The Siblings cursed discovery

Story by purringdrake on SoFurry

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#2 of Cursed discovery

I do not own pokemon. This story however is MINE. Now hopefully you shall enjoy.

A pair of pichus ran through a lush forest in a game of tag. "I'm gonna getcha Sis!" Yelled the male pursuing the female ducking under a fallen log. The female glanced over her shoulder continuing her pace as she answered "Oh no your not!!" She giggled as she faced forward again and made a sharp right into some very dense brush to avoid a fallen tree. She stopped suddenly when she encountered a cluster of thorny vines. She stood and at them in awe, having never seen such a massive collection of thorny vines. Some of the vines were as big around as she was. She looked to either side and saw the vines went on until the vegetation hid them from sight.

The male ran through the leafy brush and playfully tackled his sister. He threw his hands in the air and victoriously proclaimed "I said I'd getcha!" His sister now on her belly with him sitting on her back pointed to the vines and airlessly said "Look..." with his weight impeding her ability to breathe. The male Pichu looked to the darkness beyond the vines and curiously cocked his head curiously. He gazed into the darkness for several moments before an airy wheeze caught his attention. He gasped "Uh-oh! Jenny!!" Hastily he climbed off her and rolled her onto her back. Placing his ear to her chest he tried listening for something but didn't know what it was, he'd just seen others doing this before. After a moment she gasped and he sighed in relief and began helping her sit up. Jenny gasped for a moment before glaring at the male and saying "Joey... next time, DON'T keep sitting on me!" Smacking him as she shouted that one word, and knock him onto his back.

Sitting up Joey held his cheek as it turned red under his fur and stay quiet until he mustered the will to quietly say "I'm sorry sis... I don't mean to, I just... forget, sometimes..." Jenny huffed and looked to the vines anger evident in her tense posture. Joey looked to the vines as well though instead of looking at the vines he looked past them. The two just stared in an awkward silence until Jenny eventually said "I'm going to go into there and see if there are any berries." Joey sharply looked to Jenny with concern and quickly got to his feet. Jenny didn't bother to see if Joey would follow and was already climbing over one of the larger vines. Joey frowned and walked to the vine Jenny was climbing over and looked at it for a moment. Backing up a ways he got down on all fours before charging the vine and leaping. Jenny had finally gotten a leg on top of the vine and watched as Joey just barely got high enough to get over it. Scraping his belly over the sharp thorns of the vine before directly colliding with another vine. Tears began to leak onto his face as he fell onto yet another vine, and Jenny began giggling. Jenny took her time getting over the vine and looked to Joey laying on a vine whimpering pathetically. She grinned before asking "Aren't you supposed to be my big and strong brother? Or is the crybaby that I see all you are?" Joey groaned before looking to Jenny and saying "Shut up..." He then whimpered as he rolled over off of the vine he was laying on. Now on his belly he looked deeper into the depths of the vines and groaned. It didn't really look all to different, mostly it was just at a different angle. The air was forced from Joey as Jenny landed on his back, but she quickly got off and sat down beside him in the limited thorn free area. She wore a smile as she said "That makes us even." as Joey struggled to take in necessary oxygen. Rolling onto his side he gasped sharply as it pressed against a vine and several thorns penetrated his skin.

He was already in plenty of pain with the gashes across his belly just barely avoiding his precious parts, and the puncture wounds on the top of his head. Then there's his neck along with his back, now with three sets of injuries.

Breathing in short rapid breaths he tried to lash out at his sister with a small string of electricity but missed when she nimbly dodged it. Jenny smiled now knowing Joey was fine and continued on as she happily announced "This won't be here forever~" with a singsong voice. Joey forced himself up and carefully crawled after Jenny muttering "Owwie..." after every movement.

