Chapter 2-A Lover's Mourning

Second Chapter, sorry about no anthro's yet, but I needed to get you to feel more for the characters loss. So next chapter..... well, no spoilers are gonig to be here. Feel free to comment, and critique. I want feedback, what do I need to do better? ...

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Chapter One-A Love Lost

I have had this story stuck in my head for some time, I just needed to get it out. It is the first part in a series. Though there isn't much Yiff in this one, and it is only human, well, you can figure out that it won't be like that for long. This...

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Chapter 4- A Price Paid

First off, I thank you all for being patient with me. With my freshman year in collage starting, I don't have much time to write as I would like. I managed to get the time to get this done, and well, here it is. Usual disclaimer space. If you are...

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Chatpter Three-A Mistake Made

Sorry it took so long, I have been really busy. Well, it is up, and I hope you enjoy it, sorry for the fact that there is no yiff in this one, but hey, it now has a furry. I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I did writing it. The next one...

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