Chapter 2-A Lover's Mourning

Story by Kissaki on SoFurry

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#2 of Runnig for the Sins We Make in Love

Second Chapter, sorry about no anthro's yet, but I needed to get you to feel more for the characters loss. So next chapter..... well, no spoilers are gonig to be here.

Feel free to comment, and critique. I want feedback, what do I need to do better?

I am not posting a 'sex' only story, but it is in there, so if you are wanting just sex, then go somewhere else.

Usual disclaimer, no one under eighteen, blah, blah, blah

The cry filled the room, the sadness in his voice unmistakable. As he stood their, stricken by grief, and an alarmed voice coming from the phone "Mr. Thomas, are you there? Mr. Thomas, please answer."

Slowly bending down and picking up the phone, he spoke into it. "Sorry, I was so upset, I guess I just dropped the phone. Please, don't tell me how it happened, I am upset enough as it is."

"Sure, I understand Mr. Thomas"

"Well, thank you for telling me."

He hung up the phone, unbelievably calm for what he was just moments before. A meager breeze compared to the gale that was there only moments before.

Sitting down in his chair, he began to weep into his hands, a silent sobbing. As his eyes clouded over with tears, thou he didn't see them anymore. He did his best to keep the memory's from his mind, for he knew that they would bring him more sorrow, but try as he might, he could not more control them then one can control time, no more then one can stop aging, or stop the world from turning. It was inevitable, and in time, he finally let himself go to his memories.

The first to come into his mind, was how he had met her. Of how the sky had been bleak and cloudy, and of how the air tasted of rain. Of how anxious he felt, going back to middle school, to see his friends, practically bouncing off the walls of the bus, on his way to his first day as an eighth grader. She had walked onto the full bus, her hair just past her shoulders, as she walked up the steps onto the big yellow vehicle. Of how she walked down the isle to the only available seat, and how she had asked politely "Excuse me, may I sit here?" in her beautiful voice, leaving him only to ready to let the new girl sit by him.

"Hello, my name is Katherin" She said to him.

"Hey Katherin, you can call me Mike." he replied, and it was as simple as that. He had just became friends with the new girl. As they rode to school, he talked to her, getting to know her better, and learning her likes and dislikes. He didn't know it then, but that was how their relationship would start, by him being nice to the new girl. He never figured then that he would marry the girl, but he just believed he had done the right thing in being nice to her.

As they left the bus, the memory also left him, leaving him back in reality, sitting there crying. He cried for what seemed like an hour, before another memory claimed him. This one, of how he had realized that he loved her.

It had been a sunny day, a summer day. The summer after his freshman year in high school. Him and Katherin were basketball, their main pass-time. They were playing one-on-one. He was up by two, and had two left before winning the game. As they played in his driveway, with him moving in for a lay-up.

As he went up to score, he had the ball stolen, and Katherin toke it all the way back. To the their half court line, before driving it, and she would have scored, if he hadn't blocked her. She ended up shooting a three, because he wouldn't let her any closer to the goal. The ball, flying, hit the rim, and bounced up, bouncing twice once more on the sides, before going in.

She was one up, and his ball. As he checked they checked the ball, he went strait in, only to meet her defense, and they danced back and forth, him trying to find a way past her, and her a step ahead of him. Finally, he made it passed when she made a mistake, and was about ready to score when a voice sounded out. "Mike, Katherin, lunch is ready." the voice, belonging to his mother.

They both went in, eating a simple meal of hot wings. A favorite of both of them. They quickly had the plate devoured, and went back outside to finish their game.

Taking the ball, Mike went to make a shot, and once again, was met by her defense. This time, he didn't break past, and she took the ball from him. Taking it back, and then bringing to the goal, tripping over something along the way, and landing strait into him, taking them both on the ground. Their faces only inches apart, before they awkwardly got up, with their faces both red with embarrassment.

The memory had left him, leaving him weeping harder then before. These memories hurt him in a way that he had never felt pain before. He made a move to get up, but the only thing he could do is cry. His shirt soaked by the time the next one briefly relived him of his pain.

It had been spring break, and he had taken her out to see a movie. They both had feelings for each other, but were afraid of what it would do to their friendship, if the other didn't have them back. They went to see a romance, it was Katherin's choice this time. Even thou he wouldn't admit it to the guys, he actually liked these Romances with her. It was also a special occasion, he had decided to tell her the feelings he had for her. The movie wasn't as good as she had thought, thou it had brought her to tears.

