he?"

The fox dropped his head and said nothing.

"Oh Kendal, no wonder he's so upset. You really scared him."

The two foxes exchanged glances and then Kendal rose to search for his friend.

The wolf was crouched at the head of the stairs. He heard the door open and saw the young kit padding towards him. They embraced and Kendal put a hand near the swelling blow he gave his companion.

"I'm so sorry Trev, I've never struck anyone before. Geeze, I don't know my own strength."

The wolf shied away and composed himself.

"I'm fine, but what were you dreaming about? Why were you so upset?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Kendal said, shaking his head.

Trevor wanted to press his friend, but Jenny was approaching them.

"You two ok now?" she asked.

They both nodded and Kendal ushered her to join them in an embrace. The three k-nines held each other in their intimacy. The pack resumed its strength and the three friends shock off the fright. Though Trevor remained curious about what set off his friend's reaction, he thought better of pushing the issue. Jenny suggested they go out for breakfast together before she headed off to class. The three dressed and headed to the car. No one spoke about the episode for the rest of that week.

It was the start of a very short summer before Kendal and Trevor entered their senior year of high school. Kendal was had started summer sport's camp and Trevor wanted to find part time work until the fall. Jenny was working overtime that summer to finish her requirements to start at the state school. Community college was her excuse for delaying college because after graduating from high school, her parents had said if she wanted to stay in their house she had to go to school. Since Jenny hadn't applied to college, because she didn't know what she wanted to study, she had started on her general requirements as a form of procrastination. Now she was ready to move out and start college. If she got the scholarship she had applied for in Herbal Medicine, it meant she could afford her own apartment. This meant Kendal and Trevor would have a place outside of their parental gazes to see each other. Neither teen was out to his family about the other so they had planned to get part time jobs and share the rent with Jenny. They had yet to work the whole thing out, but that summer would be a major turning point in all of their young lives.

Jenny slipped into her seat at the front of the class and watched the other summer student filing in. Her smile dropped when Jack entered the room. The young stallion spotted her and tromped over to take the desk next to hers.

"Hey pumpkin, long time no see."

He tried to slip an arm around her but she shifted away from him and scowled.

"I'm not sure I'm ok with this much casual intimacy Jack, I hardly even know you."

The horse drew back with an awkward smile and shrugged.

"Hey, I'm not trying to hit on you or anything, well, maybe I am, but hey, the chill's making me a little uncomfortable. I'll be right over here if you need me."

He turned in his desk to face a few of his male friends who had been listening in with looks of general amusement. They all laughed off her rejection together and began discussing the club and what music he would be playing that night. Jack was the DJ, a good one in that part of town; very popular with the slightly older crowd he hung out with. His older brother, Gareth, ran the club and hooked up all the younger guys looking for work in the area. Jenny knew Gareth in a totally different light. He was a tough gray stud with little patience and a lot of ruthless business ethics. He was also one of her brother's rapists. Jack knew nothing of this, and Jenny knew that, but the thought of even being touched by the sibling of her own sibling's attacker made her sick to her stomach. She knew Kendal was only vaguely aware of Jack's connection to Gareth and tried to keep it on the dl. She got out her text book and tried to ignore the not so subtle cat calls coming from the right side of the class room.

Trevor drove Kendal to practice. The fox grabbed his big bag of lacrosse gear out of the trunk and started to walk away, then he turned and came back to the car. Climbing halfway into the passenger seat window, he leaned in and kissed Trevor right there in the parking lot. The wolf stiffened up with embarrassment as other jocks walking by began hissing, but Kendal pulled away with a smile and called back at them.

"You fucking virgins don't know shit. Any one who's got a problem can come find me on the field."

He swiped a guy over the head with his stick and strutted off towards the locker rooms. Trevor recovered from the unexpected "outing" that had just occurred and drove off to avoid any more jeering. The wolf could barley contain his excitement as it all began to sink in. Kendal had just outed them to the entire lacrosse team, hell, the whole school would know by the end of the week. On the one hand it meant Kendal really loved him and didn't care about being queer. On the other hand, now the school would be all over them. He could feel the bashing and harassment encircling him for the next year. What a year it would be. Now, if only he could come out to his own family.

