fall of the modern age chapter 3

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#3 of Fall of the modern age

?Fall of the modern age Chapter 3 by Raven Fox

Josh was on a boat putting out a net for fishing. The boat is made of thin trees shape into a

canoe. The other end of the net is attached to the raft he made out of a small airplane wing. Two

fox vixens are on the craft. He looked at the raft he made. It has two 1-foot diameter logs for

floatation. He used his aircraft control cables to tie the logs to the wing. The village he is living at

now has five boats for fishing. He looked at the two female wolves in the boat with him. They're

armed with crossbows. The village has an ongoing skirmish with a group of humans the anthro's

call the hostile. He ran into them twice since living here. Once on a trip a couple of weeks ago

and yesterday. Yesterday a group of ten attacked the village. The skirmish lasted fifteen minutes.

All ten were killed. One fox vixen got an arrow in her thigh.

Josh sighed to himself thinking. "Why would ten humans attack a village with more than

seven hundred anthropomorphic beings? It was plain suicide. Talk about idiots. My ex-girlfriend

was a bigger idiot wearing a wolf skin around other wolves. Then calling them names, that what's

got her killed by them. I knew Marcia's mouth would get her in trouble, but it got her killed.

Well right now I no longer have the urge to have sex with human females. I prefer

anthropomorphic female wolves with large breasts and muscular." Josh is picturing Lisa his wife

in his mind.

Lisa is at her cabin cutting the hair of a female anthro lizard. "Well Patty, what do you think?"

As she held a hand mirror to the lizard's face.

Patty looked at her reflection. "Very good, Lisa. Thank you for trimming my hair. How are

things with Josh?"

Lisa smiled to herself. "Very good, he is such a nice guy. I was worried about him yesterday

during the attack. I found out he was in the middle of the lake fishing."

Patty laughed. "That was so dumb of them sending ten people against our seven hundred plus.

What are they thinking?"

Lisa cleaned her scissors and other equipment. "I don't know. Some humans became lazy

because of technology. Now they don't have it. Josh is a survivor alist that's why he adjusted to

the situation we're in now."

Patty walked outside and said. "Take it easy Lisa. I'll see you later on. Take care of Josh.

Good men are now an endangered species."

Lisa chuckled to herself and started cleaning her makeshift beauty salon. After she was done

her insides started to warm up and her vaginal area started to throb. "Oh dam! Another heat cycle.

What is going to happen when Josh gets home?" She thought to herself. " Wolves get really

rough when in heat. Josh is a human, smaller than me. I might injure him. Then Rick will be

upset at me for hurting his best friend. Wait, but Tammy is relieving Mary in an hour. She can

warn Josh and he'll be ready." Lisa runs outside to talk to her friend Tammy.

Josh heard a whistle blow from the shore. It was a signal for him to bring the boat to the dock

to change the personnel. He docked the boat, got out and rested for a few minutes. He got back in

the boat. The female wolves talked to each other. He saw one of them shook her head. "You

better tell Rick, Mary. Have him at the dock, when we come back in a few hours." Tammy said,

she looked at Josh with a smile on her muzzle. "Josh you're going to busy tonight. I wonder if

you'll be able to work tomorrow." She laughed as the boat-left shore.

Josh looked at Tammy, with a surprised look. "What is going on here Tammy?" Josh stared at

the all dark gray wolf with light gray head hair wearing a two-piece swim suit made of tan rabbit

skins. Tammy is one of Rick's three wives. He started feeling an erection.

Tammy chuckled and looked at Josh. "Lisa just went in heat. Us female wolves go in heat

twice a year. The cycle lasts one week. It's not a pleasant experience for us. For Lisa, the last

three years were rough on her because she didn't have a mate. Josh, since you're a good friend of

Rick. I'll tell you what to expect from her. She is going to be a little aggressive toward you. Her

personality is going to be different. Josh, looks like you like the two-piece suit I am wearing. I'll

make one for Lisa." Tammy looked at Josh with a grin on her muzzle.

Josh sighed and just fished. He is a little afraid to go ashore. But he loved having sex with

Lisa. But now there is a chance of getting her pregnant. "No way I am going to avoid her. I am

going to face her. If she gets pregnant, it is meant to be." He thought to himself as he fished.

Three hours later the whistle blew. Josh steered the boat ashore. He looked toward the dock.

Josh saw a tall black male wolf. It is his friend Rick. He also saw his dog Bandit sitting by Rick.

Josh got out of the boat tied it to the dock. Joshes walked up to Rick and Bandit, head up high.

Josh looked Rick in the eye. "I am going to face her. I am not afraid of Lisa."

Rick grinned, shook his head. "All right Josh. Looks like the timid friend I knew died three

years ago in the wilderness. Are you sure?"