On the way out, he had asked her to wait, saying "I have something to tell you." but having second thought, decided for it to wait until they got to his car. There were rumors flying around school, about them.

After getting in the car, he didn't start the engine, but only looked over at her. "I.. I don't know how to say this. So I will say it simply, and I hope, that whatever the outcome, we can still be friends, but, I think I..."

He didn't finish the statement, for she had kissed him. It was nothing more then a simple kiss, but it had meant the world to him. Before he had a chance to open his mouth, she told him. "I have had the same feelings, but I was always afraid, afraid of what you would say."

They kissed once more, before he drove her home. As he pulled up to his girlfriends, she kissed him once more before getting out of the car, and he watched as she disappeared into the house.

With her vanished into her house, so did the memory vanish, leaving him to cry, his pain even more intense, but wanting another one to come for a brief moment of peace from the pain that was tearing him up inside. After awhile, he finally got his wish.

It was the eave of their Junior Prom, and both were excited. She was in a silver dress, cut to the maximum level the school would allow, and he was in a suit. They had danced, and they had been a great couple. They were even awarded King and Queen.

But it was not the prom itself that he was remembering. It was after. He had been on his way to take her home, when she asked him to pull over. He had obliged. His new truck, that he had bought with his own money, his first car that he owned. He remembered of how she had kissed him passionately, their mouths exploring each others, of how her hand had taken his, and guided it to her breast. Remembering of how she had slipped out of it. She had undressed him, and she was in her panties. This was as far as they had ever gone, but tonight, she had insisted him to go farther. She removed her bra, and panties, as he removed his boxers, revealing his six inch member.

The smell of her that night, still stuck fresh in his mind. And his memory was clearer then any others. Distinctly remembering of how he had eaten her shaven pussy. Her cries still rang in his mind, as he broke past the barrier or her fragile maidenhood as he entered her. Her moans of pleasure, as he pushed deeper, and deeper, thrusting himself in and out. Of how they laid together after he was spent, for what seemed like an half an hour, just laying, him inside of her. Before finally, they had their energy back, and were both dressed again. Taking her home, and walking her to the door. And as he went home, undressing, and drifted off into a gentle sleep, but as that happened, the memory faded, and he was left with is elbows on the cold metal of his work table.

He begged for the pain to stop, begging for more memories to come, but dreading the severe pain that came after. Finally, his wish was granted, as another claimed him.

They had both graduated from the same collage, choosing one that offered both their curriculums, so that they could spend more time together. It was not two days after they had received their diplomas, before he came up to her, bearing a small black box.

She was wearing a white blouse, with a black skirt, and he a pair of jeans, and a leather jacket. He had taken her out to dinner to celebrate both of them graduating from collage. Or so was what he told her. The question was a simple one, as he held out the ring to her, and said a poem to her.

"We have been together.

Since we bother were young.

My love for feels like it could last forever.

Yet, it has just begun.

I ask you but one simple thing.

One thing on my mind.

For us to be together, whatever it may bring.

My treasured find.

Will you marry me, my Kat?"

She had said, with tears on her face. "Yes, Yes I will marry you"

With that, his memory fled him once again, as tears stung his eyes, and pain racked his heart. His sobs had long passed quite, and were audible from the hall, no one came, no one asked. No one heard. At the late hour, it was only him to keep himself company as one final memory claimed him.

They had been engaged for two years, and living together for one. They spent every other night, together, and he had been working at his job for a year and a half, and he was just been promoted. To celebrate, she had bought him a pendant, a simple silver pendant, that he wore on his neck. It had a picture of her, and a lock of her black hair.

It had been presented to him at dinner, and he had immediately tried it on.

The memory left him quicker then the others, and his hand went to his pendent, and he opened it, on one side, a picture of his love, and the other, a lock of her hair, and that was when the idea came to him.

He looked from the hair, to the machine, and back to the hair. He did this several times. Asking himself, is it worth the risk, I could loose my job for this, or worse, be thrown in jail. Cloning with human DNA was strictly illegal. He could be put in jail for the rest of his life for it, but another part of him reasoned that without her, he wouldn't be alive anyway. He decided to do it.

Please, I want feedback