Family Secrets

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#14 of GenderShifting

Shameless plug, for those interested in a continuation of Teaching Brother A Lesson please...

Shameless plug, for those interested in a continuation of Teaching Brother A Lesson please see here:

Commission for solerum

Adelyn was once again in the library far away from the hustle and bustle that was happening in the cafeteria and the hall ways during lunch hour. She rarely spent her time in the library between her morning class and her afternoon one. She's purposefully scheduled it that way when she'd signed up for her classes so that she'd have time to work on her studies and clear her mind before her biology class. She was in her first year at the University and all summer she had poured over the various classes they offered and tried to pick out which ones would help her on her way to her goal of becoming a Biology major with a minor in computer sciences. She knew that the future was going to hold a special place for both majors and she already predicted that they would likely be combined within the next three years due to recent technological advancements.

Still it was a shock to go from computer programming and learning how the more advanced systems were set up to her biology class. She knew most people had a break between morning and evening classes, but they often spent it in the lounge or rough housing or out on the lawn if the days were good. It was the perfect time to have most of the library to herself while it was only shared with a handful of other people on either side of her who were either wisely doing the same thing she was or frantically trying to make up for the homework they had missed out on. She glanced from her book up to one such girl who looked as if she were about to cry or at least throw her pencil across the room if something didn't give soon. Why didn't they just prepare ahead of time and then they wouldn't be stuck doing this?

Adelyn had grown up in a family where she was curiously an odd duck where her father and brother were concerned. Her father had inherited a huge settlement after her mother had left them as a child, enough so that he didn't have to work. He spent most of his days allowing his accountants to sort out his finances and his own time enjoying himself. He was fond of recounting just how their mother had left them the few times he had spent a long afternoon out at the lake with his friends and enjoying beer. He would tell her that he had come home one day to find a note informing him that she had left him because she could no longer take care of the house or be the wife he wanted. She had found someone that was better suited to her. The only good thing she had done, at least according to him, had been to leave enough money to make sure her children were well provided for.

That's what stung the fourteen year old most of all. Her mother hadn't even stayed around to raise her, she had simply disappeared as if she and Ferdinand, her brother, didn't exist. She hadn't had a bad life, in fact she had a good one by all accounts. She had grown up with a brilliant mind that thirsted for more knowledge. By the time she was seven she had read every book in the house and had started to demand her father get her more. He had indulged her by filling up a spare room to make a library that was hers and hers alone. She savored that library as her most prized possession. It was full of books she had read again and again until they felt like old friends. They, at least, were far better at being her friend then her class mates or even her older brother. That was the one thing that her life lacked, an older brother that would support and love her and friends to be with.

Instead the girl had let herself go into the world of intellectual study and found that she advanced through it faster and faster. It wasn't long until she had outstripped her class on future lessons and gone above and beyond even grade school level. By the time she was thirteen she had demanded and begged her teacher to let her skip high school. Her father had been tolerant and even allowed her the chance to sit on the SATs. Perhaps they had expected that she'd fail or that she would be deterred, but she had managed to score so high that she'd gotten into a meeting with the principal and the dean of the University with her father and teacher. To her amazement and excitement they offered her the chance to attend a year of college to see if she was prepared to take that step. The only condition had been she would live with her father and have a limited course schedule to make sure she didn't overwork herself.

Adelyn had never been so excited in her life as she had the day she'd come to tell her brother Ferdinand that she'd be going to college with him. She'd expected him to be happy, instead he had stared at her with a look of almost horror before marching off to their father complaining that he didn't want to go school with her. That had hurt her more than anything else. She'd built up dreams that she was going to help him in school and teach him how to study and actually get ahead. He'd never been interested in learning like she was. She was even sure he was every bit as intelligent as she was, he just let himself slide by with B's in school and the rest of the time was spent hanging out with his friends and goofing off. Perhaps that's why she felt so frustrated lately. He could have been so much more if he just applied himself a little. Not that their father cared, he was happy to see the decent grades and praised his son for them often.

She closed her book and opened up her note book to start going over last week's notes as she mulled over her problem. Ferdinand spent nearly every day hanging out with the same group of people and rarely seemed to care about anything but fun. Peter, John and Lily weren't the most responsible people on the planet either. They were always at the movies or the arcade or hanging out in shops causing trouble. She'd even heard that Lily had been caught stealing in two different stores at the mall. She was positive that her brother didn't steal, but anymore she didn't know if he did or not. He spent too much time seeking out the next fun event to care about what was going on. Just last week he had blown off his morning class to sleep in since the night before they had been out until nearly four in the morning! She bit her lower lip as she stared at her notebook. Her brother couldn't keep going this way. He'd completely destroy his future just because he wanted to have cool friends.


Ferdinand stretched out on the couch in the student lounge with every evidence of being completely content. He had spent the morning in class, which had been completely boring and a waste of his time, sitting right behind Lily, which was neither a waste of his time or boring. She had the most adorable way of tilting her head when she found something difficult and he had watched as her hair had spilled down along the dark blue of her shirt. It was a beautiful shade of red that made him want to reach out and run the long strands through his fingers. Not to mention the fact she had the most interesting aroma of vanilla, melon and something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He'd been attracted to her since the first day he met her at freshmen orientation and she'd taken the seat just behind him with her friends.

If it hadn't have been for his little sister tagging along he would have made a move then, but she had been tugging at his hand trying to make him pay attention to the speaker. Adelyn was always causing problems for him that way. It had been fine when he was in high school and she had been in junior high. Back then she had been able to barely affect what he wanted to do aside from after school when she used to fuss over him and make comments about how he should be working on such and such assignment. It had been annoying, but he could ignore it. He should have ignored her that day and then he would have had a chance with her. Instead Lily had spent the time talking to Peter until they had agreed to go out on a date, and then another and then another. He had heard about it whispered around school often enough that his resentment grew at having missed his chance.

The first week of school his Dad has made him promise to watch over Adelyn while she went to class. He'd kept the promise. He never broke one, but he found it frustrating. She would go to class and get out about fifteen minutes before his. She spent that time waiting outside of his class room door with her books in hand until he was let out and found her eager and bright eyed to see him. It had only taken two days before the jokes started about who she was and what she was doing waiting for him. Then she would demand they go to the library with no real food except for a few snacks so that she could study when what he really wanted to do was eat actual food. It repeated for the entire week and then part of the next week before he couldn't do it anymore. He hated the quiet library, he hated studying and most of all he hated how people snickered at him.

At the end of the next week he had told her that she knew her way around and let her go on her own. He almost caved at the hurt in her eyes, but that was before John and Peter had sought him out to hang out after school. They were a year older than him and it was their second year here. They knew all the hot spots and were eager to teach him each and every one. It didn't hurt at all that Lily would often join them to hang out with Peter. He never quite got over his crush on her. Eventually she'd get over the older boy and then he'd have his chance again. By then he'd know exactly what she was like and what she wanted out of any guy she was with. He was bound and determined to be that guy too. Every time she showed up to do something with them he could feel his heart pound faster and sometimes he still cursed his little sister for making him miss his chance with her.

"Geez, Ferdinand, are you going to lay there all day?" The voice made him blink slowly and lazily. Speak of the devil. His little sister walked into the room ignoring the far taller and older people that were hanging out and marched over towards him.

"No," He gave a lazy smile, "Just most of it."

"You have class in five minutes, aren't you going to go to it?" The young girl's brows furrowed beneath the spill of soft black hair and made her look older. He felt a surge of annoyance at her attempt to boss him around. He was her older brother, not her younger. He could look after himself!

"I might, or maybe I'm going to just stay here today and watch what's on TV. I'll get as much information out of it." He drawled the words out and heard a few people snicker at his reply. Their laughter bolstered him to make a show of stretching his legs out even further. He had been planning on going to class, but the moment she stuck her nose in here he didn't seem to feel like anymore.

"You have to go to class, you're going to have your grades slip!" The words came out of her in a rush as she clutched her books. "Please, Ferdinand? Your grade average is going to go down and then you'll never graduate."

"So? I like it just fine here. Besides I've never failed a class in my life and I'm not going to now. I just have better things to do then worry about books and studying all the time." He opened one eye and made a show of looking at the clock. "You'd better hurry, you've got class in half an hour. Don't you want to be standing outside of the door waiting just to make SURE you're not late."

He deliberately baited her as she turned red in the face while a few other people chuckled with laughter. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly snapped it shut before turning and storming back out of the room with the sound of her shoes clicking against the ground. It served her right! She was always trying to tell him what to do and it was starting to make him snap back at her more often. If she would just ease up and relax he could at least be nicer to her. He'd even tried to get his friends to let her come out to see if some time away from the books would make her easier to get along with, but they didn't want her around. She was too young and they looked at her with a strange mixture of amusement and annoyance at having a kid hanging around the college campus. It just wasn't right. Maybe he should talk to his dad about a special school for her.


Adelyn got through her afternoon class without anything more than a desire to shake her brother until he finally buckled down and did what needed to be done. It was frustrating and made her angry to see him throwing away his future just because he wanted to lie around watching TV and ignoring everything else in the world. He should have been in his class or at least studying. He didn't even study at home! She wondered if he'd ever opened a book at all. She'd tried talking to her father about it, but the most he did was try and bribe good grades out of his son by offering a new sports car if he would only apply himself. That attempt had been met with complete failure as Ferdinand had laughed it off and pointed out he'd be getting a small fortune their mother had left him when he turned eighteen. He wouldn't budge from his stance and there was nothing she could do to make him budge!

She left her class with her bag over her shoulder and the seams straining to hold the pile of books she'd managed to shove into it. They were mostly for study, but a few of them were simply because she wanted to read them. She was going to just go home and try and find a new way to see if she could get her brother to apply himself. Maybe she could get him interested in a girl who liked school like she did. She knew that he was in love with that Lily girl that was always causing trouble and she was probably why he'd gotten worse lately. She stopped in the hall and glanced up at the big clock, it wasn't even four in the afternoon yet. She tried to remember the way the classes ran here and finally turned on a heel and started to march towards the lunch hall. That's where everyone would be gathered around now, it was nearing dinner time.

The roar of a crowd met her ears as she poked her head in and saw the tables mostly full and the various food stands were serving up meals to the students while some studied, some worked on homework and others just chatted at large tables and bemoaned various aspects of student life. In other words it was just like any other day. She knew that somewhere her brother's friends were probably eating and part of her hoped that he'd gone to class so they'd be alone. She made her way through the older student's bodies by ducking and squeezing between broad backs while keeping her eyes open. It was claustrophobic when it came right down to it. She wanted to bolt back to her quiet library and pick out some of her homework to work on!

"How about the new place that opened up. The game store that sells all the Mac stuff? They have a lot of awesome stuff there and we haven't tried there yet." The voice was familiar and she wiggled between two large boys to see Peter gesturing with one hand.

"Does he shop there?" Yup that was definitely Lily. She ducked a little to get out from the packed crowd and saw her, Peter and John all seated around a small table nibbling on dinner.

"Yeah he does, you see his laptop? That's probably more expensive then all the computers I've ever own combined!" Peter gestured with a fry, "We could probably get him to come with us after he gets out of class. He'll have his book bag on him."

"I don't know, last time it was a bit hard shoving stuff in there without his noticing. He started complaining that he wanted to take his bag out to the car remember?" John sounded doubtful and Adelyn tried to figure out just what they were talking about.

"He's always complaining. Besides the games don't weight much and we can slip in a dozen or so. He won't even notice. Let's hit there tonight, there's a few new programs I need for my design coarse that cost nearly half a grand." Peter sounded more confident and she realized with a lurch that they were talking about slipping stolen goods into Ferdinand's bag.

Most of the places near the college didn't allow book bags in or if you did they had to be checked on the way out. They didn't ever check her bag or her brother's because they always bought their stuff, they had enough money that they didn't have to shop lift to get anything they needed. She knew that most places knew their father too. The other kids, though, had a habit of causing trouble so the shops kept a close eye on them. No wonder they wanted to have her brother around! If he ever got caught they could just pretend they hadn't seen him taking things! He could get kicked out of school for an offense like that! She finally lost her temper and pushed her way to the table and drew herself up to her full height. John looked startled and even Lily looked like she was surprised.

"It's the library mouse!" Peter laughed and popped a french fry in his mouth, "What are you doing out of your den? Someone throw a book out here?"

"I know what you're doing! I know what you're doing to my brother and you had better stop it!" She didn't mince words, "I heard you talking just now and you need to stop hanging out with him. He doesn't need people like you around him in his life."

"Really? Is that so?" John leaned back and looked amused. "People like us?"

"You're using him to shop lift! You're always getting him to skip class and getting him in trouble so that he stays out late at night. He doesn't need people like you." She drew herself up her full height and tried to ignore the fact that all three of them were larger, older and slyer then she was. "He never comes home on time and when he does he sometimes looks like he's drunk. If you don't-"

She didn't know what she was about to say after that, but whatever tirade she had been about to continue was promptly lost when a cold splash landed on her head. She shrieked out in surprise as the cola was dumped over her head and hit down along the back of her neck and all the way down the line of her spine. It covered her hair and even her books as she tried to hold them out and whirled around to find Lily holding a can lightly in her hands right over her head and a smug smile on her face as she rattled the empty container. There was silence for a moment in the area around them before laughter erupted at her expense. It started with the table of Ferdinand's friends, but soon spread outwards so that the sound spilled around her and her face reddened slightly in humiliation and anger.

"Whoops. The way you were going on I figured you needed to cool down. Beat it, squirt, Ferdinand is perfectly happy with us as his friends. I think you're just too young to understand. Hell you don't even have friends!" Lily tossed her hair over her shoulder before settling back down at the table and turning her back to her.

Adelyn stood there for a moment unable to make a good reply. The laughter and dismissal left her burning with humiliation and anger. How dare they treat her this way! She had a moment where she imagined herself running to her brother and having him stand up against them for treating her this way, but she knew better. He would probably be angry that she'd embarrassed him like this and then send her to go do something else. He'd probably just go out with them later in the evening as well just to prove he was still cool. Lily continued to smirk at her as if it was a fine sort of joke for them all and that was it. She screwed up her face and her foot went out in one sharp hard kick that connected just underneath the older girls knee as hard as she could make it.

Lily let out a yelp and grabbed her knee as she stood up on her good leg. Her eyes flared with outrage as she hopped for a moment and some of the people around them laughed even harder at seeing the younger girl strike out in retaliation. Adelyn watched as the girl moved to snatch up Peter's can of coke just as one of the teachers who had been eating a few tables down stood up and started to make his way towards the upset group. That was enough for her! That was the last thing she needed. To be in trouble at school all because her brother's rotten friends had treated her like a trio of great bullies! She felt the tears welling up in her eyes before she turned and bolted away from the laughing table. The sticky soda was already drying in her hair as she got to the doors of the hall and bolted between them. She didn't know what to do, why didn't Ferdinand realize that they were just using him?


"I'll be gone most of the weekend, so I want you to keep an eye on things. " Ferdinand's Dad stared at him with a frown on his face. "And on Adelyn. She came home today upset and she's still upstairs working on her studies, but she'll probably be down later."

