Tales of Azoria - Chapter 16
#17 of Tales of Azoria
The official defeat and hopeful recovery of a kingdom under a ruthless false king. All thanks to the great Aphure!
Azuri recloaked himself when he got to the stage room. BossBiss was guarded heavily by many Stellarian guards. Azuri looked around the room, not noticing many non guard dragons inside. Azuri tried searching around the room for his father, but he couldn't find him anywhere. He decided to shift to his thermal where he saw the heat signatures of the dragons spread throughout the room. It took him a couple minutes until he saw his father waving to him from the second floor balcony. Azuri glanced over to the guards before starting to fly up to his father.
Aphure pulled him close to his side and looked down at Azuri. "Where's Sandstorm?" Aphure asked curiously.
"She left, I told her some things and I think she's going to think about them now. I hope she'll be okay." Azuri looked down toward the stage where BossBiss was still standing. His eyes were wandering throughout the room, his expression was that of deep disappointment.
Aphure looked down at BossBiss, examining his features. "I'm sure she'll be okay, that young lady has some impressive skills that I've never seen in any ten year old in my entire life." Azuri nodded in agreement with him. He thought the same thing as well, Azuri was impressed how she could take on multiple guards at once without getting a single scratch. He wondered how she was trained or who trained her. Maybe one day when he sees her again, he'll get the chance to ask her.
Silence fell upon them both as they stared down at BossBiss. Eventually, Aphure broke the silence by whispering down at him. "So, what can you tell me about BossBiss? Does he have anything in particular that might make it hard to kill him? I just need to know so I know I can form the correct plan." Azuri begins to think to himself about the things he's found from BossBiss in the time he's known him.
"Well, the first time I've tried attacking him was when I tried shooting my venom on him. It didn't do anything to his scales other than sizzle out. Then, there was the sword that actually did penetrate his eye." He pointed down to BossBiss with the eyepatch still wrapped around his eye. "Then, there's the time I tried to hit his leg with an axe, only for it to shatter into a billion pieces without leaving so much as a dent in his scales."
Aphure squinted at BossBiss after hearing that, "Hmmm..." He said as he observed him just standing on the stage. "I see... So, he has impenetrable scales. I've dealt with something like this before, though on a weaker scale."
"Really?" Azuri asked, looking up to him.
"Yeah, it was something close to this. However, I killed them by blowing a large hole in their chest. It wasn't exactly an elegant solution, but it worked." Azuri shivered at the thought of that, picturing the visual in his head. He shook it off quickly before he could get sick. "In this case, I don't think I'm going to be able to use the same tactic. I might have to try another one."
"Like what?" Within a few seconds, Aphure pulled out his blowgun and a few of the darts he had packed away. He checked through each of them, but he sighed with disappointment.
"Crap, I might have to craft what I'm thinking about." Aphure turned to his son. "I need your help, can you find some gunpowder and string and bring them to me? I'll take care of the rest." Azuri was confused as he didn't know where he could find gunpowder, especially in a place this large. Azuri turned to his father and nodded to him, before flying back down toward the first floor still cloaked. He carefully and slowly slipped past the guards and rushed through the same door he came from. He remembered that there was a room with armor and weapons in it, so he should check there. Though, how would he find the string? Maybe the room where the Stellarian was patching up BossBiss?
Azuri first checked the room with the cleaning supplies and tools. He searched everywhere, but could only find paper. Azuri growled at himself before turning and leaving the room. He rushed to the room where the weapons and armor were located. As soon as he walked inside, he noticed an open barrel with gunpowder in the corner. Azuri then found a bag on the floor, taking it into his claws and going over to the barrel to fill it up.
Azuri then closed the bag as he started to search the room for string. He couldn't find anything that might be useful. Then, he found a jacket hung up on a clothes hanger. Azuri goes over to it and begins trying to pull out a string from it. Once he got a lengthy one, he cut it with his claw and held it tightly. Azuri quickly left the room and started to head back to his dad. He didn't see many guards around, the only one he saw was the knocked out one on the floor from Sandstorm a few minutes ago. The other guard that was there probably ran away seeing as they were gone now.
Azuri got back to the stage room, flying up to his dad and handing over the bag of gunpowder and the string. "Good job son," Aphure whispered to him before placing his claw on Azuri's head and brushing him in an affectionate way. Azuri watched his father begin assembling something together at the tip of one of the darts. It took about ten minutes of constructing, but eventually Azuri could see what appeared to be a bomb strapped along the edges of the dart, filled with gunpowder.
