
Story by Roofus on SoFurry

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by Roofus

Feel small? Insecure?

Do you want to be a real man?

Try Gargantine!

Guaranteed to add inches!


Clayton stared at the ad for a long moment, then sighed and tossed the paper aside. "Those things never work," he thought as he finished his breakfast, stuffing the last piece of toast into his mouth. "There's no point even kidding myself. If it didn't grow in high school, it certainly isn't going to now."

He stood up and hung his head, looking down along his lithe red wolf form, frowning at the lack of bulging in the appropriate places. "God, it's like I never finished puberty. I'll be jail bait until I'm 50." Sure, when he weighed himself the scale said 140 lbs--arguably normal for someone his height--but he didn't care. He knew he was small, especially where it counted.

Sulking, he dropped his plate to the sink and glanced up at the clock. "Oh, shit...I'm gonna be late." Panic rising in his throat, he grabbed his coat and ran out the door.

Fifteen minutes later Clayton arrived at the office, face flushed as he hustled to his cubicle and sat down with an unceremonious thump.

"Late again, eh, Clayton?" Bespectacled, smiling eyes rose over the cubicle wall, followed by the full muzzle of his canine neighbor. "You know we're in a recession, right?"

"Hardy har, Forest. You know they'll fire your ass long before mine, anyway. At least I do my work right."

"Yeah, well, when you get around to it anyway." He chuckled and sank down from view. "Oh, check out the new guy in marketing, by the way. I think you'll like."

Clayton could hear the amusement in his voice and rolled his eyes.

Everyone at the office knew he was both gay and desperately single and made it their mission to find him dates at any opportunity. "You know, I met this super cute tiger at the bar last night and he's gay. Here's his number, you should call him." "My brother-in-law is gay. You two should totally meet up. He's such a sweet guy. I know you'll like him." "Did you see the new barista at Starbucks? You should go talk to him!" He knew their intentions were good, even if it was all a bit insulting. Even so, he might actually have called that tiger if it weren't for his very little problem.

Shaking his head with a sigh, he dove into his work, starting his daily swim through emails and spreadsheets.

He resurfaced a few hours later, his stomach starting to growl. Pushing his chair back with a stretch, he called over the wall. "Hey, Forest. Wanna grab something for lunch?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry man. I brought my lunch today. Why don't you go ask the new guy?"

"Hah. Wink wink, nudge nudge, right? Good god, you people are incorrigible."

"Yeah, yeah...well, you gotta meet him at some point, anyway. Why not now? He'd probably appreciate the company on his first day."

"True enough." Grumbling audibly, he stood up and leaned over the partition. So, where's this dreamboat at?

Forest's smirk was so broad, Clayton was surprised his face didn't split in two. "Why, by the back door, of course."

Clayton paused at the bottom of the stairway, scanning the backs and faces of workers as they mulled about. His head dropped to the side like a marionette's, eyes going wide as he spotted his new coworker, a broad-shouldered, muscular jackal passing his time stooped in frustration over the copy machine.

Forest wasn't kidding about this guy. He had the body of Adonis, sculpted from obsidian and draped in silky black fur that rippled like viscous ink in the light. His face was exotic, as one would expect from a jackal, with piercing, silver eyes framed by prominent, perpetually-piqued ears. His languidly swaying tail led your eyes up to an ass both shapely and tight. The red wolf gulped and gathered his confidence as he strode forward, trying to convince himself that his interest was purely casual.

"Having some trouble there?" he asked, straining to keep his voice even.

Clayton's knees went weak as the jackal turned to face him, gesturing in frustration.

"I feel like I'm in some crappy sketch comedy show. I can't tell if the thing is broken or if I just emailed a blurry copy of my 401K form to the CEO. My name's Jared, by the way."

Clayton shook Jared's extended paw, praying the other male couldn't feel the clamminess of his palm.

"Clayton. And, yeah, these things have become so complicated you need a degree just to turn them on. Here, let me take a look." The red wolf pressed a few buttons and let out a sigh of relief as the machine started to hum and papers began to spurt from the side. "Well, there we go."

