Special Delivery

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#7 of Drag'n'Drop side stories

This is a story I wrote as a present for Narvi for their birth month coming up.

A dragoness in the depths of her heat orders a delivery of heat suppressors, but likes what she sees.

A big thank-you to Ver123 for editing this one, even though it wasn't exactly their cup of tea

"Yo Jeenik!" called one of the logistics officers to the green dragon. "Got $50 for a H.S special?" he added while holding a brown package in one hand.

Jeenik turned to face the small human, his green scales shining under the afternoon sun as he prowled across the roof of the Drag'n'Drop logistics facility. "$50? We had agreed on $20, David," his snarling head lowering down to peer into the human's eyes.

David shrugged, "well, what can I say. Inflation," he said simply.

Jeenik snorted, "inflation, more like full of hot air. Let's not adjust the arrangements of our little deal, human," he spat, the small man holding his gaze for longer than either expected before looking at the other dragons taking off and landing on the rooftop of the enormous warehouse. Rows and rows of trap doors opened and closed with colored lights flashing while lifting packages up only for a dragon wearing a company harness to swoop down and collect the cargo and soar off into the city.

"Oh don't be like that you overgrown lizard, you would pay $100 if you knew what I knew," he said smugly, "I talked to management to have first-time addresses flagged, so we can 'give them the white glove treatment' if ya get me," he said and waved the package in front of the large green dragon. "And this little morsel is a brand new account, no other deliveries to that address, ordering chocolates and heat suppressors for the very first time. Doesn't say her age but, ya know," he added and gave the green dragon a wink.

Jeenik tried to keep a straight face and pretend he wasn't interested, "$30, because I like you," he said flatly.

"$50, and you tell me how it went," David countered, holding his ground despite the sharp fangs being revealed just inches away from his face.

"$40, and I'll try to get pictures, final offer," Jeenik's tail flicked from side to side in excitement.

David shrugged and peered at the label, "$55, or I'll go find another drake who wants to be the first to deliver their big package to... Naarvi, cute name. I bet she is sweet."

Jeenik growled and sat back on his haunches before pulling out a collection of notes from a pocket in the harness he wore. While almost all dragons carried a tablet strapped to their wrist to pay for goods, cash, while clumsy, was still king in deals that were off the record.

"Got change for $60?" Jeenik asked as he separated three twenty dollar bills, only for them to be plucked out of his claws and a box thrust back in return.

"Nope!" David said simply and stuffed the cash into a pocket, returning back to his station without a further word.

Jeenik hissed softly in frustration and felt the tablet on his front leg vibrate, the earpiece strapped to his horn began to give instructions on how to fly the most optimal route to deliver the package he now clutched. He glared at the human who was now assigning further deliveries to other delivery dragons before the green drake crouched and leapt into the air, banking south and beating his wings in the wrong direction despite the earpiece berating him for not taking the designed route.

Flying across the city, Jeenik beat his wings quickly as he made a beeline to an old abandoned building on the southern outskirts, the old derelict building looked to be condemned. Its windows had long been smashed out and an old burnt out car had been placed on top of the structure, likely a prank by a group of fledgling dragons. As he touched down on the roof he approached an old strategically placed husk of an air-conditioning unit and carefully lifted its metal enclosure off the ground and placed it gently to one side.

A smile crept on his snout as he admired his stash, stacked on top of one another were boxes of heat suppressors, nearly stacked into two piles, in date and expired. Next to them a roll of packing tape marked with a repeating pattern of the Drag'n'Drop logo for resealing the package.

With a swift slice of his claw he opened the box destined for the young dragoness and removed the in date heat suppressors and stacked them on top of one pile. Like a sommelier looking for a particular wine, his digits danced along the other pile of expired pills and selected the lucky package.

With the faulty medication back in the box, he took note of the brand of chocolate and sealed the box again with fresh tape. Unless examined carefully, no one would be the wiser that he had tampered with the goods as this was far from his first time performing the switch.

With his stash now re-hidden by the fake air conditioner unit he took to the sky and picked up the pace to make up for lost time.

He slid his jaw from side to side as he looked for a safe place to land, the joint cracking as he did so. Despite countless expensive surgeries, his jaw was still not perfect after his encounter with a feisty orange dragoness, he chuckled to himself as he remembered that every surgery had been covered by the taxpayers due to it being a 'workplace accident'.