First he had to convince them that it would be ok to move away in the Fall. He would need to get a job first and that meant pulling together a resume. As the young wolf headed home he thought about what his father would say when he found out. He decided to break the news to his mother first, she always understood him better any way.

"You're what?" Trevor's mom stood in the living room with her eye's raised in surprise.

"Mom, I said I'm going to work this summer."

"I heard you Trevor, but what about visiting our extended family? What about your grandparents? And what happened to your eye? Did someone hit you?"

"No mom, Kendal and I were wrestling. It was an accident."

"Oh, maybe I should look at it. Wait, what about your family? You know they'll want to have you out there for at least a month. You and your cousins always go together."

"Mom, I'm going to be 19 soon and a senior. I need to start working so I can build a resume and eventually move out of the house and support myself financially."

"Trevor, you're father and I have always said we would pay for your education. You don't have to worry about that."

"Yeah mom, but I was to pay for my living expenses so I don't have to live here."

The argument was halted by the sound of Trevor's father coming down the stairs.

"Did I hear something about not having to live here?"

The towering male wolf entered the living room with a smile. Jeffrey was a handsome older male with gray black fur and strong silver markings around his temple. He looked at his son with a smirk of curiosity.

"Well Trevor, what are you arguing about... your eye!"

His mother cut in and explained the black swelling. Then she looked back at her son for more explanation.

Trevor took a deep breath and began to explain his plan.

"Dad, I want to work this summer and save up enough money to rent an apartment when I'm ready to move out."

Jeffrey smiled and nodded in approval.

"Well Dian, the boy is finally growing up. I support his plan 100%."

Trevor's jaw dropped. Dian's scowl was enough to show her disapproval, but the middle aged female was wise, she knew her husband only too well and said nothing.

The blond wolf ran to his room in total euphoria. He booted up his computer and began searching the want adds online. Sure enough, after sifting through the many fast food and grocery store minimum wage, non-living wage offers, he found three very tantalizing offers. The first was summer part time at a local green house. Trevor actually knew the family that ran the business and thought it might be an easy hire. Then he circled the down town club. They were looking for a part time clean up crew. That might be fun. Jenny used to date a guy on the clean up crew who always got her in free and knew all the DJ's. The idea of getting to see free shows and get Kendal in free was very tempting. The last add featured an opening in the near by movie theater. Free movies and a low level of actual work for the summer were alluring. He picked up the phone and started calling. An hour later, Trevor had a list of interview times and an inflated ego. The handsome wolf took a few minutes to let the excitement sink in and then headed down stairs to inform his family of his newly discovered employment opportunities.

The interview at the movie theater was to happen shortly before he had to be at the high school to pick up Kendal. Trevor entered the air-conditioned lobby of the building and headed to the ticket counter to ask for "Leonard". The young Tigress selling tickets pointed him towards the office with a smile. He knocked on the door loudly and a gruff "come in" followed shortly their after. Sitting behind a desk covered in papers was a large aged lion. His nearly gray mane was pulled back into a ratted pony tail behind his ears. Leonard looked at the wolf cub standing before him and pulled off his thick glasses with a sigh.

"Well son, do you have any experience with customer assistance or cash registers?"

Trevor shrugged, "Nope, but I like movies."

"Yes," said the lion, "that's what they all say. Well, you'd start on minimum salary until you were properly trained, then after your ninety day trial period we'll reevaluate you and see about upping your wage. Oh, and I hope you didn't get that black eye from fighting."

"No sir."

The rest of the interview went smoothly and the lion ended the meeting saying he would have an answer at the end of the week. Trevor thanked him and headed back into the heat to his car to go pick up Kendal. In all the excitement, Trevor had completely forgotten the coming out episode with his lover. He pulled up to the gym with the windows down blaring Rancid just for Kendal. The fox triumphantly approached the vehicle with most of his gear in hand. His stick however, was split in two. He threw his stuff in through the back window and opened the front door to get in.

There was no kiss this time, but Kendal had that mischievous smile on his face that made him so good looking. The bad ass trouble maker was what had originally attracted the handsome blond wolf to the dynamic young fox sitting next to him.