Josh continued looking at his friend, not giving ground or moving a muscle. "I sure, I am

going to do this to prove that I am not a coward."

Rick turned his head, sighed. "Well Josh, looks like living in the wild for three years and

losing your virginity to a female anthro wolf has made you tough." Rick laughed and smiled.

"She's waiting for you Josh. The thing for you to do is put up a struggle. It will show her that

you're a fighter. I'll take Bandit with me. See you tomorrow, if you can walk." Rick chuckled and

walked off.

Josh gathered up his will power and walk to the cabin he shared with Lisa. He felt a little fear

inside him as he walked. The other members of the village were staring at him. "Word must

spread fast here." Josh thought to himself.

Josh opened the door of the cabin. There is a small fire burning. His eyes adjusted to the

darkness of the cabin. He detected a faint hard-boiled egg smell in the air. It is warming up his

blood. Josh started sweating, he removed all of his clothing.

A feral voice that sounded like Lisa said. "That right my dear, remove them. The reason you're

sweating, because of the foramens being released by me. It heats a male's bloodstream, gets them

in the mood."

Josh looked around the cabin. He couldn't see Lisa. "Where are you Lisa?"

"Behind you dear mate." Josh felt her strong arms wrapped around him. He struggled like

Rick told him as Lisa dragged him to the bed. "That's good, struggle. It just makes it more fun for

me." Josh got a good look of Lisa. She looked different, kinda of feral. She is completely naked.

The smell is stronger on her, and he's really aroused. He continued his struggle, to put up a fight

to show Lisa. He's a fighter. "That's right keep fighting, dear." Josh is thrown on the bed. He is

getting up to sit up, Lisa then pounced on him.

Josh looked at Lisa. She has a wicked grin on her muzzle. Josh just started to sit up but he got

pinned to the bed. He tried moving, but it felt like a car was pinning him. Josh looked at Lisa

again. She still had that wicked grin on her. Lisa looked at his penis, she wrapped her long

tongue around it and licked it. Lisa gently chewed it just to squeeze it a couple of times. Josh is

panting, his eyes rolled up. Then he felt something strange. He looked down. Lisa had his penis

between her hairy breasts, giving him a tit-fuck.

"Do you like this, dear?" Josh nodded. "If you're a good boy. We'll do this more often."

Josh then felt a familiar feeling. Lisa is putting his penis in her vagina. The black colored lips

were swollen and dripping fluids. She wrapped her long legs around his hips. She is doing all the

work because his hands are still pinned down. Josh looked at Lisa's body. The nipples on her

breasts seem a little bigger. Lisa saw him looking at them. She bends closer to Josh and

maneuvered one of her breasts to Josh's face. Josh stared at the black colored areola. "Come on

dear, go ahead. You can suck on it. I know you want to." Josh felt the breast press on his face and

he started the suckling on the breast. "That's feels good, dear."

Josh while suckling felt Lisa's vaginal muscles contracted and she howled. Josh felt a wetness

on his testicles. A few minutes later he felt a pressure in him and he ejaculated in Lisa and he

yelled. Lisa would normally get off him. She stayed on him and looked at him. "Sorry dear, this

isn't over. I still feel the warmness inside me. Your penis is going to stay inside me til further

notice." Josh felt a breast being pressed on his face again. A minute later his penis started getting

hard again. Lisa started working on him again. He started the suckling again. "That's it keep

sucking. You and your penis are my prisoner's til I am satisfied." Josh felt the vaginal muscles

squeeze his penis and he continued to suckle on the breast. He started tasting milk. "That's a

good boy. You must be thirsty. Keep sucking on it." Josh felt his penis getting pulled by Lisa.

She'll use her vaginal muscles to squeeze it and she'll get up a little giving Josh a sharp tug.

Josh lost track of time. He had to keep having sex with Lisa and suckle on her breasts. After

five or six ejaculations, Lisa finally releases him and his penis. She smiled."Thank you Josh."

She said in the kind voice he knows. She then falls asleep.

Josh touched her muzzle. He gave her a kiss. Josh looked Lisa, he thought. "Must have been

tough on her for those fours years without a guy. Lisa I wished I knew you back then, things

might be different." Josh then fell asleep himself.

Josh woke up feeling sore. His jaw is cramped from sucking on Lisa's breasts. His testicles felt

like he was kicked down there. His penis felt raw. Josh fought the pain and put on a normal face.

Lisa is making breakfast. Josh walked up to her fighting the pain. He hugged and kissed her.

They ate breakfast and talked. A female wolf is waiting outside when he came out. After he is far

from the village, he started limping and walking favoring his testicles. The female wolf named

Mary started to laugh. "Rough night Josh?"

Josh nodded. "Yeah she kept me up really late. It took five or six ejaculations to satisfy her.

She was really wild last night."