Spotting an available landing zone he clipped his wings and made his descent to the busy street. Flaring his yellow wings at the last minute he slowed down and landed with a trot, the package tucked safely under a harness strap.

Checking the tablet on his wrist he confirmed the address and approached the apartment building which held the fertile 'ness. A smile pulled at his snout as he prepared his very rehearsed charming demeanor.

With a small bounce in his step, he approached the door and used a talon to ring the doorbell. Sitting proudly, he made sure his best angles were presented to the peephole in the door. As he heard the telltale clicks of claws on tiles, he made sure to stretch his wings as wide as he could and flex his muscles for the lucky 'ness who would undoubtedly look through the peephole.

"Um, sorry. Can you just leave it there?" The flustered female voice asked from behind the door.

"Sorry, ma'am, it requires a signature," he said politely. "I can take it to a post office if you want to go out and collect it." He added, knowing the answer. He tried to resist smirking as he heard the sound of a lock being turned and the door opening.

The thick, heavy scent of a dragoness in heat washed out of the apartment and eroded his self-control. The yellow dragoness looked flustered as her eyes flicked over his green body, her imagination already racing at what this strong drake could do to ease her state.

Blinking, he tried to appear friendly as a smile revealed his sharp white teeth. "I have a very special package for a very special 'ness. Are you Naarvi, the very special 'ness?" He said smoothly and made a point to slowly draw the package out from his harness strap, making sure she saw his toned chest and powerful paws.

The yellow dragoness' cheeks became a slight orange hue as she stumbled over her words. "I-yes, sorry- what?"

Jeenik's chuckle sounded like boulders colliding as he adjusted his wings at his sides. "I was just asking if you are the beautiful 'ness who wanted a package?" He asked and nodded to the box in his paw.

Naarvi flushed and smiled weakly, "sorry, yes. It's just, my heat, it's a bit bad this time."

"Nothing bad about a heat, ma'am. It's perfectly natural. Your body is doing amazing things," he said warmly and sat back on his haunches, making sure his front paws didn't obscure her view of his slit. The spicy aroma of her fertility and desperate arousal caused the otherwise indistinguishable slit to bulge, threatening to spill out his breeding length. Sitting proudly, he became busy with the tablet, tapping away at it with his claw for longer than he needed to. "Sorry, these things are hopeless," he muttered.

Naarvi's heart raced at the close proximity of the green dragon, his masculine scent making her dripping snatch become flushed and even more puffy. Every instinct in her body demanded she present her hindquarters to this virile drake and have him hammer a clutch of eggs into her body.

"Got much on for the day?" He asked politely while opening and closing the app, buying time for her body to make the decision for him.

Naarvi's eyes darted from his groin back up to his face. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Jeenik smiled, "it's okay, I was just wondering what a lovely 'ness like you is going to do today."

"Oh, nothing, I just moved here and don't know any good spots. Then my damn heat started."

Jeenik paused his tapping and looked at her. "Hey, don't be ashamed of it. I think it's pretty amazing, your body is just saying it's ready for an egg. Hey, if you are new around here. How about I stop by after work and show you what's good?" He offered and presented the package alongside his tablet.

Naarvi looked into his eyes and swooned, his muscular frame radiating a sense of maturity and sincerity that made her instincts roar at her to take him up on the offer.

He could see her mind processing his words and smiled before adding, "if you don't want to go out, I get that. I just don't want you to be feeling lonely in this big city."

"That's tempting, What time do you finish?" She asked, thinking of how long it would take for the heat suppressors to kick in. While they would do nothing about her scent, they would at least reduce her desperate libido and protect her from any unwanted eggs.

Jeenik smiled, dipping his head down and lowering his voice to a deep alluring timbre, "I'll get off at 4." He could smell her arousal increasing the longer he stayed close to her. He knew that the contents of the box would do nothing to stifle her need, the brown box having been held close against his chest now carried his scent which he knew she would now take into her apartment as a reminder. "Here is your... package." He said with a smile and passed her the box.

"Th-thank you," murmured the yellow dragoness as she took the package. His scent warmed her chest as she gave a bashful smile to the handsome drake. "Come by after work, I could use the company."

