Where there be Dragons...

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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Thanks to Crimson Dragon for all of his input and support for this story. Without him this would never have been finished and would still be in my immense pile of unfinished writing.

I do warn all readers, this story contains very soft vore later on (no death, no digestion, no pain, no gore ect.) Even though I elude to digestion, it's only an illusion *spoilers*

The wind swept harshly across David's handsome face as his hand grasped onto another handhold. It had dropped to almost negative temperatures in the mountains, and he had been vastly unprepared for the horrendous conditions. Steeling himself, he reached out and grasped another handhold, pulling himself up with great effort and onto the safety of the ledge.

He hadn't expected to have to come out this far; his view of the sun had disappeared hours ago and he was on his own out in the Berudian mountains. Hell, it had only supposed to have been a simple climb to the top; the weather had said nothing about this. Bitter wind tore harshly through his hair and into his eyes, making him blink painfully.

David had left his village a half-day beforehand to scour the mountains for any signs of incoming game. Food supplies tended to traverse the mountains in the winter so that they could feed at the warm springs near his village. If all signs pointed to a good supply of hunting material, he would simply report back to the town and they would go out hunting.

But, things hadn't gone as planned. What had started as a simple scouting trip had turned into a mad struggle for survival as the sheer cold threatened to deal him a heavy dose of hypothermia, or worse, death. He hadn't dressed heavily at all, and that decision was beginning to cost him dearly.

"Curses," he swore under his breath, standing up and cracking his knuckles. Flecks of snow were beginning to gather on his nose; he wiped his face quickly and proceeded onwards. His best bet would be to find some adequate shelter and hide there until the vicious weather had passed. Still, finding shelter like that would be difficult with the poor visibility he had before him.

Every second, David felt his muscles slow, his heart relax, his mind begin to blur. It had dropped to arctic temperatures in minutes, and his body was unable to cope properly. He staggered forwards blindly, unable to see where he was going, every movement becoming laboured and difficult.

After another minute his legs gave out, numbed by the intense chill that had surrounded them. David tried calling out for help, his face hitting the snowy ground painfully, leaving him dazed and disoriented. He was panicking heavily now, desperate for help, but no-one could possibly hear him.

With a sigh he closed his eyes, accepting unhappily the fate that lay before him. He was going to die up here, frozen to death in these unforgiving mountains. How could it have changed so quickly? That was the last thought that ran through his mind before his thoughts faded to black and his body gave in to the insurmountable cold.


An unknown period of time later, David felt warmth against his body. He couldn't open his eyes, but he welcomed the relief from the chill gladly, and didn't care where it had come from. His first though was that he had died, but a second consideration of that slowly turned that idea to a fancy of his imagination.

He was very much alive, somehow. How was that even possible, he wondered, did someone... actually hear my shouts? Still, deciding to figure it out, he did his best to open his eyes. They had been almost sealed shut by the snow, and he weakly reached out and brushed across his face, his vision slowly coming back to him.

His muscles were sore and tired, his body still damaged from the effects of the cold. Although he felt warmer than before, he knew he still was in serious danger if he didn't get some help. Some sound from around him echoed into his ear, and he became vaguely aware that he must be indoors. That would also explain the change in weather.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim light around him, he immediately saw one thing: he was in a cave. This worried him greatly, as the only caves in the surrounding areas were rumoured to be the nests of dragons. He sorely hoped that it wasn't so; dragons had a greatly feared reputation, even if he had never actually seen one before.

In fact, now that he thought about it, nobody he knew had seen one. He smiled; they were probably just a legend told to scare the village children. Now that his eyesight had fully returned, he sat up slowly, noticing he was on a stone floor. Definitely a cave of sorts, he told himself, probably got rescued by a hermit.

He was still incredibly weak, his knees wobbling under him as he struggled to walk. He wanted to thanks the owner of the cave for rescuing him; he was indebted to them now with his life. He realised just how close he had come to death, and sighed softly.

"I must be amazingly lucky today," he muttered, and suddenly stopped as two large shadows loomed from the front of the cave.

He turned to flee, the monstrous figures scaring him heavily, but he realised that he would only be running to the back wall of the cave behind him. He was completely trapped. As the two mighty figures stepped into view, David gasped and fell to his knees, his body freezing where he stood at the intimidating sight.

Dragons! Two of them, around thirty feet tall, revealed themselves to the terrified human. David noticed that they both had iridescent ruby-red scales, sharp teeth and claws and powerful, dangerous builds. He shivered where he stood, a combination of cold and fear which shook his body to the very core.

He knew that he had to do something. His initial period of shock at the existence of dragons had passed; accepting that, he needed to act. He got back to his feet and shakily attempted to run. He took a couple of steps, trying to run through the two massive beasts but tripped and fell, landing once more upon the ground.

"Ha, he certainly has spirit," one of the dragons said, much to David's surprise, "only been awake ten seconds and he's trying a runner. Some gratitude that is."

"Yeah, hon, he's got an amazing amount of vitality in him," the other one replied.

David stood back up and looked at the pair, trying to analyse the situation as best he could in his current state.

"You... can talk?" he stammered, and one of the two nodded.

"You can to, apparently," the dragon replied, and the other one chuckled.

Hoping he could reason with the pair, he tried, "I'm really not that tasty, I promise." They both laughed this time, and David felt a chill through his body.

"Oh, there's no denying you'd be delicious," one told him, "but we have no intention of eating you. Unless you give us a reason to."

David's heart slowed down after the second sentence.

"Really?" he asked, as if trying to confirm what he had heard.

"Of course, hon," the other replied in a motherly tone, and David worked out that she was female, while the other was male.

Breathing a half-sigh of relief, he pulled himself up into a more dignified position.

"Well, if that is true," David said, dusting off his clothes, "then thankyou for rescuing me. I'm David." The male dragon moved forward a little, snorting a small ring of smoke.

"I'm Dakarth," the male dragon introduced himself, and pointing to the female added, "and this is my mate, Dremira." David nodded, accepting their introduction. He looked around, noting the simplistic interior of the cave.

