The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Ch. 23 extended beach scene (MHO)

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#94 of Mystic Heart Odyssey

Well, here it is, the long-promised extended, erotic scene from chapter 23 of The Cult of the Crimson Isles! Hoku realizes she may not get to see Kuna again, so she wants to make sure that their last night together is a sweet, memorable one.

Please remember to leave a comment to share any thoughts you have about this chapter! I can only grow with feedback!

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Mystic Heart Odyssey

Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles

Chapter 23 (scene extension)

So yeah, this is a (maybe, maybe-not canon) extension of the beach walk scene with Kuna and Hoku. It was something I've really been thinking about doing since early on in this episode, after I realized how well the two "clicked" in my mind, but people have also kind of indicated some mixed feelings about the idea on the polls I took about it. So I figured I'd upload it as a separate thing and see what people think. If people seem to agree that it fits, it'll be canon. Otherwise, if there's enough pushback and feels too out of character, it'll just be a sort of 'what-if' non-canon side-story.

In the end, make no mistake- whatever happens here, rest assured Kuna's heart thoroughly belongs to Lykou. Doesn't mean he can't appreciate a very special moment with a good friend he clicks well with before they have to bid farewell, tho~



Eventually, Kuna and Hoku excused themselves as they both decided they needed a break from the crowd.

Much like that first night on the island, the two of them went walking down the beach together as the sun was being split by the horizon and the stars started peeking out in the opposite direction. The breeze wafted the salty smell of the ocean past them and they both sighed in a shared moment of contentment.

"I can't remember the last time I felt so... at peace," Hoku said, twirling around gleefully in the breeze as they walked.

Kuna giggled. "The drink probably helps," he teased. Neither of them were drunk, but that didn't mean they didn't have a very comfortable buzz going. "But yeah, I know what you mean. Feels great to know such a huge weight has been lifted. I can only imagine how much moreso for you."

"Definitely... almost don't want tonight to end at this rate."

"I know the feeling."

"You did pretty well with the surfing today."

"No need to lie," Kuna retorted with a smirk. "The sea and I are acquaintances at best, and I'm fine with that."

She snickered. "Alright, you won't be winning any competitions anytime soon, but hey, you still stuck with it."

"The company helped," he said, then nudged her playfully. "So did the teacher."

Hoku smiled back and wrapped an arm around him briefly. "What can I say? You're a good student."

"Hey, that reminds me, did you want me to teach you about life magic?"

She thought for a moment, then shook her head a bit. "Nah, couldn't focus on that kind of thing right now. I'd rather just enjoy taking things easy."

"Fair enough," the sereva replied. "...I guess you'll have enough spirit friends around now that I'm sure one of them could probably help you learn it eventually anyway."

"Heh, maybe," Hoku replied, staring off into the distance thoughtfully. " really think they'll start showing up around me more?"

"You just played a key role in freeing a fuck ton of them from that demon asshole," Kuna replied, smirking. "Yeah, I definitely think you can expect plenty of friendly visits. And you heard what Whironui said, after all."

The raptuva grinned, her tail notably swishing a bit more as they progressed along the beach. "...well that's definitely something to look forward to." She nudged him playfully with her hip. "You know, I'm really glad I met you, Kuna. Even aside from all the shit with the Order and Tuimana, and Kairangi."

Kuna folded his ears down and smiled. "Likewise, Hoku. You're really easy to get along with, you know?"

She smirked. "I think there are a number of people that'd disagree with that. But hey, right back at ya." She tussled his hair playfully, and he giggled and nudged her slightly, then sighed in contentment.

They walked in silence for a little bit, just enjoying one another's company.

"I just hope those three don't overdo it with the haze nectar, heh," the sereva commented, glancing back towards the village for a moment.

"I'm sure they're fine," Hoku assured him, smirking. "Though I can't promise Kani won't be desperately trying to seduce your... best friend back there."

Kuna arched a brow at her, not quite missing the dubious emphasis. "Er. Yeah. Heh... you... really think she's gonna try to go even further?"