The jackal collected his copies, gathering them in his arms, and smiled down at the smaller wolf. "Honestly, I'm not this incompetent. Technology just hates me, and the feeling is definitely mutual."

"Well, glad I could help." Clayton paused and stared, all thoughts drowned out by the sound of his heartbeat pounding in his ears.

The jackal began to stir as the silence stretched awkwardly on, his head swiveling from side to side as though searching for someone. "Well, Clayton. It was nice to meet you. I'll, umm..."

"Do you want to go grab lunch?" Clayton blurted out abruptly.

Jared's eyes focused back onto Clayton, a warm smile spreading like the glow of a lantern across his otherwise penetrating features. "That sounds like a great idea. What's good to eat around here?"

"Is this alright?" The waitress gestured to a table-for-two dressed with a red carnation near the window.

"Yeah, this will be great. Thanks." Clayton replied, sitting down and accepting the menu from her, opening it and perusing the choices as a matter of habit.

"What would you recommend, Clayton?"

"Well, I always get the tuna fish, myself. Has capers in it." He smacked his chops and licked his lips just thinking about it, casually folding his menu and setting it back down. "If you don't like that, I hear the roast beef is pretty good too."

The jackal nodded and set his menu down as well, looking the smaller canine in the eyes and smiling. "Sounds good to me. So, tell me about yourself, Clayton? How long have you been here? Do you like it?"

"Well, I joined about 2 years ago, straight out of college. I mean, I'm an analyst, so it's hard to really pretend it's exciting, but it pays the bills and isn't too stressful. How about you?"

"I just graduated in the spring with a music degree, and after a summer of almost no gigs I decided I needed to get a real job. My uncle knew someone in the marketing department here and got me this job...just as an entry level assistant. I don't know...I keep trying to tell myself that I haven't surrendered, but it does feel like I've at least lost a battle."

"A music degree, huh? That's pretty cool. What do you play?"

"Clarinet, actually. Classical mostly."

"Can I take your orders?"

Clayton looked up at their leonine waitress.

"The usual for me, Tanya."

"Make that two," Jared said, directing a perfunctory smile at the young, attractive feline.

"Two tuna sandwiches it is," said Tanya, picking up the menus and walking away, looking over her shoulder with a knowing grin.

Jared turned his attention back toward the red wolf. "So, are you seeing anyone? First name basis with the waitress there, I see." The jackal chuckled, his canines gleaming white in the light as it shone through the window, eyes sparkling mischievously.

"A scrawny wolf like me? Nah...not that the other folks in the office haven't tried, though." Clayton lowered his gaze and started fiddling with the salt shaker, twirling it in circles on the table.

Clayton's breath stopped short as a black paw came to rest on the back of his, halting the salt shaker just as suddenly.

"Well, I think you're attractive, if it means anything."

Clayton looked up slowly to see the jackal's silver eyes fixed on his own, that same warm expression from back in the office as comforting as the sun's rays on his cheek.

At this moment, Clayton made a decision. He would be making a call tonight.

One week later a small package arrived at Clayton's door.

Stealthily picking up the box, the wolf hustled inside and sat at his dining room table. He opened it eagerly, pulling out a single wrapped cookie labeled with the words "Eat Me" from within. Staring intently for a moment, he fished inside the box again and found a single rectangular card.

Congratulations on choosing to change your

life with Gargantine!

Follow the instructions

on the label and, if you're like most men,

you'll notice a change almost immediately and

be larger than you ever wished in just days.

Clayton creased his brow curiously and turned the card over. It was blank.

"How odd. Not even a website," he thought to himself. "Oh, well. What harm could it do?"

And with that, he unwrapped the wafer and gulped it down.

The next morning the young canine stood naked before his bedroom mirror, examining himself meticulously.

It didn't seem any larger to him. He gripped his rust-colored sheath softly and began to stroke himself, watching as his small slender shaft began to slip free of its furry case. Less than a minute later he was fully hard, his wolfhood protruding only a few inches out from its confines. Ears drooping, he pulled his sheath down, exposing the same 4 and a half inches he'd always had.