Jeenik gave a playful wink, "I can't wait." He said and waited for her to walk back into her apartment and close the door. Locking the tablet, he smiled, imagining her on the other side sniffing the package before opening it.

Turning, he made sure to wait on the pavement at an angle that showed his strong body to the peephole, just in case she was still watching before slowly mantling his large wings and launching himself into the sky.

The memory of her spicy fertile scent continued to drift through his mind throughout the day, making his slit tight at the thought of returning back. With a smirk he welcomed the idea, the more pent up he was the more seed he would pump into the yellow dragoness if he played his cards right.

The end of his shift couldn't come soon enough and when he finally touched down on the warehouse roof he quickly clocked out and returned his harness. With a playful smile in his step, he stepped off the roof and stretched out his wings in the afternoon air, not wanting to exert himself too much before his big night. He flew across the city with only a few lazy beats of his wings. His mind wandered to how he could convince the yellow dragon to let him under her tail. If everything had gone to plan, she would be a flustered needy 'ness, hot and fresh like a pizza for when he arrived.

Flying over the large park that was nestled between the buildings he swooped down and came to a trot near a bush of flowers. Ignoring the warning sign he quickly plucked a collection of yellow flowers he and just as quickly he took to the skies again. While he was not a romantic type, 'bitches love flowers' he thought to himself with a smirk.

Naarvi's mind was deep in lewd thoughts when her doorbell rang out through her apartment. Wiping her dripping snatch with a cloth that she hastily stuffed under a couch cushion she got to her feet and trotted over to the door. Turning her head so she could look through the peephole, she smiled and unlocked the door. The green drake standing handsomely with a bouquet of flowers in paw.

"You came!" Naarvi exclaimed as she flung open the door.

Jeenik smirked as he stopped himself from saying 'oh i will'. "Of course, and I thought I should bring some flowers for such a beautiful 'ness." He saw her expression soften and mused that this would be even easier than he thought. "May I come inside?" He asked, making sure to stand so she had an optimal view of his fit body.

"Of course you can come inside!" She giggled and turned to let him in. His eyes glued to her lithe body as he followed her, closing the door with a flick of his tail.

"How are you feeling?" He said, the thick scent of a needy fertile dragoness hanging in the air like a warm blanket. Looking around he could see she had shut all the windows and blinds, turning the room into an oven of arousal.

"Oh, this one is bad. Those heat suppressors didn't do much to stop me being so wound up. Sorry about the smell-"

"Don't apologize!" He interrupted. "There is nothing to apologize, heat or not, you are a very beautiful 'ness." He said warmly. "My ex used to say that she would sometimes go on a 'super heat' which the suppressors only stopped her from having an egg, but still stayed horny."

"Oh my, that feels like this!" She replied with a friendly smile, leading him to the couch. "It's horrible. I wish it could stop." She added, her body begging for her to lift her tail as he stepped onto the couch and sprawled out.

Jeenik's eyes traveled down the dragoness' body, this surely wasn't her first heat, but it was almost as easy as if it was. "There was one thing she would do to make the heat stop." He mused while looking around the room, trying to appear somewhat aloof. Meanwhile his slit was as tight as a drum as his shaft begged to be unleashed, his heart racing as he focused on not just pinning the smaller dragoness down and rutting her senseless.

Looking sideways she admired his body laying on the couch, "oh? What did she find helped?" She had a strong hunch about what he was suggesting and her body became flushed with excitement as his eyes flicked to hers.

Holding her gaze he winked, sliding a hind leg back suggestively. "Science made those suppressors stop an egg, but it's nature that wants you to mate. We found that there was only one way to solve this problem."

Naarvi's heart raced, smiling as she padded closer to him. "It's silly, I don't want eggs, but I've always fantasized about getting pregnant. Is that weird?"

Jeenik's eyes widened, this was too easy. Many of the 'nesses he had tricked often wanted assurances that he would pull out, or need reminding heavily that the medication would stop an unwanted pregnancy, yet this yellow 'ness was basically asking for him to knock her up.