"Sure, Dad, you know I can take care of things here." He lied smoothly. He'd make sure things went just fine, but he didn't need to be here to do that. Adelyn was perfectly able to watch herself after all.

"And no parties or too many people over, got it?" The older man raised a graying brow a little while he shifted his gear to one side.

His Dad was once again going out on a fishing trip with his friends leaving his kids behind. It wasn't that rare for him to do this, in fact he spent most of his free time deep sea fishing and since Ferdinand had gotten old enough to play baby sitter had taken long weekends off. The house they lived in was secure enough that he didn't worry about break ins. In fact the house was almost a mansion as it sat on a large estate facing heavily populated street and behind it ran acres upon acres of thick woods that made sure that no one could stare into their back yard. He agreed again and gave a lopsided grin as his old man did a final check on his gear before heading out of the door and freedom. Finally, he'd be able to have fun and relax.

"ADELYN?!" He yelled up the stair way.

"What?" The voice was thick and sounded as if she'd been crying. What had she done today? He gave a little grin to himself, maybe she had finally gotten a B.

"I'm gonna go out, there's food in the fridge for you that Dad left from dinner last night." He called up while he dug in the closet for his shoes. He could probably still make the late movie with his friends if he hurried.

"But Dad said you-" He heard her foot steps as she came to the balcony that overlooked the main room and he glanced up at her.

"You'll be fine. Yeesh, you know how to make your own food." He sat down on the foot stool and pulled his sneakers on.

"Yeah but-" She started when he gave an exasperated sigh. "Just go and do whatever it is you want to do. I'm not going to spend my entire evening watching you study!"

Before she could start in on how he should be doing the same he snatched up his light jacket and got out the front door leaving her behind. He was already angry with her after hearing about the fuss in the cafeteria from earlier. Why did she have to be such a pain? Why couldn't she just leave him to do what he wanted? He had to apologize to Lily for how she behaved anyway. The last thing he wanted was for her to get angry at him because his stupid little sister had had a temper tantrum. Maybe a night home alone would get her to understand that she wasn't his boss and she needed to stop acting like one around him!


Adelyn hated being stuck at home by herself. She remembered from when she was younger they had had a far smaller home that her Dad often talked about with happiness at having moved from. He loved having a big house. The entire place had seven bedrooms that they didn't use except when one of them had friends over to spend the night. There was a big office that her father used sometimes and a smaller study room with two computers they both were able to use for school work or in Ferdinand's case games. The old place had been cozy and she had always felt safe there, here she was half afraid someone else could be in the house and she'd never know about it! The moment he'd left she'd been forced to stand there struggling not to go yell after him to come back. She finally had gathered up her school work and dragged it all into her bedroom where she felt safest.

She was mortally certain that her brother had heard about the incident in the lunch room earlier in the day. She had certainly heard other people talking about it by the time she had washed her hair out in the wash room. He was probably angry at her for it, but she didn't care, she'd done exactly what she thought needed to be done! She didn't want him upset with her, but she didn't like that his 'friends' were treating him so badly. She'd tried to come up with a way that she could have told him about it, but any way she looked at it he probably would have thought she was tattling like a little kid. The only part was, she wasn't tattling, she was just trying to look out for him! Why couldn't he just listen to her instead of always brushing her off like she was a kid?

By the time she got hungry it was full dark and she ventured out of her room into the quiet and dark house. She'd turned on some of the lights to guide her downstairs and into the overly large kitchen. The kitchen was far too big for a family of three, but at least it had a nice table set up that she could eat at instead of having to go to the dining room where there was that huge table and chairs. She made herself a sandwich and sat down while fingering the envelope her father had given to her when she'd gotten home to pass on to her brother. It had his name written in flowing script right over the front and she traced the lettering with one finger. He'd said their mother had left it with him to give to Ferdinand on his seventeenth birthday, but he'd forgotten. He probably hadn't, he probably was still trying to spite their mother for leaving him.

Why was he getting a letter? Why wasn't she? Why hadn't their mother ever visited them or tried to talk to them. Lots of families split up, but they didn't just abandon their kids, they saw them on the weekends and holidays. She wanted her family to be like that. She could only barely remember her mother from when she was little, but she had only been two when she'd taken off with someone else. She sighed a little bit and pushed the envelope on the table before going back to her sandwich. It wasn't fair. He shouldn't be brushing her off like this just because she was younger and he didn't want his friends to think he wasn't cool. He should be watching her and doing his own homework that was probably still shoved in his bag from school.

It took her a while to finish her sandwich before she finally put her dishes in the sink and grabbed up the letter again and tried to feel the paper that was inside of it. It wasn't really thick so it couldn't be a huge note, but what would it be about? She gave a little grin to herself, maybe it was a note about how he was really only her half-brother. With as lazy and stubborn as he was she almost would believe that at this point. There seemed to be no way that he was really her entire brother. He didn't even like reading books! She flopped down on the couch and pulled out the book she'd been reading for fun lately. It was one of her little pleasures to read fiction now and then, at least then she could get lost in someone else's world for a while.


Ferdinand stretched as he waved at the car that was pulling out the drive way. It had been a rather fun trip out for the evening. He'd been able to hit the cinema and even the new apple store to pick up an iPad while he was out. The second generation had just come out and he wanted to give it a go since his old iPod was giving him more trouble lately. Lily hadn't seemed more then mildly annoyed about the incident in the cafeteria, she mostly seemed to enjoy his company. In fact she had started to make Peter jealous by keeping more to his side as they made their way through the mall. He was just fine with that! Perhaps she was finally coming around and thinking about dumping the other guy for him. He spent a few moments fantasizing about what it would be like to have her as his girlfriend. Maybe he'd pick out something nice for her later on as a gift.

"About time." The voice came out from the kitchen and he stopped to poke his head in to see Adelyn perched on a chair with books spread all over the table.

"It's not that late." He gave a teasing grin and glanced at the clock, it was only midnight. "Besides, you're supposed to be in bed by now." He pointed out cheerfully.

"Dad forgot to give you this when he left." She barely looked up at him as she pushed a light cream envelope towards him while glancing through her book.

"Oh? Money while he's away?" He picked up the paper with a lop sided grin. Not that he needed money, he had a credit card to use.

"No, it's a note from Mom." There wasn't any emotion in her voice as she said it, but his brows rose up a little.

"Oh? Was it mailed?" He turned the envelope over and saw a slight yellowing around the edges of it where it should have been sealed more securely to the back.

"No, he was supposed to give it to you last month." Her voice was still flat and he finally realized that she probably had wanted to open it ever since Dad had given it to her.

He shook his head a little. Sometimes she was such a child no matter what grade she was in! He took the envelope and wandered into the living room to turn on the TV in time to see his favorite late night show before tearing open one of the sides and pushing in on the top and bottom of it to spread the opening wide. It took him a moment to dig around and finally fish out the piece of paper and then he leaned back to look at it. Well it certainly looked old enough. What would his mother leave him a note for? Perhaps it was something about when he got his money when he turned eighteen. He hoped it wouldn't be something about how he had to get a job or do something else to earn it. He didn't plan on getting a job, ever. His dad was just fine without one after all!

"My Dearest Ferdinand,

I hope this finds you well and I hope that you've had a life that you can enjoy and love. I know that you might not understand all that has happened in the past and why I left, but it broke my heart to leave you and your sister behind. I hope that you've kept her safe all this time and was able to guide her steps as she grew into a young woman. I have no doubt you've done your best by her and yourself, I only regret I was unable to see you grow up to be the fine young man I knew you would one day become. I'm sure you're confused on why you've gotten this letter, but I wanted you to have it when you were older and more prepared to handle what I need to tell you.

I came to earth when I was a young woman on the search for research and to find a cure to something that is threatening your future. I wasn't old enough to realize that it could mean so much more than that. Our people have been coming to Earth for generations to research and observe the people there. We have put our findings into a large data base in an effort to better understand them and through that we realized that there are many issues that are brewing. I love you and Adelyn both very much, but I could not stay. As you're both half human I couldn't risk bringing you home with me. I'm sure you understand by now that humans aren't so very different from my kind or else we would have long ago been given away. That is the reason I'm leaving you this letter, in the hopes that you'll be able to help me and our people in what we wish to do.

I know it's an unfair burden to place upon you, and I hope that you will understand why it's come down to you to be the one to carry it. I promise that I will do all that I can to help guide your steps and as you are only half human I know you have the intelligence and strength of spirit to see this through. I left my work area at the gazebo of our old home, there's a hatch beneath the floor boards that can be reached by removing the third and fourth large planks and then entering the attached code into the top. I hope that you'll be able to find it and from there contact me so I can help you get started. Know that I love you and will always cherish you, my son. Know that you and Adelyn are in my heart every day.

Love Your mother"

Ferdinand sat there and read, re-read and then re-read again. The words on the note only made sense a handful of times and the rest of the time he was left gaping at it. For a moment he was ready to go haul Adelyn up and confront her about it. She was obviously playing some sort of joke on him and thought that he was going to fall for it. Only the fact she'd never been given to practical jokes kept him from storming over to demand just that. The paper seemed old, the handwriting was unfamiliar, but aliens? Really? He shook his head in silent amazement and disgust. His mother had obviously been doing some sort of drug around the time she'd written this note. Maybe that's why she ran off, she was too busy doing coke to worry about her own family.

"What'd it say?" The small voice came from behind the couch and he peered back at his sister.

"Nothing, just a bunch of nonsense." He snorted and threw the letter down on the coffee table before turning the volume up on the TV.

"Can I read it?" She started to edge around the couch slowly.

"Nah, it's nothing, Adelyn. I think Mom was just a little whacked in the head towards the time she left." He flipped throught he channels and landed on one of the shows he hadn't seen in a while. His sister came up to the table and picked up the note.

"Yeah, but I wanna read it." She gave the words a stubborn inflection as she dropped down to sit next to him.

"Eh, don't say I didn't warn you." He tilted his head to look at her for a moment and then shrugged before going back to his show. Maybe if she saw Mom was a nutter she'd finally start acting like she was one as well. He didn't really hate her, he just wished she'd act like a normal fourteen year old now and again.


Adelyn read through the note once and then a second time to get it firmly in her memory. She frowned a little bit before putting it back down near the envelope and licked her lips. It couldn't' really be true could it? Could her mother have really been something else? An alien? She knew that there had to be alien life out there somewhere, but it had never been one of her real interests so she'd never devoted a lot of research to it, but still. Would it be so far a stretch to believe that an alien planet had started to study other planets? That's what humans did all the time with wild life and different places. They were already doing it on other planets, so wouldn't it make sense if Earth had been more advanced they would have sought out other places to watch other life forms?

The more she thought about it, the more she started to think it could actually be true. It made some amount of sense on why she was so smart and why her brother was even if he didn't bother trying to use his brains for anything important. Perhaps that's why she never fit in anywhere. She licked her lips and glanced at her brother's almost vacant expression as he watched the TV and the loud fake laughter and noise. He glanced at her with an almost pitying expression seeing she had read the letter, but she just shrug and stood up without a word. Why would she tell him what she was going to do? He'd either make fun of her or possibly try to stop her. She wanted to be able to sneak out with him getting upset or trying to stop her. She could feel her heart speeding up slightly, she might be able to hear her mother! Or even better, see her!

It wasn't hard giving Ferdinand the slip. He wasn't exactly that attentive to what was going on in the house when he got involved in watching TV. That suited her just fine right now! It took her a while to get online and try to figure out where they used to live before this. If it had been her brother he probably would have given up the moment he realized he couldn't remember the old house, but she knew how to use the internet like a pro. It was growing even later when she had the address written down, directions printed out and had started to put some things in her bag. Their town was thankfully not the roughest place in the world, in fact it was downright nice. She didn't have too much fear being out and about by herself, but she still put mace in her bag just in case. The TV was still blaring when she crept down the stairs and towards the back door. She probably could have been as loud as she wanted and he wouldn't have noticed, but it was better to be cautious.

The night was pretty warm for fall, there was still just enough summer on the air that her light coat was needed to keep her warm. She didn't bother with the flashlight she brought just yet. The streetlights were enough that she could see the directions she'd printed out easily enough and she started to follow them down the street. Their old house was only just over a mile away and that wasn't too far for her to walk. She actually liked walking, it gave her time to think and get her body moving. Her only thoughts tonight were on her mother. Would there really be a hatch she could get into? Would she be able to talk or see her mother? She only had vague memories of her with the blurred vision of a child, now her heart was pounding with excitement as she traveled down the nearly deserted streets.

She got lost several times as she went to a portion of the suburbs that she wasn't familiar with and the streets started to come closer together with names that often sounded the same. Her frustration started mounting until she finally found Espalade Avenue and turned down it at a faster pace. What if people lived there now? She didn't want to have the cops called on her for digging up someone's yard, but perhaps there would be nothing there. People were knocking down houses all the time and this would have been over eleven years ago. Her heart was in her throat as she stopped at the house number and stared at the humble single story house that was seated in a modest yard away from the road. The lights were all dark and only the street light let her see the spill of the drive way and the outline of an eerily familiar doorway. She put the directions in her pocket and drew in a deep breath.

It was the sight of the unkempt lawn the lack of curtains or even blinds that made her believe the house was empty. She ached to go open the door to see where she had spent the first few years of her life, but not enough to make her lose her goal. She slipped into the backyard as soundlessly as she could and stared at the darkened area. Only then did she dig out her flashlight to make her way towards the looming gazebo that was centered right in the middle of the overgrown lawn. The houses on either side were quiet as well, and far enough away she hoped that they wouldn't be able to make out that someone was creeping around. Once she got to it she abandoned dignity and dropped down to her hands and knees to feel around with the tips of her fingers along the boards. At first she tried to keep her flashlight, but she couldn't wield it well enough while searching so she had to put it to one side.

It took a while, but eventually she found the boards that her mother had written about and she tried to wedge them up. To her surprise they moved easily from where they appeared to be securely wedged and she was able to move them to one side. They were even lighter then what she expected! Beneath them she stared into the black hole and squirmed before she dropped her hand to start pushing away dirt. She prayed there weren't any rats or other nasties hiding in the darkness waiting to see her hand! Fortunately all her hand encountered was soft dirt that was easily pushed away until she felt the brush of metal and had to grope for the flashlight to use it to see what she'd found. It looked like a flat metal grate, but when she looked closer she saw the holes were actually small indentations and numbers.

She fumbled for a few minutes before she found the small slip of paper with the numbers her mother had said were the code and entered them in while holding her breath. For a moment nothing happened, it just stayed there to her disappointment. Then there was a sudden grinding and screeching noise of metal on metal and the door dropped down away from her flashlight. She muffled a squeak of surprise just as lights flared on beneath her illuminating her face and making her squint. There really was something down there! She looked around carefully before she pulled her bag back into her lap and moved her legs over the edge of the hole so they dangled down. She didn't want to sit here and risk being spotted!

Her feet found a small ladder and she was able to get a secure hold so that she slowly and carefully started the descent into the lighted room. It was a tight squeeze and it thrilled her to know her mother must have been just about her size! She made it down slowly, barely trusting the ladder to hold up, but somehow the old metal did and she found herself in a tiled room with wooden walls and lights that were set in the ceiling burning merrily away. She squinted a little at the light and the first thing that caught her eye was a very large computer desk and an ancient computer settled on top. The monitor was huge and white. It was twenty two inches at least with the back extending out so far that it boggled the mind. It looked like something they should have in a museum! made sense if it was from when her Mom was still here.