"Well, maybe it takes a little longer," he mumbled out loud, not really believing his own words as he began to get dressed for the work day, his erection quickly fading.

After a relatively uneventful morning Clayton made his way downstairs, rushing his way towards the door as he had every day for the last week. This time, however, he wasn't fast enough, as Jared stood up and followed him outside.

"Hey, Clayton! Wait up"

Clayton considered continuing on at his brisk pace, pretending he didn't hear. The pained strain in the jackal's voice pulled at his heart, however, and reeled him in like a fish on the line.

The jackal's chest rose and fell impressively as he caught his breath. "Hey! Thanks for stopping. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

The wolf's heart began to beat, his balls pulling up as primal flight instincts tried to overtake him. "Yeah...sure. What about?"

"Um...I just wanted to apologize if I offended you last week. It's clear you've been avoiding me and I can understand why. I didn't mean to come on so strong."

Clayton turned his muzzle down toward the ground, intently studying the grass along the walkway. "It's OK. I haven't been avoiding you. I've just been really busy. Really, don't worry about it."

A strange sensation spread through the smaller canine's groin, making him even more uncomfortable. He shuffled his paws, ears folding back flat as his mind spun, desperately seeking some means of escape. "I'm really sorry but I've got to get going. I'm supposed to meet someone for lunch. But, seriously, don't worry about it, we're fine." The strange sensation intensified, his whole sheath seeming to tingle as the tightness from his chest worked its way downward.

"OK, if you're sure." The jackal's ears angled back slightly, eyebrows rising in obvious concern, though the wolf never looked up to notice.

"I'm sure. Hey, look...maybe we can hang out sometime next week. We'll figure it out later, OK?" He finally looked up to smile at the attractive canine before diverting his eyes to the horizon, giving it a desultory scan.

Jet black ears swiveled forward in unison like radio telescopes. "Oh, OK. Great. Um, go meet your friend, then. I guess I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, sure thing." And with that the red wolf quickly padded away, relieved to be slipping the hook.

That night Clayton stood before the mirror again, paw cupping his balls as he turned from side to side, examining himself with almost narcissistic fervor. "I think it's actually bigger." He spun again, squinting in the low light.

He had to know for sure.

Without another thought, he ran down the stairs, his cock flopping unceremoniously as he scampered to the kitchen. He opened the utility drawer and pulled out the tape measure, excitedly lining it up against his hard shaft.

"Five and a half inches! I can't believe it. I can't believe it. It's actually working!"

The wolf practically bounced back up to his bedroom, stroking himself lewdly the whole way there. He sat at the corner of the bed and admired himself in the mirror as his paw squeezed and swirled around his now dripping shaft. It felt so much bigger in his paw, pressing slickly against the pads. He couldn't believe it was his. He pawwed faster and faster, lying back and closing his eyes, mind rushing in exultant pleasure. Finally his cock erupted, seed shooting far up his chest in multiple jets, filling the room with his scent.

Clayton lay back, eyes closed and breath slowing as the last waves of pleasure crested over his body. He opened his eyes and stared upward, focusing somewhere beyond the ceiling, beyond the roof, beyond the clouds. He felt free in a way he hadn't for years. The sky itself no longer seemed a limit.

By the setting of the moon, however, his confidence had waned. And after seeing the jackal in his new designer shirt the next morning, broad shoulders and sculpted pecs clearly accentuated by the draping fabric, it disappeared entirely. The same nervous feelings filled him, spreading down to his crotch as he made some excuse for why he wasn't free that evening or the evening after.

He needed more time. He needed to be bigger.

He got home that night and measured himself again. "Six inches now! But that's only average. I'll need to be bigger than that to impress Jared," he thought. He just needed to buy more time.

And so for the next few days he repeated the pattern - making excuses, measuring himself and finding he had grown - but it was never quite enough.

It wasn't until a week later that Clayton stood before the mirror once again, staring down in wonder at his cock. It was pressed up firmly against the ruler he'd bought just for this purpose, tip barely shy of reaching the 8 inch mark.

"This is it," he pondered in nervous anticipation. "I'm going to ask him out tomorrow."