Mary continued to laugh. "That sounds about right, for a female wolf who hadn't had that

much sex. The next time won't be as bad."

Josh looked at the gray and black female wolf with the same black head hair as Lisa. "That's

good to know. I hope the next time it doesn't take five or six times."

Mary chuckled and they continued the walk to the lake. Rick is at the dock watching them. He

saw Josh walking funnily. Rick started to laugh. "Are you sure you want to work today?"

Josh looked at Rick with a determined look. "Yes I do. I don't want to hurt Lisa's feeling's or

make her feel guilty."

Rick shook his head. He grabbed a bottle on the dock and handed it to Josh. "Drink this, it

tastes weird. It will help with the discomfort. I got it from Dan this morning. I told him what


Josh grabbed the bottle and drank it. It tasted like Colgate tooth paste and spearmint. Josh felt

a lot better. "See you later friend." Josh got in the boat and shoved off.

Rick watch Josh maneuvered the boat with the two wolves. "Josh my friend. You might have

the body of a human being. But you have the heart and spirit of a wolf." He turns and walks back

to the village.

Lisa is cleaning up the log cabin her and Josh lives in. A while later she felt ill. She kneeled

down to catch her breath. A hand touches her shoulder. She looked up at her father. "Lisa, my

daughter. Looks like I am going to be a grandfather in three months." Lisa looked at her father. "

You just made my day. Come daughter let's get some stuff for that morning sickness." Lisa

wrapped an arm around her father as he lead her to his place.

"I love you daddy. I wish mom was here." Lisa said to her father.

Dan put an arm around his daughter. "Yeah me to. She would be so proud of you. Looks like

Josh is going to get another surprise when he get's home tonight." Dan laughed as he lead his

daughter to his cabin. Lisa touches her abdomen as she walked.

Josh fished at the lake without any problems. Few hours later when the personnel changed the

two female wolves talked to each other. They looked at Josh and shook their heads. Josh pulled

the boat out to the lake. He looked at Tammy. She had a grin on her muzzle. "What's going on

Tammy?" Josh looked at her.

Tammy continued grinning. "Nothing to worry about Josh. How are you feeling from last

nights fun?"

Josh looked at Tammy and smiled. "I am feeling ok. I am a little sore but I am going to be all

right. I think it's going to be a few days before I get it up again."

Tammy laughs at herself and thought. "Josh you thought yesterday was a surprise. Wait til you

get home to Lisa." Tammy chuckled to herself and looked at Josh. "Oh Josh just for your

information. Pregnant wolves get really horny and they want sex a lot just ask your friend Rick."

Tammy thought to herself and snickered.

Few hours later Josh maneuvered the boat to the dock. Rick and Bandit were waiting on the

dock. Josh walked up to Rick. "I am feeling a lot better. That stuff worked well. What's going


Rick grinned. "Aw nothing just checking on you to see if you're ok. In addition return Bandit

to you." Rick said good by to Josh and started walking to his home with Tammy.

Josh and Bandit walked back to the village. The other anthro beings were looking at him. He

waved at them. "I am ok. Just a little tired." The other anthro's waved back to him. Josh smiled

and walked to the cabin.

Josh opened the door walked in. Lisa is humming to herself making dinner. Josh looked at

her. "Lisa, how was your day?"

Lisa looked at Josh with a smile on her muzzle. "Just great. I had a great day. How was your


Josh smiled. "Very good, got a great catch." Josh hugged and kissed her.

They ate dinner and talked to each other. Later on they went to bed. Lisa was behind Josh.

She hugged his shoulders rested her muzzle on the side of his head. "I am pregnant." Josh

shivered turned around, hugged her and kissed her muzzle.

Josh looked at the dark green eyes. "How long is the pregnancy of a anthropomorphic wolf?"

Lisa smiled. "The pregnancy of an anthropomorphic wolf is three months. The same length of

time my vixen friend had. You're going to be a father in three months."

Josh cuddled up to Lisa. Her hair felt good on him. She is naked. Josh felt her breasts pressed

against his chest as he fell asleep.

Lisa looked at Josh sleeping. "Such a nice human. You'll be a great father." She kissed the top

of his head. She touched her abdomen and pulled Josh closer to her. Lisa felt Josh's penis tries to

get hard, then it went soft. "Josh, from what I heard from Tammy today. I'll be wanting that a lot

from you. That's not so bad. I just love having sex with you. I am going to give you a few days

rest dear Josh. Oh Josh, Tammy made me a two-piece suit to wear, I can only wear it for a month.

Then I got to wear what Tabatha is wearing." Lisa looked in the darkness at the dying fire.

Wondering if she should keep it going to keep Josh warm. She decided to hold him close to keep

him warm. Lisa snuggled Josh close to her and fell asleep. Bandit looked around and fell asleep.