A few old boxes were piled up in one corner where she could see bits of paper sticking out and the desk was in a state of disarray. Obviously her mother had left in a hurry, but she moved to the desk first and brushed her fingers against the keyboard. Her Mom had sat right here and worked on the computer. Had she been sitting here when she was pregnant too? Was this really her second visit here? She tried to imagine her mother and she found herself grinning a small little smile as she built up her own memories. She wanted to keep everything just the way it was, but at the same time she wanted to go through the boxes and see what she would find. Old journals? Interesting tech? What would be hiding in all of this stuff. She felt sure that it would be something that would be the key to understanding just who she was.

She moved towards the boxes and touched the first one only to find it hard and brittle to the touch. The edges of it were so dry and worn that she was scared to try and move it for fear of breaking it entirely. She opted instead to open the very top and stood on her tip toes to peer in at the jumble of old wires and bits of computer parts poking out. It looked like any pile of junk she'd ever seen in the last few years in computer geeks places or in the computer lab. It was mostly useless and outdated anyway. She wrinkled her nose at the scent of mildew and went to edge the box off to see if anything interesting could be found in the other boxes. Perhaps her mother had put that box on top to deter people from sniffing around and finding something that could get her in trouble. Just as she was moving it a sudden squeal and crackle erupted from behind her so loud that she let out a little scream and to her horror the top box toppled over sending the ancient computer parts skidding over the ground.

"...H...lo....hello?....nand....Hello? Ferdinand?" The voice that erupted from behind her was crackled and laden with static but slowly started to find a better signal. "Ferdinand? Is that you?"

Adelyn went stumbling over towards the sound and had to push the computer tower to the side to reveal a small transistor radio that had been set up. It was hooked up right into the wall with a microphone that hung from a coiled wire. The female voice repeated her brother's name again and she felt her heart jump up and her breath stopped. It was her mother on the other end. That was her mother's voice! She didn't know how she was so positive, but she just knew that her mother was the one trying to get a hold of her. She bit her lip and couldn't stop herself from snatching up the microphone and finding the button to push down so that she could be heard. The moment she pressed the button down the radio went silent and she found herself staring at it wondering what on earth to say.

"Mom?" She ventured, her voice sounded soft and scared even to her own ears. "Is that you?"

"FERDINAND?!" The reply almost rocked her back, "I-is that you? Son?" The tone of confusion and doubt flooded over the small speaker.

"No, Mom, it's me..Adelyn." She felt a wave of doubt. What if her mother didn't want to talk to her?

"Adelyn!! My little girl, oh my sweet girl..." The voice grew rough, "What are you doing here? Never mind...Oh Adelyn, I've wanted to hear your voice for so long!"

"Mom! I had to come, I was going to not come, but I read the letter and I had to come and see if it was true." She started to babble and felt her eyes watering up. She was almost ready to cry as she hadn't since she was a little girl.

"Did Ferdinand not get it? What happened? Is he alright?" The voice sharpened with worry. "I would have known if anything happened though.."

" he got it mom! Dad forgot to give it to him for his birthday and I gave it to him tonight." She tried not to sound judgmental as she added. "He said it wasn't true and that it was all a story."

"I knew that man would forget..." Her mother's voice sounded soft almost as if she were talking to herself. "He didn't think it was true? But it must be obvious that it is! I left it for him so he could come here and help me and so I could hopefully get to know him. You were going to come too when you were ready.."

"Are you going to come get me? Do I get to come live with you now?" She felt her hopes start to rise as she dropped down into the seat.

"No, sweety, I can't come back. I had to go back to my own planet, I can't come back to earth again."

"I can come live there!" What was her mother like? She wanted to know, she could find all those answers out if she just was able to leave...

"I'm sorry, you can't. I would love for you to come here, but your body isn't meant to live here. You'd never survive. The human genetics have won out too much." There was a soft sad note. "I want to teach your brother so much, it's time he learns about why I was there and what I was doing. When you're older I can explain all of this to you too, but it'll take years of study to be ready to understand some of the tech-"

"Ferdinand won't be any use for that, Mom." She couldn't help the slight note of disdain that crept into her voice. "He doesn't study at all, he just sits at home and plays video games or he goes out with his friends at all hours of the day. He doesn't care about anything in books. I'm in college already! They let me skip a lot of grades so I could go because I was learning a lot faster than the rest of my class."

For a long while they spoke, her mother sounded so doubtful and worried that Adelyn wasn't ready to shoulder such a large responsibility such as helping continue a mission that she had left undone. She kept asking about Ferdinand, but as the conversation turned towards them she felt that her mother was disappointed. She was careful not to tell anything else but the truth and even tried to make sure she didn't sound as disappointed and frustrated with him as she really was. She didn't want to act like she was lying. In the end her mother started to grudgingly relent, though for some reason the girl got the sense that she wasn't positive that Adelyn was ready for whatever the mission was. She finally told her mom about how Ferdinand spent every minute of his time zoning off into space and hadn't studied in over a year. That he wouldn't be able to read any instructions or even follow them if he thought it would stop him from his fun and games.

"Alright..alright, Adelyn. You must promise me though if this is too much for you you'll tell me. You can move this entire set up to your house to communicate with me more often. Oh how I want to get to know you! It's killed me all these years leaving you behind and not knowing how your life has turned out." Mom sighed slightly. "Open the lower drawer of the desk alright?"

"Okay.." She scooted the chair back and pulled at the lower drawer. It stuck for a moment but soon slid out with a screech and she found a box sitting inside of it. It was large and glossy black. The moment she touched it she found out it was metal, but when she lifted it up it was as light as anything she could imagine. "I got it!"

"Alright, dear, now listen closely to me." Her mother drew in a long breath. "We've been studying humans for centuries now, it's become more then a hobby, it's become a large part of our culture. We study other planets as well, but Earth has started to come into a strangely frightening pattern. I know you've probably heard about how there are too many people there?"

"Yeah we go over it at school, we've got a huge population and there are way too many of us." She confirmed and tried to resist the urge open up the box right now while her mother was talking.

"Well the fact is that it is a large population, but it's starting to dwindle. People are getting more involved in work and other activities and less concerned about families. Divorce, lack of marriages, couples finding new ways to prevent births, it's all starting to cause a decline in the population."

"Which is good right?" She asked and tried to figure out why it would be bad, it wasn't bad in her mind at all.

"For now yes, but we've seen that the pattern is going to continue. More people will spend time on the internet and less time with real people. In the next hundred years the population will go so low that humanity may well start to become endangered. By the time they realize it it will be too late to actually cure. The habits of many generations will make it impossible to successfully return the population to a healthy level."

"So what are you doing? Do you want me to count people for you?" Even as she said it she felt silly. She wouldn't be counting people, they had census takers for that.

"No, you're going to help find a solution. There are so many animals on the planet that are adapted to procreating fast and in multitudes, we believe if we can find the right genes to introduce to a small amount of the populace we'll be able to actually save them entirely. We won't do it to everyone, but just enough that when humans do reach a critically endangered state they'll be able to bounce back." Her mother paused for a moment, "Now you can open up the box you pulled out if you haven't already and you'll find why I mean."

Adelyn placed the microphone back on the desk before she very carefully pulled open the top of the metal box. It glided off smoothly and she set it to the side to find the interior had been carefully padded with several large pieces of foam. In a perfectly shaped depression there was a large device that was the size of her hand, but very small and smooth. The top of it reflected her own face as she pried it out and for a moment she wondered if her Mom had planted some sort of cell phone in there. The only other thing in the box was a flat black disk with a little Velcro strip along the back. She pulled it out and found that the closer she brought it to the 'phone' a light started to turn on and then blink rapidly. She pulled it away and the light went out.

"That's a genetic enhancement pad. It's meant to connect with us and send information, the small disk is going to get the DNA you need from the person you're in contact with and you'll be able to make modifications on the screen as you think them up. I made sure that I stored many different animals' DNA on it so that you'll have a wide range to choose from." Her mother continued.

"How do I use it?" She turned the thing over in her hand trying to find a switch that would turn it on. All she found was a very small silver button that looked half sunken in on the back and pressed it down. To her shock the thing vibrated in her hand and light came from under the palm of her hand so that she turned it over to find the screen lighting up a dark red with white text flying along the screen much like old computer code.

"It's simple. The disk is placed directly on the skin of whoever you choose to work with. The moment it does it will absorb the DNA and you will get a reading on your screen allowing you to choose what changes to make. I suggest trying to more simple internal changes, but complete changes can happen. Once you've successfully changed them you need to entice them to mate so I would advise finding people already partnered. Once they successfully copulate the readings will be sent here along with the information. Once we know what DNA matches best we can start to create a code to use on select people." Her mother sounded so confident, but how was she going to find people to do this too? "Now..this is how I suggest you go about this.."


Ferdinand woke up with a start on the couch and found the TV still on, but now a morning infomercial was blasting across the screen rather than the show he had been watching. A stream of early morning sunlight was caught right over his eyes and he moved a hand up to rub them a little bit. That's what had woken him up. He never really cared to be awake this early! He must have passed out sometime last night while he watched the marathon. At least his Dad wasn't home to make any comments about how he should be doing better things with his time and his sister wasn't waiting on him to wake up to try and shove homework under his nose. He stretched slowly and tried to decide if he should go upstairs and go back to bed, or just stay awake and let himself enjoy whatever came on TV.

He mulled over his choices for a bit before shrugging and pushed himself off the couch to go grab some poptarts from the kitchen. At least he could have breakfast if he was already awake. He didn't bother even toasting them, just grabbed a packet of them and then flopped right back down in the couch and picked up the remote. It took a while to find anything that was decent on TV. The DVR said it was only just past eight after all. He finally found an old rerun of a canceled sci fi show and started to nibble on his breakfast. His Dad was gone so he could have the whole day to himself. Perhaps he could invite John, Peter and Lily over to play in the game room or maybe he'd just go out with them again. His credit card still had a lot of funds on it after all.

"Morning!" The chipper voice made him wince as the front door slammed shut. What had Adelyn been doing out this early? Probably studying again.

"Hey, squirt, when'd you leave?" He leaned back to see her and blinked in shock as she had dirt on her face and even on her clothes. She dropped her backpack down at the breakfast bar and grinned at him.

"I haven't been to bed yet!" She answered with a bright wink. "Guess what?"

"Wait..why haven't you been to bed? And what? Did you find a new dinosaur or something?" He snorted to himself and took another bite of his poptart as she wandered around the kitchen and started opening and closing cupboards.

"No. I went to our old house like Mom's letter said." He stopped mid bite and frowned. She shouldn't be following directions from their drugged out mother.

"You're going to be in trouble when Dad finds out you now." He gave his head a shake, "Mom was drugged out. That's why she left. She was probably dropping acid or something and wrote that letter thinking it was real at the time."

"It is real! I found the old gazebo and there was a hatch under it and everything. There was a lot of old computer parts and a computer and just about everything in there!" She popped her head up from where she was getting toast into the toaster. "It's really real! I even talked to her on this old looking radio thing. She was kinda disappointed you didn't believe her too, but she let me get all the information I needed to do the mission for her! Isn't that awesome? I've got a real mission!"

Ferdinand listened at first with amusement, but then with growing horror at her story. Did madness run in the family? Had she finally snapped from her school work? She might have considering that she kicked Lily yesterday hard enough to leave a baseball sized bruise on her shin! He furrowed his brow for a moment trying to find a way to tell her that she's really nuts without setting her off again. Maybe he could just talk to the school counselor. The entire time she put together breakfast and he finally had to smile a little. She was still a kid, she was probably making up a story to try and get a rise from him. He shook his head and laughed before pushing up from the couch to throw away his pop tart wrapper. On his way through he ruffled her hair with one hand and gave a wink.

"Sure, kiddo," He smiled down at her and fought back a yawn. Maybe this really was too early to be awake.

"If you ask really nice I might tell you what it is and you can help me." She added smugly and pushed a strand of hair back behind her ears.

"Afraid I don't have time for those sorts of games, squirt, I'm going back to bed. You have fun playing with whatever you dug up though." He ruffled her hair again and turned to head upstairs and bed. He really did need to get some sleep if he was going to go out this afternoon. He left his sister behind as she frowned and missed the sudden hurt expression that ran across her face.


Adelyn stared after her brother for a long few moments while tears threatened to well up in her eyes at his dismissal of her story entirely. He didn't even react to do anything more than ruffle her hair and basically tell her to be good. Didn't he believe what she was saying? It was all true! She stared down at her toast and forced herself to continue making it. She was sure that once she told him what had happened he would believe her. He knew how smart she was. Did he think that she'd be so easily fooled by something like this? Or did he just assume that she was playing a game as if she were a little kid. She didn't play games. She hadn't played games for the last few years. Not since she had found herself falling in love with biology. She shook her head a little bit, he had to take after Dad. Mom had been so much like her.

They had spent most of the night talking together and not just about what she was supposed to do. She had wanted to know every detail of her daughter's life and had eagerly commented and made suggestions of her own on how she could work on her goals. Adelyn had finally found someone she felt some sort of kinship too. She cherished each word and bit of praise that she received as well. It was better than anything she could have imagined. Her mother loved her for her. She loved that she was smart and quick witted. She loved that she was already in college and passing her own brother with how much she knew. The girl held those memories tight to her breast as some of the best in her life while she savored each word and inflection of the disembodied voice. Maybe if she proved herself she'd ask for her Mom to come visit her as a reward.

She ate her breakfast tiredly and started to realize just how much the night before had taken out of her. She felt as if she were going to fall over asleep at any moment. Maybe she could just take a nap before she set about trying to complete her mother's mission. It wouldn't take that long to get a few hours of sleep in and she'd be able to concentrate better when she woke up. She had already spent some time playing with the device and saw all the listed animals that were under their genus names. Hundreds upon hundreds of them! Most of them were very common, but they were all prolific breeders and it made her start to think about the different changes that could be potentially made to a human. Her mother had all but admitted that it could be used to change a human entirely into something else. She was thinking about this when the phone rang.


"Aww hey, it's our little coke head. How ya doing?" The voice was cruel and teasing all at once. From the slight nasally twang she recognized John's voice. Her cheeks flushed at the reference to the coke being dumped on her head.

"What do you want? He's asleep." She snapped back and tried to find the strength to just hang up the phone. But that would be rude and she didn't want to be rude even if John was an ass to her.

"Too bad. Well tell him I won't be out with folks today, I have herp duty in the lab since a few of the new snakes came in. I'm sure you can remember that much right? Do you want me to wait so you can get your note book out and detail it all?" He taunted her and she gritted her teeth.

"Fine, I'll tell him. Have a good day." She even kept her voice level and almost cheerful before she hung the phone up with a slight slam. Stupid John. He could be one of the worst of the lot when he was feeling like he wanted to taunt her. Even as she thought that another idea came to mind. She could show John a lesson if she really wanted too..


