Path of a Legend Chapter 4

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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It took the pair the rest of the morning and into the afternoon to reach home, by the time Star had touched down just outside the village, it was already late afternoon. "Ok now I really need to rest when we get home." Star huffed. "I'm sorry Star. I didn't mean for us to take that detour."

"It's alright, as long as you got what you needed that's all that matters. Anyway I think I'll go visit Kat for a while. You go on home." Star said, trying to catch his breath. "Well alright but don't come home drunk. You remember what mother said the last time you did that." Star nodded. "Don't worry I won't drink too much." They gave each other a hug then parted ways. Tide continued through the village and down the path leading to the manor while Star made his way towards Kathlyn's place. A sign hung above the door, it sported a side view of a red feral dragon spewing fire, and just under it was the pub's name. Star had opened the door and a bell that hung just inside rang, singling a customer.

"Oh hey Star. A female voice had called out from behind the bar. Kathlyn stood a nice 5'7. Her feathers were a nice shade of red, as was her beak and horns. Her head feathers however hung down her back and looked as though they were wings; those were more of a cream color. She wore a light blue t-shirt with black jeans for bottoms. Her bright blue eyes watched as Star made his way up to the bar and sat before her. The tavern itself was fairly lively, what with most of the folk being farmers or travelers just passing through looking for a place to crash. "Seems busy today."

The female Blaziken turned and started to fill up a glass from a tap she had behind her and set it down in front of him. "Aye it is but that's common this time of year, what with the solicitous coming and all." Star slapped his paw against his forehead. "Oh that's right the spring festival. Damn it I always forget that." Kathlyn giggled warmly. "So what brings a handsome devil like yourself here?"

Star took a sip from his glass, trying to hide his blushing. "Ah that hits the spot. Hmm, oh Tide and I just came back from the royal city. I had promised to take her there for her birthday but..."

"But?" She asked tilting her head. "Is there anywhere we can talk, privately?" Kathlyn nodded and whistled for one of her workers. "Watch the bar while I'm gone."

"Where are you going?" The wolf asked. "Does not matter where I am going; just watch the bar till I get back." Star had finished off his glass as Kathlyn lead then through the tavern and up the stairs. She guided him down the long hall to her personal room. Star had entered before she closed the door behind them both and locked it. "Alright now what is it you wanted to tell me?" Star moved over the bed and sat on the edge of it. "You know how my family was killed right? She nodded and sat beside him. "It turns out...I'm related to royalty." Kathlyn was stunned. She nearly fell over in shock at the statement he had just made. "Really? I mean you are not pulling my leg are you? You are really related to the King?"

"I know how it sounds but it's true. His clothing even bore the same mark that I have on my shoulder. That's not the only thing though, you know of the Dragon Nation queen right?" Star asked.

"Angora, I don't know her personally but I have heard from the travelers that come through here that she is very beautiful." She said.

"It turns out she is my cousin as well." This was news. The boy she had known since they were children had been more then what she ever thought. "So, you are descended from dragons? That's amazing!" Star looked at her with an indescribable look. "Is it? You parents are murdered when you are just a newborn. You have no memory of them other then what someone tells you and then to top it off you are told that you are kin to royalty."

"Touché but still this is not something that happens to just anyone Star, maybe it's fate." She said trying to comfort his apprehension. "Or maybe it the goddesses playing some insane trick on me."

"Now why would they want to do that?" She asked. "Well why else would this all be happening? My mother and father were killed Kat! I didn't even get a chance to fucking know them." He held his head in his paws and softly started to sob. Kathlyn gently wrapped her arms around the distraught umbreon, trying her best to console him. He rested his head on her should and sobbed softly. "Shh it's going to be ok Star, you will see. They may not be in this world but I am sure they wanted you to find out about the family you never knew."

"I'm sorry for breaking down like this. It's not like me to just start weeping like that." He said as he wiped the remaining tears from his eyes. "It's alright Star you need not worry. You were always open with me, even when we were kids." Indeed they were close friends. Kathlyn was one of the first friends Star had since he was a child. She was even the one who took his virginity. Well it was a mutual taking actually. They were both virgins at the time. Star trusted Kat above all others, aside from Tide that is.

"Thanks Kat. Anyway, I should get home. Storm might be getting worried and goddess knows I don't want to deal with that shit storm again." The fem Blaziken nodded and walked Star to her door before opening it. "It's what I'm here for Star, you know that. Besides, you know that I'm always here if you need me." He nodded before walking out and Kathlyn shutting the door behind him.

The Sun was just starting to set when Star reached home and opened the door. The one person there to greet him was the one person he did not want to see. "Drunk again I see." Storm stood there with her arms folded and lightly tapping her foot on the floor. "No I'm not drunk. I had one glass." He said as he walked passed her only to feel a tug on his arm. Storm had grabbed him by his upper bicep. "Tide told us about what had happened. Believe me Star, Rain and I had no idea that your father was a blood relative to the king. No one in town even knows."

"A lot that does me now, now don't it?" He shrugs off her paw and heads upstairs. Storm sighs deeply as he disappeared around the bend and towards his room. There he remained for the rest of the afternoon and into the night.

He stood on his balcony and laid his head on his folded arms as he stood hunched, leaning on the railing. He sighed deeply and stood up before hopping off the balcony and floated to the ground below. He headed towards the village and headed east. He stopped in front of the Red Dragon and looked up. The village was like a ghost town at this time of night. No one was around and all the hustle and bustle of the early morning hours was nowhere to be found.