"Hmm... maybe," Hoku said with a shrug. "With another raptuva, there's the whole risk of pregnancy, but I'm pretty sure konuul and raptuva can't have babies. And it's been a while since I've seen her that freaking openly horny for someone."


Hoku eyed him curiously. "What, are you jealous?" she suddenly asked, taking him thoroughly off-guard.


She grinned. "You are, aren't you?"

"Jealous o-of what?" Kuna sputtered, blushing. "I don't know what you're-"

"Kuna. Come on," Hoku insisted. "Sorry, maybe it's the alcohol talking, but I've got to press you on it. You've genuinely got the hots for that boy in a big way, and everyone else in the world can see it. Why deny it?"

The sereva blushed furiously and looked away with a bashful grin. "O-okay yeah, he's fucking hot. You got me. But he can fuck whoever he wants."

"Have... you two ever, y'know. Done anything?" she asked curiously.

Kuna nearly tripped and started sputtering again for a moment before he could collect himself enough to reply. "N-n-no! We're just friends! Best friends b-but that's all!"

"You sure flirt a lot for 'just friends'."

"We're just m-messing with each other!" Kuna insisted, blushing brightly. "I-It's just this... game he and I play, that's all!"

"Suuuure," she replied, feeling more playful than usual thanks to the lingering effects of the nectar. "Friends can fuck too, you know."

"I-" Kuna started to reply, then paused and stood there, looking mildly perplexed and thoughtful. "...they can?"

She giggled. "I was kind of teasing you, but yeah, it's a thing, technically. 'Friends with benefits' some people call it. It's not for everyone, but it's not like everyone just hangs around celibate their whole life until their eventual mate comes and sweeps them off their feet, either."

"They... don't?"

She stared at him for a moment, then facepalmed, smirking. "I'm sorry, sometimes I forget about your, uh..."

"Stunted social life?" he commented with a flat expression and a renewed blush, then sighed slightly. "Yeah. Guess I've still got... a lot to learn."

"I guess so..."

"But you seriously mean... people just, um," Kuna continued, rubbing his arm thoughtfully. "...what, hook up for some casual fun? Not just... m-messing with each other, or..." He paused and rolled his eyes slightly. "'flirt' with each other for fun?"

"Sure. It's not for everyone, and I mean I'm not exactly a people person myself usually, so it's not like I have a whole lot of first hand experience," Hoku replied. "But sometimes strangers hook up for a bit of fun, and sometimes certain friends do, too. Not nearly as much as some, like Kani, might have you believe, but it's definitely a thing. Like I said though, I was kind of just messing with you."


She stopped walking and crossed her arms, sizing him up thoughtfully. "...but there's more to it than just physical attraction, isn't there?"

He paused and blushed furiously as he tried to avoid meeting her gaze. "H-huh? W-what... what are you-... what do you mean?"


After a moment of awkward silence, he finally glanced back at her and saw her giving him a knowing look. He looked around, frantically trying to think of something snarky to say or something to distract them and maybe change the subject.

"...Who do you honestly think you're kidding, Kuna?" she probed playfully. "It's pretty obvious you're smitten with Lykou, and I mean more than just on a sexual level."

Finally, Kuna let out a small, drawn-out squeal that turned into a groan as he brought his hands up to cover his flushed face. "Okayokayokay fuuuuuuck," he said, then took a deep breath. "I... fuck it, I don't know what my feelings are, Hoku." He dropped his hands after a moment and just stared off into the distance for a moment. "I... I never even had a real friend before him. I wasn't kidding about being socially stunted, I'm new to... well, all of this!"

Hoku winced slightly. "Sorry, didn't mean t-"

"He pulled me out of the deepest darkness you can imagine! He's helped me in ways I can't even describe!" Kuna pressed on, finally unleashing some emotional pressure that he'd been subconsciously bottling up for a while. It wasn't directed at Hoku, though, as he avoided facing her as he continued. "He's just... so amazing, you know? He's sweet as fuck, funny, playful, affectionate, just... I've never met anyone like him and I just can't... tell what it is I'm feeling. Am I just clinging to him because he's the first person to ever make me feel happy and worth something, because he's literally saved my life in multiple ways multiple times, or do I have actually have some kind of... of..."

