2)Morning Requests & Unexpected Visitors

Story by Inotamira Orani on SoFurry

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Ok guys second one as I promised I'm putting yiff in it I'll do my best but I'm not that good at it so I hope it turns out ok anyway to the story.


Sabi was having a dream of a rather erotic nature when he was awoken by something wet and pressing that was running up his neck. Inara had been trying to wake Sabi up for almost five minutes now and he became hard as she did so causing her to murr just a little as he humped her leg. When Sabi finally did wake he realized what he was doing and blushed heavily as he sat up and turned away trying to hide his 17-inch cock.

"Eh....sorry...eh..." Sabi tried to say something but just couldn't he was to embarrassed by what he had been doing to say any thing.

"That's ok.....you didn't mean to I'm sure" Inara said wishing he hadn't stopped. "However I was enjoying that...." Inara said also blushing heavily admitting something she wasn't sure would make matters any better.

".........Sorry" Sabi asked not sure if what he heard was true.

"Well....it's just I was hoping for both of us to lose our virginities last night.....but we fell asleep and I was hoping maybe....we....could.....now...." Inara explained turning redder and redder as she spoke. At this Sabi gulped and wasn't sure what to think.....she was what she wanted but he wasn't sure if it was a good thing to do that so early.

"Eh....are you sure.....aren't we supposed to wait till where mated or something like that" Sabi asked not sure what his problem was he just felt really uncomfortable because he'd never done it before.

"Isn't it the women's job to say that" Inara teased him knowing she was losing her virginity whether he liked it or not and so was he. "Besides if you really do like me like you said you did then prove it and take me" Inara almost demanded with her legs in a revealing position.

Sabi started to shake as he was climbing on top of her and started to rub his own body against her then suddenly felt a lot more relaxed as she started to lick his neck. He suddenly felt like this would be fun as he started to slowly push himself inside her slit loving the feeling that surrounded his cock as Inara started to moan a little feeling a man inside her for the first time. Sabi felt like he couldn't hold back any longer and trusted forward hard and broke her hymen as Inara gasped a little in surprise and a little out of pain and Sabi stopped thinking he hurt her.

"Do you want to stop" Sabi asked not sure if he had hurt her or not but felt he had

Inara wasn't really hurt she was just a little shock by his sudden jump and the quick pain inside her that was quickly receding. "No I'm fine keep going" Inara said wanting him to keep fucking her.

Sabi also wanting to continue started to fuck her again this time at a slower pace as to not have her gasp like that again and started to groan a little as Inara began to moan loudly. Inara felt like she was in heaven as he fucked her feeling her self coming to something as she felt Sabi's throbbing member shoot off inside her as he roared loudly in pleasure as she came to her own climax. After they lay together in Sabi's room holding each other loving every moment of being like this.

Suddenly Sabi's eyes widened as he looked towards his door. "What's the matter lover" Inara asked wondering what could have gotten him so distracted.

"Uh.......do you think you could stay here for a little bit" Sabi asked Inara despairingly. Inara felt that something was wrong and wasn't sure if it was a good idea to ask what it was but her curiosity got the better of her.

"What is it" Inara asked a little worried and very curious. Sabi looked into her eyes attempting to see weather or not it would be a good idea to tell her or just keep her from knowing until it needed to be known. The danger of living in a dimensional gap is that there are constant visitors that wreak havoc if not taken care of.

"I'll explain when I get back there's not enough time to tell you now" Sabi said rushing out the door leaving Inara a little worried and still very curious. When he got to the door he opened it and walked around the house trying to see what set his alarms off as they where going crazy inside his head. "Who's or what are you" Sabi asked as he came upon what looked like another demon.

"I am a Fangaery" Replied the creature. Sabi realized that this was something completely new.....wonder if it's friendly Sabi thought as he decided to question the Fangaery further.

"And what is your nature and why have you come here" Sabi asked examining the odd creatures clothes. They where of a very fine cloth and had a shine to them where as they where purple in color with and odd insignia on the chest.