Star flapped his wings lightly which slowly lifted him into the air. He gently rapped on the window before him which belonged to Kat's room. It took a few minutes before she opened them. "Star? What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping if it's alright with you that I might be able to stay the night." He asked as he lightly hovered in front of her window. "Of course, come in come in." Star lightly drifted towards the windowsill before landing upon it. He climbed down off the sill as Kat closed the windows. She was wearing a pink nightgown. Star had walked over to the bed and sat down with Kathlyn behind him. She sat beside him and placed her claw on his paws in his lap. "Star what is it, what's troubling you?'

Star sighed and looked up to her before kissing her deeply. She resisted at first but soon fell into the kiss and slowly brought her arms up around his neck, pulling him to her. Their tongues running over one another as Star made sure not to nick himself on her beak. Their long passionate kiss lasted for a good few minutes before it was broken and they looked into each other's eyes. "Star make love to me tonight, please?" They looked at each other a while till she ran her claw up his thigh to his crotch. Star gently ran his paw up her stomach and to her breast, griping it firmly, making her moan softly at his ministrations.

Kathlyn took her other claw and started to undo his pants, slowly sliding them from him and to the floor. He wore boxers under his jeans and they were sporting a fine tent as it were. Star's paw soon left Kat's breast and slid down her body, slipping between her legs and cupping her wet panties. He ran a finger up and down along the source of the wetness, feeling the heat from her cunt beating against his paw. Their eyes locked once more, her blues ones looking deeply in his crimson. Her claw pulled back the band of his boxers, exposing his hard cock to the cool night air. She clucked softly at the sight of his long thick shaft. "Has it been that long?"

"Eight years, a lot changes in eight years." He chuckles deeply and slipping his paw into her panties, his fingers worming their way into her heated pussy, rubbing against her inner walls and clit. The blaziken throws her head back and moans out. "Mmm so wet you are." Kathlyn smiles and stands up before him. She reached up and grabs the straps of her gown and pulled them over her shoulders and allowed her nightgown to fall from her body to the floor. There standing before him was, he thought, a goddess. Her red feathers covered her entire body aside from where her talons started. Her panties were the same color of the gown she wore. Star stood up and wrapped both his arms and wings around her before kissing her deeply once more. His paws trailing down her backside and slid to her panties, pushing them down her legs and allowing them to slide off her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clucked softly. He licked at her cheek and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around him as he opened his wings and pressed her against a nearby wall.

He kissed her neck before suckling upon it and slowly lowered her unto his dick. He murred into her neck feeling her moist tender lips spread and welcome him as she sank down onto him. He held her close and started to thrust slow and steady. The female blaziken slowly sliding up and down the wall with his thrusts, moaning into his ear with every hilting blow into her pussy. Her one arm was around his neck while the other held his shoulder. Star released her neck only to kiss her deeply once more. His thrusts son picking up speed and power. "Oh goddess Star give it to me." Kat moaned as she broke the kiss. The smell of sex soon permeated the room. Kathlyn moaned deeply and soon felt her orgasm build with each powerful thrust Star gave her. "Oh fuck Star, I think, Oh goddesses I'm going to. I..." She never got the chance to finish the statement till she cried out in bliss as she came around his cock. Some of her juices leaked out on onto Star's balls then the floor. She was breathing heavy when her orgasm stopped but by no means was she done.

Kathlyn pushed off the wall and slid Star from her. She pushed him to the bed before he tripped and fell upon it. Lying on his back Kathlyn crawled up his body but turned around and straddled his head before her beaked mouth descended to his cock and suckled upon it. Star, not wanting to do nothing, took her hips and started to lap at her dripping cunt. He started at her clit and worked his way up. His broad tongue able to hit every spot in one passing, making the blaziken shudder and moan around his cock. Kat began to bob her head up and down his nine and a half inches of fleshy goodness all the while fondling his black furred balls in her claw. He groaned into her pussy which made her jump. She could herself getting close to another orgasm as the umbreon below her ate out her wet snatch.

Before he could continue however she let go of his cock with a wet pop and turned around to face him before sinking back down into his lap, his hard shaft impaling her in place. She rested her talons onto his chest and started to bounce upon him. Her D-cup breast bouncing as she rode him steadily. "Oh goddess it feels so good." Her claws would light rake his furred chest as she started to bounce faster upon him. His balls smacking her ass with each and every downward stroke. With her powerful legs it was easy for her to control the speed of her bounce and indeed Star was starting to feel his own orgasm building. "Kat I'm...I'm gonna."

"Not yet, wait for me." She started to bounce faster in his lap as he held her hips. Their bodies connecting with a wet slap as they mated. It was not long though till Kathlyn could feel her orgasm approaching rapidly. "This was going to be big." She thought and indeed it was for with the last stroke, she hilted Star's cock deep inside her heated body and cried out as she came. Feeling her orgasm coating him, sent Star into his own, sending roped of his cum deep into her. She continued to bounce, riding out her orgasm till she collapsed beside him and stared half lidded into his eyes. With a soft and shaky voice, she spoke, light running her claw through his hair and across his cheek. "Royalty or not. You are still Stargazer, nothing will ever change that." She snuggled up against him and closed her eyes. "I love you Stargazer Scorpan." With that the darkness of sleep took them both.