The Last Dragons, The reunion

Story by Antarian_Knight on SoFurry

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#1 of The last dragons

Well this is the first story I have ever submitted to Yiffstar, so I hope you enjoy it. Comments are always appreciated.

*I have edited the last bit again, largely because I somehow managed to delete the last few paragraphs prior to submission. They should be fixed this time.*

I was truly bored this particular day. To understand that statement, you have to know some things about me to understand just how much has to happen before someone like me could get bored. You see, my imagination is such that I can create whole worlds to visit by simply thinking about it. As if that wasn't enough to keep someone occupied, I also love video games. Besides all of the possibilities that that opens up, I also love to read fantasy and sci-fi. I also happen to play chess and love science. One question that you might be asking is "do I play D and D?" The answer; well duh, of course I do. So, taking all of that in account, you must begin to get the idea of what must happen for me to get bored. From all this, I know what you are thinking. "What a nerd." Right? Well, I guess that is true.

However, I am not a normal nerd by any means. For the last eight years, I had been in training in a unique martial arts school. This school not only teaches Tae Kwon Do, but also a dozen other martial arts from all over the world. I also began teaching myself another eastern skill. This is the art of meditation. I had gotten quite good at it before I got my black belt three years ago. But I digress from the point.

So, this particular day, I was bored. And I am not just talking normal "Lets see what's on TV" bored. I am talking SO bored that you feel like you are going to go nuts. Let me see if I can set the stage for you. It was about mid July, one of the hottest days of the year. I was officially a junior in high school, and about half way through my summer vacation. This particular morning, I woke up early, as was my custom. I lay there for a few moments and contemplated trying to pleasure myself again. I ultimately decided against it. For the last month and a half, every fantasy I had come up with had done nothing for me. It was incredibly frustrating and I was getting tired of it. One of the bad things about high school, is that if you are a nerd, you are the equivalent of a pariah to girls, so self pleasure was about all I had to satisfy the need for release. The problem was, that because I had already explored so many of the avenues in my powerful mind, nothing fazed me. My older brother had a collection of porn that would put Hugh Hefner to shame, and I had looked through it for new ideas. To my surprise, I felt nothing when I looked at it.

So, when I got out of bed and tried to think what I would do this day, I was stumped. I had already played and beaten every video game in the house. I had read all the books, and my D and D group wasn't scheduled to meet until the following week. I went through my morning work out and a two mile run still thinking about it. By the time I decided on a temporary stopgap measure, I had already eaten breakfast. I logged onto the internet using my laptop, intending as I always did to go to the most recent science forums and see what there was to see. I spent about an hour on the forum before the familiar feeling began in my heart. I tried to shake it off, but as always, it came back again. Sighing to myself in resignation, I signed off the forum and walked away from the computer a little ways. Then, I knelt on a cloth mat in my room and proceeded to meditate, trying to banish the feeling and the subsequent thoughts from me. In silence, I pleaded 'Not today. Please not today.'

You are probably confused at this point. I will explain it. About six months prior to this, out of ideas for the normal sexual pursuits, I had decided to search randomly on the net for something new. I found a link that looked interesting. I clicked on it and I found myself looking at a page filled with a large picture of a creature that only exists in the fairy tales of the world. It was a female, and it was nude. More than that, it was lying in a position that was most revealing and inviting. I was so surprised by my own reaction that I couldn't stand it.

I closed the window and quickly logged off the internet. It had been late at night and I spent the next hour wondering about what I had seen. The strange part was, was that it had excited me greatly. My heart was beating hard and fast, and my penis was standing at rigid attention. I was too freaked out at the image to do anything though and I went to bed.

Over the next week, I found that I couldn't get the image out of my head. Finally, eight days later, late at night, I couldn't stand it anymore. I logged onto the internet and looked in my history to find the site. I opened it again and pleasured myself to the picture. For the next month, I explored the new world that these fantasies brought to me. I became a fanatic, reading stories, looking at artwork, and eventually writing my own. I became a famous person on my favorite site for my work. However, even those fantasies were exhausted and so, I found myself at my current state.