"That stick took quite a beating today."

The kit burst out laughing and the two fell apart in hysterics.

"Yeah, you should have seen the guy who got the other end of it."

The image of Kendal beating the shit out of a guy hassling him about being queer was enough to give the wolf a hard on. He felt the stiffness growing down the inside of his leg as he drove. They headed over to the CC to pick up Jenny. Realizing that they were still a little early the two parked and enjoyed a short make out session in the back of the parking lot. The fox pulled off his sweaty shirt and shook his hair down out of its pony tail. The long black hair tipped with recently dyed fire engine red framed his strong jaw and pointed muzzle. The kit lay down on a grassy area along the edge of the asphalt and motioned to the wolf. Trevor came and sat next to his lover, throwing an arm around the fox and laying back with him to gaze at the clouds passing by over head. Kendal moved to kiss his friend and felt the tension descend over them.

The fox suddenly shifted away from Trevor and sat up, crossing his legs and looking towards the school building. Students were beginning to filter out through the front door and towards them walked Jenny, along with a dapple gray horse. The boys knew it was Jack and Trevor prepared to play the frustrated, over protective boyfriend, but Kendal held him back and in a sudden movement, pulled the surprised wolf into him and planted a deep kiss hard on his light muzzle. Then he waved at his sister and walked to the car. Jack's reaction was one of shock and confusion, followed by pleasure in realizing that perhaps this signaled a new availability of the vixen next to him. He turned to her for explanation but she hurried over to the car and got in, motioning at Trevor to get going. Before the eager stallion could reach them, Trevor had slammed his foot on the gas and the car spun out of the parking space, almost side swiping the horse.

"Kendal, what the hell was that all about?"

Jenny slapped the back of her brother's head in anger and then sat back in her seat with arms folded.

"What? You can handle that stupid equine package without using Trevor. Besides, Trevor and I are the ones dating, find your own boyfriend to do your defending."

The vixen scowled and said nothing. Trevor sunk lower in his seat as he drove. Kendal laughed and the slipped a hand down between the wolf's thighs, eagerly rubbing at his throbbing package.

"Yeah, you're mine cowboy."

A few minutes later Trevor had dropped his two friends off at their house. As Kendal was gathering up his gear from the back seat he looked at his lover in confusion when he didn't get out to follow the two foxes into the house.

"You coming in?" asked the kit.

"No, I have a job interview soon and I need to get ready. I'll call you when I get home later tonight."

Before the fox could answer, Trevor backed out of the driveway. He didn't want to explain any more to his friend right now. Something was bothering him about the way Kendal had treated Jenny. He didn't mind helping her keep Jack off her back, but he didn't want to piss off Kendal either. Still, he should have said something in her defense. There was nothing he could do now for her so he put the thought from his head and concentrated on what he was going to say at his next interview.

The club was dark, closed on Mondays to recover from weekend parties. Trevor walked to the back as he had been instructed over the phone. There was a light shining from under the office door and he knocked. A rough voice hailed he enter and so, opening the heavy door, the wolf stepped into the bright light. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, but when his nose got a whiff of the air, he knew, even through the thick cigarette smoke, that there were two beings sitting before him. One was a horse, gray with a black mane and tail. It had recently had the tips bleached. This, Trevor knew, was Gareth, the owner. He had his hoofs thrown up on a large wooden desk and he peered at the handsome young blond through a ring of smoke that blew from his nostrils. Standing on his right was a large black draft horse. His long thick mane was braided back out of his eyes, cascading down his shoulders where the wolf could make out some impressive scars. The drafty pawed at the floor and shook his head in acknowledgment. Trevor brushed a paw through his own thick mane and waited for someone else to speak.

"You're Trevor?" Asked Gareth.

"Yes sir."

"Sir? This is a bar, not a military barracks. Relax kid; we're not used to such formalities."

The gray stallion moved his feet off the desk and sat up. Motioning to the other horse who nodded and took his leave.

Trevor felt the breeze pass between them as the large animal passed by, almost brushing his shoulder as he slipped through the door into darkness.