"...crush on him?" Hoku hesitantly suggested, both slightly stunned but also intrigued by the emotional flood coming out.

"...yeah," Kuna replied after a moment, then finally shot her a sheepish look, still blushing. "...sorry..."

"Don't be. Obviously you've got a lot more got a lot going on up there, and it makes sense you're still trying to figure things out," she replied, smiling a bit and rubbing his head lightly. "Maybe you should... you know, talk to him about your feelings sometime."

"Hahahahano," he quickly retorted, tensing up a bit at the thought as his eye twitched. He shook it off after a moment and rubbed his face. "Even... even if it wasn't for the fact I still haven't figured out my own feelings for sure, there's no chance I want to risk making the rest of this journey awkward or..." He paused for a moment, a faint frown creeping across his face for a moment. "...or messing up our friendship..."

"Has it ever occurred to you he might feel the same way? Seems to me he really likes you too."

"Hoku. Lykou likes everyone," the sereva mildly snarked. "It's one of the things I lo-... like about him, even if it occasionally backfires. He's friendly and affectionate to people, to a fault."

Hoku chuckled a bit. "Yeah... I guess I can see that. But you should still at least think about it."

Kuna sighed and rubbed his neck. "...maybe. Not until this journey is over, though. Don't need to risk... complicating things. Especially when I'm still trying to figure things out."

"Fair enough," Hoku said. She stared at him thoughtfully as he took a moment to try and collect himself. " gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, just..." the sereva smiled sheepishly at her. He hadn't stopped blushing through the whole awkward conversation. "I guess it does feel kind of nice to finally voice some of that out loud. I've been trying to avoid even thinking about it too much for a while now... thanks for prying it out of me, heh."

She chuckled and rubbed his arm. "No problem, Ku."

He blinked a few times and smirked. "You just called me Ku."

"Oop! Sorry-"

"No, no, it's fine," Kuna replied with a mildly amused grin. "It's just... you're the first one besides Lykou to call me that."

"You... don't mind it?"

"Nah," the sereva replied. "I mean, I've been using your short name- er, 'nickname' I think L... Kou called it? This whole time. S'only fair."

She smiled. "Good. Ku it is."

"Might get confusing if you use it around both of us at some point though."

Hoku blinked, then snickered. "Hey yeah, that's a good point. You both basically have the same one, huh?"

"Yep, hehe..."

"And you still doubt you two were meant for each other?" she teased playfully.

He blushed and rolled his eyes in response. "Aaaanyway..."

Hoku giggled and patted his back lightly. "I'm sure you'll figure out it sooner or later."

They resumed walking for a few minutes. Hoku bit her lip as she mulled something over in her mind. Eventually, she couldn't hold back. "So... kind of related topic, do you... only like guys? You know, in terms of attraction?"

Kuna blinked a few times, then shrugged. "I... mostly, yeah, I guess."

"Girls just don't appeal to you at all, huh?"

"...some do, I guess," he replied, blushing again slightly. "I... m-mostly just think about guys w-when... mmnevermind."

She grinned and nudged him playfully. "When you jerk off. C'mon Ku, it's just me. I won't tease you like Kani or something."

"...just... didn't expect s-such a blunt conversation about that to come up," Kuna replied with a bashful smile. "W-why do you ask?"

"Like I said, just curious is all. So you've never thought about being with a girl?"

"I... w-well maybe a few times," he admitted. "I-if they... umnevermind."

"Let me guess, if they're strong and... sort of... take charge?" she suggested, suddenly spinning around in front of him and grabbing his arms, then playfully pushed him back against a tree at the edge of the beach, with a slightly seductive look.

He yelped slightly and his blush intensified to the max as he stared at her with a wide eyed, stunned expression. "I... I..."

Her expression cracked and she pulled back, giggling. "Sorry, I had to. Guessing I'm not wrong though, huh?"

Kuna had to take a moment to recover, then shot her a flat look, still fully flushed. "...m-maybe. I swear, does everyone in the world play this 'fluster Kuna' game?"

Hoku giggled some more, then tussled his hair playfully. "Not our fault you make it so enticing."