The need was to go on the net and look on the furry sites. Unfortunately, I was increasingly frustrated with it and I was desperately trying to avoid it. I failed once again and got on the site. I browsed for a while and decided to ignore fifteen separate invitations to join a chat room. I was soon bored and I logged off. I finally decided that what I needed was to get away for a while. Grabbing my laptop and backpack, I bid my parents goodbye and headed out of the city in my car. I got to my family's cabin after an hour and I smiled. This was the perfect place to get away. Nestled deep in the mountains, on the edge of an impassible wilderness that stretched for hundreds of miles westward, it was paradise. I dropped my backpack on the couch inside and set up my laptop. I wrote for about an hour before I got writer's block. The old story ideas weren't doing it for me anymore. I needed to be inspired to write a quality story and it wouldn't do to disappoint my loyal readers.

Grumbling slightly to myself, I shut down the computer and walked outside to sit for a while on the edge of the wooden deck. I gazed out at the silent wilderness and waited. I did this often in my forest sanctuary, and I didn't know why. I felt almost as if I were meditating, waiting for something. What I waited for I couldn't guess. After a moment, I got up to go back inside, but I stopped. I turned back to the wilderness and for an instant, I saw the sun sink behind a distant peak. The outline of the hill silhouetted by the sun was unmistakably the shape of the head of a dragon. I had never seen it in that way before, but the light must have hit it just right. I suddenly felt the urge to hike out to the mountain. The urge was so great that I gave in almost without realizing I had. Before I had thought twice about it, I had grabbed my hiking pack from where it rested. Looking inside, I found that it had the usual stock of essentials. Nodding to myself, I strapped a belt around my waist that contained a combat knife, a small medical kit, and a navigation pack. Then, with everything in place, I grabbed my walking staff from where it rested and started off.

I didn't even take out my compass or map to help guide where I was going, I just walked. I walked on and on in the gathering darkness as the stars came out over head. For hours I walked on and on without pause, covering many miles at a pace that many would have found impossible. I was driven with a fierce need to get to the mountain, and all other demands were secondary to that purpose. I had felt this kind of fire inside me only once before. My school's black belt test is a grueling seventy two hour affair of constant exercise with no breaks for sleep and only brief opportunities to eat and drink water. Only those with a strong enough will make it through unscathed. Most fail within twenty four hours because they gave up. Of those that do make it, most are brought down to tears, forced to the limit of their endurance. There is no shame in crying at the test, only in giving up. Those few who make it through the test without complaint or a single tear are revered in the school and said to have the soul of a dragon. Still, of those, only I had born the responsibilities of leading a group of my peers through it. Leaders almost always crack up and fail.

I had not because I knew that no matter what they threw at me, I was unconquerable. The same determination gripped me now. The chill winds of dawn rustled the trees as I finally paused on top of a ridge, taking the time to eat a few strips of jerky from my pack. I washed it down with a drink from the water bottle I carried just as the sun peaked above the horizon. Slipping the bottle back into the pack, I continued my westward march. In the night I had covered half the distance to the mountain, and I continued walking without a backward glance. All day I journeyed, ignoring the oppressive heat as I had the cold of the night. As the sun began to set once more, I set my booted foot on the stone at the foot of the rock formation that looked like the dragon's head.

The drive within me failed and I sat down, waiting for the exhaustion to strike. To my surprise, it did not come. In its place, I found a simple instinct to wait once more. So I sat, idly chewing a piece of the jerky while I waited. Then, from the ground around me came a shaking series of thuds. Just as I realized that it sounded like the footsteps of something large, the rock face opened up as if it was melting. A faint trickle of smoke trailed from the inside of the rapidly dissolving door. I could not move from that spot as the creature inside made its way out. I stood up and stared in complete awe of the creature. It was a dragon. But what made me stare was that it was perhaps the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The dragon regarded me with interest and then laughed at the look on my face. It was at that moment that I realized it was female.

"Why do you look so surprised little one?" She asked me, her lips pulling back to reveal her long teeth. It took me a moment, but I suddenly got the impression that she was smiling at me. "Who else but a dragon could have called you here?"

