Chapter 4: When the Master's Away

Story by Z-Byte on SoFurry

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#4 of Machinations of a Trainer (Overhaul)

Keeping the smile from my face was hard as I watched the human jump and gape at me, but I managed. After all, smiling would deter from the effect I wanted to have on May. With Master gone, she and I had this dark, boring room to ourselves, with just enough light to make out one another.

"Kat... you can talk?" May rubbed her forehead, closing her eyes tightly before opening them, as if expecting she was still dreaming. "How?!"

I decided not to answer her right away, watching as she pushed herself further away from me. I could have chosen to be offended by that, but I rather liked it instead. It meant she knew her place.

Or at least, she would learn it by the time I was done with her!

"This isn't about me, May," I finally said, just as she started to lean closer, as if doubting that I'd really talked the first time. The human flinched as I spoke again and I smiled that time, making sure the glint of my teeth would hold more weight in her mind than the smile itself. "This is about you."


My lower lips curled, not liking how easily the sound of fear was replaced by confusion and curiosity. A quick tilt of my head, making sure to thrust my horn up and forward, I narrowed my eyes at her, certain the low lighting in the room made them look their darkest. Zack had shown me this trick as a way to intimidate my enemies and now I relished the opportunity to use it against May.

So far, it seemed to be working.

"You shouldn't be hanging around Zack anymore." I kept my voice as cool as the Icy Wind I'd once had the displeasure of being struck with.

Rather than silently accepting her fate, the stupid girl decided to question me, her eyes so large they could have doubled for how big Celia's looked when her red eye-shields covered them.

"What?" The first word held disbelief before her tone grew sharp. "Why?"

Tapping my right claws on the floor, first one, then the other, and the other, and doing it again in quick succession, hoping she'd reach the obvious conclusion herself, I was disappointed to find her gaze still locked on me, expecting me to give her the answer.

Finally, releasing a huge huff of air to let her know my irritation, I spoke slowly so that she'd understand.

"You aren't that hard to figure out, you know." Taking a step forward, I frowned when she didn't cower. Growling a little, I lifted my head to meet May's gaze. "The way you talk around him, all smart sounding..." I shook my head, wanting to make my pity apparent. "Trying to show off how much you've grown." I made sure to lower my attention from her eyes to her chest, feeling displeasure rise at the sight of the troublesome appendages, before turning to gaze back at her. "You're too scrawny, in my opinion," I continued, giving a half roll of my eyes. "You're weak... and as for children," I pointed a claw tip at her. "Your hips are far too narrow."

"Children?" Her voice sounded dazed, like a Stantler who'd been blinded by a Flash attack. "Who said anything about kids?"

I chose not to answer her. "Answer me, human." I lifted my head higher, feeling above this lesser female despite how the bed and her bipedal form gave her height over me. "Do you have feelings for my Master?"

May's face was still but her eyes gave her away so easily that didn't need Fara's ability to follow her line of thinking. Still, the answer she spoke wasn't one I wanted to hear, especially with the sting hidden in the words like a Weedle in a tree trunk.

"So what if I do?"

"So..." I gritted my teeth, thinking she'd have gotten the fucking point by now! "If you do ," I made sure to spit the word with as much distaste as I could muster. "Then give it up!" I turned my back on May, certain the matter would be finished now. "You're simply not the right female for him." I let my shoulders lift and fall as I walked, my tail swaying, content the matter was done with. "I'm sure you'll find a suitable mate, one who likes weaker women and doesn't mind when they rely on them for everything..."

Just as I was preparing to hop back on Zack's bed, her voice made me turn.

"Well, what kind of 'mate,'" the disregard she showed for the word made my spine stiffen, "would be right for him," her next words were mocking and I wished for a moment she was a Pokemon, a little Pidgey that I could smack with my horn and drive away. "...if you know him so well?"

I suppressed a flare of frustration, realizing I would have to fucking spell it out for her. Turning all the way around, wanting to face her, I sat and listed off exactly what Master needed.

"Master needs someone who is strong in body and doesn't second-guess themselves. Someone who he doesn't have to divert half of his attention to protecting simply because she's too used to others fixing her problems for her." I gave a little head sway, intending to reflect that's exactly what I thought of her. "Someone who can help him accomplish his goals-"

"Someone like you?"

...for someone who wasn't a Pokemon, she sure put a lot of venom in those words.

"Yeah!" I shouted, leaning forward and growling. "Exactly!"

Rather than intimidating her, as I'd hoped, the girl only blinked at me and scratched her head. My shoulders shifted, suddenly not liking the feeling that she'd looked at me and seen something more than I'd intended her to see.

"I... would think that would be really awkward, Kat." The fur around my neck bristled up, instantly recognizing the soft hint of pity in her words mingled along with same sort of condescending feel of Zack's patting the day before. Like I was some kind of fucking cub!

"It... just doesn't work that way."

"Why not?!" The words came out as a mix of a bark from my native tongue and the odd syllables that made up my Master's language. "Zack and I have already mated! I say it works out pretty well!"

It wasn't until after I'd said the words that I realized I probably shouldn't have. Master hadn't seemed to like the idea of others finding out... but damn it all! She'd pissed me off! Besides... he hadn't told me I couldn't tell anyone...

Or did he? Maybe? Well, it's too late now.


Heh! That seemed to have shut her right up! I guess it was a good idea after all!