John grinned at the lab with a possessive feeling. He wasn't good at many lessons, but herpetology was something he excelled at. He loved learning about the snakes, lizards and various creatures here. Last year he'd even been allowed to take home a few of the larger snakes for private study and written out a lengthy essay on them. Today he found himself alone and had the keys to the lab just so he could make sure the new snakes were settling in without much issue. The first terrarium had been set up so that it was large enough to span a good portion of the wall and the tree python hung from a few branches and it looked almost like it was just another bit of vine. He leaned down to look at the strange pale eyes just as the tongue flickered out to dance in the air tasting the scents.

"Well aren't you a cutie." He tilted his head to look at the packaging form. "Well handsome I guess." He tapped the glass lightly with one finger. "You shouldn't be hungry yet, but I think I can grab a few of the pinkies for you if you are."

"Ew. You shouldn't feed babies to that thing." The voice came from behind him and he had to stop himself from jumping in shock. He turned around to find Ferdinand's little sister standing there with a frown on her face.

"Ugh, what are you doing here? Did you want to kick me in the shins too?" He snorted in annoyance. That kid was more than annoying! She even went beyond the state of 'pest'!

"No, I came here to see the new snake." She tossed her hair back and gave him a superior little smile before walking into the room and made a show of peering in at the tank. "Not much to look at is he?"

"Get outta here. You're not supposed to be here, no one is except me since I have the keys for the weekend." He gave a little growl.

"So? You're not supposed to stick stuff in my brother's back pack, so I guess this is fair." She grinned at him just as he lost his temper.

"I said get OUT of here!" He moved a hand to push her shoulder to try and force her to exit the room. It was bad enough she kept hinting she wanted to hang out with the group!


Adelyn had gone to the school for the sole purpose of intercepting John while he was alone in the herp lab. She didn't want him being around the others. If he was she couldn't do her experiment. She was already grinning with excitement at the prospect of being able to test out the device her mother had entrusted to her. She wasn't surprised to find him alone with the door part way open. He was too lazy to ever close the door like he was supposed to. Everyone knew that the door was supposed to be shut so none of the animals escaped if they were outside of their tanks. She even tolerated his rudeness to her up to a point. Well at least until he tried to shove her, that was what she had been waiting for. She dodged the hand easily enough to moved her own out to tap his bare arm with the metal disk until she heard a beep.

"Okay..fine fine.." She tossed her hair as she backed away. "I just figured I'd better check it out here since a snake is loose and the door is open."

"What?" John looked slightly dumb as he stared at her and then looked around at the sealed tanks.

"You heard me. A snake is out. That's why you're SUPPOSED to shut the door." She made a show of walking over and slamming the door shut. "Didn't you know that?"

John ignored her and instead started to check each tank one by one. He was almost frantic as he looked into the glass to find each snake. "If you're lying to me." He growled back at her.

"Oh I'm not!" She tried not to giggle, even though one was threatening to burst free from her.

She turned the device on and placed the disk against the back until it felt like a magnet had grabbed it and pulled it up against the shiny metal. The screen was already on and now was a dark blue with light grey text on it as the loading screen appeared. It took a while, but she knew that John would be counting the snakes for a while. It was a good thing she never really lied, after all, if he hadn't of believed her she would have been hard pressed to find an excuse to be sitting here. Sooner then she thought the screen identified John as not only male, but by his race, age, physical health, mental state, weight, gender. She pressed the button to bring up the list of various animals to come up right beside the boys information and skimmed through it one by one. There was a part about rats, no they didn't have live rats here. Or mice.

She finally came up to the reptile section and started to skim through them. She glanced at the cage John had been peering in before down at the list of species. The tree python was one of the ones listed. She selected it and started to tap in the changes she wanted. He would have to turn into a female, but keep his mind just how it was, she didn't want him to just have a few snake like attributes either. She wanted him to have the entire package deal. She hesitated a little. Would that really be the data her mother needed? Then again her mother might not know that she made the whole change, she would just get the reproductive information which was the important part. She set the machine up to synch while John stood up and glared at her.

"I haven't found one missing, did you take something? Let it go?" He looked angry as his face started to flush red.

"Nu-uh, I didn't. It's a new snake that got out." She gave a sweet little smile as his brows lifted up and glanced at the new terrariums.

"Yeah..right. God, you are such a little liar! I don't know why Ferdinand keeps trying to have you come out with us." He shook his head and started to march towards her with one hand out. "Now get out of here."


John was enraged. This little pest had no right to be here and she was causing him no end of trouble! The last thing he wanted was to deal with her acting like a little freak and getting him in trouble. He moved to grab her arm when an electric shock ran through him and he froze in place. His eyes snapped open wider as a shudder trailed down along his back making him tense up and clamp his jaws down. It felt like he had just stuck his finger into an electrical socket! There was a little giggle from the girl perched on the stool and he glared at her. Did she stick something on him to shock him? She was probably smart enough to figure out something like that. He took a step towards her before the next shudder

Had the little punk gone and done something to his water? Or food? She was certainly smart enough to figure out how do it! She stood there holding her ipod in her hand, a smile on her face before she wriggled further onto the stool as if she were watching a show about to happen. He wanted to yell more, but he became aware that his body started to feel swollen and strange beneath his clothes. The sound of his heart beat came louder and faster in his own ears as well as his breathing. He opened his lips and let out a low hiss while his chest tightened and closed his eyes tightly through a wave of disorientation. He could feel every nerve being awakened along his stomach and chest while his body started to shudder.

The first thing he noticed was that his lips had started to thin down. He flicked his tongue out to wet them and felt not the plush softness of human lips, but something thin and almost hard feeling. It was almost like having badly chapped lips except the chapped 'skin' didn't crack, it overlapped in places. He jerked his head back while the electricity spread over his lips and face. The moments passed by while he didn't see the changes at first, they happened so slowly that he thought he was imagining something strange going on. But soon he watched as his lips and nose pushed forward and a shimmer of scales started to slide along the bridge of his nose. They were pale and flesh colored at first, just a hint of glimmering color that dusted over the top edge of them. He drew in a breath and shuddered it out again and to his horror he felt his tongue move out with his breath.

"What the did this!" He screeched the words out to Adelyn who tilted her head to one side and gave a little smile.

"I needed to test this on someone." Was her only reply and he tried to answer, but his tongue no longer responded to how he felt it should act!

The tongue turned smaller and he felt the tip split open as he writhed on his feet and moved to lean back against a counter. He watched his tongue tip flutter out as a ridge formed just at the apex of his upper lip. It was a slender opening that his tongue moved through seamlessly as his lips closed. He opened his jaws and let out a cry as his hair pulled back along his head and was lost under a ripple of scales that started to run along his body. The scales themselves made an itching sensation run down his scalp until he moved his fingers up to try and dig into the flesh to stop it. They trailed down his neck and then he heard the sickening pop of his bones a moment before an ache started. His joints twisted and his arms started to lose strength as he tried to keep himself upright on the edge of the counter.

He pulled them out and tried to yank at the buckles that held the padded leather across his chest and felt his eyes blur. Something wasn't right! As he watched a portion of his skin started to appear to spread outwards and turn a deep vivid green. It looked almost like a stain before he realized that it was turning darker and darker as scales rippled out to run along the skin of his elbow. His fingers started to grow shorter and pull inwards along the sides of his body as he tried desperately to free himself. He stumbled forward just a few steps before his knees gave out and he landed on them with a sharp cracking sound while he desperately tried to get his hands to move up. The arms were fading all the way until they passed into his shirt disappearing entirely.

His head turned broader and he felt his eyes sliding to either side as it formed a slight spade shape. His muzzle tapered down to a blunt snout as his tongue flickered out again and distressingly he was assaulted with a world of scent and taste. They seemed to be melting against him as the scales flowed over his body and ran along the line of his spine. Everything felt strange and painfully sensitive as he writhed and twisted back and forth. His eyes flicked up and found Adelyn staring with her mouth open in a little o of shock as his clothing slipped from his body. It was too large for the changed creature he was becoming. His entire body felt as if it were disappearing in bulk as his clothes started to grow too large for him. The material billowed around him while his arms pulled in through the leaves and he felt instead his bulk growing longer.

He turned his head sharply to the side at the sound of a breath being sucked in before his jaws gaped to soundlessly scream as the ache rushed down along his spine. The vertebrae popped and cracked as they started to push him out more. The scales flowed over him while his legs strangely together. The dark black-brown scales rippled up as they turned into a lighter color along his chest and he could feel his muscles sliding along his body. His clothing spilled around him and the pants tore open as his legs pulled in against him. Adelyn's shocked face was burned into his mind as he fell down onto the ground entirely and his chin hit against the hard floor with a sharp little cracking sound. He tried to shake his head back and forth to clear it, but it wouldn't move right!

His eyes were strangely spread wide apart so that he couldn't get a good view of the room. Instead it was strangely wavered as if he were watching heat signatures. The colors were shifting and disorienting, but strangest of all was the taste when he flicked his tongue out. He tried to twist around and for a moment he flailed and watched in horror as his tail lashed around as he was got onto his stomach. He felt his muscles bunch up while it took some effort to rear his head back to look around the room. He didn't have any hands! Not feet! Instead his body looped around in coil after coil, a large snake with subtle patterns showing in the dark brown scales.

"" The girls voice came to him before he sensed her walking closer. She sounded amazed. "I didn't think Mom was telling the whole truth.

John wanted to twist his head up to snap at the girl but a pair of strong fingers pinched down just behind the back of his head and her hand wrapped around the midsection of his transformed body. She stumbled a bit under the weight and for a dizzying moment he thought he was going to be flung down, but she regained her footing. To his dismay he naturally twisted his tail around her arm to try and hold on through the dizzying feeling. What was going on? He tried to find a way to bite himself to wake up from this nightmare. Instead he found his head so firmly held that he couldn't do more than gape his jaws open as he was carried around the room. He tensed up his scales and then loosened them as the girl's small hands kept their gentle, but firm hold on him.


Adelyn felt her heart hammering in her chest the entire time that she watched John start to change. It had been like some dream come real. In every book she had ever read about biology and the changes of the form, she couldn't imagine something like this happening! Scientists were able to cause small changes, yes, but not something in such a grand scale as this. It made her sit straighter in her chair as the former boy fell down to the ground and started to writhe. She stared all the way until there was nothing more than a snake sitting on the floor in front of her. She licked her lips a little and glanced around. She didn't see any of the snake handling equipment, but John wouldn't be venomous, so it should be alright to just use her fingers. She bit her lower lip and then went forward to pick her up.

He weighed far more then she had imagined, she ended up stumbling slightly under his weight as she carried him towards the cage he had been standing next too. The jewel bright snake was perched and hanging over a tree limb that had been set up, but didn't stare with any emotion she could tell. In fact, the snake just seemed to be hanging out. Did snakes show excitement? The snake in her hands certainly did. She writhed and twisted in her hold so that she had to use a slightly rougher touch to try and keep her under control. The rapid hisses and sounds that came from the head sent a faint tremor down her spine. She was able to move the lid just enough that she could stand on a stool before heaving the heavy body over and then gave a little frown.

"You're pretty big for a girl, I don't think he'll want to come see you or mate you if you're this small..." She said the words doubtfully and the snake went suddenly very still in her hands. She had to give a little grin, "Well I wasn't doing this just to be mean, I need to find out if you can carry eggs like this." She answered the unspoken question.

The girl carefully lowered the snake down onto the mulch and watched the blue-green scaled form tighten up into a ball in the corner. She still looked far too large when compared to the smaller male. Maybe it was because John had been big? Or did female snakes just get bigger than males? What she did know was that there'd be no way the snake was going to come down or mate successfully if John was still so large. She pulled out the little device and started to look through the settings she had for John. She could program him to be more submissive, but she wasn't sure how submissive a snake would get. She bit her lip and finally found the size setting and started to inch it downwards slowly. She didn't want to make her too small!


A girl, that crazy kid had turned him...into a girl?! She twisted and tightened her coils around herself as her breath came in quick pants in and out. Her tongue flickered in time with her breathing only to hear Adelyn still talking above her. Eggs? Fertile? No! She didn't want this to happen to her! She didn't want this to happen at all! She tried to lift her head up and bumped her chin against the glass before another shudder rocked through her. Her eyes bulged slightly as she felt her muscles twitching and jerking. Her head rested upon the glass wall and suddenly started to slide downwards until she realized that she was shrinking! She opened her jaws wide in soundless fear as the change happened so swiftly her stomach lurched. She only realized what had happened when she heard the tree limb over her shifting. The male was starting to stir from his position upon seeing a smaller female beneath him.

The other snake was larger than her now. He was at least twice her own size! He was lowering himself from the tree limbs slowly showing off every inch of his body and the scales that glittered in the artificial light above them both. For a moment all she could do was stare in horror at the sight of the real snake just a few feet from her. She watched with wide fearful eyes and turned about to try and make a run from it. Her blunt muzzle shoved up against the glass as she pushed herself back as far as she could manage. She was so close to the glass that she could see Ferdinand's sister on the other side crouched down and watching with wide eyes. Was she just going to sit there and watch this happen?! Surely she was going to pull her back out before it went to far!

The male slithered closer to her so that the pungent scent of the musk started to hit her tongue when it flickered out. She wanted to shrink away and she twisted her head back to spread her jaws in a violent warning hiss. Instead of driving the animal away she was suddenly hit hard enough to slap against the glass as coils twisted around her body. The heavy muscled body twisted and wrapped along her changed form so that she felt the larger body clench down and the blunt muzzled head shoved up against her own. The sheer size of him became evident as she nearly completely disappeared in the grip of his coils. She felt herself choking on the musk while her jaws worked soundlessly trying to yell for help. She tried to snap against the scaled neck as the powerful muscles clenched down and there was a noise of movement against the other side of the aquarium.

"Don't worry, John, afterwards I'll take you back out." Adelyn obviously wasn't going to save her. The horror of the situation just grew tenfold.

John flickered her tongue out into the air while his body was trapped close against the males and he felt the form coiling itself around her own. The scales scraped against his hide and rubbed along the underside of her broader belly. Something thick and slimy scraped against her lower body and she jerked back. What was that? What the hell was that? She tried to look and the movement pulled the male's body forward. It was a mistake, the moment she had bent her upper body over on itself the snake clenched down and pinned her in place by sheer weight and she found herself looking at something her mind refused to process for the first few minutes.

The slit was parted and had expelled a pair of heavy twin cocks. They were nothing like a humans, they were thick and heavy around the base and bristled with barbs and hooks that looked sharp and painful. Her stomach gave an upset lurch at the sight. They glittered wetly as the bases expelled a thick drop of viscous wetness from the internal sheath. The male pushed and ground up against the underside of her scales so that she felt how the barbs plucked and tugged against the scales. She writhed and tried to jerk her head back just as the male loosened his hold and her head was forced up against his neck and the broad scales along the underside. His lower body meshed against her own so the scales drug and bumped against the opening of her vent while the shafts rose higher and higher.

The cocks pushed down along her form and probed roughly just along the edges of her still lubricated vent. They spit out hot globs of precum while the male tightened and balled himself up around her. Her body was forced into loops and she tried to jerk her head away from the sight of the tips digging and nudging right against the soft outer folds. The movements made her feel the conical tips as they pushed just under the ridge of scales that protected her vent. A furious rush of fear ran through her as the tips started to wedge into her body and she felt her passage being strained open in a lewd O to hold them. Thick globs of precum leaked from the tip and spread the heat of the pre to run along the passage.

