A Very Pleasant Morning

Story by Of The Wilds on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon Tribe

A young dragon gives himself a good morning stroking.

For those that have read Dragon Tribe, this story takes place a few years before that story, when Kaythos has only just befriended Garnoth, and in this story, is only just starting to...well...get a handle on himself, hehe.

It's a story about a dragon masturbating, so if you're under 18 or illegal in your area, please use the back button.

Otherwise enjoy!

Kaythos blinked awake, squinting as the bright morning sunlight that dappled his blue scaled face roused him from his slumber. The young dragon quickly lifted a paw to shield his cloudy gray eyes from the harsh light. He wriggled against the tanned animal hides and furs that covered his bed, squirming backwards and coiling his neck to pull his wedge shaped head away from the patch of shimmering golden light. Kaythos tilted his head towards the window cut in the stone wall of his home, primitive curtains made from deer hide hung in front of it. The sunshine looked like a spear of light cutting through the seam between the hanging hides. Motes of dust lazily swirled in the shaft of sunlight after being stirred by Kaythos' movement.

Kaythos sighed. Morning already? At least he had the morning off from lessons today. Well, technically he didn't have the morning off from lessons. But his mother and his older sister were both visiting one of the neighboring clans that morning, which meant there was no one to tell him he had to go. So he wasn't going too, and that was that. What where the grumpy old elders that taught the clan's histories going to do about that, hmm? Nothing, that's what!

A grin spread across the young dragon's muzzle. That was it then. He was going to skip his daily lessons, and have himself a lazy morning, instead. Good, he liked lazy mornings. But what young dragon didn't? Hell, what dragon of any age didn't enjoy a lazy morning? Kaythos was sure if anyone could show him a dragon who didn't enjoy lazing around on their belly, he could show them someone who wasn't really a dragon!

The young male pushed himself up, stretching his body out the same way a large feline might. He pushed his sky blue scaled rump up first, his tail twisting and coiling before stretching out behind him. Hoisting his scaly hind end as high in the air as he could, he stretched out his hind legs too, popping his back just a little. He let his chest linger against the warmth of the sleeping furs a few moments before eventually rising to all fours, and stretching each front paw out, one at a time, black claws unsheathed. Finally, he stretched out his neck and flared his wings till they popped nicely, outspread wing tips brushing the stone walls of his room.

As Kaythos stretched, he couldn't help but notice the morning air felt unusually chilly just beneath his belly, near his hind legs. He also felt something unusually heavy there, something solid beneath him. He blinked, and a mental image flashed through his mind, a remnant of a wonderful dream he'd been having. Something about three female dragons, all with their rumps turned towards him, slowly lifting their tails.

Oh. Oh! That image made him shiver, and he felt the hardness beneath him sway just a little. Heh, so that was why the morning air felt so cool back there. Kaythos ducked his wedge shaped head and peered beneath himself, looking between his hind legs. He grinned widely at what he saw, unable to help himself from laughing a little.

"Heh! Boner! Hiya, boner."

That was another good thing about being home alone. As a young dragon who'd never been especially popular amongst his clan-mates, Kaythos had developed a bit of a habit of talking to himself now and then. Bad enough his sister had recently overheard him mention to himself "Oh, I gotta boner!" If she heard him talking to it now, he'd never live it down.

It wasn't as though the young dragon had been getting them all that long. He'd only recently finally reached what the clan dragons often simply referred to as maturity; a dragon's adolescence. Kaythos has always been a bit of a runt, and he'd been hoping that when he finally reached draconic puberty, he might have a good solid growth spurt. So far that hadn't happened, but he had learned to enjoy the other benefits of becoming a mature male. Most of which tended to involve his own paws.

Though Kaythos had always been on the scrawny side, and likely always would be, at least he had developed into an attractively colored dragon. For most of his life he'd been almost entirely sky blue from the pebbly scales of his face to the broader scales of his chest, down to the midsized scales of his tail. But as he'd matured, the scales along his back had darkened to an increasingly indigo blue, while the scales along his belly had actually gotten lighter in tone, nearly the shade of robin eggs.