"Yeah," I continued, feeling the hairs along my neck settle back in place, feeling she'd finally get the point I'd been trying to make. There was no room for her in Master's life, not when he had me!

"Why?" May shook her head, her eyes half shut as she seemed to let the information sink in. "I mean I know about some stories... where trainers did it because they were lonely... but Zack-"

"Master's not like that!" My words must have been as sharp as my horn, for May jumped, pulling out of her thoughts to stare right at me. "He helped me!"

"Helped you?" The doubt in her voice made me lift half my face in a snarl. "How does having sex with you help you with anything?"

"With my heat cycle, you dolt!" An irritated ruffle of my fur and I growled at her again. "If you're so smart, you should know what that means!"

"Well, that definitely sounds more like Zack." There was a resemblance of relief in her voice, but I didn't understand it. Did she really think of Zack so poorly that he'd merely gotten bored and wanted to fuck me? Snorting lightly, I realized I really didn't have to concern myself with her if that was her way of thinking. Master would discard her all on his own. "I mean, it's a long way to go for one's Pokemon... but I've seen him take a direct hit from a trainer during a fight in order to prevent the battle from continuing..."

I blinked at that. "I haven't heard that story."

May pulled her legs up, wrapping her arms around them. "Well, it was when we were a lot younger. He didn't even have his own Pokemon then, Kat. He was still in school."

Interested, I took a step forward. "So... are you going to tell me?" I asked, hoping she'd refuse so I could threaten to beat it out of her but if she told me then at least I learn more about how Master was before he met me. It's a win-win!

"There's not much to tell, really... two trainers were having a battle with their Pokemon, a Sentret and a Hoothoot." May's gaze turned upward, remembering. "The Sentret was too fast for the Hoothoot... it managed to land several good hits and shattered the Hoothoot's energy barrier. The Sentret trainer was going to leave it at that... but the Hoothoot owner kept yelling at his Pokemon to continue."

"Stupid," I muttered, thinking of the few times my own energy barrier had been dispelled. I didn't even know what to call it before Master taught me, but it was always around until I was injured too greatly. It was... daunting to be without that armor. You took it for granted, that extra boost in your step, that lightness to your body, being able to stand fearlessly in front of searing torrents of a Magmar's flame till it was taken away from you. Like a Yanma without its wings, you were as good as dead at that point. Sure, you could still fight, still move, but every instinct in your mind tells you to panic, to run away, or simply to pass out. Thankfully, the human battles didn't have the same "present" for the loser as the wild ones did... but it was still an experience Zack worked hard to keep us from experiencing and was quick to comfort us when it did.

"Yes," May agreed. "Very stupid. And Zack made sure he knew it to."

"What did Master do?" Putting both paws on her bed, I leaned forward, feeling my tail wag behind me. "Kick him? Punch him? Spit on him? What else do you humans do when you fight each other...? Oh, yeah! Bite him?"

"Well, yes and no." May moved a hand to cover a giggle. "Would you have?"

"Fuck yes! A bastard like that?" I gave a nod. "He'd deserve no less! Good for Master, beating the shit out of him! I hope the scars remind him what happens when he fucks with Master."

May smiled, though her eyes had a mournful look to them, like she was afraid of upsetting me. "I didn't say he did that."

I jerked back, not sure I'd heard right. "What?"

Her shoulders shook as she giggled. "Zack tried to beat him up, but he was only seven at the time. The trainer was a teenager, Kat."

"So?" I wiggled my claws on the bed, the sheets wrinkling underneath them. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"It's like... a baby Pokemon fighting an adult Pokemon, Kat."

My claws pierced the mattress. "Master's not that weak!"

"No! No, he's not!" May waved a hand in front of herself, as if to prevent any attacks I was going to make. "Not since then! But, back then, the most he was able to do was bloody the other trainer's nose and bruise his shin. The trainer was stronger and knocked the wind out of him after a few hits."

"But then Master came to and beat the shit out of him! ...Right?"

"No, Kat." May smiled sadly again. I hated that smile. "The Hoothoot he'd protected recovered enough to use Hypnosis on its own trainer, forcing him to sleep."

"Then Master beat the shit out of him," I said proudly, knowing that's what I would have done. "Hypnosis puts them into a pretty deep sleep! I'm sure even you were able to get a few hits in."

"Noooo," May said, dragging the word out and rolling her eyes. "Then he released the Hoothoot and took up kendo lessons."

"Kendo?" I tried to remember where I'd heard that word. "The funny thing he does with the stick?"

"Sword, Kat." May corrected. "Actually it's a shinai. A fake sword."

"Ah." I waved my right paw in the air. "Yeah, that thing."

"Yes, that thing. This is why he's a lot stronger now."

"Huh..." I rested my head on the bed, smiling to myself. The idea of my Master being a young cub himself... I really hadn't thought about it. To me, Zack had always been strong. To think of a time when he hadn't, to think of how he might have been, made me a little sad that I hadn't been there with him at the time.

But... May had. Maybe... maybe she knew other stories of Master, when he was a cub? Stories that she could tell me, so that, it would be like I was there.

"I... still think it's a little odd, you and Zack, Kat." I blinked, turning my attention back to May, the girl shaking her head. Come to think of it, without her cloth flap on her head, her mane looked a lot better down and free. "I won't tell anyone, you know, but... the way you talk... it's like you expect to be 'mated' to him for life."

