Poke Paradise. Chapter One

Story by Veilanu on SoFurry

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The cold, refreshing currents of dreams caressed her in it's loving embrace, letting her live her wildest dreams and fantasies. She had seen herself as a human and seen herself walk on two legs like a human but with her ears and tail still connected to her body. But mostly she dreamed of just being her normal form. But tonight was different, from all of her dreams...


"Wake up lazy!" The eevee's mother prodded her with a paw, waking her with a start. The jolteon smirked at her daughter's reaction as she shot out of her nest-like bed. "That's never going to get old to me I hope you know that." The mother giggled, using her paw to flick a piece of soft moss off of the brown Pokemon's head.


"I'm not lazy!" She said, using anger to cover her embarrassment as she licked her chest fur to get it to lie flat.


"Regardless you need to get outside and do something, staying in here all the time isn't helping you at all." The yellow furred Pokemon looked at her daughter with obvious resolve, her pride and joy was going outside today.


"But I thought you said you wanted me to clean the den today."


"It doesn't matter, I can take care of it." Her mother said as she quickly went behind her much smaller child and picked her up by the scruff of her neck. The eevee complained heatedly as she was carried to the entrance of their den.


"Oh hush, it could be worse, there could be someone outside to tease you because of it." She grumbled around her daughter's fur. This was true, their home was farther away from most other Pokemon in the valley... The eevee hit the well trodden ground just outside the entrance to their den with a dull thud.

"Crysania, come back when the sun is starting to drop behind the mountains." The jolteon told her daughter, nudging her a little further away from the den. Crysania stood on her legs and started to walk away, wanting to save as much of her injured pride as possible.


"Yes mom." she sighed as she padded away towards the large forest hoping to get out of the sun which was already picking up the heat of the day.




As soon as the little brown and white bundle of fur entered the stand of tree's she knew that this might be harder than expected, she didn't even really know how to protect herself, what if something attacked her? With this thought troubling her mind Crysania padded through the forest undergrowth hoping to find a creek or a pond to drink from. She walked forward slowly, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible so she wouldn't draw any, attention sticking to the shadows as often as possible. The eevee continued like this for quite a ways, the towering tree's blocking her vision of the sky so she was unable to tell how long she had gone on like this, her mind still on other things, she didn't notice the vine creep up behind her and curl around her leg until she felt it tugging on her back paw so she quickly changed turned around and saw the vine holding her in place leading back to a bush.


"Where do you think you're going?" It asked, none to politely.


"Depends if I can find it or if you let go of me or not." She growled back.


"I can tell that you haven't been in a fight before, you probably just got mommy's permission to go out didn't you?" The thing sneered as it stepped out of the bush. "Probably scared to the point of running back to her aren't you?"


"I may not have been in a battle before but that doesn't mean anything." The little fem fox said.


"Fair enough, go ahead." The bulbasaur said, letting go of her hind leg. "But if you expect to make a life in this area you're gonna want to protect yourself, there's an innumerable amount of Pokemon that would use you're body in ways you don't yet know..." The male said as he slipped back into the deepening shadows of the tree's. The eevee stood in the same place long after the bulbasaur had left.

"Use me? How?" She pondered and worried about the true meaning before she shook off the encumbering feeling of dread threatening to swallow her and began once more to pad towards the sound of running water.


After she had been caught by the strange bulbasaur Crysania forgot about trying to get to the water source as silently and stealthily as possible. She walked normally in the center of the path, in sight of any who might look her way. after a couple minuets of walking two vulpix's dashed past her, frolicking in the clearing close by, completely oblivious to everything around them. The female eevee quickly left the two behind as she continued on her way and with the distance she covered the further the trees grew apart, easily able to see for quite a ways on the open, green prairie that the forest gave into. Enjoying the feel of the fresh breath of wind on her fur she turned once more to the sound of water.