"It's not weird at all, it's natural." He mused, he could feel the tip of his shaft starting to emerge from his tight slit. "Your body wants to be bred, and those meds will stop you from getting an egg." He lied, he saw her heat addled mind processing her options. He leaned forwards and nuzzled her cheek as he saw her eyes dart to his shaft. "We could pretend, a little roleplay if you will." He whispered and heard her gasp in excitement. "I can be the big strong drake, it won't be real, if you are keen, I could pretend to breed you." He promised in a low whisper. He smiled as her breath hitched, the scent of her arousal increasing and he saw her tail flick in excitement and continued. "Would you like that? Naarvi, would you like me to fuck you senseless and fill you with my seed?"

She glanced at the clock on the wall, counting back how many hours ago she had taken the heat suppressors and concluded she should be well in the safe window. Her smile gave away her answer before her words did, Her voice was nothing more than a whisper, "yes." As her wildest fantasy was about to become realized.

"I won't be gentle." He said firmly while pressing his snout against her cheek and tracing nibbles along her jawline, smiling to himself as he felt her shiver.

"Don't be." She gasped, her eyes flicking to his and saw the determination in his eyes. The hormones running through her mind dictating that she did not need a soft drake that would care for her, but an alpha who was worthy of her clutch.

"Oh? You want it rough do you?" Jeenik asked with a sly smile, revealing his perfectly remodeled teeth.

Naarvi nodded, "I've always dreamt of a big strong drake, and now-now I need this." She gasped, her slit flushed with desire as she pressed her snout against his cheek. His warmth, his firm body and musk all eroded her self control.

Rolling onto his side, he revealed his slit to her gaze, his tapered pinky-purple length emerging from its confines to her delight. "You like what you see?" He teased and gave a small hump of his hips to encourage the rest of his length to engorge.

Her eyes widened, not just at its length but the hundreds of fleshy barbs that faced backwards, their function needing no explanation as she imagined how good it would feel for them to rake her tunnel. Her jaw opened slightly as she saw the telltale bulge at his base of a knot, her stomach becoming giddy with excitement at being railed by such a breeder cock. She flinched as she felt a forepaw reach to where her neck met her shoulders, his firm grip guiding her closer, "go on. Show me how much you need this." He growled.

Her breathing was rapid as she lowered her yellow muzzle down to his groin, his scent becoming stronger and more alluring the closer she went to his twitching length. While no stranger to a drake's body, she couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by his length. As her lips came in contact with his sensitive tip, a low growl escaped his lips. The warm salty taste of his hard cock caused her to press further down his shaft, her wet maw and tongue a delightful appetizer for the main course which would be her fertile womb.

"That's it, get me ready to breed you, good and proper." He moaned and gasped as his words encouraged her to take his length further into her mouth. Her slick tongue extended to lick and stroke his hefty shaft, slathering his member in her saliva and tracing gently behind his knot as he gave an involuntary thrust into her mouth. His tip striking the back of her maw with enough force to make her cough, only for his paws to press on the back of her head and drive her further down until his knot made contact with her snout, his length now delving into her throat.

"Goooood girl." He groaned, and used his paws to rock her head from side to side, enjoying the different textures of her mouth rubbing against his sensitive length. Her eyes watered as his shaft throbbed, a jet of slick precum shooting down her throat as he controlled her head. "Suck me good and I'll breed you like the hen you are." He added and groaned as she began to bob her head up and down while her agile tongue flicked across his length and massaged his knot. "Gods, you are good at this. Fuck, so fucking good." He groaned, his paws leaving her head and tracing back down her body, pulling her closer to the couch and guiding her to step up over him.

Rolling further onto his back she continued to moan on his cock while bobbing up and down, the vibrations from her throat building his pleasure quickly. Guiding her hips above him he looked at the source of her heat, her normally hidden slit now engorged and swollen with her desire. Pressing a toe to either side of her puffy folds he gently spread them to reveal her red-pink interior, he smiled when her hips rolled to lift her tail and present to him just as nature intended. His hard shaft throbbed as he inhaled her rich scent, his primal response to her scent causing him to hump hard into her wet warm mouth, shoving his cock into her throat with a deep grunt.