"Kale's a nice guy, my manager actually. Well, he manages security. I do my own book keeping. But that's not why you're here is it? I'm not advertising for a book keeper or security am I?"

"No si... no." Trevor shifted uncomfortably at his own words.

"What I do need is a smart young man to look after the floor and my customers. You think you can do that?"

"Yeah, I love this club, my friend's brought me here before and I..."

"Well, I'm glad you're familiar with things. It makes the job easier."

Gareth rose from his chair and came around the desk. He was a full foot taller than Trevor, who was not short. The horse had to be seven feet tall. He put a hand on the wolf's shoulder and looked down at him.

"Can I trust you kid?"

Trevor nodded without hesitation.

"You've got a nice shiner their, did the bastard get his?"

Trevor didn't want to explain the truth at that moment.

"Yes, I think I took a few of his teeth."

"Well, that's what he deserved. You'll start tomorrow. Be here at seven to help with set up. We'll talk salary and hours after I see what you can do. You'll report to Rachel, she'll show you the ropes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some phone calls to make. Thanks for coming down Trevor, I think you're going to like it here."

Before Trevor could reply, the horse had ushered him out the door and into the dimly lit hallway. The wolf could hardly contain himself. To be working in such a cool place, not even out of high school! He practically skipped down the corridor towards the main room. As he headed towards the exit he felt eyes watching him. From across the room he could make out the shadowy form of the black horse. Something in his hand caught the light and Trevor saw the blade of steel for just an instant before it was lost in the folds of the stallion's jacket. The wolf felt his hackles start to rise and he hurried outside to avoid any unwanted confrontation.

At home the young pup could hardly contain himself as he dialed up Kendal's number.

"Hello?" It was Jenny's voice.

"Hi Jenny, it's Trevor, look I'm sorry about earlier but..."

"Oh Trevor, I'll get Kendal for you."

"No wait Jenny, I..."


"Hey there Trev, what's the plan for tonight?"

Trevor sighed heavily. "Oh, I just got a job at the club down town."

"Really?" The fox's voice trailed off for a moment. "That sounds cool."

"Yeah, and it means I can get you in free if you want to come; Jenny too if she'll ever talk to me again."

"Great, let's all go out tomorrow. I know Jenny doesn't have school on Wednesday and I can skip a day of practice. How does that sound?"

"Umm, I work tomorrow, but I'd sure like to have you guys there on my first shift. Why not?"

The two friends planned the day and then said good night. As Trevor hung up the phone he wondered if Jenny would come. Then he heard his mother calling for down stairs.


"Coming mom!"

The wolf rushed down the stairs to find his mother standing with her arms folded.

"You're working at a club Trevor?"

"Yeah, I got hired today on the spot. I start tomorrow."

The female shook her head and walked away. Over her shoulder she called.

"I'm sure your father will love this."

The wolf brushed it off lightly. After all, his father had indorsed him in finding a job; there were no limitations on what he chose to do in the agreement. In his room again, Trevor pulled a box out from under his bed. The wrapping paper was still around the box. It had been a gift from Jenny. The card read:

Keep your tail out of trouble.

He slipped the lid off and peered inside. There were a few furfag magazines with naked, over muscular animals bench pressing or a pair sucking each other off. He flipped through them briefly with little interest. Then, reaching back in, he pulled out a red velvet bag. The toy inside was his first butt plug. Kendal had picked it out with Jenny for him. The silicone plug was four balls stacked on one another starting at the tip small; maybe a half inch and growing progressively into a large two inch diameter end that he had yet to conquer. The toy was meant to stretch him so that receiving Kendal would be easier. Its pattern of spiraled red and black stripes made it look like a whimsical object out of a Dr. Sues book. Trevor then brought out the final part of the gift; a container of lube. He checked to make sure he had locked his door and then set the box on the bed. He went to his computer and pulled up