She skirted the fringes of the forest walking in the shade as the day grew older, finally she came upon a large clearing with a wide shallow creek running through it,many mothers and fathers lounged on the large rocks off to the side to watch their children play and make sure nothing went wrong. the water was crystal clear, you could clearly see the many water worn sandstones resting at the bottom. She padded quickly over to the nearest bank to get a drink since she hadn't all day.


After she finished her drink she turned around a ran face first into a flareon.


"Hey, Wheres your parents little one?"



The flareon motioned her to follow him to a patch of shade close to the bank of the water. "I'm not really that young!" She yipped at him in frustration.


"You're young enough to never been in a battle before, let me guess, You're mother pushed you out of the den because you're too accustom to staying inside?"


"How'd you know?" Crysania asked in a shocked tone. The male chuckled lightly.


"That's how I was." He said, shifting his position into one much more comfortable, "I was also an eevee at the time, but I went to a much different place and ended up fighting a battle I couldn't win, I'm offering to help you train so the same thing doesn't happen to you."


"Would you really?" She asked excitedly.


"Sure, I have plenty of free time anyway, we can start right now but I want to teach you something about you and other Pokemon..."




The pair of Pokemon ran swiftly, the creek on their right, the tree's their left. the current of water flowing with them as the heat of the day becoming oppressive, which only seemed to push the tired eeveelutions onwards towards their destination.


"So what's your name anyway?" Crysania panted, having to run as fast as she could to keep up with the much longer legged flareon.


"My name's Felo, Save your breath you're going to need it later on." He mumbled, slowing down so his trainee could keep up easier without getting worn out to quick. "Actually." He paused so he could catch a breath and he looked around. "We don't have much further, but watch yourself, this area of the forest does have some less than savory company."


"I'm not to worried, you'd help me wouldn't you?"


"Yes, but sometimes there are things even a rare Pokemon can't fix." He said, looking back at her with an intense stare before setting off once more, but at a more leisurely pace. They continued their pace, walking slowly and keeping a watchful eye on the shadows and bushes.


"Ah, here we are."



The eevee was anxious to start her training although she had already forgot about his statement earlier, she trotted into the shallow cave that was Felo's home. Before she realized that the ground had changed from leaves to sand she slipped, going face first into a pile of it.

Making quick work to spit it all out she looked at her mentor who only stood there with an amused smile on his face.


"Shut up." She grumbled as she licked her fur to get the taste of sand out of her mouth.


"Oh I wasn't going to, but now I might keep that for future use." He teased her, walking slowly to her side only to push her over. He chuckled as she rolled back over and glared at him.


"Can we just get to the teaching? So I can beat you?" She asked with a tone of determination in her voice.


"Okay then, but first I want to teach you why you are going to be targeted more by other Pokemon."


"And why's that?" She asked padding over to the flareon, laying right across from him.


"Because you are a female."


"Because I'm a girl they think I'll be weaker?"


"No, let me finish explaining, but this does have a condition with you learning from me so listen closely..."



"OK so let me get this right, you want to mate with me then you'll train me?"


"That's right, you can decide what to do afterwords, you can either stay here with me, go home to your mom or you can start a life of your own."


"How long do I have to decide?" Crysania asked, she dreaded the answer that would come from Felo.


"Probably tomorrow.." The male said standing up and going behind the eevee. Before she realized what he was doing she felt his tongue lick her pussy, Crysania shuddered and moaned before falling to the sand padded ground in a heap of brown fur.


"How did that feel?" He asked, walking forward so she could see him, his head cocked sideways quizzically.


"Not anything like I was expecting." She mumbled, still slightly dazed from the sudden pleasure. Felo chuckled before he disappeared from her sight, Going back to the now wet sex of his eevee lover. Positioning himself with her below her into a 69 position he quickly went back to work, eating out her poke pussy. Crysania quickly understood what the position was meant for and took as much of his length into her mouth, licking his prick as her head bobbed up and down on him


Felo licked her cunt, not dipping into her as he lapped the juices leaking from it as she started to work on him eagerly, her tongue flicking the tip of his rod and taking as much as she could in her little eevee mouth. Felo moaned in pleasure as he doubled his efforts, forgetting that it was this female's first time.