"I don't know." I answered, looking at it with surprise. "It is just that I didn't know that dragons still existed."

"Well, for that I will excuse you. I am one of the last." She said with a light laugh. She came forward into the moonlight and I realized something else. Her scales on her back were almost crimson in color, but those on her underside were golden. Her eyes were blue with a definite reptilian cast to them, but they seemed somehow familiar. She settled down onto her front paws, resting her chin on her taloned hands and regarding me thoughtfully. "Though I am happy to see that some of my fellows have done their work well."

"Huh?" I asked, then suddenly felt very awkward. "I mean, what do you mean by that?"

"That will take a little bit of explaining to get completely right, but first, I must ask you something." She said.

"Anything." I said

"Have you ever had the feeling that what you are inside doesn't match the shell you wear?" She asked, idly fingering the earth with a clawed hand.

"Yes, I have." I said, wondering where the dragon was going with this. "But that is a normal part of growing up. Isn't it?" All of a sudden, I wasn't so sure.

"For humans it is." She said, "But you are different. I can see it."

"How do you mean?" I asked, wondering about all I felt.

"Follow where I lead for now." She said and continued. "Long ago, there were many of my kind in the world. We were friends with your kind, good friends. However, with the advent of religions, distrust began. Humans began to think that they were the chosen who should rule the entire world, including us. There was a terrible war, a war that we lost. You see, we had made the mistake of sharing our magic with humans and they easily turned it against us. Many of us died, and those that didn't took the forms of humans to hide. We met in secret for thousands of years, but were being hunted down one by one. So we made a pact that we would go where no humans were and remain there until you had regained your senses. In our absence, wars sprung up, terrible wars in which thousands were slain. Magic in humans began to die out. We then discovered a horrible truth. If we were to survive, we had to find a way to preserve who we were. So the few of us who were left traveled to the lands where dragons were revered and there we joined with humans, hiding among them. Over time, we even mated with them, spreading our blood around. And yet, still humans warred. Finally, we despaired of ever finding a solution. So, we spread out over the world, seeking to survive by spreading our legacy. For, if a human has even a drop of dragon blood inside them, they will have the potential to become dragons themselves. However, despite our efforts, a great many of our progeny died out, ending their lines forever. So, I, the youngest of all, was chosen to hide in this mountain to wait in the hope that some of our blood will survive. My fellows were to establish a form of training that would make even the toughest of humans falter and cry. Only one in whom our blood resides could pass the final test unscathed. So, when he was found, I was given a signal which would guide him here." Understanding hit me like a bolt of lightning.

"You mean me?!" I asked incredulously. "I can't have dragon blood."

"Oh, so certain are you?" She asked, regarding me with what I took as a mocking expression. "I can see the dragon's fire burning inside you. Have you never been told you bear the soul of a dragon?"

"Yes I have." I answered, and all of a sudden I realized what this meant. It meant that all my wildest dreams might be coming true. Against all odds, I might not actually be human. Then, it came to me just why the eyes were familiar. They were almost identical to those that looked back at me from the mirror every morning. "Well even if I am, as you say, a descendent of dragons, what does that mean?"

"It means that, if you wish it, I can change all of your blood so that it is dragon's blood." She said, then smiled indulgently. Her eyes took on a strange glint all of a sudden. "But of course you must realize that if I do this, your shell will change as well."

"I know. Let me think for a moment." I said, though my mind was already made up. "Alright. Do it."

"I will." She said, standing back up for a moment. "Though I must tell you that if you enjoy your clothes, you might want to undress first."

"That is a good idea." I said, "But would you mind turning around?"

"Why?" the dragon asked, rearing her head back in surprise, her eyes wide.

"Well, I'm kinda embarrassed undressing in front of a girl." I stated, feeling the burn of a blush in my cheeks and ears. The dragon burst out laughing, toppling back against the stone wall with one clawed hand to her brow. This didn't help me at all, and I looked down at the ground, my face now bright red. The dragon was still in hysterics five minutes later when I got tired of her laughing at me. "Are you finished?"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, whoo." she laughed, a large reptilian tear falling from her eyes. "That's the funniest thing I have ever heard. Ha, ha, ha." She continued laughing for a few moments then took a deep breath, reducing her laughter to a few rogue chuckles. "Alright, alright, if it makes you feel better I will turn away." She turned away from me and I unclipped the belt from my waist, dropping it to the ground. It was soon joined by my shirt, boots, socks and pants. Last to join the pile were my boxers and I stood naked before the female dragon.

