Lucario x Greninja

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Lucario has recently evolved but is having difficulty getting used to his new form. His fellow team member, Greninja, has a way to help.

Lucario x Greninja

Closing my eyes, I focus on my power. Shifting the flow down my arm and into my fist, I let the power build until my hand burns with strength.

Opening my eyes, I roar, "Focus Punch."

Slamming my fist into the sandbag hanging in front of me. Flying back with force, the chains creak as they tether the bag and swing it towards me.

Growling at the sharp pain in my arm, I whisper, "Close Combat."

Feeling the power surge into my limbs, I kick the bag back into the air. With a flurry of punches and kicks, I keep the bag from reaching its starting point.

Kicking it once more, sending it above the steel frame, holding it in place. Chains snaping it fly into the air before descending.

Placing my hands together, I reach for the chaotic new power inside me. Building it into my palms, shaping it, and then releasing it.

"Aura Ball!!!"

Seeing the shining blue orb fly past the bag and into the sky, I curse and dive out of the way.

With a solid boom, the bag smashes into the ground. Sitting up, I watch white sand pour out of the now-destroyed bag.

Grabbing at my arm, the soft fur covering my hand tickles the bare skin.

"Oh, you are in trouble now, Blue," A snarky voice comes from behind me.

Fliping around, I see a Greninja standing on the training yard's wall.

"You are supposed to be resting." She says as she jumps off the wall and walks over to me.

"Star, I..." She silences me by grabbing my snout.

"No excuses." She says, looking me in the eyes. "Or do you wanna make Chris worry."

Looking down, I knew better than to argue with her.

Sitting with me, Star grabs my arm and looks at the bare skin.

"Blue, it's only been a week since the gym. You need to let your arm heal."

Letting her take my arm into her hands, she forms a ball of water and slowly soothes the pain with the cold water.

"I was supposed to carry us in that fight. I was supposed to be stronger now." I say, watching her work.

Star has always been by Chris's side. She never had to prove that she belonged on this team. I joined only half a year ago, and this was our first gym battle. Then I got wiped out by a single fire punch.

"You know I don't have to be psychic to be able to tell you are thinking about your battle." Star cut into my thoughts

"Yes, a rock-type gym should have been your moment to shine, but even Chris never expected a Nosepass to have Fire Punch." placing her cool hand on my cheek. "Besides, you only evolved into a Lucario days beforehand. Even Chris knew it was too soon for you to be in battle."

"But I did evolve," I sigh. "I thought evolution made us stronger, but I don't feel stronger. That punch never would have beaten me before this."

"Yes. You are right," Star says. "You were incredible as a Riolu, but evolution brings many changes. Your skin is harder now, and your muscles can protect you from most damage."

Running her fingers down my neck and chest, it almost tickles. Stopping on my stomach, she lays her hand flat. "I could hit you as hard as I wanted, and you would probably never feel it. But..."

She slid her hand back up to the shiny spike, which was now protruding from my chest. "That is all thanks to the steel-type power now flowing through you." Placing her finger on the sharp point of the spike, "Do you know what the power of steel is weak to?"

"Fire," I say back.

"Exactly!" She pushes me back a little. "As a Riolu, you could have handled that attack, but now you are weak to it. You should have dodged."

"You think I don't know that?" I growl. " I would have if I could have. I just..."

Wrapping her long tongue around me, she helps me stand up.

"I know. You couldn't move like you wanted to." Pulling her tongue back, she smiles. " You are lucky. You only have to go through it once."

Moving past me, Star slaps my shoulder. "Let's walk."

As we walk, she tells me that she started this journey as a Froakie. She also told me that changing into Greninja was the hardest for her. Her tongue was too long and strong to fit inside her like it used to. She also explained that it made eating and sleeping hard for weeks. Pulling her tongue all the way in her mouth, she explains that it almost feels like she is choking. Then, the longer limbs made it hard for her to move, too. She was too fast, and distance was hard to handle. It took her almost a month to get used to her new body.

Suddenly, she shoots her tongue out and wraps it around my ankle. Lifting me into the air, she laughs. "Now that I can use this power how I want. I would never regret evolving."

