Help For Mankind - Part 4 - Issues that must be addressed

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#4 of Bull's home

Help For Mankind - Part 4 - Issues that must be addressed

By: DarkSerpent

A day has passed and slowly the rainwater had slowly washed away. Rumors and whispers of David's and mines little bedroom fun had echoed around the house. I feared the questions that would be asked when I arrived at home. Sitting at lunch, I rather understood what it was like. It is not that I cared if anyone knew that we had sex. Nevertheless, no one likes to be looked at like there a bad person.

On the way home, I kept thinking what hell I would face when I went inside. I pulled into the parking lot and headed inside. Opening the door, I peeked in seeing Charles eating his lunch. "Um hi," I stepped in and he smiled at me. "Hi," He looked back. "So you and David had a little encounter huh?" he looked at his sandwich. "Yeah we did," I scratched the back of my head. "Are...are you still going to be with me as friends with benefits?" He asked blushing. "Of course, as long as you're not mad at me," I looked down. "I could never be mad at you daddy," He jumped up and hugged me. I hugged back and sigh feeling the smaller boy in my arms. He back up and smiled up at me before kissing me surprisingly.

"Um can I interrupt you two?" David spoke from the doorway. "Oh sure, do you mind?" I asked and Charles laughed a little walking out. "What is it David?" I asked. "Um I went to the doctors today and I've...never been tested before," He spoke and my heart sunk. "Do you mean that you might have an STD an I..." I sat and he started to tear up. "Yes! Drew I am so sorry! I never thought about it before today, and with all the guys I've been with I might...please forgive me!" He cried and hugged me. I just sat silently thinking about the way my son passed away. I watched him slowly die in a hospital bed because his body could not even survive a simple cold.

"It's...ok," I looked down. "W...What?" He looked up at me. "It's ok, I don't blame you if I catch something it be fitting I guess," I spoke and moved upstairs. He sat dumbfounded as I moved up the steps to sit and ponder. "Hey drew what's...up?" Gab tried asking but I simply moved past him. Caught up in my thoughts I couldn't even walk strait. He moved downstairs where David had already told Charles. "How could you never get a tested...I mean you were a man whore!" Charles yelled. "I know I can't feel anymore terrible!" David replied. Gab quickly was caught up in the conversation and soon the whole house was caught in it. Jordan, Terrance, and Dominic all yelling at poor David who sat crying in his arms.

Hearing the commotion, I moved back downstairs. "What are you all yelling about?" I asked and they all looked at me. I noticed David crying his eyes out sniffling hard as he got yelled at. "Everyone say your sorry, it's not his fault, he lived on the streets doing what he had to do to survive, I don't blame him and I don't want to hear anymore about it," I yelled making them all flinch. I reached in my coat pocket to grab my wallet so I could take it upstairs. Upon pulling it out I noticed that some money had been taken, fifty bucks which when your on a budget it a lot. I assumed I lost it because I didn't want to wrongly accuse anyone. I slid it back in my pocket and everyone said they were sorry to David.

I moved to go back upstairs and when I was on the second floor, I could hear the phone ring. "Hello? David...Its for you," Terrance spoke and I raised an eyebrow. I waited as David took the phone. "Hello? Yes doctor....are you sure...ok....ok...thank you...goodbye," He spoke and hung up the phone. "Well?" Gab spoke and David ran from the room crying harder. My heart sunk further knowing there was a reason for that. I moved down to the basement and knocked on his door. "David...what did he say?" I asked and he opened the door looking up at me. "I have...nothing...Amazingly...I'm clean," He smiled and hugged me. I hugged back glad for him but most amazingly glad for myself. I finally knew what my son felt like when he figured out he had something. .I was relieved for both of us. "Ok now you have to be more careful when you choose your partners ok?" I asked and he nodded. "Ok I probably won't do it for a while anyway," He wiped his face and I kissed his cheek. "Good plan," We smiled and headed back upstairs.