Running a digit up down the length of her slit he pressed his toepad against the apex and smiled when her hips shuddered, "oh, I think we are ready for the main event." He groaned, rocking his hips into her mouth one last time before she drew back off him. A string of her saliva and his pre connecting his tip to her lips until it broke and landed on his belly. Gasping she turned to look over her shoulder at him, "I-I want to try something. Get up for a second." She panted and stepped off him and onto the floor.

Raising an eyeridge, Jeenik rolled off the couch, his hard length protesting in the exposed air, begging to be buried inside somewhere warm and wet. Naarvi pushed him to one side and used a paw to reach under the cushion of the couch, retrieving the arousal soaked cloth she had been using to pleasure herself before he had arrived.

Gesturing with a paw, she waved him over and sat on her haunches to offer the cloth to him. His eyes widened and a smirk pulled at his snout as he smelt what she had used the rag for, "and what do you want to do with that?" He asked and saw her smile sinisterly.

"Open wide." She said simply and brought it closer, curious, Jeenik did as instructed and moaned as the intoxicating scent overpowered his mind. The lithe yellow dragoness wrapped the damp cloth around his nostrils and tied it off next to his upper lip, allowing him to still talk, but every breath through his nose would be filled with her estrus laiden scent.

"You are a kinky thing." Jeenik teased before breathing in her scent directly, "a drake can easily lose control like this." He growled and looked down at her thin athletic body.

Naarvi's heart beat quickly at the thought, her eyes scanning over his strong chest and forepaws, imagining them around her hips, pulling her into his hard thrusts. "I'm counting on it." She whispered and yelped as he quickly lunged at her, his larger body quickly overpowering her and positioning her with ease so her front was on the couch with her hind legs on the floor.

A deep primal growl reverberated through his chest as he surged into position on her back, his strong forepaws pinning her wings to her sides as his bulk shoved her tail to the side. "Yes!" She gasped as she felt the tip of his hard shaft brush against her thighs.

Jeenik's mind was stripped down to it's most primal thoughts as he rocked his hips to find the right spot. Any idea of restraint and care was washed away by the fertile scent soaked rag that smothered his senses.

Rolling her hips, she felt his tip come in contact with her dripping wet slit before yelping in surprise as he shoved forward, hard. Her tender, sensitive walls quickly forced to conform to the shape of his breeding cock as he plowed into her folds. Her arousal created a slick friction that made his eyes roll back, a deep growl escaping his lips as he felt her hot tunnel clench and convulse on him, her body begging for the hot seed only an alpha dragon like him could produce.

Opening her mouth to speak, she found the only sound she could make was a needy whine as he dragged his thick cock back through her folds. Every barb gently scratching her walls in ways she couldn't comprehend, her slick juices clinging to his shaft and her body tensing as to beg for him not to leave before he shoved his hard cock back into her firmly. Her vagina stretched to accommodate his length as he drove deep into her core. "Yes! God yes!" She cried desperately as he drew back and slammed in harder, his length reaching deep until his tip began making contact with her fleshy cervix.

"You want this, don't you!" He growled, his voice a low, deep rumble. "You want me to fuck you and fill you with my seed, don't you my little hen." He added and saw her look longingly back at him, her mouth open in a silent plea for more.

She felt his paws adjust his grip around her folded wings as he began to hammer into her harder and harder, the feeling of being restrained and desired by such an alpha caused her voice to come only as gasps and wanton moans. "Fuck me, don't-don't hold back, don't pull out." She gasped, despite the pills she had taken earlier, she let herself believe he was breeding her, his virile length sawing in and out of her fertile body with ease as he pounded her again and again.

The slick sounds of his length forcing its way into her body again and again were joined with the slapping of their scaled hips coming together. His knot stretched her slit as it slipped in and out of her, every drive into her body causing it to expand further and further. She could feel her juices running down the inside of her leg as his barbs continually raked and scratched her insides, every backwards stroke causing her body to clench and quiver before he slammed in harder and harder.

Lowering his head next to hers he growled low and deep, "I'm not going to pull out, you are going to take every inch of me, every barb, even my knot." He saw her eyes widen with his promise, "I'm going to fucking fill you with my seed, I will knot you and flood you so hard you will drip when you walk." He groaned and began pumping his cock faster and faster into her body, her gasps becoming sharp whines as he focused on his pleasure, his words painting a picture of what she longed for.