Aphure went over to a nearby lantern, taking it off the handle and opening it. He didn't light the string yet, only looking ahead toward BossBiss. Azuri was confused about what his father was going to do, but he didn't try to ask him. BossBiss just stood at the stage without speaking a single word, it made Azuri wonder what he was doing. Azuri looked over to Aphure in slight confusion. "What are you going to do?" He asked in curiosity.
"A dragon's scales can be impenetrable, but the insides are not. I'm going to shoot this straight into his mouth when opens it."
"How in all of that is Lanta do you think about this sort of stuff?" Aphure just shrugged at him before aiming his dart gun straight at BossBiss, keeping his mouth close to the tip of the gun. Aphure puts a regular dart inside the dart gun, then begins to aim straight at BossBiss's eyepatch. He took a deep breath in his mouth, then pressed his lips onto the tip and blew into it as hard as he could.
The dart shot out faster than Azuri could see, penetrating through the eyepatch and causing BossBiss to scream loudly in pain, exposing his mouth to Aphure. Aphure quickly went over to the flame inside the lantern and lit the string on fire before putting it inside the dart gun, taking another deep breath before blowing into it with intense force. Azuri watched as the dart flew through the air. BossBiss was about to close his mouth after the roar, but the dart passed through and hit the back of his throat.
It felt like the entire world froze as Aphure and Azuri stared down at BossBiss. The large dragon on the stage was frozen in confusion and shock, as his eyes wandered around the room. Aphure quickly uncloaked himself and approached the railing of the balcony. BossBiss's eyes looked up toward Aphure as he approached the railing. For the first time since he met BossBiss, he saw fear appear in his eyes at the sight of him. "A-Aphure..." BossBiss managed to say out loud, guards and other dragons started looking up toward Aphure's threatening stance on the balcony. Light poured in through the doorway behind him and past Aphure. "You son of a-"
Before BossBiss could finish his sentence, a large pop was heard from within his mouth. Then, Azuri watched as a large expansion appeared from his neck as an explosion erupted from within his throat, instantly killing BossBiss before he could realize what happened.
Everyone in the room fell silent as their eyes looked up to BossBiss, their eyes widened. His body stood there for a second before flopping onto his side, blood beginning to pour through his mouth. Azuri watched as whiteness appeared and then disappeared from the guards' and other dragons' eyes throughout the room. Did this mean they were free from his grasp? The room was as still as a stone as dragons began looking around in confusion. It was like they were waking up for the first time in ages. Some of their eyes wander up to Aphure, who was still on the balcony looking down at them and the corpse of BossBiss.
Azuri uncloaked himself and slowly walked up beside Aphure. He looked over to his dad. "Did we do it? Is he dead?"
Aphure finally looked at his son, nodding slightly.
"I think we did." He said as though he was proud of himself. Azuri could tell from Aphure's expression that he was relieved. Aphure turned to the dragons still in terror and shock. "Attention everyone! You have been freed from BossBiss's claws. Queen Oasis will return shortly to try and fix what he has done to your kingdom! Please stay put and hold your loved ones closely until then."
Azuri then noticed two dragons looking up to Aphure in confusion. "Whos' Oasis?" The other dragons looked at them with puzzled expressions, explaining to them who she was. "Wait, I thought BossBiss was our king?" The crowd of dragons begin going into conversations, until eventually it turns into a screaming match. Aphure just stared down at the crowd, not sure what to say or do to stop the crowd. Aphure turned around to Azuri and shrugged his shoulders like he gave up.
"Nice going dad. You're really great at speeches" Azuri joked a little at his father's gesture.
Both of them waited for several minutes, until queen Oasis flew back into the palace and landed onto the stage. All of the dragons grew quiet at her sudden appearance, beginning to look up at her with both puzzled and relieved expressions. Azuri and Aphure look down at her with smiles. "Attention my wonderful dragons! Do not fear! I have returned, and I'm relieved that everyone is okay. The imposter is dead and we can try and recover what was lost to us." She went over to the dead corpse of BossBiss and looked with disgust at him. She kicked the corpse and stared at it for a moment before a wave of relief washing over her face as she realised he was truly dead.
Queen Oasis looked up to where Aphure and Azuri stood, and she worded to them silently, "Thank you." Azuri and Aphure grinned, glancing at each other. Aphure finally turned around and started leaving. Azuri only noticed a minute later, following Aphure out of the kingdom. We did it. We saved Stellaris, and it's all thanks to my dad. Azuri never thought he would say those words, but he did and meant it. His dad was a true hero, even if his tactics aren't entirely ethical. He smiled toward his dad one final time before beginning to focus on his trip back to Floria.