Pokemorph Virus: Absol
#2 of Pokemorph Virus
Mike walked into the cave and looked around, blinking a bit in the darkness. Outside, lightning flashed by again, and then a loud boom followed. Rain began pouring outside, Michael giving a small sigh. "Well, we stayed pretty much dry." he said, looking outside.
"Mhm, timing was perfect too. Just a little later and I might've had to get my jacket back from you." Kat joked as she sat down, back against the rough rock wall before. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes, thinking about the predicament that they were in. "Man... The things I do to get away from paper work..." She muttered, seeing how that was the whole reason she had gotten involved.
"heh." he chuckled a little, sitting down across from her. "We all have our reasons, but now that your in, your in, it seems." he said, tilting his head back against the wall behind him. "Mmm, no turning back now. Well, on the bright side, now we have to find a cure if we want to become humans again." She said, trying to keep to the positive side, partly because she was so nervous about the thought of shifting into some mix between human and pokemon. She surprised a shiver that went through her body from the cold the rain created. Still, she wasn't a wimp, she could handle it.
He nodded. "Should be interesting," he thought aloud, listening to the rain outside in silence. She nodded as well and just closed her eyes and listened to the soft drumming music of the rain fall, absent mindedly tapping her feat along with the beat and adding to it. Then she caught herself doing it and stopped. "Hehe, sorry about that." She apologized.
"No, it's fine." he waved a hand. "I was getting kind of bored anyway." he stood up and stretched, a bit of pain coming from his hand. He looked at it, pulling the bandage aside to find the wound healed. "Interesting..." She opened her eyes and watched him stand up before looking at him curiously as he examined his wounded hand.
"Hm? What is?" She questioned as she stood up as well and walked over to where he was standing to see what he found interesting. He turned the hand in the light of the outside, looking at his hand. "The wound's gone." he muttered. He remembered this from his experiences with the virus prior; most wounds healed before too long, before cold-like symptoms began.
She held hers up to examine it, but couldn't really tell because of the blood that still was on her hand. She held it outside the cave to wash it off and couldn't help a small smile, feeling the cool water splash on her hand. She withdrew it and nodded. "Mine too..." She said, looking at it to make sure it was completely gone before shaking her head slightly. Well, she hadn't felt anything, so perhaps the pain and everything were only rumors.... She leaned against the wall and sighed. "Huh... I wonder if it was a bad idea to get infected at the same time..." She wondered out loud.
"We would have probably gotten infected around the same time, anyway. The species are different, though, so the reaction times might be as well." he sighed a little, then turned and coughed away from her for a moment. "hm." She shrugged. She knew little to nothing about diseases or anything like this. "I'm just a little worried over what might happen if we're both unconscious at the same time." She said, remembering what he had said about pokemorphs passing out during the transformation. "Wish I had Yami..." She muttered, hoping her prized Umbreon would appear, but no, they were still alone in the cave.
"yami?" he asked, looking back to her with a small eyebrow raise. he personally never named his pokemon; he felt it made the training more personal, but harder when things went sour, as he had seen in the past.
"Mhm, my Umbreon. She ran off after the virus had infected her." She said, looking down. "Actually, I have to confess, all of my pokemon ran off after the virus, so all I have now is the Shuppet you caught." She admitted with a sheepish grin. Some bodyguard she was; she didn't even have a pokemon to start with.
He pondered for a moment, and then chuckled. "I figured something was up. Most trainers have a pokemon partner by their side at all times, one that refuses to get into a pokeball. I figured a bodyguard would have one, at least." he crossed his arms, still smirking a little. "It's not a problem, th-" he was cut off as he coughed again, shaking his head.
"Are you alright?" She asked, concerned as she moved towards him before she remembered what was. It was just the virus, this was supposed to happen and soon enough she would start coughing as well. Still, she looked a little worried just as a natural sort of reaction to someone who was sick.
"I'll be fine," he said, regaining his composure. "It's the beginning stages." he felt a small warmth beginning from the wound, which spread out from it as the virus began to travel around his body, getting into his cells and beginning it's meticulous work on his DNA. it would still take a few moments to kick in, but his immune system began to respond, white blood cells going after the virus, only to get blasted away by the powerful toxin.
She nodded and went back to leaning on the wall. "I don't know how you can stay so calm," She said with a small shake of her head. Of course, even with the reassurance that it actually might not be painful, she could feel her heart thudding against her ribcage. She could feel her own cough rise in her throat, but she held it down.
He put a hand to his head as it started pounding, the blood flow getting to his head now. He closed his eyes, trying to stay calm. He only hoped it wasn't as painful as he had heard, though.
"Never mind then." She said as he just put a hand to his head. Now she moved off the wall and closer to him to watch and make sure that he was alright. She was secretly glad he went first, being the coward that she was, but she kept that to herself as she watched him with that same concerned look from before. Probably what she hated the most about this is not being able to do anything other than watch and make sure he wasn't hurt by anything other than the transformation.
"Do me a favor, though," he said once he had shaken off the headache, looking up at her. "When it starts happening... don't worry about me. Anxiety will probably increase the rate of transformation for you." he said, not realizing the wound on his hand getting even warmer. On his face, a bit of blood trickled from his nose. "shit." he growled, turning away from her.