Several minutes later the two had managed the short distance to a ledge. Jenny had nearly fallen over as it had become impossibly dark. She pouted as she tried to see something, anything. When something bumped into her from behind she shrieked and slapped it. Joey fell onto his side directly into another vine and sobbingly called out as the thorns sliced up his back and side. Jenny felt around where she heard Joey and asked "Joey?! I'm sorry! I thought you were something that would eat me!" Joey just stayed on the ground and sadly stated "I wanna go home..." Jenny frowned as she felt the blood in his fur starting to crust up and sat him up. She then carefully hugged him as she said "I'm sorry Joey. I shouldn't have been so mean. Now your all hurt and I don't remember what direction we came from..." She snuggled with him and began to silently cry knowing it was her fault they were lost and that Joey was so hurt.

Unknown to them a pair of vines crept closer to them. Large flowers capped the ends of these vines. They honed in on the intruders they detected, only recently having been awoken. They dripped a thick syrup around their around their tongue like stamen. They closed in on the two crying pichus as if capable of seeing them. Once within range the two vines got into position and LUNGED!

Jenny tried to scream as something forced her mouth open and shot down her throat, but it was already too late and the presence disabled her ability to speak. She tried to grab at it but her paws hit something sharp causing her to pull away and be more cautious, but already the flower petals were closing upon her face. She felt her strength leave her as her eyes began to get heavy. Struggling to fight what was happening she weakly pried at the petals and the last thing she'll remember is the flavor of the sappy substance that began filling her mouth.

Sherri was on her back over the sealed pit gazing up into the emptiness with half lidded eyes. Her belly was taught and swollen from the many golf ball sized seeds inside. A smile was plastered to her face as she enjoyed the afterglow of another session and fluids dribbled out of her tail hole. Her vaginal lips have been neglected over the past month but with the changes to her insides she didn't care. Though she had a feeling it may be used soon.

Her eyes she open and her lower belly throbbed and she sat up slurring "Yesh masher..." Getting to her feet with two attempts she waddled away from the closed pit and stopped near the wall. She then gazed back to the pit awaiting further instruction, not having much difficulty finding it with her vision having adapted to the lack of light. Though she suspects it might be more since she doesn't truly see anything just somehow knows where everything near her is. She avoids thinking about it since it confuses her and depletes the enjoyment of serving her master.

Suddenly a pair of unconscious pichus drop to the bottom of the pit bouncing lightly upon hitting the squishy surface. Sherri happily hobbled over to the female and began dragging her to the pit as instructed. Despite her complete lack of physical activity Sherri had grown rather strong and had no problems carrying Jenny to the pit. It had opened up as Sherri carried the limp pichu over and the vines within wriggled around in anticipation. Sherri didn't hesitate to throw the little pichu into the gaping maw of the pit. She smiled, her gaze glassy and turned as the pit closed around Jenny.

Sherri began to waddle over to Joey, her swollen belly swaying as she made her way over. When She reached him she rolled him onto his back and began to lick his lips. After a few licks she pulled his jaw open and locked lips with him slipping her tongue into his mouth. Her neck muscles clenched as a sweet nectar like fluid squirted into her mouth and flowed into Joeys. She continued this for a few seconds and broke the kiss. A string of the incredibly sweet nectar connected her lips to those of the unconscious pichu for a brief moment. She then stood up and grinned as the nectar began it's job, evident by the pichu's hardening rod. Sherri straddled Joey's waist and slid her lips over his member pouting as she barely felt it. She grinded against his rod as her engorged belly pressed against him. Finally his member slipped into her and she gasped sharply, the inside of her tunnel proving as sensitive as her modified bowels. Her eyes fell half lidded as she gently rocked in place to draw out the pleasure.

Joey moaned as he began to come to. He failed to understand what was happening, but nevertheless enjoyed it. The continually steady motion seemed to be bringing him increased pleasure as it went on. He propped himself up with his arms and in the darkness quested through the fur for a nipple.

Meanwhile Jenny was being prepared by the pit. A thin rubbery vine worked it's way into her virgin sex. Penetrating through her barrier with ease and squirming its way to her womb. At the same time a separate vine fed her the same chemicals that altered Sherri's mind. Yet another vine worked it's way deep into her bowels.

Back with Joey, something in Sherri's mind clicked into place and her eyes regained clarity. She groaned in disappointment at the puny cock within her tunnel. Bouncing for a moment longer she climbed off and reached down to her folds. and began to rub her clit. Trying to think of a way to dispose of such a useless male.