"Well, yeah, duh." I gave my own sort of barking laugh. "Why wouldn't you think that?"

"It's just..." I watched her bite her lip, as if choosing from the many words I knew she carried in her head to pick the right ones to say. "Pokemon and human relationships can't work like that."

"That's silly." I thumped my paw on the bed, watching her, but she didn't jump this time. Good! She was showing a little backbone! I liked that! "Why?"

"For one thing," May used her hands to link her fingers together then frown. "The genetics are incompatible."


May's lips tightened. I thought she was going to laugh and I frowned, not liking the idea, but she didn't.

"You can't have children," she explained simply.

"So? Pokemon take mates all the time and don't have cubs." I shifted my shoulders to mimic the shrugging motion I'd seen Zack do before. "What's wrong with me choosing the strongest male I can, even if we can't have cubs? He's still the best! And," I grinned. "He's my Master. So, he's the best times three then!"

"Two, Kat." May held up two fingers. She wiggled one. "One because he's the best." She wiggled another one. "Two, because he's your Master."

"Nuh-uh!" I shook my head. "Three! Cuz his dick counts as a point all on its own!" I shifted my balance on my other three feet to hold up three of my claws my free paw.

"Kat!" May's face went red and I felt myself grinning. I had to admit, watching the blood race up her face like a Meowth up a tree was fun! "That's-that's-"

"True!" I sang while I grinned, swaying a little and pointing one of those claws I had raised at her straight at her face. "And you can't tell me you don't know it either!"

"I-uh...gah!" May hid her face between her legs while I laughed at her pitiful expression.

By the time my laugher quieted down to sparse giggles, May's face had gradually returned to normal and she was resting her head back on top of her knees, looking more serious than an Aggron trying to add.

"You know, Kat... a lot of humans don't believe in the sort of relationship you and Zack have."

The fur around my neck was rising. "Are you one of those humans?"


She trailed off and I kept my eyes trained on her, waiting for her answer. If she was, she definitely wasn't going to be staying with my Master! I'd have her ass out of this room faster than an Abra can port!

"I really don't see Pokemon/human relationships working out that, way, Kat... but..." It was that "but" that saved her from a nasty slash. "The bond between trainers and Pokemon are really, really strong..." She hugged her legs again before slowly answering. "I guess... I'm okay with it. I mean, I won't tell anyone, anyway."

That was... less than what I'd been hoping for but at least she was honest. Then again, I was also prepared to tear out her throat if she tried to spoil Master's apparent secret.

"I mean," May continued, "it's obvious that Zack cares enough for you to go that far and risk his reputation-"

"Wait a second." I leaned closer, not all the way on the bed but leaning over it. "Why are you doing this? You like him too!"

May looked away, a smile on her face that looked so sad a Glaceon would cry.

"I loved Zack... or at least, I think I did." Her voice was so soft; I had to climb up on the bed to hear her more clearly. "I guess," she gave a laugh that caught in her throat, cutting her words off. "I guess I didn't love him enough, though. He went off to be a great Pokemon trainer while I just decided to follow in my dad's footsteps."

I tilted my head to the side, trying to find the problem with that. "So?"

She looked back at me, her brown eyes soft, like a Furret's fur. "I wanted to follow Zack, Kat... but I didn't." She sighed and stretched out, leaning back and reaching her arms towards the ceiling before moving them behind her head. "Besides, I know I'd have slowed him down." She gave the most miserable sounding laugh I've ever heard. "At least this way, he could call me for random bits of information like 'how to apply a Rawst berry to a burn' or 'why are there Shiny Pokemon and non-Shiny Pokemon?' and I could help him."

"So?" I repeated, not understanding the problem. "You still helped him. What's it matter if you were with him or not?"

May became silent after that and I moved my hind leg to reach an itch on my left side. Shaking my head when I was done, it became apparent she didn't have an answer so I decided to ask another question.

"You love him, loved him... but did you ever fuck him?"

"Kat!" I grinned, not sure why her face was turning red again but pleased for the result. "That's not something you're suppose to ask someone!"

"Why not?" I lightly bopped her knee with the back of my paw. "Wasn't it any good?"

"It was fucking amazing!" she blurted out before realizing what she said and hastily covering her mouth before glaring at me. "You're a bad influence..."

I grinned at her. "Well?"

She continued to glare at me. "Well, what?"

I swayed from right to left, my tail wagging. "Tell me about it!"

May waved her hands in front of herself, shaking her head. "That's way too personal, Kat!"

"You share your story, I'll share mine," I said, grinning, certain she'd give in.

"That's even MORE personal, Katherine!"

"That's not what Zack's magazine says," I argued, wishing his bag was in reach so I could show it to her and prove my point. Instead, I opted for giving a wink and leaning in closer, adding a little sing-song tone to my voice, mimicking what I had seen on one of the shows I had watched to learn this complicated language. "Besides, it's just us girls here... Human girls share stuff like this all the time, right?"

"I'm afraid to ask what magazine you found that in," she muttered.

"Come on," I encouraged, my tail slapping the bed, noticing how her eyes reflected her wavering before the scale tipped in my favor.

She leaned her head back, a light thud sounding as she rested it against the wall. Lying down, I crossed my paws in front of me, listening as her voice grew soft with the memory.