The rest of the dragon's development was coming along nicely, as well. The grey nubs that sprouted behind his eyes had finally begun to grow into a decent pair of horns, slightly arched and gently ridged. The spiky frills along his head had begun growing, as well. In time, his scrawny, slender nature would develop into a sleek litheness that would give the young dragon great agility. For now, though, his paws had begun growing first, followed by his hind legs, with his front legs still catching up. It gave him a sort of gangly, somewhat uneven gait that meant he had to be careful just to avoid tripping over his own paws all the time.

At least other parts of him had begun to grow, too. One of which he found himself staring at right now, unable to help the wide grin that spread across his muzzle and exposed his fangs. His erection almost seemed to be staring right back at him. More and more often he woke up with his penis jutting from his sheath these days, but sometimes it just seemed to melt away as mysteriously as it had emerged. Today, though, it felt solid as stone between his hind legs, fully erect and with no sign of vanishing.

"Well, well, Mr. Boner, we meet again."

Kaythas blinked. Even he admitted that sounded lame as hell. Oh, well, he was the only one home, so he didn't really care. Oh...wait. He was the only one home. That meant he didn't just have to lay around in his furs waiting in frustration until his erection went down. He was the only one home. That meant he could actually play with it this time. And not in secret, either. Sometimes, it was hard for a young dragon to take care of his increasingly intense urges when living in a stone clan home with his family. Especially a dragon who sometimes had trouble staying quiet when his seed erupted.

Usually, Kaythos either had to forego pleasuring himself entirely, or struggle to keep his muzzle shut when he came. Sometimes he'd even shove his snout as deeply into his furs as he could to avoid the embarrassment of someone finding out he was actually touching that thing. Other times he'd slink off down to one of the streams and ponds the dragons often used for bathing, and stroke himself beneath the waters while no one was around. In the back of his mind, he realized he wasn't the only one who did that to themselves. He'd even heard other dragons talk about it now and then, but it didn't make it seem any less embarrassing to him.

Today, though... "Oh, today I'm going to have some fun," Kaythos said to himself, grinning.

Kaythos pulled his head back up, and settled back upon his haunches. Time for a little inspection. If anything sitting back only caused the young dragon's erection to present itself even more prominently. A little tower of red, developing dragon flash crowned with a pointed, tapered tip, and ringed with a triplet of slightly raised ridges near where it was anchored to his body at his retracted sheath. Though the size of the young dragon's penis was not particularly impressive compared to some of the larger males of his species, it was in nearly perfect proportion to his body. And for it's size, a prime example of recently matured dragon penis.

It jut up from above his testicles, almost seeming to stare right back up at him. A nice scarlet color, it was thickest along it's ridged base, and very slightly narrowed towards it's pointed tip. It had little discernable head, just a very minor flare a little bit beyond the point of it's tapered tip. As Kaythos stared at it, his tool very gently seemed to twitch with the beating of his heart. Kaythos grinned at it, running his pink tongue across his lips and blue muzzle.

"Happy to see me too, huh Buddy?" Kaythos laughed to himself, his tail tip flicking back and forth. "Don't worry little guy, I'm gonna take good care of you today."

Kaythos has to admit, he liked seeing his own erection. He wasn't sure if that was normal, and honestly he didn't care. Sure, he'd seen it even as a hatchling, every so often a male simply got unsheathed. He'd paid it little mind as a hatchling aside from the embarrassment it might cause at the wrong time. But now that the dragon was into his adolescence, and his pointed draconic mating tool was noticeably larger then it had been before to say nothing of noticeably more fun to play he found himself enjoying getting to see it.

Kaythos reached down, and gently brushed his erection with a paw. He shuddered, scales clicking in pleasure as his warm pad pad slide across the smooth, unscaled flesh. He gently pulled it away from his body, then let it go, watching it rebound and lightly thwap his belly scales before bobbling back and forth just a little. When it went still again, he brushed it once more, and then turned his attention to his burgeoning dragon testicles.

Kaythos had recently become quite fond of his balls as well. Ever since they'd begun to develop from little lumps snug under his tail to a pair of increasingly plump eggs that seemed to hang ever further from his underbelly, Kaythos had quite an appreciation for them. He wasn't sure now exactly how long ago that had been when they're first begun to grow. After all it was such a gradual process for a young dragon. Though, he did clearly remember his older sister saying "Well, well, Brother! You're finally starting to dangle. Perhaps you'll catch up with the other males after all."