"Har har," I mock "I get it. Can you put me down now?"

Pulling me closer to her face, her tongue slid down my leg to hold me tighter. "But I haven't said how I mastered this new body of mine," She says as she slowly runs her fingers down her thin frame.

She whispers close enough to feel her breath on my nose, "I spent time at the Day Care."

Balking at her, "The so-called Day Care? That place is little more than a brothel."

"Ya, that's true," she says as her cool fingers trace the muscles on my stomach. "And for good reason too."

Thoughts of going to a place like that with her cloud my mind. From day one, I respected her strength. I thought about it many times when I saw her fight. The precision of her form. The smoothness of her skin. The confidence in her eyes.

I feel blood start to run away from my head instead of towards it.

Shaking my head, I try to push her away. It won't work. We are not compatible.

I felt her strong tongue move down my thigh and wrap around my stomach. I know I won't be able to get away from her now.

A mischievous glint lights up in her eyes. "You are thinking about it, aren't you? My body."

Sliding her fingers down her chest to her hips. "My skin."

Kissing my nose, "My touch"

Turning me upright, her tongue snakes across my inner thigh and wraps around the base of my tail.

"Let me show you what a Day Care can do for you," she whispers as she kisses me.

Keeping my mouth shut in protest, I try to push her off, but the tip of her tongue prods my hole.

Gasping at the unfamiliar touch, she takes the opportunity to push some of her tongue past my teeth. Feeling the wiggling appendage fill my mouth, I relent. Using my own small tongue to fight the large mussel, I eventually started to enjoy the salty taste of her tongue.

Pulling her tongue back, Star slowly lowers me back to the ground.

Smiling, she lets her tongue back out, now dripping with saliva. "I knew from the moment I saw your new body you would taste good, but I didn't expect you to taste this good.

"Star," I say out of breath, "I don't think we should do this."

" Blue, my darling little Blue. I want to help you, and I want to be with you tonight." Wrapping her arms around me, I start to smell a new scent rise from her. Warm and salty like the ocean. "Trust me, it will help."

Wrapping my arms around her, I make my decision.

Letting her scent engulf me, I feel the blood start to flow again. Kissing her again, I hold her tight to me. I want this. My body wants this. Why should I say no?

Feeling her hand slide down my back, it makes its way to my hip and then around. Her strong fingers gently start to cradle my twitching balls. The new touch makes me squeeze her harder.

Hearing her hiss, she pushes me back with her other hand. Placing her hand on her chest, I smell a little blood.

"Dang." Star laughs. "Not the sharp part I wanted to be stabbed with."

Looking down, I see the very tip of my spike, now crimson with blood.

"I am so sorry," I say, releasing her from my embrace.

Pouting, she rubs the now red spot on her chest. Turning away from me, she sighs, "I think it's best if we stop here."

I knew it. I ruined it already.

Her dripping tongue then smacks my legs out from under me and wraps around my softening rod.

"We need to move on to the fun parts," she says with a sly smile over her shoulder.

"But I hurt you?" I say as her wet tongue starts to massage my tender skin.

Turning, she steps over me, and I see her own body dripping already. "Darling, I have been with a Tyranitar. You poking me only makes me more excited."

With a loud squelching sound, she digs two fingers into herself and opens herself for me to see. "All you need to do is enjoy. So stop worrying so much."

Twisting and coiling her tongue, she methodically massages my member. Feeling it getting harder and harder until it's like a balloon about to pop. She then slows down and uses a fold in her tongue to press against her walls.

The wet sound and smell make my body tense and my mouth water. I want to lick her too. I want to dig my face into her soft body, but is that something I should do?

Smerking down at me, Star says, " What? Too much for you to handle?"

Pushing the folded tongue deeper into herself, she moans. "I am only just starting, my darling Blue."

Seeing the slight bulge in her stomach breaks my willpower. Grabbing her at the knees, I pull her down. Using my snout to push her tongue out of the way, I dig my own inside of her.