"Yeah yeah," he replied, rolling his eyes and grinning in spite of himself.

She looked away, again biting her lip thoughtfully for a minute. When Kuna straightened up and turned to continue their walk, assuming the little 'messing with him' moment was over, she stopped him with her tail. "Ku, can I... be honest with you about something?"

"Um... sure?"

It was Hoku's turn to blush slightly as she grinned and averted her gaze for a moment. "I... did have another reason for asking you those things."


"Yeah..." She was clearly a bit more flustered as she turned back to him with a sheepish smile. "I... okay, can we sit down for a minute?"

"I... guess?" Kuna said, a bit bewildered.

She led him over to a reasonably comfortable spot by some small boulders on the beach, where they sat down. The sound of the waves lapping up against the shore was the only sound for a minute as she tried to sort out what she wanted to say. Finally, she took a deep breath and looked up at him. "Okay, so... first of all, I'm a tiny bit jealous of Lykou. I like you, Ku. A lot."

"I like you too, H-" Kuna started to reply, then paused and widened his eyes when he connected the dots. "W-wait, you mean-"

She facepalmed and blushed, giggling slightly. "N-no, not on that strong a level, relax. I'm not here to confess my secret burning love for you or anything. We've not known each other nearly long enough for anything like that, and anyway I know where your heart is and wouldn't dare try to compete with that. But I do like you... let's say a bit extra. And I'm also... well, attracted to you. You're a cute guy, Ku. And no, that's not just me trying to fluster you again."

The sereva blushed and smiled shyly back at her. "Hoku... come on..." he said, rubbing his arm. "Trying or not, you're succeeding..."

"Yeah well, deal with it, cute stuff," Hoku teased lightly, then booped his nose. "And... oof, here comes the hard part," she continued, then flushed a bit as she fidgeted and tried to come up with the least awkward way to say it. "I... well, I've been thinking. There's a good chance tomorrow when you two leave, it'll be the last time we see each other."


"Let me finish," she continued, holding a finger up to his mouth. "Like I said, this is... awkward to say, so just let me get it all out before you reply, okay?"

Kuna blinked a few times, then gave a little nod. "'Kay."

"I... all that stuff Kani's been saying, serious or not, really got into my head. And I was thinking I really... um. Wanted to make our last night together extra memorable," Hoku continued, then took another deep breath. She then surprised him by rolling over and straddling his lap. "Okay fuck it, I'll just cut right to it. Ku, I want to have sex with you."

Kuna stared at her with his mouth slightly open, speechless. "I... uh..."

"IknowIknow, sorry, super blunt but I just..." she started, then paused to collect herself for a moment. She then grinned coyly at him. "I know you're almost definitely a virgin still, right? Given, well, your past and all... er, sorry."

"W... w-well yeah," Kuna replied, still struggling to accept that this conversation was really happening. "A-and it's... fine..."

"S-so I totally understand if you're not up for it, but... well, I'd be honored if you'd let me be your first."

Kuna stared at her in silence for a moment, then looked down as he tried to process things. "I... u-um. This is-"

"It's a lot, I know. If we had more time- you know, when we weren't busy dealing with a demon and his mortal sidekick with a whole organization out to capture and kill you- I'd try to ease into it more and let you think on it, but, well..." she said with a sheepish expression. "And please don't feel pressured, 'no' is a perfectly reasonable answer that I'll happily accept. I just... I think it'd be a special way to say goodbye to a special kind of guy."

"...good f-fuck, that was sappy," Kuna replied with a faint smirk, using a little snark to anchor himself a bit.

She snorted and rolled her eyes. "I know, but it's honest. And I think you'd enjoy it. I may not be a guy, but believe me... I'm pretty sure I can be the type of girl you'd have a good time with," she said, winking at him.

"...eesh, Hoku, I don't know," the sereva said, finally collecting himself a little, though that just made his blush return in force. "I... I mean, I always thought... eh, but we talked about that and I was wrong..."

"Well, not... wrong, per se. If you want to wait for someone special, that's fine, just... don't feel like you have to, either," she reminded him, then smirked. "And it can definitely help to have a little experience before you get serious with someone."