"Oh, very funny Sister," he muttered to himself. "I don't need to catch up, I'm just fine where I am, thank you very much."

Sister be damned, he thought. Besides, what did she care? All she ever used the young dragon's testicles for was target practice. As far as he could tell, she was addicted to watch him crumple to the ground, curl up, and roll around while holding himself and making faces. She was always trying to hit him there. Then again, Kaythos was always acting like an excitable little brat and driving her up the wall. Perhaps there was a correlation? ...Certainly not, he was sure of it.

Then again, the dragon clans lived a fairly rough, fairly crude sort of life, and being hit in the testicles was a familiar agony to just about every male dragon. Especially the youths. After all, it was not unusual for the young of a species to pick on each other. And given that the dragons wore no clothing, and were naturally armored everywhere else, it was only a natural target. Kaythos had certainly hit bigger dragons there before when they wouldn't stop picking on him. Though it seemed his own tended to get it worse.

Kaythos shuddered at the thoughts, peering at his pale blue dragon testicles. "Poor little guys. Well don't worry, no one's here to rough you up today."

Kaythos spent a moment admiring his set. He had to admit, he had a pretty nice pair of nuts! Now, if only he could get a female to agree with him. He stared at them a little. The young dragon's testicles were much like a mammal's; held in a soft skinned scrotum rather then protected by scales or buried deep inside his body like a reptile.

Kaythos was not well studied enough to truly know all the differences between mammals and reptiles or to know where exactly dragons fit between them, but he knew his people had warm blood. They did not require the sun to warm them the way true reptiles did. Though the winters in the shadow of the tall mountain range that bordered their lands could be quite cold, the summers could in turn be quite hot and humid. Perhaps if he didn't make such a habit of skipping his lessons he might better understand the way his kind's bodies functioned. Then again, he didn't really care.

Sitting on his haunches, the dragon's testicles were resting against the furs on which he slept, the fur of them tickling his powder blue scrotum just slightly. Not long ago Kaythos has noticed for the first time that his left testicle was actually a little larger, and a little plumper then it's twin. He wasn't sure exactly if it was developing faster, or if it was just going to get bigger.

Was that normal? Perhaps he could sneak a peek under a few other dragon's tails, and see if they were the same way. Perhaps he'd look under the tail of Garnoth, the larger black dragon he'd recently made friends with. Garnoth was a beast of a young male, he ought to be able to tell with a quick glance. Something to file away for later, he decided.

Kaythos reached down and gently grasped the pale blue ovoids, lifting them in his paw, and murmuring slightly in pleasure. The dragon rolled his recently developed testicles around his paw a little, it felt heavenly just to touch them so gently. With no one else in the house, he tilted his triangular head back, and gave a long moan of enjoyment as he worked his balls in his paw pad.

"Ooooooh," he crooned, closing his eyes a little.

Resting against his haunches and leaning back onto his tail slightly, Kaythos soon reached for his cock with his other paw, and wrapped his lovely, soft, warm paw pads around his own length. He squeezed himself. Oh, he felt so hot, so hard in his paw! He teased his ridges a moment, that made him shudder, and already a little bead of dragon pre-seed was dribbling down his length.

Slowly, Kaythos began to stroke himself. Running his paw up and down his rock solid erection, gently pumping that dragon length in his grasp. He shivered in delight, a warm flow of pleasure starting immediately, running through him like fresh honey. The dragon shivered again, he wasn't going to last long if he didn't take it slow. Hell, he wasn't sure he was going to last very long even if he did take it slowly. A few more strokes and his cock...heh...cock...he'd picked that word up lately listening in to some of the older dragons. He liked it! A few strokes more and his cock felt nice and slick from the pre-seed dribbling down it.

Kaythos opened his eyes again and peered down. His tool now glistening lightly, with just the pointed tip peeking out from his sky blue paw's grasp. He stroked himself slowly a few times, watching his paw glide along his length. Spirits, but that was heavenly. With his other paw, he rolled his balls around, watching the plump little ovals bulge out now and then against the pale sac that continued them. He rubbed a single orb back and forth between his digits, whimpering in pleasure. It felt...so...good!