"It was mid-Summer; really warm... we had detoured off the main path." There was a slight chuckle. "Zack had gone chasing after a Skarmory we'd seen flying by while I stayed behind, wanting to observe two Mightyena in the distance. I thought they were acting odd, the way they were circling each other, as if going to fight but then-"

I grinned, knowing where this was going. "They were fucking each other, weren't they?"

"Yes, Kat," May said, her tone the way an eye roll would sound before she went back to telling her story. "As it turns out, the circling they were doing and the sniffing, it was part of a mating ritual." She rubbed her hand along her face. "I... tried to look away once I realized but... the sight of the male Mightyena climbing on top of her... and the size of his-!" She broke off, her cheeks flushed with something other than embarrassment. "The way his hips moved, he just... took her. I didn't even notice Zack till he spoke behind me, watching those two like it was free porn."

"What did he say?" I wiggled on the bed, my hips brushing against the mattress in a way that made the story sound all the better. She had a wicked way of describing it, and to be honest I wasn't sure whether or not I would have acted any differently...

"He said, 'Can you see the look in their eyes? I think it is lust in its purest form. Their bodies are merely the conduit for it, producing this result. Fascinating, isn't it?'"

"That sounds too deep to be Master." I made a "go on" gesture with my paw. "Are you sure it was him and not some other trainer you were into?"

"I would like to think I knew who I had sex with, thank you very much!" She was huffy and it made me giggle. She let out a deep breath and then laughed with me. "You do have a point, though. Before then, I wouldn't have thought Zack to be much of an intellectual... but it could just be because it had to do with sex."

"Probably," I agreed, smiling along with her, appreciating the value in poking fun at Zack without him in earshot. "What happened next?"

"Well... I looked at them closer and I could see that Zack was right. Both of them were really enjoying themselves. We could hear the growls and barks as he shoved himself inside her, both of them so obedient to lust's call that it made me think how alike Pokemon and humans really are."

"Oh?" The sound was kind of a hot breath from my lips, and a sudden chill hit my crotch. I had pressed my rump up against the side of the bed without thinking about it, and the cold was the wooden frame reacting to how hot I was getting. Fuck... what is with these humans being able to turn me on?

"I... just watching them like that..." May reached a hand towards her shirt collar, tugging on it. I found it funny how humans would want to wear cloth like that to sleep... but at the time she'd put it on, I was glad it was keeping her covered from Master. Now, it looked like she was hot in it.

I was glad I just had fur. Much simpler!

"My body..." she continued, moving a hand to rest over her chest. "Felt taut, like... I needed someone to touch me or I was going to snap. I felt really bad, knowing that watching those two fucking was doing it to me... but when I felt Zack's arms warp around me from behind..." Her own hands moved to hug herself, as if trying to recall that embrace. "And he kissed me along the neck... All I could think about was how much I wanted to feel what she was feeling, the Mightyena, and see if it really was that good."

"Now that sounds like my Master," I smiled, feeling my tail wagging harder and making my... parts feel even better.

May's head tilted to the side, like a puzzled Pidgey. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the way my story starts is with me waking up from a good dream, a really good dream." I pushed her leg lightly, winking at her. "You know? The kind of dream that's so good you never want it to end only to have some rude bastard wake you up just before it gets to the juicy stuff!"

May nodded and it looked like she understood so I went on.

"The dream was about my first mating experience. Master didn't understand why I was so pissed at him for waking me up so I told him what I was dreaming about." I snickered a little, remembering how easily his musk had deepened at my telling. "As I was sharing my story I noticed his... cock? Is that right?" I looked at May, her face growing flustered again, and decided I must have gotten it correct. "Yeah, so anyway, his cock was getting bigger. I told him to make up by taking up where the dream left off and he did!" I could feel my pussy drooling at the memory. "Heh, boy, did he ever!"


A little surprised but pleased by her asking, I grinned at her. "He was powerful... forceful... but he did something that a wild Pokemon couldn't do. At least, none that I've seen," I amended, thinking of some Pokemon with very coordinated tongues who probably could manage... like that pink thing with the one as big as its body. "He put his mouth around my pussy," May's blush confirmed that was the right word too, "and started licking me. His tongue moved in-"

"Circles," May completed, shifting her weight on the bed a little.

"Yeah! Circles!" Giving a small laugh, I continued. "He threw me aside, forced me to the ground. His grip was strong and kept me pinned as he pushed inside me, spreading me open wider than my first. Hell, he was better than my first!" I gave a snort, recalling the Mightyena with scorn now that my Master had taken me. "He did it because we had mutual lusts... where as that son of a bitch did it to cub me. It didn't take for god knows why, but I'm so glad it didn't, and he never showed back up to..."

I didn't want to think about him anymore.

"Sounds like Zack's pretty adaptable," May mumbled, her cheeks almost hidden by her knees. "He was... really gentle with me."

"Heh, oh yeah?" I cocked my head at her, inviting her to tell me more.

"Yeah, he... he was on top, but I was facing him. You were the opposite, right?" I nodded and she went on. "He kissed me everywhere he could reach and stroked along my sides... he was so sweet it hardly hurt..."

"Master's just that good," I said, thinking I preferred the way he'd taken me to what May had experienced. Just as I thought to say so, a scent caught my attention. It was... weird. Creamy, I guess, if creamy had a smell. Taking several smaller sniffs, I grinned, suddenly realizing where it was coming from. "Damn! I must be getting good at this!"

May appeared to be startled. "What?"