Hearing her gasp, I don't relent. Her taste, smell, and juice flow across my face, igniting my nerves. Every breath and twitch she makes feels like ecstasy to me. Releasing her legs, I grab her tight ass and squeeze.

Holding her in place, I lick every surface I can reach and am rewarded as sweet and salty juice sprays down my throat. Feeling her legs shaking, she pushes off of me and sits on my stomach.

"Dame Blue," she says well trying to catch her breath. "I was not expecting that. I wasn't even able to focus on you anymore."

Realizing that the movement on my rod had stopped, I chuckled, "Sorry, your smell was just too overwhelming."

Laughing, she slides her tongue off me. "Here, I thought you would be more reserved. You sure you don't have some dark-type blood in you somewhere?"

Licking my maw, I enjoy the lingering taste of her. "I may, who knows."

Smiling down at me, "Now let me take over. Just focus on your own power."

"What do you mean? Focus on my..." My breath catches as she slides back, and my crimson rod presses against her folds.

"Focus," She whispers as she slowly slides down my shaft. The wet, tight walls embraced me.

Trying to focus on my power like I would when trying to activate a move. Star sinks down to my knot and moans. Closing my eyes, I focus even harder. Rising up, the cool air chills my flesh, but she quickly sinks down again to warm me. After repeating it several times, she grabs my chest spike for support. Feeling her power flow through me, I start to see her aura. It was perfectly calm, except it rippled like a pond with every pierce inside her.

"Ready?" She asks but doesn't wait for me to respond.

Rapidly, she starts to bounce on my hips. My shaft pierced her deeper each time. Trying to focus on her aura and mine felt impossible with the pleasure I reached each time she met my knot. Slowly, I saw that the two auras began to mix. My chaotic flow was calming to match her ripples.

I look up at her and see her face filled with bliss. Calming myself, I let my own aura start to flow into her. Feeling the mixing of aura sends my own pleasure skyrocketing.

Unable to control myself, I start to buck my hips, wanting to get even deeper into her.

Star says, between labored breaths, " Now you're getting it. Push harder!"

Reaching up to grab her hips, her tongue slaps my hands away. "Nope, this one is mine." She says, putting even more pressure on my chest.

Accepting, I push even more aura her way and press even harder with my hips. Feeling my knot slip past her walls and bury itself deep inside her, she freezes. Her walls clamp down hard on me, and her body begins to twitch. The pressure releases something primal inside of me, and I take the opportunity to grab her. Not letting her go, I start slamming my root as far as it would go.

Feeling my knot begin to swell, I hold her tight and release the power building inside me. Wave after wave of pleasure washes over me as Star leans down and kisses me. Laying there feeling the aftershocks of pleasure, I revel in every twitch her body makes on top of mine.

Soon, we each catch our breath, and Star sits up. She ran her fingers across the small lump forming on her stomach. "Ya, there has to be some dark in you. You are way too good just to be fighting type."

Laughing, I respond, "If you say so."

"Naw, it's probably the fighting type." a soft voice says off to our side.

Looking over, we see Sylveon cleaning one of her paws. "Star has dark type in her. That makes Blue...." Humming in pleasure, "More effective."

We both looked at her in shock, as she clearly enjoyed watching us for a while now. Star tries to stand up but is stopped by my knot inside of her. Both of us twitching in pleasure at the tug.

"Give it up," She says mockingly. "You two are stuck together for a while, and with the size of the knot I saw, it may be quite a while."

"Cherry, what the hell are you doing out here?" Star asks after catching her breath.

"Oh, that? Master was looking for you two." The sylveon says, "Don't worry tho, I put him back to bed."

Chuckling, we both knew what she meant. It probably wasn't herself she was still cleaning off her paws.

Looking back at me, Star asks, "So, how do you feel? Do you think this helped at all?"

Pulling her down to embrace her, I notice that I subconsciously twisted my chest to make my spike pass by her side.

Giving a toothy grin, "I don't know. We may need to do it a few more times to make sure."

Hearing Star chuckle next to me, Cherry cuts in, "Oh for Arceus's sake, get a room next time. This is the Pokemon Center. They have rooms for this!"