The male clenched his muscled form around her as she felt the hips dig in and she tried to rear her head back with a soundless scream of pain. The cocks drove into her passage and forced the silken inner walls to stretch open painfully wide. Oh god what was he doing to her? She could feel them grinding against each other as the wedged into her body and her walls stretched to the point pain shot through her. She twisted and arched as she tried to pull away from him but the moment she did the barbs flared out and scraped along her tender passage making her body shudder in pain. Her passage burned as the barbs were used to actually hold the cock inside of her before he started sinking back into her again with a lewd squishing noise.

To her horror she felt them start to swell wider inside of her almost immediately. She lunged and rolled against the grip of the male's scaled body around her as they started to strain her wall. They grew large enough that she felt a burning pain start in protest until her walls clenched down in attempt to push him back out of her. The male jerked his tail back and the spines that lined the shafts flared out and dug into that tender skin. Between the barbs and the sheer swollen girth of them John realized even as she jerked her tail and lower body she could tear him free from her body. The male seemed to realize it as well as he start short clenching movements of his scales that forced her to endure short painful thrusts.

"Oh god, this can't be happening..this can't..." John thought franticly to herself as she felt the wetness being forced out from her passage and the slickness trailing down her scales. "Help.. please..don't let this happen!" Her eyes snapped open to stare at the girl who was perched on the other side of the glass looking between the snakes in front of her and the device in her hand.]

The male that held her had bunched himself up around her so tightly she could barely move. His neck twined several times around her own so that she was held close into her body. Each flicker out of her tongue tasted the rank thick musk of his body marking her own as the twin cocks forced deeper into her body. The penetrations weren't the worst of it, it was each time the snake pulled back and she felt the sandpapery flesh abrade her passage that she twisted and writhed around. The pull backs and the barbs that ran along the twin shafts pulled some of the viscous wet precum out from her so she could see the strands webbing between their bodies. His larger body pulled and gripped around her in ways that made her lewdly aware of the way her own passage clenched and pulled about him. Forced shudders of pleasures slipped through his humiliated state.

The male's twisted form rolled and forced her to move so that she was pushed snugly right up against the glass. Part of her scales flattened there until he heard the camera being moved and realized that there was a clear shot of the hooked cocks sinking oh so deeply into her body. Her walls clenched down around them and grew slicker while the drawback sent a rush of pain through her again. Her entire lower body ached until she wanted to start sobbing for it to stop. The taste of hot reptilian sex on the air just made the situation all the worse. Every breath sucked in the sexual scents and made her body respond as the males squeezing thrusts started to move faster and harder against her.

The faster the male worked, the less time she had to try to try and deal with the way her body ached and clutched around him. Instead of the twin shafts being held snug together the tips seemed to want to spread apart inside of her so that her passage was partially gaped open to hold him. Another twist of the snake's body and her head was pushed up against the glass so that one eye saw the video camera trained in on them. Her jaw's gaped in a silent scream as the tips thrust started to come in pulses and she felt how they started to grow in girth. The slick drops of presemenial fluid leaked inside of her so she could feel the hot globs being splattered out inside of her.

A sudden drive of the males form against her gave her the only warning she had as the muscled body clutched her so tightly she was almost sure she was going to be crushed. The cocks swelled up inside of her and the hooks dug into her flesh with a flash of red hot pain. She tried to rear her head back as the first hot splatter of thick creamy seed erupted from them. The spurts pulsed into her body from both of the cock tips, each one gave little jerks inside of her while she writhed through the feel of the animal breeding her. Her walls clenched down instinctively and she felt herself pulling the fertile seed deeper into her body as the male just kept his rough grip around her long curved form.

Some part of her thought it was going to leak back out, but as she watched the bases pulse through each new spill of cum inside of her, she found that they stretched her tightly enough that it couldn't escape. All of it was being left inside of her! It felt slimy and filthy as it drooled steadily inside of her. The male slowly let his grip loosen, though his tail kept it's firm hold to keep their bellies pressed together snugly through his orgasm. She choked on sobs outrage and humiliation flooding her. The entire time she felt spasm after spasm rock through the cocks inside of her as they sent another hot rush of the thick cream into her fertile stomach ensuring that she would be stuck carrying eggs. The male's body was a horrible weight pushing down against her as he gave another tense squeeze.


Adelyn could hardly believe what she had just witnessed. It had left her mouth feeling dry and heart pounding as the male snake had violently taken John with his body trapped and shoved up against the glass. She hadn't missed anything that way and she had her first up close view of how animal's mated. The scientific part of her had analyzed what the snake did and just how the female's stomach had grown swollen right after the male had gone still. It was only then that she became aware of a small blue light flashing right in the upper corner of the screen of the device. Only that broke her concentration from watching John's punishment and words, numbers and phrases were flying up along the front of her screen. Her eyes widened a bit more as she saw sperm count, ova inseminated, probability of success going right over the screen.

"I can't leave you in there.." She forced her gaze back up at the tank where the male suddenly relaxed his hold and she heard the wet noise as the twin softened shafts yanked free while John's form twisted and writhed in front of her.

She glanced around the room, she had to put her somewhere safe where she could have her eggs in peace. She pushed the stool in closer to the tank before she clambered up on a stool and leaned down to try and grab the snake from the bottom. The wedge shaped reared up and the mouth snapped at her while she tried to reach for him. She frowned and then distracted John with one hand in front of her head before she was able to get her other head just at the start of the neck and behind the snapping jaws. The body twisted and writhed as it flashed the wet and reddened underside, but she was undeterred as she pulled the entire soft green body out. At least the lab would be happy for more specimens and after that maybe she'd be able to turn him back again.

She placed John into a warm small terrarium and smile in satisfaction to herself. At least she knew the device her mother gave her worked! She glanced down at it in her hand and tilted her head to one side before going to wash them in the sink. She found John's back pack there while she was scrubbing and started to pick it up. She needed to make sure no one got suspicious after all. The moment she heaved the backpack up she saw a piece of yellow paper sticking out of one pocket and she pulled it out before swinging it on her back. It was from Peter. A note to meet up after school and after John was done in the lab and Peter was done with working out in the school's gym. Even as she read it, she knew what she was going to work at next. She shoved the note in her pocket before turning the lights off in the lab and slipping out.


Peter pulled his shirt off and gave a shake out to get his sweaty hair out of his eyes. He needed to get his hair cut one of these days if he was going to keep working out like he was! It was starting to get long enough that the long streaks were getting bothersome. He'd spent the entire afternoon working out in the gym and trying his best to get back into shape for basketball season. He was getting close, but was still far away from his goal in his mind. He'd spent far too much time lately at the mall or the movies or partying with everyone else. He pulled a towel out of one of his lockers before snatching up a bar of soap as well. He'd get a shower here, clean up and then go meet John and figure out what to do. He still wanted to take a look through what they'd managed to sneak out Ferdinand's bag yesterday and see what he could use.

He padded towards the shower when something lightly tapped him right on the arm and he stopped and turned his head to see who else was down here. He normally was the only one that worked out this late in the day which is why he took the time to work out. Any other time of day and he'd be stuck shoulder to shoulder with whoever wanted to work out or use the gym together. He preferred having some time to himself, especially when he was showering. Who knew what those guys were looking at all in the locker room shower? To his shock he found himself almost eye and eye with a large black and white long haired cat that was sprawled out on top of the lockers and giving him a look of utter disdain. He blinked his eyes for a moment in confusion, what was a cat doing in the locker room?

"Hey kitty." He grinned a little and moved his hand up to rub behind one of its ears only to have it stand up and glare at him before sauntering a way. He couldn't help but notice it was a proudly male cat.

"Heh, sorry Your Highness, didn't mean to offend." He called after the cat and gave his head a slight shake back and forth in amusement at the ways of cats before resuming his path to the showers.

Peter slipped his towel off and his boxers before stepping into one of the stalls and flipped the shower on high. The water was just cold enough to make him hiss as he lowered his head under it and let out a sigh of pleasure when the cool wetness started to take away some of the heat he'd built up while working out. The sweat ran off him as he closed his eyes and just allowed himself to relax his muscles. At first he thought it was a tremor, at first it seemed like maybe he had just worked out a little bit too hard. But it continued and started to grow worse. His hand was shaking all the way up to the shoulder and once it reached there his entire body started to tremble. He opened his mouth slightly and felt a wave of panic, was he going to have a fit? Did he get that over heated? The first tremor of something like electricity rocked down his spine.


Adelyn had left the lab and made sure that it was all locked up tight just like it should have been before she made her way towards the library. The library was a great place to study, but that wasn't what she was after today, today she was after something else. She spent so many hours there that she knew every inch of the room and it's two person staff. Well two people and one cat. The elder woman that had control of the library was the proud owner of a very regal and laid back long haired black tom cat. Chase had the run of the library and even was known to walk out of open windows to sprawl out on the roof to sun. She'd had a lot of time to enjoy stroking his fur while studying or just offering him a warm lap in the winter.

She wasn't surprised to find him curled up underneath the AC vent on this warm day, in fact he looked as if he'd spent the entire night there as well. The thick padded bed that the librarian had laid out for him was well beaten down by his body and his constant treading paws. It didn't take much to coax the cat towards her with soft words and strokes along the back of his ears and neck. He knew her well enough that he greeted her with a rough purr and bump of his head against the palm of her hand until she slid her fingers beneath his body and pulled him up against her. The weight of him was enough she staggered a little bit, but soon had him situated so his heavy purring head rested right on her shoulder and his cheek rubbed against her own.

The girl had never been in the locker room before, but she knew where it was at least. It didn't take that much time to slip into the empty set of rooms and offer Chase the place of choice right on top of a set of lockers. Just as she knew he would he surveyed his kingdom, stretched a few times and curled himself up for a nap. The cat was renowned for being lazy, well except when there was a female in heat nearby. Adelyn slid herself right behind a set of doors and hunched down a little bit so she was completely hidden by the doors and the racks of uniforms hanging up behind them. Then she only had to wait. And wait. And wait. She'd almost fallen asleep from waiting before she heard the door slam open and could see Peter's large frame moving between the lockers. She bit her lower lip a little bit and almost stopped breathing as he got ready for the showers, she didn't want to be seen just yet. Actually she didn't want to be seen at all!

She managed to tap him lightly with the disk as he walked by and froze when he stopped right in front of her. She braced herself to feel the uniforms move and hear the demanding voice asking what she was doing hiding there, but instead there was just silence before he started talking softly to Chase. Did he think the cat reached out to paw him? Whatever he thought he didn't seemed to concerned about it as he moved back to the showers. This time she knew what to do and how the device was set up, but it wasn't quite the same. She started to toy with the mental set up and wondered what exactly it would do if she shifted it about. Her tongue stuck out lightly from her lips as she saw dominant, aggressive, submissive, passive, neutral and so on. She didn't want him dominant that was sure or aggressive. Submissive however....


Peter let out a sharp cry and stumbled against the wall of the shower almost hitting his knee against the hard tile. His eyes watered a little bit before his body shuddered all the way down to his toes. Everything was starting to feel strange. It was as if hundreds of small bugs were crawling under his skin and he couldn't do anything about it. He opened his lips to let out a soft cry, but it ended up being strangled into a whimper of horror as he watched his fingers start to shrink downwards. The bones shifted and stiffened as his nails extended on the very ends. He lifted them up not quite believing his eyes as the finger tips started to raise up like pads and his thumb drew in closer and closer towards his body. He tried to rub his hands against his chest, but then the claws scraped over his bare skin and he was left letting out a sharp harsh cry.

His entire forearms were starting to change, the bones were aching and grinding against each other while he tried to stop it. What was going on? Had he eaten something wrong? This couldn't be happening! He stumbled naked from the shower and opened his lips to try and call for help when he felt his teeth curving down. The canines on the top and bottom formed sharp white teeth like a dogs while his body started to grow...shorter? That wasn't right! He could see it though, he saw the edge of the shower wall growing taller as the itching electricity rushed it's way through him. He could see tufts of fur starting to grow along his lower arms and trailing higher up to run along the length of his chest and right along the curve of his shoulders. It was gleaming orange and some darker spots started to form making what looked like stripes here and there.

He managed another step before his legs gave out on him entirely and only his hands in front of him stopped him from going face down on the tile. The shudder that had started in the shower turned into an all out shaking that ran through his bones and made his sharpening teeth clatter. His eyes refused to focus right as the world suddenly erupted in loud sounds. The water dripping, the sound of his breathing, music from all assaulted him until he moved his changing hands up to his ears and found them thinning down. They grew pointed even as he touched them and moved towards the top of his head where his hair was pulling back and turning softer under his touch. He cried out and to his horror he heard a high pitched yowl come from h is throat rather than a scream.

Only then did Peter realize that his entire body was furred, his eyes finally refocused to find his nose and lips changing. A pair of large whiskers suddenly bristled out from either side of his cheeks and swung forward into the air. His legs started to change so that he heard the bones popping and felt the ache before he was forced to move into a crouch with his toes touching the ground. The world around him grew larger and larger and there was nothing he could do to stop it! He yowled out again plaintively for help before something happened to his shoulders and he dropped his hands... His hands! He stared in horror of what had been his hands, but now were a dainty set of soft velvety paws. Only when he flexed his fingers did he see his nails, or what had been his nails, slide out into view. They were sharp and pointed!

The air started to fill with a strange sharp scent as he walked forward on his hands and feet and felt his back adjusting. Pressure built up along the lower portion of his spine until something released finally and he gasped out a sound of relief before he found himself right in front of the full length mirror in the shower. At first he couldn't recognize himself, his eyes were wide and he opened his mouth as the creature in the mirror did. The rich orange and tan striped tabby cat mimicked his every movement, wait..that wasn't a cat. That was him! He fluffed up his fur and stumbled back slightly until he fell onto his side and had a glimpse of what couldn't be a reality. The burning flooded his lower stomach as he stared between his hind legs to see what he was missing. What had been his pride and joy had been replaced with a set of soft fur covered folds!

The female cat stared in shock at what had happened to her. Her ears flattened back and she turned her head from side to side rapidly to clear it. The reflection didn't change except for the background. Behind her she saw the large white and black male strolling his way into the shower with his nose wrinkled back and his jaw dropped while he drew in the scents of the area intently. She froze and whipped around to stare at him with her eyes wide and fur on her back puffed up. She drew back a paw ready to strike out at him as his eyes leveled on her and he sauntered closer and closer. Peter tried to find the will to run when the tom stepped just a hair closer and bumped his head against her shoulder and started to scent mark her as he sniffed his way against her shoulders.

She couldn't believe what happened, her body refused to run or to hit out at him with one of her paws. The only thing that happened was the burning in her stomach got worse and worse as he rubbed against her side smelling richly male. Her legs finally gave out as they had been threatening to do since the start of this when his muzzle trailed its way down right along the curve of her tail. She crouched on the damp tile with her forelegs stretched out under her and her hind legs pulled up tight so that her ass was slightly in the air. She knew she should run, she knew she should get out of here as quickly as possible, but she couldn't move! Her body didn't want to move! She trembled as the tom's nose bumped it's way right down beneath her tail and the heat of his breath panted right over the softness of her folds.