"Well," he began awkwardly, "what now?"

Dremira laughed, a sound which made David feel more comfortable. His was still wary; it seemed almost too good to be true, especially considering the legends.

"I still can't believe the humans have those silly old legends," she said to Dakarth, "I think he though we'd kill him."

Dakarth chuckled and turned to David, saying, "Well, welcome to our home. I'm afraid you can't leave right now, not unless you want to die a very cold death, but you're most welcome to stay here. Dremira and I don't bite, unless you want us too. I'm afraid I don't have any food for you, so that could be a problem, but you should warm up a bit here."

David nodded, thankful for the hospitality. He was still getting used to their appearance; they were towering over him. Still, if they had wanted to eat him they had plenty of chances before now.

"How did you find me?" he decided to ask, and Dremira smiled.

"Dragons have incredible hearing, it's part of our magic," she replied, and David's eyes shot open.

"Magic!" he exclaimed, and Dakarth chuckled.

"If we told you," the male dragon replied, "we'd have to eat you."

David paled for a second but quickly realised he was joking. He chuckled awkwardly with them, but still wasn't completely at ease, which was perfectly understandable. The two dragons smiled at each other and the Dremira gave him the answer.

"Dragons have a passive set of magical abilities, which we have limited control over. That is one of them."

The young human nodded, his head almost exploding with the sheer amount of ideas that he needed to throw out. His whole outlook on life was changing; everything he knew was being proven wrong. He shivered softly, and sat back against the edge of the cave.

"So... what do you two usually do around here?" David asked, trying to get a normal conversation started.

It figured he wouldn't get a normal response.

"We usually fly and explore," Dakarth replied, "but sometimes we hunt when we have to and we mate quite often." David blushed at the last part; he probably hadn't needed to know.

"We've never really encountered many humans," Dremira told him, "but when we do we usually hide ourselves. It's not worth the confrontation; you humans are quite an angry bunch sometimes." David shook his head, realising the problem.

"We think dragons are pretty scary," he admitted, "there are stories and legends about..."

"Pah," Dakarth snorted, "all just that: stories. We don't kill things; it's not in our nature." David nodded, but was reluctant to voice what he was really thinking. He wanted to know how they hunted, then. He shivered once more, and Dakarth turned back to him.

"Your little bout of death-via-cold actually interrupted our mating, you know."

David blushed and looked down.

"Sorry," was all he could reply, feeling a little awkward. Dremira noticed and commented on it.

"What's wrong, hon?" she asked, and David looked back up.

"Well," he informed her, "humans don't usually talk about... things like that as openly. We treat... mating as a private thing." Dakarth chuckled and looked back at him.

"Really? I wonder why that is?" the dragon asked genuinely, and David sighed. How could he explain?

"Well," he replied, attempting an answer, "it's because... mating is supposed to be, you know, private. You're exposing yourself to... ah, forget it, it wouldn't make sense to you."

"It doesn't," Dakarth told him, "but if you're uncomfortable with it we won't continue."

David shook his head, feeling highly embarrassed.

"Sorry," he apologised, "don't stop on my account. I'd just rather be... elsewhere." Dremira nodded, and they both turned to head deeper into the cave through a side passage.

"I'm very sorry," Dremira said, "but I'm in the middle of my heat, and we only have a short window of time to get the job done. Please, make yourself comfortable and we'll be done before you know it. Dakarth knows how to please a lady." David blushed and the dragoness realised what she had said to make him do so, and looked at him apologetically.

"We'll be back soon, don't be afraid to interrupt us if you need anything," Dakarth said, "you are our guest, after all, and it is the pride of a dragon to honour guests." David nodded and sat back down, looking out towards the raging storm. His body was still very, very cold, and he knew if he didn't warm up he was going to catch something bad.

As time passed, although David had counted on not being able to see the two copulating dragons, he could certainly hear them. The sounds of bestial lovemaking echoed through the caverns, making David very bothered indeed. He tried to shut out the sound, focusing instead on his current predicament.

He had almost died, been rescued - by two dragons no less - and was now sitting in their cave while they... had sex? It was absurd, but he realised just how quickly he was coming to accept his situation. He was still freezing; there was no real heat in the cave, only protection from the harsher outside elements.

"I've got no food," David muttered hungrily, "this could be a problem. I don't know about dragons, but a human's gotta eat." He thought about home, back in the village and felt a twinge of longing, but dismissed it. He couldn't afford thoughts of what was normal right now; otherwise he might end up losing his mind.

"This temperature business is going to do me in," he told himself, standing back up and facing the back of the cave, "but... although they were really nice, I doubt they'd appreciate me interrupting their... fun time." He sighed and looked around; the cave really was as basic as it got, which was fine for a dragon but could have used more to be suitable for a human.

An involuntary tremor shook his body, telling him he needed to move. The temperature was somehow getting colder every minute, and David knew he had to start moving. Using all of his remaining energy, he began to jog lightly around the large cave in the hope that it would warm him up. After ten minutes he realised it was getting colder quicker than he could warm up.

"This could be bad," David said to himself, and then looked down at the side of the cave. It would certainly be warmer in there, he thought, but was it worth interrupting the dragons. They were getting quite loud, and the sounds were actually making David feel a little aroused. He couldn't help it; sex was sex, and they were going at it rather loudly.

"Ah, sheesh," he sighed and slowly made his way to the depths of the cave; he turned the corner and his jaw dropped considerably. Before his very eyes lay the two feral dragons, Dakarth and Dremira, mating passionately as the female was taken by the male. If that wasn't enough to make David's eyes pop out of his head, there were many other details he began to pick up on.

Hiding behind a rock, he watched as Dakarth's huge form mounted Dremira, his thick, engorged dragon cock penetrating her with incredible power. David could only stare as he realised that Dakarth's monstrous erection was as big as him. Every thrust of that mighty organ sent splashes of what could only be presumed was his pre-cum sloshing against the cave floor.