"...y-yeah that's the other thing, I w-wouldn't have the s-slightest idea what I'm doing with a girl t-to be honest," Kuna stammered.

"Hey, don't worry. It wouldn't anything too serious, just a bit of fun. And I'd guide you," she assured him, then grinned and leaned in a little. "I know you kind of like the idea of someone doing that with you anyway, huh?"

Kuna immediately got more flustered and sputtered for a moment before he could come up with a decent reply. "M-mnnf, I, ummm.... m-maybe..."

"...Ku. I think I can feel your answer just starting to poke me a little. So why don't you just say it?" she said softly, grinning up close to him.

"...okay." The response even startled him as he let it slip out, and he immediately brought his hands up to his mouth as he tried to rationalize it.

"Wait, really?" Hoki replied, also slightly surprised, but then smiled. "I half expected you to outright say no regardless, to be honest..."

He continued processing it in his mind for a moment, then sighed, smiling shyly back at her. "F-fuck it, right?" he replied. "I-I think part of me is frankly sick and tired of being a virgin, e-especially now that I know people aren't a-as... y'know, restrictive as I used to think. I always said I'd wait for someone special, but I guess a good friend is pretty special."

"Now who's being sappy?" she teased. "But that's okay. Sappy's good." She wiggled her rump in his lap teasingly. "I suspect someone hasn't had a chance to jerk off in a bit either, huh? With everything going on."

He let out a slight whimper and blushed. "Y-yeah..."

"Didn't think so," Hoku said with a playful grin, then rolled off of him and flipped up the front panel of the sareo. The garment split into four separate sections a bit down past the waist, making it like a cross between a dress and a loin cloth. For that reason, he'd insisted on wearing his shorts underneath the thing, once they were fully repaired.

She arched a brow at him. "You know, some might say one of the benefits to sareos is that they allow easy access while still covering things up most of the time," she teased. "Wearing those underneath kind of defeats the point."

Kuna snickered nervously and covered his mouth a bit. "Really? C'mon, not like I'm just going to let my bits hang where they might slip out for everyone to see," he retorted, then his eyes widened slightly and he glanced down at her waist briefly. "W-wait, are you not w-"

Before he could finish, she flipped the front central flap back on her own, revealing the fact that she didn't have anything on underneath. "Most folks that wear 'em don't exactly have anything to 'slip out' like that."

"I... didn't think about that. I guess that makes sense."

Without warning, she hooked her fingers under one side of his shorts and started slowly tugging down. "Well c'mon then, let's even things out. I wanna see some sereva boy bits."

Kuna's blush intensified as he anxiously started helping to pull the shorts down. He could hardly believe what was happening. Part of him thought it might just be a weirdly realistic wet dream from having let himself get so pent up again. Except in the rare cases where he had those, they'd always involved other guys. Soon, his erection slipped out and he looked away, his shyness forcing him to avoid meeting her eye.

"Ooo, so that's what it looks like, hmm?" Hoku commented. Truthfully, it was more of a semi, but she quickly changed that by reaching out and feeling it up a bit, causing him to gasp. "Not as tapered as raptuva guys. Interesting..."

"T... tapered?" Kuna asked, finally looking back at her.

"Mhmm. Not that I've seen many," Hoku replied, letting her hand glide down to fondle his balls a bit as her other hand continued slowly tugging his shorts down out of the way. "But raptuva dicks are kind of more... pointed and narrow at the end."

"Ah..." He gasped as she continued to feel up his bits, biting his lip as he tried to control himself.

She grinned and gave his shaft a few slow strokes. "Honestly, I think I like yours more."

He clenched his eyes shut for a moment, letting out a slight half-moan. Then he glanced down at her lower half and lifted his hand, but then put it back down. "Mmn... do... should I..."

Hoku giggled a little, then sat back up next to him and took his hand, then guided it over to her crotch. "Sure. Only fair that you get to do some exploring, too. Have at it."

He bit his lip and nervously started running a slightly shaky hand around her loins. Being so shy, he initially stuck to feeling up her thighs and lower belly. While she seemed to appreciate it, she eventually took his hand and gently coaxed him down to her more needy sweet spot, making him a bit more flustered in the process.