"Alright, you can turn around now." I said, bashfully covering up. She turned around and examined me with interest.

"My, my, aren't we pleasing to the eye?" She said, a very odd glint appearing in her eyes. At that moment, I noticed a funny smell in the air. It was a very strange aroma, one that I had never encountered the like of. It started some kind of reaction in me. My heart began to speed up at its scent and I felt heat rise all over my body. She sat up and rested with her hands flat on the ground. "You know, I am glad that I have finally met you."

"Why?" I asked, the scent becoming stronger by the moment. It was awakening something long dormant inside me, beginning to be distracting in its intensity.

"When I was selected for this assignment, I was just reaching maturity." She continued, leaning her great head forward slowly, the odd glint intensifying. She continued speaking as if distracted. "I willingly accepted it of course, for it would mean the survival of all dragons everywhere. But I haven't met another of my kind for many centuries. Do you have any idea how lonely it can be waiting that long for company?"

"No, I can't imagine." I said, the smell starting to overwhelm my self-control. My blood pounded hard all over my body as if waiting for some signal.

"I have been so lonely," She said, stretching and inadvertently bringing her head close to my body. "Waiting for so long for the one that would meet the requirements." She lowered her head so that we were staring into each other's eyes. It was at that point that I saw the deep, soul-biting sorrow and loneliness in her eyes. It made me sad to see such a wonderful creature on the verge of tears. The scent grew even stronger and I started to lose what little control I had left. "Do you know I have never known the pleasure of having a mate?"

"No I didn't." I said, shivering as her hot breath caressed my chest. The feeling was luxurious and I took a deep breath, breathing in the inescapable scent of dragon. It was a warm smell, a bit like a mixture of ginger and clove, but so much sweeter. I got the sudden urge to touch the dragon, to comfort her if I could. The tiny, fading voice of my rational mind briefly reminded me of the absurdity of that notion; a tiny human comforting a great dragon.

"I don't suppose you would be willing..." She began, hope blossoming briefly in her gaze before she looked away, shaking her head. "Of course not. What was I thinking asking that?" She berated herself and the befuddling scent began to fade.

However, the effect of the scent was far from fading. My blood still pounded hard throughout my body; my heart still beat so quickly that you could dance to its beat. Understanding registered in my mind as the dragon started to pull away from me. The dragon was horny!! The scent must have been her arousal, but my rational mind took over briefly. I was a human being, and I shouldn't have been affected by female dragon hormones. All at once, another voice answered back and I knew what had awoken. I was also part dragon. Her scent had awoken the draconic instincts in me and, before I could understand what I was doing, I had reached out with my hand. Before her head could pull away, I had gently brushed a hand on the smooth scales of her face. Her eyes opened wide and her head stopped moving.

"You read my reactions correctly, my dear." I said on instinct, stroking her scaly flesh admiringly. "I am very willing." To my surprise, I found that it was true. I was incredibly turned on by the prospect of loving a dragon. However, I saw a slight problem right away. "But, I am afraid I don't see how the mechanics of it would work. I mean, I am rather small in comparison to you and I don't think it would be very satisfying to either of us."

"I see what you mean, but that can be remedied easily enough." She said, a coy smile forming on her lips. All at once, her body seemed to shimmer, and shift, and all at once, a person roughly the same size as me stood before me. She wasn't quite human, though she had taken on some of the characteristics of one. She was still covered in scales, both yellow and deep red, and she still had the horns, snout and tail of a dragon, but she had grown human features as well. Her large breasts swelled out of the right place, and a quick glance told me that all the right machinery was present as well. This change made my arousal sky rocket and the last bit of my human resistance faded away. The dragon in me took over instead and I strode forward, reaching a hand out to caress the red dragon woman's side. As my fingers brushed the smooth scales of the dragon's hide, she shivered slightly and I grinned. My grin was matched a moment later by a grin of her own as her taloned hands trailed along my skin gently, not breaking a single layer of my flesh.