"Well, I got Master to fuck me by telling him my story and, by the smell of things you're itching for the same."

Haha! Just when I thought I'd seen just how red May could go, she managed to dredge up a darker color!

"We should go to bed, this is getting embarrassing."

She's not getting off that easily. I swung my head gently from side to side, still smiling at her. "Aww! Why's that? I'm the only one here..." I lifted an eyebrow at her. "Unless you want me to go find Master and tell him we need his cock here as soon as possible."

Look! Another shade!

...I just hope she didn't burst like an overripe Tomat Berry or Master would be pissed at me.

"That's not funny, Kat!" she hissed, like a Skitty who'd been dropped in a bathtub full of water.

"Yes, it is," I answered back, giggling to myself before leaning in, hopeful. "So... can I see it?"

May blinked twice in rapid succession. "...What?"

I lifted my paw to point at her legs, or, more to the point, what was between them. "Your pussy. I've never seen a female human's pussy up close, unless you count Zack's magazine."

"I should throw that damn thing away," I thought I heard May say before she spoke up. "I don't think that's a good idea, Kat."

I frowned at her, not liking the answer. "Why not? You've seen mine."

May put her hands on her hips, her spine stiffening. "It's not like you make any effort to hide yours!"

"That's the problem with you humans," I countered. "You're too shy to go show off your bodies. You're sooooo uncomfortable with them, you go to your doctors to tell them to 'fix you' and 'make you look better'.'"

"That's not true!" May sputtered before closing her eyes and giving a sigh. "Okay, so it's partially true... but not all of us are like that!"

"Well, what do you call those?" I asked, pointing at her cleavage.

May opened her eyes to look down, cupping her own breasts before glaring at me and turning around with a huff. "I was born with these, thank you very much! My mother had large breaAAAH!"

See? See that? That is why you don't turn your back on an Absol. It wasn't my fault that May now had her pajama bottoms in my mouth, pulled down around her legs. It totally wasn't my fault that, in her attempt to escape, she grabbed a pillow and decided to hit me with it. It could not have been further from my fault when previously mentioned pillow hit my horn and ripped, spewing feathers like a Swellow that exploded and now drifted in the air like a gentle snowstorm.

It didn't hurt, but it sent an odd buzzing feeling through me, a subdued sensation than how it feels when Zack rubs me there. I snapped out of that before she finished laughing at me, however, and I was going to get my vengeance on such an assault on both my pride and my intimidating appearance.

So, it wasn't my faultthat I managed to get my revenge by giving the little layer of cotton between her legs a quick bite, ripping the cloth free and exposing May's pussy with one twist of my head.

The fact that my paws now rested on her legs, my claws pricked against her skin to keep her from moving after the fact... that maaaaaay have been a little bit of my fault, though.

...just a little.

However, keeping her still like that, I could finally get a good look at her pussy. It was blushing red, like her face, and the strangest shape. A vertical slit, glistening wet, and it had a small patch of hair above it that matched the color of her mane.

"A-alright, you've seen it." May seemed to be trying to keep her voice steady, the laugher leaving it sounding too breathless. "Can I put my pants back on now? It's bad enough you ruined my favorite pair of-"

"Fish," I muttered, moving my nose closer for another sniff.


I looked up at her. "You smell a little like a fish."

"I most certainly do NOT!"

Her last words came out as a shout, probably due to my tongue flicking against her slit.

"Doesn't taste much like a fish, though..." I moved my head closer. "It's not terrible, I suppose. "Like creamy fish or something..." I giggled, moving to lick her again. "I kinda like it. Sorta sweet, too."

"Get off!" I felt her wiggling, trying to dislodge me, but she was a thousand years too early for such a feat. "Go on! Get!"

"Quit squirming," I grumbled, having a harder time trying to lick her pussy with her moving like that.

"'re not even listening, are you?"

"You'll be fine." I pressed my paws against her legs, working on spreading them further. "I just want some more of this... see what Master tasted..."

The pressure seemed to work in keeping her from wiggling again, though her muscles strained to do so. Laughing quietly to myself, I nuzzled her folds with my nose, drawing in that odd, creamy odor of hers before pushing my tongue in.

"I'm not a fucking saltlick, Kat!" Her protesting cut off with a quiet gasp, making me smile and repeat the movement of my tongue to see if she'd make the sound again. "S...stop."

I ignored her words. Her body knew more than she did and it was just begging me to keep going. I felt the way her muscles shivered under me, trembling like trapped prey as her pussy quivered and winked at me. Her words of protest were given breathlessly, her body trying to stop her from her futile begging by robbing her of her voice bit by bit.

I started licking on the outside of her folds slowly, wondering if my lips were as exposed as hers were. They seemed longer than mine, but thinner. Pulling the right half in my mouth, I tried sucking it, finding more of her taste lingering there but older, as if it'd been clinging there all day. The skin was hot between my lips, and the action caused May's hips to push against my sex. Perhaps inadvertently, perhaps not, but she'd never admit otherwise.

Releasing the fold, I moved more along the inside of it, listening as she pushed out a moan and feeling as her hips jerked against my paws, which continued to grip her tightly. Now, though, instead of keeping her from escaping, it was to keep her shaking body from inconveniently slipping away from my mouth. Flicking my tongue at her entrance, I found a small teardrop of her juice greeting me, forcing me to shove my pliable muscle into her eager pussy to drag out more. Recalling what Master had done for both of us, I tried moving my tongue into a circle, listening to her sudden shudders of breath. Sliding my tongue out, I made sure to catch her clit on the way, watching her hips buck as she all but sobbed. Her soft, feminine cries were only a hair louder than the wet sound of my tongue slapping again and again against her sex.