Browsing through recent stories he came across a group of keywords that seemed interesting. Then, he prepared the toy. In the bathroom he ran it under hot water until it felt nice and warm to the touch. The blond animal then dropped his pants and poured some lube on his paw. Reaching behind him he lifted up his tail and rubbed a generous portion of the slick liquid around his tail hole. The rest went on the toy to ensure an easy slide in. Trevor took a deep breath and tried to relax as much as possible. The first ball popped in with no problem. Bracing for the next size up, the wolf bent forward a little and slowly let out his breath. Two balls in. The third hurt a little so he stopped there and returned to his computer. Hunching down in front of the screen, Trevor began reading the story and gently petting his sheath. Images of a jock fox being gang banged in the locker room soon had the cub pawing off as the toy pressed against his p spot. He eased back on the bed and continued pleasuring himself with increasing speed. Suddenly he wanted to feel the entire toy in him. He reached around with his free hand and pushed rather roughly on the plug until he felt the final ball pushing into his ass. Trevor buried his head in a pillow to stifle his yelp of pain. The added pressure against his prostate pushed him over the edge and he felt the organism building between his legs. A moment later cum sprayed out of his shaft onto the sheets. The wolf fell forward onto his paws gasping. The pain under his tail had all but disappeared as the new sensation of ultimate satisfaction filled him with endorphins. He pulled himself up off the bed and headed to the bathroom to remove the toy.

Jenny sat in her room reading a recent post on tartaric sex when there was a knock at her door. Kendal poked his head in, tail wagging.

"Hey sis, I wanted to ask you a question."

The vixen was still cross about what had happened earlier that day, but she waved him in and closed the window she had been reading from. Her younger brother sat down on the floor in front of her and gazed up into her green eyes.

"Jenny, I was an ass hole earlier today and I'm sorry. I guess I'm still shook up about having that dream again. Then seeing Jack really pushed me over the edge. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know Trevor is feeling bad about it too. You know he really cares a lot about you, so do I."

The female slid off the bed to join her brother. She put and arm around him and smiled.

"Hey, it's ok to be upset, but try to remember other people's feelings too. I can't change what happened to you at the club, but I can be here to listen and hold you when you need me."

She then embraced him. Kendal buried his muzzle into his sister's neck, taking a deep breath of her smell. Her fur smelled of cloves and patchouli. She had been burning incense heavily for the past few days. Then he suddenly realized why. As he pulled away another scent filled his nose. Jenny was in heat. The smell flipped an instinctual switch in the male fox and he found himself trying very hard to stifle an erection. Jenny had began to move back to the bed, but Kendal caught her arm and pulled her back down into him. He moved over her and before either of them knew what was happening he kissed her. The vixen's first instinct was to pull away, but her body wanted the male laying over her. She pushed her inhibition aside and let her brother fall on her in a passionate embrace.

Jenny felt his hard penis pushing against her stomach. She slid up further under him until the hard mass was between her legs. They began dry humping one another, clawing and nipping at each other's necks. Kendal was crazed with the suddenness of their sexual encounter and urged the female to lift up her skirt. She willingly relented to his undressing and they fell on the bed together. Jenny was pushed to her stomach, her legs spread, inviting the male to take her. Kendal gave his growing shaft a few pumps before lowering himself onto his sister. She was so wet already, he slipped in without hesitation and began fucking the vixen. Jenny yiffed with her brother in unison. The two siblings locked together in such passion forgot themselves for hours. Cumming together again and again, they forgot everything accept their deep love for one another. It was only after they collapsed, spent by their sex, that the two realized what they had just done. Kendal grabbed his sister and held her tightly as she began to cry.

"No Jenny, don't feel shame in what we've done. I've wanted you since I watched Trevor take you. We're adults now Jenny, consenting adults!"

The vixen tried to control her tears, but continued her sobbing between words.

"Kendal... I'm not... I'm not ashamed of what we did. I just... I just don't want you to think I've taken advantage of your vulnerability."

"Vulnerability? Jenny, I'm fine. I know how to say no. Are you sure that's what's really bothering you?"

The vixen nodded at her brother and sniffled.

"I've wanted you to take me. Well, I wanted you and Trevor to take me at the same time. I've been playing with my but plug and hoping that when we all got together again, you both might want to take me."

The kit hugged his sister excitedly.

"That would be so cool! I'm sure Trevor would love it. Hey, that reminds me. I wanted to ask you about what you're doing tomorrow night."