Her ears flattened down against her head as the breath panted there for a few moments before a hot rasping tongue ran up between her legs and her fur raised up higher. Her tail flicked to one side so that it formed an arch against her left hip as the tom sniffed her over carefully. Something about the scent, the feel of him so near her, her own scent made her yowl out in a high pitched voice. Her ears burned with humiliation as she realized she sounded like a cat in heat. Oh god, she was a cat in heat! This had to be a dream, this couldn't be happening to her! She tried to deny it, but she couldn't, all she could do was half prance in place as her suitor examined her before stepping over her side. She tried to will herself to run out the door and away from this nightmare, but she was frozen in place as his weight shifted higher up over her back.

The thick plush fur fell over her body and rubbed against her underside until she was purring despite herself. She could feel the dampness of her body wanting him, the ache in her newly formed womb screaming for something to put out the fire. She yowled again plaintively just has the sharp white teeth gripped the nape of her neck and gave a pull backwards drawing it taut. It forced her head backwards even more as the tom's haunches spread open to wrap around her own and she felt something slimy and hard poking around between her hind legs. Her eyes bulged in terror a moment before the sharp pointed cock pushed itself right up against her heated mound and the tom gave a lunge forward while drawing the skin of her neck back further.

The heat tore into her body so that she screeched out in pain and horror. The walls were forced to wrap around him as the tip dribbled out rush after rush of precum into her and flooded deep within her form. He drove himself into her with a swift harsh thrust that took every vestige of virginity Peter had with it. The walls clamped down and she could feel her internal muscles squeezing and pulling at him until she felt the thud of his weighty balls clapping up between her thighs. It was horrible, hard and thick, but the worst came a few seconds after he hilted himself inside of her. He pulled back and the hundreds of barbs that ribbed his cock spread out and scratched their way through the swollen and enflamed skin inside of her sending pain tearing through her.

She screamed out again this time a higher pitch as the male yanked himself back leaving the tender flesh feeling as if it had been scraped raw before shoving back inside of her again. Her claws slipped out from their sheaths and scrabbled against the ground as she felt her body being rocked beneath him as he slammed back home and her walls clenched tight again. The next pull back repeated the horrible experience of the barbs tearing through her before he soothed it with his thrust inwards when they would lay flat. His breath came out hot against the back of her neck while his forepaws pushed hard against either side of her shoulders. She was trapped and pinned beneath him as his hips jerked forward and drew back. What was truly horrifying was she started pushing back against him trying to shove him back in when he pulled out to stop the barbs from tearing her apart!

His hips rocked in smooth strokes, not even her screams of protest or the fiery pain he caused her stopped his mission to impregnate her. His teeth shifted on the nape of her neck as the constant sensations soon had her dribbling out a slick mix of forced arousal and his own precum to run down along her inner thighs. His balls slammed up against her inner thighs before yanking back out again so that she writhed and twisted. Her mind couldn't wrap around the fact that this was happening. It had to be a dream, she couldn't be pinned beneath a tom and being raped. Yet the force of his thrusts left little to the imagination or to her own hopes of it being a dream. The pain speared through her constantly and her jaws were spread open wide with the constant screams of pain.

By the time the tom started to thrust in short hard bursts of movements she could only grip the tile in her claws and shudder. The pain and pleasure rolled together until she couldn't tell if it was the best or worst thing she'd ever felt. Tears built up in her eyes while she swallowed back another scream as the male yanked his way almost entirely out before giving a sudden lunge inwards that drove him in until he'd mashed his balls up against her mound. The cock suddenly started to leap up and down and twitch a heart beat before she screamed out and felt the watery cum erupting inside of her fertile body. Her walls latched down and milked along his shaft as the balls twitched and flexed in time with the seed being pumped inside of her.

It splattered up against her womb as she felt herself forced over the edge towards pleasure and her ears burned with humiliation as she felt her own body orgasming around him. She milked and pulled at his seed, drawing it deeper into her womb as his cock jerked and twitched in time with the animal's heart beat. Her own heart was thudding against her chest as the male let out a low rumble of pleasure and gave a final grind of his hips against her own before releasing the nape of her neck. For a moment it was silence and relief that he wasn't using his barbs on him, her entire passage felt raw and aching. She suddenly remembered what she should have about her biology class though. The large male suddenly yanked back and she shrieked out and leapt away as his cock tore from her body with the barbs giving a final drag through her overly sensitized passage.

She fell backwards and writhed against the ground in pain. She burned and ached. She stung and felt as if she'd been torn apart. She twisted on her back on the tile with low cries while her heat hammered against her chest. She barely was able to get up to look down before seeing the mess of seed that lay between her thighs. Peter shuddered in disgust while she looked on, only to see the male crouched and watching her avidly. Dread welled up as she swallowed. Shit..cats mated repeatedly throughout a females heat. She tried to wrap her mind around that thought as the male's tail lashed back and forth waiting for his stamina to return for another round with his prize who even now was flooded with millions of virile sperm. As if to add just a touch more to Peter's nightmare he heard a footsteps and then a door shutting behind him. Someone had been watching the entire scene...


Adelyn closed the door of the locker room and clutched her mother's device in her hands. The yowls and screams that had filled the room had kept her heart pounding and waiting for someone to burst into the door to see what was going on. Only luck had made the corridors deserted enough that no one had come to Peter's aid. Her mind was swirling with what had just happened and she only dimly heard the beeping and clicking of the device in her hands as the data was sent away on the successful breeding. She pushed away from the door with a little shake before she heard a sudden yowl come from inside the locker room again. It seemed Chase had just needed a few minutes to get his strength back before giving it another go.

She didn't have to worry about Peter. She knew Chase would keep her busy for the next few days and probably drive her up into the library to make sure she couldn't escape. She licked her lips a little bit and thought if that happened she could probably get the new librarian to adopt the pregnant cat. After all, who could say no to a homeless mother? She glanced down at the little device in her hands and half couldn't believe what she'd done, but it was still fixable if she needed too. It wasn't like those two didn't deserve it after all the problems they'd caused with Ferdinand. Maybe if they were gone he'd finally start studying again or even show an interest in her. She gave herself another shake before setting off towards the dinner hall with the yowls coming from the locker room following her. She hoped Peter would show up at the library the next day, it would be interesting to see her progress.

"Hey!" The sharp voice made her freeze as she came up the stairs and found herself almost running straight into Lily's chest. "Watch out!"

"Sorry, I was just..." She started to say as the older girl gave a slight sneer and stared down at her angrily.

"Just what? Ferdinand, will you please get your sister out of my way!" She turned and Adelyn saw her older brother right behind her frowning.

"Move it, Adelyn, we're in a hurry." He kept his words sharp, but she saw that his hair was tousled and something wasn't quite...right.

"But..I'm going to dinner. Do you want to come?" He glanced back to see Lily smirking a little bit with one of her hands sliding behind her brother's back. "HEY! You have a boyfriend!" The words burst out of her before she could stop them.

"Yes I do." Lily smirked again and winked. "One day you will too when you're all grown up, now go on, go do whatever it is kids do."

"I'm not a kid!" She felt her face flush red, "And you shouldn't be cheating on your boyfriend."

"Adelyn!" Ferdinand's voice almost cracked in outrage at her outburst and his eyes flickered straight towards Lily, "Why don't you go ahead, I can meet you later okay?"

"God, Ferdinand, don't treat her like a baby. You're going to spoil her. She can eat dinner by herself!" Lily gave his hand a slight tug and she watched her brother's gaze move back to her. She couldn't stop it, she felt herself tearing up slightly.

"Hey, how about I meet you in a little bit okay?" He turned towards his crush with his brows furrowed slightly. "I'll just walk her to the dinner hall."

"Seriously? Seriously?!" Lily's voice rose up in outrage and she snorted, "Whatever, you probably aren't even worth the time."

Adelyn couldn't keep the grin off her face as the girl pushed past her brother and stalked down the hall with her back straight and stiff with outrage. Her brother did love her! The grin was still on her face when he turned back to her and the shocked look turned into a slight frown as he looked down at her. He narrowed his eyes a little bit at her smirk and moved a hand out to give her shoulder a short sharp shake. It wasn't hard, but it was enough to rattle her teeth a little bit and her victorious feeling faded away under a rush of confused anger. What had she done? She didn't do anything wrong! She'd just felt that Lily was finally showing her true colors to her older brother! It was about time that he see what sort of person she really was!

"I can't believe you, Adelyn." He almost growled out the words and shook his head, "Walk your own self to dinner." She stood speechless as he stormed away towards the entrance hall. Her eyes followed him and watered slightly at the rough dismissal. Anger followed the grief as she saw Lily's pony tail bouncing along down the hallway.


Ferdinand wanted to scream, punch something, or rant, but he couldn't do any of those things. He'd tried to find one of his friends at school, but Peter and John were both missing. They had probably ditched afternoon classes and gone to a movie or out to eat or something else while they assumed he was in class. Not that he could talk to John anyway. Lily had finally shown an interest in him as they had spent their dinner out on the lawn chatting together. She'd shown more than just interest! She'd gone so far as to show him without words that she'd very much like to get to know him better. He'd even gotten her to agree to slip down to one of the quieter places to get to know each other even more. Then his little sister had had to show up and ruin everything.

He'd felt sorry for her! Lily could be rough around the edges after all, but she had just smirked the moment she got her way. He'd thought she was going to cry from being hurt, but it had all been a show to ruin his day. He'd stormed home right after and turned on a rerun of some kid's show that was at least mindless enough to get some of the troubles from his mind. How could she act like that with him? She could have at least given him some privacy! Instead she was trying to manipulate him just to get him away from someone he wanted to get to know better. He was near ready to smack her for even trying it, instead he'd walked away. It wasn't that he didn't love her, she just annoyed the crap out of him on a daily basis. He rubbed his eyes a little bit and had almost started to feel better when he heard the front door open and a large commotion.

"Adelyn?" He called out and leaned back on the couch to see her struggling into the house with a massive box in her arms. "What the crap do you have there?"

"Oh I got something from the school to bring home to work on.." Her voice was muffled and panting before she dropped to box right at the edge of the couch before leaning over to catch her breath.

"Great, better go do it then." He kept his voice gruff as he went back to his show without further comment. He hadn't forgiven her yet. He felt a bit of pressure from the cushion behind him and ignored it. If he started talking to her or giving her attention she'd probably just start using it as an excuse to chatter at him like a little magpie. He wanted to stay mad at her a while.

"Ferdinand..I'm sorry.." She started and he moved the remote up to turn up the volume before the cushion moved again. Something bumped his head and he let out a curse and rubbed it as he looked back at her angrily.

"Watch out for your bag!" He snapped sharply to see her fiddling with her ipod for some reason. Couldn't she just leave him alone?


Adelyn hadn't rushed after her brother like she wanted too. The moment he'd turned on her she felt as if she couldn't do anything else, but try to find a way to form some sort of bond between them. She didn't want to lose him, but maybe if he got what he wanted he'd finally relax a bit and go back to being her brother. It had taken a few hours to get back home with his present, the box was too heavy to walk home with so she'd had to wait for a cab at the college and take it home. It had been worth it. Even now the box was tucked right next to the couch and she grinned over at it a little while she slipped the disk back into place on the hand held device and started to scroll through the various commands. She didn't want her brother to be stuck as an animal, she loved him, but maybe just a few things could change.

She noticed that Ferdinand was glaring at her from over the edge of the couch and she lifted her head up to give a sweet smile before snatching up her bag and going to the dining room. She flipped open her lap top and played some soft music to get him off the scent. She spent a long time going through the various commands and species in the data base. She didn't want him mean or vicious, but she also didn't want him wild and scared either. She wanted him to be nice and sweet with her, maybe even affectionate like they used to be when they were younger. She wanted him to be easily controlled as well, she didn't need him raising a fuss. She looked at the wild rabbit DNA program and frowned, that wouldn't do, those were all too jumpy.

She stared at the species and grinned a little to herself as she recalled one of her class mates had owned a sweet white rabbit and often played with it. He had been so soft and fuzzy, he'd also been easy going so that they could pass him around without any trouble at all. That would be the best idea, to have Ferdinand as something domestic. She had another few moments to find the commands she wanted on the screen to make the change far less dramatic then she had with his friends. She really didn't want him to hate her. She didn't care about his friends, they were trouble makers and deserved what they got, he should just learn a little bit of a lesson before she changed him back to rights again. She heard the blaring TV from the other room and winced at the obnoxious music.


"Turn that music down!" Ferdinand yelled back towards his sister angrily as her music went over his own TV show.

"Sorry." She didn't sound sorry, then again she was probably trying to annoy him after her earlier little stunt with Lily. He half wished their father was home so he could tell him what had happened. She told on him often enough it would serve her right to get some of her own medicine back.

He slouched down into the couch and returned his attention to the loud and rather violent cartoon on the TV. He wanted to have something to eat, but he wasn't hungry enough yet to actually go make anything at this point. That was the only sucky thing about having his Dad out of town, he had to either order food or make food. No where interesting delivered out here, in fact the only place that did deliver was a local pizza joint that was more grease then anything else. He would have gone out with his friends, but he hadn't found Peter or John all day long. As far as he knew they had probably ditched school and found something fun to do. They had been talking about heading out to the local amusement park a few towns over to see the new roller coaster that they'd put up. He cursed to himself for missing it. Lily had been worth it, well she would have been if Adelyn hadn't gotten in the way.

Ferdinand was lost in his thoughts enough that he didn't realize that parts of him were starting to itch. He moved his hand down and started to scratch lightly against the sole of his foot while his eyes followed the cartoon on the TV. He only realized something wrong was happening when his fingers brushed right over the upper portion of his foot and found something soft against his finger tips. He frowned and for a moment gave a few pulls expecting to find a fuzzy, instead he pulled and felt the fur tugging against his skin. He let out a short noise and looked down to see soft white fur starting to spread along the bottom of his foot and along the edges of his toes. For a moment his mind refused to make sense of what he was seeing, but even as he thought it he watched his toes starting to lengthen and curve forward.

"What the hell.." He yelped out and moved his other foot up before he realized that the other was starting to show a rich flush of fur starting along the inside of that foot as well. "ADELYN!!"

"What?!" Her voice sounded annoyed and confused as she answered him.

"Get in here! Grab the phone!" He yelled back towards her as he lifted his foot up closer.

Ferdinand watched as his nails started to curve down into what looked like claws as the thick fluffy fur started to spread along the tops of his feet as well. His entire foot was lengthening! He could feel them pushing outwards while his eyes bulged in fear. This couldn't be happening! He moved his fingers along the edges of his toes as they pulled together and felt more pawlike under his seeking touch. Even while he thought that he could feel his fingers starting to change. It was as if the moment he touched his feet the fur was contagious! The fur blossomed along the palm of his hands and started to creep towards the bottom of his fingers. He finally let out a sharp cry and stood up unsteadily on his changing feet to make a lunge towards the kitchen. Adelyn was all the way in the dining room still, she hadn't even bothered coming out to his yell.