Pushing my tongue back inside her, I swirled it harder, acknowledging that she was reliving her own time with Master. That was fine, I guess, so long as she kept her pussy away from him. I hadn't given her the same approval I had given Fara. She'd have to earn that...

Granted, I was a little pissed she seemed to be crediting my work to him... but once I got her to cum, I'd make sure she remembered it was me and not Zack who did all the work! I increased my pace, her warm skin jumping again against my claws and her hot tunnel shuddering and squeezing my tongue, trying to milk me the same way my pussy sucked and drank in every last drop of Master's cum. A gift that this female was not worthy of yet.

I could hear the rustle of sheets as she grabbed and yanked them, crying out quietly as I kept lapping at the insides of the walls of her cunt. A certain spot in there made her whimper, her legs working on trying to shut as I hit it again and again. Chuckling to myself, I pulled my tongue out to lick the juices covering the fur around my muzzle, deciding to try licking that little hot button above her slit again.

The little bud quivered, her hips thrashing as she tried to pull away. I only pressed down harder, growling and forcing her to submit, before continuing to lick that little miracle spot. Watching her arms thrash before moving of their own accord to touch her breasts, I kept licking while enjoying the sight of her playing with her own tits. The way she squeezed them, her nipples standing out, a darker shade than the rest of her skin, and the needy little sounds she kept making, was making my own pussy start dripping. Yes, that's right, play with yourself May. Feel my Master touching you. Remember how good it feels... so you know how much pleasing me is worth getting to be with him again.

Growling louder, I brought my attention back to her clit, moving to suckle it, flicking my tongue against it while I kept her in my mouth. The little squeaks she made reminded me of a Rattata being toyed with, about to be devoured, when a sudden buck forced me to lose my balance. My paws slipped off her legs, my mouth moving from her clit to her entrance, just in time to be sprayed by a torrent of bittersweet cum. Part of it struck my face, the other part my open maw, while May cried out Zack's name again. Whatever helped her loosen up, I suppose... but I'll get her later for it.

Waiting as her body relaxed, I pulled away to lap up the droplets clinging to my face. From what I could she, she'd pulled the sheets so hard that the elastic stuff holding them had retracted and they'd bunched around her. Pleased with myself, I grinned down at her flushed form, her juices dripping from my lips before my tongue lapped up the beads about to fall onto the ground.

"Someone had fun, eh?

"T-that..." she swallowed, her mind still obviously hazy as her words were nothing more than broken fragments. "I didn't.... What?"

I kept my laughter silent, gazing at her. She was such a wimp... she didn't even have the power to push me off till her climax provided her the necessary strength. She was smart in books outside of Master's magazine yet lacked the natural instincts for battle that Zack so easily held. She didn't command the respect of her Pokemon like Master did, either. If her battle with Zack was any indicator, she seemed ask her Pokemon rather than command them with the same vigor Zack had.

"Huh... I guess that's why Master still cares about you."

That made May half rise, propping herself up by her elbows. "What?"

"You're sappy and sweet, intelligent, and cute... all of the things I'm not." I frowned, correcting myself. "Well, I'm a little cute, and I don't meet many Pokemon that can speak, but that's not the point." I gave a sigh, looking up at the ceiling before back at her. "You're what balances him out, keeps him from becoming too tough."

Some of her afterglow seemed to fade because her next words came out quicker and clearer than the rest. "I didn't think you considered anything 'too tough.' I thought it was, 'the tougher the better.'"

I flicked my tail once, ignoring her mockery. "Tough is alright for me, but Zack needs more than just a powerful mate. He needs someone to remind him of his softer side. So he doesn't forget who he is, you know?"

May nodded, but the look on her face made it apparent she didn't understand. That was fine, I understood, and that's what mattered.

"I'll let you stay," I said suddenly, cutting off whatever she'd been about to ask. "But first you have to prove your worth as a member of Master's harem."

"Harem?" Her eyes narrowed, as if grabbing the word and trying to find a deeper meaning to it. "What do you mean 'harem'?"

I stared at her, certain she was playing dumb now. "You can't expect such a powerful male to only have one mate, can you?"

"Well, that's kind of how it works for us humans, Kat."

"That's cuz humans are stupid." I rolled my eyes, thinking it was no wonder human pairs always were fighting or breaking up on the television. "Fine. Master will only have one human mate, then. Okay?"

"What, so you'll let him screw other Pokemon?"

At May's disbelief, I shook my head. "Well, yeah. I mean, as long as they prove themselves worthy and don't cause trouble for the rest of us, I don't see why not."

"Kat... you are one strange Pokemon."

"Nooo," I answered back. "All Pokemon are the same, it's you humans that are the strange ones. Besides, strange is..." I paused, having to dig through my mind for the word. "Relevant, right?"

"'Relative,' Kat." May smiled, apparently amused by my mix-up.

Growling, the sound reverberating in my throat, I pointed a claw at her. "Hey! You still have to prove your worth!"

