Smouldering Embers

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#16 of Business Venture in Seeds

Well, its not exactly mindless yiff, but still, bring on the plants!

Oh, and while I understand some might QQ over this not being marked bestiality, Flinta's brother can talk, so that raises him at least to 'non anthro' in my books.


"Well, you are already dressed for the job, if you want to you can start immediately." Crest said.

~"You don't have to do it if you don't wish little sister, I will lead you back to the bad hunting place, you c-"~ the cat was telling me.

'Its fine' I thought back to him interrupting his thought, 'I think... I think I want to try this, its only for a few weeks, it certainly doesn't seem to do these girls any harm.'

~"I will be sleeping then, if you need me I will be there and will tear this place and those plants apart to get you."~ he told me hotly, and I believed him.

I leaned down to him, reached past our range of sight to wrap my arms around his neck, feeling his purr as I did this, "Thank you." I told him, out loud.

I began to pace to the nearest bush, my heart beating heavy and fast, echoes of my 'knight in shining armour' waiting to dash to my rescue still resounding in my mind. Counting my steps, extremely aware that my brother did not want to watch me do this I found myself turning my head to the left, I could hear, and smell, one of the foxes was in a bush just a bit further along, she seemed to be having a pretty great time by the sense of it. I smiled and stepped forward.

It was then my brother closed his eyes and started to sleep in the manner that cats everywhere can, whenever they feel like it.

I kept waiting for the vines to snap around me and force me, but they didn't need to, the plant seemed gentle, carefully wrapping up my leg, almost sensually, ultimately though, as I tested their grip, it was extremely secure. Continuing to wrap and bind me, I just relaxed into its grip, letting it make all the moves.

I giggled as it lifted me from the ground, I didn't know how high I was, only that I was wrapped up in its hold.

Something began to press at my mouth, I was reluctant at first, but it smeared a tasty smelling juicy pulp around my gums and I recognised it vaguely as similar to the taste of the drug I had been given yesterday.

Relenting, I opened my mouth to let the thin vine push inside only to have it betray my affection and swell up like a balloon. I tried to say something when an unstoppable pressure began at my nether-lips. Pushing into me, the thin vine burrowed deeper and deeper making me whine out into the gag as I was filled, not so much in volume, but in depth.

A swelling sensation heralded what I thought was its seeds. Was this it?

Suddenly the vine pushed past my now relaxed cervix deep into my innermost cavern, making my toes curl with the feeling of something that far inside me.

It started for real then, the first seed pressed against my entrance, much wider than the vine, splaying me open and with a relentless motion continued deep into my passage, making me whimper and cry out again and again only to be muffled by the vine in my oral cavity, now squirting its lovely tasting juice down my throat.

Just as I thought I could no longer bear the feeling of that seed, it reached the entrance to my womb, I screamed in pleasure then, the gag not able to hold back all of the noise as the beginning of the second seeds travels began to stretch me anew.

One after another, each one driving my body beyond any level of pleasure I had ever obtained in my lifetime, I felt my belly pushing outward, eventually straining at the pressure of the load within me.

Finally, with one more earth shattering release as yet another seed was squeezed past my cervix, I realised there was no more coming.

It felt like I was falling now, going down down down, eventually I felt the ground under my knees as I landed, sitting on my legs. The gag deflated and withdrew, leaving me, belly rounded, straining to hold its load of life within, grinning blindly at the world like a fool.

Getting to my feet slowly, I realised now why the others staggered around so much afterwards, I began to waddle slowly towards where I knew the bench to be.

The voices were a guide, I walked forward slowly before Zoe called out, "How was your first time?"

I lifted my head to her voice and smiled, "I think you know, or did the vine do a better job of silencing me than I thought?" I asked her innocently, flashbacks of the event spiked through every nerve then, almost causing me to lose my footing and my legs to give way.

"Yeah, you did seem rather vocal, so you want to stay on?" she asked.

Using my paws as a guide I sat down on the bench and was told, "I will put this in for the first time, hold still." someone's paws were at my stretched love tunnel, opening it up a little and putting something in me, "There we go, now just let the seeds fall into the can."

"Thanks." I replied automatically, pausing a little before continuing, "As for staying, I think I will have to give it another try at least before I give my verdict." suddenly my voice caught, a rippling contraction poured up through me, and I felt one of the seeds pass into my birth canal.

After a few awkward pushes a huge feeling of relief poured over me, like a small orgasm.

"First time is pretty good isn't it?" the same voice who had helped me with the can, said.

