The Last One Ch. 4

Story by NickoTavers on SoFurry

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#4 of Story

Short description

The confrontation, the realization, What does jamie do next.

Again Thanks to RuthofPern for editing for me, and making my work readable.

Chapter 4

" WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?". Shouted Carl. At the sound of the growling laughter they both bolted for the door.

Jamie laughed again. They probably wouldn't ever bother him again, but he now had a problem as he had just changed into a god knows what, and if anyone else saw him he would become a target for the military. He paused, thinking about what he should do now, and how to go about it unseen. He needed to get out of the Uni grounds into the open country, where there wasn't that many people around. He would have to leave his bike here. An image went through his mind of a black reptilian creature riding a motorbike down the street, made him snort, and a puff of grey smoke shot out of his nostrils.

"Don't tell me can breath fire as well". He muttered.

He was surprised by how much his voice had changed. It was deeper, with a rumble to it. As if he was growling his words out. 'It might take some getting used to the new mouth' He thought. Bringing his attention back to the main problem, the fire alarms suddenly went off throughout the Uni. Looking up Jamie saw the puff of smoke he had snorted out earlier spreading out across the ceiling and over the smoke detector.

"Well it's now or never". He sighed. Looking down at himself he saw that most of his clothes were in tatters. He must of grown in body size as well. Ripping them all off as they were more of a hindrance now, after all, whether clothed or not, if someone saw him as he was now, he would be in a lot more trouble, than for indecent exposure!. As he reached down to pull the remnants of his shoes of his feet, he noticed that his tail moved itself to help stabilize his balance.

Putting all of his clothes in the bin at the back of the hall, he grabbed his stuff from table. Thinking of how he would be able to leave, he remembered that this building had a back entrance and right behind this building was a small area of bushes and trees that he would be able to slip into. Moving towards the door he realised just how much had grown. Before the top of the door was about a foot above his head. Now he had to stoop a little to avoid hitting his head. Moving down the corridor and listening carefully for anyone that would be walking in his direction, he reached the door that led outside. Opening it a crack he looked to see if there was anyone around. 'No one in sight, good. There mustn't of been many classes in the building today' He thought. Opening the door all the way Jamie quickly pumped his legs to get to the bushes as fast as possible, and was there in a matter of seconds. Stopping once he was hidden, he listened for any obvious signs of being detected, but there wasn't any.

He waited there for hours, waiting for everyone to leave the grounds so he could walk without fear of being seen. He spent most of this time wondering how this could have happened, and the only thing he could think of was that dream last night. This was real though, he knew that. Had this happened by coincidence?. Was I always different?. Or is there really a race of dragons hidden somewhere?. He decided to take a closer look at himself when he had the chance, but from what he had seen already he looked reptilian like. It was nearly dark when he decided that it was safe, gathering his things together he walked towards his bike. Whether it looked weird or not, it was the only way for him to get out of here short of walking. He didn't trust the wings on his back yet. On his way back to the car park, taking the scenic route to avoid the cameras, he passed a mirrored glass building. When he saw his reflection he stopped to take a closer look.

He could not believe what he saw. He looked half dragon, half man. Dragon features with a humanoid build, except for his tail and wings. The scales all over him were jet black, blending into a very dark blue on his chest; he looked extremely muscular. His tail was about as long as he was tall, and was about half a foot thick at the base slowly getting thinner to a point at the end. He had no problem moving it, so it was also very muscular. Although he had wings, they folded nicely onto his back, and were made of a leathery material. He extended them, and his wingspan was about two and a half times larger then he was tall. Folding them again, he moved closer to the mirror and looked at his face. His eyes where bright blue - not much change there - and he had a snout. His nostrils were two holes at the end on the top. He opened his mouth and saw hundreds of very sharp teeth and a very long thin tongue that darted around when he moved it.

He tried to grin, lifting his lips from his teeth but it looked more like he was about to growl and attack. Examining his hands, they had pitch black scales on them. The scales on the backs of his hands were slightly larger then the ones on his palms, but still just as black. He had retractable claws that looked very sharp. The scales that ran up his arms were as large as the ones on the top of his hands, about half a centimeter across. Tensing his arms slightly, he could clearly see the muscles moving under the scales.

Jamie started to make his way towards his bike again still thinking about what would he do now. 'Is this change permanent or will I change back?'. He thought. 'Will I keep changing if I do change back?. What will everyone else think?. Carl and Lewis won't tell anyone. People will think they are nuts!. But if more people see me they might try to hunt me down'. Stopping about 100 feet before the front gates he realized he would have to find another way out. There were bound to be cameras on the gate. Thinking for a minute, he remembered there were a couple of trees right next to the wall, about 50 feet from the gate. Maybe he could climb over there if there was no-one walking along the street. He found the place quickly, putting his ruck sack over one shoulder, as it was now too small to go over both, he started to climb the tree. It was easier then he thought, as the claws on his hands and feet could grip the wood easily. Looking over the top of the wall he saw that there was nobody in either direction at the moment. Although this street wasn't very busy, it did connect some residents to the main town nearby, so someone could come by at any moment.

Quickly he jumped over the wall, and sprinted across the road to the car-park. Just as he reached the bushes on the other side, a convoy of cars and truck came around the corner towards him. Stopping to look, Jamie saw that they were all black. There were two trucks and six or seven black Range Rovers. They were all very clean, and all obviously going to the same place. Pulling further back into the bushes, so that they could not see him. 'A good thing about being black at night' He thought. He watched as they passed his hiding place, and made there way down the road. Suddenly they turned into the university entrance. He started to get worried. 'What if that convoy was here for him?'.

Moving away towards the car-park, he tried to calm down. It was just a load of vehicles that happened to be making a delivery to the university.... at night..... when nobody else was around.... He quickly found his bike, but there was something wrong and he couldn't place it. He had a feeling that he was being watched but when he looked around there was no-one in sight. He started looking for the keys to his bike when he heard a sound behind him. Before he could react, something smashed into his back forcing him to the ground.