Jenny began to wake up to the sensation of the vines penetrating her. Instead of trying to fight it she surrendered herself to the vines. Freely spreading her legs for the vines. Her juices were flowing liberally as the vine in her pussy wriggled its way to her womb. Although the vine in her tail hole was not depositing seeds. It was instead squirting a special substance into Jenny. Meanwhile the vine in her pussy had reached her cervix and latched onto the sealed opening. Now latched on it began to insert tendrils through the tightly clamped muscle. Gradually forcing it open until the main vine could push its way inside. Jenny had screamed into the vine inside her mouth as her womb was forcibly invaded. She began squirming as she felt painful pinpricks inside her womb as the vine rooted itself inside her. It then began to steadily pump in and out of her. The pleasure began to calm her and she reentered the pleasurable haze as her womb was becoming filled with vine. She moaned and tried to grind herself onto the vines as the one occupying her womb snapped off at her folds. The section of vine within her pulled it's loose end into the confines of Jenny's womb.

Sherri smiled as she decided exactly what to do with the male pichu and raised a paw into the air over herself. A vine descended from above and unlike many of the vines above this one had no thorns. She grabbed hold of it as it curled up near the floor and Sherri stepped onto it. Then began to ascend with the vine to freedom.

The pit in the floor opened up and threw Jenny out so quickly you'd think she had started to burn it. Jenny whimpered as the vines left her and began trying to find the pit. Joey though had begun to regain his senses and called "Jenny? Are you here?" Groaning as the pain of his many cuts flooded back.

Jenny looked to where she heard Joey's voice and stared for a moment as she heard him call out for her again. The name no longer meant anything to her and she began to smile devilishly as she crawled towards the source of the calls.

Joey began to cry fearing his sister was dead, or worse. Then suddenly something touched his hips in the darkness and he asked "Jenny? Is that you?" He gasped as his semi soft shaft was suddenly surrounded by a moist warmth. He began to pant as some suction came into the mix and stuttered "J-Jenny! Wh-what... oooh... what... is this?" Now in his right mind he began to fully appreciate the sensation. Suddenly the warmth left his now rigid shaft and trying to see what was happening through the inky darkness he plaintively said "Don't go-ooh..." Moaning he felt Jenny envelope his shaft with her pussy. She then began a steady rhythm of up and down. Up and down. Up then back down. Slowly. Steadily. Her juices providing ample lubrication. Joey's cheeks began to spark at the sensation giving brief glimpses of his damp rod penetrating his sisters dripping opening. Lost in the act he failed to notice the hungry look his sister was giving him. Up and down. The rhythm sped up and Jenny's cheeks began to spark as well. The pairs showers of sparks provided a nearly constant, faint source of light as sparks began to jump between their joined sexes. Providing further illumination of the act.

Joey clawed at the ground beneath him as his sisters sex began to ripple. His breathing picked up as Jenny suddenly began to rapidly bounce on his shaft. Joey let loose a charge of lightning as he reached his orgasm. That one moment lit up for an instant. Joey had lost all feeling other then his rod depositing his seed into his sister.

He was suddenly in a different position. Had he passed out? Joey soon realized his legs were wet and harm. He reached down and felt fur. Confused he failed to react when his paws were guided to his hips. By the time his paws were pulled into the warm wetness it was too late. It began to quickly move up his body, inducing panic. Joey began to struggle as he called out for Jenny to help him but was suddenly silenced with a kiss. The moments the kiss lasted was enough for the wetness to go from his mid belly to his shoulders. His legs were being bound and restricted by something and as his head started getting pulled in he heard "Bye bye brother." He was shocked into inaction by the joyful sound of his sisters voice as the lips of her sex closed over the top of his head and his ears shortly disappeared inside.

Jenny giggled as she laid back, holding her large, engorged, squirming belly. She felt the squirming lessen and eventually stop and began to doze off as she said "No we'll be together... forever..." Falling asleep as the vine within her womb fed Joey air and precious nutrients.

My second go. I feel pretty good about the final sex scene. As before I'll appreciate constructive critisism.