"Oh, right... well, let's see." May bit her lip, thinking hard before her face released the tension it had. "I have encyclopedic knowledge on most species of Pokemon and access to information about the newest discoveries. That would help him, right?"

I let out a small huff of air through my nose, seeing she didn't get the point.

"That's all well and good, May... but what about me? What about his Pokemon? What can you do to be a part of this group?" I drew a circle over the bed as I mentioned "group." "We all have to do our part to help each other."

May seemed utterly baffled at that point, like she'd taken one Confusion attack too many.

"I'm good at making Pokeblocks, I guess."

I wanted to slap my paw against my head. "Are all humans this dense?"

"I... I don't know what you want, Kat."

The little tone of distress in her voice softened me more than I would have liked so rather than giving up on her, I gnashed my teeth once before saying as calmly as I could, "How about you make me cum, May?"

"I... I've never done that before."

Drawing in a breath and keeping myself from snapping, I gave a small grunt. "Like I have? You were the first, stupid. Now..." I turned, pawing a pillow to the side before looking at her, waiting for her to lie down so I could get comfortable. "Are you going to help me get off or what?"

"Why would you want me to do that?"

The level of repulsion in her voice made me snarl at her. "Have you ever tried using claws to... what is it... rub off?" I shook my head. "Fucking uncomfortable." I gave a snort, recalling something else. "I had asked Zack's Sceptile to help me out, but he didn't really trust me at the time. Tch, what a stiff, right?" Grumbling, I muttered. "His stupid cock would probably be to big anyway. I can't stretch myself out too much, human guys like it 'tight.'"

The way May was gaping at me, I wondered if she was trying to catch flies like a Politoad.

"Well?" I nodded down towards my pussy. "Let's go."

"Kat, I don't think I can do that." May shook her head, pulling away from me. "It's just... too weird. I haven't even given Zack head... and you want me to do you?"

A fit of heat ran along the back of my mind, scalding like a Fire Blast attack. Drawing in a short breath that hissed through my teeth, I was about to let out a stream of fiery words before they dissolved on the tip of my tongue.

"Alright." I gave a nod, moving as if to leave. "That's fair." I mustered up the most innocent look I could. "I mean, I can just tell Zack I know why he likes you now... and how cute you look as you cum. Who knows? If I tell the story well enough, it might lead to another night of-"

"Okay!" May's voice came out in a quick rush. "Okay," she repeated, slower. "I mean, fair is fair, right?"

Moving back, I grinned at her. "Well, lie down!"

May took a breath, moving over so slowly she might have been a cold Slugma, before stopping and lying down. Carefully, making sure my claws didn't accidentally scratch her, I positioned myself over her, leaving it so that my pussy was right over her face. I wondered what differences she saw between my pussy and hers, if any. I didn't get a chance to ask her, though, because at that moment, she seemed to gather her courage, leaning her head upward.

The warm breath from her mouth washed over my pussy, almost making me twitch, and the breath itself was more of a shudder. Was she nervous? Good. That'd make her more careful. But the first thing I felt wasn't a tongue, it was a finger. It was a smooth, safe, human finger, the kind of which I wish I had at times when I was this horny. I let out a sigh that was hot on my tongue, feeling my back end twitch in an undignified way as she studied me as though I were in one of her books. I was just about to protest until I felt that tongue.

A hot bolt of pleasure flashed across my spine, instantly making my mouth open in a sharp gasp. She paused for some reason, so I pushed my rump back towards her. "Yes, again... just like that human. You don't have to do much..."

I felt another tentative lick, my curled back arching as my shoulders rolled and sank, my body starting to relax on top of hers as I felt a third lick. Then a fourth. I felt her tongue exploring the lips of my wet pussy, the heat from her breath and the softness of her tongue far surpassing the chill feel of the bed-post.

Her tongue was moving so slowly that I thought I was going to lose it, but maybe that was a good thing. Master was voracious; licking me like he was hungry, but this methodical probing and teasing was something new altogether. I... I honestly didn't know which one I liked more!

I lowered my head between her thighs to bark into the cushions, suddenly feeling that finger push into my pussy. Smooth human skin... penetrating me, pushing in and out... it felt... so good...

"You... you..." I moaned out, smelling her scent and being reminded of how nice she tasted. Her body resting beneath mine was so hot on my stomach, her breasts pushing against me and framing my waist like a pair of warm pillows. "If I'd have known... you and Zack... gah, you deserve another treat for being a good human."

I dove for her little human flower, my mouth watering with drool as I spied the her shiny petals seeming to open for me. I heard a protest, but it was muffled by her thighs covering my ears and my cunt pushing back into her mouth, a sensation that filled me with both physical pleasure and the satisfaction at how much power I had over her. When my tongue started slapping against that sopping slit her writhing increased, but my claws wrapped beneath her butt to keep that part of her steady enough for me to enjoy it. I was not about to let her go now, not before I've had another dose of her sweet, sweet surrender.

She seemed to redouble her efforts, the sound of her moaning filling the small room as it bounced off of the close walls. Oh, to be seen, to get caught... would she get in trouble and not me? Would she have to leave my Master be forever? The thoughts were appealing to me until I felt her efforts redoubling. She started sucking on my pussy, the slurping sounds joining the song we were making with our moans and whines. I just couldn't stop my throat from chiming whenever she touched me, her other hand starting to rub my backside and the side of my waist, combing through my fur. Fuck, she was getting into it... she was getting into it and I was starting to lose it.