Clayton walked in through the rear entrance, his most fashionable shirt buttoned down, slacks rustling as he walked deliberately to Jared's cubicle.

"Morning, Jared."

The jackal spun in his chair and looked at the smaller canine, barely needing to turn his head upward. "Good morning, Clayton. What can I do for you?" he replied curtly.

The tone in his voice struck Clayton like an arrow, visibly deflating as his ego was punctured. "Look, Jared. You know I've been really busy but I've finally got some free time and..." The wolf's voice trailed off as he stared down at his paws, beginning to think he'd made a huge mistake, that now familiar numbness spreading through his sheath.

A soft voice drew his eyes upward. "I'm listening."

His ears fell as he looked into the jackals once sparkling silver eyes, now lifeless, deep, and sad. But still so beautiful. He gulped once and forced himself to meet that haunting gaze. "I'm sorry, Jared. I have been avoiding you. I've been going through some things and...I don't know. I'd really love to go out with you, if you're still interested."

The jackal rubbed his eyes with a knuckle, nodding his head and torso as he considered. "I don't know, Clayton. I like you, but are things always going to be like this? This kind of deceit isn't very attractive."

"I know, I know. I'm really sorry, but I can tell you truthfully that I've really changed these last few weeks. I'm not the same as I used to be."

Jared brushed back his hair and pointed ears, his flexing chest making the smaller wolf's heart race. After a moment of consideration, he stood up with a sigh, resting a broad, heavy paw on Clayton's shoulder. "How's dinner at 7 tonight?"

The red wolf's tail wagged like a puppy's. "Sounds great. Alexander's?"

"Sure. It's a date."

Dinner seemed to fly by for both canines, exaggerated stories making them each laugh as they sipped their wine and drank in each other's company. After dessert they wandered out into the crisp night air.

"Wow, look at those stars."

Clayton titled back his head. The sky was dark and clear, sparkling constellations filling his vision. He looked toward the jackal, his black fur obscuring the shape of his head against the dark velvet backdrop.

Jared's voice was adulatory. "I've always loved looking up at the stars. So many worlds out there. So much potential. It makes me feel like anything is possible."

The red wolf pulled his arms close to his chest, starting to shiver as the cold air penetrated his clothes and fur. "It always frightens me. I look up and it feels like at any moment gravity may abandon me and I'll float out into the unending expanse, cold and alone."

Strong, warm arms pulled him into an even stronger, warmer hug. Clayton closed his eyes and sank into the jackal's chest, practically purring in delight.

"Don't worry, little wolf. I'll hold onto you if you start to float away." The red wolf said nothing, not wanting to upset the balance of whatever cosmic forces had brought him to such a perfect place. He was absolutely convinced the evening couldn't get any better.

"Want to come back to my place?"

Clayton's ears sprang up like bread from a toaster, never more glad to be proven wrong.

An hour later and both canines were on the jackal's queen sized bed, shirts tossed aside and paws wandering as they tousled through smooth, sateen sheets. Quiet moans and gasps were all that disturbed the silence, until the sound of a zipper caught Clayton's attention. Sitting up between the legs of the larger canine, he stared, gaze affixed on the black canine's crotch.

Jared slowly undid his belt buckle and unbuttoned the fly, revealing the contours of a fully swollen sheath restricted by a teasingly thin layer of cotton. The jackal leaned back and smiled down along his body, sucking in his already taught stomach to let his dark red tip slip free, a tantalizing treat presented on a rippled, black onyx tray.

Without a thought, the red wolf's paws were at the waistband of the jackal's boxers, pulling them down to reveal all 7 inches of tapered shaft, jutting from a softly bunched sheath above two heavy orbs. For a moment, Clayton just admired. He had never been this intimate with anyone before and had never imagined that his first would be this Egyptian god, splayed out before him, hard with desire.

Unable to restrain his excitement, he pulled the boxers and pants down further, climbing over them and pushing them off the jackal's legs with his rearpaws, never once diverting his focus from his prize. Spreading the muscled thighs apart, he lowered his snout and took an intoxicating breath through his nose, head swimming with musk. He tentatively extended his tongue and pressed it against the silky-furred sack, lapping the left ball, then the right, his tail thrashing in delight as a moan escaped his lover's muzzle.