The feel of her claws was incredibly exciting, and I moved closer to her. Her bright reptilian eyes were locked onto my own and I moved slowly forward into a kiss. It occurred to me just before my lips met hers that dragons don't kiss, but I had long since stopped thinking. My body was guiding me now. I gently kissed her and she returned it awkwardly. Then, I decided to take the next step. My tongue slipped inside her mouth a moment later and I was amazed at her taste. It was spicy, almost like cider in its flavor. It was delightful, and after pulling back slightly, I went in for another. All of a sudden, just as my lips touched hers, I felt her long tongue dart out and begin to explore my mouth. I was impressed at how quickly she was picking up human methods of expressing attraction. When she removed her tongue from my mouth, I wrapped my arms around her delightfully warm body and ran my hands up and down her back.

She obviously enjoyed this and I continued. A few passes later, she reciprocated and I shuddered. She was highly adept at finding all the sensitive spots on my body. With each pass of her claws and scaly hands, I felt deeper and deeper arousal until I was about ready to move on, however, she moved first. I hadn't realized it, but my treatment of her back was having a great effect on her. Without warning, she almost tackled me to the ground and began to position herself for sex. Though I deeply desired this, I wanted to enjoy this moment as much as possible. I decided that if I was dreaming I was going to make this dream one of the best that I had ever had.

"Wait a moment." I said, putting my hands on her hips and holding her in place.

"What is it? Do you not want this anymore?" She asked, sounding a little hurt.

"Its not that." I said, "It is just that we humans do what we call foreplay in preparation for sex. If you don't want that, then I will certainly allow you to continue, but I think foreplay can make sex even better." She seemed to consider for a moment before she spoke.

"Alright, I will try this "Foreplay" business of yours." She said, her voice seeming as if she thought me wanting to delay the act silly. But she allowed me to roll her gently over onto her back. Then, I kissed her gently on the neck, eliciting a moan from her and I continued, gently kissing down her neck and chest. Then, I gently licked her breasts and she shuddered in delight, finding it ever so wonderful to be pleasured like that. After teasing her like that for a while, I went further down and kissed her stomach and abdomen, then I paused at her waist. Then, without warning, I licked between her powerful legs. If I had thought that the taste of her was wonderful before, I was mistaken. The taste was so good, it made me smile with delight. I was so wrapped up in her taste that I didn't notice that she had gasped at the touch of my tongue. I leisurely explored her with my tongue and she began to shudder with delight. She had never felt anything so good in her life. Then, she gasped again as I pressed with ever increasing pressure at a spot that seemed the most sensitive to it.

As I began to move my tongue across her vaginal lips, she gasped and began to shudder with every movement. It wasn't long before she reached her first climax. She almost roared with delight and I felt a rather intense jet of warmth caress my back as she lost control and exhaled a thin stream of fire. When I had finished, I rose up a little and she looked me in the eyes, a thin trail of smoke trailing from her smiling mouth.

"Well," She gasped after a moment, giving me a tender kiss. "That was indeed wonderful, though I believe that what will come next will be even better, at least for you." With that she pushed me over, lowering me so that I lay on the stone. She grinned mischievously at me and slowly lowered her head towards my privates. I started to rise up a little to stop her, afraid of her sharp teeth on my vulnerable flesh, but she placed a hand on my chest, gently, but forcefully, telling me to stay still. Her arms had lost none of their strength with her transformation. My heart was beating swiftly with arousal and anticipation. All of a sudden, I felt her warm tongue trace its way up my shaft and I shuddered. It did so again and I suddenly felt her long tongue slowly wrap its way around my penis, until my entire shaft was encircled by it.

