Family Matters

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Taking a quick break from commissions to publish my Christmas gift for two of my wives - my beautiful mom and sister. A short 1,000 word story and a couple love poems. I love you, dears.

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The piping hot ceramic sizzled against Nightshade's tender fingertips. A shock traveled through her arms, up her spine, and urged her arm backwards with a tiny yelp. The doe winced as she stuck her burnt fingertips in her maw, eagerly nursing her wound.

"Fuck. Still hot."

No matter - a hot cake was better for icing anyway. Nightshade removed her fingers from her mouth, wiped the residual saliva on her apron, and opened the fridge door. Her grasp hungrily searched for that chilled container of chocolate icing; grabbed it, removed it, popped it open. That scent of rich dark chocolate wafted outward as she stuck a butter knife beneath its glossy surface.

Nightshade's ears twitched as she listened to the unexpected cacophony beyond her front door - car doors slamming shut, the jingling of keys. She shot an annoyed stare at the cake's cracked surface, pursed her lips. Of _course_her parents would be home early.

Nightshade hastily scooped a glob of icing into the knife, then plopped it onto the cake's surface. One, two more, then she spread it from one side of the pan to the other, patting the glaze down, laying it flat, just as keys clinked against the door handle.

The front door opened with a soft swish, ushering in a blustering burst of cold air. Inward

stomped a pair of animals - one alligator, one canine, both bundled in thick coats. Heavy plastic bags hung from their arms.

"Nightie?" the alligator called. "What's that smell?"

"Nothing!" Nightshade exclaimed, and hastily undid her apron. Her hands fumbled with the thick knot, and she quickly threw it to the side, rushing through the kitchen doorway. A nervous smile adorned her maw.

She said, "Hey, mom. Hey, dad. Don't come in the kitchen, okay? I'm making a surprise."

Erebos hung up his coat, shot a loving glance at his daughter. His tar-black coat shone bright under the white lamplight. "Sure," he said. "But I already have an idea of what you're making."

Nightshade puffed out her cheeks, frowned. "What! How would you know? And don't peek past me."

Erebos chuckled. He lowered his bags and pulled Nightshade close, wrapping his claws behind her back. "You forget that dogs have an acute sense of smell," he said, then sniffed the air. "Vanilla extract, flour, eggs,'re making a cake, yes?"

Nightshade laughed. "Maybe," she teased. "I just wanted to make something for movie night."

Erebos raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" he asked. "But we don't need snacks for tonight! You're already sweet enough, my dear."

The little doe turned away embarrassedly, her cheeks red. "D-dad! C'mon!"

"No,you c'mon. Look at me, love."

Begrudgingly, Nightshade turned to look at her father. Those blood-red irises enchanted her, made her little heart thump. Erebos hungrily licked his maw, his sharp fangs poking from beneath his curled lips.

"I love you, honey," he said, and brushed his daughter's ears against her head. "My beautiful girl."

Erebos then leaned inward, planted a kiss on Nightshade's soft lips. A groan escaped her as Erebos's warm tongue snaked its way inside her mouth, swabbed along her palate, her blunted fangs.

"I-I love you, daddy," Nightshade breathed, and pushed her forehead against Erebos's broad chest. "Fuck, I love you."

That signature, faint mix of smoke and patchouli mingled in her nostrils. Daddy. It simultaneously calmed and invigorated her; even now, she could feel herself growing hard against her father's leg.

A hand then landed on Erebos's shoulder - Carmine. The alligator donned a goofy grin as she pecked Erebos's cheek.

"Gonna hog our daughter all for yourself, I see," she teased. "C'mon, love. Lemme see her."

"Get your own daughter," Erebos said. "Can't you see we're busy?"

Carmine laughed and playfully tugged Erebos away, spurring him to loosen his grip. The chubby alligator then closed in on her daughter, hugged her tight against her bosom. Erebos wordlessly trotted upstairs.

"Ooooh, how I've missed you," Carmine cooed. "The grocery was so lonely without my daughter there to keep me company."

Nightshade giggled. "What, is dad chopped liver?"

The pair remained in each others' embrace for only a moment longer. Carmine grunted, them hoisted a plethora of bags into her grasp. "Okay, hun. Let me past. I gotta put these groceries away."

Nightshade nodded, sauntered back to her cake. "Okay. I have to finish icing this cake, anyway."

"It's still hot, right?" Carmine asked, and laid her bags down on the kitchen counter. "You gotta apply the frosting while it's hot to make it stick."

Nightshade waved her paw, scooping another dollop of frosting. She said, "Don't worry, I got it."

"Oh, do you?" Carmine asked, and hovered behind Nightshade's lithe frame. "I trust you, honey, but... don't you want some of mommy's help?"

The doe scoffed. "I'm not a kid anymore," she said. "I don't need help to frost a cake."

"Oh sure. You don't need help," Carmine cooed. "But don't you want it?"

Softly, Carmine then laid her scaled hands onto Nightshade's, as if directing her movements. Her breasts tenderly pressed against her daughter's back, her breaths warming the nape of her neck.

Nightshade's breaths quickened, her arms shook. "M-mom, I..."

"Aw, c'mon darling. It's a simple task," Carmine whispered. Nightshade could smell her perfume: musky, floral. "Just follow my lead, okay? Shouldn't be hard for you, little one."