At the sight of blood, she did what most girls would do. "Are you sure you're alri-" She asked in a worried voice before leaning back and having a small coughing fit. Looked like those coughs she had held back were not too happy. She took a breath of air afterwards, closing her eyes and trying to relax a little more. "Alright?" She finished her last word calmer than her previous try. His point had been proven; though it was going to be extremely difficult for her to simply remain calm through it all.
He shook his head without turning back to her. "I'll be fine." he said, but his attention was caught by something. He held his hand up again, turning it a bit to look at it. "Turning white." he muttered, noticing the slight amount of hair on his arm had faded into a paler white. He figured the hair on his head was following. Kat couldn't help but give a small laugh at a thought. It wasn't all that funny, but it made her feel a bit better. It would be a weird image, seeing this guy who was... she couldn't guess at his age, but he certainly wasn't a very old man. So it would be odd, seeing him with white hair. But she supposed it would all make sense at the end of the transformation. At least it didn't seem like he was currently in pain, and she could be thankful for that. He pulled his hair down a bit, seeing the tip of his hair beginning to turn white to match. He sighed a little, closing his eyes before feeling another sharp pain from them. He opened them quickly; unsure of what happened. He could still see just fine.
She looked at his now red eyes, blinking a moment or two and coughing a moment. They were actually nice, not a weird sort of change like his hair although she supposed that some people might tell her that having red eyes was indeed weird. "Uh, your eyes just turned a sort of red, in case you want to know." She told him as she read his confused look.
"Red, huh?" he sighed a little, then his eyes widened again and he doubled over, holding his stomach. "arghhhhh..." he groaned, as the white fur began to spread over his body quickly. He looked down at his hands as pads formed on them, then his feet followed. his nails began to extend into claws, and behind him his pants ripped and fell as a tail formed behind him, turning a black color in contrast tohis fur. She tried not to get too worried by it, since he had told her not to, and that would only bring her own transformation on faster. Still, her arms moved a bit so she was ready to help him if he needed it. Well, now the white hair didn't look so odd, now that he was covered in white fur.
"Are you okay?" She asked for the thousandth time it seemed, but she just needed to make sure he was still responsive.
"I lost... my pants..." he managed through gritted teeth as he held back the pain, another searing headache going through him. His eyes rolled back for a moment as something forced its way out if his head, forming the absol's horn under his hair. The fur finished covering him, his body adapting to the more canine form of the absol he had been scratched by.
"Well then, really good thing you have fur now." She joked, trying to do really anything to distract him from his pain right now, and partially for her as she coughed a couple of times while watching him. It really didn't seem like the ordeal would be painless, judging by his expression and the sound of the horn forcing its way out. She still felt a little anxious gnawing in the back of her mind as she witnessed this, wondering just when it would be over.
He gave a small groan as the changes finished, but his body was exhausted from the strain. He tried to stand, but shook and fell over, passing out on the ground as he did so. He would wake up later, though, as his body continued to change.
As he fell over and was completely exposed to her, she blinked in surprise before blushing and coughing again, looking away. Well, at least she had thought he had enough fur before he fell over like that. She considered putting her jacket over the bottom part but her irrational love of that jacket made her toss out the idea completely. Still... what could she do? At least he was passed out or else this would have been extremely embarrassing.
She sighed and turned around to face him and gently slipped her jacket off and placed it on Mike so now she could at least glance over without blushing like crazy. She coughed again. Didn't seem like she was transforming very soon, all she felt was coughing and now a little pit in her stomach that mad her feel weird. So she lay next to him and closed her own eyes. God knows, maybe she would be able to sleep through the event and not feel a thing, but she doubted that. The coughing kept her on the fringes of sleep.
He shifted a bit in her jacket, groaning a little in his sleep. He wasn't really doing much, but he turned around as he seemed to still be struggling subconsciously, not even realizing she was next to him. She moved away a little bit, not wanting to get caught in his struggling. She had finally stopping her coughing, but that just meant that the virus was now finished attacking her immune system and was moving onto manipulating her DNA in her cells. She tried to breathe calmly and just think that it would only hurt for a moment, whenever the virus had finished circulating throughout her body through her hand.
After a moment more of struggling, he finally seemed to calm a bit, but every now and then he moved slightly. His internal organs had shifted some, and his feet now resembled paws. The transformations finished, though, and he started to sleep as her changes began to start.
For a few moments, there was nothing. Then, Kat felt like someone had set her blood on fire. She couldn't help a soft whimper of pain as purple lines spread throughout her skin, making it look like her veins had risen to the surface of her skin and were trying to escape. She shivered and bit back any other expression of pain so that Mike could sleep while she went through her transformation.
He stirred a bit, sleeping soundly. His mind was in a frenzy, however, as his dream had gone out of whack from the transformation. His vision was clouded by bright colors and flashes, and his memories began to run into overdrive, bringing back forgotten times. His senses shifted, as well, and he could smell the surrounding area, and he could taste the air as well on his rougher tongue. His sense of hearing became acute, and suddenly he could hear the rain outside, and her shuddering nearby. His senses were all being attacked at once, and he woke up with a start because of them, gasping as everything seemed to calm.
Then, he saw her.