The nervous trembling slowly faded after a moment though, as his nerves were balanced with curious fascination. Truth be told, he hadn't thought much about women in a sexual sense, one way or another. They existed, and he technically knew what they were supposed to be like 'down there', but it wasn't like he'd ever gotten any kind of close, personal experience with them. His fingers cautiously explored her bits at a surface level, eliciting a soft sigh from the raptuva.

After a few minutes, he glanced up at her questioningly, unsure what to do. She laid a hand on his and grinned. "Go on. Slide a finger in, Ku."

"M-mkay," he replied shyly, then slowly slid his index finger inside her and wiggled it slightly.

She giggled, blushing a bit. "Here, hang on a minute," she said, temporarily pulling his hand away. She then re-situated herself in front of him, then pushed back against him so that his head was over her shoulder and her rear was pressed up into his groin, with her tail curling over and laying stretched out on the ground next to them. She wrapped his arms around her, pulling the one hand back down between her legs. She then used her hand to guide him and show him how to properly finger her. "See? Just like that."

Kuna's ears folded down and he smiled bashfully as he slowly probed her. He wasn't sure what to think of it all- part of him was turned on just from the closeness and knowing he was helping to turn his friend on. But mostly he was just kind of fascinated.

"Mm... you can go a little faster," Hoku coaxed him, stroking his leg gently.

He nodded and sped up a little. Meanwhile, wondering what else he could do for her, his other hand started to wander and explore her body. It slowly made its way up to her chest, though he was mildly surprised to find that despite having feminine curves there, she lacked the well-defined breasts he half expected. Still, she seemed to enjoy the soft, warm embrace, and let out a soft little moan of appreciation, and he just chalked it up to being a different species. "Your hands feel nice, Ku," she complimented, grinning over her shoulder at him. She then ground her rear up against his slightly softened erection teasingly, quickly bringing it back to attention. "And you've got good instincts for... mmm for a first timer."

The sereva took a sharp breath from the grinding, then relaxed again. "Th-thanks," he replied with a shy grin.

"Mm, don't worry, I'll be getting back to you soon," she assured him, grinning over her shoulder at him. "Just takes us girls a little more prep-" She suddenly paused and gasped as the sereva found her clit with his thumb and rubbed it experimentally.

Kuna immediately froze and tensed up. "F-fuck, s-sorry did I-"

"N-nonono, that's good," she murmured with a little shiver. "That's... that's just a sensitive spot. By all means keep going, just... go easy. You can go a little deeper, too."

"Oh, o-okay," the sereva replied, then resumed his probing and caressing. "Just tell me if I should do anything... different, y'know..."

She let out a little moan, followed by a sigh as her eyes rolled up slightly. "Mmm... so far so good, Ku. Very good..."

They continued for a bit longer, until, with some reluctance, Hoku forced herself to grab his hand and slow him down. "T... tell you what. I want to finish on that cute face of yours, then I'll return the favor, alright?"

He gulped and blushed profusely with a nervous grin. "Oh, uh... s-sure? Don't... r-really know what I'm doing but-"

"Don't worry," she said, once again re-positioning herself. "Just take what you learned with your fingers and apply it with your mouth." She winked at him. "Here, slide down so I can get in position a little easier."

Kuna did as he was told, then looked up at her in bashful anticipation. "O-okay... now w-"

Before he could finish his sentence, she shifted forward and straddled his face, grinning. "Start licking, cutie," she instructed, bringing his hands up to her hips. "And just give me a tap if you need air or something."

The sereva couldn't believe what was happening, but he didn't want to disappoint her, so he starting lapping at her folds with his tongue experimentally. She was already quite wet from their little warm-up session, and even with so little knowledge about how girls worked, he could easily tell just how turned on she was. Despite being a bit intimidated, he was also happy and proud to have gotten her so worked up already.

Once his mouth really started getting to work, she leaned back and shivered as another moan escaped her lips. "Ohhh fuck, Ku..." She reached down and gently stroked his head a bit with one hand, while leaning back on the other. She let out a little breathy half-giggle. "Your fuzzy cheeks t... tickle a bit... i-in the best way..."