All of a sudden the world was in view again and I felt my brothers mind stir, ~"How do you expect me to sleep with all that commotion?"~ he informed me, rising, stretching and padding over, ~"What is it you are doing, it does feel pretty good in an odd way."~

I was shocked, when had he started being able to feel what I was feeling, a normal familiar bond shouldn't go that way, if that was right, that would make me his familiar.

All at once a pleasure burst into my body, sprouting just above my vent it felt amazing but at the same time I knew it was a feeling in a part that I didn't have. Then my brother opened his eyes to reveal to me he had curled around and begun licking his member.

'Ugh, stop that, please, I can't think with you doing that and these...' I began to think to him before yelling, "SEEDS!" I panted and whimpered, at least the sensations had both stopped, "Sorry." I told the others, apologising for disturbing their conversations.

"Wait." Zoe began, "You can feel everything he does? The cat I mean, he was just licking himself and you damn near orgasmed..."

I blushed to the tips of my ears, "It... it looks that way." I told the serval.

"This calls for experimentation!" Crest said at the top of her skunky lungs, leaving everyone giggling. "Ok, the premise here is that you feel what he does and he feels what you do, right?" I nodded, "Right, ok, so then if I were to say..."

Without any further words or permission, she dove down to the cat, looking us in the eyes briefly before her paws and muzzle were at his member.

My world exploded, I was moaning loudly at the dual assault on my mind of the seeds exit from my womb and the skunks attack on my bond-brothers maleness.

~"Calm down little sister, I do think you were right, this place is not so bad."~ he purred into my mind, radiating extreme happiness with his current situation.

After a few minutes of ministrations I realised the seeds were all gone and all I was getting off on now was the skunks pleasuring of my brother.

The cans presence was removed from my entrance even as I felt it replaced by a feline tongue, Zoe had apparently taken matters to paw. She pulled back a moment, "Lets see if we can punish my mate for being so forward with your feline friend hrm?" she said, "I wonder how long he will be able to resist it..."

Her lips and tongue met my entrance again, working in and around the already slick folds, rasping roughly as a cats tongue is want to do, it left me in total bliss.

The world snapped into view again, my brother was not taking this laying down, not by half. Through his eyes I watched him turn on the startled skunk only to mount her.

Zoe pulled away from me then, I didn't notice any more, I was along for the ride in my brother's head, and I must say it was a most amazing ride.

We missed our mark at first and we leaned forward, gripping Crest's neck in a tight hold, pulling back and forcing her to the position we desired.

Pressing forward slowly now, we felt our member push against the outer folds of her snatch, requiring just a small adjustment before we found the mark and bucked our hips forward, the whole world narrowed down to just us and the being underneath us.

Our hips started to piston back and fourth, our member dipping in deeply to the confining depths only to come back to the surface, letting go of our mates neck we roared our satisfaction with her to the world, continuing the pace undeterred.

Again and again we thrust, driving everything we could into her, feeling at last our swollen balls slapping against her rear, giving further stimulation to our body as we started to yowl.

As our end drew closer and closer, we could hear our mate cry out again and again, even as we felt our spines flare, digging into her tender flesh, adding extra stimulation to our ramming tool.

The end almost upon us, we leaned forward again, gripping her neck and dragging her backwards, arching her back and giving us greater depth of angle to work at her. In a few more short thrusts we made it, our member swelling as wide and flared as it would ever be, painting the insides of the skunks body with our seed even as we felt her muscles clamp down around our member, her cries of ecstasy loud in the air as her tunnel milked us for every drop we could spare.

Panting, feeling myself fracture back from his bodies grip, I collapsed down blindly to the grass, falling to my knees and shuffling over to Crest's head, leaning forward, using only the sound of her panting as a guide, I pressed my muzzle against hers, our lips and teeth making way for our searching tongues.

"Holy goddess of fuck." I heard Zoe say behind us on the bench, "If you two don't mind me saying so, but can I ride the pony next?"

Letting a streamer of magic trail down my arm and along the ground, only to writhe up the the serval's leg, I said, "I think, maybe tomorrow. I am a little worn out after that." suddenly falling to my back laughing.

~"Yes, I believe we can stay here a while."~ my brother told me when his mind had come out of its post coital rest.

"Since Crest seems to be a little tired to do her afternoon shift, its lucky you're here Flinta." Zoe said then, pressing a paw to mine, gripping it, offering a lift up.

I laughed and practically leapt to my feet making a run to where I thought a few bushes were, wanting to catch my brother still awake with what I was about to do.