Gaining confidence, he worked his muzzle up further, pressing his nose hard against the firm, pulsing meat as his tongue followed, curling around the smooth, hot flesh. Finally, his exploring brought him to the dripping tip. Without a second thought, his lips sealed around it and he gulped it down, loving the buttery taste of pre as it dribbled onto his tongue.

The strong body beneath him tensed in pleasure. His paws grabbed on to the sculpted ass, feeling the power of the muscles beneath. Holding tight, he began bobbing his muzzle up and down, cheeks pursed inward as he suckled hungrily. His tongue swirled around the tasty cock, exploring every inch of smooth skin, learning every texture as it throbbed and spurted in his maw.

His tail began to rise as he kept up the rhythm, unable to get enough of his beautiful jackal's dick, feeding off of his lover's strength. He felt somehow powerful as he made this model of a man squirm beneath him. It wasn't until strong paws lifted his chin upward that he let the meat slip from his muzzle's grasp.

"Whoa, hold on there, tiger," Jared said, panting audibly, chest expanding with each breath. "I showed you mine. Don't you think it's time you showed me yours?" He smiled coyly, canines gleaming like pearls in the low light.

This was it. The moment Clayton had feared since high school...the source of so much anxiety and fear. But he was ready. He had nothing to be ashamed of anymore, after all.

Clayton practically shivered in anticipation as Jared sat up and reached forward to undo the young wolf's pants, tugging them down fervently over the obvious bulge. He grinned proudly as all 8..or was that 8 and a half now?..inches flopped into view, Jared's ears turning forward in surprise.

"Oh my god! I can't believe I was calling you little wolf."

The red wolf stroked himself proudly, delighting in the full girth in his paw, his shaft swelling even further, along with his ego.

Jared's paws reverently gripped the thick base, murring as he gave it a squeeze. Clayton let go and leaned back, letting his lover worship his cock, tail swaying as he watched the ebony muzzle hover over his tip. The jackal's muzzle opened wide and Clayton sucked in his breath as he felt the warm breath cascade down his length. Inch after inch seemed to disappear into the dark abyss of his muzzle, lips finally sealing near the base as a slick, warm tongue pressed against his shaft.

The sensation was unbelievable. Smooth, silky, wet and inebriating. And it was nothing compared to the pleasure that poured through his balls and up his spine as the black muzzle began to rise and fall.

"Oh, Jared...that's amazing."

The jackal just rumbled in response, obviously enjoying the struggle as he jousted with the giant lance. He bobbed his head up and down a few more times before sinking his nose all the way down to the wolf's crotch fur, his throat bulging at the invasion.

Clayton's eyes rolled back as he was deep-throated for the first time, the tight, slick passage heaven around his sensitive tip. Without thought, he began to fuck upward, giving Jared a chance to breath with each stroke, holding onto those pointed ears as he drove that perfect muzzle downward to meet his thrusts.

Suddenly Jared pulled his head upward, giving the huge meat one last lick before laying back down, legs spread out in invitation as his own tail thrashed against the bed.

"Take me, little wolf. Fuck me," he practically begged.

The wolf was glad to comply. Scooting forward he stroked the smooth fur of Jared's massive thighs, coaxing his legs even further apart and upward to reveal the jackal's tight bud. Large, well-kept rearpaws came into view, and he couldn't help but take a quick slurp between the pads, giggling internally as the soft flesh jerked away reflexively. For another time, he thought to himself as he turned his attention back to the task at hand.

His ears turned back as he began to have second thoughts, looking down at his own massive black shaft as he moved it into position. He didn't want to hurt Jared. Maybe he'd actually grown too much? Come to think of it, when would he stop growing? He hadn't considered it before, but there was such a thing as too big, wasn't there?

He slowly pressed his tip to the jackal's entrance, dimpling the hole with his pointed, dripping rod. The distinction between them seemed to blur as the black of his shaft and the jackal's rear became indiscernible in the low light. "Oh, whatever," he thought to himself, lust once again clouding his mind. "There will be time to worry about that later."