The moans coming from Dremira only made it harder for David to stop watching; in fact, it only made him harder. He realised shamefully that he was getting highly aroused from their lovemaking, his own erection straining for release. Despite his situation, he slowly lowered his pants and began to stroke himself off to the lewd sexual act before him.

He sighed as his hand slid along his shaft; giving himself the desperate release he needed as he continued to spy on the pair as they rutted obliviously. The impressive male dragon suddenly stopped and pulled his entire shaft out from within his mate, leaving the dragoness gaping. David, although worried he had been spotted, found the view of the gaping dragon pussy to be massively arousing.

He began to jerk harder, watching as Dakarth made her beg for it.

"I need you, my mate," the needy female called, "fill me with your amazing cock." Those words send shivers through David, and not because of the cold.

Dakarth, being the good sport he was, didn't keep the lady waiting. With a massive heave he buried his steamy dragonhood deep within her sloppy confines. They both growled with feral lust as they resumed their intense pounding, loud squelching noises echoing through the cavern with each messy thrust.

Fascinated, David masturbated himself faster, the intimate sounds coming from the pair making him painfully hard. He didn't know why he felt so attracted to the two dragons, especially since they were so massive compared to him, but he definitely was. Dremira looked back at Dakarth and for a moment David thought she had spotted him, but she was simply admiring her mate.

"So... good," the male dragon moaned as his slick pole disappeared into her repeatedly. David wondered just how big she would have to be inside to take what her mate was giving her. Their breathing was getting louder; their motions becoming more and more rapid with every thrust. David knew that he had to be close to their climaxes.

Suddenly, Dremira pulled off of his thick shaft and rolled onto her back, spreading her back legs and allowing Dakarth to plunge back into her without pause.

"I want to see your face when you finish inside of me," she growled to her mate, and David shook with delight.

She certainly knew how to make a male feel wanted, he noted as Dakarth's thrusts grew more and more erratic. David himself was close to coming; his hand pumping rapidly across his rather small shaft comparatively. Time after time their massive underbellies collided as their bodies pressed together; Dremira's slick vent spreading to accommodate his length welcomingly.

Finally, with a powerful roar, Dakarth reached the height of his sexual tension. David watched in disbelief as the enormous dragon literally exploded within his mate; thick, warm torrents of creamy dragon cum drenching her vaginal walls and spurting out around his thick cock. The female dragon smiled contentedly as she rode out her own orgasm, watching as his fluids coated the cave floor liberally.

David couldn't believe how much the male dragon was producing, even despite his massive size. Dremira's belly was slowly swelling; his rich, creamy seed filling her up completely and causing her stomach to accept his spunk. David wasn't sure where more cum was being placed; inside of her body or all over it.

His orgasm didn't seem to end, and David found it too much, his own - considerably smaller -load squirting over his chest and fingers. He sighed happily as he milked his own cock for all it had, and then realised he had to clean up the evidence. He quickly put his hand to his mouth, licking the cum from his fingers. It didn't taste bad at all.

Dakarth eventually stopped, much to David's surprise. He'd thought the dragon would cum for hours, but then again, he knew that would be silly. The draconic male had already deposited at least a hundred gallons of the sticky stuff inside of his mate, and looked rather pleased at doing so. Yet, it was his words as David attempted to back out of the cave that made him freeze with terror.

"Come here, human," Dakarth growled. David's breath caught; he had been spotted at the scene of the crime, so to speak. Knowing his game was up, and not wanting to annoy a dragon, David stepped out into their area of the cave. The red dragon's cock was still stiff and buried deep within the female.

He was about to open his mouth to apologise and beg for forgiveness, when Dremira silence him.

"Did you really think that we didn't know you were there?" she asked, "we did hear you out in the snow, remember?" David blushed and looked down, but then realised what that implied.

"Hang on..." he began but Dakarth laughed.

"Did you enjoy the show?" the dragon asked with a smile, "you scent tells me you did." David blushed once again, but nodded. There was no use lying now.

Dremira looked at Dakarth and then smiled.

"He still looks like death," she noted, and then turned to David, adding, "come over here." David complied, walking over and accidentally stepping in a pool of draconic sperm.

"Oops," he muttered, and the dragoness laughed.

"I have questions for you, hon," the female dragon said, looking at him whilst on her back. David nodded.

"Do you still need warmth?" she asked, and another nod.

"And you enjoyed watching us mate?" she continued, and David nodded again, but blushed.

"Do you trust me?" she asked, and David nodded. Her voice was captivating, and he had no other choice. Suddenly, he felt Dakarth grab him from behind. He struggled in his surprise, and found that his clothes were quickly ripped off by the dragon's claw.

Completely nude, he felt a little exposed. Still, he wasn't sure what Dakarth was doing with him, until he saw where he was going. The mighty male dragon slowly slid his cock free from Dremira's sex, a torrent of cum flooding the floors as he exited her body. Now she was left gaping, filled to the brim with gallons upon gallons of thick, warm seed.

It was then David realised what Dakarth was doing. He was about to cry out, when Dakarth placed him on her scaly underbelly and moved his claw away. He was surprised; he had thought the dragon was going to throw him into her sloppy snatch. Seconds later he realised that they were giving him a choice.

Standing only a meter away from her vagina, David was given a clear view.

"If you want to," Dremira told him, "you can climb in. It'll get rid of your hypothermic symptoms, your cold... in fact, just about every illness in your body. Dragon ejaculate has incredible magical power."

David looked at her, surprised, at first thinking it sounded absurd. But it was beginning to sound like a good deal, and the intense aroma coming from the concoction before him was making him aroused again. Slowly, he nodded. Hell, what did he have to lose?

"Plus," Dakarth added, "it would be very, very sexy."

David's head was spinning; he had never, in a million years, expected to do anything like this. But then again, hours ago he'd never have believed it dragons, either. His cock once again standing at attention, and the horny gazes of the two dragons upon him, he accepted the offer. He turned back to look at what he would be doing.