Once everything was settled out with that. My mind slowly shifted back to the money missing from my wallet. I know I had it at lunch because I locked my car and my coat was in the trunk. Therefore, it had to happen after I got home. Someone in this house took it and it could have been anyone, "Um did anyone find twenty bucks lying in the halls yesterday?" Dominic asked surprisingly. "Your missing money too?" Terrance asked. "I'm missing about sixty bucks from my wallet Thursday, I didn't want to accuse anyone but now I know it had to be someone in this house," He said very bluntly. Suddenly everyone came up with some story of something that's missing class rings, rare collectables, earring, money, etc. "Well has anyone been invited over for the past few days," I spoke and sat up tall.

"No," Charles spoke and I narrowed my eyes. "Ok then it's someone at this table," I spoke. "Now there's an easy way to cancel out people, on top of the fridge there's a jar full of money for groceries, three people in this house know about it," I continued and walked out of the room to return with the jar. I pulled all the money out and counted it. "Now it's the same amount as last night, so that counts, me, Charles, and David out," I smiled and spoke. "Now Dominic, don't lie to me, did you steal anything?" I asked and he quickly shook his head no. "I swear I didn't sir!" He answered and didn't take any time to think about the answer. This was enough to make me lose and suspicion of him.

I looked at the last three. Jordan, Terrance, and Gab the only others who are unaccounted for. "I don't need it, I wouldn't want to steal from you guys your like family," Jordan spoke. He was trustworthy enough, he was more the person that if he needed help or money he'd ask for it. "What about you?" I looked at Terrance. "Well if I wanted money I'd just sleep with one of you and then ask for it," He smiled his classic sly grin. "True enough," I stared and my eyes came to rest on Gab. "And you?" I stared and he sat looking at the table.

"Well I um...I...I took it," He sighed softly. Everyone shot daggers at him and got ready to speak. I stopped them before the verbal bashing could begin. "Ok why exactly did you do it?" I asked and he sighed. "I lost my scholarship at school, I only needed five hundred dollars to finish out the year then I could apply for another scholarship," He looked down. "So you decided to steal from us thinking we wouldn't notice?" I continued asking. "Well yeah, I mean I was going to pay you back, I swear!" He yelled and I narrowed my eyes. "Ok since this is a group issue we will decide it democratically," I looked at everyone. "All for kicking him out say I," I asked and surprisingly no one raised their hand.

"And all those for letting him make up for it?" I asked and everyone raised their hand. An amazing decision that no normal group of people would have made. We were all friends and we all liked Gab. We didn't want to see him leave; he needed a little money and was afraid to ask. What he did was wrong but we could forgive. "How about we make him do a few more chores around the house?" Dominic suggested. "Yes let the him make up for it with labor," Jordan looked down the table. "Alright, Gab, you will do double work around the house to repay all of us for what you've taken," I ordered and he quickly nodded. He was willing to make up for it and I handed him the money from the jar. He gasped and looked at me surprised. "Here, to make up for the money you needed," I smiled and he almost broke down. "Are you sure?" He sniffled.

"Yeah, your our buddy," Jordan hugged him. He blushed and we all soon moved to the kitchen to start dinner. This wasn't to rare in this house. Living with people who had problems to start with, this was bound to happen. I accepted that fact on the first day. However, how we've become such a tight nit group who can easily forgive makes it a lot better. I smiled as we ate dinner and soon all retired to the living room. As everyone debated over what to watch, I stepped out on the porch like every Friday. I didn't trust the sermon group that met every Friday down the street. Even on a quite night you could heat there old badger preacher yelling and making a fuss. My neighbor stepped out on his porch next to mine. "Evening Andrew," The old turtle smiled and sat back in her chair.

