Lucas & Lucynda: A nice.... Drink ( Update 01/10/2013 )

Story by Cryus Frey on SoFurry

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#5 of Lucas&Lucynda Cronichles was what Lucas felt, warm and protected, something he hadn't felt for quite some time. Something he didn't feel from his mother's death... Something he would have been lying about if he said that he didn't like it and that he wouldn't care for the creature that was embracing him. He would have lied... if he said that he wasn't slowly falling in love with Lucynda. What was true was that he didn't care that she was a vampire, or that she was from another world. He didn't care that she was a dragoness. He loved the way her scales brushed against his smooth skin, how her breath washed on his neck, how her sultry body was surrounding his and how he could hear her heart beat trough her chest. He snuggled closer to the gentle dragoness, sighing happily as he went again in a peaceful slumber.

Lucynda slowly woke, sensing the presence of her human friend against her body. She loved how his face was pressed between her bosom, how his arms were snaked around her...were they could, and how his hands inadvertently gripped her during his sleep. Oh! How would she like to have him in her home every night... well every day. She was becoming very attached to the little human, he really tried to look beyond what she thought to be the more repulsive defect of her being a vampire. It was the first time that a friend could freely be with her without the problem of being discovered. Friends of her world really helped her, else she would probably already have been executed, though to help her they needed to hide their friendship, else they would be charged of being mentally controlled. She didn't bother and was really grateful for what they did and were constantly doing for her. But nothing could be compared to having Lucas in her arms, snuggled closely to her in such an intimate manner. She smiled lovingly at the sleeping human, and gave him a gentle lick to his face, then snuggled him even closer to her body. After an hour though the pair had to separate, their stomachs growling so loudly that they woke them from their sleep. To fill their acing bellies they disclosed the sweet embrace, and stretched their body as they had become a bit stiff.

"Yaaaawn... morning Lucas, how do you feel today"

"Well rested as ever before, thank you for asking. I wish we could enjoy more moments like this"

Right after this words escaped from his mouth, he blushed heavily, looking somewhere else. Lucynda could only giggle at the reaction of the human, though she decided to take a forward step.

"Well, maybe that could be possible, tough we have to carefully plan for the consequences. You can't just disappear from your world and I can't always be here, the transportation spell isn't something to be used without caution. It's not a very difficult spell but if you don't pay attention you may lose... something during the voyage" -and the last time something like that had happened, the show was quite... gruesome- she added in her mind

"Ok, so what do we do?"

"We could..."

At that moment her stomach growled, but this time she knew that she needed something in a more liquid state than just normal food. She had drunk from Lucus on several occasions, though she was always fearful of those moments, since she didn't know what Lucas thought, probably that she was some sort of monster or something atrocious... She hadn't any problem with the blood drinking after she had gotten used to it, tough it was always a standalone and the 'volunteer' never remembered anything. After sometime of being with her, Lucas understood when Lucynda needed blood. Actually, it was quite easy to tell since she gets all nervous about it.

"Lucynda if you need... well you know... there's no problem with it...."

"Yeah I know, I know... though I don't like it."

"You're not going to kill me aren't you? So where is the problem?"

"It's... uhh... I feel like I'm draining your life when I drink.."

"Your just sucking some blood, not my soul. Though, I thought that vampire needed or could only feed on blood"

"It's not quite like that. Well vampires... how can I explain... look at us as a person that has a very strange symbiotic virus. We have this sort of virus that enhance our body, both physically, mentally and also magically. The counterpart to that virus is that our bodies need a lot of energy: oxygen, proteins, glucose etc... We actually run out of blood on our own because we can't produce enough red blood cells and the only way to make our bodies start producing blood again is drinking from other creatures, though for some reason, with human blood the effect last longer. Eating like a normal creature helps us to replenish the other substances, at least for a while. A vampire doesn't need to eat more then we drink, tough the ones that don't eat have to drink more times than one that does since they don't furnish their body with the needed substances "

Lucas was quite perplexed by the explanation. He never tough that vampirism could be a sort of... illness. That was it was still quite fascinating.

"Well, that explains things. Now come and get a drink."

Lucynda was still puzzled by his indifference of having to drink his blood. When Lucas turned his back and offered his neck, the dragoness could only sigh. She had to admit that his blood was quite... delicious, maybe it was because he offered his blood up freely. Lucynda wrapped her arms gently around the human body, holding him steady, and licked his neck to neutralize the pain receptors there. Then very slowly she sank her sharp fangs into Lucas' tender flesh and started to slurp, his blood rushing down her throat. The human sighed, he was always a bit nervous when he felt the dragoness' teeth sink into his body, but the sensation that came afterwards was quite euphoric. He actually enjoyed and cherished those moment, as he was helping the dragoness, but also so close to her in such an intimate position. He didn't know if Lucynda was thinking the same thing as him, he could only hope. Realizing that that wasn't what he should be thinking of, he pushed the thought out of his mind, and just relaxed even more enjoying this moment. After she finished her meal, she nuzzled the human face and gave a quick lick to show her gratitude.

"You're welcome."

Now another growling came, but this time from Lucas' belly. Lucynda giggled and then a wicked idea came into her mind. She looked at her bosoms and thought -If he lets me drink his blood, it's only right that I return the favor...- she looked straightfuly into his eyes and then said,

"Lucas, since you let me drink your blood there's something I want to ask you..."

"Yes Lucynda?"

"Please close your eyes."

"Can I ask why?"

"Just do it!"

Lucas did what the dragoness asked and closed his eyes, wondering what she had in mind. Then Lucynda undid her bra, exposing her well formed breast, placing her hands on Lucas' head she slowly guided his lips to her right nipple. When that happened, his eyes abruptly shot open and he went red as a chili pepper. Lucynda gave a lick on his forehead to assure him and said,

"Relax, it's not like you're going to suck my soul, just some milk. And since you gave me your blood it's just right that I return the favour. To us vampire, to have a constant donor is something we cherish, since they understand that we aren't... monsters... and Lucas... I really think of you as a very special friend. I can't imagine something better than this to repay you unless... you don't..."

Her last words were silenced by the gentle licks of Lucas, tenderly hugging her. He closed his eyes and did as Lucynda had in mind. He was quite glad with what she offered, and smiled as he felt her milk slowly pouring into his mouth and man did it have a wonderful taste! Lucynda could only purr loudly , while she rested on the bed, caressing the back of Lucas' head with one hand. Neither of them thought of it as a sexual act, but instead as a very intimate act of friendship. They both knew though that now they were a very special type of friend to each other and they couldn't be happier of how their friendship was deepening more and more. They gently caressed each other but only in those few spots that wouldn't bring up the level of arousal. There was no denying that for as friendly as it could be, Lucas was nursing a delicate spot. They rested like this for a few minutes, and when he was full, he released his embrace going to rest near Lucynda

"So what do we...."


"Hello? Mister De Santis! It's payment day!"

Their heart stopped as they heard a key entering in the keyhole, turning, then undoing the lock as the door slowly opened....