Looking down, Dremira's scaly vent was spread wide open, almost a metre in diameter. David guessed that it would normally contain a mass of red, velvety vaginal folds but instead it was simply brimming with dragon spunk. As he looked closer, it became more and more inviting. It was certainly a literal meaning for the phrase 'cum bath'.

Dakarth's thick seed shifted softly with each of Dremira's large breaths. It was certainly thick, David noted, and looked quite creamy. He had no doubt that billions of sperm were sloshing around inside of the creamy white liquid. He didn't know why, but every second he spent outside of her heated vent made him more eager to be in it.

Not wanting to be cold any longer, and also secretly desiring to be bathed in the reproductive fluids of a dragon, David stepped forwards and began to enter her. The dragons watched on intently as the human began his entry into her, finding it highly arousing themselves. They had always wanted to try something like this, but had never had the means.

"Humans are so amazing," Dakarth commented as David got onto his stomach and lowered his way into her snatch. Unable to do so with any semblance of dignity, he chose to instead just drop in. He moaned as he was covered up to his shoulders in hot, relaxing seed, his feet finding the base of her vagina and holding his head above the fluids.

Dremira smiled, the sensation of a human inside of her vaginal passage made her shiver with delight. Now that he was in her, David could feel her words becoming reality. The feeling of cold was gone, replaced by a sense of calm. He brought his hand out of the ooze and watched, dumbfounded as a scar he had received from a wild boar years before vanished before his eyes.

"I did say so," the dragoness chuckled, and David looked at her with immense gratitude.

"Thankyou," he said, "for everything. I owe you so much, but I don't know how I could repay you." Dremira looked at him with caring eyes.

"Do no worry, your company and entertainment are enough for us," the dragoness told him, "just relax, we have all night."

He took a moment to really survey his surroundings now, cupping his hands and bringing the up. The thick, viscous dragon spooge ran between his fingers slowly, like thick soup. It fell back into her with a plop and splashed him on the face a little. Feeling naughty, David leant forward and brought his mouth below the surface, drinking in as much as he could.

It was absolutely divine! As the warm, rich semen filled his mouth his mind begged for more. Dakarth chuckled as he watched the human gorge himself on his emissions, filling his belly with the life-giving essence. When had had his fill he looked back at Dremira, who smiled at the thick gloop dripping from his lower face.

Considering how strong it smelt, David wouldn't be surprised if it was sinking into his every pore. He'd smell like cum for weeks! He almost had to pinch himself, it just seemed absurd that he was actually doing this. He wanted to be able to really repay the two dragons, but he didn't have any idea how do it.

For now, he was content to lean back against the dragoness' vaginal entrance, his head resting on her clitoris. She shifted a little, the young human's actions making her rather horny. Dakarth noticed and brought his head down, licking around her puffy slit with his textured tongue. David ducked as the gigantic mouth passed over his head.

His cum bath was making David extremely aroused. Just the thought of actually being inside a dragon's vagina while covered in another dragon's seed made his cock ache for release. He reached his hand down into the mixture and grasped his own shaft, realising how amazing it felt to have it already covered with lubricant.

He slowly began to masturbate once again, his hand being slowed considerably this time by the sheer resistance that the thick semen was giving him. Both dragons watched intently as the human relieved himself in front of them; David no longer caring at all about his dignity. He had come this far, it was time to throw away all social norms and just enjoy himself.

"Looks like he's opening up to us," Dremira said, and Dakarth nodded.

"He's as horny as we are," the male dragon stated with a smile, "maybe we should have some more fun with him." David didn't hear them, too lost in his own jerking to realise.

After a few minutes David felt his orgasm coming along. He sighed happily as he fired his load into the already huge amount that surrounded him. Dremira smiled; now she was filled with the seed of two males.

"So," Dakarth asked, "did you enjoy that?"

David nodded, the relaxing feel of the creamy fluids around him making him feel spent. He looked up at the female dragoness, who nodded contently at him. He lay back against the lip of Dremira's vagina, soaking in the bath of sperm that were no doubt sliding around his body, a thought which aroused him heavily.

After a minute he looked up at Dakarth, and asked, "so what happens now?" To be honest, the human had no idea himself, he was just glad to have found such an open pair of dragons. Now he just had to get out. He turned and realised he would have a hard time getting himself out of the sticky fluids, the walls of the dragon's vagina too slippery for him to even begin to hold on to.

Dakarth chuckled and reached down, grabbing David between his claws and lifting him out, letting him stand on the floor. Thick, delicious cum dripped from his body in gloopy clumps, dribbling onto the floor of the cave from every part of his body.

"Sheesh," he said with a chuckle, "I'm quite the mess!"

Bringing his huge head down, Dakarth offered, "would you like me to clean it up?" David looked apprehensive at first, but then nodded. What could go wrong? Suddenly, Dakarth opened his huge mouth and David flinched in fear as he thought the dragon was about to eat him. He quickly looked embarrased when he realised that he was just extending his massive tongue.

And what a large tongue it was, lashing over his naked body like a warm, wet mattress, cleaning him of all of the leftover mating juice and leaving a fair bit of saliva instead, which wasn't perfect but it would do until he could wash properly.

"Thankyou for that," David said appreciatively, "I've never done anything like that before."

"Well," Dremira said, "we've never had a human before, so we're glad to have given you such an enjoyable time." David smiled and went back over to his clothes, ready to put them back on.

"Packing up so soon?" Dakarth asked, "why don't we have some more fun?"

David dropped the pants and looked back at the male dragon, whose cock was still rigid and ready to go. He chuckled, and walked back over to the horny dragon, who prompty smiled and lowered his massive cock. At first, David wasn't sure what he wanted; there was no way he could pleasure something that big.

"Hop on," the dragon encouraged and David laughed, the idea seeming so absurd. Still, he walked forward and straddled the man-sized cock, mounting it like a witch would a broomstick, albeit a thick one. Suddenly the ground lifted away from him as Dakarth stood, his hefty cock lifting into the air. David grinned, wondering if what he was thinking was going to happen.