He started to hump slowly, working just his tip in and out, the canine taper allowing even a dick as large as his to work its way in. The pleasure was intense, and became even moreso as his pre slicked the warm, inviting passageway, allowing more and more of his meat to slip inside with each thrust.

Clayton looked up to see Jared feverishly stroking his red shaft, a look of need in his eyes as the small canine teased his waiting entrance. "Please, Clayton," he whimpered, and with that, the wolf decided he should just plow forward, and he literally did. Holding onto those trunks of legs, he drove his hips downward and howled with pleasure as his cock drove deep into his lover's ass, silky insides stroking every inch of him.

"Yesssss," hissed the jackal, as he ground his body against the bed, adjusting to the massive invasion. "Keep going, wolf."

The red wolf nodded, his eyes half-lidded now as hormones overtook his senses and he began to rut his masculine bitch. He raised his tail high, swaying like a tree in a hurricane as he drove his pole downward into the tight, hot, slickening passage. Pulling back his ears, he reared upward, grinding his hips against the jackal's ass, his cock working around inside its confines, massaging the sensitive depths of the other male.

"Oooh, I love you, Clayton," the jackal gasped as his ears turned back in naked delight.

He loved him? How could he love him? Should he say it back? If he didn't, would he want to stop? God, he didn't want to stop.

The wolf leaned down and lapped the fur of the larger male's chest as he shortened his thrusts. "I love you too," he gasped.

As he said the words, a familiar but strange tingling sensation returned to his groin. Was he going to cum? No, it wasn't like that.

Beneath him, Jared howled out in pleasure "Ooooh, god..." and Clayton felt more resistance as he fucked, the jackal's insides becoming suddenly tighter. Had Jared cum? But, no...he would have smelled it.

And suddenly he remembered where he'd felt that sensation before. Each time he had tried to get away from Jared. Each time he had lied, like he had lied just now. And had his cock just grown?

"This is just just crazy!" he thought. It couldn't be! Was his cock growing each time he lied?

"Is everything alright?" panted the jackal beneath him, and he realized he'd slowed his humping even as his mind had raced. Shaking his head, he started back up, pumping his hips again with fervor, trying to focus on the pleasure as it began to course up through his body.

"I love peanut butter," he blurted out abruptly, and once again the tingling sensation erupted in his groin. Jared's breath caught as he was stretched once again, forgetting about the absurd outburst as his cock began to erupt, shot after shot of canine cum streaming from his tip.

Even with all the panicked thoughts, that was just too much for the little wolf. Lips curling up in a snarl, he buried himself one final time, his balls emptying themselves deep into the jackal's bowels. He lapped the cum from his lover's sculpted chest even as he filled him with his own, then collapsed down into his strong, sticky embrace.

"That was unbelievable," Jared whispered as he nuzzled the wolf's scruffy auburn ears.

"You have no idea," Clayton thought to himself wryly as he drifted off into post-coital sleep.

The next morning Clayton awoke to the sound of the shower running. Kicking the sheets off his body, he looked down at his almost comically bulging sheath. He rolled onto his side and watched as it flopped down heavily, nearly reaching the bed.

"Hey there, sexy."

Clayton looked up, embarrassed, as Jared came out of the bathroom wearing only a pristinely white towel, the contrast with his fur sharp and alluring. The wolf spun around, draping his legs of the side of the bed, and patted the mattress next to him. "Can we talk?"

"That doesn't sound good." Jared frowned as he padded slowly to the red wolf's side and sat down apprehensively.

"No no, it's nothing bad about last night. Last night was wonderful. I just...need to tell you something and it's going to sound really crazy, but can you just promise to have an open mind?"

The jackal's eyes squinted as he turned his head to the side. "Suuuuure?"

The wolf let out a deep breath and leaned forward, focusing on the top of his rearpaws before he continued. "So, 2 weeks ago my dick was only 4 and a half inches long."

Jared snorted in laughter, relief rolling over his features. "Oh my god. You have the weirdest sense of humor. I swear..."

"No, no. I'm serious. That's why I was afraid to go out with you. That's why I kept lying."