Kaythos released his balls and let them flop back atop the furs. He switched paws, grasping his increasingly deep red erection with his other paw, and began to stroke it a little harder. Soon, his balls were bouncing and bobbling back and forth between his hind legs, brushing against the furs as he rubbed himself off. Oooh, he liked the way that felt! He stroked harder, curling his long, slender blue neck a little to watch his own testicles bounce about as he masturbated.

After a little while, Kaythos rolled over onto his back. He sprawled out a little bit, getting comfortable. He spread out his wings beneath him so he wasn't laying on them. The young dragon let his hind legs splay open so that his pale blue testicles could sag and dangly naturally towards his tail, the left one hanging just a bit lower then the right. While laying upon his back, the young dragon's cock was practically resting against his belly scales. That little arch it had caused the middle of it to rise slightly away from his underbelly, and the tip to nearly rest against him.

Kaythos reached down and took his erection into a paw, and closed his eyes as he lay his head back. It was so nice to get to do this while no one else was home. He didn't have to do it in a position he could easily shift and hide his actions. Nor did he have to try and hold back his sounds of pleasure. He could simply stroke and pleasure himself, and truly savor the bliss.

The young dragon began to masturbate in earnest. Quickly and forcefully stroking his young tool in his paw; dragon testicles bouncing about. Writhing against the furs, stretching out his hind legs in pleasure. His tail curled now and then as if enjoying it's own youthful masturbatory pleasures. And he moaned, oh did he moan for himself.

"Oh, yes! Ooooh, oh! Oh, Gods! Gods, yesss! That's soooo goood!"

Soon, he realized he was only strokes away from reaching his peek. Kaythos decided he wasn't quite ready to finish his fun just yet. So he released his erection, and took a few deep breaths. He gasped his balls again, and played with them awhile. He rolled them around his paws, tugged them gently away from each other, exploring the size and shape of his own body. Now and then he even gave them little pinches, gently at first and then slightly harder, curious about his own threshold between pleasure and pain.

After a time, he went back to stroke himself. Slowly but very forcefully, then fast and sharp, then gently. Teasing himself, exploring what really made the young dragon feel good. When he neared his release, he went back to playing with his balls. Taking his time, and enjoying his first experience with teasing himself instead of simply pumping off right away.

Kaythos almost wanted it to last forever, it just felt sooooo good. But like most inexperienced young males, he pushed himself a little further then he meant too shortly after one of his ball play sessions. Eager to feel more pleasure, he'd gasped himself in his paw again and began to pump it fast, and hard. A little too fast, a little too hard, as he suddenly realized he'd just hit his peak without meaning too. Not that he was exactly disappointed, just surprised. He gasped in sudden, shocking bliss, crying out to himself as he frantically stroked his young dragon tool.

"Oh, GODS! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna - Oh! OOOOH, I'm cuummmmmming!"

Kaythos felt his tool jump hard in his paw as ecstasy exploded through the young dragon's form, pleasure almost too intense to bare. He writhed as though someone had driven a spear into his belly, his eyes rolling back. His back arched, wings flared and hind paws curled in pure delight. Young dragon testicles were outlined as fat ovals in their blue sack as his scrotum tightened up throughout his release.


Kaythos shrieked in delight as his seed erupted. The first burst of rich young dragon seed squirted across his lower belly scales, but the second batch burst forth much harder, splattering the pale blue scales of his upper chest. The next followed suit, nearly messing the scales of his throat, with each blissful pulse after that adding to the sticky, off-white mess that was quickly pooling along his belly. Soon some of the dragon's cream was running down his sides, pooling at the base of his wings where they met his body. More of it dribbling out as his pleasure finally began to abate, running down along his hind legs or around his balls, near his tail base.

Kaythos stroked, and stroked until he was a gooey, happy mess, and until his tapered tool began to soften upon it's own. Finally, he simply collapsed against his furs with a loud, long groan of pure, satisfied delight. His pink tongue lolled out of his muzzle for a moment, his scaly chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath, heart hammering within his body. He could tell the end of his muzzle and the inside of his ears had flushed scarlet, but he didn't care. There wasn't anyone here to see him. He'd have to clean himself up best he could with the sleeping furs, then sneak down to the creek to wash himself, and his bedding. Not that he minded.

After all, it had certainly been worth it! Ah yes, Kaythos thought to himself. This was soooo much better then going to lessons.

And that's it! If you've enjoyed it, please comment and let me know!