Giving the cock a quick lick, David found it tasted the same as the cum from before, probably because it was covered in it. He was messy again, but who cared? Dakarth straddled Dremira slowly, his face coming down to her vent and slurping the cum from in her snatch down his throat, emptying her vagina.

Walking uo to her mouth, David watched from his stiff erection as his jaw opened and his own cum poured from his mouth into her awaiting throat, sharing his seed with his draconic lover. He didn't think he had ever seen anything that sexy before, and his cock qickly became hard again.

When the pair were done, David asked, "so what were you going to do next?" Dakarth looked down at him and grinned.

"Well, I thought because I was so messy, my mate could give us a little clean, and then we could help satisfy her." David chuckled as Dremira rolled over and brought her giant mouth up to the meaty cock on which David was riding.

She opened her mouth and David looked deep into her maw, seeing the back of her large mouth and the darkness beyond. Her tongue smothered him and Dakarth's erection eagerly, licking them clean of any traces of dragon spunk that may have been left. David thought it felt a little ticklish, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

A rather large lick made him loose his grip and he fell. He was about to yell out in surprise when he landed on a soft, moist bed and realised that he had landed on Dremira's tonuge.

"Thanks," he said gratefully with relief, "that could have really hurt."

He tried to pick himself up but found that the tongue was quite slippery. Wrapping his hand around one of her large, sharp teeth he looked down and saw that he was a fair way from the ground once more.

"Would it be alright if you put me down now?" David asked politely, feeling a little uneasy about being in a dragon's mouth.

Dakarth looked at him and said, "why would you want to do that?" David shook his head, sighing, and pointed to Dakarth's large dragonhood.

"Then we can help satisfy your mate, like you said," David exlained. Standing up, he noticed that his head was only inches away from the roof of the dragonesses' mouth.

"We certainly will," Dakarth told him with a sly grin, "but unlike you, I shall be doing it from the outside." It took David a few seconds to grasp the implications of the male dragon's words, but once it dawned on him, he began to panic.

"You're kidding, right," he said nervously, but the he saw the dragon's expression, "I mean... no..."

"Yes," Dakarth revealed, making his intentions known, "you will satisfy my mate quite well. It has been so long since she has eaten, her heat has prevented her from hunting for a while. When you just wantered in here, I knew you could help us sate two pleasures at the same time."

David shook his head, hoping it was some kind of joke, but he somehow knew that it wasn't. This thought suddenly reared in his mind and he felt fear for the first time; how could these two dragons have turned on him so suddenly. He grabbed onto the giant tooth in front of him and tried to pull himself out, but the tongue was too slippery.

His heart pounding, the young human tried desperately to escape, fully realising that he was going to become a dragon's dinner if he didn't flee. So the stories were true; dragons did kill humans after all. They had been so nice to him, and it had all just been an exploitation of his sexual desires.

Once he found that he was well and truly unable to free himself from Dremira's cushioned tongue, David looked back out at Dakarth with a pleading expression.

"I don't want to die," he begged, "please, let me go. I'll go catch you some food, please, don't eat me." The dragons looked at each other with amused expressions.

"Unfortunately," Dakarth said, as Dremira was unable to speak, "you're just so delicious, I doubt that anything would be as good of a substitute. You should be honoured, not many get to serve a dragoness as well as you will. You body will make for a great energy boost; your life will help create her own."

This did little to console David, as he fell down on his hands and knees, covered in saliva and a defeated look in his eye. He knew that he could never escape; even if he got free, how could he overcome two massive dragons with a thousand times the strength that he possessed. Was this it? Was this his destiny? To be lunch for a dragon?

Dremira closed her mouth slowly and David reached out, as if hoping to grasp the outside air but let out a small sob as the light slowly dissapeared around him, sealing him inside of the dragoness' maw. Inside of her large mouth was warm and smelt rather pungently, and he was unable to tell if it was a positive or negative smell. It was certainly a negative situation.

"Let me out!" he yelled, hoping that the dragons could hear him. To his surprise, Dremira could speak into his mind directly, as could Dakarth.

"Relax," Dremira mind-spoke to him, "it won't hurt, I promise. You will feel no pain, I can make sure of it."

David was far from impressed.

"You liars," he shouted, trying to pry her mouth open to no avail, "I trusted you, I thought you were decent."

"We are, hun," Dremira replied, "just think, you have a chance to help out a friend."

With a sigh, David stopped his struggles and lay back, his spirit defeated.

"Why?" he sobbed, his resolve completely gone, "I don't want to be here. I shouldn't be here." All of the pleasure from the last few hours seemed to be slipping away.

"You might enjoy it," Dakarth added unexpectedly, and David snorted, still fearing the moment when they would stop talking. He wanted to draw out his life for as long as possible.

"You must be kidding," he replied scornfully, "I'm going to suffocate, or have my flesh dissolved by your stomach acids."

"You forget our magic," Dremira replied resonably, as if it was a normal, everyday conversation, "you will be able to breath inside of me. Who knows, you may find it quite comfortable inside of my stomach."

"Not if my skin is dissolved," David retorted, but Dremira shot him down again.

"Actually, you will remain in my body until we fall asleep. After that, my stomach will then fill with digestive acid and slowly turn you into energy for my body. You won't feel a thing, I promise, and you will be helping me get through my heat. Don't worry, you might enjoy what happens."

David was very conflicted, he had no desire to die but on the other hand, he was curious as to what she meant. Looking down into the back of her throat he saw the dark abyss that would lead to his end, and he suddenly found another conflicting thought enter his mind.

No, he thought to himself, you're going to die, there is nothing good about it. But a small voice, a whisper in his mind, told him something else.

"What could I find enjoyable about it?" David asked, still stalling for time while he thought about anything he could do, even though he knew it was futile.

"Well," Dakarth took his turn to explain, "you see, my mate only has tonight left in her heat, which means if I am to successfully impregnate her, it will have to be now. So, use your imagination, and consider the possibilities." David's mind wandered for a moment, thoughts tracing unbidden paths through his mind.