"Give me the phone!" He lurched into the kitchen unsteadily and his sister turned around with a look of annoyance on her face.

"It's where it always is. Just go grab it." She pointed towards the cradle the portable rested on before going right back to her homework.

"What's happening to me? Adelyn stop ignoring me! Look what's happening!" He jerked his foot out towards her in a rush of panic as they formed what looked like broad rabbit foot paws peeking out from under his jeans.


Adelyn carefully kept her merriment in check, instead she concentrated on her home work and the amount of problems that needed worked on for the morning. Chemistry wasn't her weak subject, but it did make her have some challenges on understanding how everything lined up. It was just the thing to keep her from staring at her brother when the changes started to happen. The last thing she wanted as for him to start to question her and her why she was sitting there just staring. She simply let herself enjoy what she was working on until she heard the shouts for her name and she reacted like she would have normally. She didn't give him more than a brief reaction in the form of yelling back towards him and then went back to her work. Only when he demanded she look did she peer down to see the perfectly white rabbit paws peeping out from under his jeans.

"Uhh yeah. Feet. Can I go back to my homework now?" She kept her face looking nothing more than annoyed as she stared at him.

"But...look!! What's causing this? You didn't do something weird to stuff in the fridge right? Radiation?" He hopped on one foot and brought the other up in the palm of his hand.

"What caused you to have feet? Evolution I think." She went back to her homework again only to have him let out an incoherent cry behind her.

She looked back to find him grabbing for the phone in fingers that were becoming shorter and less movable. Even his thumb was disappearing to pull back against his wrist so that he couldn't grab the phone. Ferdinand grabbed and fumbled with the phone until it fell down and almost cracked against the hard floor of the kitchen before she let out a dramatic sigh. She glared at him just like she would if he had done something like this when she had been trying to do homework and he was acting up to annoy her. He gave her a panicked look that made her see the whites of his eyes as she got off her chair and snatched up the phone before shoving it right back in its cradle firmly. Ferdinand stood there with his hands in front of him staring at them in horror as they formed paws as well. He was so distracted he didn't seem to even realize that his ears were starting to lengthen on the sides of his head.

"Go watch TV, I'm trying to get my homework done!" She frowned at him and he darted his eyes up.

"Look at my hands! Th-they're paws!" He tried to wiggle the short toes towards her and she shook her head back and forth before furrowing her brows as if she were worried.

"No they're not, they're your hands. They're exactly what they were ten minutes ago." She made her voice a little doubtful.

"You can't see this?!" His voice cracked slightly before he lifted up a foot as well.

"Ferdinand..are you okay? Did you get enough sleep?" She put some worry in her voice before closing her book firmly.

"Y-yeah..I think so." Ferdinand sounded doubtful and frightened as he glanced up at her.

"Let's go watch some TV, maybe you just need to rest since you're feeling stressed out.." She let her words come out softly and a little bit worriedly.


Ferdinand didn't resist as his sister took his hand and started to lead him towards the couch again. He felt terrified at the sight of the white paws that had replaced his hands, but his sister seemed to act as if nothing had changed. She even held one of the paws in her hand and tugged him towards the couch. Suddenly he wanted nothing else then to be sitting on the couch and the gentle touch from Adelyn soothed him slightly as he felt weight shifting against the sides of his head. He swallowed and tried to ignore it as she shoved him back down in the seat he had just left and flopped down right next to him. She snuggled up against his side and he automatically started to tell her to move, but the weight of her head when it pressed against his chest suddenly felt warm and good.

"There now, that better, Ferdinand?" She asked, her voice a little muffled as she rubbed her cheek against his chest.

"Y-yeah I think so." He managed to swallow roughly and forced himself to relax.

"I told you that you were just overly tired." She said and snuggled a bit more firmly against his side and flipped the channel to one of the reality shows.

Ferdinand relaxed himself as much as possible while her hand rested right over his belly and started to snuggle a bit more firmly against him. The sound of the TV and the warmth of her pressed against him worked to make him relax and reconsider the white paws at the ends of his arms and legs. They had to just be some sort of illusion caused by being tired or maybe just by too much TV. He'd heard it often enough that people had illusions like that, so why shouldn't it happen to him? He leaned his head back and started to watch the TV program lazily while the warmth of his sister lulled him into comfort. Everything would be fine as long as she was here to take care of him and pet him. That thought kept rolling through his mind until he could think of nothing else. Not even the pain that started to form at the base of his spine and right above his rump.

The ache started slowly at first, but soon it formed into a pressure that made him squirm back against the couch. He finally had to shift and his sister made a noise before leaning back and he shifted his pants a little bit. He tugged the edge of his pants a little bit until they slipped down his rump and something finally gave until the pressure was released. He moved one of his paw-hands back and brushed against the base of his spine before freezing. He felt something thick, fluffy and white against the base of his spine. It felt like a tail! He swallowed roughly before squirming and forced his hand to drop back down again. He was imagining it. It was all just a big figment of his imagination. That's all it was, a figment of his imagination and nothing more! He kept repeating the words as Adelyn stroked his knee lightly with one hand.

"Stop squirming." She finally said and nuzzled against his chest and cuddled up a bit closer.

Ferdinand glanced down at him and couldn't help but feel a rush of pleasure at having her snuggled up against him like that. He felt safe and loved so he moved his hand right over her shoulders and cuddled himself against her in return. The sound of the TV took his attention as he ignored his delusions and started to just enjoy the TV and his sister. The only thing that wasn't quite enjoyable was a scent on the air that made his nose wrinkle backwards a little bit. It was thick and rich on the tongue as he tried to puzzle out what it was. It wasn't food and it wasn't Adelyn, it wasn't really bad it was something else. It smelled almost sweet and lingered on his tongue while he drew in a shivering breath before panting it out again. What was it? He glanced behind the couch by raising up, but Adelyn gave him a light tug to keep him back relaxing with her.

"Are you cooking something?" He finally asked, "Or wearing new perfume?"

"Huh? No, why?" She blinked her guileless eyes at him before he shook his head roughly back and forth and felt something moving from side to side there.

He tried to ignore it. He didn't know what it was, but it made things a little bit awkward while he felt his sister pushed up tight and snug against his chest. His stomach was starting to warm up and he squirmed in place before he realized that he could feel himself starting to tighten beneath his jeans. Things were starting to harden and he tried to move his sister's head up a little bit as horrifyingly he could feel the material of his jeans stretching taut under the push of his hard on. Why was he getting hard? It wasn't his sister! He swallowed roughly before one of her hands reached up to stroke lightly against the curve of his ear and started to massage and stroke gently along the edges. That simple touch nearly made him melt as he leaned into it and lowered his head down a little to press into it.


Adelyn grinned to herself as she realized that Ferdinand was starting to react the way it he was supposed to. He'd changed just enough that things had certainly started to affect him. The smell of the box was certainly starting to affect him. She watched as his jeans tented and grew tighter just a foot away from her head before she moved her hand up towards his cheek. His ears had grown long and furred on either side of his head. He was so docile and sweet with her that she couldn't help but give into the urge to stroke along the broad ears all the way up to the tip before gliding back down again. The gentle movements tugged against the ear over and over again until she felt him pushing into her touch and tilted her head to one side. He obviously didn't realize that he was doing it at all. She grinned to herself and couldn't help it.

"So do you believe I have a mission now, Ferdinand?" She asked as she leaned her head up to watch his face. His eyes were closed and he had an almost blissful expression on his face as he was pushing against her touches, yet the moment she stopped talking his eyes snapped open and the peaceful expression was gone.

"Wh-what?" He blurted out and the one of his paws shot up to try and feel the ear she was petting, "YOU DID THIS?!"

"I told you I had a mission." She said smugly and gave his ear a gentle little tug before he stiffened and tried to pull away. "No you don't!"

She sat up and moved up from being pressed against him to lightly tug at his ear to keep him from escaping. Adelyn tilted her head a little bit before standing up and looking down at him from where his eyes were glaring at her with a mixture of confusion, hurt and anger. He moved to stand up but she made a sharp little noise before tapping him right on the nose and she watched his eyes flash open wide in shock as he stopped mid motion and ended up still seated right against the edge of the couch while his eyes looked up at her. His ears were flat down against his head while he almost visibly struggled to disobey what she'd told him to do, but couldn't quite manage it. Instead he ended up leaning back into the touch before she murmured soft words of praise and rubbed behind his ear again until he started to relax.

"It's a lot easier if you just listen to me, isn't it Ferdinand?" She asked softly.

"What did you do?!" He got the words out in a strangled sound, his breath coming in short fast pants.

"I'm just doing the mission Mom gave me, and now you can help me with it." Adelyn's lips curved back in a slight smile.


Ferdinand's mind started to blank out as his little sister grinned down at him with such obvious pleasure. He couldn't move a single muscle even as he strained to break free of her hold! He didn't want to be trapped like this, but he couldn't do anything to shake the feeling of needing to stay still. The moment she had told him to sit it was like his body had locked up and it had been far easier to just sit down and wait for her next command. It wasn't like him at all! She stroked along his ears and he curled his rabbity toes a little in pleasure. The soft feel of her fingers massaging along them forced away the sensations of fear and panic and replaced them with a mild sensation of pleasure and relaxation. Her fingers moved up to the ear tip and she moved away from him while he automatically followed her movements with his head. He didn't want her to leave his sight.

Adelyn wandered into the kitchen while he remained seated on the couch, some small part of him wanted to break free of whatever strange hold she had on him and demand he change her back. The rest felt as if he were mildly drugged and slightly euphoric. He leaned forward a little and twitched his tail back and forth before he froze. He had a tail? Was that what the pressure had been in his lower back? He craned his head around and to his horror he saw the spade shaped tail rising up right over the line of his pants. It moved as he watched it leaving him shivering at the sight. He was so distracted by his tail he almost forgot Adelyn until his sister was right at his shoulder. Her grin widened as she leaned down and tickled the very tip of his fluff tail with the tip of a bright orange carrot. Outraged embarrassment welled inside of him as she flopped down next to him and lifted the carrot up.

"Now be a good boy and take a nice large bite for me." She coaxed teasingly and his ears flattened further. "You'll need your food to be big and strong, right bun?"

Ferdinand lifted his head up and his cheeks flushed even hotter right along the edges of his cheeks and even his ears started darkening. The carrot was waved just under his nose until he gave in and nibbled off the tip of it. The sweet orange flesh crunched between his teeth and at the first taste his stomach grumbled until he took a larger chunk. His sister held the carrot perfectly still for him as he ate more and more of the carrot proffered to him. His tail started to twitch in pleasure, not just from the taste, but from the soft soothing words whispered into one of his overly large ears. Even the horrified part of him was silenced as he took chunk after chunk and found himself messily eating it even as the strove to be neat. He realized he was eating like an animal!

He had nibbled all the way to the greens before he had to stop and lick his lips a few times in pleasure. The taste of it on his tongue made him nose it a few times to look for more, but Adelyn just laughed and tickled under his chin chidingly. At least he thought she was tickling under his chin, it wasn't until he felt something cool and leathery that he realized she was fastening something around his neck! He moved his hands up to touch it but she batted the paw like fingers away with a laugh as cold metal pressed right above his throat and something jangled down to click against a metal ring. It felt like a necklace? No..not a necklace. His blush flared back to life as he realized she'd put him in a collar. She giggled at his blush before offering a little mirror held up so he could see himself. The shock of the white ears on his head didn't deter him from staring in horror at the collar.

"That looks so much better." She peered over the edge of the mirror as he stared at the bright pink and small jewels that made up the collar. A small pink heart was resting right in the middle with his name as his face reddened.

"No it doesn't!" He protested and moved his paw like hands up to scrabble against the leather uselessly as he tried to pull it free.

"Uh-uh, none of that. Now just one thing is missing!" She grinned playfully before tugging lightly at the collar. "Up boy!"


Ferdinand was forced to stand up as she stepped back with the collar hooked in her finger. It was going almost too perfect for words! She barely had to pull on his collar for him to stumble up onto his feet and look down at her with wild eyes. She had plans for him, plans for him and what she had brought home from the box. She carefully tugged his shirt out from his pants and started to unbutton it as he let out a protesting sound. She didn't pay attention to it, instead she kept pulling and tugging as she unbuttoned until she saw his bare chest and a slight line of white fur that trailed down along his belly to disappear into his pants. There was one other part of him that she had wanted to change and it looked as if the device had altered him entirely in that way as well!

The moment she has his shirt off her hands went down to his belt and started to unbuckle it and gave it a tug. Her brother stumbled forward from the tug and let out a wordless little cry as he was drawn closer towards the very edge of the couch. She unbuckled his jeans and she thought she heard him say her name as she started to wiggle them from side to side to get him out of him. The cute rabbit pawed hands tried to grip his jeans and he leaned forward with his face beet red while she forced his jeans down as well as his boxers. She had a moment when she reached his stiffened shaft that they got caught and she had to gently peel the elastic band down right over him before she saw how much he had changed. The beat red smooth slender shaft bobbed right up in place against his belly with a slight slapping noise.

"Oh god..." Ferdinand stared down at himself with his eyes wide. "Wha-what did you do to me? Adelyn! Stop that!"

"Oh easy, you're just smelling your friend." She grinned up at him as she pushed his jeans down around his ankles and then hooked her hand around his collar to pull him forward again.

By this time he was nearly right at the box and he stepped out of his pants when he was drawn forward. She watched his nose twitching rapidly as he stared around with wide eyes looking for whoever else might be in the room. Oh was he in for a surprise! She moved to the side and pulled the box over before opening up the top of it. She had barely gotten it open before the edges of the box burst outwards and a massive Flemish giant rabbit hopped out and scrabbled against the ground with her eyes flashing wide. Adelyn dodged just in time to miss the large paws as the rabbit hopped a few paces and stared back with the liquid brown eyes flashing fearfully. She was fully as large as a good sized dog and her nose twitched up and down with each breath.


Ferdinand wanted to be surprised or even amused that his sister had a rabbit in the box. He wanted to laugh with relief that she didn't mean someone else was in the room watching these events unfold, but he couldn't. The moment the large heavy bodied rabbit kicked free of the box it was all he could do to just hold still. The thick scent of her flooded the air so that he was left panting shallowly in the wake of her passing. It was thick and spicy, sweet and arousing, it flooded his nose until he felt his shaft flex and stared down in horror. His cock had turned into a smooth slender spire rather than the thick mushroomed cap shaft he was used too. It jutted out from a heavy white sheath that was bunched up right at the base and his balls were heavily furred and nearly three times their normal size hanging between his legs. He trembled as he let out a little cry while the rabbit made another leap forward.

It was her! It was the animal's scent that was teasing him, it was fertile and rich and made his heart start to pound faster and faster in his chest. He wet his lips a few times before he took a shuddering step forward. He wanted to stop himself, he needed to. He couldn't do what his body seemed to want to! Adelyn didn't even stop him, she perched on the couch with a small device in her hand and watched with bright eyes as he inched closer towards the large rabbit. It was easily as large as a heavy bodied dog and had frozen right in front of him. Her head lifted and her brown eyes stared at him fearfully as he dropped a hand down to massage against the curve of her haunch. Oh her fur was so soft, it was like silk under his finger tips and he brushed his palm back and forth gently while his hips gave another jerky rock forward.