He murmured something incoherent and just kept at it, while his hands caressed and stroked her hips and thighs softly. There was no question that he preferred guys, but he was quite enjoying figuring out how to make her moan and shiver in delightful little ways. Her sweet spots were a puzzle he was determined to figure out, and he was managing it surprisingly well. Once she seemed thoroughly lost in bliss, to the point where she'd mostly stopped guiding him in favor of basking in pleasure, he started deliberately nudging her clit with his nose every so often, prompting short little squeaks of delight from the raptuva.

Eventually, she leaned forward and started to pant. No longer needing the one hand to prop herself up, she reached back and started stroking his cock into a full-on erection once again in reward for his attentiveness. He let out a soft half-whimper, half-moan of appreciation in response. The resulting minor vibration further enhanced her own pleasure. Eventually, she found herself unable to focus on anything and she instead gripped his head with both hands and started rocking her hips needily as her body tensed up more.

"S-so close... almost, Ku," she moaned, shaking a bit. "Don't... s-stop...!"

Kuna tightened his grip on her hips and redoubled his efforts. He was eager to see her pushed over the edge, both for the satisfaction of knowing he made her feel amazing, and out of curiosity to see what her body language might be like in the throes of an orgasm. He couldn't see her face especially well from where he was, but what little he could see was worth it.

"I... I'm g... ffffuuuuck, Ku!" she moaned, then gritted her teeth and started convulsing as her climax arrived.

Not wanting to potentially ruin it, Kuna kept going, waiting for her signal to stop. That resulted in her orgasm being dragged out slightly, until she finally pulled herself away and slumped off to the side, panting heavily.

"F... fuck me, Ku," she murmured, grinning over at him as they both caught their breath for different reasons. "That... that was good. You're a fast learner."

Kuna blushed and smiled bashfully. "Hehe... just happy I was... able to satisfy you."

"You sure did," Hoku said, then narrowed her eyes as she slid up close to him. She reached over and started stroking his cock once more, licking her lips. "And you've been a very good, patient boy. Time for your reward, mister."

The sereva gasped slightly and bit his lip, looking down at her hand, then back up at her face. "W-what should I-?"

"Just lay back and relax," she told him, then moved down between his legs. "And don't worry about holding back. You've already impressed me plenty. I know how pent up you must be."

Before he could reply, she suddenly dipped her head down, sliding his penis entirely into her maw. He tensed up and sucked air in through his teeth as his fingers dug into the sand beneath him. "O-oh wow," he nearly whispered as he experienced his first blowjob. He'd fantasized about it, sure, but the reality was way more intense than he'd ever imagined. He shivered when she started slowly bobbing her head up and down.

Her mouth was warm, wet, and snug, making for a heavenly sensation washing over his member. After a couple dozen bobs, she slid off and worked his throbbing erection with her tongue while staring up at him with half-lidded eyes and a little grin on the corner of her mouth. After a little teasing, particularly on his sensitive glans, she went back to sucking. The cycle repeated a few times, making him whimper and moan, unable to form words as he was wracked with ecstasy more intense than anything he'd been able to give himself before.

She pulled off again after another cycle and stroked his cock for a moment while she caught her breath. "Feeling pretty good I take it?"

"Hah... f-fuck... so good," he panted, instinctively rocking his hips and thrusting his dick in her hands. "N-not gonna... last much longer..."

"No need to, cutie," Hoku replied with a wink, then licked her lips. "Just let it go and cum whenever you're ready. Gonna go hard now, alright?"

"Y... you weren't already?" he asked incredulously.

In response, she just grinned, then dipped her head back down as she resumed sucking him off, faster and with renewed vigor. His back arched and his toes curled as he was quickly overwhelmed by the sensation. One hand shot down to her head, uncertain whether to try and push her away or coax her onward due to the intensity of the sensation.

Not that she could be moved anyway. Her mouth continued assaulting him with pleasure without slowing down a bit. Her hands went to work, too. One cradled and played his his testicles, while the other slipped around and fondled his rear teasingly. When she sensed him approaching the brink, she slid the latter around and slipped a finger inside him, wiggling it around and probing him a bit.