He shook his head, trying to shake the idea. The dragons had tricked him once, they were simply trying to ensure that he wouldn't struggle. But... to feel the power of two feral dragons mating... while... inside one of their stomachs? With horror he realised the idea turned him on, his erection slowly hardening once again.

"See," Dakarth announced with a chuckle, "you can't deny it, you find the idea appealing, no?" David tried to cover his feelings, but they were too obvious.

"Now, Dremira said, "we have waited too long. Either way, you are going to end up in my belly, and become a part of me. Either you can accept your fate and enjoy your time inside of me, or it can be unpleasant for you."

Utterly defeated, David lay down on her tongue, his feet aimed towards her throat. He knew he was finished either way, and so grudglingly, he accepted his fate. It felt strange, but in a way he knew that at least his body would be put to goode use. Dremira's tongue slowly moved and he slid closer to that awaiting cavern, his heart racing.

Slowly and carefully, the dragoness lifted her head and he began to slide into her throat, David resisting, even while knowing he had no chance. He gripped her large tooth, but slipped and was moved closer towards that fatal one-way passage. He knew where he was going, and with a small sigh, he relaxed.

Dremira smiled as she felt him slide into her throat, glad that he had no chosen to resist. It would be much more pleasant for both of them that way. Looking down, David felt the warm tongue push his feet into the awaiting gullet, his body inching ever closer to an inescapable fate. How had this happened?

Dakarth watched as his mate slowly swallowed the human, David's feet pushing against the entrance to her esophagus. It was dark inside the dragoness' maw, but David knew he wouldn't need light where he was going. He would only be churned up into food for her mighty body, to energise her for her heat. Why was the idea... so... intriguing?

Suddenly, he felt his feet pass through the fleshy entrance as she took a small swallow, admitting the first part of his body into her throat. Although his mind was in a blur, he felt oddly relaxed. Maybe it was because of the soft texture of the dragoness' tongue, or the gentle method in which she was eating him?

Still, he didn't have any interest in his life ending, and this made him rather displeased. His knees sank into the squishy passage, followed by his hips. Despite Dremira's large size, her esophagus was almost the perfect width to accomodate him. It wrapped snugly around his stomach as it slowly passed through, and the dragoness opened her maw.

As she took one last deep swallow, David glimpsed the outside world one last time before her throat muscles pulled the rest of his body inside of her oral passage. He tried to reach out but his arms were pinned to his sides as his head dissapeared into her throat, which bulged visibly from the outside.

Dakarth watched as the lump that was David slid slowly down her esophagus, gravity making his descent inevitable. David could feel the slick, pungent walls around him squeeze and pulse over his body, forcing him down. Strangely, every ripple of her throat stimulated his body, making his cock stiff and erect as it was caressed by her silky insides.

Although calm, or as calm and level-headed as he could be, he was still very much aware that he was taking the last ride he would ever board. He suddenly felt something blocking his path, and suddenly realised that he was only a short drop away from her stomach. He found it strange that he could still breathe; they hadn't lied on that count.

He looked up but saw nothing but darkness, and he knew that it was most likely all he would ever see again. Dakarth could see that the lump had dissapeared, and with a final motion, David slipped through the entrance of her stomach. Dremira smiled and licked her lips as she felt the human's body sink into her, her underbelly bulging slightly.

"How did you enjoy your meal?" Dakarth asked his mate, nuzzling her cheek with his own.

"It was delicious," she sighed, "but it has yet to truly begin." Dakarth nodded, there will still a ways to go yet. Meanwhile, David's body had come to rest in a large, fleshy bag which covered him on all sides.

He pressed his hands against the lining, and they molded and stretched around him as he did so. He was in the belly of the beast now, with no escape. It wasn't a tight fit, far from it, it was like a warm, wet and pungent planket that covered his entire body. Still, the absence of any digestive fluids was a relief to him.

He wondered why that was, and then remembered that it would only happen when the dragons were asleep. He breathed in, still wondereding how he actually could breathe, before he remembered their magic. He tried to keep his cool; if he lost it, he doubted he would ever get 'it' back. Suddenly, the voices of the two dragons filled his mind.

"Comfortable in there?" Dremira asked, rubbing her stomach with her claws. David shifted a little as he felt the contact, and realised he wasn't that far from her underbelly skin.

"I'm fantastic," David said sarcastically out loud, but got a mouthful of stomach lining as a reward. It reminded him he could use his thoughts to speak.

"Don't feel so bad," Dakarth said, "it's nice and warm, you're comfortable and you'll be giving a lot for a good cause." David snorted; they seemed to believe he wanted to be eaten.

"You left out the part about how I'm going to be churned up inside of you and digested," he retorted.

He wasn't sure if they had heard him, or ignored him, but he suddenly felt movement as Dremira stood, the bulging stomach swinging below her large body as she got to her feet. Wondering what was going on, David remained silent as well and listened carefully, trying to figure out what the two beasts were planning.

"How did you want to do it?" he heard Dakarth ask, and it dawned on him what they were about to do. Not in a position to complain, he simply lay in the fleshy stomach and waited. He could feel that he was airborne, so the dragoness that had eaten him appeared to be standing. At least, he thought so, he was a little disoriented.

"Just like that," Dremira replied, esposing her swollen sex to her mate, which was dripping with female lubricants. Dakarth inhaled her incredible scent, taking a quick lick over her puffy lips and savoring the pheremone-laced flavour. Licking his lips, Dakarth moved towards his mate, looking down at the bump in her body.

"Looks like he's settled in," the dragon commented with a smile, "he should enjoy this." David knew that he was talking about him, but didn't reply. Arguing would get him nowhere now, he was pretty much finished. Yet, he was still alive, and he intended to enjoy his last moments still breathing as best as he could in his living prison.

Dakarth slowly mounted his mate, straddling her back with ease and lining himself up slowly to copulate with her, to ensure that her heat would be fulfilled. His huge cock brushed lightly against her moist vaginal cavern, and the dragoness shuddered at his touch, a feeling which wasn't lost on David. I can feel everything she does from in here, he thought to himself.

