Project X (pt 1)

Story by Neero on SoFurry

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"Urrgh shit we need gotta move out of this dump these things are everwhare" said Rex who was a muscular black furred wolf with blue stripes running from his spine down with dyed pink dreadlocks and shining turquoise and golden eyes that shimmered in the magenta sunset. "Are you insane the patrols will kill us faster then any infected" His boyfriend Foxtrott said misty-eyed he was a fox with the normal colorings of a red fox and black shaggy hair in a pony tail he also had glasses and beautiful brown eyes that accented him. Foxtrott began to cry on his boyfriend's chest. Rex sympatheticly asked "are you ok whats wrong are you hurt"? Foxtrott looked up at Rex and whimpered "we can't fight all of them were going to die here" he paused "but at least we have each other" he said comforted a little. Rex put his hand on the fox's head "were not going to die here if i'v got anything to say about it" Rex said strongly. "Even if we survive the zombies how will we survive the patrol" he looked down and forced himself to speak again "that's what happened to my family" Foxtrott began to get tears in his eyes "so just in case we dont make it i want to ask you something." Rex stared into his eyes "Anything i'll do anything" he said passionatly. "can you make love to me Rex"? "i thought we were going to do that when we got married". "Thats why I got this" he pulled a purple box from under him and opened it up "Will you marry me Rex" he said crying tears of joy. "Rex was stunned he stared at the box for what felt like hours but was just 30 seconds "this is the happiest moment of my life yes, yes i'll marry you" Rex Cried also in happiness."I love you" they both said at the same time. they stared into each others eyes and without thinking Rex kissed Foxtrott on the lips then Foxtrott kissed Rex. They wrapped their arms around eachother and kissed for about 10 seconds then Foxtrott's tounge slp past past his lips and Rex did the same. Foxtrott stripped his shirt pulling just lonng enough to get it over his head then went back in making out and unbuttoning Rex's shirt Rex being the more dominant one fell on top of Foxtrott and unzipped His own then Foxtrott's they took off the underware still making out when they pulled away panting. Taking Foxtrott by his back and legs Rex flipped Foxtrott over and kissed his neck sending pleasant shivers up Foxtrott"s spine. Then he shoved his throbbing member into Foxtrott's tight butt. "your so tight Foxtrott i hope i dont hurt you" Rex said jokingly. "that's beacuse im a virgin rember we saved it for marrage"? Rex shoved fast and hard as he could taking Foxtrott's member and pumping it so quicky it was a blurr. Foxtrott murred and said "i'm coming". With hearing this Rex Shoved his knot into Foxtrott and came painting foxtrott white inside. Feeling Rex paw him off and filling his insides he came over his chest and made a puddle of cum on the floor. Both panting Rex pulled himself out snd with it came cum dripping out of his hole and trickleing down his ass to the floor. Rex laid on the ground and Fotrott rolled to hin and spooned by the small fire used to keep warm. They both hadn't worn their gas masks the entire time sence they had made out meaning the infection was over the air was breathable but it still left the problem of the undead if they bit the infection would spread they had to be careful.