"Good evening Mrs. O'Leary, how's you day been going?" I asked and the old turtle smiled and laughed to herself. "Oh just perfect, my son's came to visit and that sweet young bull living' with you came over to help me carry in my groceries," She leaned back in her rocking chair. "Oh Charles, he's always willing to help, in fact anyone in this house would gladly help you if you needed it, I think you're the only one of this street who doesn't hate them for what they choose," I sighed and looked down. "What a person does in their home is their own business, I taught you that when I used to watch you for your mother," She smiled.

"Yeah, to bad that damn preacher didn't get the same treatment," I sighed and she laughed. "Don't you pay him a mind darling, he won't dare try nothing with you cousin who he is and me living next to ya," She leaned back and yawned. Mrs. O'Leary was the oldest citizen in this city. She had fifteen kids all of which were some major person in the community. The local doctor, lawyer, restaurant owner, etc. all called her mom. No one messed with for the simple fact she was completely willing to pull her late husbands twelve gauge off the wall. She'd become my best friend on this street since she watched my son.

My smile faded and I turned looking back to hear something that made me furious. "And we shall not tolerate that den of sin that we allowed to build up right down the street! One day it shall crumble and this fine church will still stand," The old bastard yelled and I moved towards the steps. "Andrew! You take one step off that porch and you've let them win, they want you to go charging down there, don't let those intolerant fools get what they want," The turtle smiled and I nodded. I took a step back and headed back inside so glad none of the boys could hear it.

The night slowly moved on everyone moving to bed slowly. I checked the front door then headed to the back door. While I did, a brick crashed through my window landing on my floor. Dominic the only one still awake rushed down stairs. "Everything ok?" He asked stepped in the room his hoofs crushing the glass. "Stay here!" I ordered and disappeared into the other room briefly. Quickly I returned with a baseball bat and stepped outside. A small group from he church had gathered on my property spouting utter nonsense.

"Alright what the hell is going on here?" I yelled and they all started to argue. "You and those faggots are nothing but trouble and sinners!" One women yelled. "You should all be shot!" Another man yelled. "You all are entitled to your opinion! But right now your trespassing," I said and they all laughed. "This is a peaceful protest there's nothing you can do about it!" An older women yelled. "No the second one of you dumb shit's tossed that brick it stopped being peaceful, you can protest but you gotta do it off my private property," I stepped forward the bat resting on my shoulder. They weren't afraid of me but Dominic stepped outside at that moment. As I walked into a den of lions, a stray stone from someone in the back flew at me. I turned to it wouldn't hit my face and the powerfully strong Zebra stepped up next to me and caught it. Almost like a superhero he crushed the stray stone in his hand and every slowly started to back up.

"Get lost!" He ordered and everyone ran. They scattered like roaches from a light and I looked up at the usually timid equine. "That was scary," He quickly hid behind me after his momentary bravery. I had an "WTF" moment of him. He was a bulking hulk of a horse but as timid as a mouse. "Why did you run out here if you were scared?" I asked and he hugged me from behind. "Cause I didn't want them hurting you," He mumbled into the back of my head. "Aw, well lets head back inside," I turned and we moved back inside. He helped me patch up the window. I was mad but also I felt a lot closer to Dominic now.

"So did you really have sex with David?" He asked. "Yes we did," I smiled. "Was that you first homosexual experience?" He blushed and I nodded. " maybe like another," He asked and I looked at him. The big muscle head seriously just asked me if I would have sex with him. I admit I was still curious but this guy was a polar opposite of David. David was forward and smaller to this guy who is shy and very big. "Um...I don't think I'm ready for a submissive position yet," I tried to save myself. "I don't want you to be submissive," He blushed darker. "So you want me to be on top?" I asked and he nodding. "Well I guess I see no problem with it," I smiled and he hugged me suddenly. His lips came to meet mine and we shared an intimate kiss. The bigger zebra's lips pressed hard against mine as he physically picked me up off the floor. To my protest, he carried me to the living room.