"I've waited so long for this, my mate," Dremira whispered sensually, her body aching to be filled by the large organ behind her.

Dakarth smiled and replied, "now we shall finish what we started." Wrapping his forelegs over her chest he pushed his thick cockhead straight inside her needy sex, spreading her open.

David could immediately feel her body tense up, her stomach contracting against his body. Although it was tighter inside of her as she did so, David actually found it quite relaxing, the soft undulating movements of the dragoness' stomach caressing his body. Dremira on the other hand was gasping in pleasure as Dakarth continued to push more of his meaty erection into her deep entrance.

Once three-quarters of his stiff length were buried inside of her swollen snatch, Dakarth allowed her a few seconds to get adjusted once more. David could feel just how tense and ready Dremira was from his position inside of her, and attempted to find his bearings. It was easy to lose direction when you had no visible indicators.

Suddenly, Dakarth withdrew his slick shaft from her body, pre-cum smearing her passage as he went. For Dremira, it was just enough to lubricate her nicely, for David, it would have been more than he could have possible drank in one sitting. Once only the tip of his enourmous maleness was sitting inside of her, Dakarth took a deep breath and began to mate with his lover.

Dremira moaned as her mate satisfied her needs, driving his thick pole deep inside of her body repeatedly. Her slick passage stretched well to accommodate his girth, as it had many times before, gripping his hard length as though she was trying to keep him inside of her.

Although David had no visibility, it was almost completely unnecessary. Every powerful thrust of Dakarth's monstrous length caused Dremira's belly to shift slightly, her stomach muscles clamping down tightly around his body in sheer pleasure. Yet, it was not uncomfortable for the eaten human, far from it.

"Oh Dakarth," Dremira gasped audibly, "it feels so good!" Despite himself, David grinned; it sounded like they were enjoying themselves. A moment later he realised that he was getting hard; a combination of the rhythmic pulsing of the dragoness' stomach combined with the knowledge they were mating aroused him heavily.

The male dragon grunted happily as he pounded away at his mate's sloppy passage, the feeling even further compounded by the fact he knew there was a third party in on their little breeding session. The thought of his wife enjoying such a delicious meal while he took her made him even hornier.

David sighed gently to himself as the warm, moist walls of the dragoness' stomach contracted around him soothingly, massaging his erect cock with tender squeezes. He tried to restrain himself at first, but the sheer amount of stimulation he was getting, both physical and audible, made his hand slowly wrap around his own shaft.

Dremira could feel his actions inside of her, a broad smile appearing on her face.

"He's enjoying this a lot," she told Dakarth, "I can feel him pleasing himself inside of me." Dakarth grinned; the image was just too sexy to comprehend.

With what little room he had to move, David began to masturbate, sliding his hand up and down his own aching erection. His mind was slowly blurring; the line between his situation and his arousal slowly diminishing. He couldn't understand why he felt this way; he was going to die here, this was the end of the line.

And yet... for some reason, he was beginning to wonder what was so bad about it.

"No," he told himself sternly, "you can't enjoy this." Yet, his hand continued to pump away, easing the tension that had been building in him.

Dremira gasped as a particularly deep thrust hit her in a sensitive spot. David could feel her pleasure; it was translated to him though the workings of her body. He could hear each deep thrust inside of her, the deep reverberation as the two powerful dragons made love to each other.

Thoughts and scenarios played out across David's mind, unable to contain his desires anymore. Something inside of him had snapped; a point of logic or reasoning that had previously made him fear his fate. Slowly but surely, David began to wonder about what would happen in the end, and the ideas aroused him.

I wonder what it will look like as I'm being digested, he thought; his mind filled with images of Dremira's belly, a lump that represented his body slowly being diminished down to nothing overnight. Then, he thought something he even surprised himself with.

I hope that my nutrients help keep her strong, he thought, and then realised how strange that sounded. Still, he bore no ill will towards the two dragons, he would forgive them; technically, he should be dead anyway from the storm, so what better way to pass on than to be fuel for a powerful dragon?

He picked up his pace, jerking himself to thoughts of being slowly churned into food inside of a dragoness' stomach. Both dragons were breathing heavily now, their mating increasing in pace alongside him. Pre-cum sloshed from Dremira's vaginal passage as Dakarth ploughed into her sloppy snatch.

David could pinpoint his acceptance of being dragon food back to one thing - he had always been a bit submissive. To be eaten and digested by a dragon was the ultimate show of dominance over him, and the idea that he was powerless to stop it fulfilled one of his deepest, darkest fantasies.

"That's it," Dremira moaned, snapping him out of his thoughts, "fill me with your cock, breed me hard!" Dakarth responded in kind by wrapping his forelegs around her body and pumping himself harder and faster into her body, causing the dragoness to snarl with satisfaction as she was penetrated forcefully.

David's hand slid along his member as he jerked himself off, listening to the sounds coming from the two dragons. He could just picture their bodies grinding against each other as Dakarth ploughed his stiff length deep into Dremira's body, stuffing her repeatedly with his slick, heated maleness.

To David it felt like they had been at it for hours, his mind unable to tell time in his fleshy prison. Both dragons were still mating enthusiastically, enjoying every second of their intercourse with loud moans and lewd words.

"So big," Dremira moaned softly, squeezing Dakarth's shaft hard.

David could feel his peak rising, his hand sliding along his manhood at a rapid pace. If he was going to die, he at least wanted to feel some pleasure before he did so. He wasn't sure if Dremira would feel it, but he hoped the she knew he would come inside of her stomach.

"I'm close, my love," Dakarth told her lovingly, his huge, draconic body tingling with the desire to fill his mate. Dremira didn't respond, only concentrated inwardly on the young human inside of her stomach, smiling when she realised what was going to happen.

"Our guest is close as well," she informed the male dragon, who smiled as well when he realised what she meant. The thought of the human releasing himself in his mate's stomach was too much to bear for him. Suddenly, David reached his peak, spurting his warm seed onto his body, which was quickly smeared around by the stomach walls.