Seeing her react to his words he continued, "you want that, don't you, you little hen." He gasped, and took a deliberate deep breath through his nose. "I'll knot you, fill you, and then fuck you again. Just to make sure my seed sticks."

Naarvi's eyes rolled back at the idea, her hormone filled mind begging for his words to come true. She could feel his knot becoming strained as it entered her slit, taking a moment before slipping in with a wet plop and then straining her folds as he pulled back until it slopped out, only for the process to be repeated.

"How many eggs will you have I wonder?" He groaned, finding his pleasure building quickly with such a willing female beneath him. "Because I'm going to claim them all, not an inch of you will be spared by my cum." He groaned loudly.

"Do it! Breed-breed me!" She cried loudly, lifting her head to the ceiling as she felt her climax building quickly. The combination of his firm touch, his scent, his words and his powerful drives all completed the picture in her mind that she was about to be bred properly, like countless dragonesses before her.

Jeenik felt her tunnel spasm and gasped, his imagination telling him that a climaxing 'ness had the best chances of conceiving and redoubled his efforts. His strong paws moved to her shoulders as he pulled her into his hard thrusts, his long tail finding hers and holding it firmly to the side to ensure his hips were not obscured as he thrust into her. His knot swelling firmly into a tight lobe that was becoming a struggle to enter her body, with a pull back he felt his knot slip out, only to no longer be able to get back in. Frustrated he leant further over her body and began giving her a series of hip shattering thrusts, determined to get his knot back in before he unleashed his load into her.

The new angle drove Naarvi's pleasure to new heights, her voice stolen from her as the air was driven out of her lungs with every powerful thrust. Her mind a haze with the pending feeling of his climax while his length began to throb and pulse inside her unprotected body.

"Take...it... all!" Jeenik groaned, the lack of sensation behind his knot the only thing stopping him from exploding his seed into her fertile body. Readjusting his grip on her shoulders he tried harder and harder to get his thick knot in, every hard thrust causing it to swell larger and larger.

"Please!" She groaned, her body holding off climaxing as it demanded his seed as the final piece of the puzzle. All while her velvety tunnel clenched and milked his invading length.

Reaching down with his jaws, Jeenik snapped them down on the back of her neck, the sudden shock causing her whole body to tense as he pressed firmly against her in one last attempt. He could taste the coppery tang of her blood as his sharp fangs pressed firmly in between her scales, her body shuddering in his domination before relaxing in submission, without missing a beat, his hips surgred forwards and his large knot was forced into her body. The feeling of her slick walls wrapped behind his knot controlled his body to give her a series of hard and fast thrusts, as he took the final golden strokes towards his climax.

Jeenik's eyes scrunched closed and a booming roar came from his maw as he felt her climax on his shaft, the milking ripples of her clenching tunnel the final straw. His length throbbed twice before unleashing a torrent of hot seed into her fertile depths.

Naarvi's eyes flickered open as she felt the rush of cum rush into her, his tip mashed against her cervix causing her body to have no resistance to his claim. Every pulse of his seed flooded her womb, her body matching his rhythm to draw more and more seed from his body and into her waiting womb. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever as she willingly took everything he could give her.

His hips continued to rock against her as he claimed her body, his knot sealing them together to ensure not a drop was wasted as he unloaded his pent up release. "That's it, milk me dry. I'll only fill you again, my little brood hen." He growled and saw her smile, "you really get off to this don't you?" He added with a smile.

Nodding, her breath was shallow and rapid as she continued to receive every drop of cum, her sensitive walls gently massaged by his barbs as his length twitched and throbbed inside her. The feeling of his thick knot stretching her entrance and his weight over her making her feel like a wild dragoness of old.

"Well, I'm not going to pull out. Once it goes down, I'm just going to keep fucking you." He groaned as her body clenched at the idea, "I'm going to breed you again, and again, and again." He said and licked the back of her neck possessively. His seed quickly filled her waiting womb and began seeking out her eggs, eager to bury themselves and continue his legacy.

Naarvi's heart fluttered at the idea of this large alpha taking her again and again, smiling up at the drake on top of her and then across to the kitchen counter where two boxes of heat suppressors lay. The ones Jeenik bought her, and the extras her neighbor had fetched her when she discovered he delivered her expired pills.