The jackal peered at him for a second, ears askew. "You are serious, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Completely." Clayton reached out to rest his paw on the larger canines leg, massaging through the soft fabric of his towel. "You are just so gorgeous, and I thought you'd never want someone as small as me, let alone someone as small as I was in that department. So I saw this ad for something called Gargantine that said it would make me grow bigger, and know...took it."

Jared's eyes opened wide. "Wow. Well, it apparently worked."

"Yeah, it did. But that's not the weirdest part. The thing is, I think it makes my dick grow whenever I lie."

"Whenever you...lie?"

Clayton began to speak more quickly, hoping the inertia of his words would keep him from falling silent in shame. "Yeah. I've been getting these odd sensations, you know, down there for awhile whenever I made excuses to not see you, and I thought it was just me being nervous. But then last occurred to me that it might be something else. Remember when I said I love peanut butter?"

The jackal slowly nodded, "Yeah...I thought that was a weird thing to say."

"Well, it's a lie. I HATE peanut butter."

The jackal's eyebrows furrowed. "You hate peanut butter? How can you hate peanut butter? You must be the first canine I've ever met who doesn't like peanut butter."

"I don't know. It just kind of tastes dirty to me. It's hard to explain." The wolf shook his head in frustration. "But that's not the point. The point is, remember what happened when I said it? Didn't it feel like I got larger to you?"

"Actually, now that you mention it, yeah it did." The jackal stared forward for a moment, considering. "Though it felt like that too a bit earlier at some point."

Clayton nodded slowly, his gaze falling back down to the ground. "When I said I loved you."

"Right. Oh...." Jared moved his paws up to his ears, brushing them back as he took a deep breath. "Well, this is certainly awkward."

Clayton looked back up at the jackal and took his paw in his own, pulling it downward and placing his padded palm against his sheath.

"Look, Clayton, I don't know what you think you're doing but..."

Jared tried to pull his arm away but the wolf held it there firmly, surprising himself with his own strength.

"No, I want you to feel that what I'm going to say to you is not a lie."

The jackal just nodded slowly, his grip constricting slightly around the bulging, fuzzy flesh.

"I don't love you, Jared. Not yet. And to be honest, I doubt that you love me yet either. I think maybe you were just saying that in the moment, and that's OK. Truthfully, I think I could love you. I think you're funny and sweet and talented and you make me feel special in a way no one ever has before. I think you may be the one I'm meant to hold onto to keep me grounded. To keep me from drifting away."

Throughout the entire speech, the jackal's eyes glistened, unshed tears turning them into platinum pools. When it was over, he swallowed and wiped his eyes with the back of his free paw, sniffing once. "You're right. I don't love you. But I think I'm falling for you, anyway." He paused. "It may seem like a dream come true to be what people consider attractive, and I'm not complaining, but, you know, so often I'm unsure if someone likes me for me or just for my body. You were the first guy who seemed interested but ran away, and that intrigued me, I guess." He chuckled half-heartedly. "Frustrated the hell out of me, too."

Clayton smiled up at him and nodded. "Yeah. I can only imagine. I'm really sorry I wasn't honest with you. And I want you to know, that while I do find you incredibly attractive, it's not just your body. Not anymore, at least."

And with that, the red wolf leaned in, his neck craning upward to press his lips gently against the jackal's, who met the kiss with equal affection.

Muzzles parting, Jared smiled almost bashfully and chuckled. "You know, you've really got to stop lying. I don't think I can take anymore."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." Clayton said contritely.

Giving the meat in his paws a playful squeeze, the jackal's grin broadened. "No, I mean, literally. If you get any bigger, I'm not gonna be able to take it!"

Laughing, the little wolf punched the larger canine playfully in the shoulder. "You're so immature!"

Jared snorted, taking the little red wolf in his arms and pulling him backward into the sheets. "Not as bad as you. Though I must say, you've really grown since I met you."

Giggling loudly, Clayton looked Jared straight in the eye. "Just shut up and kiss me."

And without another word, Jared did just that, their tongues, bodies and hearts entwining as they tumbled through the sheets as one.

The End.