With a shudder, David's orgasm slowly tapered off, and Dremira smiled as she said, "now I've swallowed a human, and his semen." Dakarth let out a mighty roar, one which made David shake inside of Dremira as the male dragon reached his own climax alongside his mate.

Dremira moaned as spurt after spurt of thick, creamy dragon cum filled her body, splashing directly into her womb. David felt her whole body squeeze him tightly as the dragoness came, shuddering as her vaginal passage was filled with gallons of rich, fertile sperm from her lover.

The climax never seemed to end; David lay inside of her stomach as ropes of heated seed were dumped deep inside of the same dragon he was inside. For a moment he wondered if he would be doused in fresh semen but he knew that the two body parts were separate.

Dremira swelled visibly from the huge load being emptied inside of her; Dakarth ensuring she was well and truly bred. After what seemed like minutes, the two dragons slowly came down from their immense climaxes, Dakarth's cock slowly slipping from Dremira's body and returning to its slit.

As the might dragon's shaft slipped from her stretched sex, a torrent of warm, pungent seed flowed from her gaping hole, coating the ground liberally with their mixed emissions. David sighed as he felt the muscles around him relax, and he was once more in a loose, soft environment.

Licking his mate on the cheek, Dakarth said, "that was incredible, my love, thankyou."

"I love you too," Dremira replied, "that was the best mating we have ever had." She looked down at her swollen belly, noticing the bulge that was David inside of her.

She pushed her claw against her stomach and whispered, "thankyou David, you were an amazing guest." David didn't reply, he was unsure of what to say.

"He's gotten shy," Dakarth said, "but that's alright, he knows how much we appreciate what he did for us."

David sighed, now that he had come off his peak he was in control of his mind again. Dremira and Dakarth slowly lay down and the ground, curling up around each other as they prepared to drift off to sleep. David stretched his limbs and suddenly, his mind returned to him, inhibitions back in full control.

The gravity of what was happening now hit him fully. Within minutes, the two dragons were asleep, exhausted from their intense mating.

"Hey," David said, "I don't want to die, please, let me out!" He was starting to panic again, now that he wasn't so horny anymore.

He only tried once, pushing his hands and feet into Dremira's stomach walls, trying desperately to find an exit from his fleshy prison. Knowing it was futile, he slumped into her stomach walls, curling up comfortably inside of the dragoness of whom he was destined to become dinner for.

Drowsiness slowly overcame him; the day's events had left him with little energy left. Closing his eyes he sighed as he drifted off to sleep, the last thought in his mind was not of of escape or freedom, but of how he was glad that his body would at least be put to good use feeding such a magnificent creature.

An hour later, the only sounds coming from the cave were the heavy breathing of two powerful dragons, the noise of the storm raging outside the cave, and the churning sounds from the stomach of one of those two dragons as her body slowly worked on the human that she had feasted on that night.


David opened his eyes slowly, his vision blurry and unfocused. Patterns of light danced above his head, and he knew that he had reached the afterlife. Memories of his demised filled his mind, and he lay on the hard earth, pondering the happenings of his encounter with dragons.

Yet, something troubled him. Slowly, very slowly, his senses returned to him. The realisation that he actually was laying on hard earth shook him out of his dazed state, and he quickly tried to focus his eyes. What he saw confused him to no end, as his vision quickly adjusted.

The walls of the dragon's cave came swimming into view, something which he definitely should not be seeing, especially if he was dead. Yet, here he was, lying on the ground inside of the den which he believed had claimed his life. Or had it?

The realisation that he may not be dead, and that the storm outside of the cave had ceased, forced him to his feet. His knees shook a little as he stood, but he was otherwise completely fine. Better yet; he was happy. A sense of wellbeing and actual... joy, for lack of a better phrase filled his mind.

With one uncertain step, he began to walk towards the exit of the cave. A noise from behind him, however, reminded him that he was not alone.

"Good morning," came the cheery voice of Dremira behind him, "how was your rest?"

David spun to face the two dragons, staring at him from across the cave. Unable to respond, he simply stood there, looking at them.

"We hope you liked last night," Dakarth said happily, "we apologise for putting you through all that, but it was necessary."

David knew he should have felt anger but instead couldn't find the negativity to yell at them. Last night? So it had been real, and he was alive.

"How..." he began, but Dremira cut him off.

"I said it before," she explained, "dragons don't eat humans. What we do eat, is negative energy. It's a force you wouldn't understand, but I assure you, it's real. With natural prey it's easy to extract, because they're natural afraid of us and this brings out their negative energy."

"However, with you, we had to make you believe that you were going to die to extract your negative energy, otherwise you wouldn't produce any. Basically, I took all of your unhappiness and bad emotions and removed them from your body, freeing your mind from such inhibiting emotion."

David shook his head, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"So when you were eating me..."

"She was feeding on your bad thoughts," Dakarth interjected, and David nodded, finally understanding. So that's why he felt so good.

"But how did I get out?" he asked, and this was where Dremira looked away, and David knew exactly how he had exited her body.

"It's alright," Dakarth said, "because we don't digest food we're a hundred percent clean in every part of our bodies." This reassured David greatly. He looked out into the sunny weather outside and then looked back at the two dragons.

"While it was unorthodox, crazy and downright mean, I forgive you," David said. He looked back at the cave exit and the two dragons looked rather sad.

"You're free to leave," Dremira said, "I'm sorry for putting you through that, but it was the only way I would be able to survive while the storm was occurring."

David thought about doing just that, leaving and returning to his home, but he knew there was nothing waiting for him there. Besides... being eaten had been pretty good, now that he thought about it. He turned back to face the two dragons, their expressions forlorn that he would be leaving.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," David said, and they hung their heads sadly, ashamed that they had caused him this much trouble. He walked over to his clothes and slowly put them back on, covering his body back up completely before looking back at the pair, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

"Unless," David said, and their heads perked up, "there's room in Dakarth's stomach for me to sleep in tonight?" The two large dragons quickly smiled, glad that their friend had decided to stay with them.

They were going to have such a good time together.