I had to make her cum first. That bump of flesh I remember from earlier bumped against my chin and I held off from straight-up attacking it, imitating her way of softly urging me to climax. I tried to be gentle with her, darting my tongue against that hot little button and getting a very positive reaction from it, her throat vibrating as it sent another moan against my throbbing pussy, her fingers gripping my fur and holding me down against her lips. I did it again and again, my tongue smacking loudly as I started sucking on just that little button and repaying the trembling coming from her throat with my own loud, hot growls.

That did it. Her muscles tensed under my paws and I felt her cum again after a short time of my tortuous experiment. She soaked the sheets and I quickly started to lap up the juices she spilled, wiping her quivering pussy against my fur as she whined and nearly shouted her pleasure against my cunt.

I felt powerful. I was powerful. I had power over at least one creature. And it felt good.

But my sense of pride was completely overwhelmed by the sudden bolt of pleasure that shot through me, making me tense and dig my claws into May's ass. My pussy quivered and I nearly bit into her snatch, instead grabbing hold of the mattress with my teeth and tearing a hole in the material. I came, hard, feeling my tunnel tremble around her fingers and reward her with a lot more of the same sort of juices my mate enjoyed.

I withdrew from her crotch, panting. "Nuh-not bad... for a wimp." I could still taste her juices as I swallowed. "You can stay... for a trial period." I growled, not wanting her to think I was going easy on her. "So... you had better toughen up before I decide you're not worth the trouble, alright?"

"Glad to hear it..." May moaned, her head pressed back against the mattress, her hair fanned out around her as she breathed heavily. I climbed off of her and cocked my head, asking her: "Do you think we woke anyone up?"

"I dunno, we might have."

I laughed breathlessly down at her. "Wouldn't that be a... a... bitch?" I did take a moment then, but for another reason. "That's bad, right?"

At her moan, I thought that was right.

"Seriously, Kat? Did you learn all of your words from the porno mag?" She rolled over, reaching for what looked to be her backpack, and groaning. "Ah! And Zack will be back soon, won't he?"


She seemed flustered at that. I giggled. If Zack came in on us, seeing how I have subjugated his ex-mate, how I have conquered my opposition, then there would be no doubt in his mind about my abilities as his main female.

But I didn't want May's head to explode from embarrassment quite yet. "I got an idea..."


~Master, there's nothing to be concerned about.~ Fara's whispered voice sounded like she was trying to hide a smile and failing. ~You worry too much.~

"You can never worry too much when Kat is involved," I told her, walking down the hallway of the PokeCenter so quickly that the night Nurse Joy had looked troubled. My footsteps echoed on the tile floor as the dimmed florescent lighting above cast dark shadows over both my Ninetales and myself.

~True enough.~ Fara relented, an almost girlish giggle filling the air. I paused to glance around before looking at her.

That was going to take some getting used to.

Walking again, we got to our room quickly. Fumbling with the keycard, it took me two tries to get it in and for the light to beep green, allowing me access. Opening the door in a rush, I drew in a breath, bracing myself for what I was about to see and getting ready to yell.

To put it simply, what I saw surprised me. To elaborate, it blew my fucking mind.

Kat and May were both on the bed...

Watching an educational show with a Teachy TV.

This situation was one of the few that could cause my mind to do a hard reboot and force me to rethink all I once knew to be real. For a moment, it was as if a blue screen flashed in front of my mind with the white words "System Error: Data Not Possible."

"Welcome back, Master." Kat grinned, having looked up from the device. "Did you have a nice walk?"

I could feel Fara's amusement against my own, both of us knowing Kat was aware of what we did. After all, she was the one that was playing whatever game she was up to...

Not that I could complain. I like dark types for that very reason. Most have that sneaky, scheming side of them that I can't help but love.

"Yeah, I feel much better now."

"Care to join us?" May motioned to the Teachy TV, looking a little more flushed than I remembered. "I'm teaching Kat how to read and write with my TV. She seems to be having fun."

That's when it hit me: Kat had just spoken in front of May. And... May didn't seem surprised which meant Kat had done it before.

Damn it. Now my brain has to think about more crap!

"No, thanks." I shook my head, moving to let Fara into the room then closed the door behind us, rather than continuing to standing in the doorway. I just wanted to sleep at this point and sort out everything else later. "That walk wore me out, I think I'm just going to bed."

"Oh, okay." May smiled. "We'll just keep the volume down on low, then."

I gave a two-finger salute in appreciation as I collapsed on the mattress, an errant feather floating upwards through the draft I had created. At any other moment, I might wonder over such a thing, but at this point, I was thinking I had enough to worry about, and not enough energy to commit to it.

Turning on my side, I looked briefly at the girls. Fara had seemed to taken an interest in the television, her emotions soft melodies of curiosity in the back of my mind. Watching the three of them enjoying the television, the shock and confusion, even the tense anticipation of bloodshed I would find, drained out of me like mucus from a Nosepass.

I was thinking Kat was going to be dangling May out of a window by her feet and here they are getting along. Fara was right, I had nothing to worry about... or maybe I had everything to worry about because they weren't doing what I had expected.

Ugh, this was too much. I turned the other way, pulling the blanket over myself. Taking a deep breath through my nose, letting it out, I allowed the feeling of relaxation to follow me into the realm of sleep, one stray thought hoping along for the ride:

...Why do I smell ginger?