He lay back on the couch pulling me on top of him. "Are you trying to make me feel like a fifteen year old again?" I asked. He let out a soft giggle and we continued our kissing. Somehow, this kind of felt natural. I think I've found what I like, being with other men. Feeling the zebra's thick member press up against my stomach as I hardened myself. Kissing down along his chest, he bit his lip as I took his nipple into my mouth. Suckling gently I pulled his shorts off releasing the rod he had hidden. His large equine member stuck up making me blush deeply at the sight.

I ran my finger slowly along the flared head feeling the small bumps. With each, one I moved across he let out a soft groan and shivered. To experiment a little more I leaned in and licked the flared head of his cock sliding my tongue along his slit. He gasps softly feeling a bead of precum form slowly. I swiped it up with my finger and brought it to his lips he licked it off gently and smiled. "Good boy," I whispered and smiled. He pushed me back slowly and crawled between my legs. He slowly leaned in and licked my member softly. His broad tongue running up along my length. His lips wrapped around the thick head of my shaft making me gasp. Slowly he moved down sucking me in to his hungry muzzle. I let out a low groan feeling him working me in his mouth. "Fuck! That feels great," I mumbled and he smiled burying his nose into my crotch. "Mmm so tasty and musky," He smiled.

He lapped up at my member rubbing his nose into my musky crotch. "You like that smell?" I smiled and he nodded. He kissed up and licked my chest till his face came to my armpit. His tongue ran out and softly moved along my pit. He mumbled softly sighing as he lapped up the thick musk on my body. "Mmm I love the way you smell," He leaned in kissed my as I pulled the larder beast onto my lap. My member sprung up resting against his muscular cheek prompting a moan. He lifted up with on hand on the back of the couch as he lifted up letting my member aim at his entrance. He let a nice gob of spit land in his hand from his muzzle, which he began to rub on and in his entrance. "There we go honey," He smiled and lowered himself pressing his ring against the head of my cock.

I let a soft groan escape my lips as he let his weight press down forcing me into him. I gripped his hips as he looked up gasping forcing more of my member into his ass. Inch after inch disappeared up inside him and I loved every second. Soon he sat on my lap and I leaned up holding him tightly. "God you feel so amazing inside me," He let out a soft whisper and leaned in kissing me. I kissed back and leaned back letting him lift up and then drop back down letting me fill him again.

"Ah fuck!" I groaned and pushed up into him. He moaned and picked up the pace a little and I grabbed his member stroking it. "That's it baby ride that bull," I bucked up into him making him giggle. "Mmm I'm gonna stay on the full eight second," He teased grabbing my horns as I fucked him. My hips a blur as the larger man played rodeo rider. I pulled back my head and ran my hand back through his Mohawk like mane. He held his eyes closed as I kissed him softly.

I quickly turned him over pinning him under me. My arms supporting me above him as I thrust my hips forward burying deep into him. He just lay back sweating as I fucked him making his muscles ripple. Steam shot from my nose and I pounded harder starting to sweat myself. My thick musk easily overpowering his own. He lifted his head sniffing my neck licking the beads of sweat as they formed. "Fuck me harder baby! Claim me!" He begged and pushed back against me. I grabbed his hips and thrust forward slamming into him hard. He let out a soft groan and exploded up onto his chest coating his black strips in white. I continued on moving faster and slamming harder. My cock throbbing before I exploded deep into him. He held onto me tightly as I filled him up completely kissing him softly.

He pulled my close hugging me tightly kissing the top of my head. "Mmm that was amazing baby," He side and I licked his chest tasting his sweat. I looked up at him and sighed. I finally figured out what was wrong, why this seemed to bother me. I was still wearing my wedding ring, I missed my wife. She was an amazing women and I missed her. When she passed away, I had my son to give my attention then he passed away. Did I do all this simply to keep myself from being alone...maybe I'm just as bad as the people at that church accuse me of being.

To be continued

(Comments are welcome)