I raised my head slightly and looked at the brilliant red scaled head between my legs. Her long, inch wide tongue was wrapped seven times around my cock, the tip just barely visible above the top most fold of flesh. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, my dragon lover began to pull her tongue back into her mouth slowly. The feeling of the tongue slowly unwrapping itself from around my dick was so intense that I had trouble doing anything but laying there. After a few moments, her tongue rewrapped itself and I moaned again. She kept up the treatment for a full minute before I couldn't hold it anymore. With a jerk, I came, my seed shooting into the maw of my lover with incredible force. Seven spurts of white fluid shot into her mouth and she continued to massage my twitching member with her tongue until it stopped dripping. Then, she swallowed the fluid, winking at me, and very slowly uncoiling her tongue from my member.

"It tastes delicious." She commented, sliding up so that she was next to me. I gently wrapped her with my arms and we held each other while we recovered. That strange scent was all about us, and when my lover looked at me, a silent question in her eyes, I nodded. I gently rolled her over onto her back again and positioned myself at her entrance, waiting for a moment before applying pressure. The texture of her was incredible as I pushed inside. I savored every moment of it until I hit a barrier that prevented me from going deeper. Knowing instinctively what to do, I pulled out a little ways, then jerked my hips, breaking her hymen as I pushed onward. At last, when I was fully inside her, I waited a moment, letting her become accustomed to the feeling. When she nodded to me, I began to thrust, slowly at first, then with ever increasing speed. Every thrust sent waves of pleasure through the both of us, and I lost myself in them, not caring that I was having sex with a dragon. It didn't matter anymore that I was doing the impossible; it didn't even matter to me that I had only just met my lover. All that mattered was pleasing my mate.

I began to notice before long, that something was happening in me, something was changing. It was just enough to hold me back from my own pleasurable climax. From the sounds that my mate was making, I could tell that it wouldn't be long before she came and I kept thrusting, desiring to make her peak. Before long, she climaxed, roaring with pleasure. It occurred to my sex addled brain a second before it happened that if she breathed fire when she came, I would be cooked alive. It was too late to guard against it and time slowed down as the flames rushed from my mate's mouth. I could see them coming for me, and I knew that death awaited me when they reached me, and yet, I was unafraid. The gout of flame slammed into my chest and head and I waited for it to burn, yet nothing happened. I came a moment later and the pleasure from the climax of our sex washed away my puzzlement. When I could think clearly again, I looked at myself and realized why I hadn't been burned. My body was covered in bright white and silver scales, scales that had not been remotely damaged from the flames. I smiled to myself and rose off my lover slowly, then lay back down to the side of her body, the sensation of scale on scale more powerful than anything I had ever felt before.

As I lay there, I knew somehow that the two of us, perhaps the last dragons to walk the earth, were forever and irrevocably connected. Our act of sex had bound us more tightly than any feeble vows could have. I was hers and she was mine, and that was that. Before long, an odd thought came to my mind. Though her name had not been spoken aloud, I knew it. Her common name, the name that she would give to all dragons was Scarlon, but something else reverberated in my head, another name, one filled with power. The name, in the human speech, was Pyre, but the name was infinitely more than just a word. I knew it was the name which held her soul bound. Because I knew it, her soul was laid bare before me. But, in that same instant, two new names came bubbling up through my consciousness. They were Argil and Alabaster, and I knew without being told that they belonged to the dragon within me. I lay with my lover on the ground a moment more before speaking, the hard stone seeming quite soft to my scaled body.

"Scarlon, my love, what will happen now?" I questioned, but I stopped after speaking my question. The words that come from my lips were not English, nor indeed any language known to humans. It sounded instead like the hissing of snakes mixed with fierce growls. The knowledge of what had just occurred filled my mind a moment later. I had just spoken Dragonic for the first time.

"I don't really care," She stated, her voice tired and contented. "As long as you are with me, Alabaster." This last word was hissed in a volume not louder than the barest breeze. When she spoke that name, my soul gave a lurch and I knew she had invoked magic of the most ancient sort. I knew now that she held my soul in her grasp.

"Always, Pyre." I stated completing the ancient ritual of mate bonding. We could not leave each other even if we wanted to. With that, we curled up together beneath the light of the stars and fell asleep, nestled comfortably in each other's embrace...