"My nature is merely of neutral intensions I've been traveling dimensional voids for a while now and needed to take a break. I'm sorry if I am trespassing if you desire I shall leave" the creature said as Sabi shut the alarms off finding no false hood in his voice or emitting from his aura.

"We'll come inside your not the first to have come here to rest however you are the first of your kind to come here what brought you to here and are there others like you....also do you have a name" Sabi asked as he motioned back to his house. The Fangaery paused and looked at him not used to such kindness but smiled as he walked towards the door with him.

"My name is Ornakinashmiaki just call me Miaki. As for others there all dead due to war between worlds I left to escape it but when I returned both planets where gone and all where dead and so I've been trying to find another home and mere chance brought me here" Miaki said as they stopped at the door and looked at each other seeing that they both would enjoy each others company.

Back inside Inara had gotten bored and decided to search the enormous house and ended up in a very strange maze like room, which she had gotten lost in and was currently trying to talk to a magic statue that was pleading ignorance but obviously knew the answer. "What is this place and what is your purpose here" Inara asked for the third time.

"This Sabi's home and my purpose is not known to me" answered the statue obviously lying but Inara decided to try something else.

"Ok fine then how do I get out of here and how do I call Sabi from here" Inara asked starting to get annoyed with this statues stupidity.

"Oh I could show you out of this maze as for calling Sabi your merely have to call him mentally and he'll here you with in this realm" answered the statue not realizing he just revealed his purpose and what this place was. Inara was about at her wit's end with the statues stupidity she was glad he'd show her out but wished Sabi would just get back.

The statue looked in an upward position and looked back at her."That's the master right now follow ma and I'll show you back tot he main hall" the statue said walking off with out even checking to see if she was following it. Inara made an exasperated sigh, ran after it catching up, soon came to the main hall, and saw Sabi talking with some sort of creature as the statue bowed and returned to his post.

"Who's this Sabi" Inara asked slightly paranoid at having some one suddenly showing up. Sabi asked Miaki to wait there as he took Inara back into the room and closed the door.

"There are dangers with living in a dimensional rift that I should have told you about........there are allot of strange and sometimes dangerous things that have attacked this house before but a few things have come this way that are of good or neutral intensions and have enough intelligence to actually hang around here for a while" Sabi explained trying to get every thing about his house out right there.

"And what exactly is the reason for him being here then" Inara asked still a little testy.

"The reason he's here is because he's been traveling for years and he needs some time to rest what's wrong with you I'm just helping the poor man" Sabi explained not sure what here problem was.

"Oh...well...I guess that's ok...as long as he doesn't become a problem I don't mind then" Inara said relaxing and feeling happy that her lover was just helping others but she was still uneasy with having a complete stranger in her house as she held him close loving him even more if that was possible.....she had started actually thinking about asking him if he'd like to be mates with her.

Sabi was holding her until he remembered that he still had Miaki waiting for him. "Um Hun Miaki is still waiting for me..." Sabi said a little worried as Inara nodded, she, and Sabi headed into the main room to find him asleep on the floor.

"He's obviously had a very hard day" Sabi said picking the little rabbit thingy up and places him into a bed some distance down the house in a different room and returns to Inara and starts to kiss her then pulls away. "Want to go to bed" Sabi asked nuzzling her neck.

"Yes I think I'd like that" Inara said as they both headed back to his room for a rather erotic night.


Ok this is I think not that bad.....figured it wouldn't turn out so good however I had some one tell me it sounded about as good as someone else's work of which made me feel very proud so I think I did a good job well see you later and hopefully the next one is just as good as this one.

Also if you have any request I'm not afraid to write story's on request how ever be warnd if I do do one on request it might take me longer because I might not be to good with it or it could be sorta odd for me causing me to have to stop writing it from time to time however you'd have to want me to do something really weird to actually cause that to happened see you guys later.