"Vee!" She moaned around his tool. She felt the quickening of Felo's tongue, of it dipping into her depths and exploring her for the first time, she started to work harder so Felo could feel just as good, to make her mentor really want to train her...


The little vixen worked hard to pleasure him, She was almost as good as some of the other female's he'd been with, but not quite. She tried as best she could be he seemed to take most of it in stride, not faltering in his work as he licked up her juices. But she would stop to just get her head to think straight, there was no way she could compare to him, but she had to try.


She felt a pressure in her lower body, she thought in nothing more than him doing something different so she tried something different as well, she shifted her position as best she could without disturbing Felo, and used her paws to play with the sack right next to his fuck rod, almost immediately she knew she was doing right thing, she felt him stop and moan into her kit maker with ecstasy as he went back to work she continued her work as the pressure in her loins continue to strengthen.


"Vee!" She cried out as the pressure became unbearable as her first orgasm ripped through her, the pure bliss of it rendered her incapable of anything else other then licking Felo, so that's what she did.


"Hope you're ready for a treat." He groaned as he was pushed over the edge, shooting his load Crysania's throat. As his orgasm passed he licked her one last time before getting up.


"Are you alright?"


"Yes I'm fine." she moaned as she stood up on shaky legs, she presented herself to him, ready for round two. Almost immediately she felt him mount her, trying to feel the warmth of her around his maleness. Finally he had it poised at her wet box, he slowly entered her wet virgin tunnel, groaning as he slowly sank into her. The sudden sensation of being filled soon shivered up her spine, moaning as her natural motions took over, her insides going to milk him for what he was worth...


He pumped into her slowly, letting her get used to the sensation of mating, slowly picking up the pace as her legs got stable enough for him to actually fuck the female at his full strength and speed."Vee... Vee! Vee!" Crysania yelped as Felo buried his poke penis in her. He was determined, Crysania could tell that he was gone, lost in his primal instincts of mating the female that had so willingly given her body to him.


She felt his teeth latch onto the nape of her neck as he pounded her tight poke puss, the teeth only seemed to make her more aware of the sensations of ecstasy that flowed through her with each time he slammed his poke rod into her wet fuck hole, shivering in delight as Felo continued to increase his speed.


"What a needy little vixen you are." He moaned around her fur, keeping a tight grip on her as he fucked her relentlessly.


"Am not..." She murred lustily, the occasional "Vee!" escaping her muzzle as he thrusted into the brown furred female below him. As she was pounded from behind she felt her bliss nearing the peak she had reached earlier. She felt the teeth loosen their hold on her as he moved his head closer to her ear.


"You're close, I know you are, let go, cum for me" he breathed into her ear hotly, not missing a beat as he pounded her box, soaked in her juices at full speed now.


"You first." She muttered, keeping her climax at bay.


"Really now? Is it a contest then?" He murred into her ear once again, nipping at it playfully. She didn't answer him, her concentration focused on outlasting the older, more experienced male. Felo just chuckled lightly and pulled his head away from her's. Soon afterwords she felt him falter in his pace, he had also reached his limits. "Looks like you were right." He groaned as he let go, shooting load after load of his life giving seed into her infertile womb, after the first wave of cum entered her she let go of her control, letting the swirling torrent of held back pleasure free.


"Vee!" Crysania yelped out one last time, barely able to stay standing on her four paws. After the pair of Pokemon's climaxes subsided flareon pulled out of his much smaller counterpart, licking her head as he moved to the mouth of the cave.


"Maybe we should go get cleaned up, the creek isn't to far away." He said with a smirk on his face. eevee looked towards the flareon with a satisfied smile on her's in answer as she followed slowly behind him on wobbly legs.


**here you are, comments on how i could have done better is always appreciated.