He let out a yelp, followed by a shaky, prolonged moan as he was sent over the edge. A pent-up load flooded into her waiting maw as he uncontrollably bucked his hips and spasmed on the ground. She continued milking it out of him for a moment, before finally slowing to a stop. She pulled off and swallowed the last of it, then licked her lips, grinning. "Mmm, all that fruit's given you a pretty good taste, Ku."

The sereva just laid there, panting with his eyes rolled up, with a somewhat silly look was plastered on his face. Hoku giggled and moved to lounge next to him again, watching him slowly recover in amusement.

"I... hah... that... was..." he stammered weakly after he started to slowly recover. "I just... wow..."

The raptuva smiled and poked her tongue out at him playfully.

Kuna collected himself for a minute, then slowly, shakily slid back up into more of a lounging position next to her. "W-wow, Hoku..."

"Love your o-face," she commented teasingly. "It's adorably silly."

He blushed and folded his ears down. "Oh stop," he said, giggling a little, then sighed contently. "Thanks, Hoku... that was amazing."

"Hey, thank you for letting me be your first," Hoku replied, tussling his hair a bit. "I'm glad we could do this together."

"Me too," the sereva replied. "Definitely never going to forget this."

"First time should always be memorable," she commented. "And I meant what I said. You're a fast learner. Lot of guys aren't half as attentive as you. I'm jealous of Kou or whoever you end up with."

Kuna blushed again and rubbed his arm bashfully. "Aww, c'mon, gosh..."

"Seriously. I hope anyone you choose to be intimate with treats you as good as you treat them," she said, then leaned over and gave him a little kiss on the forehead. "You're gonna make that fluffy boy melt, I just know it."

"And you're gonna make me melt if you keep that up," Kuna quipped, then giggled a little.

"Oh yeah? Someone got a thing for being praised, huh?" Hoku teased. "Wouldn't surprise me, you being such a good boy."

The sereva rolled his eyes, blushing some more. "Hey, you were amazing too," he replied. "Out of all the people I've met, I'm glad you were my first."

"Well, first for that stuff anyway," the raptuva said, grinning. She then reached down and prodded his hip. "Your cock and mouth got some action, but that cute butt's first time has Lykou's name on it, and we both know it."

Kuna sputtered and blushed furiously. "Sh-shut up," he said, giving her a playful shove. "Y-you did technically-"

"Finger doesn't count. That was just a teaser," she playfully barbed. "Wait till you get a big, throbbing konuul cock to play with."

"Hokuuu," Kuna whined, then giggled. "You trying to get me worked up again?"

Hoku laughed in response. "As tempting as it'd be to go for another round, we should probably get cleaned up and head back before people get too suspicious. Unless of course you want to advertise to everyone what we've been up to. And personally, I don't feel like dealing with Kani's commentary."

Kuna sat up and dusted himself off a bit. "Good point. Assuming she's even still conscious," he remarked. "And not, uh... s-seducing Kou."

"Ooo, do I sense some jealousy?" Hoku said as she got up, then stretched a bit.

The sereva rolled his eyes a little as he got up as well. "No. Well... maybe a little. But besides not wanting to be a hypocrite, I'm all in favor of him having a good time too, whoever it's with."

"Yeah, you did mention that weird water spirit you guys met."

"Sulyr, yeah," Kuna said, chuckling. "He was... definitely unique. Wond-ackpfft!" The sereva sputtered as he was suddenly assaulted with a stream of water that'd been magically lifted up and washed over him.

Hoku giggled. "Sorry, just trying to help you get cleaned up a bit," she said, then soaked herself as well. "Anyone asks, we just decided to goof around in the water a bit."

"You could've warned me," Kuna playfully griped.

"What'd be the fun in that?" she teased, then dismissed the magic, dropping the water back where it belonged. She wrapped an arm around him as they both turned to head back to the village. "C'mon, let's get back and see who's still conscious."

Kuna returned the side-embrace, beaming happily. "Really glad I met you, Hoku."

"Likewise, Ku. Likewise."