A thick splatter of precum landed right on the soft grey-brown fur as he fought to control himself. He might have managed too if she had darted away from him, but she stiffened and her tail curved up over her haunches so he was staring at the tight small folds between her hind legs. The scent of her flooded his mind until he unthinkingly pulled her haunches back against him and felt her claws dig in against the carpet at his insistent tugging. His cock pushed up and he rubbed himself against her bare fur with a shudder of pleasure leaving a trail of his viscous precum behind while he drew in her rich scent. It flooded his nose until he was shaking all over and parted his eyes to see her fearful eyes looking back at him. No wonder she was scared, he smelled like a rabbit, but looked human! He wanted to stop himself, he choked back a sob as he shifted his hips and felt his tip grazing against those soft slick lips.

His entire body lurched forward as he let out a sharp groan. His tip forced itself up against the animal's folds and then peeled them open to wrap around his cock. She was so tight, her body spread grudgingly around him as the muscles clamped down and he muffled a groan before turning his head in against her soft furred neck. It was only then that he jostled the pale purple collar that was wrapped around her neck. It shifted about until he was nosing against an identical heart shaped id tag like that one he had around his own neck. For a moment he couldn't read the words, his mind refused too. Not when his cock was being pulled and forced deeper into the so tight confines of the animal. Then he finally realized what he was reading and his eyes bulged slightly.

"I thought you'd like Lily best." Adelyn's voice was merry as he read Lily's name on the collar.

+++Earlier that day+++

Lily had left Ferdinand and his pesky younger sister after she had insinuated herself in her attempt at seducing him so she could do some shopping on her own. She'd argued with her boyfriend and not only was she outraged that he had brushed her complaints off, but that he also snidely suggested she go looking after a particularly repulsive underclassman for comfort. Instead she had decided to take her chance and see if she could actually try and seduce Ferdinand. He had enough money to at least buy her presents and if his glazed eyed expression was anything to go by, her certainly was interested. It was almost insanely easy to get him to come with her with a few sweet promises, she might even let him do a bit more than simply make out, but then his sister had appeared and come between them. Adelyn was beyond annoying! She was starting to get in the way of Lily's plans.

She went up into the girl's rest room on the fourth floor where it was nearly deserted instead of the lower bathrooms. This one was almost always empty and was actually nicer than the other floors. It was probably because most of the teachers opted to come up here between morning and afternoon classes because their offices were close by. She flopped down on the small love seat that was set away from the door and leaned her head back. She could always take the girl aside and give her a talking too. Well a talking to or a few well placed threats. Ferdinand wasn't spending his money on anything of any importance, so why shouldn't she help him spread the wealth a little bit? It was only fitting that she do her fair share after all. She licked her lips lightly as she thought about exactly what she would do if she could only get ahold of his credit card.

She remembered Adelyn had come in, she remembered that part. She had even remembered arguing with the young girl the moment she had dared pop her head in to make a smug comment about Ferdinand and her attempts to seduce him. She even remembered something about Adelyn smacking her with some sort of strange device, but then her memory started to go slightly wrong and faded. She could barely remember something had happened. She had to struggle to remember the feel of her body almost as if it were on fire as fur started to spill over her arms and up along her face. Her ears had grown longer and spilled out behind her while her entire body softened and grew a layer of plush fat over it so that she lost her willowy body. She woke up in the box, she knew that Adelyn and Ferdinand were talking outside of it, but she couldn't get out.

Lily realized something was very wrong the moment she had tried to stand up and felt her legs tense up and lifted her 'hands'. They weren't hands, they were soft furred paws with short dark nails at the very tips. She scrabbled and dug at the corner of the box, but it was lined with something hard and plastic so she couldn't get purchase. What was worse, she felt wrong inside. Not just wrong in shape, but her body felt as if it were on fire and her blood was running hotly through her veins. Her stomach was cramped down until her own breathing sounded loud in her ears. Everything was wrong! What had happened? What had that pest done to her? She had been in the midst of trying to dig and claw her way out when the top of the box spread open and she saw the girl's hands reaching for her. What was she going to do? She tried to shrink away from them but they reached down and gripped right under her elbows before heaving upwards.

She found herself being gripped with her back against the younger girls chest as the writhed and tried to push her way free. To her horror she was staring at Ferdinand. Her eyes bulged slightly to see his ears standing straight up on his head and covered in soft white fur. His hands had been replaced with soft paws and as her eyes traveled lower she found herself looking at the erect dark red shaft jutting up just like a rabbits. She tried to kick and push her way free, but the girl holding her gripped all the harder to keep her still. She let out soft noises as she was dropped down onto the ground and caught a whiff of the warm masculine scent on the air. She twitched her nose rapidly before a tremor rocked through her body. It was rich and teasing, it flooded her until she was unable to do anything else but shift her hind legs up and felt her tail move upwards.

It was then Lily finally got her mind straight enough to realize she was no longer the girl she had been, but a massive rabbit. She twisted her head back to stare at him trying to will him to understand who she was, but he didn't seem to realize. His paws moved up against her sides before his weight slid over her back making her tense up and flatten her ears down against her head. She tried to stifle a fearful sound as he rocked his hips and she felt something hard and thick rubbing up against her haunches and leaving a cooling trail of wetness behind. It was slippery and hot as it drooled out and rolled down the curve of her fur before he was rocking his hips back again. She tensed herself up as she felt the tip dance right down against the base of her tail while the claws on his transformed paws drug through her thick soft fur leaving trails through it.

She had a glimpse of Adelyn's smug smile a moment before she felt the tip wedge itself right up against her folds. She tried to tighten her inner muscles, but she couldn't manage it. Instead she felt it sliding into her body as she struggled to keep Ferdinand out. The cock drove into her until she felt the breath come out in a rush and then she clamped down tightly. A shudder of unwillingly pleasure rushed through her as that warm male musk and the feel of the lapine cock driving into her made her rock her hips back against him. Her body ached to feel it, and the thick drops of virile precum that dribbled into her only made it that much more pleasurable to her despite her humiliation. She dropped her ears flat against her head as the next thrust drove him deeper prying her silken muscles open until they were spread open obscenely wide. The boy came to a shuddering halt as she heard voices over her head and only truly understood his response.

"L-lily!?!" It was almost a squeak, but even as he said it she felt his cock pulse and drool out another roll of precum inside of her.


Ferdinand wanted to stop right then, but he was too far gone. Ferdinand bit his lower lip before thrusting his hips forward and caused Lily to scrabble beneath him as his hips slammed up against her haunches. The inches sank into that slick fertile body and he drew his hips backwards again letting the glistening shaft pull free. His breath came in shallow pants before he forced himself forward into his changed crush. He felt his eyes water a little bit as he had wanted to do this for so long, but not like this. He hadn't even imagined that this could be a possibility! He rocked his hips forward roughly and then drew back again trying to make room in the tight body that shuddered beneath him as he penetrated her. His tip so long that he could feel himself bottoming out right against her cervix and jarring it before he was pulling back again.

His balls were large enough that each time he hilted they were forced up and between her legs as he moved his hands down to grip her powerful haunches. He was driven by instinct and instinct alone as he started to drag back outwards again and then slammed forward. The steady movements drove him faster and faster with lewd wet noises as Lily's body started to grow slick with arousal and need, his own tip splattered out thick jets of precum that washed it's way in deep as he pulled his knees up to either side of her hind legs. He let out soft grunts and whimpers while he mated her, he didn't even feel remotely human. Not with those white paws clutching at her and his tail curved up along the small of his back shivering through each and every penetration. It made him want to go faster, harder, deeper inside of his former friend.

The changed young man opened his eyes once to find Adelyn watching and glancing down at the little handheld device before back up again. That was even more humiliating. His first time not only with what was essentially an animal, but being watched by his little sister and controlled by her! His cock was squeezed and teased within the tight passage. His breath came out raggedly as his bare chest rubbed right over the edges of his chest and the lower portion of his stomach. It was erotic and kept him aroused and eager for more even as his mind screamed for him to pull back and run. He felt it building inside of him even as he started to thrust harder and faster against the grey-brown doe beneath him. To his horror he watched her eyes clench shut and her entire body tense beneath him before the muscular walls tightened about him.


Lily couldn't help herself, it felt as if he were stroking and tugging along each part of her body until she was near writhing in pleasure. She pushed her haunches higher up into the air so that he could thrust deeper inside of her. The tip of him slammed so deep he pushed right up against the soft barrier of her cervix before he pulled back. The thrusts in let her feel Ferdinand's balls as they clapped up against her hind legs and the underside of her belly. They were as large and heavy as she could have imagined. Her claws dug in against the floor while she tried to stop the pleasure that her body was feeling, worse was the fact each time her eyes were open she found his sister staring down at her with a smug expression that shot a new rush of embarrassment through her. The soft grunts coming from her former friend's mouth just echoed in her ears as he started to thrust as hard and fast as he could manage inside of her.

The speed was accompanied by power as the tip drove and hit against her cervix each time he bottomed out. It almost bruised her, but the pain was washed away in a primal pleasure at being mounted and bred. She finally squeezed her eyes shut as the tugging and stroking of his girth inside of her pushed her into the heights of arousal. She tried to hide it, she didn't want Adelyn to know that she was getting off on being taken like an animal, but she couldn't quite. Her muscles tensed and shuddered as her walls closed down and started to massage around the lapine cock inside of her. It tugged and squeezed around him until she felt each and every inch of his girth lodged inside of her. She even felt the moment that it swelled and the balls pushed against her drew up tight.

The sudden rush of cum erupted into her body in a spill that made her jerk her head back in shock. The force of the spray hit against her cervix and splattered harder against it until she felt it being drawn in b y the pulses of her own orgasm. Her womb started to feel the trickle of it as the virile seed found its mark. It was all she could do to lay there and shudder as she tried to find the will to bolt away from him and stop what was happening. Her eyes were wide with terror as hit after hit of the creamy stuff hit against her cervix and left her shuddering and bucking slightly to push back against him when he ground his hips forward. Her body locked in the age old instinct of all does, to breed often and to have as many kits as possible, despite the human mind that railed against the command.


Ferdinand's lips opened and he let out a hoarse cry as his balls pulled up tight between his legs to force out the first hot rush of his seed from his body. The steady pulses forced the jets to splatter hard against the cervical wall while he gave short hard thrusts forward that rocked the form beneath him. His paws clutched against her haunches and drug her back until he knew that each inch of him was inside of her, the entire shaft bowed slightly as the tip nudged right up against his the opening of her cervix. The release flowed through him and made his head spin while his tail quivered above his rump and his breathing came out in labored pants over and over again. It was as if the tide would never stop. Lily herself writhed and twisted under his weight as if trying to escape but he just pulled her back harder like a lust fueled animal.

He rocked his hips again and felt her shudder before he started to slowly relax and feel the edge of his orgasm calm down. His breath came in great gasps of air while he leaned forward and pressed his bare human face in against the soft furred back. She smelled soft and sweetly spicy as he felt her trembling and shivering under his weight. He couldn't even let go of her, he just kept gripping her with his paws as his cock softened and he felt the thick rivulets of cum starting to leak out around him. It was only when the full horror of what he had done hit him that he managed to push off of her and pulled out with a lewd wet noise. To his horror the moment his cock slid free a thick roll of pearly white seed spilled out from her used passage and he looked down to see a strand of it clinging from his tip to her splayed folds.

"I hope she had a nice set of kits.." Adelyn's voice was slightly merry and he jerked his head up to see her holding the little device in her hand as it started to beep rapidly.

"I..I didn't do this!" He cried out in protest, but she waved the device in her hand slightly.

"Of course not, you're dreaming, Ferdinand. It's just a dream." The voice started out strong and clear, but darkness seemed to rear up and wrap around his mind even as he tried to hold onto consciousness. Dreaming? He'd fucked a rabbit! His last thought gave him no comfort as unconsciousness took hold.


Ferdinand woke up in the early morning light with a jerk and yelped as he came bolt upright from the couch. Cans went sprawling all over the floor with loud clinks and clatters as they rolled over the floor and towards the coffee table. His eyes flashed this way and that as he woke up from his nightmare and took in great lungfuls of air that was fresh and clean. He jerked the blanket off of himself and saw himself fully clothed from the same outfit that he had been wearing yesterday. He blinked his eyes rapidly and even lifted up the edge of his pants to peer beneath it to see the same flaccid shaft he had had before. No fur, no sheath, no dark red bunny cock hiding there. It had been some horrible sort of dream. He rubbed his face with one perfectly human hand and groaned as he moved to stand up only to wobble a little bit and drop back down again. He felt like shit.

"Finally." His sister's voice was sharp, severe and to the point from behind him. He twisted around to see Adelyn sitting at the dining room table with her lap top open and glaring. His stomach twisted up in a knot.

"Adelyn.." he started and almost blurted out something about his dream when she marched right over his words.

"I can't believe you! You woke me up at three in the morning moaning and drunk down here, trashed Dad's office and then pass out after almost puking on me." She glared at him more, "I seriously can't believe you."

"I wasn't.." He trailed off and tried to remember what he had been doing last night. He had been watching TV he remembered that, and then Adelyn had come home. His cheeks darkened at the rest of the memories. Wait, memories? No they were just dreams. Bad dreams at that. They hadn't really happened. It had all been a dream.

"Don't lie to me!" She stood up nearly knocking over the chair in her wrath before marching up to him. The sound made his head ache even worse. She threw down a few printed pictures right on the breakfast bar. "Look at this. I bet Mom would be so proud where ever she is! I wonder what you'll do next year!"

Her voice was sharp enough he quailed at her disapproval and his cheeks darkened even more at the pictures. He was hunched right over a body pillow in a lewd position with a few beer cans near by obviously empty. Not only that, but his pants were down near his ankles. He hadn't done that! Had he? He remembered the vivid dream of the rabbit under him and the heat of her body wrapped around him. The pillow? He had been doing that to the pillow? Oh god and Adelyn had seen it? He scrambled for the pictures before she yanked them back and just shook her head in rough disapproval. Her eyes though seemed dark with worry before she pointed towards the upstairs with one finger.

"Go upstairs, get a shower, get some sleep. You're going to get your homework done and actually try and study a bit. Or the school website might have a few new additions." He gaped her and worked his jaw for a moment before she softened a bit. "I love you, Ferdinand, I don't want you getting hurt or something bad happening. Please?" There was a soft pleading sound to her voice and he almost melted.

"Sure, okay, Adelyn." He gave a half smile at her even through his embarrassment. Maybe she just wanted him to do better at life. Hell if he was humping pillows he had better do better! He moved out of the kitchen and started to move past the window when he froze at the sight of the small fence in the backyard with a large brown-grey rabbit cropping grass placidly in front of a hutch. He went pale for a moment before Adelyn giggled.

"You don't even remember yelling and complaining as you helped me bring Lillith in did you? Remember, I got her from the lab since they were done with her. I'm going to call her Lilly for short though, it's a lot nicer." He shook his head roughly and had to laugh ruefully. No wonder he had been having such a strange dream. He went upstairs to shower and then he'd study with his little sister and hopefully clean up a bit. He really had been slacking far too much.