The doe swallowed. "O-oh. Alright."

And so Carmine's grip slowly guided Nightshade's fingers - first to the knife, skewered in a mound of chocolate, then toward the hot cake.

"Don't be afraid to add a bunch," Carmine instructed. "I know you like it sweet."

Nightshade nodded. "Okay, mom." She was then silent for a moment, lost in thought.

"Mom, um... I love you. A lot."

Carmine giggled. She said, "I love you too, sugar."

"No, but like..." Nightshade shook her head. "I love you so much. It makes my head spin. I just... sometimes I can't believe that I'm even here with you and dad."

Carmine smiled. Her paw glided atop Nightshade's, spreading the final layer of frosting atop the cake. "Well, you are, honey."

"I-I know that. It's just... I wish everyone didn't see us as freaks." Nightshade frowned. "I want to tell everyone about our love. As a family. I'm so proud of it."

The alligator frowned. She said, "Honey... regardless of whether the world accepts us, I'll always be proud of our love.

I'll always be proud of you."

Ode to the Alligator

Hey Crimson! (Is it okay to call you that)

Oh, would you prefer I call you Rose?

Lol, literally got evicted last week.

In high-school I was the lone dude at the party thinking,

"I bet they haven't written three novels, the last of which has dragon sex in it."

But I got better.

Why the yeen sona?

Hyenas are just kinda silly and goofy and mischievous, yaknow? It seemed perfect for me.

Oh agree, they are one of my favorites, which might be a reason I was biased towards reaching out. :p

You're adorable.

You're adorable.

You're adorable.

I really like it when you compliment me.

Being nice still feels new to me a lot of the time.

I'm perpetually terrified and my first impulse most of the time is to be intimidating.

Then I saw this, and the truth is, the times I feel most like a mom is when I'm mothering you.

It feels so good to let my guard down for you.

The other day I was in bed half asleep,

sort of lucid dreaming

Can I kiss you?

about being in bed and just spooning you from behind and,

your back pressed to my chest,

Can I kiss you?

arms wrapped around you,

smelling you and just massaging and feeling you up all over.

I look forward to the time where I can see you make coffee every morning.

I'll be able to grab your titties and make bike horn noises.

Natalie, you already are my best friend AND a stupid slut.

God, you are such a beautiful person.

We promise to hold you, for however long you need, as often as you need it.

Girl like you is worth waiting for.

When I was a child, I used to cry because it made me so emotional singing about love.

And now we get to surround you in it.

And I'm so grateful. I can only hope to return the favor.

You do, so often, so sweetly uniquely you, you do.

It always amazes me that I'm worthy of your love because of how important and valuable it is.

You walked into my life this year and showed me a love I didn't know I needed so badly,

that I felt starved of it my whole life after I met you.

My daughter doggy wife who I'm so in lovious with.

Ain't a momma with a better puppy.

We have so many things to make together.

I know I can't change your thoughts about yourself, but here's what I think. I think you're a beautiful, intelligent, and loving person.

In your arms,

I forgot

the cold night

where paint burned, homework alight.

Tar in my veins, smoke from my throat,

watering fake plants, urinating in the pot

uttering "Grow, grow."

Never has desecration felt so beautiful

than when you cried on my chest,

and I held that wooden box, and it spilled

a pony figurine

a book of poetry

a boy scouts badge

like guts, long held,

seldom seen.

Just keep going. With someone like you, I can't see you ignoring your own worth for long. And when you need it, I will always be here.

I love you, mom.

Ode to a Canine

My sister and I

are incestuous people.

I didn't know her growing up.

I didn't sneak glances over the dinner table,

I didn't see her in school hallways

or at home

in glittered concrete, between clove cigarettes.

And yet, somehow,

I already knew that silly smile

and ambrosiac voice

like a siren's call.

My beautiful, bestial, monstrous sister.

A gnashing mess of teeth and claws,

a quiet, deliberate paw,

sneaking down the small of my back

as our maws


like a dream.

My ribcage slid open for you

desperate for your touch

like teeth

like a predator

breathed, guts agape

and ate you up.

There, in visceral vulnerability

have I never been more terrified

and relieved

to be seen.

Your breath nourished a viscous bud,

and from my heart it grew

snaked its way down my nerves

to my arms

curled myself around your abdomen

held you close

begging for one more bite

on the nape of the neck

one more rake of a claw

one more sweet word

before sleep strangled us

and seduced us

to chase each other, in dreams.

I often imagine

that dried creek.

near your old house.

I yearn to cascade through it

by the light of the moon

leaves and branches

striking our arms, our hair,

dirt on our fur

until we stop

fangs glinting

and tackle each other onto the detritus.

Let instinct take us.

Bloodlust rages, uninhibited, delirious

unfurling among the wood

like a clenched fist

Like a beast beaten into submission

poking a snout, a paw,

from a battered den,

reclaiming what it means to survive, to live well,

to taste blood on lips,

to sniff morning air

and wag her tail

to hold a mate close during the night,

to make pups,

to make art,

to experience heartbreak, loss,

and yet know I am safe

for you are at my side.

I am honored to spend this short, scary life with you.

My luna moth, my heart, my jewel.

My home is with you.

I love you, sister.